from logging import getLogger from django.apps import AppConfig, apps from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ log = getLogger(__file__) class dpasteAppConfig(AppConfig): name = "dpaste" verbose_name = "dpaste" # The application title used throughout the user interface. APPLICATION_NAME = "dpaste" # This content is loaded in the section of each template. # You can use it to add any HTML tags, specifically custom CSS styles. # This may can give you an easier way to adjust the UI to your needs # than having to add a template folder, plus custom template, plus # css static file etc. # # Example: # # EXTRA_HEAD_HTML = """ # # """ EXTRA_HEAD_HTML = "" # HTML content injected in the About page EXTRA_POST_ABOUT = "" # HTML content injected after the "New snippet" form EXTRA_POST_NEW = "" # HTML content injected at the end of every form EXTRA_POST_FORM = "" # Integer. Length of the random slug for each new snippet. In the rare # case an existing slug is generated again, the length will increase by # one more character. SLUG_LENGTH = 4 # String. A string of characters which are used to create the random slug. # This is intentionally missing l and I as they look too similar with # sans-serif fonts. SLUG_CHOICES = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" # String. The lexer key that is pre-selected in the dropdown. Note that # this is only used if the user has not saved a snippet before, otherwise LEXER_DEFAULT = "python" # Integer. Maximum number of bytes per snippet. MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 250 * 1024 * 1024 # A tuple of seconds and a descriptive string used in the lexer # expiration dropdown. Example:: # # from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ # DPASTE_EXPIRE_CHOICES = ( # (3600, _('In one hour')), # (3600 * 24 * 7, _('In one week')), # (3600 * 24 * 30, _('In one month')), # (3600 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 100, _('100 Years')), # ) # # **Infinite snippets** are supported. You can keep snippets forever when # you set the choice key to ``never``. The management command will ignore # these snippets:: # # from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ # DPASTE_EXPIRE_CHOICES = ( # (3600, _('In one hour')), # ('never', _('Never')), # ) EXPIRE_CHOICES = ( ("onetime", _("One-Time snippet")), (3600, _("Expire in one hour")), (3600 * 24 * 7, _("Expire in one week")), (3600 * 24 * 30, _("Expire in one month")), ("never", _("Never Expire")), ) # Default value for ``EXPIRE_CHOICES`` EXPIRE_DEFAULT = 3600 * 24 * 7 # **One-Time snippets** are supported. One-Time snippets are automatically # deleted once a defined view count has reached (Default: ``2``). To # enable one-time snippets you have to add a choice ``onetime`` to the # expire choices:: # # from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ # DPASTE_EXPIRE_CHOICES = ( # ('onetime', _('One-Time snippet')), # (3600, _('In