Merge pull request #213 from croneter/l10n_translations
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
38 changed files with 779 additions and 741 deletions
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,241 +275,242 @@
<string id="30413">Povolit v Kodi kontextovou nabídku Plexu</string>
<string id="30413">Povolit v Kodi kontextovou nabídku Plexu</string>
<string id="30414">Nemohu smazat tuto položku Plexu. Máte povolené mazání položek v Plex Media Serveru?</string>
<string id="30414">Nemohu smazat tuto položku Plexu. Máte povolené mazání položek v Plex Media Serveru?</string>
<string id="30415">Zahájit přehrávání přes PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Zahájit přehrávání přes PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Ověřit hostitelův SSL certifikát (bezpečnější)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30501">Klientský SSL certifikát</string>
<string id="30501">Client SSL certificate</string>
<string id="30502">Použít alternativní adresu</string>
<string id="30502">Use alternate address</string>
<string id="30503">Alternativní adresa serveru</string>
<string id="30503">Alternate Server Address</string>
<string id="30504">Použít alternativní název zařízení</string>
<string id="30504">Use alternate device Name</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Resetovat pokusy o přihlášení[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30506">Synchronizace</string>
<string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
<string id="30507">Zobrazovat průběh synchronizace</string>
<string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
<string id="30508">Synchronizovat prázdné seriály</string>
<string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
<string id="30509">Povolit hudební knihovnu</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
<string id="30510">Přímé streamování hudební knihovny</string>
<string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
<string id="30511">Režim přehrávání</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="30512">Vynutit ukládání obrázků do mezipaměti</string>
<string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
<string id="30513">Omezit vlákna mezipaměti obrázků (doporučeno pro rpi)</string>
<string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
<string id="30514">Povolit rychlé spuštění (vyžaduje plugin na serveru)</string>
<string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
<string id="30515">Maximální počet položek vyžádaných najednou ze serveru</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
<string id="30516">Přehrávání</string>
<string id="30516">Playback</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Zadejte přihlašovací údaje k síťi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30518">Povolit ukázky Plex Trailers (je vyžadován PlexPass)</string>
<string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
<string id="30519">Zeptat se na přehrání ukázek</string>
<string id="30519">Ask to play trailers</string>
<string id="30520">Přeskočit potvrzení Plexu o smazání (používejte na vlastní riziko)</string>
<string id="30520">Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)</string>
<string id="30521">Poskočit vzad při obnovení přehrávání (v sekundách)</string>
<string id="30521">Jump back on resume (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30522">Vynutit překódování H265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30522">Force transcode h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30523">Nastavení hudebních metadat (není kompatibilní s přímým streamováním)</string>
<string id="30523">Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)</string>
<string id="30524">Načíst hodnocení skladeb přímo ze souborů</string>
<string id="30524">Import music song rating directly from files</string>
<string id="30525">Převést hodnocení hudby na hodnocení Plexu</string>
<string id="30525">Convert music song rating to Emby rating</string>
<string id="30526">Povolit aktualizaci hodnocení skladeb přímo v souborech</string>
<string id="30526">Allow rating in song files to be updated</string>
<string id="30527">Ignorovat speciály v nadcházejících epizodách</string>
<string id="30527">Ignore specials in next episodes</string>
<string id="30528">Stálí uživatelé pro přidání do relace</string>
<string id="30528">Permanent users to add to the session</string>
<string id="30529">Zpoždění startu (v sekundách)</string>
<string id="30529">Startup delay (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30530">Povolit zprávu o restartu serveru</string>
<string id="30530">Enable server restart message</string>
<string id="30531">Povolit upozornění na nový obsah</string>
<string id="30531">Enable new content notification</string>
<string id="30532">Doba zobrazení upozornění video knihovny (v sekundách)</string>
<string id="30532">Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30533">Doba zobrazení upozornění hudební knihovny (v sekundách)</string>
<string id="30533">Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30534">Zprávy serveru</string>
<string id="30534">Server messages</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Vygenerovat nový unikátní identifikátor zařízení (např. při kopii Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30536">Při každém restartu Kodi se musí uživatel přihlásit</string>
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
<string id="30538">Je vyžadována kompletní resynchronizace</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<string id="30539">Stahovat další obrázky z FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Stahovat obrázky filmových kolekcí z FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30541">Nepožadovat výběr proudu nebo kvality</string>
<string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
<string id="30542">Vždy vybrat nejlepší kvalitu ukázek</string>
<string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi běží na málo výkonném zařízení (např. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30544">Obrázky</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30545">Vynutit překódování obrázků</string>
<string id="30545">Force transcode pictures</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Vítáme uživatele</string>
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
<string id="33001">Chyba připojení</string>
<string id="33001">Error connecting</string>
<string id="33002">Server je nedosažitelný</string>
<string id="33002">Server is unreachable</string>
<string id="33003">Server je online</string>
<string id="33003">Server is online</string>
<string id="33004">položek přidáno do playlistu</string>
<string id="33004">items added to playlist</string>
<string id="33005">položek zařazeno do fronty playlistu</string>
<string id="33005">items queued to playlist</string>
<string id="33006">Server se restartuje</string>
<string id="33006">Server is restarting</string>
<string id="33007">Přístup je povolen</string>
<string id="33007">Access is enabled</string>
<string id="33008">Zadejte heslo pro uživatele:</string>
<string id="33008">Enter password for user:</string>
<string id="33009">Neplatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo</string>
<string id="33009">Invalid username or password</string>
<string id="33010">Proběhlo moc neúspěšných pokusů o ověření. Proveďte reset v nastavení.</string>
<string id="33010">Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.</string>
<string id="33011">Nemohu přehrávat přímo</string>
<string id="33011">Unable to direct play</string>
<string id="33012">Přímé přehrávání 3x neuspělo. Povolte přehrávání přes HTTP.</string>
<string id="33012">Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.</string>
<string id="33013">Zvolte audiostopu</string>
<string id="33013">Choose the audio stream</string>
<string id="33014">Zvolte titulkovou stopu</string>
<string id="33014">Choose the subtitles stream</string>
<string id="33015">Smazat soubor ze serveru Plex?</string>
<string id="33015">Delete file from your Emby server?</string>
<string id="33016">Přehrát ukázky?</string>
<string id="33016">Play trailers?</string>
<string id="33017">Shromažďuji filmy z:</string>
<string id="33017">Gathering movies from:</string>
<string id="33018">Shromažďuji kolekce</string>
<string id="33018">Gathering boxsets</string>
<string id="33019">Shromažďuji videoklipy z:</string>
<string id="33019">Gathering music videos from:</string>
<string id="33020">Shromažďuji seriály z:</string>
<string id="33020">Gathering tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33021">Shromažďuji:</string>
<string id="33021">Gathering:</string>
<string id="33022">Zjištěná databáze musí být pro tuto verzi PlexKodiConnect znovu vytvořena. Pokračovat?</string>
<string id="33022">Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?</string>
<string id="33023">PlexKodiConnect nemusí fungovat správně dokud nebude databáze resetována.</string>
<string id="33023">Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="33024">Ruším synchronizaci databáze. Tato verze Kodi není podporována..</string>
<string id="33024">Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.</string>
<string id="33025">dokončeno za:</string>
<string id="33025">completed in:</string>
<string id="33026">Porovnávám filmy z:</string>
<string id="33026">Comparing movies from:</string>
<string id="33027">Porovnávám kolekce</string>
<string id="33027">Comparing boxsets</string>
<string id="33028">Porovnávám videoklipy z:</string>
<string id="33028">Comparing music videos from:</string>
<string id="33029">Porovnávám seriály z:</string>
<string id="33029">Comparing tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33030">Porovnávám epizody z:</string>
<string id="33030">Comparing episodes from:</string>
<string id="33031">Porovnávám:</string>
<string id="33031">Comparing:</string>
<string id="33032">Nepodařilo se vygenerovat nový identifikátor zařízení. Pro více informací se podívejte do záznamu.</string>
<string id="33032">Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.</string>
<string id="33033">Pro aplikování změn se nyní Kodi restartuje.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.</string>
<string id="33041">Smazat tyto soubory z Plex Serveru? Tímto smažete i soubory z disku!</string>
<string id="33041">Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!</string>
<!-- New to Plex -->
<!-- New to Plex -->
<string id="39000">- Počet ukázek před filmem</string>
<string id="39000">- Number of trailers to play before a movie</string>
<string id="39001">Zesílit zvuk při překódování</string>
<string id="39001">Boost audio when transcoding</string>
<string id="39002">Velikost vpálených titulků</string>
<string id="39002">Burnt-in subtitle size</string>
<string id="39003">Omezit synchronizační vlákna (doporučené pro rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39003">Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39004">Povolit Plex Companion (restartujte Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39004">Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39005">Port Plex Companion (změňte pouze pokud je nutné)</string>
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39006">Aktivovat ladící záznamy Plex Companion</string>
<string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
<string id="39007">Aktivovat ladící záznamy Plex Companion GDM</string>
<string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Umožňuje dálkově přehrávat v Kodi přes Plex</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39009">Nemohu se přihlásit k Prosím zkuste se přihlásit znova.</string>
<string id="39009">Could not login to Please try signing in again.</string>
<string id="39010">Nemohu se připojit k Zřejmě chyba sítě nebo internetu.</string>
<string id="39010">Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?</string>
<string id="39011">Nemohu v síti najít žádný Plex server. Přerušuji...</string>
<string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
<string id="39012">Vyberte Plex server</string>
<string id="39012">Choose your Plex server</string>
<string id="39013">Ještě nejste autorizováni k Plex serveru </string>
<string id="39013">Not yet authorized for Plex server </string>
<string id="39014">Prosím přihlašte se k</string>
<string id="39014">Please sign in to</string>
<string id="39015">Vyskytly se problémy při připojování k serveru. Vyberete si jiný?</string>
<string id="39015">Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?</string>
<string id="39016">Zakázat hudební knihovnu Plexu? (Je velice doporučováno pro velké hudební knihovny použít přímé cesty. Jinak hrozí pád Kodi.)</string>
<string id="39016">Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)</string>
<string id="39017">Chcete otevřít nastavení pluginu pro další nastavení PKC? Potom budete muset RESTARTOVAT Kodi!</string>
