diff --git a/resources/language/Afrikaans/addon.xml b/resources/language/Afrikaans/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Afrikaans/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Albanian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Albanian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Albanian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Arabic/addon.xml b/resources/language/Arabic/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Arabic/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Bulgarian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Bulgarian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Bulgarian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Catalan/addon.xml b/resources/language/Catalan/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Catalan/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Chinese Simplified/addon.xml b/resources/language/Chinese Simplified/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Chinese Simplified/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Chinese Traditional/addon.xml b/resources/language/Chinese Traditional/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Chinese Traditional/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Croatian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Croatian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Croatian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Czech/addon.xml b/resources/language/Czech/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c290ec3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Czech/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Nastavení Plex Serveru
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Úplná integrace Plexu do Kodi
+ Připojte Kodi ke svému Plex Media Serveru. Tento doplněk předpokládá, že spravujete veškerá svá videa pomocí Plexu (nikoliv pomocí Kodi). Můžete přijít o data uložená ve video a hudební databázi Kodi (tento doplněk je přímo mění). Používejte na vlastní nebezpečí!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Czech/strings.xml b/resources/language/Czech/strings.xml
index 0f2f18f0..a7d12e86 100644
--- a/resources/language/Czech/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/Czech/strings.xml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
Síťové heslo: Překódování: Povolit profilování výkonu
- Místní systémová cache
+ Místní systémová mezipaměťOKNezobrazovat
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@
- Horror
+ HororHudebníMuzikálTajemnýRomantickýVědeckofantastickýKrátký
- Suspense
+ NapínavýThrillerWestern
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
Pro epizodyPro filmyObnovování obrázku na pozadí (v sekundách)
- Add Resume Percent
+ Přidat procenta obnoveníPřidat číslo epizodyZobrazit průběh načítáníNačítám obsah
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
Chyba přehráváníTuto položku nelze přehrátZjištěna místní cesta
- Your MB3 Server contains local paths. Please change server paths to UNC or change XBMB3C setting 'Play from Stream' to true. Path:
+ Váš Plex server obsahuje místní cesta. Změňte prosím cesty na UNC nebo změňte nastavení 'Přehrát proud'. Cesta: VarováníPovoleny ladící záznamy.Toto může mít vliv na výkon.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
PřekódováníZjištění serveru uspěloNalezen server
- Addresa :
+ Adresa : Naposledy přidané seriály
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
Rozkoukané Nadcházející Uživatelské náhledy
- Report Metrics
+ Hlášení metrikyPoužít třídění KodiZa běhu
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
Povolit upozornění na následující ve stylu Netflixu - Sekund před koncem zobrazit upozornění
- Show Emby Info dialog on play/select action
+ Zobrazovat informační dialog Plexu při akci přehrát/vybratPovolit zprávu o připojení k serveru po spuštěníNaposledy přidaná domácí videa
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@
Nastavení Plexu
- Clear like for this item
- Like this item
- Dislike this item
+ Odstranit 'líbí se mi'
+ Nastavit 'líbí se mi'
+ Nastavit 'nelíbí se mi'Přidat do oblíbených PlexuOdstranit z oblíbených PlexuNastavit vlastní hodnocení skladby
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@
Povolit hudební knihovnuPřímé streamování hudební knihovnyRežim přehrávání
- Vynutit cache obrázků
- Omezit vlákna cache obrázků (doporučeno pro rpi)
+ Vynutit ukládání obrázků do mezipaměti
+ Omezit vlákna mezipaměti obrázků (doporučeno pro rpi)Povolit rychlé spuštění (vyžaduje plugin na serveru)Maximální počet položek vyžádaných najednou ze serveruPřehrávání
@@ -299,13 +299,13 @@
Zeptat se na přehrání ukázekPřeskočit potvrzení Plexu o smazání (používejte na vlastní riziko)Poskočit vzad při obnovení přehrávání (v sekundách)
- Vynutit překódování h265/HEVC
+ Vynutit překódování H265/HEVCNastavení hudebních metadat (není kompatibilní s přímým streamováním)Načíst hodnocení skladeb přímo ze souborů
- Convert music song rating to Emby rating
+ Převést hodnocení hudby na hodnocení PlexuPovolit aktualizaci hodnocení skladeb přímo v souborechIgnorovat speciály v nadcházejících epizodách
- Permanent users to add to the session
+ Stálí uživatelé pro přidání do relaceZpoždění startu (v sekundách)Povolit zprávu o restartu serveruPovolit upozornění na nový obsah
@@ -340,15 +340,15 @@
Přímé přehrávání 3x neuspělo. Povolte přehrávání přes HTTP.Zvolte audiostopuZvolte titulkovou stopu
- Delete file from your Emby server?
+ Smazat soubor ze serveru Plex?Přehrát ukázky?Shromažďuji filmy z:Shromažďuji kolekceShromažďuji videoklipy z:Shromažďuji seriály z:Shromažďuji:
- Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?
- Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.
+ Zjištěná databáze musí být pro tuto verzi PlexKodiConnect znovu vytvořena. Pokračovat?
+ PlexKodiConnect nemusí fungovat správně dokud nebude databáze resetována.Ruším synchronizaci databáze. Tato verze Kodi není podporována..dokončeno za:Porovnávám filmy z:
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@
[COLOR yellow]Opravit místní databázi (vynutit aktualizaci všeho obsahu)[/COLOR][COLOR red]Částečný nebo plný reset databáze a PKC[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Teď umístit všechny obrázky do texturové cache Kodi[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow]Nyní umístit všechny obrázky do texturové mezipaměti Kodi[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow]Synchronizovat tématickou hudbu do Kodi[/COLOR]místníNemohu provést autentifikaci. Přihlásili jste se na plex.tv?
@@ -393,9 +393,9 @@
Povolit neustálou synchronizaci na pozadíRežim přehráváníPOZOR! Pokud zvolíte "Nativní" režim, přijdete o některé funkce Plexu, jako např. ukázky, nebo možnosti překódování. Všechny knihovny Plexu musí používat přímé cesty (např. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv nebo \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!
- Network credentials
+ Přihlašovací údaje k sítiPřidat síťové přihlašovací údaje pro přístup Kodi k vašemu obsahu? Pokud přeskočíte tento krok, při úvodním skenování se může zobrazit výzva k zadání přihlašovacích údajů.