one hour')), # (3600 * 24 * 7, _('In one week')), # (3600 * 24 * 30, _('In one month')), # ) # # You can also set the maximum view count after what the snippet gets # deleted. The default is ``2``. One view is from the author, one view # is from another user. ONETIME_LIMIT = 2 # Disable "view Raw" mode. RAW_MODE_ENABLED = True # If enabled, the "raw View" mode will display the snippet content as # plain text rather rendered in a template. RAW_MODE_PLAIN_TEXT = True # Lexers which have wordwrap enabled by default LEXER_WORDWRAP = ("rst",) # Key names of the default text and code lexer. PLAIN_TEXT_SYMBOL = "_text" PLAIN_CODE_SYMBOL = "_code" @property def TEXT_FORMATTER(self): """ Choices list with all "Text" lexer. Prepend keys with an underscore so they don't accidentally clash with a Pygments Lexer name. Each list contains a lexer tuple of: (Lexer key, Lexer Display Name, Lexer Highlight Class) If the Highlight Class is not given, PygmentsHighlighter is used. """ from dpaste.highlight import ( MarkdownHighlighter, PlainTextHighlighter, RestructuredTextHighlighter, ) return [ (self.PLAIN_TEXT_SYMBOL, "Plain Text", PlainTextHighlighter), ("_markdown", "Markdown", MarkdownHighlighter), ("_rst", "reStructuredText", RestructuredTextHighlighter), ] @property def CODE_FORMATTER(self): """ Choices list with all "Code" Lexer. Each list contains a lexer tuple of: (Lexer key, Lexer Display Name, Lexer Highlight Class) If the Highlight Class is not given, PygmentsHighlighter is used. To get a current list of available lexers in Pygements do: >>> from pygments import lexers >>> sorted([(i[1][0], i[0]) for i in lexers.get_all_lexers()]) [('abap', 'ABAP'), ('abnf', 'ABNF'), ('ada', 'Ada'), ... """ from dpaste.highlight import PlainCodeHighlighter return [ (self.PLAIN_CODE_SYMBOL, "Plain Code", PlainCodeHighlighter), # ('abap', 'ABAP'), # ('abnf', 'ABNF'), # ('ada', 'Ada'), # ('adl', 'ADL'), # ('agda', 'Agda'), # ('aheui', 'Aheui'), # ('ahk', 'autohotkey'), # ('alloy', 'Alloy'), # ('ampl', 'Ampl'), # ('antlr', 'ANTLR'), # ('antlr-as', 'ANTLR With ActionScript Target'), # ('antlr-cpp', 'ANTLR With CPP Target'), # ('antlr-csharp', 'ANTLR With C# Target'), # ('antlr-java', 'ANTLR With Java Target'), # ('antlr-objc', 'ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target'), # ('antlr-perl', 'ANTLR With Perl Target'), # ('antlr-python', 'ANTLR With Python Target'), # ('antlr-ruby', 'ANTLR With Ruby Target'), # ('apacheconf', 'ApacheConf'), # ('apl', 'APL'), ("applescript", "AppleScript"), ("arduino", "Arduino"), # ('as', 'ActionScript'), # ('as3', 'ActionScript 3'), # ('aspectj', 'AspectJ'), # ('aspx-cs', 'aspx-cs'), # ('aspx-vb', 'aspx-vb'), # ('asy', 'Asymptote'), # ('at', 'AmbientTalk'), # ('autoit', 'AutoIt'), # ('awk', 'Awk'), # ('basemake', 'Base Makefile'), ("bash", "Bash"), ("bat", "Batchfile"), # ('bbcode', 'BBCode'), # ('bc', 'BC'), # ('befunge', 'Befunge'), # ('bib', 