video audio image30416[!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))]Native Integration of Plex into KodiConnect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!Use at your own riskallGNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991https://forums.plex.tv integratie van Plex in KodiVerbind Kodi met je Plex Media Server. Deze plugin gaat ervan uit dat je al je video's met Plex (en niet met Kodi) beheerd. Je kunt gegevens reeds opgeslagen in de databases voor video en muziek van Kodi (deze plugin wijzigt deze gegevens direct) verliezen. Gebruik op eigen risico!Gebruik op eigen risicoIntégration native de Plex dans KodiConnecter Kodi à votre Plex Media Server. Ce plugin assume que vous souhaitez gérer toutes vos vidéos avec Plex (et aucune avec Kodi). Vous pourriez perdre les données déjà stockées dans les bases de données vidéo et musique de Kodi (ce plugin les modifie directement). Utilisez à vos propres risques !A utiliser à vos propres risquesIntégration native de Plex dans KodiConnecter Kodi à votre Plex Media Server. Ce plugin assume que vous souhaitez gérer toutes vos vidéos avec Plex (et aucune avec Kodi). Vous pourriez perdre les données déjà stockées dans les bases de données vidéo et musique de Kodi (ce plugin les modifie directement). Utilisez à vos propres risques !A utiliser à vos propres risquesKomplette Integration von Plex in KodiVerbindet Kodi mit deinem Plex Media Server. Dieses Addon geht davon aus, dass du all deine Videos mit Plex verwaltest (und keine direkt mit Kodi). Du wirst möglicherweise Daten verlieren, die bereits in der Kodi Video- und/oder Musik-Datenbank gespeichert sind (da dieses Addon beide Datenbanken direkt verändert). Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!Benutzung auf eigene GefahrIntegração nativa do Plex no KodiConectar o Kodi ao Servidor Plex Media. Este plugin assume que gerirá todos os vídeos com o Plex (e nenhum com Kodi). Poderá perder dados guardados nas bases de dados de vídeo e musica do Kodi (pois este plugin interfere diretamente com as mesmas). Use por risco de conta própriaUse por risco de conta própriaIntegração nativa do Plex no KodiConectar o Kodi ao Servidor Plex Media. Este plugin assume que gerirá todos os vídeos com o Plex (e nenhum com Kodi). Poderá perder dados guardados nas bases de dados de vídeo e musica do Kodi (pois este plugin interfere diretamente com as mesmas). Use por risco de conta própriaUse por risco de conta própriaIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoÚplná integrace Plexu do KodiPřipojte Kodi ke svému Plex Media Serveru. Tento doplněk předpokládá, že spravujete veškerá svá videa pomocí Plexu (nikoliv pomocí Kodi). Můžete přijít o data uložená ve video a hudební databázi Kodi (tento doplněk je přímo mění). Používejte na vlastní nebezpečí!Používejte na vlastní nebezpečíIndbygget Integration af Plex i KodiTilslut Kodi til din Plex Media Server. Dette plugin forudsætter, at du administrere alle dine videoer med Plex (og ikke med Kodi). Du kan miste data som allerede er gemt i Kodi video og musik-databaser (dette plugin ændrer direkte i dem). Brug på eget ansvar!Brug på eget ansvarNaturlig integrasjon av Plex til KodiKoble Kodi til din Plex Media Server. Denne plugin forventer at du organiserer alle dine videor med Plex (og ingen med Kodi). Du kan miste all data allerede lagret i Kodi video- og musikkdatabasene (da denne plugin umiddelbart forandrer dem). Bruk på egen risiko!Bruk på eget ansvara Plex natív integrációja a Kodi-baCsatlakoztassa a Kodi-t a Plex médiaszerveréhez. Ez a kiegészítő feltételezi, hogy az összes videóját a Plex-szel kezeli (és egyiket sem a Kodi-val). Elveszítheti a már a Kodi videó- és zene-adatbázisában tárolt adatokat (mivel ez a kiegészítő közvetlenül módosítja az adatbázisokat). Csak saját felelősségére használja!Csak saját felelősségre használjaНативная интеграция сервера Plex в KodiПодключите Kodi к своему серверу Plex. Плагин предполагает что вы управляете своими видео с помощью Plex (а не в Kodi). Вы можете потерять текущие базы данных музыки и видео в Kodi (так как плагин напрямую их изменяет). Используйте на свой страх и рискИспользуйте на свой страх и рискНативна інтеграція Plex в KodiПідключає Kodi до серверу Plex. Цей плагін передбачає, що ви керуєте всіма своїми відео за допомогою Plex (і ніяк не Kodi). Ви можете втратити дані, які вже зберігаються у відео та музичних БД Kodi (оскільки цей плагін безпосередньо їх змінює). Використовуйте на свій страх і ризик!Використовуйте на свій ризикversion 2.5.0 (beta only):
