diff --git a/resources/language/English/strings.xml b/resources/language/English/strings.xml
index f71e36c4..ad00d419 100644
--- a/resources/language/English/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/English/strings.xml
@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@
[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]
Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]
Background Sync
+ Do a full library sync every x minutes
diff --git a/resources/language/German/strings.xml b/resources/language/German/strings.xml
index dd928ea2..d00087d6 100644
--- a/resources/language/German/strings.xml
+++ b/resources/language/German/strings.xml
@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@
[COLOR yellow]Plex Server aus Liste auswählen[/COLOR]
Warten bevor neue/geänderte PMS Einträge gesynct werden [s]
+ Kompletten Scan aller Bibliotheken alle x Minuten durchführen
Plex Home Benutzer abmelden:
diff --git a/resources/lib/itemtypes.py b/resources/lib/itemtypes.py
index 4a5699dc..1f0977ac 100644
--- a/resources/lib/itemtypes.py
+++ b/resources/lib/itemtypes.py
@@ -2132,8 +2132,8 @@ class Music(Items):
# No album found. Let's create it
self.logMsg("Album database entry missing.", 1)
emby_albumId = item.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')
- album = emby.getItem(emby_albumId)
- self.add_updateAlbum(album)
+ album = GetPlexMetadata(emby_albumId)
+ self.add_updateAlbum(album[0])
emby_dbalbum = emby_db.getItem_byId(emby_albumId)
albumid = emby_dbalbum[0]
diff --git a/resources/lib/librarysync.py b/resources/lib/librarysync.py
index 1ee2ec38..f98da7c5 100644
--- a/resources/lib/librarysync.py
+++ b/resources/lib/librarysync.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
from threading import Thread, Lock
import Queue
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
@@ -220,8 +219,6 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# Borg, even though it's planned to only have 1 instance up and running!
_shared_state = {}
- # How long should we look into the past for fast syncing items (in s)
- syncPast = 30
def __init__(self, queue):
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
@@ -235,6 +232,8 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# How long should we wait at least to process new/changed PMS items?
self.saftyMargin = int(utils.settings('saftyMargin'))
+ self.fullSyncInterval = int(utils.settings('fullSyncInterval')) * 60
self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.user = userclient.UserClient()
self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer()
@@ -256,9 +255,7 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# Time offset between Kodi and PMS in seconds (=Koditime - PMStime)
self.timeoffset = 0
- # Time in seconds to look into the past when looking for PMS changes
- # (safety margin - the larger, the more items we need to process)
- self.syncPast = 30
+ self.lastSync = 0
@@ -363,7 +360,7 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
PF.scrobble(plexId, 'watched')
# Let the PMS process this first!
- # Get all PMS items to find the item we changed
+ # Get all PMS items to find the item we just changed
items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(libraryId,
@@ -380,246 +377,11 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# Calculate time offset Kodi-PMS
- self.timeoffset = int(koditime) - int(plextime)
- utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset))
+ timeoffset = int(koditime) - int(plextime)
+ utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(timeoffset))
self.logMsg("Time offset Koditime - Plextime in seconds: %s"
% str(self.timeoffset), 0)
- def getPMSfromKodiTime(self, koditime):
- """
- Uses self.timeoffset to return the PMS time for a given Kodi timestamp
- (in unix time)
- Feed with integers
- """
- return koditime - self.timeoffset
- def resetProcessedItems(self):
- """
- Resets the list of PMS items that we have already processed
- """
- self.processed = {
- 'movie': {},
- 'show': {},
- 'season': {},
- 'episode': {},
- 'artist': {},
- 'album': {},
- 'track': {}
- }
- def getFastUpdateList(self, xml, plexType, viewName, viewId):
- """
- THIS METHOD NEEDS TO BE FAST! => e.g. no API calls
- Adds items to self.updatelist as well as self.allPlexElementsId dict
- Input:
- xml: PMS answer for section items
- plexType: 'movie', 'show', 'episode', ...