- Kodi can't locate file:
+ Kodi nemůže najít soubor: Prosím zkontrolujte cestu. Možná bude také nutno zkontrolovat síťové přihlašovací údaje v nastavení doplňku nebo použít jinou cestu k Plexu. Zastavit synchronizaci?Automaticky změnit UNC cesty ke knihovně Plexu \\myNas\mymovie.mkv na smb cesty smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (doporučeno)Nahradit UNC cesty z \\myNas na smb://myNas
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@
- Spuštění cache obrázků bude nějakou chvíli trvat a proběhne na pozadí. Chcete pokračovat?
- Provést nejdříve reset existujících dat v cache?
+ Spuštění ukládání obrázků do mezipaměti bude nějakou chvíli trvat a proběhne na pozadí. Chcete pokračovat?
+ Provést nejdříve reset existujících dat v mezipaměti?: Zadejte uživatelské jméno plex.tv. Pro zrušení nezadávejte nic.
@@ -508,8 +508,8 @@
- Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.
- Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.
- Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)
- Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)
+ Opravdu chcete resetovat místní databázi Kodi? Opětovná synchronizace dat z Plexu si vyžádá čas později.
+ Nemohu zastavit běh databáze. Prosím zkuste to později.
+ Odstranit všechny obrázky v mezipaměti? (doporučuje se!)
+ Obnovit všechna nastavení doplňku PlexKodiConnect? (to obvykle není vhodné a je to zbytečné!)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Danish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Danish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Danish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Dutch/addon.xml b/resources/language/Dutch/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Dutch/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Dutch/strings.xml b/resources/language/Dutch/strings.xml
index 5c4cb7d8..652f2064 100644
--- a/resources/language/Dutch/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/Dutch/strings.xml
@@ -2,35 +2,35 @@
- Server Address (IP)
+ Serveradres (IP)Preferred playback methodLog level
- Username:
- Password:
- Network Username:
- Network Password:
+ Gebruikersnaam:
+ Wachtwoord:
+ Netwerk gebruikersnaam:
+ Netwerk wachtwoord: Transcode: Enable Performance ProfilingLocal caching systemOK
- Never show
+ Nooit weergeven
- Connection
- Network
- Device Name
- Unauthorized for PMS
+ Verbinding
+ Netwerk
+ Apparaatnaam
+ Onbevoegd voor PMS
- Advanced
- Username
+ Geavanceerd
+ Gebruikersnaam
- Display message if PMS goes offline
+ Bericht weergeven als PMS offline gaat
- Port Number
- I own this Plex Media Server
- Number of recent Movies to show:
- Number of recent TV episodes to show:
- Number of recent Music Albums to show:
- Mark watched at start of playback:
+ Poortnummer
+ Dit is mijn Plex Media Server
+ Aantal recente films tonen:
+ Aantal recente TV-afleveringen tonen:
+ Aantal recente muziekalbums tonen:
+ Markeer als gezien aan begin van afspelen:Set Season poster for episodesGenre Filter ...
diff --git a/resources/language/Finnish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Finnish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Finnish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/French/addon.xml b/resources/language/French/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/French/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/German/addon.xml b/resources/language/German/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0994ea72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/German/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Einstellungen für den Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Komplette Integration von Plex in Kodi
+ Verbindet Kodi mit deinem Plex Media Server. Dieses Addon geht davon aus, dass du all deine Videos mit Plex verwaltest (und keine direkt mit Kodi). Du wirst möglicherweise Daten verlieren, die bereits in der Kodi Video- und/oder Musik-Datenbank gespeichert sind (da dieses Addon beide Datenbanken direkt verändert). Verwende auf eigene Gefahr!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Greek/addon.xml b/resources/language/Greek/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Greek/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Hebrew/addon.xml b/resources/language/Hebrew/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Hebrew/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Hindi/addon.xml b/resources/language/Hindi/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Hindi/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Hungarian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Hungarian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Hungarian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Indonesian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Indonesian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Indonesian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Italian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Italian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Italian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Italian/strings.xml b/resources/language/Italian/strings.xml
index 5c4cb7d8..db043b4b 100644
--- a/resources/language/Italian/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/Italian/strings.xml
@@ -273,125 +273,125 @@
Set custom song rating (0-5)Force transcodeEnable Plex context menu in Kodi
- Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?
- Start playback via PMS
+ Non riesco a cancellare l'elemento di Plex. La cancellazione degli elementi è abilitata sul PMS?
+ Inizia riproduzione via PMS
- Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)
- Client SSL certificate
- Use alternate address
- Alternate Server Address
- Use alternate device Name
- [COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]
- Sync Options
- Show syncing progress
- Sync empty TV Shows
- Enable Music Library
- Direct stream music library
- Playback Mode
- Force artwork caching
- Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)
- Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)
- Maximum items to request from the server at once
- Playback
- [COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]
- Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)
- Ask to play trailers
- Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)
- Jump back on resume (in seconds)
- Force transcode h265/HEVC
- Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)
- Import music song rating directly from files
- Convert music song rating to Emby rating
- Allow rating in song files to be updated
- Ignore specials in next episodes
- Permanent users to add to the session
- Startup delay (in seconds)
- Enable server restart message
- Enable new content notification
- Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)
- Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)
- Server messages
- [COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]
- Users must log in every time Kodi restarts
- Complete Re-Sync necessary
- Download additional art from FanArtTV
- Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV
- Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality
- Always pick best quality for trailers
- Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
+ Verifica certificato SSL Host (più sicuro)
+ Certificato SSL Client
+ Usa indirizzo alternativo
+ Indirizzo alternativo server
+ Usa nome dispositivo alternativo
+ [COLOR yellow]Resetta tentativi di accesso[/COLOR]
+ Opzioni di sincronizzazione
+ Mostra progresso di sincronizzazione
+ Mostra Serie TV vuote
+ Abilita libreria musicale
+ Riproduzione diretta libreria musicale
+ Modalità di riproduzione
+ Forza caching delle artwork
+ Limita thread di cachin delle artwork (raccomandato per rpi)
+ Abilita avvio veloce (richiede plugin sul server)
+ Numero massimo di elementi da richiedere in una volta al server
+ Riproduzione
+ [COLOR yellow]Inserisci credenziali di rete[/COLOR]
+ Abilita trailers Plex (richiede PlexPass)
+ Richiedi di riprodurre trailers
+ Salta richiesta di conferma cancellazione per il menu contestuale (usala a tuo rischio)
+ Anticipo su riprendi riproduzione (in secondi)
+ Forza transcodifica h265/HEVC
+ Opzioni metadata musicali (non compatibile con lo stream diretto)
+ Importa classificazione canzoni direttamente dai file
+ Converti la classificazione delle canzoni in classificazione di Plex
+ Permetti di aggiornare la classificazione delle canzoni nei file
+ Ignora gli speciali in Prossimo Episodio
+ Utenti permanenti da aggiungere alla sessione
+ Ritardo avvio (in secondi)
+ Abilita messaggio di restart del server
+ Abilita notifica nuovi contenuti
+ Durata del pop up della libreria video (in secondi)
+ Durata del pop up della libreria musicale (in secondi)
+ Messaggi del server
+ [COLOR yellow]Genera un id dispositivo univoco (es quando viene clonato Kodi)[/COLOR]
+ Gli utenti devono fare login ogni volta che viene avviato Kodi
+ Ri-sincronizzazione completa necessaria
+ Scarica immagini aggiuntive da FanArtTV
+ Scarica collezioni/cofanetti film da FanArtTV
+ Non chiedere di scegliere un certo stream/qualità
+ Scegli sempre qualità migliore per i trailers
+ Kodi in esecuzione su un dispositivo a basso consumo (ex Raspberry Pi)Artwork
- Force transcode pictures
+ Forza transcodifica immagini
- Welcome
- Error connecting
- Server is unreachable
- Server is online
- items added to playlist
- items queued to playlist
- Server is restarting
- Access is enabled
- Enter password for user:
- Invalid username or password
- Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.