- Huge rewrite of the sync mechanism - it should now be faster and more stable
- Sync huge Plex libraries now: the sync will load all data bit by bit
- Rewrote code for the main program loop, reducing the need for separate Python threads
- Rewrote and sped up code to access and change Kodi and Plex databases
- Fixes to Kodi 18 Leia music library
- Tons of other small fixes I can't remember
version 2.4.10 (beta only):
- Use xml.etree.cElementTree whenever possible to avoid memory leaks
version 2.4.9:
- Fix Kodi crashing due to PKC memory leak
version 2.4.8:
- Make 2.4.4-2.4.7 available for everyone
version 2.4.7 (beta only):
- Try to fix PKC for Enigma 2
- Fix Kodi 18 wanting to scan tags for songs all the time (you will need to reset the database in the PKC settings)
- Optimize resetting of Kodi and Plex databases
version 2.4.6 (beta only):
- Fix PKC not starting up on Enigma
- Fix sync issues if video lies in root of file system
- Make sure we retain a dummy first music artist entry
- Increase logging
version 2.4.5 (beta only):
- Fix playback not starting up at all
- Rewire Kodi library refreshs
- Wipe Kodi database on first PKC run to more reliably install PKC
version 2.4.4 (beta only):
- Fix rare case when playback would not start-up
- Increase logging
version 2.4.3:
- Fix Kodi addons throwing jsonrpc errors (database reset needed)
version 2.4.2:
- Make version 2.4.1 available for everyone
version 2.4.1 (beta only):
- Hopefully fix endless playlist sync loops
- Ensure shows are deleted before seasons before episodes
- Fix library sync crash on deleting episode with missing season
- Fix numbering of already existing playlist files
- Optimize logging
version 2.4.0:
- Use pretty Plex dialogs for everyone!
version 2.3.14 (beta only):
- Fix AttributeError on forcing texture caching
- Switch to Plex style dialogs
- Include PKC info in dialogs
- Include PKC info in user selection dialog
version 2.3.13 (beta only):
- Pretty Plex dialogs for sign-in and user selection
- Fix UnicodeDecodeError for PMS with non ASCII chars on local LAN discovery
- Fix add-on settings not opening on installation
- Greatly speed up deleting of items on the Kodi side
- Safely parse XMLs using defusedxml
- Fix PKC trying to sync audio playlists even when audio sync disabled
- Some code cleanup
version 2.3.12:
- Fix Kodi hanging if media stream selection is aborted
- Fix potential sync crash
- Revert "Fix Kodi crash by committing to DB frequently"
version 2.3.11 (beta only):
- Fix Kodi crash by committing to DB frequently
version 2.3.10:
- Compatibility with Kodi 18 Leia Beta 1
- Update translations
- Make version 2.3.9 available for everyone
version 2.3.9 (beta only):
- Fix playback not resuming (Kodi 18 ignores listitem "StartOffset")
- Fix playerid not being retrieved for Kodi 18
- Prefer local trailers; new setting to list extras instead of playing trailer
version 2.3.8:
- Fix typo
- Make version 2.3.4-2.3.7 available for everyone
version 2.3.7 (beta only):
- Fix library sync crash due to exotic playlist characters
- Force-deactivate playlist sync for Microsoft UWP for Kodi 18
version 2.3.6 (beta only):
- Fix PKC not starting by decoupling watchdog/subprocess modules
version 2.3.5 (beta only):
- Fix PKC not starting by importing playlist module only when sync enabled
version 2.3.4 (beta only):
- Fix playback sometimes not starting and UnicodeEncodeError for logging
version 2.3.3:
- Choose trailer if several are present (DB reset required)
version 2.3.2:
- Fix casting to PKC failing
version 2.3.1:
- Fix library sync crashing due to Plex photo albums
version 2.3.0:
Major stable version bump. Highlights:
- Sync Plex playlists to Kodi and Kodi playlists to Plex!
- Support for Plex collection/set artwork
- Many bug fixes, especially Plex Companion
- Tons of code improvements in the hope that someone else will help with developing PKC
Warning: the 2 helper add-ons for movies and tv shows also received an upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5. If you want to downgrade PKC, be sure to downgrade these add-ons as well!
version 2.2.18 (beta only):
- Fix PKC tv show node "all"
- Move PKC playlist shortcut
version 2.2.17 (beta only):
- Access Plex Hubs. Listing will be different depending on Kodi section!