- viewName: Name of the Plex view (e.g. 'My TV shows')
- viewId: Id/Key of Plex library (e.g. '1')
- Output: self.updatelist, self.allPlexElementsId
- self.updatelist APPENDED(!!) list itemids (Plex Keys as
- as received from API.getRatingKey())
- One item in this list is of the form:
- 'itemId': xxx,
- 'itemType': 'Movies','TVShows', ...
- 'method': 'add_update', 'add_updateSeason', ...
- 'viewName': xxx,
- 'viewId': xxx,
- 'title': xxx
- self.allPlexElementsId APPENDED(!!) dict
- = {itemid: checksum}
- """
- # Needs to call other methods than if we're only updating userdata
- for item in xml:
- itemId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey')
- # Skipping items 'title=All episodes' without a 'ratingKey'
- if not itemId:
- continue
- lastViewedAt = item.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')
- updatedAt = item.attrib.get('updatedAt')
- # returns the tuple (lastViewedAt, updatedAt) for the
- # specific item
- res = self.processed[plexType].get(itemId)
- if res:
- # Only look at the updatedAt flag!
- # tuple: (lastViewedAt, updatedAt)
- if res[1] == updatedAt:
- # Nothing to update, we have already processed this
- # item
- continue
- title = item.attrib.get('title', 'Missing Title Name')
- # We need to process this:
- self.updatelist.append({
- 'itemId': itemId,
- 'itemType': PF.GetItemClassFromType(
- plexType),
- 'method': PF.GetMethodFromPlexType(plexType),
- 'viewName': viewName,
- 'viewId': viewId,
- 'title': title
- })
- # And safe to self.processed:
- self.processed[plexType][itemId] = (lastViewedAt, updatedAt)
- # Quickly log
- if self.updatelist:
- self.logMsg('fastSync updatelist: %s' % self.updatelist, 1)
- self.logMsg('fastSync processed list: %s' % self.processed, 1)
- def fastSync(self):
- """
- Fast incremential lib sync
- Using /library/recentlyAdded is NOT working as changes to lib items are
- not reflected
- This will NOT remove items from Kodi db that were removed from the PMS
- (happens only during fullsync)
- Items that are processed are appended to the dict self.processed:
- {
- '': e.g. 'movie'
- {
- '': ( unique plex id 'ratingKey' as str
- lastViewedAt,
- updatedAt
- )
- }
- }
- """
- # Get last sync time and look a bit in the past (safety margin)
- lastSync = self.lastSync - self.syncPast
- # Set new timestamp NOW because sync might take a while
- self.saveLastSync()
- # Original idea: Get all PMS items already saved in Kodi
- # Also get checksums of every Plex items already saved in Kodi
- self.allKodiElementsId = {}
- # Run through views and get latest changed elements using time diff
- self.updateKodiVideoLib = False
- self.updateKodiMusicLib = False
- for view in self.views:
- self.updatelist = []
- # Get items per view
- items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(
- view['id'],
- updatedAt=self.getPMSfromKodiTime(lastSync),
- containerSize=self.limitindex)
- # Just skip if something went wrong
- if items is None:
- continue
- # Get one itemtype, because they're the same in the PMS section
- try:
- plexType = items[0].attrib['type']
- except:
- # There was no child - PMS response is empty
- continue
- # Populate self.updatelist
- self.getFastUpdateList(
- items, plexType, view['name'], view['id'])
- # Process self.updatelist
- if self.updatelist:
- if self.updatelist[0]['itemType'] in ['Movies', 'TVShows']:
- self.updateKodiVideoLib = True
- elif self.updatelist[0]['itemType'] == 'Music':
- self.updateKodiMusicLib = True
- # Do the work
- self.GetAndProcessXMLs(
- PF.GetItemClassFromType(plexType),
- showProgress=False)
- self.updatelist = []
- # Update userdata DIRECTLY
- # We don't need to refresh the Kodi library for deltas!!
