2013-03-30 05:09:22 +11:00
import datetime
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
import difflib
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
import json
2013-03-30 05:09:22 +11:00
2014-12-15 04:03:35 +11:00
import requests
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
from django.conf import settings
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
2013-03-23 05:33:11 +11:00
from django.db.models import Count
2014-12-15 04:03:35 +11:00
from django.http import (Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest,
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
from django.template.context import RequestContext
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
2013-12-18 08:52:21 +11:00
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
2014-12-15 04:03:35 +11:00
from django.views.defaults import page_not_found as django_page_not_found
from django.views.defaults import server_error as django_server_error
2014-06-10 04:18:08 +10:00
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound
2014-12-15 04:03:35 +11:00
from .forms import EXPIRE_CHOICES, get_expire_values, SnippetForm
from .highlight import (LEXER_DEFAULT, LEXER_KEYS, LEXER_LIST,
from .models import ONETIME_LIMIT, Snippet
2012-04-15 04:11:49 +10:00
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
template_globals = {
'site_name': getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_SITE_NAME', 'dpaste.de'),
'jquery_url': getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_JQUERY_URL',
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Snippet Handling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-03-23 05:33:11 +11:00
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
def snippet_new(request, template_name='dpaste/snippet_new.html'):
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
Create a new snippet.
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
if request.method == "POST":
snippet_form = SnippetForm(data=request.POST, request=request)
if snippet_form.is_valid():
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
new_snippet = snippet_form.save()
2013-03-20 07:13:13 +11:00
url = new_snippet.get_absolute_url()
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
snippet_form = SnippetForm(request=request)
template_context = {
'snippet_form': snippet_form,
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
'lexer_list': LEXER_LIST,
2013-03-23 05:40:31 +11:00
'is_new': True,
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
return render_to_response(
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
RequestContext(request, template_globals)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
def snippet_details(request, snippet_id, template_name='dpaste/snippet_details.html', is_raw=False):
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
Details list view of a snippet. Handles the actual view, reply and
tree/diff view.
2013-11-25 19:12:51 +11:00
snippet = get_object_or_404(Snippet, secret_id=snippet_id)
2012-04-15 04:11:49 +10:00
2014-10-25 21:08:11 +11:00
# One-Time snippet get deleted if the view count matches our limit
2014-01-21 22:30:06 +11:00
if snippet.expire_type == Snippet.EXPIRE_ONETIME \
and snippet.view_count >= ONETIME_LIMIT:
2014-01-21 22:10:44 +11:00
raise Http404()
# Increase the view count of the snippet
snippet.view_count += 1
2011-06-09 06:36:50 +10:00
tree = snippet.get_root()
tree = tree.get_descendants(include_self=True)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
new_snippet_initial = {
'content': snippet.content,
'lexer': snippet.lexer,
if request.method == "POST":
2014-01-21 22:10:44 +11:00
snippet_form = SnippetForm(
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
if snippet_form.is_valid():
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
new_snippet = snippet_form.save(parent=snippet)
2013-03-20 07:13:13 +11:00
url = new_snippet.get_absolute_url()
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
2014-01-21 22:10:44 +11:00
snippet_form = SnippetForm(
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
template_context = {
'snippet_form': snippet_form,
'snippet': snippet,
2013-03-20 05:17:07 +11:00
'lexers': LEXER_LIST,
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
'lines': range(snippet.get_linecount()),
2011-06-09 06:36:50 +10:00
'tree': tree,
2012-04-15 04:11:49 +10:00
'wordwrap': snippet.lexer in LEXER_WORDWRAP and 'True' or 'False',
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
'gist': getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_ENABLE_GIST', True),
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
response = render_to_response(
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
RequestContext(request, template_globals)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
if is_raw:
2011-09-09 11:01:37 +10:00
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'
2013-12-18 04:11:25 +11:00
response['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff'
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
return response
return response
2013-07-19 17:54:18 +10:00
2013-09-28 01:54:05 +10:00
def snippet_delete(request, snippet_id=None):
2013-07-19 17:54:18 +10:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
Delete a snippet. This is allowed by anybody as long as he knows the
snippet id. I got too many manual requests to do this, mostly for legal
reasons and the chance to abuse this is not given anyway, since snippets
always expire.
2013-07-19 17:54:18 +10:00
2013-09-28 01:54:05 +10:00
snippet_id = snippet_id or request.POST.get('snippet_id')
if not snippet_id:
raise Http404('No snippet id given')
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
snippet = get_object_or_404(Snippet, secret_id=snippet_id)
2013-11-25 04:16:29 +11:00
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('snippet_new'))
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
2011-06-08 20:23:08 +10:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
def snippet_history(request, template_name='dpaste/snippet_list.html'):
Display the last `n` snippets created by this user (and saved in his
2013-11-25 04:16:29 +11:00
snippet_list = None
snippet_id_list = request.session.get('snippet_list', None)
if snippet_id_list:
snippet_list = Snippet.objects.filter(pk__in=snippet_id_list)
if 'delete-all' in request.GET:
if snippet_list:
for s in snippet_list:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('snippet_history'))
2011-06-08 20:23:08 +10:00
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
template_context = {
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
'snippets_max': getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_MAX_SNIPPETS_PER_USER', 10),
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
'snippet_list': snippet_list,
return render_to_response(
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
RequestContext(request, template_globals)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
def snippet_diff(request, template_name='dpaste/snippet_diff.html'):
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
Display a diff between two given snippet secret ids.
2011-06-03 18:56:11 +10:00
if request.GET.get('a') and request.GET.get('a').isdigit() \
and request.GET.get('b') and request.GET.get('b').isdigit():
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
fileA = Snippet.objects.get(pk=int(request.GET.get('a')))
fileB = Snippet.objects.get(pk=int(request.GET.get('b')))
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(u'Selected file(s) does not exist.')
return HttpResponseBadRequest(u'You must select two snippets.')
