#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sqlite3 from functools import wraps from . import variables as v, app DB_WRITE_ATTEMPTS = 100 DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 class LockedDatabase(Exception): """ Dedicated class to make sure we're not silently catching locked DBs. """ pass def catch_operationalerrors(method): """ sqlite.OperationalError is raised immediately if another DB connection is open, reading something that we're trying to change So let's catch it and try again Also see https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/274 """ @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): attempts = DB_WRITE_ATTEMPTS while True: try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'database is locked' not in err: # Not an error we want to catch, so reraise it raise attempts -= 1 if attempts == 0: # Reraise in order to NOT catch nested OperationalErrors raise LockedDatabase('Database is locked') # Need to close the transactions and begin new ones self.kodiconn.commit() if self.artconn: self.artconn.commit() if app.APP.monitor.waitForAbort(0.1): # PKC needs to quit return # Start new transactions self.kodiconn.execute('BEGIN') if self.artconn: self.artconn.execute('BEGIN') return wrapper def _initial_db_connection_setup(conn): """ Set-up DB e.g. for WAL journal mode, if that hasn't already been done before. Also start a transaction """ conn.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;') conn.execute('PRAGMA cache_size = -8000;') conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;') conn.execute('BEGIN') def connect(media_type=None): """ Open a connection to the Kodi database. media_type: 'video' (standard if not passed), 'plex', 'music', 'texture' """ if media_type == "plex": db_path = v.DB_PLEX_PATH elif media_type == 'plex-copy': db_path = v.DB_PLEX_COPY_PATH elif media_type == "music": db_path = v.DB_MUSIC_PATH elif media_type == "texture": db_path = v.DB_TEXTURE_PATH else: db_path = v.DB_VIDEO_PATH conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path, timeout=DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, isolation_level=None) attempts = DB_WRITE_ATTEMPTS while True: try: _initial_db_connection_setup(conn) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'database is locked' not in err: # Not an error we want to catch, so reraise it raise attempts -= 1 if attempts == 0: # Reraise in order to NOT catch nested OperationalErrors raise LockedDatabase('Database is locked') if app.APP.monitor.waitForAbort(0.05): # PKC needs to quit raise LockedDatabase('Database was locked and we need to exit') else: break return conn