#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import json from . import websocket from . import backgroundthread, app, variables as v, utils, companion log = getLogger('PLEX.websocket') PMS_PATH = '/:/websockets/notifications' PMS_INTERESTING_MESSAGE_TYPES = ('playing', 'timeline', 'activity') SETTINGS_STRING = '_status' def get_pms_uri(): uri = app.CONN.server if not uri: return # Get the appropriate prefix for the websocket if uri.startswith('https'): uri = "wss%s" % uri[5:] else: uri = "ws%s" % uri[4:] uri += PMS_PATH log.debug('uri to connect pms websocket: %s', uri) if app.ACCOUNT.pms_token: uri += '?X-Plex-Token=' + app.ACCOUNT.pms_token return uri def get_alexa_uri(): if not app.ACCOUNT.plex_token: return return ('wss://pubsub.plex.tv/sub/websockets/%s/%s?X-Plex-Token=%s' % (app.ACCOUNT.plex_user_id, v.PKC_MACHINE_IDENTIFIER, app.ACCOUNT.plex_token)) def pms_on_message(ws, message): """ Called when we receive a message from the PMS, e.g. when a new library item has been added. """ try: message = json.loads(message) except ValueError as err: log.error('Error decoding PMS websocket message: %s', err) log.error('message: %s', message) return try: message = message['NotificationContainer'] typus = message['type'] except KeyError: log.error('Could not parse PMS message: %s', message) return # Triage if typus not in PMS_INTERESTING_MESSAGE_TYPES: # Drop everything we're not interested in return else: # Put PMS message on queue and let libsync take care of it app.APP.websocket_queue.put(message) def alexa_on_message(ws, message): """ Called when we receive a message from Alexa """ log.debug('alexa message received: %s', message) try: message = utils.etree.fromstring(message) except Exception as err: log.error('Error decoding message from Alexa: %s %s', type(err), err) log.error('message from Alexa: %s', message) return try: if message.attrib['command'] == 'processRemoteControlCommand': message = message[0] else: log.error('Unknown Alexa message received: %s', message) return companion.process_command(message.attrib['path'][1:], message.attrib) except Exception as err: log.exception('Could not parse Alexa message, error: %s %s', type(err), err) log.error('message: %s', message) def on_error(ws, error): status = ws.name + SETTINGS_STRING if isinstance(error, IOError): # We are probably offline log.debug('%s: IOError connecting', ws.name) # Status = IOError - not connected utils.settings(status, value=utils.lang(39092)) ws.sleep_cycle() elif isinstance(error, websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException): log.debug('%s: WebSocketTimeoutException', ws.name) # Status = 'Timeout - not connected' utils.settings(status, value=utils.lang(39091)) ws.sleep_cycle() elif isinstance(error, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException): log.debug('%s: WebSocketConnectionClosedException', ws.name) # Status = Not connected utils.settings(ws.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(15208)) elif isinstance(error, websocket.WebSocketBadStatusException): # Most likely Alexa not connecting, throwing a 403 log.debug('%s: got a bad HTTP status: %s', ws.name, error) # Status = utils.settings(status, value=str(error)) ws.sleep_cycle() elif isinstance(error, websocket.WebSocketException): log.error('%s: got another websocket exception %s: %s', ws.name, type(error), error) # Status = Error utils.settings(status, value=utils.lang(257)) ws.sleep_cycle() elif isinstance(error, SystemExit): log.debug('%s: SystemExit detected', ws.name) # Status = Not connected utils.settings(ws.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(15208)) else: log.exception('%s: got an unexpected exception of type %s: %s', ws.name, type(error), error) # Status = Error utils.settings(status, value=utils.lang(257)) raise RuntimeError def on_close(ws): """ This does not seem to get called by our websocket client :-( """ log.debug('%s: connection closed', ws.name) # Status = Not connected utils.settings(ws.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(15208)) def on_open(ws): log.debug('%s: connected', ws.name) # Status = Connected utils.settings(ws.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(13296)) ws.sleeptime = 0 class PlexWebSocketApp(websocket.WebSocketApp, backgroundthread.KillableThread): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.sleeptime = 0 backgroundthread.KillableThread.__init__(self) websocket.WebSocketApp.__init__(self, self.get_uri(), **kwargs) def sleep_cycle(self): """ Sleeps for 2^self.sleeptime where sleeping period will be doubled with each unsuccessful connection attempt. Will sleep at most 64 seconds """ self.sleep(2 ** self.sleeptime) if self.sleeptime < 6: self.sleeptime += 1 def close(self, **kwargs): """websocket.WebSocketApp is not yet thread-safe. close() might encounter websockets that have already been closed""" try: websocket.WebSocketApp.close(self, **kwargs) except AttributeError: pass def suspend(self, block=False, timeout=None): """ Call this method from another thread to suspend this websocket thread """ self.close() backgroundthread.KillableThread.suspend(self, block, timeout) def cancel(self): """ Call this method from another thread to cancel this websocket thread """ self.close() backgroundthread.KillableThread.cancel(self) def run(self): """ Ensure that sockets will be closed no matter what """ log.info("----===## Starting %s ##===----", self.name) app.APP.register_thread(self) try: self._run() except RuntimeError: pass except Exception as err: log.exception('Exception of type %s occured: %s', type(err), err) finally: self.close() # Status = Not connected utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(15208)) app.APP.deregister_thread(self) log.info("----===## %s stopped ##===----", self.name) def _run(self): while not self.should_cancel(): # In the event the server goes offline while self.should_suspend(): # We will be caught in this loop if either another thread # called the suspend() method, thus setting _suspended = True # OR if there any other conditions to not open a websocket # connection - see methods should_suspend() below # Status = Suspended - not connected self.set_suspension_settings_status() if self.wait_while_suspended(): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit return if not self._suspended: # because wait_while_suspended will return instantly if # this thread did not get suspended from another thread self.sleep_cycle() self.url = self.get_uri() if not self.url: self.sleep_cycle() continue self.run_forever() class PMSWebsocketApp(PlexWebSocketApp): name = 'pms_websocket' def get_uri(self): return get_pms_uri() def should_suspend(self): """ Returns True if the thread needs to suspend. """ return (self._suspended or utils.settings('enableBackgroundSync') != 'true') def set_suspension_settings_status(self): if utils.settings('enableBackgroundSync') != 'true': # Status = Disabled utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(24023)) else: # Status = 'Suspended - not connected' utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(39093)) class AlexaWebsocketApp(PlexWebSocketApp): name = 'alexa_websocket' def get_uri(self): return get_alexa_uri() def should_suspend(self): """ Returns True if the thread needs to suspend. """ return self._suspended or \ utils.settings('enable_alexa') != 'true' or \ app.ACCOUNT.restricted_user or \ not app.ACCOUNT.plex_token def set_suspension_settings_status(self): if utils.settings('enable_alexa') != 'true': # Status = Disabled utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(24023)) elif app.ACCOUNT.restricted_user: # Status = Managed Plex User - not connected utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(39094)) elif not app.ACCOUNT.plex_token: # Status = Not logged in to plex.tv utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(39226)) else: # Status = 'Suspended - not connected' utils.settings(self.name + SETTINGS_STRING, value=utils.lang(39093)) def get_pms_websocketapp(): return PMSWebsocketApp(on_open=on_open, on_message=pms_on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close) def get_alexa_websocketapp(): return AlexaWebsocketApp(on_open=on_open, on_message=alexa_on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close)