from fabric.api import env, local, run, require, cd from fabric.operations import _prefix_commands, _prefix_env_vars # Host env.disable_known_hosts = True # always fails for me without this env.user = 'root' env.hosts = [''] env.proj_repo = '' # Paths env.root = '/opt/webapps/' env.proj_root = env.root + '/src/dpastede' env.pid_file = env.root + '/var/' env.proj_bin = env.proj_root + '/pastebin/bin' env.local_settings = env.proj_root + '/pastebin/conf/local/' env.pip_file = env.proj_root + '/requirements.pip' # ============================================================================ # Git # ============================================================================ def push(remote=None, branch=None, reload=False): """Pushes the local git repo to the given remote and branch. Then pulls it o n the server.""" remote = remote or 'origin' branch = branch or 'master' local('git push %s %s' % (remote, branch)) with cd(env.proj_root): ve_run('git pull %s %s' % (remote, branch)) if reload: restart() def pushr(remote=None, branch=None, reload=True): push(remote, branch, reload) def switch(branch): """Switch the repo branch which the server is using""" with cd(env.proj_root): ve_run('git checkout %s' % branch) restart() def version(): """Show last commit to repo on server""" with cd(env.proj_root): sshagent_run('git log -1') # ============================================================================ # Server # ============================================================================ def restart(): """Kill the gunicorn process, Cherokee will start it upon request""" ve_run('kill `cat %s`' % env.pid_file) def flush(): """Flush memcache""" sshagent_run('/etc/init.d/memcached restart') # ============================================================================ # Django # ============================================================================ def update_reqs(): """Update pip requirements""" ve_run('yes w | pip install -r %s' % env.pip_file) def collect(): manage('collectstatic --noinput') def update(extreme=False): push() if extreme: update_reqs() collect() if extreme: flush() restart() def debugon(): """Turn debug mode on for the production server.""" run("sed -i -e 's/^DEBUG = .*/DEBUG = True/' %s" % env.local_settings) restart() def debugoff(): """Turn debug mode on for the production server.""" run("sed -i -e 's/^DEBUG = .*/DEBUG = False/' %s" % env.local_settings) restart() # ============================================================================ # SSH funcs # ============================================================================ def manage(cmd): return ve_run('python %s/ %s' % (env.proj_bin, cmd)) def ve_run(cmd): """ Helper function. Runs a command using the virtualenv environment """ require('root') return sshagent_run('source %s/bin/activate; %s' % (env.root, cmd)) def sshagent_run(cmd): """ Helper function. Runs a command with SSH agent forwarding enabled. Note:: Fabric (and paramiko) can't forward your SSH agent. This helper uses your system's ssh to do so. """ # Handle context manager modifications wrapped_cmd = _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(cmd), 'remote') try: host, port = env.host_string.split(':') return local( "ssh -p %s -A %s@%s '%s'" % (port, env.user, host, wrapped_cmd) ) except ValueError: return local( "ssh -A %s@%s '%s'" % (env.user, env.host_string, wrapped_cmd) )