- Unable to direct play
- Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.
- Choose the audio stream
- Choose the subtitles stream
- Delete file from your Emby server?
- Play trailers?
- Gathering movies from:
- Gathering boxsets
- Gathering music videos from:
- Gathering tv shows from:
- Gathering:
- Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?
- Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.
- Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.
- completed in:
- Comparing movies from:
- Comparing boxsets
- Comparing music videos from:
- Comparing tv shows from:
- Comparing episodes from:
- Comparing:
- Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.
- Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.
- Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!
+ Benvenuto
+ Errore di connessione
+ Il server è irraggiungibile
+ Il server è online
+ elementi aggiunto alla playlist
+ elementi in coda alla playlist
+ Il server si sta riavviando
+ L'accesso è abilitato
+ Inserisci la password per l'utente:
+ Username o password invalidi
+ Autenticazione fallita per troppe volte. Resettala nelle impostazioni.
+ Impossibile riprodurre direttamente
+ Riproduzione diretta fallita per 3 volte. Abilitata riproduzione da HTTP.
+ Scegli lo stream audio
+ Scegli i sottotitoli
+ Cancella il file dal server Plex?
+ Riproduci trailers?
+ Ottenimento film da:
+ Ottenimento cofanetti
+ Ottenimento video musicali da:
+ Ottenimento serie tv da:
+ Ottenimento:
+ Il database deve essere ricreato per questa versione di PlexKodiConnect. Procedere?
+ PlexKodiConnect potrebbe non funzionare correttamente finché non viene resettato il database.
+ Processo di cancellazione del database di sincronizzazione. La versione corrente di Kodi non è supportata.
+ completato in:
+ Confronto film da:
+ Confronto cofanetti
+ Confronto video musicali da:
+ Confronto serie tv da:
+ Confronto episodi da:
+ Confronto:
+ Generazione nuovo id dispositivo fallita. Guarda il log per maggiori informazioni.
+ Kodi sarà riavviato per applicare le modifiche.
+ Cancellare i(l) file dal Server Plex? Questo cancellerà i(l) file dal disco!
- - Number of trailers to play before a movie
- Boost audio when transcoding
- Burnt-in subtitle size
- Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)
- Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)
- Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)
- Activate Plex Companion debug log
- Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log
- Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex
- Could not login to plex.tv. Please try signing in again.
- Problems connecting to plex.tv. Network or internet issue?
- Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...
- Choose your Plex server
- Not yet authorized for Plex server
- Please sign in to plex.tv.
- Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?
- Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)
- Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!
+ - Numero di trailer da riprodurre prima di un film
+ Aumenta audio con transcodifica
+ Dimensione sottotitoli in sovraimpressione
+ Limita thread di download per la sincronizzazione (racc. per rpi: 1)
+ Abilita Plex Companion (riavvia Kodi!)
+ Porta Plex Companion (cambia solo se necessario)
+ Attiva debug log Plex Companion
+ Attiva GDM debug log Plex Companion
+ Plex Companion: permetti l'esecuzione di file multimediali mediante Plex
+ Login a plex.tv non possibile. Per favore prova ad eseguire nuovamente il login.
+ Problema di connessione a plex.tv. Problemi di rete o di internet?
+ Non riesco a trovare un server Plex nella rete. Uscita...
+ Scegli il tuo server Plex
+ Ancora non autorizzato per accedere al server Plex
+ Per favore, fai il login a plex.tv.
+ Problemi di connessione al server. Scegliere un altro server?
+ Disabilita libreria musicale di Plex? (Per grandi librerie musicali, è VIVAMENTE raccomandato usare Plex music solo con i percorsi diretti. Kodi, altrimenti, potrebbe crashare)
+ Vuoi andare nelle impostazioni del plugin per modificare i settaggi di PKC? Avrai bisogno di RIAVVIARE Kodi!
- [COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]
- [COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]
- local
- Failed to authenticate. Did you login to plex.tv?
+ [COLOR yellow]Ripara database locale[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR red]Reset parziale o completo di database e PKC[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yelow]Sposta tutte le immagini nella cache delle texture di Kodi ora[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow]Sincronizza tema di Plex a Kodi[/COLOR]
+ locale
+ Autenticazione fallita. Hai fatto il login su plex.tv?
