FROM node:lts as staticfiles ARG BUILD_EXTRAS=production RUN echo "\nℹ️ Building staticfiles with "${BUILD_EXTRAS}" dependencies.\n" WORKDIR /app # Install the JS dependencies COPY package.json package-lock.json Makefile ./ RUN if [ "$BUILD_EXTRAS" = "dev" ] ; then npm install --ignore-scripts ; else npm ci --ignore-scripts ; fi # Copy the client/ directory and compile them. The Python application # doesn't need to exist yet. COPY client ./client RUN mkdir -p dpaste/static RUN make css RUN make js # ------------------------------------------------ FROM python:3.10 as build ARG BUILD_EXTRAS=production ENV PORT=8000 RUN echo "\nℹ️ Building Django project with "${BUILD_EXTRAS}" dependencies.\n" WORKDIR /app # Upgrade pip, the Image one is quite old. RUN pip install -U pip # Copy the dpaste staticfiles to this image COPY --from=staticfiles /app /app/ # Copy only the files necessary to install the dpaste project as an editable # package. This improves caching. COPY setup.cfg ./ COPY dpaste/ dpaste/ RUN pip install -e .[${BUILD_EXTRAS}] # Copy the rest of the application code COPY . . # Collect all static files once. RUN ./ collectstatic --noinput # By default run it with pyuwsgi, which is a great production ready # server. For development, docker-compose will override it to use the # regular Django runserver. CMD ./ migrate --noinput && ./ pyuwsgi --http=:${PORT} --logger file:/var/log/uwsgi.log EXPOSE ${PORT}