#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from time import time as _time import threading import Queue import heapq from collections import deque import xbmc from . import utils, app, variables as v LOG = getLogger('PLEX.threads') class KillableThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): self._canceled = False self._suspended = False self._is_not_suspended = threading.Event() self._is_not_suspended.set() self._suspension_reached = threading.Event() self._is_not_asleep = threading.Event() self._is_not_asleep.set() self.suspension_timeout = None super(KillableThread, self).__init__(group, target, name, args, kwargs) def should_cancel(self): """ Returns True if the thread should be stopped immediately """ return self._canceled or app.APP.stop_pkc def cancel(self): """ Call from another thread to stop this current thread """ self._canceled = True # Make sure thread is running in order to exit quickly self._is_not_asleep.set() self._is_not_suspended.set() def should_suspend(self): """ Returns True if the current thread should be suspended immediately """ return self._suspended def suspend(self, block=False, timeout=None): """ Call from another thread to suspend the current thread. Provide a timeout [float] in seconds optionally. block=True will block the caller until the thread-to-be-suspended is indeed suspended Will wake a thread that is asleep! """ self.suspension_timeout = timeout self._suspended = True self._is_not_suspended.clear() # Make sure thread wakes up in order to suspend self._is_not_asleep.set() if block: self._suspension_reached.wait() def resume(self): """ Call from another thread to revive a suspended or asleep current thread back to life """ self._suspended = False self._is_not_asleep.set() self._is_not_suspended.set() def wait_while_suspended(self): """ Blocks until thread is not suspended anymore or the thread should exit or for a period of self.suspension_timeout (set by the caller of suspend()) Returns the value of should_cancel() """ self._suspension_reached.set() self._is_not_suspended.wait(self.suspension_timeout) self._suspension_reached.clear() return self.should_cancel() def is_suspended(self): """ Check from another thread whether the current thread is suspended """ return self._suspension_reached.is_set() def sleep(self, timeout): """ Only call from the current thread in order to sleep for a period of timeout [float, seconds]. Will unblock immediately if thread should cancel (should_cancel()) or the thread should_suspend """ self._is_not_asleep.clear() self._is_not_asleep.wait(timeout) self._is_not_asleep.set() def is_asleep(self): """ Check from another thread whether the current thread is asleep """ return not self._is_not_asleep.is_set() class ProcessingQueue(Queue.Queue, object): """ Queue of queues that processes a queue completely before moving on to the next queue. There's one queue per Section(). You need to initialize each section with add_section(section) first. Put tuples (count, item) into this queue, with count being the respective position of the item in the queue, starting with 0 (zero). (None, None) is the sentinel for a single queue being exhausted, added by put_sentinel() """ def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = deque() self._sections = deque() self._queues = deque() self._current_section = None self._current_queue = None self._counter = 0 def _qsize(self): return self._current_queue._qsize() if self._current_queue else 0 def total_size(self): """ Return the approximate total size of all queues (not reliable!) """ self.mutex.acquire() n = sum(q._qsize() for q in self._queues) if self._queues else 0 self.mutex.release() return n def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None): """Put an item into the queue. If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until a free slot is available. If 'timeout' is a non-negative number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Full exception if no free slot was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), put an item on the queue if a free slot is immediately available, else raise the Full exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case). """ self.not_full.acquire() try: if self.maxsize > 0: if not block: # Use >= instead of == due to OrderedQueue! if self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: raise Queue.Full elif timeout is None: while self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: self.not_full.wait() elif timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number") else: endtime = _time() + timeout while self._qsize() >= self.maxsize: remaining = endtime - _time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Queue.Full self.not_full.wait(remaining) if self._put(item) == 0: # Only notify one waiting thread if this item is put into the # current queue self.not_empty.notify() else: # Be sure to signal not_empty only once! self._unlock_after_section_change() self.unfinished_tasks += 1 finally: self.not_full.release() def _put(self, item): """ Returns the index of the section in whose subqueue we need to put the item into """ for i, section in enumerate(self._sections): if item[1]['section'] == section: self._queues[i]._put(item) break else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find section for item %s' % item[1]) return i def _unlock_after_section_change(self): """ Ugly work-around if we expected more items to be synced, but we had to lower our section.number_of_items because PKC decided that nothing changed and we don't need to sync the respective item(s). get() thus might block indefinitely """ while (self._current_section and self._counter == self._current_section.number_of_items): LOG.debug('Signaling completion of current section') self._init_next_section() if self._current_queue and self._current_queue._qsize(): LOG.debug('Signaling not_empty') self.not_empty.notify() def put_sentinel(self, section): """ Adds a new empty section as a sentinel. Call with an empty Section() object. Once the get()-method returns None, you've received the sentinel and you've thus exhausted the queue """ self.not_empty.acquire() try: section.number_of_items = 1 self._add_section(section) # Add the actual sentinel to the queue we just added self._queues[-1]._put((None, None)) self.unfinished_tasks += 1 if len(self._queues) == 1: # queue was already exhausted! self._switch_queues() self._counter = 0 self.not_empty.notify() else: self._unlock_after_section_change() finally: self.not_empty.release() def add_section(self, section): """ Be sure to add all sections first before starting to pop items off this queue or adding them to the queue """ self.mutex.acquire() try: self._add_section(section) finally: self.mutex.release() def _add_section(self, section): self._sections.append(section) self._queues.append( OrderedQueue() if section.plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM else Queue.Queue()) if self._current_section is None: self._switch_queues() def _init_next_section(self): self._sections.popleft() self._queues.popleft() self._counter = 0 self._switch_queues() def _switch_queues(self): self._current_section = self._sections[0] if self._sections else None self._current_queue = self._queues[0] if self._queues else None def _get(self): item = self._current_queue._get() self._counter += 1 if self._counter == self._current_section.number_of_items: self._init_next_section() return item[1] class OrderedQueue(Queue.PriorityQueue, object): """ Queue that enforces an order on the items it returns. An item you push onto the queue must be a tuple (index, item) where index=-1 is the item that will be returned first. The Queue will block until index=-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... is then made available maxsize will be rather fuzzy, as _qsize returns 0 if we're still waiting for the next smalles index. put() thus might not block always when it should. """ def __init__(self, maxsize=0): self.next_index = 0 super(OrderedQueue, self).__init__(maxsize) def _qsize(self, len=len): return len(self.queue) if self.queue[0][0] == self.next_index else 0 def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): self.next_index += 1 return heappop(self.queue) class Tasks(list): def add(self, task): for t in self: if not t.isValid(): self.remove(t) if isinstance(task, list): self += task else: self.append(task) def cancel(self): while self: self.pop().cancel() class Task(object): def __init__(self, priority=None): self.priority = priority self._canceled = False self.finished = False def __cmp__(self, other): return self.priority - other.priority def start(self): BGThreader.addTask(self) def _run(self): self.run() self.finished = True def run(self): raise NotImplementedError def cancel(self): self._canceled = True def should_cancel(self): return self._canceled or xbmc.abortRequested def isValid(self): return not self.finished and not self._canceled class FunctionAsTask(Task): def __init__(self, function, callback, *args, **kwargs): self._function = function self._callback = callback self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs super(FunctionAsTask, self).__init__() def run(self): result = self._function(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if self._callback: self._callback(result) class MutablePriorityQueue(Queue.PriorityQueue): def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): self.queue.sort() return heappop(self.queue) def lowest(self): """Return the lowest priority item in the queue (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() try: lowest = self.queue and min(self.queue) or None except Exception: lowest = None utils.ERROR() finally: self.mutex.release() return lowest class BackgroundWorker(object): def __init__(self, queue, name=None): self._queue = queue self.name = name self._thread = None self._abort = False self._task = None @staticmethod def _runTask(task): if task._canceled: return try: task._run() except Exception: utils.ERROR() def abort(self): self._abort = True return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or xbmc.abortRequested def start(self): if self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): return self._thread = KillableThread(target=self._queueLoop, name='BACKGROUND-WORKER({0})'.format(self.name)) self._thread.start() def _queueLoop(self): if self._queue.empty(): return LOG.debug('(%s): Active', self.name) try: while not self.aborted(): self._task = self._queue.get_nowait() self._runTask(self._task) self._queue.task_done() self._task = None except Queue.Empty: LOG.debug('(%s): Idle', self.name) def shutdown(self): self.abort() if self._task: self._task.cancel() if self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): LOG.debug('thread (%s): Waiting...', self.name) self._thread.join() LOG.debug('thread (%s): Done', self.name) def working(self): return self._thread and self._thread.isAlive() class NonstoppingBackgroundWorker(BackgroundWorker): def __init__(self, queue, name=None): self._working = False super(NonstoppingBackgroundWorker, self).__init__(queue, name) def _queueLoop(self): while not self.aborted(): try: self._task = self._queue.get_nowait() self._working = True self._runTask(self._task) self._working = False self._queue.task_done() self._task = None except Queue.Empty: app.APP.monitor.waitForAbort(0.05) def working(self): return self._working class BackgroundThreader: def __init__(self, name=None, worker=BackgroundWorker, worker_count=6): self.name = name self._queue = MutablePriorityQueue() self._abort = False self.priority = -1 self.workers = [worker(self._queue, 'queue.{0}:worker.{1}'.format(self.name, x)) for x in range(worker_count)] def _nextPriority(self): self.priority += 1 return self.priority def abort(self): self._abort = True for w in self.workers: w.abort() return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or xbmc.abortRequested def shutdown(self): self.abort() for w in self.workers: w.shutdown() def addTask(self, task): task.priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(task) self.startWorkers() def addTasks(self, tasks): for t in tasks: t.priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(t) self.startWorkers() def addTasksToFront(self, tasks): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return self.addTasks(tasks) p = lowest - len(tasks) for t in tasks: t.priority = p self._queue.put(t) p += 1 self.startWorkers() def startWorkers(self): for w in self.workers: w.start() def working(self): return not self._queue.empty() or self.hasTask() def hasTask(self): return any([w.working() for w in self.workers]) def getLowestPrority(self): lowest = self._queue.lowest() if not lowest: return None return lowest.priority def moveToFront(self, qitem): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return qitem.priority = lowest - 1 class ThreaderManager: def __init__(self, worker=BackgroundWorker, worker_count=6): self.index = 0 self.abandoned = [] self._workerhandler = worker self.threader = BackgroundThreader(name=str(self.index), worker=worker, worker_count=worker_count) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.threader, name) def reset(self): if self.threader._queue.empty() and not self.threader.hasTask(): return self.index += 1 self.abandoned.append(self.threader.abort()) self.threader = BackgroundThreader(name=str(self.index), worker=self._workerhandler) def shutdown(self): self.threader.shutdown() for a in self.abandoned: a.shutdown() BGThreader = ThreaderManager()