- Automatically log into plex.tv on startup
- Enable constant background sync
- Playback Mode
+ Login automatico su plex.tv all'avvio
+ Abilita sincronizzazione in background costante
+ Modalità di riproduzioneCAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!Network credentialsAdd network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.
diff --git a/resources/language/Japanese/addon.xml b/resources/language/Japanese/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Japanese/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Korean/addon.xml b/resources/language/Korean/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Korean/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Norwegian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Norwegian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Norwegian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Persian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Persian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Persian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Polish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Polish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Polish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Portuguese, Brazilian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Portuguese/addon.xml b/resources/language/Portuguese/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Portuguese/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Romanian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Romanian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Romanian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Russian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Russian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Russian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/addon.xml b/resources/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Serbian (Cyrillic)/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Slovak/addon.xml b/resources/language/Slovak/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Slovak/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Slovenian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Slovenian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Slovenian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Spanish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Spanish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Spanish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Spanish/strings.xml b/resources/language/Spanish/strings.xml
index 5c4cb7d8..6077a1f1 100644
--- a/resources/language/Spanish/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/Spanish/strings.xml
@@ -2,514 +2,514 @@
- Server Address (IP)
- Preferred playback method
- Log level
- Username:
- Password:
- Network Username:
- Network Password:
- Transcode:
- Enable Performance Profiling
- Local caching system
+ Dirección del servidor (IP)
+ Método de reproducción preferido
+ Nivel de bitácora
+ Usuario:
+ Contraseña:
+ Nombre de usuario de la red:
+ Contraseña de red:
+ Transcodificar:
+ Activar Perfilamiento de Rendimiento
+ Sistema de almacenamiento en caché localOK
- Never show
+ Nunca Mostrar
- Connection
- Network
- Device Name
- Unauthorized for PMS
+ Conexión
+ Red
+ Nombre del Dispositivo
+ No autorizado para PMS
- Advanced
- Username
+ Avanzado
+ Usuario
- Display message if PMS goes offline
+ Mostrar mensaje si el PMS está desconectado
- Port Number
- I own this Plex Media Server
- Number of recent Movies to show:
- Number of recent TV episodes to show:
- Number of recent Music Albums to show:
- Mark watched at start of playback:
- Set Season poster for episodes
+ Número de puerto
+ Soy dueño de este Plex Media Server
+ Número de películas recientes a mostrar:
+ Número de episodios de TV recientes para mostrar:
+ Número de álbumes de música recientes para mostrar:
+ Marcar como visto al inicio de la reproducción:
+ Establecer poster de Temporada para los episodios
- Genre Filter ...
- Play All from Here
- Refresh
- Delete
- Add Movie to CouchPotato
+ Filtro de Género...
+ Reproducir Todos desde Aquí
+ Refrescar
+ Eliminar
+ Agregar Película a CouchPotato
- Incorrect Username/Password
- Username not found
+ Usuario/Contraseña incorrecta
+ Nombre de Usuario no Encontrado
- Deleting
- Waiting for server to delete
+ Eliminando
+ Esperando que el servidor elimine
- Server Default
- Title
- Year
- Premiere Date
- Date Created
- Critic Rating
- Community Rating
- Play Count
- Budget
+ Opción por defecto de Servidor
+ Título
+ Año
+ Fecha de Estreno
+ Fecha de Creación
+ Valoración de los Críticos
+ Valoración de la Comunidad
+ Cantidad de Reproducciones
+ Presupuesto
- Sort By
+ Clasificar por
- None
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Crime
- Comedy
- Documentary
+ Nignuno
+ Acción
+ Aventuras
+ Animación
+ Crimen
+ Comedia
+ DocumentalDrama
- Fantasy
- Foreign
- History
- Horror
- Music
+ Fantasía
+ Extranjera
+ Historia
+ Terror
+ MusicaMusical
- Mystery
+ MisterioRomance
- Science Fiction
- Short
- Suspense
+ Ciencia Ficción
+ Corto
+ SuspensoThriller
- Western
+ Wéstern
- Genre Filter
- Confirm file deletion
- Delete this item? This action will delete media and associated data files.
+ Filtro de Género
+ Confirmar eliminación de archivo
+ ¿Eliminar este elemento? Esta acción eliminará la media y los archivos de datos asociados.
- Mark Watched
- Mark Unwatched
- Add to Favorites
- Remove from Favorites
- Sort By ...
- Sort Order Descending
- Sort Order Ascending
- Show People
+ Marcar como Visto
+ Marcar como No Visto
+ Agregar a Favoritos
+ Eliminar de Favoritos
+ Ordenar Por ...
+ Orden descendente
+ Orden ascendente
+ Mostrar Personas
- Resume
- Resume from
- Start from beginning
+ Continuar
+ Continuar desde
+ Empezar desde el principio
- Interface
- Include Stream Info
- Include People
- Include Overview
- Offer delete after playback
- For Episodes
- For Movies
- Background Art Refresh Rate (seconds)
- Add Resume Percent
- Add Episode Number
- Show Load Progress
- Loading Content
- Retrieving Data
- Done
- Processing Item :
- Play Error
- This item is not playable
- Local path detected
- Your MB3 Server contains local paths. Please change server paths to UNC or change XBMB3C setting 'Play from Stream' to true. Path:
- Warning
- Debug logging enabled.
- This will affect performance.
+ Interfaz
+ Incluir información del Stream
+ Incluir Personas
+ Incluir Resumen
+ Ofrecer eliminar luego de reproducción
+ Para los Episodios
+ Para Películas
+ Tasa de refrescamiento de Arte de Fondo (en segundos)
+ Añadir Porcentaje de Reproducción
+ Añadir Número de Episodio
+ Mostrar Progreso de la Carga
+ Cargando Contenido
+ Recuperando Datos
+ Completado
+ Procesando Elemento:
+ Error de Reproducción
+ Este elemento no es reproducible
+ Ruta de acceso local detectada
+ Su servidor MB3 contiene rutas locales. Por favor cambie las rutas de servidor a UNC o cambie el ajuste de XBMB3C 'Reproducir desde Stream' a verdadero. Ruta de acceso:
+ Advertencia
+ Bitácora de Depuración activada.
