version 2.9.2 (beta only): - Fix Plex Companion casting from iOS and Android - Faster sync of playlists - Sync playlists immediately after synching new/changed items and show an info dialog - Fix potential playlist sync issues if there is a dot in the playlist name - Remove obsolete check if path is indeed in unicode - Add unicode representation to Playlist() class - Separate function to wipe all synched Plex playlists - Less logging when comparing PKC versions version 2.9.1: - Fix On Deck and Recently Added Episodes for shows not appending showname and season and episode number version 2.9.0: WARNING: You might have to manually select your PKC widgets again - versions 2.8.8 - 2.8.11 for everyone - Fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrib' on playback startup - Add new Lithuanian translations (thanks @egidusm) version 2.8.11 (beta only): - Support for the Up Next Kodi add-on - Fix casting to PlexKodiConnect always starting the first episode - Rename video nodes for ondeck version 2.8.10 (beta only): - Fix broken PKC update version 2.8.9 (beta only): - Fix sections that are not synced not displaying menu but entire library - Provide more metadata for unsynced directory-like items like a tv show - Fix 'Plex.nodes..path' not linking directly to entire library version 2.8.8 (beta only): WARNING: You might have to manually select your PKC widgets again - Ensure correct Kodi Container.Type is set for PKC widgets - Fix missing cast artwork if an actor also acted as director or writer for another movie. You will have to manually reset the Kodi DB. version 2.8.7: - Fix PKC potentially marking a video as watched on startup; don't sync time by toggling a video watch status but use PMS epoch time version 2.8.6: - Fix PKC creating thousands of playlists if a single Kodi playlist wasn't unique - Fix FutureWarning version 2.8.5: - Fix Trakt add-on not recognizing id of tv shows (you will need to manually reset the Kodi database in the PKC settings under Advanced) - Update translations version 2.8.4: - Fix for Kodi 17 Krypton TypeError on playback start: 'offscreen' is an invalid keyword argument for this function - Fix widgets not being populated after very first PlexKodiConnect library sync without a restart of Kodi - Don't restart Kodi if user chose to enter PKC settings on install version 2.8.3: - Versions 2.8.1-2.8.2 for everyone version 2.8.2 (beta only): - Add an additional, faster On Deck node for movies (for tv shows, this is impossible, unfortunately) - Introduce limits to the number of videos shown in PKC widgets to speed them up - Fix TypeError for Direct Paths: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘item’ - Fix In Progress widgets being broken and tv shows showing up as completely watched - Update translations version 2.8.1 (beta only): - Fix playback startup and RuntimeError: Unknown exception thrown from the call "XBMCAddon::xbmcplugin::setResolvedUrl" - Refactor Plex API - Fix TV Show clearlogo not displaying during playback - Fix rare UnicodeDecodeError on library sync - Add additional info dialog for PKC synching playlists - Update translations version 2.8.0: - Finally fix Kodi crashing on playback startup for add-on paths! - All the good stuff from 2.7.15-2.7.18 for everyone version 2.7.18 (beta only): - Fix Kodi always playing the same file version of a video if several are present - Also play trailers if user chose to resume movie from the beginning - Ask user whether to resume if using Direct Paths and user initiated playback via PMS - Fix video thrown by Plex Companion not resuming version 2.7.17 (beta only): - Another attempt to keep Kodi from crashing on playback startup version 2.7.16 (beta only): - Hopefully fix Kodi crashing on playback startup for good version 2.7.15 (beta only): - Hopefully fix Kodi crashing on playback startup - Refresh widgets only on homescreen to prevent cursor from jumping within libraries - Don't refresh container when user chose to delete or refresh an item from the context menu version 2.7.14: - Correctly clear window variables e.g. on user switch - Reload skin on resetting PKC video nodes - Fix last-played node value to ensure a playcount greater than zero - 2.7.11-2.7.13 for everyone version 2.7.13 (beta only): - Fix transcoding not working - Fix 4k H265 not being transcoded - Fix some appearance tweak settings - Fix music and picture nodes pointing to video library - Fix unequality when comparing sections - Fix Plex Companion logging error messages version 2.7.12 (beta only): - Fix UnicodeEncodeError on playback startup for direct paths - Attempt to fix rare Kodi crash on PKC exit version 2.7.11 (beta only): - Fixes to unicode - Cleanup code, remove some obsolet methods and functions - Fix FutureWarning version 2.7.10: - Fix duplicate music entries for direct paths (you will need to manually reset the Kodi database) - Fix UnicodeEncodeError for Direct Paths and some PKC video nodes - Fix playback sometimes not being reported for direct paths - Update translations version 2.7.9: - Wait for PKC to authorize before loading widgets - Fix UnicodeDecodeError for libraries with non-ASCII paths - Fix TypeError on Kodi start - Fix Kodi Masterlock for nfs paths (requires restart) version 2.7.8: - Fix widgets not working in some cases like NVidia Shield - Fix appending of show title, season and episode number - Fix node paths for skins version 2.7.7: - Fix sync not working due to non-ASCII Plex library names - Fix PKC synching playstate to wrong user on profile switch. Be aware that Kodi profile switches are error-prone - Fix playback sometimes not being reported for direct paths - Fix float() argument must be a string or a number - Fix nodes for skin use - Fix 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'kodi_path' version 2.7.6: - Make 2.7.5 available for everyone version 2.7.5 (beta only): - Giant overhaul of widgets - Fix some KeyErrors when playing songs - Fix rare cases where playlists were being created version 2.7.4: - Fix PKC not synching new items if an older Kodi db is present version 2.7.3: - Fix PKC trying to initialize playqueues over and over again - Fix PKC