<string id="39017">Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Opravit místní databázi (vynutit aktualizaci všeho obsahu)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Částečný nebo plný reset databáze a PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Nyní umístit všechny obrázky do texturové mezipaměti Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Synchronizovat tématickou hudbu do Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">místní</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39023">Nemohu provést autentifikaci. Přihlásili jste se na</string>
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
<string id="39025">Po spuštění automaticky přihlásit na</string>
<string id="39025">Automatically log into on startup</string>
<string id="39026">Povolit neustálou synchronizaci na pozadí</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
<string id="39027">Režim přehrávání</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="39028">POZOR! Pokud zvolíte "Nativní" režim, přijdete o některé funkce Plexu, jako např. ukázky, nebo možnosti překódování. Všechny knihovny Plexu musí používat přímé cesty (např. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv nebo \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Přihlašovací údaje k síti</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39030">Přidat síťové přihlašovací údaje pro přístup Kodi k vašemu obsahu? Pokud přeskočíte tento krok, při úvodním skenování se může zobrazit výzva k zadání přihlašovacích údajů.</string>
<string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
<string id="39031">Kodi nemůže najít soubor: </string>
<string id="39031">Kodi can't locate file: </string>
<string id="39032">Prosím zkontrolujte cestu. Možná bude také nutno zkontrolovat síťové přihlašovací údaje v nastavení doplňku nebo použít jinou cestu k Plexu. Zastavit synchronizaci?</string>
<string id="39032">Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?</string>
<string id="39033">Automaticky změnit UNC cesty ke knihovně Plexu \\myNas\mymovie.mkv na smb cesty smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (doporučeno)</string>
<string id="39033">Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
<string id="39034">Nahradit UNC cesty z \\myNas na smb://myNas</string>
<string id="39034">Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas</string>
<string id="39035">Nahradit cesty /volume1/media nebo \\myserver\media za vlastní cesty smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
<string id="39035">Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
<string id="39037">Původní cesta k Plex FILMU:</string>
<string id="39037">Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:</string>
<string id="39038">Nahradit Plex FILMY:</string>
<string id="39038">Replace Plex MOVIE with:</string>
<string id="39039">Původní cesta k Plex SERIÁLU:</string>
<string id="39039">Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:</string>
<string id="39040">Nahradit Plex SERIÁLY:</string>
<string id="39040">Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:</string>
<string id="39041">Původní cesta k Plex HUDBĚ:</string>
<string id="39041">Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:</string>
<string id="39042">Nahradit Plex HUDBU:</string>
<string id="39042">Replace Plex MUSIC with:</string>
<string id="39043">Jít ještě o krok dále a kompletně nahradit původní cesty k Plex knihovnám (/volume1/media) vlastními SMB cestami (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
<string id="39043">Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
<string id="39044">Prosím zadejte vlastní SMB cesty v nastavení pod "Synchronizace" a restartujte Kodi</string>
<string id="39044">Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi</string>
<string id="39045">Původní cesta Plex FOTEK:</string>
<string id="39045">Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:</string>
<string id="39046">Nahradit Plex FOTKY:</string>
<string id="39046">Replace Plex PHOTO with:</string>
<string id="39047">Aktuální: Připojit název seriálu k epizodě</string>
<string id="39047">On Deck: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39048">Aktuální: Připojit číslo sezóny a epizody ve formátu SxxExx</string>
<string id="39048">On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39049">Nic nefunguje? Zkuste plný reset!</string>
<string id="39049">Nothing works? Try a full reset!</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Zvolte Plex server ze seznamu[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39051">Počkat před synchronizací položek (s)</string>
<string id="39051">Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]</string>
<string id="39052">Synchronizace na pozadí</string>
<string id="39052">Background Sync</string>
<string id="39053">Plná synchronizace každých x minut</string>
<string id="39053">Do a full library sync every x minutes</string>
<string id="39054">vzdálené</string>
<string id="39054">remote</string>
<string id="39055">Vyhledávám Plex servery</string>
<string id="39055">Searching for Plex Server</string>
<string id="39056">Použito při synchronizaci a při pokusu o přímé přehrávání</string>
<string id="39056">Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play</string>
<string id="39057">Přizpůsobit cesty</string>
<string id="39057">Customize Paths</string>
<string id="39058">Rozšířit seriály na obrazovce "Aktuální" na všechny seriály</string>
<string id="39058">Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows</string>
<string id="39059">Naposledy přidané: Připojit název seriálu k epizodě</string>
<string id="39059">Recently Added: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39060">Naposledy přidané: Připojit číslo sezóny a epizody ve formátu SxxExx</string>
<string id="39060">Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39061">Chcete na pozadí stahovat další obrázky z FanArtTV?</string>
<string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?</string>
<string id="39062">Synchronizovat při vypnutém šetřiči obrazovky</string>
<string id="39062">Sync when screensaver is deactivated</string>
<string id="39063">Vynutit překódování Hi10P</string>
<string id="39063">Force Transcode Hi10P</string>
<string id="39064">Naposledy přidané: Zobrazovat také shlédnuté epizody</string>
<string id="39064">Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes</string>
<string id="39066">Naposledy přidané: Zobrazovat také už shlédnuté filmy (Obnovte playlisty Plexu!)</string>
<string id="39066">Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)</string>
<string id="39067">Váš současný Plex Media Server:</string>
<string id="39067">Your current Plex Media Server:</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Ručně zadat adresu Plex Media Serveru[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39069">Současná adresa:</string>
<string id="39069">Current address:</string>
<string id="39070">Současný port:</string>
<string id="39070">Current port:</string>
<string id="39071">Současný stav</string>
<string id="39071">Current status:</string>
<string id="39072">Je Kodi nainstalován na málo výkonném zařízení jako např. Raspberry Pi? Pokud ano, tímto snížíte zátěž Kodi a zabráníte jeho pádům.</string>
<string id="39072">Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.</string>
<string id="39073">Vzhled</string>
<string id="39073">Appearance Tweaks</string>
<string id="39074">Seriály</string>
<string id="39074">TV Shows</string>
<string id="39075">Vždy použít výchozí titulky Plexu, pokud je to možné</string>
<string id="39075">Always use default Plex subtitle if possible</string>
<string id="39076">Pokud máte několik knihoven jednoho druhu, např. "Filmy pro děti" a "Ostatní filmy", přečtěte si prosím následující stráku na Wiki:</string>
<string id="39076">If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki:</string>
<string id="39077">Počet položek pro zobrazení ve widgetech (např. "Aktuální")</string>
<string id="39077">Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")</string>
<string id="39078">Port aktualizace Plex Companion (změňte pouze pokud je nutné)</string>
<string id="39078">Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion nemůže otevřít GDM port. Prosím změňte ho v nastavení PKC.</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39200">Odhlásit uživatele Plex Home </string>
<string id="39200">Log-out Plex Home User </string>
<string id="39201">Nastavení</string>
<string id="39201">Settings</string>
<string id="39202">Přihlášení k síti</string>
<string id="39202">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39203">Obnovit playlisty Plexu</string>
<string id="39203">Refresh Plex playlists/nodes</string>
<string id="39204">Provést ruční synchronizaci knihovny</string>
<string id="39204">Perform manual library sync</string>
<string id="39205">Nemohu provést synchronizaci, doplněk není připojen k Plex serveru.</string>
<string id="39205">Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.</string>
<string id="39206">Při mnoha neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení vám Plex může zakázat účet. Pokračovat?</string>
<string id="39206">Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?</string>
<string id="39207">Resetuji připojení k PMS, prosím čekejte</string>
<string id="39207">Resetting PMS connections, please wait</string>
<string id="39208">Nemohu resetovat PKC. Zkuste restartovat Kodi.</string>
<string id="39208">Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow]Přepnout přihlášení k login (přihlásit nebo odhlásit)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow]Toggle login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39210">Ještě není připojen Plex Server</string>
<string id="39210">Not yet connected to Plex Server</string>
<string id="39211">Shlédnout později</string>
<string id="39211">Watch later</string>
<string id="39213">je offline</string>
<string id="39213">is offline</string>
<string id="39214">I když jsme přihlášeni k, nemůžeme provést autorizaci na PMS</string>
<string id="39214">Even though we signed in to, we could not authorize for PMS</string>
<string id="39215">Zadejte IP adresu nebo URL vašeho Plex Media Serveru. Např.:</string>
<string id="39215">Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:</string>
<string id="39217">Podporuje Váš Plex Media Server připojení přes SSL? (https místo http)?</string>
<string id="39217">Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?</string>
<string id="39218">Chyba při kontaktování PMS</string>
<string id="39218">Error contacting PMS</string>
<string id="39219">Přerušit (Ano) nebo přesto uložit adresu (Ne)?</string>
<string id="39219">Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?</string>
<string id="39220">připojen</string>
<string id="39220">connected</string>
<string id="39221">přepnutí úspěšné</string>
<string id="39221"> toggle successful</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Teď vyhledat chybějící obrázky na FanartTV[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39223">Pouze vyhledat chybějící obrázky, nebo obnovit všechny? Skenování bude nějakou chvíli trvat a proběhne na pozadí.</string>
<string id="39223">Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.</string>
<string id="39224">Obnovit vše</string>
<string id="39224">Refresh all</string>
<string id="39225">Pouze chybějící</string>
<string id="39225">Missing only</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39250">Spuštění ukládání obrázků do mezipaměti bude nějakou chvíli trvat a proběhne na pozadí. Chcete pokračovat?</string>
<string id="39250">Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?</string>
<string id="39251">Provést nejdříve reset existujících dat v mezipaměti?</string>
<string id="39251">Reset all existing cache data first?</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39300">: Zadejte uživatelské jméno Pro zrušení nezadávejte nic.</string>
<string id="39300">: Enter username. Or nothing to cancel.</string>
<string id="39301">Zadejte heslo pro uživatele </string>
<string id="39301">Enter password for user </string>
<string id="39302">Nemohu přihlásit uživatele </string>
<string id="39302">Could not sign in user </string>
<string id="39303">Při kontaktování se vyskytla chyba. Zkuste to prosím později</string>
<string id="39303">Problems trying to contact Try again later</string>
<string id="39304">Přejděte na adresu a zadejte kód: </string>
<string id="39304">Go to and enter the code: </string>
<string id="39305">Nemohu se přihlásit na Zkuste to prosím později</string>
<string id="39305">Could not sign in to Try again later</string>
<string id="39306">: Vyberte uživatele</string>
<string id="39306">: Select User</string>
<string id="39307">Zadejte pin pro uživatele </string>
<string id="39307">Enter PIN for user </string>
<string id="39308">Nemohu přihlásit uživatele </string>
<string id="39308">Could not log in user </string>
<string id="39309">Zkuste to prosím znovu.</string>
<string id="39309">Please try again.</string>
<string id="39310">neznámý</string>
<string id="39310">unknown</string>
<string id="39311">nebo zvolte Ne pro zrušení.</string>
<string id="39311">or press No to not sign in.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39400">Synchronizační vlákno knihovny spadlo. Měli byste nyní restartovat Kodi. Prosím nahlašte tuto chybu do fóra</string>