- Fix year for songs missing
- Fix Plex extras not playing
- Fix rare library sync crash
version 2.2.16 (beta only):
- Enable Kodi libraries for Plex Music libraries
- New Playlists menu item for video libraries
- Only show Plex libraries in the applicable Kodi media category
- Optimize code
version 2.2.15 (beta only):
- Fix ImportError on first PKC run
version 2.2.14 (beta only):
- Hopefully fix playlist sync loops
version 2.2.13 (beta only):
- Fix library sync crash
- Fix switching to __future__ module
- Fix "Prefer Kodi Artwork" toggle doing the exact opposite
- Fix "Prefer Kodi artwork" setting not being visible
version 2.2.12 (beta only):
- Fix slow sync. Fix endless sync of corrupted PMS elements
- Refactor playlist code
- Fix FutureWarning
version 2.2.11 (beta only):
- Fix OnDeck widget for Direct Paths
- Fix Plex Companion crashing when connected to Plex Web
- Fix Plex Companion crash when connected to Plex Web playing playlist music
- Improve Plex playback report when playing music playlist
- Improve reliability in Kodi song playback
- Catch some errors if user mixes audio and video in Kodi playqueue
version 2.2.10 (beta only):
- Fix playlists getting recreated and deleted in an endless loop
- Add some safety nets for playlist sync
- Fix FutureWarning
- Fix playlist sync settings not disappearing
- Optimize code
version 2.2.9 (beta only):
- Hopefully fix Kodi and Plex playlists getting out of sync
- Fix and optimize startup of playlist sync
- Hide certain playlist settings under certain conditions
- Fix errors in Kodi log
version 2.2.8 (beta only):
- Support for Plex collection artwork (PKC settings toggle under Artwork)
- Fix hard PKC reset not working (OSError: no such file)
- Deduplication
- Catch exception
- Update translations
- Extend Kodi metadata
- Update readme
version 2.2.7 (beta only):
- Allow to only sync specific Plex or Kodi playlists
- Don't show artwork sync progress, reduce setting-writes
- Fix playback sometimes not starting up
- Use __future__ for
- Fix imports
version 2.2.6 (beta only):
- Fix default settings string, only show in English, hopefully fixes PKC loosing its settings
version 2.2.5 (beta only):
- Fix AttributeError and add_update has crashed
version 2.2.4 (beta only):
- Fix LibrarySync crashing due to Plex Companion messages
version 2.2.3 (beta only):
- Compatibility with Kodi Krypton Alpha 2
- Append tv show and SxxExx to episode playlist entries
version 2.2.2 (beta only):
- Fixes to locking mechanisms which resulted in weird behavior in some cases
- Switch to Python __future__ unicode_literals and absolute paths
- Fix UnboundLocalError for playlists
- Check all Kodi database versions before starting PKC
- Fix KeyError on non-PKC playback startup
- Speed up subtitle download to Kodi
- Update translations
- PEP-8 stuff
version 2.2.1 (beta only):
- Fix library sync crash due to PMS sending string, not unicode
- Fix playback from playlists for add-on paths
- Detect playback from a Kodi playlist for add-on paths - because we need some hacks due to Kodi bugs
- Fix add-on paths playstate and Plex Companion for playlists
- Fix Kodi telling Plex companion false playqueue position
- Don't try to get a Kodi library items for Plex clips
- Update translations
version 2.2.0 (beta only):
- Support for syncing Plex playlists to Kodi and vice-versa! (Kodi mixed music and video playlists cannot be supported as Plex does not support them)
version 2.1.6:
- Fix slow sync. Fix endless sync of corrupted PMS elements
version 2.1.5:
- Fix OnDeck widget for Direct Paths
version 2.1.4:
- Fix PKC settings suddenly getting lost
- Don't show artwork sync progress, reduce setting-writes
version 2.1.3:
- Fix default settings string, only show in English, hopefully fixes PKC loosing its settings
version 2.1.2:
- Compatibility with Kodi Krypton Alpha 2
- Check all Kodi database versions before starting PKC
- Fix KeyError on non-PKC playback startup
- PEP-8 stuff
version 2.1.1:
- Fix Library Sync crash on Android
version 2.1.0:
Finally a new update for the stable version. You will need to reconnect to your PMS and reset the Kodi database once. Highlights of v2 include:
- Support for Plex extras
- Huge improvements to Plex Companion
- Fixes to Alexa voice control
- Kodi 18 Leia Alpha 1 support
- Improvements to playback start-up
- Improvements to the syncing mechanism, which should get rid of a ton of small bugs
- Fixes to widgets and resuming playback
- Use of paths instead of local IP addresses to ensure the SSL certificates shown by the PMS are deemed valid
- Fix Kodi screensaver
- Faster PKC startup
- And tons of other stuff...