#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from .video import KodiVideoDB from .music import KodiMusicDB from .texture import KodiTextureDB from .. import path_ops, utils, timing, variables as v LOG = getLogger('PLEX.kodi_db') def kodiid_from_filename(path, kodi_type=None, db_type=None): """ Returns kodi_id if we have an item in the Kodi video or audio database with said path. Feed with either koditype, e.v. 'movie', 'song' or the DB you want to poll ('video' or 'music') Returns None, <kodi_type> if not possible """ kodi_id = None path = utils.try_decode(path) try: filename = path.rsplit('/', 1)[1] path = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' except IndexError: filename = path.rsplit('\\', 1)[1] path = path.rsplit('\\', 1)[0] + '\\' if kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_SONG or db_type == 'music': with KodiMusicDB() as kodidb: try: kodi_id = kodidb.song_id_from_filename(filename, path) except TypeError: LOG.debug('No Kodi audio db element found for path %s', path) else: kodi_type = v.KODI_TYPE_SONG else: with KodiVideoDB() as kodidb: try: kodi_id, kodi_type = kodidb.video_id_from_filename(filename, path) except TypeError: LOG.debug('No kodi video db element found for path %s file %s', path, filename) return kodi_id, kodi_type def setup_kodi_default_entries(): """ Makes sure that we retain the Kodi standard databases. E.g. that there is a dummy artist with ID 1 """ if utils.settings('enableMusic') == 'true': with KodiMusicDB() as kodidb: kodidb.cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO artist( idArtist, strArtist, strMusicBrainzArtistID) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''', (1, '[Missing Tag]', 'Artist Tag Missing')) if v.KODIVERSION >= 18: kodidb.cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO versiontagscan( idVersion, iNeedsScan, lastscanned) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''', (v.DB_MUSIC_VERSION[v.KODIVERSION], 0, timing.kodi_now())) def reset_cached_images(): LOG.info('Resetting cached artwork') # Remove all existing textures first path = path_ops.translate_path('special://thumbnails/') if path_ops.exists(path): path_ops.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) paths = ('', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'Video', 'plex') for path in paths: new_path = path_ops.translate_path('special://thumbnails/%s' % path) path_ops.makedirs(path_ops.encode_path(new_path)) with KodiTextureDB() as kodidb: for row in kodidb.cursor.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=?', ('table', )): if row[0] != 'version': kodidb.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % row[0]) def wipe_dbs(music=True): """ Completely resets the Kodi databases 'video', 'texture' and 'music' (if music sync is enabled) """ LOG.warn('Wiping Kodi databases!') kinds = [KodiVideoDB, KodiTextureDB] if music: kinds.append(KodiMusicDB) for db in kinds: with db() as kodidb: kodidb.cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'") tables = kodidb.cursor.fetchall() tables = [i[0] for i in tables] if 'version' in tables: tables.remove('version') if 'versiontagscan' in tables: tables.remove('versiontagscan') for table in tables: kodidb.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM %s' % table) setup_kodi_default_entries() # Delete SQLITE wal files import xbmc db_dir = xbmc.translatePath('special://database').decode('utf-8') for root, _, files in path_ops.walk(db_dir): for file in files: if path_ops.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in ('.db-shm', '.db-wal'): try: path_ops.remove(path_ops.path.join(root, file)) except OSError: LOG.info('Could not delete temp DB file %s', file) # Make sure Kodi knows we wiped the databases xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') if utils.settings('enableMusic') == 'true': xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)') KODIDB_FROM_PLEXTYPE = { v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: KodiVideoDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: KodiVideoDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_SEASON: KodiVideoDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: KodiVideoDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_ARTIST: KodiMusicDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM: KodiMusicDB, v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG: KodiMusicDB }