+ Esto afectará el rendimiento.Error
- Monitoring service is not running
- If you have just installed please restart Kodi
- Search
+ El servicio de monitoreo no se está ejecutando
+ Si acaba de instalar, por favor reinicie Kodi
+ Buscar
- Enable Theme Music (Requires Restart)
- - Loop Theme Music
- Enable Background Image (Requires Restart)
- Services
+ Activar Tema Musical (Requiere Reiniciar)
+ - Mantener constante el Tema Musical
+ Activar Imagen de Fondo (Requiere Reiniciar)
+ Servicios
- Always transcode if video bitrate is above
+ Siempre transcodificar si el bitrate de vídeo está por encima de
- Skin does not support setting views
- Select item action (Requires Restart)
+ Skin no soporta establecimiento de vistas
+ Seleccionar acción de elemento (Requiere Reinicio)
- Sort NextUp by Show Title
- Enable Enhanced Images (eg CoverArt)
- Metadata
- Artwork
- Video Quality if Transcoding necessary
+ Clasificar NextUp por Título de Serie
+ Habilitar Imágenes Mejoradas (por ejemplo, CoverArt)
+ Metadatos
+ Arte
+ Calidad de vídeo si es necesario Transcodificar
- Enable Suggested Loader (Requires Restart)
- Add Season Number
- Flatten Seasons
+ Activar Cargador Sugerido (Requiere Reiniciar)
+ Añadir Número de Temporada
+ Aplanar las Temporadas
- Direct Play - HTTP
- Direct Play
- Transcoding
- Server Detection Succeeded
- Found server
- Address :
+ Reproducción Directa - HTTP
+ Reproducción Directa
+ Transcodificación
+ Detección de Servidor exitosa
+ Encontró Servidor
+ Dirección :
- Recently Added TV Shows
- In Progress TV Shows
- All Music
- Channels
- Recently Added
- Recently Added Episodes
- Recently Added Albums
- In Progress Movies
- In Progress Episodes
- Next Episodes
- Favorite Movies
- Favorite Shows
- Favorite Episodes
- Frequent Played Albums
- Upcoming TV
- BoxSets
- Trailers
- Music Videos
- Photos
- Unwatched Movies
- Movie Genres
- Movie Studios
- Movie Actors
- Unwatched Episodes
- TV Genres
- TV Networks
- TV Actors
- Playlists
- Search
- Set Views
+ Series Añadidas Recientemente
+ Series En Progreso
+ Toda la Música
+ Canales
+ Agregadas Recientemente
+ Episodios Añadidos Recientemente
+ Álbumes Añadidos Recientemente
+ Películas En Progreso
+ Episodios En Progreso
+ Próximos Episodios
+ Películas Favoritas
+ Series Favoritas
+ Episodios Favoritos
+ Álbumes Reproducidos Frecuentemente
+ TV Próxima
+ Sagas
+ Tráilers
+ Videoclips
+ Fotografías
+ Películas No vistas
+ Géneros de Películas
+ Estudios de Cine
+ Actores de Películas
+ Episodios No vistos
+ Géneros de Series
+ Estaciones de TV
+ Actores de Series
+ Listas de reproducción
+ Buscar
+ Establecer Vistas
- Select User
- Profiling enabled.
- Please remember to turn off when finished testing.
- Error in ArtworkRotationThread
- Unable to connect to server
- Error in LoadMenuOptionsThread
+ Seleccionar Usuario
+ Perfilamiento activado.
+ Por favor recuerde apagar cuando haya terminado la prueba.
+ Error en ArtworkRotationThread
+ No se puede conectar al servidor
+ Error en LoadMenuOptionsThread
- Enable Playlists Loader (Requires Restart)
+ Activar gestor de Listas de Reproducción (Requiere Reiniciar)
- Songs
- Albums
- Album Artists
- Artists
- Music Genres
+ Canciones
+ Álbumes
+ Artistas de álbumes
+ Artistas
+ Géneros de Música
- Enable Theme Videos (Requires Restart)
- - Loop Theme Videos
+ Activar Videos de tema (Requiere Reiniciar)
+ - Mantener constante Vídeos de Tema
- AutoPlay remaining episodes in a season
- Compress Artwork
- Latest
- In Progress
+ Reproducir automáticamente episodios restantes en una temporada
+ Comprimir Arte
+ Más Recientes
+ En Curso NextUp
- User Views
- Report Metrics
- Use Kodi Sorting
- Runtime
+ Vistas de Usuario
+ Reportar Métricas
+ Utilizar la clasificación de Kodi
+ Tiempo de ejecución
- Random
- Recently releases
- Random Items
- Recommended
+ Al azar
+ Estrenados Recientemente
+ Elementos Al Azar
+ RecomendadosExtras
- Sync Theme Music
- Sync Extra Fanart
- Sync Movie BoxSets
+ Sincronizar Música de Tema
+ Sincronizar Fanart Extra
+ Sincronizar Sagas
- [COLOR yellow]Reset local Kodi database[/COLOR]
- Enable watched/resume status sync
- DB Sync Indication:
- Play Count Sync Indication:
- Enable HTTPS
- Force Transcoding Codecs
+ [COLOR yellow] Restablecer base de datos local de Kodi[/COLOR]
+ Activar sincronización de estado de visto/continuar
+ Indicación de Sincronización de BD:
+ Indicación de Sincronización de Cantidad de Reproducciones:
+ Activar HTTPS
+ Obligar Transcodificación de Códecs
- Enable Netflix style next up notification
- - The number of seconds before the end to show the notification
- Show Emby Info dialog on play/select action
- Enable server connection message on startup
+ Activar notificación de siguiente episodio estilo Netflix
+ - El número de segundos antes del final para mostrar la notificación
+ Mostrar cuadro de diálogo de información de Plex en acción reproducir/seleccionar
+ Activar mensaje de conexión de servidor al inicio
- Recently added Home Videos
- Recently added Photos
- Favourite Home Videos
- Favourite Photos
- Favourite Albums
+ Vídeos caseros añadidos recientemente
+ Fotografías añadidas recientemente
+ Vídeos caseros favoritos
+ Fotografías favoritas
+ Álbumes favoritos
- Recently added Music videos
- In progress Music videos
- Unwatched Music videos
+ Videoclips añadidos recientemente
+ Videoclips en progreso
+ Videoclips no vistos
- Active
- Clear Settings
- Movies
- BoxSets
- Trailers
+ Activo
+ Restablecer Ajustes
+ Películas
+ Sagas
+ TráilersSeries
- Seasons
- Episodes
- Music Artists
- Music Albums
- Music Videos
- Music Tracks
- Channels
+ Temporadas
+ Episodios
+ Artistas de Música
+ Álbumes de Música
+ Videoclips
+ Canciones
+ Canales
- Plex options
- Clear like for this item
- Like this item
- Dislike this item
- Add to Plex favorites
- Remove from Plex favorites
- Set custom song rating
- Plex addon settings
- Delete item from server
- Refresh this item
- Set custom song rating (0-5)
- Force transcode
- Enable Plex context menu in Kodi
- Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?