'BibTeX'), # ('blitzbasic', 'BlitzBasic'), # ('blitzmax', 'BlitzMax'), # ('bnf', 'BNF'), # ('boo', 'Boo'), # ('boogie', 'Boogie'), # ('brainfuck', 'Brainfuck'), # ('bro', 'Bro'), # ('bst', 'BST'), # ('bugs', 'BUGS'), ("c", "C"), # ('c-objdump', 'c-objdump'), # ('ca65', 'ca65 assembler'), # ('cadl', 'cADL'), # ('camkes', 'CAmkES'), # ('capdl', 'CapDL'), # ('capnp', "Cap'n Proto"), # ('cbmbas', 'CBM BASIC V2'), # ('ceylon', 'Ceylon'), # ('cfc', 'Coldfusion CFC'), # ('cfengine3', 'CFEngine3'), # ('cfm', 'Coldfusion HTML'), # ('cfs', 'cfstatement'), # ('chai', 'ChaiScript'), # ('chapel', 'Chapel'), # ('cheetah', 'Cheetah'), # ('cirru', 'Cirru'), # ('clay', 'Clay'), # ('clean', 'Clean'), ("clojure", "Clojure"), # ('clojurescript', 'ClojureScript'), ("cmake", "CMake"), # ('cobol', 'COBOL'), # ('cobolfree', 'COBOLFree'), ("coffee-script", "CoffeeScript"), ("common-lisp", "Common Lisp"), # ('componentpascal', 'Component Pascal'), ("console", "Console/Bash Session"), # ('control', 'Debian Control file'), # ('coq', 'Coq'), # ('cpp', 'C++'), # ('cpp-objdump', 'cpp-objdump'), # ('cpsa', 'CPSA'), # ('cr', 'Crystal'), # ('crmsh', 'Crmsh'), # ('croc', 'Croc'), # ('cryptol', 'Cryptol'), ("csharp", "C#"), # ('csound', 'Csound Orchestra'), # ('csound-document', 'Csound Document'), # ('csound-score', 'Csound Score'), ("css", "CSS"), # ('css+django', 'CSS+Django/Jinja'), # ('css+erb', 'CSS+Ruby'), # ('css+genshitext', 'CSS+Genshi Text'), # ('css+lasso', 'CSS+Lasso'), # ('css+mako', 'CSS+Mako'), # ('css+mozpreproc', 'CSS+mozpreproc'), # ('css+myghty', 'CSS+Myghty'), # ('css+php', 'CSS+PHP'), # ('css+smarty', 'CSS+Smarty'), # ('cucumber', 'Gherkin'), ("cuda", "CUDA"), # ('cypher', 'Cypher'), # ('cython', 'Cython'), ("d", "D"), # ('d-objdump', 'd-objdump'), ("dart", "Dart"), ("delphi", "Delphi"), # ('dg', 'dg'), ("diff", "Diff"), ("django", "Django/Jinja"), ("docker", "Docker"), # ('doscon', 'MSDOS Session'), # ('dpatch', 'Darcs Patch'), # ('dtd', 'DTD'), # ('duel', 'Duel'), # ('dylan', 'Dylan'), # ('dylan-console', 'Dylan session'), # ('dylan-lid', 'DylanLID'), # ('earl-grey', 'Earl Grey'), # ('easytrieve', 'Easytrieve'), # ('ebnf', 'EBNF'), # ('ec', 'eC'), # ('ecl', 'ECL'), # ('eiffel', 'Eiffel'), ("elixir", "Elixir"), # ('elm', 'Elm'), # ('emacs', 'EmacsLisp'), # ('erb', 'ERB'), # ('erl', 'Erlang erl session'), ("erlang", "Erlang"), # ('evoque', 'Evoque'), # ('extempore', 'xtlang'), # ('ezhil', 'Ezhil'), # ('factor', 'Factor'), # ('fan', 'Fantom'), # ('fancy', 'Fancy'), # ('felix', 'Felix'), # ('fennel', 'Fennel'), # ('fish', 'Fish'), # ('flatline', 'Flatline'), # ('forth', 'Forth'), # ('fortran', 'Fortran'), # ('fortranfixed', 'FortranFixed'), # ('foxpro', 'FoxPro'), # ('fsharp', 'FSharp'), # ('gap', 'GAP'), # ('gas', 'GAS'), # ('genshi', 'Genshi'), # ('genshitext', 'Genshi Text'), # ('glsl', 'GLSL'), # ('gnuplot', 'Gnuplot'), ("go", "Go"), # ('golo', 'Golo'), # ('gooddata-cl', 'GoodData-CL'), # ('gosu', 