<string id="39400">Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum</string>
<string id="39401">Zjištěná databáze Kodi musí být v této verzi znovu vytvořena. Toto může chvíli trvat. Pokračovat?</string>
<string id="39401">Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?</string>
<string id="39402"> nemusí fungovat správně dokud neprovedete reset databáze.</string>
<string id="39402"> may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="39403">Ruším synchronizaci databáze. Tato verze Kodi není podporována. Pro více informací se podívejte do záznamů.</string>
<string id="39403">Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.</string>
<string id="39404">Synchronizace při startu opakovaně selhala. Zkuste restartovat Kodi. Prozatím zastavuji synchronizaci.</string>
<string id="39404">Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.</string>
<string id="39405">Plex playlisty obnoveny</string>
<string id="39405">Plex playlists/nodes refreshed</string>
<string id="39406">Nemohu obnovit Plex playlisty</string>
<string id="39406">Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed</string>
<string id="39407">Plná synchronizace knihovny dokončena</string>
<string id="39407">Full library sync finished</string>
<string id="39408">Synchronizace musela přeskočit některé položky, protože nemohly být zpracovány. Kodi teď může být nestabilní!! Prosím zveřejněte záznamy ve fóru.</string>
<string id="39408">Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.</string>
<string id="39409">Plex Serveru se nelíbilo, že po něm chcete moc dat a vrátil CHYBY. Zkuste snížit počet synchronizačních vláken v nastavení. Některé položky byly přeskočeny.</string>
<string id="39409">The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.</string>
<string id="39410">CHYBA při synchronizaci knihovny</string>
<string id="39410">ERROR in library sync</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39500">Aktuální</string>
<string id="39500">On Deck</string>
<string id="39501">Kolekce</string>
<string id="39501">Collections</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39600">Opravdu chcete resetovat místní databázi Kodi? Opětovná synchronizace dat z Plexu si vyžádá čas později.</string>
<string id="39600">Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.</string>
<string id="39601">Nemohu zastavit běh databáze. Prosím zkuste to později.</string>
<string id="39601">Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.</string>
<string id="39602">Odstranit všechny obrázky v mezipaměti? (doporučuje se!)</string>
<string id="39602">Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)</string>
<string id="39603">Obnovit všechna nastavení doplňku PlexKodiConnect? (to obvykle není vhodné a je to zbytečné!)</string>
<string id="39603">Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,241 +275,242 @@
<string id="30413">Plex Kontextmenü in Kodi aktivieren</string>
<string id="30413">Plex Kontextmenü in Kodi aktivieren</string>
<string id="30414">Konnte das Element nicht löschen. Ist diese Option auf dem Plex Medien Server aktiviert?</string>
<string id="30414">Konnte das Element nicht löschen. Ist diese Option auf dem Plex Medien Server aktiviert?</string>
<string id="30415">Wiedergabe via PMS starten</string>
<string id="30415">Wiedergabe via PMS starten</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Host SSL Zertifikat überprüfen (sicherer)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30501">Client SSL-Zertifikat</string>
<string id="30501">Client SSL certificate</string>
<string id="30502">Alternative Adresse verwenden</string>
<string id="30502">Use alternate address</string>
<string id="30503">Alternative Serveradresse</string>
<string id="30503">Alternate Server Address</string>
<string id="30504">Benutzerdefinierten Gerätenamen verwenden</string>
<string id="30504">Use alternate device Name</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Anzahl Login-Versuche zurücksetzen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30506">Synchronisations-Optionen</string>
<string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
<string id="30507">Synchronisations-Fortschritt anzeigen</string>
<string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
<string id="30508">Leere Serien synchronisieren</string>
<string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
<string id="30509">Musikbibliothek aktivieren</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
<string id="30510">Musikbibliothek Direct Stream</string>
<string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
<string id="30511">Wiedergabemodus</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="30512">Zwischenspeichern von PMS Bildern erzwingen</string>
<string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
<string id="30513">Limitiere Threads zur Bildsynchronisation (empfohlen für Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
<string id="30514">Schnelles Starten aktivieren (Serverplugin nötig)</string>
<string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
<string id="30515">Max. Anzahl gleichzeitig anzufragender PMS Einträge</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
<string id="30516">Wiedergabe</string>
<string id="30516">Playback</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Netzwerk-Anmeldeinformationen eingeben[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30518">Plex-Trailer aktivieren (Plexpass erforderlich)</string>
<string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
<string id="30519">Nachfragen, ob Trailer abgespielt werden sollen</string>
<string id="30519">Ask to play trailers</string>
<string id="30520">Sicherheitsabfrage bei Löschen eines Plex Elements deaktivieren (Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr)</string>
<string id="30520">Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)</string>
<string id="30521">Bei Wiederaufnahme zurückspulen (in Sekunden)</string>
<string id="30521">Jump back on resume (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30522">h265/HEVC Codec Transkodierung erzwingen</string>
<string id="30522">Force transcode h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30523">Musik-Metadaten Einstellungen (nicht mit Direct Stream kompatibel)</string>
<string id="30523">Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)</string>
<string id="30524">Musik Songbewertungen direkt von Datei importieren</string>
<string id="30524">Import music song rating directly from files</string>
<string id="30525">Musik-Songbewertung zu Emby Bewertung umwandeln</string>
<string id="30525">Convert music song rating to Emby rating</string>
<string id="30526">Aktualisieren der Songbewertungen in Dateien erlauben</string>
<string id="30526">Allow rating in song files to be updated</string>
<string id="30527">Extras ignorieren, wenn nächste Episode abgespielt wird</string>
<string id="30527">Ignore specials in next episodes</string>
<string id="30528">Benutzer, welche ständig zur Sitzung hinzugefügt werden</string>
<string id="30528">Permanent users to add to the session</string>
<string id="30529">Startverzögerung (in Sekunden)</string>
<string id="30529">Startup delay (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30530">Server Neustartmeldung aktivieren</string>
<string id="30530">Enable server restart message</string>
<string id="30531">Benachrichtigung bei neuen Inhalten aktivieren</string>
<string id="30531">Enable new content notification</string>
<string id="30532">Anzeigedauer für Video-Bibliothek Benachrichtungen (Sekunden)</string>
<string id="30532">Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30533">Anzeigedauer für Musik-Bibliothek Benachrichtungen (Sekunden)</string>
<string id="30533">Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30534">Server-Meldungen</string>
<string id="30534">Server messages</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Neue einzigartige Geräte-ID generieren (z.B. wenn Kodi geklont wurde)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30536">Benutzer müssen sich bei jedem Kodi-Neustart anmelden</string>
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">BEI ÄNDERUNGEN KODI NEU STARTEN</string>
<string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
<string id="30538">Komplette Neu-Synchronisierung nötig</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<string id="30539">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV herunterladen</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">FanArtTV Bilder für Film-Sets/Collections herunterladen</string>
<string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30541">Nicht nachfragen, welcher Stream oder Qualität gespielt werden soll</string>
<string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
<string id="30542">Trailer immer in der besten Qualität abspielen</string>
<string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi läuft auf langsamer Hardware (z.B. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30545">Bilder immer transkodieren</string>
<string id="30545">Force transcode pictures</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Willkommen</string>
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
<string id="33001">Verbindungsaufbau fehlgeschlagen</string>
<string id="33001">Error connecting</string>
<string id="33002">Server nicht erreichbar</string>
<string id="33002">Server is unreachable</string>
<string id="33003">Server ist online</string>
<string id="33003">Server is online</string>
<string id="33004">Einträge zur Wiedergabeliste hinzugefügt</string>
<string id="33004">items added to playlist</string>
<string id="33005">Einträge zur Warteschlange hinzugefügt</string>
<string id="33005">items queued to playlist</string>
<string id="33006">Server wird neu gestartet</string>
<string id="33006">Server is restarting</string>
<string id="33007">Zugriff gewährt</string>
<string id="33007">Access is enabled</string>
<string id="33008">Passwort eingeben für Benutzer:</string>
<string id="33008">Enter password for user:</string>
<string id="33009">Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort</string>
<string id="33009">Invalid username or password</string>
<string id="33010">Plex Media Server Authorisierung ist zu häufig fehlgeschlagen. In den Einstellungen können die Anzahl erfolgloser Versuche zurückgesetzt werden.</string>
<string id="33010">Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.</string>
<string id="33011">Kann nicht per Direct Play abspielen</string>
<string id="33011">Unable to direct play</string>
<string id="33012">Direct Play 3x fehlgeschlagen. Abspielen via HTTP aktiviert.</string>
<string id="33012">Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.</string>
<string id="33013">Audiospur auswählen</string>
<string id="33013">Choose the audio stream</string>
<string id="33014">Untertitel auswählen</string>
<string id="33014">Choose the subtitles stream</string>
<string id="33015">Datei vom Embyserver löschen?</string>
<string id="33015">Delete file from your Emby server?</string>
<string id="33016">Trailer abspielen?</string>
<string id="33016">Play trailers?</string>
<string id="33017">Filme zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33017">Gathering movies from:</string>
<string id="33018">Kollektionen zusammenstellen aus</string>
<string id="33018">Gathering boxsets</string>
<string id="33019">Musikvideos zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33019">Gathering music videos from:</string>
<string id="33020">Serien zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33020">Gathering tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33021">Zusammenstellen:</string>
<string id="33021">Gathering:</string>
<string id="33022">Die Datenbank muss für diese Version von PlexKodiConnect neu erstellt werden. Weiterfahren?</string>
<string id="33022">Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?</string>
<string id="33023">PlexKodiConnect wird möglichweise nicht korrekt funktioneren, bis die Datenbank zurückgesetzt wurde.</string>
<string id="33023">Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="33024">Abbruch der Datenbank Synchronisierung. Die aktuelle Kodi-Version wird nicht unterstützt.</string>
<string id="33024">Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.</string>
<string id="33025">fertiggestellt in:</string>
<string id="33025">completed in:</string>
<string id="33026">Filme zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33026">Comparing movies from:</string>
<string id="33027">Kollektionen zusammenstellen aus</string>
<string id="33027">Comparing boxsets</string>
<string id="33028">Musikvideos zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33028">Comparing music videos from:</string>
<string id="33029">Serien zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33029">Comparing tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33030">Episoden zusammenstellen aus:</string>
<string id="33030">Comparing episodes from:</string>
<string id="33031">Vergleiche:</string>
<string id="33031">Comparing:</string>
