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dpaste provides a simple API endpoint to create new snippets. All you need to
do is a simple ``POST`` request to the API endpoint ``/api/``::
POST http://dpaste.de/api/
Available POST data for an API call:
``content`` (required)
The UTF-8 encoded string you want to paste.
``lexer`` (optional)
The lexer string key used for highlighting. See `lexer list`_ for a full list
of choices. Default: ``python``.
``format`` (optional)
The format of the API response. Choices are:
* ``default`` — Returns a full qualified URL wrapped in quotes. Example::
* ``url`` — Returns the full qualified URL to the snippet, without surrounding
quotes, but with a line break. Example::
* ``json`` — Returns a JSON object containing the URL, lexer and content of the
the snippet. Example::
"url": "https://dpaste.de/xsWd",
"lexer": "python",
"content": "The text body of the snippet."
``expires`` (optional)
A keyword to indicate the lifetime of a snippetn in seconds. The values are
predefined by the server. Calling this with an invalid value returns a HTTP 400
BadRequest together with a list of valid values. Default: ``2592000``. In the
default configuration valid values are:
* onetime
* never
* 3600
* 604800
* 2592000
``filename`` (optional)
A filename which we use to determine a lexer, if ``lexer`` is not set. In case
we can't determine a file, the lexer will fallback to ``plain`` code (no
highlighting). A given ``lexer`` will overwrite any filename! Example::
"url": "https://dpaste.de/xsWd",
"lexer": "",
"filename": "python",
"content": "The text body of the snippet."
This will create a ``python`` highlighted snippet. However in this example::
"url": "https://dpaste.de/xsWd",
"lexer": "php",
"filename": "python",
"content": "The text body of the snippet."
Since the lexer is set too, we will create a ``php`` highlighted snippet.
.. note:: Since ``lexer`` defaults to ``python`` you have to specifically
unset it when using ``filename``.
.. hint:: You need to adjust the setting ``DPASTE_BASE_URL`` which is used
to generate the full qualified URL in the API response. See :doc:`settings`.
.. note:: When creating new snippets via the API, they won't be listed on the
history page since they are related to a browser session.
.. _lexer list: https://github.com/bartTC/dpaste/blob/master/dpaste/highlight.py#L25
Example code snippets:
A sample Python 2 script to publish snippets::
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib
import urllib2
import sys
def paste_code():
request = urllib2.Request(
urllib.urlencode([('content', sys.stdin.read())]),
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
# Strip surrounding quotes (NB: response has no trailing newline)
print response.read()[1:-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can simply use curl to publish a whole file::
$ alias dpaste="curl -F 'content=<-' https://dpaste.de/api/?format=url"
$ cat foo.txt | dpaste