'Gosu'), # ('groff', 'Groff'), # ('groovy', 'Groovy'), # ('gst', 'Gosu Template'), # ('haml', 'Haml'), ("handlebars", "Handlebars"), ("haskell", "Haskell"), # ('haxeml', 'Hxml'), # ('hexdump', 'Hexdump'), # ('hlsl', 'HLSL'), # ('hsail', 'HSAIL'), ("html", "HTML"), # ('html+cheetah', 'HTML+Cheetah'), ("html+django", "HTML + Django/Jinja"), # ('html+evoque', 'HTML+Evoque'), # ('html+genshi', 'HTML+Genshi'), # ('html+handlebars', 'HTML+Handlebars'), # ('html+lasso', 'HTML+Lasso'), # ('html+mako', 'HTML+Mako'), # ('html+myghty', 'HTML+Myghty'), # ('html+ng2', 'HTML + Angular2'), # ('html+php', 'HTML+PHP'), # ('html+smarty', 'HTML+Smarty'), # ('html+twig', 'HTML+Twig'), # ('html+velocity', 'HTML+Velocity'), # ('http', 'HTTP'), # ('hx', 'Haxe'), # ('hybris', 'Hybris'), # ('hylang', 'Hy'), # ('i6t', 'Inform 6 template'), # ('idl', 'IDL'), # ('idris', 'Idris'), # ('iex', 'Elixir iex session'), # ('igor', 'Igor'), # ('inform6', 'Inform 6'), # ('inform7', 'Inform 7'), ("ini", "INI"), # ('io', 'Io'), # ('ioke', 'Ioke'), # ('ipython2', 'IPython'), # ('ipython3', 'IPython3'), ("ipythonconsole", "IPython console session"), ("irc", "IRC logs"), # ('isabelle', 'Isabelle'), # ('j', 'J'), # ('jags', 'JAGS'), # ('jasmin', 'Jasmin'), ("java", "Java"), # ('javascript+mozpreproc', 'Javascript+mozpreproc'), # ('jcl', 'JCL'), # ('jlcon', 'Julia console'), ("js", "JavaScript"), # ('js+cheetah', 'JavaScript+Cheetah'), # ('js+django', 'JavaScript+Django/Jinja'), # ('js+erb', 'JavaScript+Ruby'), # ('js+genshitext', 'JavaScript+Genshi Text'), # ('js+lasso', 'JavaScript+Lasso'), # ('js+mako', 'JavaScript+Mako'), # ('js+myghty', 'JavaScript+Myghty'), # ('js+php', 'JavaScript+PHP'), # ('js+smarty', 'JavaScript+Smarty'), # ('jsgf', 'JSGF'), ("json", "JSON"), ("jsx", "JSX/React"), # ('json-object', 'JSONBareObject'), # ('jsonld', 'JSON-LD'), # ('jsp', 'Java Server Page'), # ('julia', 'Julia'), # ('juttle', 'Juttle'), # ('kal', 'Kal'), # ('kconfig', 'Kconfig'), # ('koka', 'Koka'), ("kotlin", "Kotlin"), # ('lagda', 'Literate Agda'), # ('lasso', 'Lasso'), # ('lcry', 'Literate Cryptol'), # ('lean', 'Lean'), ("less", "LessCSS"), # ('lhs', 'Literate Haskell'), # ('lidr', 'Literate Idris'), # ('lighty', 'Lighttpd configuration file'), # ('limbo', 'Limbo'), # ('liquid', 'liquid'), # ('live-script', 'LiveScript'), # ('llvm', 'LLVM'), # ('logos', 'Logos'), # ('logtalk', 'Logtalk'), # ('lsl', 'LSL'), ("lua", "Lua"), ("make", "Makefile"), # ('mako', 'Mako'), # ('maql', 'MAQL'), # ('mask', 'Mask'), # ('mason', 'Mason'), # ('mathematica', 'Mathematica'), ("matlab", "Matlab"), # ('matlabsession', 'Matlab session'), # ('md', 'markdown'), # ('minid', 'MiniD'), # ('modelica', 'Modelica'), # ('modula2', 'Modula-2'), # ('monkey', 'Monkey'), # ('monte', 'Monte'), # ('moocode', 'MOOCode'), # ('moon', 'MoonScript'), # ('mozhashpreproc', 'mozhashpreproc'), # ('mozpercentpreproc', 'mozpercentpreproc'), # ('mql', 