<string id="33032">Neue Geräte-ID konnte nicht erstellt werden. Die Logdatei enthält mehr Informationen.</string>
<string id="33032">Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi wird jetzt neu gestartet, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.</string>
<string id="33041">Eintrag vom Plex Server löschen? Dies wird die Datei(en) auch endgültig von der Festplatte löschen!</string>
<string id="33041">Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!</string>
<!-- New to Plex -->
<!-- New to Plex -->
<string id="39000">-Anzahl abzuspielender Trailer vor Filmstart</string>
<string id="39000">- Number of trailers to play before a movie</string>
<string id="39001">Audio-Verstärkung (Audio Boost) bei Transkodierung</string>
<string id="39001">Boost audio when transcoding</string>
<string id="39002">Größe der eingebrannten Untertitel</string>
<string id="39002">Burnt-in subtitle size</string>
<string id="39003">Anzahl Download Sync Threads beschränken (Empfehlung RPI: 1)</string>
<string id="39003">Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39004">Plex Companion aktivieren (Kodi neu starten!)</string>
<string id="39004">Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (nur bei Bedarf ändern)</string>
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39006">Plex Companion debug log aktivieren</string>
<string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
<string id="39007">Plex Companion GDM debug log aktivieren</string>
<string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Spiele Inhalte von anderen Plex Geräten ab</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39009"> Login fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.</string>
<string id="39009">Could not login to Please try signing in again.</string>
<string id="39010">Netzwerk-Verbindungsprobleme für Funktionieren Netzwerk und/oder Internet?</string>
<string id="39010">Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?</string>
<string id="39011">Konnte keine Plex Server im Netzwerk finden. Abbruch...</string>
<string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
<string id="39012">Plex Server auswählen</string>
<string id="39012">Choose your Plex server</string>
<string id="39013">Noch nicht authorisiert für Plex Server </string>
<string id="39013">Not yet authorized for Plex server </string>
<string id="39014">Bitte loggen Sie sich bei ein.</string>
<string id="39014">Please sign in to</string>
<string id="39015">Beim Verbinden mit dem Server sind Probleme aufgetreten. Bei einem anderen Server erneut versuchen?</string>
<string id="39015">Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?</string>
<string id="39016">Plex Musik Bibliotheken deaktivieren? (Es wird dringend empfohlen, Musik bei grossen Bibliotheken nur mit "Direct Paths" zu nutzen. Kodi könnte ansonsten abstürzen)</string>
<string id="39016">Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)</string>
<string id="39017">Möchten Sie nun die Einstellungen des Plugins öffnen? Kodi muss anschliessend neu gestartet werden!</string>
<string id="39017">Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Lokale Datenbank reparieren (alle Einträge aktualisieren)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Datenbank und auf Wunsch PKC zurücksetzen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Alle Plex Bilder jetzt in Kodi zwischenspeichern[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Plex Themes zu Kodi synchronisieren[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">lokal</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39023">Plex Media Server Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie sich bei eingeloggt?</string>
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
<string id="39025">Automatisch beim Starten bei einloggen</string>
<string id="39025">Automatically log into on startup</string>
<string id="39026">Laufende Synchronisierung im Hintergrund aktivieren</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Modus</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="39028">WARNUNG! Mit dem "Native" Modus verlieren Sie Zugang zu Plex Funktionen wie z.B. Trailer und Transkodieren. ALLE Plex Bibliotheken müssen über direkte Plex Pfade für Kodi zugänglich sein (z.B. via \\meinNas\MeinFilm.mkv oder smb://meinNas/MeinFilm.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Netzwerk-Anmeldeinformationen</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39030">Möchten Sie nun Netzwerk Zugangsdaten eingeben? Wenn Sie diesen Schritt überspringen, wird möglicherweise die Synchronisierung Ihrer Bibliothek fehlschlagen, wenn Kodi nicht auf Ihre Medien zugreifen kann.</string>
<string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
<string id="39031">Kodi kann die folgende Datei nicht finden: </string>
<string id="39031">Kodi can't locate file: </string>
<string id="39032">Bitte verifizieren Sie den Pfad. Möglichweise müssen Sie in den Addon Einstellungen die Netzwerk-Anmeldeinformationen korrekt eingeben, oder Plex muss andere Pfade nutzen. Soll die Synchronisation gestoppt werden?</string>
<string id="39032">Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?</string>
<string id="39033">Sollen alle Plex UNC Pfade \\meinNAS\meinFilm.mkv automatisch durch SMB Pfade smb://meinNAS/meinFilm.mkv ersetzt werden? (empfohlen)</string>
<string id="39033">Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
<string id="39034">Plex UNC Pfade \\meinNAS durch smb://meinNAS ersetzen</string>
<string id="39034">Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas</string>
<string id="39035">Benutzerdefinierte smb Pfade für z.B. /volume1/media erstellen</string>
<string id="39035">Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
<string id="39037">Ursprünglicher Plex Pfad für FILME:</string>
<string id="39037">Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:</string>
<string id="39038">Plex FILM Pfade ersetzen durch:</string>
<string id="39038">Replace Plex MOVIE with:</string>
<string id="39039">Ursprünglicher Plex Pfad für TV SERIEN:</string>
<string id="39039">Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:</string>
<string id="39040">Plex TV SERIEN Pfade ersetzen durch:</string>
<string id="39040">Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:</string>
<string id="39041">Ursprünglicher Plex Pfad für MUSIK:</string>
<string id="39041">Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:</string>
<string id="39042">Plex MUSIK Pfade ersetzen durch:</string>
<string id="39042">Replace Plex MUSIC with:</string>
<string id="39043">Sollen sogar sämtliche Plex Pfade wie /volume1/Hans/medien durch benutzerdefinierte smb Pfade wie smb://NAS/Filme ersetzt werden?</string>
<string id="39043">Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
<string id="39044">Bitte benutzerdefinierte SMB Pfade nun in den Einstellungen unter Sync Optionen eingeben. Danach Kodi neu starten</string>
<string id="39044">Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi</string>
<string id="39045">Ursprünglicher Plex Pfad für PHOTOS:</string>
<string id="39045">Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:</string>
<string id="39046">Plex PHOTO Pfade ersetzen durch:</string>
<string id="39046">Replace Plex PHOTO with:</string>
<string id="39047">"Aktuell": Serien- an Episoden-Titel anfügen</string>
<string id="39047">On Deck: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39048">"Aktuell": Staffel und Episode anfügen, SxxExx</string>
<string id="39048">On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39049">Nichts funktioniert? Setze mal alles zurück!</string>
<string id="39049">Nothing works? Try a full reset!</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Plex Server aus Liste auswählen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39051">Warten bevor neue/geänderte PMS Einträge gesynct werden [s]</string>
<string id="39051">Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]</string>
<string id="39052">Hintergrund-Synchronisation</string>
<string id="39052">Background Sync</string>
<string id="39053">Kompletten Scan (full sync) alle x Minuten durchführen</string>
<string id="39053">Do a full library sync every x minutes</string>
<string id="39054">remote</string>
<string id="39054">remote</string>
<string id="39055">Suche Plex Server</string>
<string id="39055">Searching for Plex Server</string>
<string id="39056">Verwendet für Synchronisierung sowie beim Versuch, Direct Play zu nutzen</string>
<string id="39056">Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play</string>
<string id="39057">Pfade ändern</string>
<string id="39057">Customize Paths</string>
<string id="39058">Standard Plex Ansicht "Aktuell" auf alle TV Shows erweitern</string>
<string id="39058">Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows</string>
<string id="39059">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": Serien- an Episoden-Titel anfügen</string>
<string id="39059">Recently Added: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39060">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": Staffel und Episode anfügen, SxxExx</string>
<string id="39060">Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39061">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV im Hintergrund herunterladen?</string>
<string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?</string>
<string id="39062">Sync wenn Bildschirmschoner deaktiviert wird</string>
<string id="39062">Sync when screensaver is deactivated</string>
<string id="39063">Hi10p Codec Transkodierung erzwingen</string>
<string id="39063">Force Transcode Hi10P</string>
<string id="39064">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": gesehene Episoden anzeigen</string>
<string id="39064">Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes</string>
<string id="39066">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": gesehene Filme anzeigen (Plex Playlisten und Nodes zurücksetzen!)</string>
<string id="39066">Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)</string>
<string id="39067">Aktueller Plex Media Server:</string>
<string id="39067">Your current Plex Media Server:</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Plex Media Server Adresse manuell eingeben[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39069">Aktuelle Adresse:</string>
<string id="39069">Current address:</string>
<string id="39070">Aktueller Port:</string>
<string id="39070">Current port:</string>
<string id="39071">Aktueller Status:</string>
<string id="39071">Current status:</string>
<string id="39072">Läuft Kodi auf einem Raspberry Pi oder ähnlichem Gerät mit äusserst wenig Rechenleistung? Falls ja, wird die Rechenlast reduziert, damit Kodi nicht abstürzt.</string>
<string id="39072">Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.</string>
<string id="39073">Erscheinungs-Tweaks</string>
<string id="39073">Appearance Tweaks</string>
<string id="39074">Serien</string>
<string id="39074">TV Shows</string>
<string id="39075">Falls möglich, Plex Standard-Untertitel anzeigen</string>
<string id="39075">Always use default Plex subtitle if possible</string>
<string id="39076">Falls du mehrere Plex Bibliotheken einer Art nutzt, z.B. "Filme Kinder" und "Filme Eltern", lies unbedingt das Wiki unter</string>
<string id="39076">If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki:</string>
<string id="39077">Anzahl anzuzeigender PMS Einträge in Widgets (z.B. "Aktuell")</string>
<string id="39077">Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")</string>
<string id="39078">Plex Companion Update Port (nur bei Bedarf ändern)</string>
<string id="39078">Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion konnte den Update Port nicht öffnen. Bitte den Port in den PKC Einstellungen ändern.</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39200">Plex Home Benutzer abmelden: </string>
<string id="39200">Log-out Plex Home User </string>
<string id="39201">Einstellungen</string>
<string id="39201">Settings</string>
<string id="39202">Netzwerk-Anmeldeinformationen</string>
<string id="39202">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39203">Plex Playlisten und Video Nodes aktualisieren</string>
<string id="39203">Refresh Plex playlists/nodes</string>
<string id="39204">Manuellen Scan der Plex Bibliotheken starten</string>
<string id="39204">Perform manual library sync</string>
<string id="39205">Plex Bibliothek kann nicht gescannt werden, da keine Verbindung mit einem Plex Server besteht.</string>
<string id="39205">Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.</string>
<string id="39206">Der Plex-Benutzer könnte möglicherweise gesperrt werden, wenn zu viele erfolglose Anmeldungen erfolgen. Trotzdem fortfahren?</string>
<string id="39206">Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?</string>
<string id="39207">PMS Verbindungen werden zurückgesetzt</string>
<string id="39207">Resetting PMS connections, please wait</string>
<string id="39208">PKC konnte nicht zurückgesetzt werden. Bitte Kodi neu starten, um das Problem zu beheben.</string>
