Fix resume time Plex Companion
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 4 additions and 167 deletions
@ -66,7 +66,10 @@ def plexCompanion(fullurl, params):
title, "Error getting PMS playlist for key %s" % key, -1)
PassPlaylist(xml, resume=int(params.get('offset', 0)))
params.get('offset', 0)))
title, "Not knowing what to do for now - no playQueue sent", -1)
@ -126,172 +126,6 @@ class PlaybackUtils():
return listitems
def play(self, itemid, dbid=None):
self.logMsg("Play called.", 1)
doUtils = self.doUtils
item = self.item
API = self.API
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
playutils = putils.PlayUtils(item)
playurl = playutils.getPlayUrl()
if not playurl:
return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listitem)
if dbid is None:
# Item is not in Kodi database
self.setProperties(playurl, listitem)
return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listitem)
############### ORGANIZE CURRENT PLAYLIST ################
homeScreen = xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(home)')
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
startPos = max(playlist.getposition(), 0) # Can return -1
sizePlaylist = playlist.size()
currentPosition = startPos
propertiesPlayback = utils.window('emby_playbackProps') == "true"
introsPlaylist = False
dummyPlaylist = False
self.logMsg("Playlist start position: %s" % startPos, 1)
self.logMsg("Playlist plugin position: %s" % currentPosition, 1)
self.logMsg("Playlist size: %s" % sizePlaylist, 1)
############### RESUME POINT ################
userdata = API.getUserData()
seektime = API.adjustResume(userdata['Resume'])
# We need to ensure we add the intro and additional parts only once.
# Otherwise we get a loop.
if not propertiesPlayback:
utils.window('emby_playbackProps', value="true")
self.logMsg("Setting up properties in playlist.", 1)
if (not homeScreen and not seektime and
utils.window('emby_customPlaylist') != "true"):
self.logMsg("Adding dummy file to playlist.", 2)
dummyPlaylist = True
playlist.add(playurl, listitem, index=startPos)
# Remove the original item from playlist
# Readd the original item to playlist - via jsonrpc so we have full metadata
||||, dbid, item['Type'].lower())
currentPosition += 1
############### -- CHECK FOR INTROS ################
if utils.settings('enableCinema') == "true" and not seektime:
# if we have any play them when the movie/show is not being resumed
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s/Intros?format=json" % itemid
intros = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
if intros['TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
getTrailers = True
if utils.settings('askCinema') == "true":
resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Emby Cinema Mode", "Play trailers?")
if not resp:
# User selected to not play trailers
getTrailers = False
self.logMsg("Skip trailers.", 1)
if getTrailers:
for intro in intros['Items']:
# The server randomly returns intros, process them.
introListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
introPlayurl = putils.PlayUtils(intro).getPlayUrl()
self.logMsg("Adding Intro: %s" % introPlayurl, 1)
# Set listitem and properties for intros
pbutils = PlaybackUtils(intro)
pbutils.setProperties(introPlayurl, introListItem)
||||, url=introPlayurl)
introsPlaylist = True
currentPosition += 1
############### -- ADD MAIN ITEM ONLY FOR HOMESCREEN ###############
if homeScreen and not seektime and not sizePlaylist:
# Extend our current playlist with the actual item to play
# only if there's no playlist first
self.logMsg("Adding main item to playlist.", 1)
||||, item['Type'].lower())
# Ensure that additional parts are played after the main item
currentPosition += 1
############### -- CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL PARTS ################
if item.get('PartCount'):
# Only add to the playlist after intros have played
partcount = item['PartCount']
url = "{server}/emby/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts?format=json" % itemid
parts = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
for part in parts['Items']:
additionalListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
additionalPlayurl = putils.PlayUtils(part).getPlayUrl()
self.logMsg("Adding additional part: %s" % partcount, 1)
# Set listitem and properties for each additional parts
pbutils = PlaybackUtils(part)
pbutils.setProperties(additionalPlayurl, additionalListItem)
playlist.add(additionalPlayurl, additionalListItem, index=currentPosition)
currentPosition += 1
if dummyPlaylist:
# Added a dummy file to the playlist,
# because the first item is going to fail automatically.
self.logMsg("Processed as a playlist. First item is skipped.", 1)
return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listitem)
# We just skipped adding properties. Reset flag for next time.
elif propertiesPlayback:
self.logMsg("Resetting properties playback flag.", 2)
utils.window('emby_playbackProps', clear=True)
########## SETUP MAIN ITEM ##########
# For transcoding only, ask for audio/subs pref
if utils.window('emby_%s.playmethod' % playurl) == "Transcode":
playurl = playutils.audioSubsPref(playurl, listitem)
utils.window('emby_%s.playmethod' % playurl, value="Transcode")
self.setProperties(playurl, listitem)
############### PLAYBACK ################
if homeScreen and seektime and utils.window('emby_customPlaylist') != "true":
self.logMsg("Play as a widget item.", 1)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listitem)
elif ((introsPlaylist and utils.window('emby_customPlaylist') == "true") or
(homeScreen and not sizePlaylist)):
# Playlist was created just now, play it.
self.logMsg("Play playlist.", 1)
xbmc.Player().play(playlist, startpos=startPos)
self.logMsg("Play as a regular item.", 1)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listitem)
def setProperties(self, playurl, listitem):
# Set all properties necessary for plugin path playback
itemid = self.API.getRatingKey()
Add table
Reference in a new issue