- # Start with an empty ElementTree and attach items to update
- movieupdate = False
- episodeupdate = False
- songupdate = False
- for view in self.views:
- items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(
- view['id'],
- lastViewedAt=self.getPMSfromKodiTime(lastSync),
- containerSize=self.limitindex)
- if items is None:
- continue
- for item in items:
- itemId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey')
- # Skipping items 'title=All episodes' without a 'ratingKey'
- if not itemId:
- continue
- plexType = item.attrib['type']
- lastViewedAt = item.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')
- updatedAt = item.attrib.get('updatedAt')
- # returns the tuple (lastViewedAt, updatedAt) for the
- # specific item
- res = self.processed[plexType].get(itemId)
- if res:
- # Only look at lastViewedAt
- if res[0] == lastViewedAt:
- # Nothing to update, we have already processed this
- # item
- continue
- if plexType == 'movie':
- movieupdate = True
- try:
- movieXML.append(item)
- except:
- movieXML = etree.Element('root')
- movieXML.append(item)
- elif plexType == 'episode':
- episodeupdate = True
- try:
- episodeXML.append(item)
- except:
- episodeXML = etree.Element('root')
- episodeXML.append(item)
- elif plexType == 'track':
- songupdate = True
- try:
- musicXML.append(item)
- except:
- musicXML = etree.Element('root')
- musicXML.append(item)
- # And safe to self.processed:
- self.processed[plexType][itemId] = (lastViewedAt, updatedAt)
- if movieupdate:
- with itemtypes.Movies() as movies:
- movies.updateUserdata(movieXML)
- if episodeupdate:
- with itemtypes.TVShows() as tvshows:
- tvshows.updateUserdata(episodeXML)
- if songupdate:
- with itemtypes.Music() as music:
- music.updateUserdata(musicXML)
- # Let Kodi update the library now (artwork and userdata)
- if self.updateKodiVideoLib:
- self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Video Lib update", 1)
- xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)')
- if self.updateKodiMusicLib:
- self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Music Lib update", 1)
- xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)')
- # Show warning if itemtypes.py crashed at some point
- if utils.window('plex_scancrashed') == 'true':
- xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.addonName, self.__language__(39408))
- utils.window('plex_scancrashed', clear=True)
- return True
- def saveLastSync(self):
- # Save last sync time
- self.lastSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
def initializeDBs(self):
Run once during startup to verify that emby db exists.
@@ -655,15 +417,15 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# Add sources
+ # Set new timestamp NOW because sync might take a while
+ self.saveLastSync()
# Deactivate Kodi popup showing that it's (unsuccessfully) trying to
# scan music folders
if self.enableMusic:
- # Set new timestamp NOW because sync might take a while
- self.saveLastSync()
# Ensure that DBs exist if called for very first time
# Set views. Abort if unsuccessful
@@ -1414,11 +1176,17 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
if currMajor > minMajor:
return True
- elif (currMajor == minMajor and (currMinor > minMinor or
- (currMinor == minMinor and currPatch >= minPatch))):
+ elif currMajor < minMajor:
+ return False
+ if currMinor > minMinor:
+ return True
+ elif currMinor < minMinor:
+ return False
+ if currPatch >= minPatch:
return True
- # Database out of date.