<string id="39208">Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow] Login wechseln (ein- resp. ausloggen)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow]Toggle login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39210">Noch nicht mit Plex Server verbunden</string>
<string id="39210">Not yet connected to Plex Server</string>
<string id="39211">Später ansehen</string>
<string id="39211">Watch later</string>
<string id="39213">ist offline</string>
<string id="39213">is offline</string>
<string id="39214">Obwohl mit verbunden, konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden mit</string>
<string id="39214">Even though we signed in to, we could not authorize for PMS</string>
<string id="39215">Plex Media Server IP oder URL eingeben. Zum Beispiel:</string>
<string id="39215">Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:</string>
<string id="39217">Unterstützt der Plex Media Server sichere SSL Verbindungen (https anstelle von http)?</string>
<string id="39217">Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?</string>
<string id="39218">Error beim Verbinden mit PMS</string>
<string id="39218">Error contacting PMS</string>
<string id="39219">Abbrechen (Ja) oder PMS Adresse trotzdem speichern (Nein)?</string>
<string id="39219">Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?</string>
<string id="39220">verbunden</string>
<string id="39220">connected</string>
<string id="39221"> Wechsel OK</string>
<string id="39221"> toggle successful</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Jetzt zusätzliche Bilder auf FanartTV suchen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39223">Nur nach fehlenden Bildern suchen oder sämtliche Bilder erneut herunterladen? Die Suche wird lange dauern und komplett im Hintergrund stattfinden.</string>
<string id="39223">Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.</string>
<string id="39224">Alle aktualisieren</string>
<string id="39224">Refresh all</string>
<string id="39225">Nur fehlende</string>
<string id="39225">Missing only</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39250">Alle Plex Bilder in Kodi zwischenzuspeichern kann lange dauern. Es wird im Hintergrund stattfinden. Wirklich fortfahren?</string>
<string id="39250">Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?</string>
<string id="39251">Sollen erst alle bestehenden Bilder im Cache gelöscht werden?</string>
<string id="39251">Reset all existing cache data first?</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39300">: Benutzernamen eingeben. Oder nichts, um abzubrechen.</string>
<string id="39300">: Enter username. Or nothing to cancel.</string>
<string id="39301">Passwort eingeben für Benutzer </string>
<string id="39301">Enter password for user </string>
<string id="39302">Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen für Benutzer </string>
<string id="39302">Could not sign in user </string>
<string id="39303">Probleme beim Verbinden mit Bitte später erneut versuchen</string>
<string id="39303">Problems trying to contact Try again later</string>
<string id="39304"> besuchen und den folgenden Code eingeben: </string>
<string id="39304">Go to and enter the code: </string>
<string id="39305">Anmeldung bei fehlgeschlagen. Bitte später erneut versuchen</string>
<string id="39305">Could not sign in to Try again later</string>
<string id="39306">: Benutzer auswählen</string>
<string id="39306">: Select User</string>
<string id="39307">PIN eingeben für Benutzer </string>
<string id="39307">Enter PIN for user </string>
<string id="39308">Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen für Benutzer </string>
<string id="39308">Could not log in user </string>
<string id="39309">Bitte erneut versuchen.</string>
<string id="39309">Please try again.</string>
<string id="39310">unbekannt</string>
<string id="39310">unknown</string>
<string id="39311">oder Nein drücken, um nicht bei anzumelden.</string>
<string id="39311">or press No to not sign in.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39400">Die Synchronisierung der Plex Bibliotheken ist abgestürzt. Bitte Kodi neu starten. Danke, wenn Sie sich die Zeit nehmen und im Plex Forum vom Absturz berichten</string>
<string id="39400">Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum</string>
<string id="39401">Die Kodi Datenbank muss neu kreiert werden für diese Version. Das kann eine Weile dauern. Fortfahren?</string>
<string id="39401">Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?</string>
<string id="39402"> funktioniert möglicherweise nicht richtig, bis die Kodi Datenbank zurückgesetzt worden ist.</string>
<string id="39402"> may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="39403">Synchronisierung der Plex Bibliotheken wird abgebrochen. Die momentane Kodi Version wird nicht unterstützt. Für weitere Informationen bitte das Kodi Log konsultieren.</string>
<string id="39403">Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.</string>
<string id="39404">Der Synchronisations-Prozess der Plex Bibliotheken beim Start ist mehrmals fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Kodi neu starten. Synch wird jetzt gestoppt.</string>
<string id="39404">Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.</string>
<string id="39405">Plex Wiedergabelisten/Video Nodes aktualisiert</string>
<string id="39405">Plex playlists/nodes refreshed</string>
<string id="39406">Aktualisierung der Wiedergabelisten/Video Nodes fehlgeschlagen</string>
<string id="39406">Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed</string>
<string id="39407">Alle Plex Bibliotheken aktualisiert</string>
<string id="39407">Full library sync finished</string>
<string id="39408">Einige Plex Einträge mussten übersprungen werden, da sie nicht verarbeitet werden konnten. Kodi ist nun möglicherweise instabil!! Bitte teilen Sie Ihr Kodi log im Plex Forum.</string>
<string id="39408">Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.</string>
<string id="39409">Der Plex Server war überfordert und hat mit ERROR reagiert. Versuchen Sie, in den PKC Optionen die Download Sync Threads Anzahl zu reduzieren. Ein paar Plex Elemente wurden übersprungen.</string>
<string id="39409">The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.</string>
<string id="39410">Synchronisierungs-ERROR</string>
<string id="39410">ERROR in library sync</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39500">Aktuell</string>
<string id="39500">On Deck</string>
<string id="39501">Kollektionen</string>
<string id="39501">Collections</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39600">Wirklich die lokale Kodi Datenbank zurücksetzen? Die anschliessende Synchronisation der Plex-Daten benötigt Zeit.</string>
<string id="39600">Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.</string>
<string id="39601">Kodi Datenbank konnte nicht gestoppt werden. Bitte später erneut versuchen.</string>
<string id="39601">Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.</string>
<string id="39602">Alle zwischengespeicherten Bilder löschen? (empfohlen!)</string>
<string id="39602">Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)</string>
<string id="39603">Alle PlexKodiConnect Einstellungen zurücksetzen? (normalerweise NICHT empfohlen und nicht nötig!)</string>
<string id="39603">Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,123 +275,124 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Non riesco a cancellare l'elemento di Plex. La cancellazione degli elementi è abilitata sul PMS?</string>
<string id="30414">Non riesco a cancellare l'elemento di Plex. La cancellazione degli elementi è abilitata sul PMS?</string>
<string id="30415">Inizia riproduzione via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Inizia riproduzione via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verifica certificato SSL Host (più sicuro)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30501">Certificato SSL Client</string>
<string id="30501">Client SSL certificate</string>
<string id="30502">Usa indirizzo alternativo</string>
<string id="30502">Use alternate address</string>
<string id="30503">Indirizzo alternativo server</string>
<string id="30503">Alternate Server Address</string>
<string id="30504">Usa nome dispositivo alternativo</string>
<string id="30504">Use alternate device Name</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Resetta tentativi di accesso[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30506">Opzioni di sincronizzazione</string>
<string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
<string id="30507">Mostra progresso di sincronizzazione</string>
<string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
<string id="30508">Mostra Serie TV vuote</string>
<string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
<string id="30509">Abilita libreria musicale</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
<string id="30510">Riproduzione diretta libreria musicale</string>
<string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
<string id="30511">Modalità di riproduzione</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="30512">Forza caching delle artwork</string>
<string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
<string id="30513">Limita thread di cachin delle artwork (raccomandato per rpi)</string>
<string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
<string id="30514">Abilita avvio veloce (richiede plugin sul server)</string>
<string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
<string id="30515">Numero massimo di elementi da richiedere in una volta al server</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
<string id="30516">Riproduzione</string>
<string id="30516">Playback</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Inserisci credenziali di rete[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30518">Abilita trailers Plex (richiede PlexPass)</string>
<string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
<string id="30519">Richiedi di riprodurre trailers</string>
<string id="30519">Ask to play trailers</string>
<string id="30520">Salta richiesta di conferma cancellazione per il menu contestuale (usala a tuo rischio)</string>
<string id="30520">Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)</string>
<string id="30521">Anticipo su riprendi riproduzione (in secondi)</string>
<string id="30521">Jump back on resume (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30522">Forza transcodifica h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30522">Force transcode h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30523">Opzioni metadata musicali (non compatibile con lo stream diretto)</string>
<string id="30523">Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)</string>
<string id="30524">Importa classificazione canzoni direttamente dai file</string>
<string id="30524">Import music song rating directly from files</string>
<string id="30525">Converti la classificazione delle canzoni in classificazione di Plex</string>
<string id="30525">Convert music song rating to Emby rating</string>
<string id="30526">Permetti di aggiornare la classificazione delle canzoni nei file</string>
<string id="30526">Allow rating in song files to be updated</string>
<string id="30527">Ignora gli speciali in Prossimo Episodio</string>
<string id="30527">Ignore specials in next episodes</string>
<string id="30528">Utenti permanenti da aggiungere alla sessione</string>
<string id="30528">Permanent users to add to the session</string>
<string id="30529">Ritardo avvio (in secondi)</string>
<string id="30529">Startup delay (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30530">Abilita messaggio di restart del server</string>
<string id="30530">Enable server restart message</string>
<string id="30531">Abilita notifica nuovi contenuti</string>
<string id="30531">Enable new content notification</string>
<string id="30532">Durata del pop up della libreria video (in secondi)</string>
<string id="30532">Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30533">Durata del pop up della libreria musicale (in secondi)</string>
<string id="30533">Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30534">Messaggi del server</string>
<string id="30534">Server messages</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Genera un id dispositivo univoco (es quando viene clonato Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30536">Gli utenti devono fare login ogni volta che viene avviato Kodi</string>
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">RIAVVIA KODI SE FAI QUALCHE MODIFICA</string>
<string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
<string id="30538">Ri-sincronizzazione completa necessaria</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<string id="30539">Scarica immagini aggiuntive da FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Scarica collezioni/cofanetti film da FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30541">Non chiedere di scegliere un certo stream/qualità</string>
<string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
<string id="30542">Scegli sempre qualità migliore per i trailers</string>
