#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Used to shovel data from separate Kodi Python instances to the main thread and vice versa. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import json import xbmc import xbmcgui LOG = getLogger('PLEX.transfer') MONITOR = xbmc.Monitor() WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) WINDOW_UPSTREAM = 'plexkodiconnect.result.upstream'.encode('utf-8') WINDOW_DOWNSTREAM = 'plexkodiconnect.result.downstream'.encode('utf-8') WINDOW_COMMAND = 'plexkodiconnect.command'.encode('utf-8') def cast(func, value): """ Cast the specified value to the specified type (returned by func). Currently this only support int, float, bool. Should be extended if needed. Parameters: func (func): Calback function to used cast to type (int, bool, float). value (any): value to be cast and returned. """ if value is not None: if func == bool: return bool(int(value)) elif func == unicode: if isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return unicode(value) else: return value.decode('utf-8') elif func == str: if isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return str(value) else: return value.encode('utf-8') elif func in (int, float): try: return func(value) except ValueError: return float('nan') return func(value) return value def kodi_window(property, value=None, clear=False): """ Get or set window property - thread safe! value must be string """ if clear: WINDOW.clearProperty(property) elif value is not None: WINDOW.setProperty(property, value) else: return WINDOW.getProperty(property) def plex_command(value): """ Used to funnel states between different Python instances. NOT really thread safe - let's hope the Kodi user can't click fast enough """ while kodi_window(WINDOW_COMMAND): if MONITOR.waitForAbort(20): return kodi_window(WINDOW_COMMAND, value=value) def serialize(obj): if isinstance(obj, PKCListItem): return {'type': 'PKCListItem', 'data': obj.data} else: return {'type': 'other', 'data': obj} return def de_serialize(answ): if answ['type'] == 'PKCListItem': result = PKCListItem() result.data = answ['data'] return convert_pkc_to_listitem(result) elif answ['type'] == 'other': return answ['data'] else: raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: %s' % answ) def send(pkc_listitem, target='default'): """ Pickles the obj to the window variable. Use to transfer Python objects between different PKC python instances (e.g. if default.py is called and you'd want to use the service.py instance) obj can be pretty much any Python object. However, classes and functions won't work. See the Pickle documentation Set target='default' if you send data TO another Python default.py instance, 'main' if your default.py needs to send to the main thread """ window = WINDOW_DOWNSTREAM if target == 'default' else WINDOW_UPSTREAM LOG.debug('Sending: %s', pkc_listitem) kodi_window(window, value=json.dumps(serialize(pkc_listitem))) def wait_for_transfer(source='main'): """ Set source='default' if you wait for data FROM another Python default.py instance, 'main' if your default.py needs to wait for the main thread """ window = WINDOW_DOWNSTREAM if source == 'main' else WINDOW_UPSTREAM result = '' while not result: result = kodi_window(window) if result: kodi_window(window, clear=True) LOG.debug('Received') result = json.loads(result) return de_serialize(result) elif MONITOR.waitForAbort(0.05): return def convert_pkc_to_listitem(pkc_listitem): """ Insert a PKCListItem() and you will receive a valid XBMC listitem """ data = pkc_listitem.data listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=data.get('label'), label2=data.get('label2'), path=data.get('path')) if data['info']: listitem.setInfo(**data['info']) for stream in data['stream_info']: # Kodi documentation up to date? CAREFUL as type= seems to be cType= # and values= seems to be dictionary= listitem.addStreamInfo(**stream) if data['art']: listitem.setArt(data['art']) for key, value in data['property'].iteritems(): listitem.setProperty(key, cast(str, value)) if data['subtitles']: listitem.setSubtitles(data['subtitles']) return listitem class PKCListItem(object): """ Imitates xbmcgui.ListItem and its functions. Pass along PKC_Listitem().data when pickling! WARNING: set/get path only via setPath and getPath! (not getProperty) """ def __init__(self, label=None, label2=None, path=None): self.data = { 'stream_info': [], # (type, values: dict { label: value }) 'art': {}, # dict 'info': {}, # type: infoLabel (dict { label: value }) 'label': label, # string 'label2': label2, # string 'path': path, # string 'property': {}, # (key, value) 'subtitles': [], # strings } def addContextMenuItems(self, items, replaceItems): """ Adds item(s) to the context menu for media lists. items : list - [(label, action,)*] A list of tuples consisting of label and action pairs. - label : string or unicode - item's label. - action : string or unicode - any built-in function to perform. replaceItes : [opt] bool - True=only your items will show/False=your items will be amdded to context menu(Default). List of functions - http://kodi.wiki/view/List_of_Built_In_Functions *Note, You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments. Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword. """ raise NotImplementedError def addStreamInfo(self, type, values): """ Add a stream with details. type : string - type of stream(video/audio/subtitle). values : dictionary - pairs of { label: value }. - Video Values: - codec : string (h264) - aspect : float (1.78) - width : integer (1280) - height : integer (720) - duration : integer (seconds) - Audio Values: - codec : string (dts) - language : string (en) - channels : integer (2) - Subtitle Values: - language : string (en) """ self.data['stream_info'].append({'cType': type, 'dictionary': values}) def getLabel(self): """ Returns the listitem label """ return self.data.get('label') def getLabel2(self): """ Returns the listitem label. """ return self.data.get('label2') def getMusicInfoTag(self): """ returns the MusicInfoTag for this item. """ raise NotImplementedError def getProperty(self, key): """ Returns a listitem property as a string, similar to an infolabel. key : string - property name. *Note, Key is NOT case sensitive. You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments. Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword. """ return self.data['property'].get(key) def getVideoInfoTag(self): """ returns the VideoInfoTag for this item """ raise NotImplementedError def getdescription(self): """ Returns the description of this PlayListItem """ raise NotImplementedError def getduration(self): """ Returns the duration of this PlayListItem """ raise NotImplementedError def getfilename(self): """ Returns the filename of this PlayListItem. """ raise NotImplementedError def isSelected(self): """ Returns the listitem's selected status """ raise NotImplementedError def select(self): """ Sets the listitem's selected status. selected : bool - True=selected/False=not selected """ raise NotImplementedError def setArt(self, values): """ Sets the listitem's art values : dictionary - pairs of { label: value }. Some default art values (any string possible): - thumb : string - image filename - poster : string - image filename - banner : string - image filename - fanart : string - image filename - clearart : string - image filename - clearlogo : string - image filename - landscape : string - image filename - icon : string - image filename """ self.data['art'].update(values) def setContentLookup(self, enable): """ Enable or disable content lookup for item. If disabled, HEAD requests to e.g determine mime type will not be sent. enable : bool """ raise NotImplementedError def setInfo(self, type, infoLabels): """ type : string - type of media(video/music/pictures). infoLabels : dictionary - pairs of { label: value }. *Note, To set pictures exif info, prepend 'exif:' to the label. Exif values must be passed as strings, separate value pairs with a comma. (eg. {'exif:resolution': '720,480'} See CPictureInfoTag::TranslateString in PictureInfoTag.cpp for valid strings. You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments. Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword. - General Values that apply to all types: - count : integer (12) - can be used to store an id for later, or for sorting purposes - size : long (1024) - size in bytes - date : string (d.m.Y / 01.01.2009) - file date - Video Values: - genre : string (Comedy) - year : integer (2009) - episode : integer (4) - season : integer (1) - top250 : integer (192) - tracknumber : integer (3) - rating : float (6.4) - range is 0..10 - userrating : integer (9) - range is 1..10 - watched : depreciated - use playcount instead - playcount : integer (2) - number of times this item has been played - overlay : integer (2) - range is 0..8. See GUIListItem.h for values - cast : list (["Michal C. Hall","Jennifer Carpenter"]) - if provided a list of tuples cast will be interpreted as castandrole - castandrole : list of tuples ([("Michael C. Hall","Dexter"),("Jennifer Carpenter","Debra")]) - director : string (Dagur Kari) - mpaa : string (PG-13) - plot : string (Long Description) - plotoutline : string (Short Description) - title : string (Big Fan) - originaltitle : string (Big Fan) - sorttitle : string (Big Fan) - duration : integer (245) - duration in seconds - studio : string (Warner Bros.) - tagline : string (An awesome movie) - short description of movie - writer : string (Robert D. Siegel) - tvshowtitle : string (Heroes) - premiered : string (2005-03-04) - status : string (Continuing) - status of a TVshow - code : string (tt0110293) - IMDb code - aired : string (2008-12-07) - credits : string (Andy Kaufman) - writing credits - lastplayed : string (Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04) - album : string (The Joshua Tree) - artist : list (['U2']) - votes : string (12345 votes) - trailer : string (/home/user/trailer.avi) - dateadded : string (Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04) - mediatype : string - "video", "movie", "tvshow", "season", "episode" or "musicvideo" - Music Values: - tracknumber : integer (8) - discnumber : integer (2) - duration : integer (245) - duration in seconds - year : integer (1998) - genre : string (Rock) - album : string (Pulse) - artist : string (Muse) - title : string (American Pie) - rating : string (3) - single character between 0 and 5 - lyrics : string (On a dark desert highway...) - playcount : integer (2) - number of times this item has been played - lastplayed : string (Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04) - Picture Values: - title : string (In the last summer-1) - picturepath : string (/home/username/pictures/img001.jpg) - exif : string (See CPictureInfoTag::TranslateString in PictureInfoTag.cpp for valid strings) """ self.data['info'] = {'type': type, 'infoLabels': infoLabels} def setLabel(self, label): """ Sets the listitem's label. label : string or unicode - text string. """ self.data['label'] = label def setLabel2(self, label): """ Sets the listitem's label2. label : string or unicode - text string. """ self.data['label2'] = label def setMimeType(self, mimetype): """ Sets the listitem's mimetype if known. mimetype : string or unicode - mimetype. If known prehand, this can (but does not have to) avoid HEAD requests being sent to HTTP servers to figure out file type. """ raise NotImplementedError def setPath(self, path): """ Sets the listitem's path. path : string or unicode - path, activated when item is clicked. *Note, You can use the above as keywords for arguments. """ self.data['path'] = path def setProperty(self, key, value): """ Sets a listitem property, similar to an infolabel. key : string - property name. value : string or unicode - value of property. *Note, Key is NOT case sensitive. You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments. Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword. Some of these are treated internally by XBMC, such as the 'StartOffset' property, which is the offset in seconds at which to start playback of an item. Others may be used in the skin to add extra information, such as 'WatchedCount' for tvshow items """ self.data['property'][key] = value def setSubtitles(self, subtitles): """ Sets subtitles for this listitem. Pass in a list of filepaths example: - listitem.setSubtitles(['special://temp/example.srt', 'http://example.com/example.srt' ]) """ self.data['subtitles'].extend(subtitles)