# Colubrina ![Wakatime](https://wakatime.troplo.com/api/badge/Troplo/interval:any/project:Colubrina?label=wakatime) You can try a public instance of Colubrina at [colubrina.troplo.com](https://colubrina.troplo.com/). This is currently beta software, and may not work as expected. Please file an issue if you encounter any. Colubrina is a simple self-hostable chatting platform written in Vue, and Vuetify for the frontend, and Node.js, Sequelize and Socket.io for the backend. ### Checklist - [x] Messaging - [x] Authentication - [x] Admin panel - [x] CLI - [x] (partially complete) Scroll up to see more messages/jump to searched message - [x] User profile cards - [x] Group creation and modification - [x] Direct message groups - [x] Friending - [x] Searching - [x] Friend nicknames - [x] Embeds & MediaProxy - [ ] Clean-up/refactor code - [x] Mobile responsiveness/compatibility - [x] Email verification - [x] Password resetting - [x] Channel message pins - [x] Read receipts Chat Friends Chat with AMOLED theme Chat with profile card and light theme ## Backend setup First, configure a database and user (MariaDB strongly recommended) for Colubrina.
Please navigate to the `backend` folder and run `yarn`.
Then navigate to the `cli` folder, and run the following commands: ``` yarn ``` to install dependencies, and then ``` node . ``` which should result in an interactive CLI prompt looking like the following: ``` Troplo/Colubrina CLI Colubrina version 1.0.1 Failed to check for updates, ensure you are connected to the internet, and services.troplo.com is whitelisted behind any potential firewalls. ? Please select an option (Use arrow keys) ❯ Setup Create user Run migrations Update/create config file Check for updates Build frontend for production Exit ``` Select setup, and go through the steps.
After completing the initial setup, you may run `yarn build` in the frontend folder, or select "Build frontend for production" in the CLI.
The backend service can now be started with `node .` in the `backend` folder which will run on port `23998`. A systemd service example config file can be found at `colubrina.service`, and an `nginx.conf` example. ## Frontend setup Rename .env.example to .env and fill it out with your own information. ``` yarn install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` yarn serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` yarn build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` yarn lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/). #### View the Colubrina license in the LICENSE file.