<string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi in esecuzione su un dispositivo a basso consumo (ex Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30545">Forza transcodifica immagini</string>
<string id="30545">Force transcode pictures</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Benvenuto</string>
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
<string id="33001">Errore di connessione</string>
<string id="33001">Error connecting</string>
<string id="33002">Il server è irraggiungibile</string>
<string id="33002">Server is unreachable</string>
<string id="33003">Il server è online</string>
<string id="33003">Server is online</string>
<string id="33004">elementi aggiunto alla playlist</string>
<string id="33004">items added to playlist</string>
<string id="33005">elementi in coda alla playlist</string>
<string id="33005">items queued to playlist</string>
<string id="33006">Il server si sta riavviando</string>
<string id="33006">Server is restarting</string>
<string id="33007">L'accesso è abilitato</string>
<string id="33007">Access is enabled</string>
<string id="33008">Inserisci la password per l'utente:</string>
<string id="33008">Enter password for user:</string>
<string id="33009">Username o password invalidi</string>
<string id="33009">Invalid username or password</string>
<string id="33010">Autenticazione fallita per troppe volte. Resettala nelle impostazioni.</string>
<string id="33010">Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.</string>
<string id="33011">Impossibile riprodurre direttamente</string>
<string id="33011">Unable to direct play</string>
<string id="33012">Riproduzione diretta fallita per 3 volte. Abilitata riproduzione da HTTP.</string>
<string id="33012">Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.</string>
<string id="33013">Scegli lo stream audio</string>
<string id="33013">Choose the audio stream</string>
<string id="33014">Scegli i sottotitoli</string>
<string id="33014">Choose the subtitles stream</string>
<string id="33015">Cancella il file dal server Plex?</string>
<string id="33015">Delete file from your Emby server?</string>
<string id="33016">Riproduci trailers?</string>
<string id="33016">Play trailers?</string>
<string id="33017">Ottenimento film da:</string>
<string id="33017">Gathering movies from:</string>
<string id="33018">Ottenimento cofanetti</string>
<string id="33018">Gathering boxsets</string>
<string id="33019">Ottenimento video musicali da:</string>
<string id="33019">Gathering music videos from:</string>
<string id="33020">Ottenimento serie tv da:</string>
<string id="33020">Gathering tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33021">Ottenimento:</string>
<string id="33021">Gathering:</string>
<string id="33022">Il database deve essere ricreato per questa versione di PlexKodiConnect. Procedere?</string>
<string id="33022">Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?</string>
<string id="33023">PlexKodiConnect potrebbe non funzionare correttamente finché non viene resettato il database.</string>
<string id="33023">Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="33024">Processo di cancellazione del database di sincronizzazione. La versione corrente di Kodi non è supportata.</string>
<string id="33024">Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.</string>
<string id="33025">completato in:</string>
<string id="33025">completed in:</string>
<string id="33026">Confronto film da:</string>
<string id="33026">Comparing movies from:</string>
<string id="33027">Confronto cofanetti</string>
<string id="33027">Comparing boxsets</string>
<string id="33028">Confronto video musicali da:</string>
<string id="33028">Comparing music videos from:</string>
<string id="33029">Confronto serie tv da:</string>
<string id="33029">Comparing tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33030">Confronto episodi da:</string>
<string id="33030">Comparing episodes from:</string>
<string id="33031">Confronto:</string>
<string id="33031">Comparing:</string>
<string id="33032">Generazione nuovo id dispositivo fallita. Guarda il log per maggiori informazioni.</string>
<string id="33032">Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi sarà riavviato per applicare le modifiche.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.</string>
<string id="33041">Cancellare i(l) file dal Server Plex? Questo cancellerà i(l) file dal disco!</string>
<string id="33041">Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!</string>
<!-- New to Plex -->
<!-- New to Plex -->
<string id="39000">- Numero di trailer da riprodurre prima di un film</string>
<string id="39000">- Number of trailers to play before a movie</string>
<string id="39001">Aumenta audio con transcodifica</string>
<string id="39001">Boost audio when transcoding</string>
<string id="39002">Dimensione sottotitoli in sovraimpressione</string>
<string id="39002">Burnt-in subtitle size</string>
<string id="39003">Limita thread di download per la sincronizzazione (racc. per rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39003">Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39004">Abilita Plex Companion (riavvia Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39004">Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39005">Porta Plex Companion (cambia solo se necessario)</string>
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39006">Attiva debug log Plex Companion</string>
<string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
<string id="39007">Attiva GDM debug log Plex Companion</string>
<string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: permetti l'esecuzione di file multimediali mediante Plex</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39009">Login a non possibile. Per favore prova ad eseguire nuovamente il login.</string>
<string id="39009">Could not login to Please try signing in again.</string>
<string id="39010">Problema di connessione a Problemi di rete o di internet?</string>
<string id="39010">Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?</string>
<string id="39011">Non riesco a trovare un server Plex nella rete. Uscita...</string>
<string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
<string id="39012">Scegli il tuo server Plex</string>
<string id="39012">Choose your Plex server</string>
<string id="39013">Ancora non autorizzato per accedere al server Plex </string>
<string id="39013">Not yet authorized for Plex server </string>
<string id="39014">Per favore, fai il login a</string>
<string id="39014">Please sign in to</string>
<string id="39015">Problemi di connessione al server. Scegliere un altro server?</string>
<string id="39015">Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?</string>
<string id="39016">Disabilita libreria musicale di Plex? (Per grandi librerie musicali, è VIVAMENTE raccomandato usare Plex music solo con i percorsi diretti. Kodi, altrimenti, potrebbe crashare)</string>
<string id="39016">Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)</string>
<string id="39017">Vuoi andare nelle impostazioni del plugin per modificare i settaggi di PKC? Avrai bisogno di RIAVVIARE Kodi!</string>
<string id="39017">Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Ripara database locale[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Reset parziale o completo di database e PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yelow]Sposta tutte le immagini nella cache delle texture di Kodi ora[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sincronizza tema di Plex a Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">locale</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39023">Autenticazione fallita. Hai fatto il login su</string>
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
<string id="39025">Login automatico su all'avvio</string>
<string id="39025">Automatically log into on startup</string>
<string id="39026">Abilita sincronizzazione in background costante</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
<string id="39027">Modalità di riproduzione</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
<string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,241 +275,242 @@
<string id="30413">Activar menú contextual de Plex en Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Activar menú contextual de Plex en Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">No se pudo eliminar el elemento de Plex. ¿Está activada la eliminación de elementos en el Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">No se pudo eliminar el elemento de Plex. ¿Está activada la eliminación de elementos en el Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Comenzar la reproducción vía PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Comenzar la reproducción vía PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Comprobar certificado SSL (más seguro)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30501">Certificado SSL de cliente</string>
<string id="30501">Client SSL certificate</string>
<string id="30502">Utilizar dirección alterna</string>
<string id="30502">Use alternate address</string>
<string id="30503">Dirección alterna del Servidor</string>
<string id="30503">Alternate Server Address</string>
<string id="30504">Utilizar nombre alterno de dispositivo</string>
<string id="30504">Use alternate device Name</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow] Restablecer intentos de inicio de sesión[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30506">Opciones de sicronización</string>
<string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
<string id="30507">Mostrar progreso de la sincronización</string>
<string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
<string id="30508">Sincronizar Series vacías</string>
<string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
<string id="30509">Activar Discoteca</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
<string id="30510">Hacer stream directo de la discoteca</string>
<string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
<string id="30511">Modo de reproducción</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="30512">Obligar caché de arte</string>
<string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
<string id="30513">Limitar hilos de caché de arte (recomendado para rpi)</string>
<string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
<string id="30514">Activar Inicio rápido (requiere plugin de servidor)</string>
<string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
<string id="30515">Cantidad máxima de elementos a pedir al servidor a la vez</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
<string id="30516">Reproducción</string>
<string id="30516">Playback</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellos] Digitar credenciales de red[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30518">Activar tráilers de Plex (es necesario PlexPass)</string>
<string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
<string id="30519">Preguntar si reporducir tráilers</string>
<string id="30519">Ask to play trailers</string>
<string id="30520">Obviar confirmación de borrado de Plex del menú contextual (utilice a su propio riesgo)</string>
<string id="30520">Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)</string>
<string id="30521">Saltar hacia atrás al reanudar (en segundos)</string>
<string id="30521">Jump back on resume (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30522">Obligar transcodificación de h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30522">Force transcode h265/HEVC</string>
<string id="30523">Opciones de metadatos de música (no compatibles con stream directo)</string>
<string id="30523">Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)</string>
<string id="30524">Importar valoración de canciones directamente de los archivos</string>
<string id="30524">Import music song rating directly from files</string>
<string id="30525">Convertir valoración de canciones a valoración Plex</string>
<string id="30525">Convert music song rating to Emby rating</string>
<string id="30526">Permitir actualización de valoración en archivos de canciones</string>
<string id="30526">Allow rating in song files to be updated</string>
<string id="30527">Ignorar especiales en próximos episodios</string>
<string id="30527">Ignore specials in next episodes</string>
<string id="30528">Usuarios permanentes para agregar a la sesión</string>
<string id="30528">Permanent users to add to the session</string>
<string id="30529">Demora de inicio (en segundos)</string>
<string id="30529">Startup delay (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30530">Activar mensaje de reinicio del servidor</string>
<string id="30530">Enable server restart message</string>
<string id="30531">Activar notificaciones de contenido nuevo</string>
<string id="30531">Enable new content notification</string>
<string id="30532">Duración de pop up de biblioteca de vídeo (en segundos)</string>
<string id="30532">Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30533">Duración de pop up de discoteca (en segundos)</string>
<string id="30533">Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)</string>
