mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 10:14:13 +11:00
93 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable file
93 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable file
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// General
$bgColor: white; // Regular background color for non-code snippets.
$textColor: #7D7D7D; // General text color
$linkColor: #4A90E2; // Link color in text and content pages
$hoverColor: #72B4E4;
$borderColor: #EDEDED; // Used for separators, select borders, etc.
// Header
$headerTextColor: white; // Header text color
$headerBgColor: #4A90E2; // Header background
$btnBgColor: #4A90E2; // Buttons (Header, Meta)
$btnBorderColor: #33639C;
$btnTextColor: white;
// Meta Options
$metaBgColor: #F9F9F9; // Meta options of snippet
$metaTextColor: #BABABA; // Meta text and link color
$selectBorderColor: #DDDDDD; // Select dropdowns
$selectBgColor: white;
$selectTextColor: #858585;
$selectTriangleColor: $linkColor;
$confirmTextColor: #6D6D6D; // Yellow confirmation popup
$confirmBgColor: #FFF9A8;
// Snippet
$messageTextColor: white; // One time message color
$messageBgColor: #F5A623;
$codeTextColor: #dadad4; // Regular code color (not specified by pygments)
$codeBgColor: #222829; // bg color of code views
$codeDiffBgColor: #2A3335; // bg color of diff views
$codeLineNumberColor: #636363; // Color of code line numbers
$markerLineNumberColor: gold; // Marked lines number color
$markerBgColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, .05);
// Mobile Burger Menu
$burgerBgColor: #3D3D3D; // Burger Menu background
$burgerTextColor: #C0C0C0; // (muted) Text color of burger buttons
$burgerBtnTextColor: #C0C0C0; // Buttons and select items in Burger Menu
$burgerBtnBorderColor: #575757;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$baseFont: "Avenir Next", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial;
$codeFont: "SF Mono", "Fira Mono", Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, monospace;
$textFont: "Apple SD Gothic Neo", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial;
$baseFontLight: 300;
$baseFontRegular: 400;
$baseFontDemiBold: 500;
$baseFontBold: 600;
$baseFontHeavy: 700;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$columnWidth: 60px;
$columnGap: 20px;
$boxPadding: 30px; // Left/Right padding of all views
$mobileBoxPadding: 10px;
$mobileBreakpoint: 600px;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Globals.
@import 'reset';
@import 'mixins';
@import 'globals';
// Components.
@import 'components/header';
@import 'components/form';
@import 'components/text';
@import 'components/code';
@import 'components/history';