
351 lines
10 KiB

const input = require("input")
const fs = require("fs")
const path = require("path")
const { Umzug, SequelizeStorage } = require("umzug")
const { Sequelize } = require("sequelize")
const argon2 = require("argon2")
const axios = require("axios")
const os = require("os")
const { execSync } = require("child_process")
console.log("Troplo/Colubrina CLI")
if (fs.existsSync("../backend/config/config.json")) {
"Want to modify either the Colubrina, or database config? Check out the config files in backend/config."
console.log("Colubrina version", require("../frontend/package.json").version)
async function checkForUpdates() {
if (!process.argv.includes("--skip-update")) {
await axios
.get("", {
headers: {
"X-Troplo-Project": "colubrina",
"X-Troplo-Project-Version": require("../frontend/package.json")
timeout: 1000
.then((res) => {
if ( {
if (
require("../frontend/package.json").version !==
) {
console.log("A new version of Colubrina is available!")
console.log("Latest version:",
} else {
console.log("Colubrina is up to date.")
.catch((e) => {
"Failed to check for updates, ensure you are connected to the internet, and is whitelisted behind any potential firewalls."
} else {
console.log("Skipping update check")
let state = {
db: {
host: "localhost",
port: 3306,
username: "colubrina",
password: null,
database: "colubrina",
storage: "../backend/storage.db",
dialect: "mariadb"
dbConfig: {}
async function doSetupDB() {
const dialect = await
"What database dialect do you want to use? (MariaDB tested, recommended)",
["mariadb", "postgres", "sqlite"]
const host = await input.text("What is the host?", {
default: || "localhost"
const port = await input.text("What is the port?", {
default: state.db.port || 3306
const username = await input.text("What is the username?", {
default: state.db.username || "colubrina"
const password = await input.text("What is the password?", {
default: state.db.password ? "Enter for cached password" : "Please specify"
const database = await input.text("What is the database name?", {
default: state.db.database || "colubrina"
let storage
if (dialect === "sqlite") {
storage = await input.text(
"What is the path to the storage file (SQLite only)?",
default: || "./storage.db"
state.db = {
username: username,
password: password,
database: database,
host: host,
dialect: dialect,
port: port,
logging: false
state.dbConfig = {
development: {
username: username,
password: password,
database: database,
host: host,
dialect: dialect,
port: port,
storage: dialect === "sqlite" ? storage : null,
logging: false
test: {
username: username,
password: password,
database: database,
host: host,
dialect: dialect,
port: port,
logging: false
production: {
username: username,
password: password,
database: database,
host: host,
dialect: dialect,
port: port,
logging: false
await testDB()
async function testDB() {
try {
const sequelize = new Sequelize(state.db)
await sequelize.authenticate()
console.log("Connection to database has been established successfully.")
} catch (error) {
console.error("Unable to connect to the database:", error)
await doSetupDB()
async function dbSetup() {
await doSetupDB()
path.join(__dirname, "../backend/config/database.json"),
JSON.stringify(state.dbConfig, null, 2)
console.log("config/database.json overwritten")
async function runMigrations() {
console.log("Running migrations")
execSync("cd ../backend && sequelize db:migrate", () => {
console.log("Migrations applied")
async function createUser() {
const user = {
username: await input.text("Username", {
default: "admin"
password: await argon2.hash(await input.text("Password", {})),
email: await input.text("Email", {
default: ""
admin: await input.confirm("Admin (true/false)", {
default: false
emailVerified: await input.confirm("Email verified (true/false)", {
default: true
const { User } = require("../backend/models")
await User.create(user)
console.log("User created")
async function configureDotEnv() {
if (!fs.existsSync("../backend/config/config.json")) {
fs.writeFileSync("../backend/config/config.json", "{}")
let config = require("../backend/config/config.json")
config.hostname = await input.text("Public Domain", {
default: "localhost"
config.corsHostname = await input.text("CORS Hostname", {
default: "http://localhost"
config.siteName = await input.text("Site Name", {
default: "Colubrina"
config.allowRegistrations = await input.text("Allow Registrations", {
default: true
config.publicUsers = await input.text("Show instance users publicly?", {
default: true
config.emailVerify = await input.text("Enforce email verification?", {
default: false
if (config.emailVerify) {
config.emailSMTPHost = await input.text("SMTP Host", {
default: ""
config.emailSMTPPort = await input.text("SMTP Port", {
default: 587
config.emailSMTPUsername = await input.text("SMTP Username", {
default: ""
config.emailSMTPPassword = await input.text("SMTP Password", {})
config.emailSMTPFrom = await input.text("SMTP From Address", {
default: ""
config.emailSMTPSecure = await input.text("SMTP Secure", {
default: true
} else {
config.emailSMTPHost = ""
config.emailSMTPPort = 587
config.emailSMTPUsername = ""
config.emailSMTPFrom = ""
config.emailSMTPPassword = ""
config.emailSMTPSecure = true
config.notification = ""
config.notificationType = "info"
config.release = "stable"
config.rules = "Write your instance rules here."
JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)
async function init() {
while (true) {
const option = await`Please select an option`, [
"First-time setup",
"Create user",
"Run migrations",
"Update/create database config file",
"Check for updates",
"Build frontend for production",
if (option === "First-time setup") {
// run yarn install in ../backend
console.log("Running yarn install")
execSync("cd ../backend && yarn install --frozen-lockfile", () => {
console.log("yarn install complete (backend)")
execSync("cd ../frontend && yarn install --frozen-lockfile", () => {
console.log("yarn install complete (frontend)")
if (
fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "../backend/config/config.json"))
) {
const option = await input.confirm(
"Colubrina config already exists, overwrite?",
default: false
if (option) {
await configureDotEnv()
} else {
await configureDotEnv()
if (
fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "../backend/config/database.json"))
) {
const option = await
`config/database.json already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?`,
["Yes", "No"]
if (option === "Yes") {
await dbSetup()
} else {
await dbSetup()
await runMigrations()
const { User, Theme } = require("../backend/models")
try {
await Theme.bulkCreate(
fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./templates/themes.json"))
} catch {
console.log("Themes already exist.")
try {
await User.create({
username: "Colubrina",
id: 0,
bot: true,
email: "",
banned: true
await User.update(
id: 0
where: {
username: "Colubrina"
} catch {
console.log("System user already exists.")
console.log("DB templates applied")
console.log("Admin user creation")
await createUser()
console.log("Colubrina has been setup.")
"Colubrina can be started with `yarn serve` or `node .` in the backend directory."
"The Colubrina frontend can be built with `yarn build` in the root project directory, and is recommended to be served via NGINX, with a proxy_pass to the backend on /api and /"
} else if (option === "Update/create database config file") {
await dbSetup()
console.log("config/database.json overwritten or created")
} else if (option === "Create user") {
await createUser()
} else if (option === "Run migrations") {
await runMigrations()
} else if (option === "Check for updates") {
await checkForUpdates()
} else if (option === "Build frontend for production") {
"cd ../frontend && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn build",
() => {
console.log("yarn build complete")
} else if (option === "Exit") {
checkForUpdates().finally(() => {