'MQL'), # ('mscgen', 'Mscgen'), # ('mupad', 'MuPAD'), # ('mxml', 'MXML'), # ('myghty', 'Myghty'), # ('mysql', 'MySQL'), # ('nasm', 'NASM'), # ('ncl', 'NCL'), # ('nemerle', 'Nemerle'), # ('nesc', 'nesC'), # ('newlisp', 'NewLisp'), # ('newspeak', 'Newspeak'), # ('ng2', 'Angular2'), ("nginx", "Nginx configuration file"), # ('nim', 'Nimrod'), # ('nit', 'Nit'), # ('nixos', 'Nix'), # ('nsis', 'NSIS'), ("numpy", "NumPy"), # ('nusmv', 'NuSMV'), # ('objdump', 'objdump'), # ('objdump-nasm', 'objdump-nasm'), ("objective-c", "Objective-C"), # ('objective-c++', 'Objective-C++'), # ('objective-j', 'Objective-J'), # ('ocaml', 'OCaml'), # ('octave', 'Octave'), # ('odin', 'ODIN'), # ('ooc', 'Ooc'), # ('opa', 'Opa'), # ('openedge', 'OpenEdge ABL'), # ('pacmanconf', 'PacmanConf'), # ('pan', 'Pan'), # ('parasail', 'ParaSail'), # ('pawn', 'Pawn'), ("perl", "Perl"), # ('perl6', 'Perl6'), ("php", "PHP"), # ('pig', 'Pig'), # ('pike', 'Pike'), # ('pkgconfig', 'PkgConfig'), # ('plpgsql', 'PL/pgSQL'), ("postgresql", "PostgreSQL SQL dialect"), # ('postscript', 'PostScript'), # ('pot', 'Gettext Catalog'), # ('pov', 'POVRay'), # ('powershell', 'PowerShell'), # ('praat', 'Praat'), # ('prolog', 'Prolog'), # ('properties', 'Properties'), # ('protobuf', 'Protocol Buffer'), # ('ps1con', 'PowerShell Session'), # ('psql', 'PostgreSQL console (psql)'), # ('pug', 'Pug'), # ('puppet', 'Puppet'), # ('py3tb', 'Python 3.0 Traceback'), # ('pycon', 'Python console session'), # ('pypylog', 'PyPy Log'), # ('pytb', 'Python Traceback'), ("python", "Python"), # ('python3', 'Python 3'), # ('qbasic', 'QBasic'), # ('qml', 'QML'), # ('qvto', 'QVTO'), # ('racket', 'Racket'), # ('ragel', 'Ragel'), # ('ragel-c', 'Ragel in C Host'), # ('ragel-cpp', 'Ragel in CPP Host'), # ('ragel-d', 'Ragel in D Host'), # ('ragel-em', 'Embedded Ragel'), # ('ragel-java', 'Ragel in Java Host'), # ('ragel-objc', 'Ragel in Objective C Host'), # ('ragel-ruby', 'Ragel in Ruby Host'), # ('raw', 'Raw token data'), ("rb", "Ruby"), # ('rbcon', 'Ruby irb session'), # ('rconsole', 'RConsole'), # ('rd', 'Rd'), # ('rebol', 'REBOL'), # ('red', 'Red'), # ('redcode', 'Redcode'), # ('registry', 'reg'), # ('resource', 'ResourceBundle'), # ('rexx', 'Rexx'), # ('rhtml', 'RHTML'), # ('rnc', 'Relax-NG Compact'), # ('roboconf-graph', 'Roboconf Graph'), # ('roboconf-instances', 'Roboconf Instances'), # ('robotframework', 'RobotFramework'), # ('rql', 'RQL'), # ('rsl', 'RSL'), ("rst", "reStructuredText"), # ('rts', 'TrafficScript'), ("rust", "Rust"), # ('sas', 'SAS'), ("sass", "Sass"), # ('sc', 'SuperCollider'), # ('scala', 'Scala'), # ('scaml', 'Scaml'), # ('scheme', 'Scheme'), # ('scilab', 'Scilab'), ("scss", "SCSS"), # ('shen', 'Shen'), # ('silver', 'Silver'), # ('slim', 'Slim'), # ('smali', 'Smali'), # ('smalltalk', 'Smalltalk'), # ('smarty', 'Smarty'), # ('sml', 'Standard ML'), # ('snobol', 'Snobol'), # ('snowball', 'Snowball'), ("sol", "Solidity"), # ('sourceslist', 'Debian