return False
def processMessage(self, message):
@@ -1427,9 +1195,6 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
do with "process_" methods
typus = message.get('type')
- if typus is None:
- self.logMsg('No type, dropping message: %s' % message, -1)
- return
self.logMsg('Message received from websocket: %s' % message, 2)
if typus == 'playing':
@@ -1446,102 +1211,128 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
del liste[index]
return liste
- def process_newitems(self):
+ def processItems(self):
Periodically called to process new/updated PMS items
PMS needs a while to download info from internet AFTER it
showed up under 'timeline' websocket messages
- """
- videoLibUpdate = False
- now = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
- deleteListe = []
- for i, item in enumerate(self.itemsToProcess):
- ratingKey = item['ratingKey']
- timestamp = item['timestamp']
- if now - timestamp < self.saftyMargin:
- # We haven't waited long enough for the PMS to finish
- # processing the item
- continue
- xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(ratingKey)
- if xml is None:
- self.logMsg('Could not download metadata for %s'
- % ratingKey, -1)
- continue
- deleteListe.append(i)
- self.logMsg("Adding new PMS item: %s" % ratingKey, 1)
- viewtag = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle')
- viewid = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionID')
- mediatype = xml[0].attrib.get('type')
- if mediatype == 'movie':
- # Movie
- videoLibUpdate = True
- with itemtypes.Movies() as movie:
- movie.add_update(xml[0],
- viewtag=viewtag,
- viewid=viewid)
- elif mediatype == 'episode':
- # Episode
- videoLibUpdate = True
- with itemtypes.TVShows() as show:
- show.add_updateEpisode(xml[0],
- viewtag=viewtag,
- viewid=viewid)
- # Get rid of the items we just processed
- if len(deleteListe) > 0:
- self.itemsToProcess = self.multi_delete(
- self.itemsToProcess, deleteListe)
- # Let Kodi know of the change
- if videoLibUpdate is True:
- self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Video Lib update", 1)
- xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)')
- def process_timeline(self, data):
- """
- PMS is messing with the library items
1: movie
2: tv show??
3: season??
4: episode
+ 8: artist (band)
+ 9: album
+ 10: track (song)
12: trailer, extras?
- """
- videoLibUpdate = False
- for item in data:
- if item.get('state') == 9:
- # Item was deleted.
- # Only care for playable type
- # For some reason itemID and not ratingKey
- if item.get('type') == 1:
- # Movie
- self.logMsg("Removing movie %s" % item.get('itemID'), 1)
- videoLibUpdate = True
- with itemtypes.Movies() as movie:
- movie.remove(item.get('itemID'))
- elif item.get('type') == 4:
- # Episode
- self.logMsg("Removing episode %s" % item.get('itemID'), 1)
- videoLibUpdate = True
- with itemtypes.TVShows() as show:
- show.remove(item.get('itemID'))
- elif item.get('state') == 5 and item.get('type') in (1, 4):
- # Item added or changed
- # Need to process later because PMS needs to be done first
- self.logMsg('New/changed PMS item detected: %s'
- % item.get('itemID'), 1)
+ data['state']:
+ 0: 'created',
+ 2: 'matching',
+ 3: 'downloading',
+ 4: 'loading',
+ 5: 'finished',
+ 6: 'analyzing',
+ 9: 'deleted'
+ """
+ self.videoLibUpdate = False
+ self.musicLibUpdate = False
+ now = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
+ deleteListe = []
+ for i, item in enumerate(self.itemsToProcess):
+ if now - item['timestamp'] < self.saftyMargin:
+ # We haven't waited long enough for the PMS to finish
+ # processing the item. Do it later
+ continue
+ if item['state'] == 5:
+ if self.process_newitems(item) is True:
+ deleteListe.append(i)
+ elif item['state'] == 9:
+ if self.process_deleteditems(item) is True:
+ deleteListe.append(i)
+ # Get rid of the items we just processed
+ if len(deleteListe) > 0:
+ self.itemsToProcess = self.multi_delete(
+ self.itemsToProcess, deleteListe)
+ # Let Kodi know of the change
+ if self.videoLibUpdate is True:
+ self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Video Lib update", 1)
+ xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)')
+ if self.musicLibUpdate is True:
+ self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Music Lib update", 1)
+ xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)')
+ def process_newitems(self, item):
+ ratingKey = item['ratingKey']
+ xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(ratingKey)
+ if xml is None:
+ self.logMsg('Could not download metadata for %s, skipping'
+ % ratingKey, -1)
+ return False
+ self.logMsg("Processing new/updated PMS item: %s" % ratingKey, 1)
+ viewtag = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle')
+ viewid = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionID')
+ mediatype = xml[0].attrib.get('type')
+ if mediatype == 'movie':
+ self.videoLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.Movies() as movie:
+ movie.add_update(xml[0],
+ viewtag=viewtag,
+ viewid=viewid)
+ elif mediatype == 'episode':
+ self.videoLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.TVShows() as show:
+ show.add_updateEpisode(xml[0],
+ viewtag=viewtag,
+ viewid=viewid)
+ elif mediatype == 'track':
+ self.musicLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.Music() as music:
+ music.add_updateSong(xml[0],
+ viewtag=viewtag,
+ viewid=viewid)
+ return True
+ def process_deleteditems(self, item):
+ if item.get('type') == 1:
+ # Movie
+ self.logMsg("Removing movie %s" % item.get('ratingKey'), 1)
+ self.videoLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.Movies() as movie:
+ movie.remove(item.get('ratingKey'))
+ elif item.get('type') in (2, 3, 4):
+ self.logMsg("Removing episode/season/tv show %s"
+ % item.get('ratingKey'), 1)
+ self.videoLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.TVShows() as show:
+ show.remove(item.get('ratingKey'))
+ elif item.get('type') in (8, 9, 10):
+ self.logMsg("Removing song/album/artist %s"
+ % item.get('ratingKey'), 1)
+ self.musicLibUpdate = True
+ with itemtypes.Music() as music:
+ music.remove(item.get('ratingKey'))
+ return True
+ def process_timeline(self, data):
+ """
+ PMS is messing with the library items, e.g. new or changed. Put in our
+ "processing queue"
+ """
+ for item in data:
+ state = item.get('state')
+ typus = item.get('type')
+ if state == 9 or (state == 5 and typus in (1, 4, 10)):
+ 'state': state,
+ 'type': typus,
'ratingKey': item.get('itemID'),
'timestamp': utils.getUnixTimestamp()
- # Let Kodi know of the change
- if videoLibUpdate is True:
- self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Video Lib update", 1)
- xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)')
def process_playing(self, data):
Someone (not necessarily the user signed in) is playing something some-
@@ -1625,6 +1416,12 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
with itemFkt() as Fkt:
+ def saveLastSync(self):
+ """
+ Save last full sync time
+ """
+ self.lastSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
def run(self):
@@ -1650,6 +1447,8 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
fullSync = self.fullSync
processMessage = self.processMessage
string = self.__language__
+ fullSyncInterval = self.fullSyncInterval
+ lastProcessing = 0
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
@@ -1657,12 +1456,8 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
startupComplete = False
self.views = []
- count = 0
errorcount = 0
- # Initialize self.processed
- self.resetProcessedItems()
log("---===### Starting LibrarySync ###===---", 0)
while not threadStopped():
@@ -1747,7 +1542,6 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
window('plex_runLibScan', clear=True)
window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)
- count = 0
# Full library sync finished
self.showKodiNote(string(39407), forced=True)
# Reset views was requested from somewhere else
@@ -1774,12 +1568,10 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)
- elif enableBackgroundSync:
- # Run full lib scan approx every 30min
- if count >= 1800:
- count = 0
- # Also reset self.processed, just in case
- self.resetProcessedItems()
+ else:
+ now = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
+ if now - self.lastSync > fullSyncInterval:
+ log('Doing scheduled full library scan', 1)
# Recalculate time offset Kodi - PMS
window('emby_dbScan', value="true")
@@ -1788,13 +1580,13 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)
# Full library sync finished
self.showKodiNote(string(39407), forced=False)
