2020-06-20 18:26:01 +02:00

99 lines
4.4 KiB

{% extends "dpaste/base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{{ dpaste_application_name }}/{{ snippet.secret_id }} ({{ snippet.lexer_name }}){% endblock %}
{% block body_type %}{%endblock %}
{% block headline %}
<div id="copyHeadline">
<a href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}">{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}</a>
<a href="#" id="copyToClipboard" title="{% trans "Copy URL to clipboard" %}">
<svg fill="#FFF" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M40.965 6c5.137 0 9.273 3.988 9.8 9h1.188c3.14 0 5.809 2.125 6.68 5h2.309c4.39 0 7.988 3.766 7.988 8.188V55h15.98-.004a1.99 1.99 0 0 1 1.574.652c.356.39.543.91.516 1.441A1.995 1.995 0 0 1 84.906 59h-15.98v26.812c0 4.422-3.598 8.188-7.988 8.188h-39.95C16.598 94 13 90.234 13 85.812V28.186C13 23.765 16.598 20 20.99 20h2.308c.871-2.875 3.54-5 6.68-5h1.187c.528-5.012 4.66-9 9.801-9zm0 4a5.968 5.968 0 0 0-5.992 6v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2.996c-1.696 0-2.996 1.305-2.996 3s1.3 3 2.996 3H51.95c1.695 0 2.996-1.305 2.996-3s-1.301-3-2.996-3h-2.996a1.998 1.998 0 0 1-1.996-2v-1c0-3.336-2.66-6-5.993-6zm19.973 14h-2.309c-.87 2.875-3.539 5-6.68 5H29.978c-3.14 0-5.809-2.125-6.68-5h-2.309c-1.968 0-3.996 2.05-3.996 4.188v57.624c0 2.137 2.024 4.188 3.996 4.188h39.95c1.968 0 3.996-2.05 3.996-4.188v-26.81H46.176l6.117 5.5c.828.742.894 2.015.156 2.843a2.01 2.01 0 0 1-2.84.157l-9.988-9a2 2 0 0 1 0-3l9.988-9a2.005 2.005 0 0 1 1.465-.532 2.002 2.002 0 0 1 1.219 3.532L46.175 55h18.758V28.189c0-2.137-2.027-4.188-3.996-4.188z"/>
<input type="text" id="copyToClipboardField" value="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block options %}
<ul id="snippetOptions">
<li class="option-type">
<strong>{{ snippet.lexer_name }}</strong>
{% if snippet.expire_type == 1 %}
{% blocktrans with date=snippet.expires|timeuntil %}Expires in: {{ date }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% elif snippet.expire_type == 2 %}
{% trans "Never expires" %}
{% elif snippet.expire_type == 3 %}
{% trans "One-Time snippet" %}
{% endif %}
<li class="sep"></li>
<li class="option-delete">
<a href="#delete">{% trans "Delete Now" %}</a>
{% if raw_mode and snippet.expire_type != 3 %}
<li class="option-raw"><a href="{% url "snippet_details_raw" snippet.secret_id %}">{% trans "Raw" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class="option-slim"><a href="{% url "snippet_details_slim" snippet.secret_id %}">{% trans "Slim" %}</a></li>
<textarea id="copySnippetSource">{{ snippet.content }}</textarea>
<li class="option-copy"><a href="#copy" id="copySnippetToClipboard">{% trans "Copy Snippet" %}</a></li>
<li class="option-edit"><a href="#edit" id="editSnippet">{% trans "Edit Snippet" %}</a></li>
{% if snippet.lexer != 'text' %}
<li class="option-wordwrap">
<label for="wordwrap">
<input type="checkbox" id="wordwrap"{% if wordwrap %} checked{% endif %}> Wordwrap
{% endif %}
<div id="copy" class="confirm-modal">
<form method="POST" action="">
{% trans "Snippet content copied to clipboard." %}
<div id="delete" class="confirm-modal">
<form method="POST" action="">
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans "Are you sure to delete this snippet?" %}
<button class="btn" name="delete" value="1" type="submit">{% trans "Yes, Delete" %}</button>
<a href="#" class="no">{% trans "No, don't delete" %}</a>
{% endblock %}
{% block page %}
{% if snippet.expire_type == 3 %}
<p class="snippet-message">
{% trans "This is a one-time snippet." %}
{% if snippet.remaining_views > 1 %}
{% blocktrans with remaining=snippet.remaining_views %}It is automatically removed after {{ remaining }} further views.{% endblocktrans %}
{% elif snippet.remaining_views == 1 %}
{% trans "It is automatically removed after the next view." %}
{% else %}
{% trans "It cannot be viewed again." %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if diff %}
<div class="snippet-diff">
<h2>{% trans "Comparison with previous snippet " %}</h2>{{ diff|safe }}
{% endif %}
{{ snippet.highlight }}
<div id="edit">
<header class="sub">
<h2>{% trans "Edit this Snippet" %}</h2>
{% include "dpaste/includes/form.html" %}
{% endblock %}