Sourcelist'), # ('sp', 'SourcePawn'), # ('sparql', 'SPARQL'), # ('spec', 'RPMSpec'), # ('splus', 'S'), ("sql", "SQL"), # ('sqlite3', 'sqlite3con'), # ('squidconf', 'SquidConf'), # ('ssp', 'Scalate Server Page'), # ('stan', 'Stan'), # ('stata', 'Stata'), ("swift", "Swift"), # ('swig', 'SWIG'), # ('systemverilog', 'systemverilog'), # ('tads3', 'TADS 3'), # ('tap', 'TAP'), # ('tasm', 'TASM'), # ('tcl', 'Tcl'), # ('tcsh', 'Tcsh'), # ('tcshcon', 'Tcsh Session'), # ('tea', 'Tea'), # ('termcap', 'Termcap'), # ('terminfo', 'Terminfo'), # ('terraform', 'Terraform'), ("tex", "TeX"), # ('text', 'Text only'), # ('thrift', 'Thrift'), # ('todotxt', 'Todotxt'), # ('trac-wiki', 'MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup'), # ('treetop', 'Treetop'), # ('ts', 'TypeScript'), # ('tsql', 'Transact-SQL'), # ('turtle', 'Turtle'), # ('twig', 'Twig'), ("typoscript", "TypoScript"), # ('typoscriptcssdata', 'TypoScriptCssData'), # ('typoscripthtmldata', 'TypoScriptHtmlData'), # ('urbiscript', 'UrbiScript'), # ('vala', 'Vala'), # ('', ''), # ('vcl', 'VCL'), # ('vclsnippets', 'VCLSnippets'), # ('vctreestatus', 'VCTreeStatus'), # ('velocity', 'Velocity'), # ('verilog', 'verilog'), # ('vgl', 'VGL'), # ('vhdl', 'vhdl'), ("vim", "VimL"), # ('wdiff', 'WDiff'), # ('whiley', 'Whiley'), # ('x10', 'X10'), ("xml", "XML"), # ('xml+cheetah', 'XML+Cheetah'), # ('xml+django', 'XML+Django/Jinja'), # ('xml+erb', 'XML+Ruby'), # ('xml+evoque', 'XML+Evoque'), # ('xml+lasso', 'XML+Lasso'), # ('xml+mako', 'XML+Mako'), # ('xml+myghty', 'XML+Myghty'), # ('xml+php', 'XML+PHP'), # ('xml+smarty', 'XML+Smarty'), # ('xml+velocity', 'XML+Velocity'), # ('xorg.conf', 'Xorg'), # ('xquery', 'XQuery'), ("xslt", "XSLT"), # ('xtend', 'Xtend'), # ('xul+mozpreproc', 'XUL+mozpreproc'), ("yaml", "YAML"), # ('yaml+jinja', 'YAML+Jinja'), # ('zephir', 'Zephir') ] # Cache timeout for 404 and static pages. Snippets don't have an explicit # Cache timeout set to avoid caching in upstream proxies. CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 10 @staticmethod def get_base_url(request=None): """ String. The full qualified hostname and path to the dpaste instance. This is used to generate a link in the API response. If the "Sites" framework is installed, it uses the current Site domain. Otherwise it falls back to '' """ if apps.is_installed("django.contrib.sites"): from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site site = get_current_site(request) if site: return f"https://{site.domain}" return "" @property def extra_template_context(self): """ Returns a dictionary with context variables which are passed to all Template Views. """ return { "dpaste_application_name": self.APPLICATION_NAME, "dpaste_extra_head_html": mark_safe(self.EXTRA_HEAD_HTML), "dpaste_extra_post_about": mark_safe(self.EXTRA_POST_ABOUT), "dpaste_extra_post_new": mark_safe(self.EXTRA_POST_NEW), "dpaste_extra_post_form": mark_safe(self.EXTRA_POST_FORM), }