- Start playback via PMS
+ Opciones de Plex
+ Borrar me gusta para este elemento
+ Establecer Me Gusta para este elemento
+ Establecer No Me Gusta para este elemento
+ Añadir a favoritos de Plex
+ Quitar de favoritos de Plex
+ Establecer valoración personalizada de canción
+ Configuración del addon de Plex
+ Eliminar elemento de servidor
+ Actualizar este elemento
+ Establecer valoración personalizada de canción (0-5)
+ Obligar transcodificación
+ Activar menú contextual de Plex en Kodi
+ No se pudo eliminar el elemento de Plex. ¿Está activada la eliminación de elementos en el Plex Media Server?
+ Comenzar la reproducción vía PMS
- Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)
- Client SSL certificate
- Use alternate address
- Alternate Server Address
- Use alternate device Name
- [COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]
- Sync Options
- Show syncing progress
- Sync empty TV Shows
- Enable Music Library
- Direct stream music library
- Playback Mode
- Force artwork caching
- Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)
- Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)
- Maximum items to request from the server at once
- Playback
- [COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]
- Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)
- Ask to play trailers
- Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)
- Jump back on resume (in seconds)
- Force transcode h265/HEVC
- Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)
- Import music song rating directly from files
- Convert music song rating to Emby rating
- Allow rating in song files to be updated
- Ignore specials in next episodes
- Permanent users to add to the session
- Startup delay (in seconds)
- Enable server restart message
- Enable new content notification
- Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)
- Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)
- Server messages
- [COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]
- Users must log in every time Kodi restarts
- Complete Re-Sync necessary
- Download additional art from FanArtTV
- Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV
- Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality
- Always pick best quality for trailers
- Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
- Artwork
- Force transcode pictures
+ Comprobar certificado SSL (más seguro)
+ Certificado SSL de cliente
+ Utilizar dirección alterna
+ Dirección alterna del Servidor
+ Utilizar nombre alterno de dispositivo
+ [COLOR yellow] Restablecer intentos de inicio de sesión[/COLOR]
+ Opciones de sicronización
+ Mostrar progreso de la sincronización
+ Sincronizar Series vacías
+ Activar Discoteca
+ Hacer stream directo de la discoteca
+ Modo de reproducción
+ Obligar caché de arte
+ Limitar hilos de caché de arte (recomendado para rpi)
+ Activar Inicio rápido (requiere plugin de servidor)
+ Cantidad máxima de elementos a pedir al servidor a la vez
+ Reproducción
+ [COLOR yellos] Digitar credenciales de red[/COLOR]
+ Activar tráilers de Plex (es necesario PlexPass)
+ Preguntar si reporducir tráilers
+ Obviar confirmación de borrado de Plex del menú contextual (utilice a su propio riesgo)
+ Saltar hacia atrás al reanudar (en segundos)
+ Obligar transcodificación de h265/HEVC
+ Opciones de metadatos de música (no compatibles con stream directo)
+ Importar valoración de canciones directamente de los archivos
+ Convertir valoración de canciones a valoración Plex
+ Permitir actualización de valoración en archivos de canciones
+ Ignorar especiales en próximos episodios
+ Usuarios permanentes para agregar a la sesión
+ Demora de inicio (en segundos)
+ Activar mensaje de reinicio del servidor
+ Activar notificaciones de contenido nuevo
+ Duración de pop up de biblioteca de vídeo (en segundos)
+ Duración de pop up de discoteca (en segundos)
+ Mensajes del servidor
+ [COLOR yellow] Generar un nuevo id único de dispositivo (por ejemplo, al clonar Kodi)[/COLOR]
+ Usuario debe iniciar sesión cada vez que se reinicia Kodi
+ Es necesaria una Re-Sincronización Completa
+ Descargar arte adicional de FanArtTV
+ Descargar arte de sagas de FanArtTV
+ No solicitar elegir un stream o una calidad en particular
+ Escoger siempre la mejor calidad para tráilers
+ Kodi se ejecuta en un dispositivo de baja potencia (por ejemplo Raspberry Pi)
+ Arte
+ Obligar transcodificar fotografías
- Welcome
- Error connecting
- Server is unreachable
- Server is online
- items added to playlist
- items queued to playlist
- Server is restarting
- Access is enabled
- Enter password for user:
- Invalid username or password
- Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.
- Unable to direct play
- Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.
- Choose the audio stream
- Choose the subtitles stream
- Delete file from your Emby server?
- Play trailers?
- Gathering movies from:
- Gathering boxsets
- Gathering music videos from:
- Gathering tv shows from:
- Gathering:
- Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?
- Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.
- Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.
- completed in:
- Comparing movies from:
- Comparing boxsets
- Comparing music videos from:
- Comparing tv shows from:
- Comparing episodes from:
- Comparing:
- Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.
- Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.
- Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!
+ Bienvenido(a)
+ Error de conexión
+ El servidor no está disponible
+ Servidor está en línea
+ elementos agregados a lista de reproducción
+ artículos en cola en lista de reproducción
+ Reinicio de servidor
+ Acceso está habilitado
+ Escriba la contraseña para el usuario:
+ Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrecto
+ No se pudo autenticar demasiadas veces. Restablecer en la configuración.
+ No es posible reproducción directa
+ Reproducción directa falló 3 veces. Reproducción desde HTTP activada.
+ Elegir stream de audio
+ Elegir stream de subtítulos
+ ¿Eliminar archivo del servidor Plex?
+ ¿Reproducir tráilers?
+ Obteniendo películas de:
+ Obteniendo sagas
+ Obteniendo videoclips de:
+ Obteniendo series de:
+ Obteniendo:
+ Se ha detectado que la base de datos necesita ser recreada para esta versión de PlexKodiConnect. ¿Proceder?
+ PlexKodiConnect podría no funcionar correctamente hasta que la base de datos sea restablecida.
+ Cancelando el proceso de sincronización de la base de datos. La versión actual de Kodi no está soportada.
+ terminado en:
+ Comparando películas de:
+ Comparando sagas
+ Comparando videoclips de:
+ Comparando series de:
+ Comparando episodios de:
+ Comparando:
+ Error al generar un nuevo Id de dispositivo. Vea la bitácora para obtener más información.
+ Kodi ahora se reinicia para aplicar los cambios.
+ ¿Eliminar archivos de servidor Plex? ¡Esto también eliminará los archivos del disco!
- - Number of trailers to play before a movie
- Boost audio when transcoding
- Burnt-in subtitle size
- Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)
- Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)
- Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)
- Activate Plex Companion debug log
- Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log
- Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex
- Could not login to plex.tv. Please try signing in again.