- elif count % 300 == 0:
- count += 1
- window('emby_dbScan', value="true")
- self.process_newitems()
- window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)
- else:
- count += 1
+ elif enableBackgroundSync:
+ # Check back whether we should process something
+ if now - lastProcessing > 5:
+ window('emby_dbScan', value="true")
+ self.processItems()
+ window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)
+ lastProcessing = now
# See if there is a PMS message we need to handle
message = queue.get(block=False)
@@ -1812,6 +1604,5 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
- count += 1
log("###===--- LibrarySync Stopped ---===###", 0)
diff --git a/resources/lib/websocket_client.py b/resources/lib/websocket_client.py
index 365f7338..e7b693ac 100644
--- a/resources/lib/websocket_client.py
+++ b/resources/lib/websocket_client.py
@@ -48,17 +48,6 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.deviceId = self.clientInfo.getDeviceId()
- # 'state' that can be returned by PMS
- self.timeStates = {
- 0: 'created',
- 2: 'matching',
- 3: 'downloading',
- 4: 'loading',
- 5: 'finished',
- 6: 'analyzing',
- 9: 'deleted'
- }
def sendProgressUpdate(self, data):
@@ -88,6 +77,14 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
self.logMsg('Error decoding message from websocket: %s' % e, -1)
return False
+ # Triage
+ typus = message.get('type')
+ if typus is None:
+ self.logMsg('No message type, dropping message: %s' % message, -1)
+ return False
+ # Drop everything we're not interested in
+ if typus not in ('playing', 'timeline'):
+ return
# Put PMS message on queue and let libsync take care of it
@@ -97,50 +94,19 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
self.logMsg('Queue is full, dropping PMS message', 0)
return False
- def processing_playing(self, message):
- """
- Called when somewhere a PMS item is started, being played, stopped.
+ def on_message_LEGACY_EMBY(self, ws, message):
+ log = self.logMsg
+ window = utils.window
+ lang = utils.language
- Calls Libsync with a list of children dictionaries:
- {
- '_elementType': e.g. 'PlaySessionStateNotification'
- 'guid': e.g. ''
- 'key': e.g. '/library/metadata/282300',
- 'ratingKey': e.g. '282300',
- 'sessionKey': e.g. '590',
- 'state': e.g. 'playing', 'available', 'buffering',
- 'stopped'
- 'transcodeSession': e.g. 'yv50n9p4cr',
- 'url': e.g. ''
- 'viewOffset': e.g. 1878534 (INT!)
- }
- """
- children = message.get('_children')
- if not children:
- return False
- def processing_progress(self, message):
- """
- Called when a PMS items keeps getting played (resume points update)
- """
- def processing_timeline(self, message):
- """
- Called when a PMS is in the process or has updated/added/removed a
- library item
- """
- children = message.get('_children')
- if not children:
- return False
- for item in children:
- state = self.timeStates.get(item.get('state'))
- return True
- def processing_status(self, message):
- """
- Called when a PMS is scanning its libraries (to be verified)
- """
+ result = json.loads(message)
+ messageType = result['MessageType']
+ data = result['Data']
+ if messageType not in ('SessionEnded'):
+ # Mute certain events
+ log("Message: %s" % message, 1)
if messageType == "Play":
# A remote control play command has been sent from the server.
@@ -316,7 +282,7 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
elif messageType == "ServerRestarting":
if utils.settings('supressRestartMsg') == "true":
- heading=self.addonName,
+ heading="Emby for Kodi",
@@ -330,6 +296,7 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
def on_open(self, ws):
+ # Can we post something to Plex?
def on_error(self, ws, error):
@@ -346,11 +313,9 @@ class WebSocket_Client(threading.Thread):
# websocket.enableTrace(True)
- userId = window('currUserId')
server = window('pms_server')
- # Need to use plex.tv token, if any
+ # Need to use plex.tv token, if any. NOT user token
token = window('plex_token')
- deviceId = self.deviceId
# Get the appropriate prefix for the websocket
if "https" in server:
diff --git a/resources/settings.xml b/resources/settings.xml
index 5185045d..99200132 100644
--- a/resources/settings.xml
+++ b/resources/settings.xml
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@