#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from time import time as _time import threading import Queue import heapq from collections import deque from . import utils, app, variables as v WORKER_COUNT = 3 LOG = getLogger('PLEX.threads') class KillableThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): self._canceled = False self._suspended = False self._is_not_suspended = threading.Event() self._is_not_suspended.set() self._suspension_reached = threading.Event() self._is_not_asleep = threading.Event() self._is_not_asleep.set() self.suspension_timeout = None super(KillableThread, self).__init__(group, target, name, args, kwargs) def should_cancel(self): """ Returns True if the thread should be stopped immediately """ return self._canceled or app.APP.stop_pkc def cancel(self): """ Call from another thread to stop this current thread """ self._canceled = True # Make sure thread is running in order to exit quickly self._is_not_asleep.set() self._is_not_suspended.set() def should_suspend(self): """ Returns True if the current thread should be suspended immediately """ return self._suspended def suspend(self, block=False, timeout=None): """ Call from another thread to suspend the current thread. Provide a timeout [float] in seconds optionally. block=True will block the caller until the thread-to-be-suspended is indeed suspended Will wake a thread that is asleep! """ self.suspension_timeout = timeout self._suspended = True self._is_not_suspended.clear() # Make sure thread wakes up in order to suspend self._is_not_asleep.set() if block: self._suspension_reached.wait() def resume(self): """ Call from another thread to revive a suspended or asleep current thread back to life """ self._suspended = False self._is_not_asleep.set() self._is_not_suspended.set() def wait_while_suspended(self): """ Blocks until thread is not suspended anymore or the thread should exit or for a period of self.suspension_timeout (set by the caller of suspend()) Returns the value of should_cancel() """ self._suspension_reached.set() self._is_not_suspended.wait(self.suspension_timeout) self._suspension_reached.clear() return self.should_cancel() def is_suspended(self): """ Check from another thread whether the current thread is suspended """ return self._suspension_reached.is_set() def sleep(self, timeout): """ Only call from the current thread in order to sleep for a period of timeout [float, seconds]. Will unblock immediately if thread should cancel (should_cancel()) or the thread should_suspend """ self._is_not_asleep.clear() self._is_not_asleep.wait(timeout) self._is_not_asleep.set() def is_asleep(self): """ Check from another thread whether the current thread is asleep """ return not self._is_not_asleep.is_set() def unblock_callers(self): """ Ensures that any other thread that requested this thread's suspension is released """ self._suspension_reached.set() class ProcessingQueue(Queue.Queue, object): """ Queue of queues that processes a queue completely before moving on to the next queue. There's one queue per Section(). You need to initialize each section with add_section(section) first. Put tuples (count, item) into this queue, with count being the respective position of the item in the queue, starting with 0 (zero). (None, None) is the sentinel for a single queue being exhausted, added by add_sentinel() """ def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = deque() self._sections = deque() self._queues = deque() self._current_section = None self._current_queue = None # Item-index for the currently active queue self._counter = 0 def _qsize(self): return self._current_queue._qsize() if self._current_queue else 0 def _put(self, item): for i, section in enumerate(self._sections): if item[1]['section'] == section: self._queues[i]._put(item) break else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find section for item %s' % item[1]) def add_sentinel(self, section): """ Adds a new empty section as a sentinel. Call with an empty Section() object. Call this method immediately after having added all sections with add_section(). Once the get()-method returns None, you've received the sentinel and you've thus exhausted the queue """ with self.not_full: section.number_of_items = 1 self._add_section(section) # Add the actual sentinel to the queue we just added self._queues[-1]._put((None, None)) self.unfinished_tasks += 1 self.not_empty.notify() def add_section(self, section): """ Add a new Section() to this Queue. Each section will be entirely processed before moving on to the next section. Be sure to set section.number_of_items correctly as it will signal when processing is completely done for a specific section! """ with self.mutex: self._add_section(section) def change_section_number_of_items(self, section, number_of_items): """ Hit this method if you've reset section.number_of_items to make sure we're not blocking """ with self.mutex: self._change_section_number_of_items(section, number_of_items) def _change_section_number_of_items(self, section, number_of_items): section.number_of_items = number_of_items if (self._current_section == section and self._counter == number_of_items): # We were actually waiting for more items to come in - but there # aren't any! self._init_next_section() if self._qsize() > 0: self.not_empty.notify() def _add_section(self, section): self._sections.append(section) self._queues.append( OrderedQueue() if section.plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM else Queue.Queue()) if self._current_section is None: self._activate_next_section() def _init_next_section(self): """ Call only when a section has been completely exhausted """ self._sections.popleft() self._queues.popleft() self._activate_next_section() def _activate_next_section(self): self._counter = 0 self._current_section = self._sections[0] if self._sections else None self._current_queue = self._queues[0] if self._queues else None def _get(self): item = self._current_queue._get() self._counter += 1 if self._counter == self._current_section.number_of_items: self._init_next_section() return item[1] class OrderedQueue(Queue.PriorityQueue, object): """ Queue that enforces an order on the items it returns. An item you push onto the queue must be a tuple (index, item) where index=-1 is the item that will be returned first. The Queue will block until index=-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... is then made available maxsize will be rather fuzzy, as _qsize returns 0 if we're still waiting for the next smalles index. put() thus might not block always when it should. """ def __init__(self, maxsize=0): self.next_index = 0 super(OrderedQueue, self).