- Problems connecting to plex.tv. Network or internet issue?
- Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...
- Choose your Plex server
- Not yet authorized for Plex server
- Please sign in to plex.tv.
- Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?
- Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)
- Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!
+ - Número de tráilers a reproducir antes de una película
+ Aumentar audio al transcodificar
+ Tamaño de subtítulos incrustados
+ Limitar los hilos de sincronización de descarga (recomendado para rpi: 1)
+ Activar Plex Companion (¡reiniciar Kodi!)
+ Puerto de Plex Companion (cambiar sólo si es necesario)
+ Activar bitácora de depuración de Plex Companion
+ Activar bitácora de depuración GDM de Plex Companion
+ Plex Companion: Permite enviar medios a Kodi a través de Plex
+ No puede ingresar a plex.tv. Por favor trate de iniciar la sesión otra vez.
+ Problemas para conectarse a plex.tv. ¿Problema de red o de internet?
+ No se pudo encontrar ningún servidor Plex en la red. Abortando...
+ Elija su servidor Plex
+ Aún no se ha autorizado para servidor Plex
+ Por favor ingrese a plex.tv.
+ Problemas para conectarse al servidor. ¿Escoger otro servidor?
+ ¿Desactivar la discoteca de Plex? (Se recomienda ALTAMENTE utilizar música de Plex solo con rutas directas para las discotecas grandes. Kodi podría abortar de lo contrario)
+ ¿Quisiera ir a la configuración del plugin para afinar PKC? ¡Usted necesitará reiniciar Kodi!
- [COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]
- [COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]
- [COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow] Reparar base de datos local (todo el contenido será actualizado)[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR Red] Restablecimiento parcial o total de la base de datos y PKC[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow] Hacer caché ahora a todas las imágenes al caché de texturas de Kodi[/COLOR]
+ [COLOR yellow] Sincronizar Medios de Tema de Plex a Kodi[/COLOR]local
- Failed to authenticate. Did you login to plex.tv?
+ No se puede autenticar. ¿Inició sesión en plex.tv?
- Automatically log into plex.tv on startup
- Enable constant background sync
- Playback Mode
- CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!
- Network credentials
- Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.
- Kodi can't locate file:
- Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?
+ Automáticamente iniciar sesión en plex.tv al inicio
+ Habilitar sincronización constante
+ Modo de Reproducción
+ ¡PRECAUCIÓN! Si elige modo "Nativo", podría perder el acceso a ciertas características de Plex como: Tráilers de Plex y las opciones de transcodificación. ¡TODAS las rutas en Plex necesitan utilizar rutas directas (por ejemplo smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv o \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!
+ Credenciales de red
+ ¿Agregar credenciales de red para permitir a Kodi acceso a su contenido? Nota: Saltar este paso puede generar un mensaje durante el análisis inicial del contenido si Kodi no puede localizar su contenido.
+ Kodi no puede encontrar el archivo:
+ Por favor, compruebe la ruta de acceso. Puede que necesite verificar las credenciales de red en la configuración del Add-on o utilizar diferentes rutas de Plex. ¿Dejar de sincronizar?Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)
- Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas
+ Reemplazar rutas UNC Plex \\myNas con smb://myNas
- Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff
- Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:
- Replace Plex MOVIE with:
- Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:
- Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:
- Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:
- Replace Plex MUSIC with:
- Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?
- Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi
- Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:
- Replace Plex PHOTO with:
- On Deck: Append show title to episode
- On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx
- Nothing works? Try a full reset!
- [COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]
- Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]
- Background Sync
- Do a full library sync every x minutes
- remote
- Searching for Plex Server
- Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play
- Customize Paths
- Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows
- Recently Added: Append show title to episode
- Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx
- Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?
- Sync when screensaver is deactivated
- Force Transcode Hi10P
- Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes
- Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)
- Your current Plex Media Server:
- [COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]
- Current address:
- Current port:
- Current plex.tv status:
- Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.
- Appearance Tweaks
- TV Shows
- Always use default Plex subtitle if possible
- If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki: https://goo.gl/JFtQV9
- Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")
- Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)
- Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.
+ Reemplazar rutas Plex /volume1/media o \\myserver\media con rutas SMB personalizadas smb://NAS/mystuff
+ Ruta de PELÍCULA Plex original a reemplazar:
+ Reemplazar PELÍCULA Plex con:
+ Ruta original de SERIES Plex a reemplazar:
+ Reemplazar SERIES Plex con:
+ Ruta original de MÚSICA Plex a reemplazar:
+ Reemplazar MÚSICA Plex con:
+ ¿Dar un paso más y reemplazar por completo todas las rutas originales de bibliotecas de Plex (media/volume1) con rutas personalizadas de SMB (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?
+ Por favor indique sus rutas smb personalizadas en la configuración en "Opciones de sincronización" y reinicie Kodi
+ Ruta original de FOTOS Plex a reemplazar:
+ Reemplazar FOTOS Plex con:
+ On Deck: Añadir título de serie al episodio
+ On Deck: Añadir números de temporada y episodio SxxExx
+ ¿Nada funciona? ¡Intente un reset completo!
+ [COLOR yellow] Elegir servidor Plex de una lista[/COLOR]
+ Esperar antes de sincronizar elementos nuevos/cambiados en PMS [s]
+ Sincronización en segundo plano
+ Hacer una sincronización completa de la biblioteca cada x minutos
+ remoto
+ Buscando servidor Plex
+ Utilizado por la Sincronización al intentar Reproducción Directa
+ Personalizar rutas
+ Extender vista de series "On Deck" de Plex a todoas las series
+ Añadidos Recientemente: Agregar título de serie al episodio
+ Añadidos Recientemente: Agregar números de temporada y episodio SxxExx
+ ¿Quieres descargar arte adicional de FanArtTV en segundo plano?
+ Sincronizar cuando el protector de pantallas esté desactivado
+ Obligar Transcodificar Hi10P
+ Añadidos Recientemente: Además mostrar episodios ya vistos
+ Añadidos Recientemente: También mostrar películas ya vistas (¡Actualize las listas de reproducción/nodos Plex!)
+ El Plex Media Server actual:
+ [COLOR yellow] Introducir manualmente la dirección del Plex Media Server[/COLOR]
+ Dirección actual:
+ Puerto actual:
+ Estado actual de plex.tv:
+ ¿Está su Kodi instalado en un dispositivo de baja potencia como una Raspberry Pi? En caso afirmativo, reduciremos la tensión sobre Kodi para evitar que falle.