<string id="30534">Mensajes del servidor</string>
<string id="30534">Server messages</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow] Generar un nuevo id único de dispositivo (por ejemplo, al clonar Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30536">Usuario debe iniciar sesión cada vez que se reinicia Kodi</string>
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">REINICIAR KODI SI HACE CAMBIOS</string>
<string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
<string id="30538">Es necesaria una Re-Sincronización Completa</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<string id="30539">Descargar arte adicional de FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Descargar arte de sagas de FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30541">No solicitar elegir un stream o una calidad en particular</string>
<string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
<string id="30542">Escoger siempre la mejor calidad para tráilers</string>
<string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi se ejecuta en un dispositivo de baja potencia (por ejemplo Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30543">Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)</string>
<string id="30544">Arte</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30545">Obligar transcodificar fotografías</string>
<string id="30545">Force transcode pictures</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Bienvenido(a)</string>
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
<string id="33001">Error de conexión</string>
<string id="33001">Error connecting</string>
<string id="33002">El servidor no está disponible</string>
<string id="33002">Server is unreachable</string>
<string id="33003">Servidor está en línea</string>
<string id="33003">Server is online</string>
<string id="33004">elementos agregados a lista de reproducción</string>
<string id="33004">items added to playlist</string>
<string id="33005">artículos en cola en lista de reproducción</string>
<string id="33005">items queued to playlist</string>
<string id="33006">Reinicio de servidor</string>
<string id="33006">Server is restarting</string>
<string id="33007">Acceso está habilitado</string>
<string id="33007">Access is enabled</string>
<string id="33008">Escriba la contraseña para el usuario:</string>
<string id="33008">Enter password for user:</string>
<string id="33009">Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrecto</string>
<string id="33009">Invalid username or password</string>
<string id="33010">No se pudo autenticar demasiadas veces. Restablecer en la configuración.</string>
<string id="33010">Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.</string>
<string id="33011">No es posible reproducción directa</string>
<string id="33011">Unable to direct play</string>
<string id="33012">Reproducción directa falló 3 veces. Reproducción desde HTTP activada.</string>
<string id="33012">Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.</string>
<string id="33013">Elegir stream de audio</string>
<string id="33013">Choose the audio stream</string>
<string id="33014">Elegir stream de subtítulos</string>
<string id="33014">Choose the subtitles stream</string>
<string id="33015">¿Eliminar archivo del servidor Plex?</string>
<string id="33015">Delete file from your Emby server?</string>
<string id="33016">¿Reproducir tráilers?</string>
<string id="33016">Play trailers?</string>
<string id="33017">Obteniendo películas de:</string>
<string id="33017">Gathering movies from:</string>
<string id="33018">Obteniendo sagas</string>
<string id="33018">Gathering boxsets</string>
<string id="33019">Obteniendo videoclips de:</string>
<string id="33019">Gathering music videos from:</string>
<string id="33020">Obteniendo series de:</string>
<string id="33020">Gathering tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33021">Obteniendo:</string>
<string id="33021">Gathering:</string>
<string id="33022">Se ha detectado que la base de datos necesita ser recreada para esta versión de PlexKodiConnect. ¿Proceder?</string>
<string id="33022">Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?</string>
<string id="33023">PlexKodiConnect podría no funcionar correctamente hasta que la base de datos sea restablecida.</string>
<string id="33023">Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="33024">Cancelando el proceso de sincronización de la base de datos. La versión actual de Kodi no está soportada.</string>
<string id="33024">Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.</string>
<string id="33025">terminado en:</string>
<string id="33025">completed in:</string>
<string id="33026">Comparando películas de:</string>
<string id="33026">Comparing movies from:</string>
<string id="33027">Comparando sagas</string>
<string id="33027">Comparing boxsets</string>
<string id="33028">Comparando videoclips de:</string>
<string id="33028">Comparing music videos from:</string>
<string id="33029">Comparando series de:</string>
<string id="33029">Comparing tv shows from:</string>
<string id="33030">Comparando episodios de:</string>
<string id="33030">Comparing episodes from:</string>
<string id="33031">Comparando:</string>
<string id="33031">Comparing:</string>
<string id="33032">Error al generar un nuevo Id de dispositivo. Vea la bitácora para obtener más información.</string>
<string id="33032">Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi ahora se reinicia para aplicar los cambios.</string>
<string id="33033">Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.</string>
<string id="33041">¿Eliminar archivos de servidor Plex? ¡Esto también eliminará los archivos del disco!</string>
<string id="33041">Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!</string>
<!-- New to Plex -->
<!-- New to Plex -->
<string id="39000">- Número de tráilers a reproducir antes de una película</string>
<string id="39000">- Number of trailers to play before a movie</string>
<string id="39001">Aumentar audio al transcodificar</string>
<string id="39001">Boost audio when transcoding</string>
<string id="39002">Tamaño de subtítulos incrustados</string>
<string id="39002">Burnt-in subtitle size</string>
<string id="39003">Limitar los hilos de sincronización de descarga (recomendado para rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39003">Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)</string>
<string id="39004">Activar Plex Companion (¡reiniciar Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39004">Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39005">Puerto de Plex Companion (cambiar sólo si es necesario)</string>
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39006">Activar bitácora de depuración de Plex Companion</string>
<string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
<string id="39007">Activar bitácora de depuración GDM de Plex Companion</string>
<string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Permite enviar medios a Kodi a través de Plex</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39009">No puede ingresar a Por favor trate de iniciar la sesión otra vez.</string>
<string id="39009">Could not login to Please try signing in again.</string>
<string id="39010">Problemas para conectarse a ¿Problema de red o de internet?</string>
<string id="39010">Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?</string>
<string id="39011">No se pudo encontrar ningún servidor Plex en la red. Abortando...</string>
<string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
<string id="39012">Elija su servidor Plex</string>
<string id="39012">Choose your Plex server</string>
<string id="39013">Aún no se ha autorizado para servidor Plex </string>
<string id="39013">Not yet authorized for Plex server </string>
<string id="39014">Por favor ingrese a</string>
<string id="39014">Please sign in to</string>
<string id="39015">Problemas para conectarse al servidor. ¿Escoger otro servidor?</string>
<string id="39015">Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?</string>
<string id="39016">¿Desactivar la discoteca de Plex? (Se recomienda ALTAMENTE utilizar música de Plex solo con rutas directas para las discotecas grandes. Kodi podría abortar de lo contrario)</string>
<string id="39016">Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)</string>
<string id="39017">¿Quisiera ir a la configuración del plugin para afinar PKC? ¡Usted necesitará reiniciar Kodi!</string>
<string id="39017">Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow] Reparar base de datos local (todo el contenido será actualizado)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR Red] Restablecimiento parcial o total de la base de datos y PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow] Hacer caché ahora a todas las imágenes al caché de texturas de Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow] Sincronizar Medios de Tema de Plex a Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39023">No se puede autenticar. ¿Inició sesión en</string>
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
<string id="39025">Automáticamente iniciar sesión en al inicio</string>
<string id="39025">Automatically log into on startup</string>
<string id="39026">Habilitar sincronización constante</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
<string id="39027">Modo de Reproducción</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="39028">¡PRECAUCIÓN! Si elige modo "Nativo", podría perder el acceso a ciertas características de Plex como: Tráilers de Plex y las opciones de transcodificación. ¡TODAS las rutas en Plex necesitan utilizar rutas directas (por ejemplo smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv o \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Credenciales de red</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39030">¿Agregar credenciales de red para permitir a Kodi acceso a su contenido? Nota: Saltar este paso puede generar un mensaje durante el análisis inicial del contenido si Kodi no puede localizar su contenido.</string>
<string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
<string id="39031">Kodi no puede encontrar el archivo: </string>
<string id="39031">Kodi can't locate file: </string>
<string id="39032">Por favor, compruebe la ruta de acceso. Puede que necesite verificar las credenciales de red en la configuración del Add-on o utilizar diferentes rutas de Plex. ¿Dejar de sincronizar?</string>
<string id="39032">Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?</string>
<string id="39033">Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
<string id="39033">Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
<string id="39034">Reemplazar rutas UNC Plex \\myNas con smb://myNas</string>
<string id="39034">Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas</string>
<string id="39035">Reemplazar rutas Plex /volume1/media o \\myserver\media con rutas SMB personalizadas smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
<string id="39035">Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
<string id="39037">Ruta de PELÍCULA Plex original a reemplazar:</string>
<string id="39037">Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:</string>
<string id="39038">Reemplazar PELÍCULA Plex con:</string>
<string id="39038">Replace Plex MOVIE with:</string>
<string id="39039">Ruta original de SERIES Plex a reemplazar:</string>
<string id="39039">Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:</string>
<string id="39040">Reemplazar SERIES Plex con:</string>
<string id="39040">Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:</string>
<string id="39041">Ruta original de MÚSICA Plex a reemplazar:</string>
<string id="39041">Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:</string>
<string id="39042">Reemplazar MÚSICA Plex con:</string>
<string id="39042">Replace Plex MUSIC with:</string>
<string id="39043">¿Dar un paso más y reemplazar por completo todas las rutas originales de bibliotecas de Plex (media/volume1) con rutas personalizadas de SMB (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
<string id="39043">Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
<string id="39044">Por favor indique sus rutas smb personalizadas en la configuración en "Opciones de sincronización" y reinicie Kodi</string>
<string id="39044">Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi</string>
<string id="39045">Ruta original de FOTOS Plex a reemplazar:</string>
<string id="39045">Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:</string>
<string id="39046">Reemplazar FOTOS Plex con:</string>
<string id="39046">Replace Plex PHOTO with:</string>
<string id="39047">On Deck: Añadir título de serie al episodio</string>
<string id="39047">On Deck: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39048">On Deck: Añadir números de temporada y episodio SxxExx</string>
<string id="39048">On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39049">¿Nada funciona? ¡Intente un reset completo!</string>