__init__(maxsize) def _qsize(self, len=len): try: return len(self.queue) if self.queue[0][0] == self.next_index else 0 except IndexError: return 0 def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): self.next_index += 1 return heappop(self.queue) class Tasks(list): def add(self, task): for t in self: if not t.isValid(): self.remove(t) if isinstance(task, list): self += task else: self.append(task) def cancel(self): while self: self.pop().cancel() class Task(object): def __init__(self, priority=None): self.priority = priority self._canceled = False self.finished = False def __cmp__(self, other): return self.priority - other.priority def start(self): BGThreader.addTask(self) def _run(self): self.run() self.finished = True def run(self): raise NotImplementedError def cancel(self): self._canceled = True def should_cancel(self): return self._canceled or app.APP.monitor.abortRequested() def isValid(self): return not self.finished and not self._canceled class ShutdownSentinel(Task): def run(self): pass class FunctionAsTask(Task): def __init__(self, function, callback, *args, **kwargs): self._function = function self._callback = callback self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs super(FunctionAsTask, self).__init__() def run(self): result = self._function(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if self._callback: self._callback(result) class MutablePriorityQueue(Queue.PriorityQueue): def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): self.queue.sort() return heappop(self.queue) def lowest(self): """Return the lowest priority item in the queue (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() try: lowest = self.queue and min(self.queue) or None except Exception: lowest = None utils.ERROR(notify=True) finally: self.mutex.release() return lowest class BackgroundWorker(object): def __init__(self, queue, name=None): self._queue = queue self.name = name self._thread = None self._abort = False self._task = None @staticmethod def _runTask(task): if task._canceled: return try: task._run() except Exception: utils.ERROR(notify=True) def abort(self): self._abort = True return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or app.APP.monitor.abortRequested() def start(self): if self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): return self._thread = KillableThread(target=self._queueLoop, name='BACKGROUND-WORKER({0})'.format(self.name)) self._thread.start() def _queueLoop(self): if self._queue.empty(): return LOG.debug('(%s): Active', self.name) try: while not self.aborted(): self._task = self._queue.get_nowait() self._runTask(self._task) self._queue.task_done() self._task = None except Queue.Empty: LOG.debug('(%s): Idle', self.name) def shutdown(self, block=True): self.abort() if self._task: self._task.cancel() if block and self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): LOG.debug('thread (%s): Waiting...', self.name) self._thread.join() LOG.debug('thread (%s): Done', self.name) def working(self): return self._thread and self._thread.isAlive() class NonstoppingBackgroundWorker(BackgroundWorker): def __init__(self, queue, name=None): self._working = False super(NonstoppingBackgroundWorker, self).__init__(queue, name) def _queueLoop(self): LOG.debug('Starting Worker %s', self.name) while not self.aborted(): self._task = self._queue.get() if self._task is ShutdownSentinel: break self._working = True self._runTask(self._task) self._working = False self._queue.task_done() self._task = None LOG.debug('Exiting Worker %s', self.name) def working(self): return self._working class BackgroundThreader: def __init__(self, name=None, worker=BackgroundWorker, worker_count=6): self.name = name self._queue = MutablePriorityQueue() self._abort = False self.priority = -1 self.workers = [ worker(self._queue, 'queue.{0}:worker.{1}'.format(self.name, x)) for x in range(worker_count) ] def _nextPriority(self): self.priority += 1 return self.priority def abort(self): self._abort = True for w in self.workers: w.abort() return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or app.APP.monitor.abortRequested() def shutdown(self, block=True): self.abort() self.addTasksToFront([ShutdownSentinel() for _ in self.workers]) for w in self.workers: w.shutdown(block) def addTask(self, task): task.priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(task) self.startWorkers() def addTasks(self, tasks): for t in tasks: t.priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(t) self.startWorkers() def addTasksToFront(self, tasks): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return self.addTasks(tasks) p = lowest - len(tasks) for t in tasks: t.priority = p self._queue.put(t) p += 1 self.startWorkers() def startWorkers(self): for w in self.workers: w.start() def working(self): return not self._queue.empty() or self.hasTask() def hasTask(self): return any([w.working() for w in self.workers]) def getLowestPrority(self): lowest = self._queue.lowest() if not lowest: return None return lowest.priority def moveToFront(self, qitem): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return qitem.priority = lowest - 1 class ThreaderManager: def __init__(self, worker=NonstoppingBackgroundWorker, worker_count=WORKER_COUNT): self.index = 0 self.abandoned = [] self._workerhandler = worker self.threader = BackgroundThreader(name=str(self.index), worker=worker, worker_count=worker_count) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.threader, name) def reset(self): if self.threader._queue.empty() and not self.threader.hasTask(): return self.index += 1 self.abandoned.append(self.threader.abort()) self.threader = BackgroundThreader(name=str(self.index), worker=self._workerhandler) def shutdown(self, block=True): self.threader.shutdown(block) for a in self.abandoned: a.shutdown(block) BGThreader = ThreaderManager()