2013-03-20 05:17:07 +11:00
class DiffText(object):
diff = DiffText()
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
if fileA.content != fileB.content:
d = difflib.unified_diff(
2013-03-20 05:17:07 +11:00
diff.content = '\n'.join(d).strip()
diff.lexer = 'diff'
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
2013-03-20 05:17:07 +11:00
diff.content = _(u'No changes were made between this two files.')
diff.lexer = 'text'
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
template_context = {
2013-03-20 05:17:07 +11:00
'snippet': diff,
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
'fileA': fileA,
'fileB': fileB,
return render_to_response(
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
RequestContext(request, template_globals)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
2011-06-08 20:23:08 +10:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
def snippet_gist(request, snippet_id): # pragma: no cover
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
Put a snippet on Github Gist.
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
if not getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_ENABLE_GIST', True):
raise Http404('Gist creation is disabled on this installation.')
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
snippet = get_object_or_404(Snippet, secret_id=snippet_id)
data = {
2014-06-09 04:21:59 +10:00
'description': getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_DEFAULT_GIST_DESCRIPTION', ''),
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
'public': False,
'files': {
2014-05-05 13:02:54 +10:00
getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_DEFAULT_GIST_NAME', 'dpaste.de_snippet.py'): {
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
'content': snippet.content,
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
payload = json.dumps(data)
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
response = requests.post('https://api.github.com/gists', data=payload)
2014-05-05 12:52:37 +10:00
response_dict = response.json()
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
gist_url = response_dict.get('html_url')
# Github could be down, could return invalid JSON, it's rare
return HttpResponse('Creating a Github Gist failed. Sorry, please go back and try again.')
return HttpResponseRedirect(gist_url)
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Static pages
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-06-06 03:40:41 +10:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
def about(request, template_name='dpaste/about.html'):
A rather static page, we need a view just to display a couple of
template_context = {
'total': Snippet.objects.count(),
'stats': Snippet.objects.values('lexer').annotate(
return render_to_response(
2014-10-02 03:52:49 +10:00
RequestContext(request, template_globals)
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Handling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
def _format_default(s):
"""The default response is the snippet URL wrapped in quotes."""
return u'"%s%s"' % (BASE_URL, s.get_absolute_url())
def _format_url(s):
"""The `url` format returns the snippet URL, no quotes, but a linebreak after."""
return u'%s%s\n' % (BASE_URL, s.get_absolute_url())
def _format_json(s):
"""The `json` format export."""
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
return json.dumps({
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
'url': u'%s%s' % (BASE_URL, s.get_absolute_url()),
'content': s.content,
'lexer': s.lexer,
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
BASE_URL = getattr(settings, 'DPASTE_BASE_URL', 'https://dpaste.de')
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
'default': _format_default,
'url': _format_url,
'json': _format_json,
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
2013-12-18 08:52:21 +11:00
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
def snippet_api(request):
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
content = request.POST.get('content', '').strip()
2014-01-12 02:09:11 +11:00
lexer = request.REQUEST.get('lexer', LEXER_DEFAULT).strip()
2014-06-10 04:18:08 +10:00
filename = request.REQUEST.get('filename', '').strip()
2014-06-09 04:15:59 +10:00
expires = request.REQUEST.get('expires', '').strip()
2014-01-12 02:09:11 +11:00
format = request.REQUEST.get('format', 'default').strip()
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
if not content:
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
return HttpResponseBadRequest('No content given')
2014-06-10 04:18:08 +10:00
# We need at least a lexer or a filename
if not lexer and not filename:
return HttpResponseBadRequest('No lexer or filename given. Unable to '
'determine a highlight. Valid lexers are: %s' % ', '.join(LEXER_KEYS))
# A lexer is given, check if its valid at all
if lexer and lexer not in LEXER_KEYS:
return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid lexer "%s" given. Valid lexers are: %s' % (
lexer, ', '.join(LEXER_KEYS)))
# No lexer is given, but we have a filename, try to get the lexer out of it.
# In case Pygments cannot determine the lexer of the filename, we fallback
# to 'plain' code.
if not lexer and filename:
lexer_cls = get_lexer_for_filename(filename)
lexer = lexer_cls.aliases[0]
except (ClassNotFound, IndexError):
lexer = PLAIN_CODE
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
2014-06-09 04:15:59 +10:00
if expires:
expire_options = [str(i) for i in dict(EXPIRE_CHOICES).keys()]
if not expires in expire_options:
return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid expire choice "{}" given. '
'Valid values are: {}'.format(expires, ', '.join(expire_options)))
expires, expire_type = get_expire_values(expires)
expires = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
expire_type = Snippet.EXPIRE_TIME
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
s = Snippet.objects.create(
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
2014-06-09 04:15:59 +10:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
2013-11-25 05:18:56 +11:00
if not format in FORMAT_MAPPING:
response = _format_default(s)
response = FORMAT_MAPPING[format](s)
2011-05-30 09:03:04 +10:00
return HttpResponse(response)
2013-03-20 00:18:43 +11:00
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom 404 and 500 views. Its easier to integrate this as a app if we
# handle them here.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013-03-20 00:18:43 +11:00
def page_not_found(request, template_name='dpaste/404.html'):
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
return django_page_not_found(request, template_name) # pragma: no cover
2013-08-16 04:42:02 +10:00
2013-03-20 00:18:43 +11:00
def server_error(request, template_name='dpaste/500.html'):
2013-11-26 05:36:57 +11:00
return django_server_error(request, template_name) # pragma: no cover