<string id="39049">Nothing works? Try a full reset!</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow] Elegir servidor Plex de una lista[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39051">Esperar antes de sincronizar elementos nuevos/cambiados en PMS [s]</string>
<string id="39051">Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]</string>
<string id="39052">Sincronización en segundo plano</string>
<string id="39052">Background Sync</string>
<string id="39053">Hacer una sincronización completa de la biblioteca cada x minutos</string>
<string id="39053">Do a full library sync every x minutes</string>
<string id="39054">remoto</string>
<string id="39054">remote</string>
<string id="39055">Buscando servidor Plex</string>
<string id="39055">Searching for Plex Server</string>
<string id="39056">Utilizado por la Sincronización al intentar Reproducción Directa</string>
<string id="39056">Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play</string>
<string id="39057">Personalizar rutas</string>
<string id="39057">Customize Paths</string>
<string id="39058">Extender vista de series "On Deck" de Plex a todoas las series</string>
<string id="39058">Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows</string>
<string id="39059">Añadidos Recientemente: Agregar título de serie al episodio</string>
<string id="39059">Recently Added: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39060">Añadidos Recientemente: Agregar números de temporada y episodio SxxExx</string>
<string id="39060">Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39061">¿Quieres descargar arte adicional de FanArtTV en segundo plano?</string>
<string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?</string>
<string id="39062">Sincronizar cuando el protector de pantallas esté desactivado</string>
<string id="39062">Sync when screensaver is deactivated</string>
<string id="39063">Obligar Transcodificar Hi10P</string>
<string id="39063">Force Transcode Hi10P</string>
<string id="39064">Añadidos Recientemente: Además mostrar episodios ya vistos</string>
<string id="39064">Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes</string>
<string id="39066">Añadidos Recientemente: También mostrar películas ya vistas (¡Actualize las listas de reproducción/nodos Plex!)</string>
<string id="39066">Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)</string>
<string id="39067">El Plex Media Server actual:</string>
<string id="39067">Your current Plex Media Server:</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow] Introducir manualmente la dirección del Plex Media Server[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39069">Dirección actual:</string>
<string id="39069">Current address:</string>
<string id="39070">Puerto actual:</string>
<string id="39070">Current port:</string>
<string id="39071">Estado actual de</string>
<string id="39071">Current status:</string>
<string id="39072">¿Está su Kodi instalado en un dispositivo de baja potencia como una Raspberry Pi? En caso afirmativo, reduciremos la tensión sobre Kodi para evitar que falle.</string>
<string id="39072">Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.</string>
<string id="39073">Ajustes de aspecto</string>
<string id="39073">Appearance Tweaks</string>
<string id="39074">Series</string>
<string id="39074">TV Shows</string>
<string id="39075">Siempre use subtítulos de Plex por defecto si es posible</string>
<string id="39075">Always use default Plex subtitle if possible</string>
<string id="39076">Si utiliza varias bibliotecas de Plex de una clase, e.g. "Películas de los niños" y "Películas de padres", asegúrese de revisar la Wiki:</string>
<string id="39076">If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki:</string>
<string id="39077">Número de elementos del PMS a mostrar en widgets (por ejemplo "On Deck")</string>
<string id="39077">Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")</string>
<string id="39078">Puerto de Actualización de Plex Companion (solo cambie si es necesario)</string>
<string id="39078">Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion no pudo abrir el puerto GDM. Por favor cámbielo en los ajustes de PKC.</string>
<string id="39079">Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39200">Terminar sesión del usuario de Plex Home </string>
<string id="39200">Log-out Plex Home User </string>
<string id="39201">Opciones</string>
<string id="39201">Settings</string>
<string id="39202">Credenciales de red</string>
<string id="39202">Network credentials</string>
<string id="39203">Actualizar listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex</string>
<string id="39203">Refresh Plex playlists/nodes</string>
<string id="39204">Realizar sincronización manual de la bibilioteca</string>
<string id="39204">Perform manual library sync</string>
<string id="39205">No se puede ejecutar la sincronización, el complemento no está conectado a un servidor Plex.</string>
<string id="39205">Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.</string>
<string id="39206">Plex puede bloquear su cuenta si usted no puede iniciar sesión demasiadas veces. ¿Proceder de todos modos?</string>
<string id="39206">Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?</string>
<string id="39207">Restableciendo conexiones PMS, espere por favor</string>
<string id="39207">Resetting PMS connections, please wait</string>
<string id="39208">No se pudo restablecer PKC. Trate de reiniciar Kodi.</string>
<string id="39208">Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow] Alterne Inicio de sesión de (ingresar o salir)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39209">[COLOR yellow]Toggle login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39210">Aún no se ha conectado al servidor de Plex</string>
<string id="39210">Not yet connected to Plex Server</string>
<string id="39211">Ver Luego</string>
<string id="39211">Watch later</string>
<string id="39213">está desconectado</string>
<string id="39213">is offline</string>
<string id="39214">A pesar de que iniciamos sesión en, no pudimos autorizar para PMS</string>
<string id="39214">Even though we signed in to, we could not authorize for PMS</string>
<string id="39215">Escriba el IP o URL de su Plex Media Server, por ejemplo:</string>
<string id="39215">Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:</string>
<string id="39217">¿Su Plex Media Server admite conexiones SSL? ¿(https en lugar de http)?</string>
<string id="39217">Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?</string>
<string id="39218">Error al contactar al PMS</string>
<string id="39218">Error contacting PMS</string>
<string id="39219">¿Abortar (sí) o guardar la dirección de todos modos (No)?</string>
<string id="39219">Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?</string>
<string id="39220">conectado</string>
<string id="39220">connected</string>
<string id="39221">alternado de exitoso</string>
<string id="39221"> toggle successful</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow Buscar ahora fanart faltante en FanartTV[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39223">Sólo buscar fanart que falta o actualizar todos los fanart? El análisis tomará bastante tiempo y sucede en el fondo.</string>
<string id="39223">Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.</string>
<string id="39224">Actualizar todo</string>
<string id="39224">Refresh all</string>
<string id="39225">Sólo lo faltante</string>
<string id="39225">Missing only</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39250">Ejecutar el proceso de caché de imagen puede tardar algún tiempo. Sucederá en el fondo. ¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?</string>
<string id="39250">Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?</string>
<string id="39251">¿Restablecer todos los datos de la caché primero?</string>
<string id="39251">Reset all existing cache data first?</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39300">: Escriba el nombre de usuario O nada para cancelar.</string>
<string id="39300">: Enter username. Or nothing to cancel.</string>
<string id="39301">Introduzca la contraseña para el usuario de </string>
<string id="39301">Enter password for user </string>
<string id="39302">No pudo iniciar sesión ese usuario </string>
<string id="39302">Could not sign in user </string>
<string id="39303">Problemas tratando de contactar a Inténtalo más tarde</string>
<string id="39303">Problems trying to contact Try again later</string>
<string id="39304">Vaya a e introduzca el código: </string>
<string id="39304">Go to and enter the code: </string>
<string id="39305">No pudo iniciar sesión en Inténtalo más tarde</string>
<string id="39305">Could not sign in to Try again later</string>
<string id="39306">: Seleccionar Usuario</string>
<string id="39306">: Select User</string>
<string id="39307">Ingresar PIN de usuario </string>
<string id="39307">Enter PIN for user </string>
<string id="39308">No pudo iniciar sesión ese usuario </string>
<string id="39308">Could not log in user </string>
<string id="39309">Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.</string>
<string id="39309">Please try again.</string>
<string id="39310">desconocido</string>
<string id="39310">unknown</string>
<string id="39311">o pulse No para no iniciar sesión.</string>
<string id="39311">or press No to not sign in.</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39400">Hilo de sincronización de biblioteca ha fallado. Debe reiniciar Kodi ahora. Por favor repórtelo en el foro</string>
<string id="39400">Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum</string>
<string id="39401">La base de datos de Kodi detectada necesita ser recreada para esta versión. Esto podría tomar un tiempo. ¿Proceder?</string>
<string id="39401">Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?</string>
<string id="39402"> puede no funcionar correctamente hasta que se reinicie la base de datos.</string>
<string id="39402"> may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
<string id="39403">Cancelando proceso de sincronización de la base de datos. La versión de Kodi actual no es compatible. Por favor, compruebe la bitácora para obtener más información.</string>
<string id="39403">Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.</string>
<string id="39404">Proceso de sincronización inicial falló repetidamente. Pruebe a reiniciar Kodi. Deteniendo la sincronización por ahora.</string>
<string id="39404">Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.</string>
<string id="39405">Listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex actualizados</string>
<string id="39405">Plex playlists/nodes refreshed</string>
<string id="39406">Error de actualización de listas de reproducción/nodos de Plex</string>
<string id="39406">Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed</string>
<string id="39407">Sincronización completa de la biblioteca terminada</string>
<string id="39407">Full library sync finished</string>
<string id="39408">La sincronización tuvo que saltar algunos elementos porque no podían ser procesados. ¡Kodi puede estar inestable ahora!!!! Por favor enviar sus bitácoras de Kodi al foro de Plex.</string>
<string id="39408">Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.</string>
<string id="39409">Al servidor Plex no le gustó la petición de tantos datos a la vez y retornó ERRORES. Intente reducir el número de hilos de descarga de sincronización en la configuración. Se saltaron algunos elementos por ahora.</string>
<string id="39409">The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.</string>
<string id="39410">ERROR en la sincronización de la biblioteca</string>
<string id="39410">ERROR in library sync</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39500">On Deck</string>
<string id="39500">On Deck</string>
<string id="39501">Sagas</string>
<string id="39501">Collections</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39600">¿Está seguro que desea restablecer su base de datos local de Kodi? Volver a sincronizar los datos de Plex tomará tiempo después.</string>
<string id="39600">Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.</string>
<string id="39601">No se pudo detener la base de datos. Por favor inténtelo más tarde.</string>
<string id="39601">Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.</string>
<string id="39602">¿Eliminar todo el arte del caché? (¡recomendado!)</string>
<string id="39602">Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)</string>
<string id="39603">¿Restablecer todos los ajustes de PlexKodiConnect? (esto generalmente NO es recomendable ni necesario!)</string>
<string id="39603">Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30413">Enable Plex context menu in Kodi</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30414">Could not delete the Plex item. Is item deletion enabled on the Plex Media Server?</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30415">Start playback via PMS</string>
<string id="30416">Settings for the Plex Server</string>
<!-- add-on settings -->
<!-- add-on settings -->
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
<string id="30500">Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)</string>
Reference in a new issue