+ Ajustes de aspecto
+ Series
+ Siempre use subtítulos de Plex por defecto si es posible
+ Si utiliza varias bibliotecas de Plex de una clase, e.g. "Películas de los niños" y "Películas de padres", asegúrese de revisar la Wiki: https://goo.gl/JFtQV9
+ Número de elementos del PMS a mostrar en widgets (por ejemplo "On Deck")
+ Puerto de Actualización de Plex Companion (solo cambie si es necesario)
+ Plex Companion no pudo abrir el puerto GDM. Por favor cámbielo en los ajustes de PKC.
- Log-out Plex Home User
- Settings
- Network credentials
- Refresh Plex playlists/nodes
- Perform manual library sync
- Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.
- Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?
- Resetting PMS connections, please wait
- Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.
- [COLOR yellow]Toggle plex.tv login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]
- Not yet connected to Plex Server
- Watch later
- is offline
- Even though we signed in to plex.tv, we could not authorize for PMS
- Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:
+ Terminar sesión del usuario de Plex Home
+ Opciones
+ Credenciales de red
+ Actualizar listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex
+ Realizar sincronización manual de la bibilioteca
+ No se puede ejecutar la sincronización, el complemento no está conectado a un servidor Plex.
+ Plex puede bloquear su cuenta si usted no puede iniciar sesión demasiadas veces. ¿Proceder de todos modos?
+ Restableciendo conexiones PMS, espere por favor
+ No se pudo restablecer PKC. Trate de reiniciar Kodi.
+ [COLOR yellow] Alterne Inicio de sesión de plex.tv (ingresar o salir)[/COLOR]
+ Aún no se ha conectado al servidor de Plex
+ Ver Luego
+ está desconectado
+ A pesar de que iniciamos sesión en plex.tv, no pudimos autorizar para PMS
+ Escriba el IP o URL de su Plex Media Server, por ejemplo:
- Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?
- Error contacting PMS
- Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?
- connected
- plex.tv toggle successful
- [COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]
- Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.
- Refresh all
- Missing only
+ ¿Su Plex Media Server admite conexiones SSL? ¿(https en lugar de http)?
+ Error al contactar al PMS
+ ¿Abortar (sí) o guardar la dirección de todos modos (No)?
+ conectado
+ alternado de plex.tv exitoso
+ [COLOR yellow Buscar ahora fanart faltante en FanartTV[/COLOR]
+ Sólo buscar fanart que falta o actualizar todos los fanart? El análisis tomará bastante tiempo y sucede en el fondo.
+ Actualizar todo
+ Sólo lo faltante
- Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?
- Reset all existing cache data first?
+ Ejecutar el proceso de caché de imagen puede tardar algún tiempo. Sucederá en el fondo. ¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?
+ ¿Restablecer todos los datos de la caché primero?
- : Enter plex.tv username. Or nothing to cancel.
- Enter password for plex.tv user
- Could not sign in user
- Problems trying to contact plex.tv. Try again later
- Go to https://plex.tv/pin and enter the code:
- Could not sign in to plex.tv. Try again later
- : Select User
- Enter PIN for user
- Could not log in user
- Please try again.
- unknown
- or press No to not sign in.
+ : Escriba el nombre de usuario plex.tv. O nada para cancelar.
+ Introduzca la contraseña para el usuario de plex.tv
+ No pudo iniciar sesión ese usuario
+ Problemas tratando de contactar a plex.tv. Inténtalo más tarde
+ Vaya a https://plex.tv/pin e introduzca el código:
+ No pudo iniciar sesión en plex.tv. Inténtalo más tarde
+ : Seleccionar Usuario
+ Ingresar PIN de usuario
+ No pudo iniciar sesión ese usuario
+ Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.
+ desconocido
+ o pulse No para no iniciar sesión.
- Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum
- Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?
- may not work correctly until the database is reset.
- Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.
- Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.
- Plex playlists/nodes refreshed
- Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed
- Full library sync finished
- Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.
- The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.
- ERROR in library sync
+ Hilo de sincronización de biblioteca ha fallado. Debe reiniciar Kodi ahora. Por favor repórtelo en el foro
+ La base de datos de Kodi detectada necesita ser recreada para esta versión. Esto podría tomar un tiempo. ¿Proceder?
+ puede no funcionar correctamente hasta que se reinicie la base de datos.
+ Cancelando proceso de sincronización de la base de datos. La versión de Kodi actual no es compatible. Por favor, compruebe la bitácora para obtener más información.
+ Proceso de sincronización inicial falló repetidamente. Pruebe a reiniciar Kodi. Deteniendo la sincronización por ahora.
+ Listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex actualizados
+ Error de actualización de listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex
+ Sincronización completa de la biblioteca terminada
+ La sincronización tuvo que saltar algunos elementos porque no podían ser procesados. ¡Kodi puede estar inestable ahora!!!! Por favor enviar sus bitácoras de Kodi al foro de Plex.
+ Al servidor Plex no le gustó la petición de tantos datos a la vez y retornó ERRORES. Intente reducir el número de hilos de descarga de sincronización en la configuración. Se saltaron algunos elementos por ahora.
+ ERROR en la sincronización de la bibliotecaOn Deck
- Collections
+ Sagas
- Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.
- Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.
- Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)
- Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)
+ ¿Está seguro que desea restablecer su base de datos local de Kodi? Volver a sincronizar los datos de Plex tomará tiempo después.
+ No se pudo detener la base de datos. Por favor inténtelo más tarde.
+ ¿Eliminar todo el arte del caché? (¡recomendado!)
+ ¿Restablecer todos los ajustes de PlexKodiConnect? (esto generalmente NO es recomendable ni necesario!)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Swedish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Swedish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Swedish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Thai/addon.xml b/resources/language/Thai/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Thai/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Turkish/addon.xml b/resources/language/Turkish/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Turkish/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Ukrainian/addon.xml b/resources/language/Ukrainian/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Ukrainian/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/language/Vietnamese/addon.xml b/resources/language/Vietnamese/addon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d42091f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/language/Vietnamese/addon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ video audio image
+ Settings for the Plex Server
+ [!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))
+ all
+ en
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991
+ https://forums.plex.tv
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect
+ Native Integration of Plex into Kodi
+ Connect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!
\ No newline at end of file