not starting due to a higher version Kodi database version 2.7.2: - Fix Kodi profile switch not working correctly and PKC not exiting cleanly version 2.7.1: - Fix playback not starting at all - Fix rare TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'int' on playback startup - Improve plex db lookups by creating better db indicees - Fix background sync crashing in rare cases - Update translations - Add Ko-fi donate button version 2.7.0: - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database if you're using the stable version of PKC! - Version 2.6.6-9 for everyone - Choose which Plex libraries get synched to Kodi version 2.6.9 (beta only): - Fix PKC crashing on resetting the database version 2.6.8 (beta only): - Choose which Plex libraries get synched to Kodi - Fix PKC becoming unresponsive - Fix rare case where thousands of identical playlists could be generated - Fix movies or shows disappearing in fringe cases - Fix processing of collections in special cases - Implement Codacy suggestions version 2.6.7 (beta only): - Fix "Unauthorized for PMS" e.g. on switching Plex users - Improve error messages when playback failes version 2.6.6 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Greatly speed up sync for episodes, especially for large libraries - Allow websocket redirects. Never allow insecure HTTPs connections for Kodi Leia - Optimize headers for communication with PMS to appear like a Plex Media Player - Fix PMS log entries 'Unable to find client profile for device' - Improve sync dialog version 2.6.5: - Fix extras not playing - Hide "Verify SSL certificate" setting for Kodi 18 Krypton - Improve logging - Update translations version 2.6.4: - Fix music items getting deleted on startup - Never ignore SSL certificate errors for Kodi >= 18 - just like Kodi - Fix playback not starting at the beginning - Improve dialog to manually enter PMS IP and port - Show logged in Plex home user in the settings and allow changing it - Update German strings - Implement Codacy suggestions version 2.6.3: - Fix PKC crashing on Xbox version 2.6.2: - Fix playlist sync: sequence item 0: expected string or unicode - Fix PKC not deleting all the items it should - Fix keyError 'sessionKey' for weird PMS messages - Fix artwork caching AttributeError: 'ImageCachingThread' object has no attribute 'cancel' - Improve pop-up "Searching for PMS" - Fix FutureWarning version 2.6.1: - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Fix TV sections not being deleted e.g. after user switch - Don't show a library sync error pop-up when full sync is interrupted - Fix to correctly escape paths - Update translations version 2.6.0: - Support for Kodi 18 Leia - Big overhaul of the synching process, it's now much faster - PKC now supports really big Plex and Kodi libraries - Too many other improvements to recount. See the changelog for the 2.5.x versions Furthermore: - Don't lock Plex DB when processing websocket messages - Fix KeyError: u'kodi_fileid' for some Plex websocket messages - Update translations version 2.5.23 (beta only): - Hopefully fix slow playback startup just after Kodi startup - Better, safer way to enter network credentials for Direct Paths - Fix check whether a direct path is accessible - Fix OperationalError: no such table on database reset - Fix widgets not displaying correct playstate after PKC startup - Fix 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'execute' when Plex artwork is not synced and an item is deleted - Update translations - Log whether Plex artwork is synced to Kodi version 2.5.22 (beta only): - Fix rare EOFError and PKC starting wrong video as a consequence version 2.5.21 (beta only): - Fix KodiVideoDB object has no attribute kodiconn - Fix local variable 'set_api' referenced before assignment version 2.5.20 (beta only): - Begin a new transaction when database was locked - Fix browsing to show from info dialog - Fix rare KeyError if user is playing something somewhere else version 2.5.19 (beta only): - Fix crash on startup-sync due to missing albums - Fix browsing to show from info dialog version 2.5.18 (beta only): - Fix playback start: Don't lock databases when starting playback - Refresh Kodi view only once on full syncs - Ignore playstate updates for full sync time stamps croneter committed - Try even longer to write to Kodi database - Fix some items rarely not being synced version 2.5.17 (beta only): - Fix playback not starting for really large libraries version 2.5.16 (beta only): - Fix KeyError due to malformed PMS messages - Fix to database parameter must be string version 2.5.15 (beta only): - Make PKC potentially compatible with several database schemas - Support for Kodi 18 Leia RC 5.2 - Increase number of attempts to write to Kodi DB - Further increase database sync resiliance version 2.5.14 (beta only): Fix rare OperationalError: Locked Database version 2.5.13 (beta only): - Fix playback not starting up - Fix Plex channels and watch later not working - Hopefully fix playstate not being synced to PMS version 2.5.12 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - New option to not use Plex artwork - Add-on paths: Fix resume if playback not initiated with PKC - Increase database resiliance with sqlite WAL mode version 2.5.11 (beta only): - Direct Paths: Fix AttributeError for widgets version 2.5.10 (beta only): - Enable Plex Hub listings to be used for widgets - Finally fix deleteting of items from PMS not working - Catch sqlite OperationalError for websocket messages - Revert "Increase database timeouts" version 2.5.9 (beta only): - Compatibility with Kodi 18 RC 4 - New setting to escape paths e.g. for HTTP direct paths - Ensure path replacement never contains trailing (back)slash - Leia: fix resetting of videoplayer autoplay next item - Don't store identical show artwork for seasons - Close DB connections while caching images - Increase database timeouts - Improve logging for seasons version 2.5.8 (beta only): - Hopefully fix Kodi crashing on playback start - Fix video resuming from old resume point - Fix database is locked - Faster way to initialize playlists on the Plex side - Fix PKC recreating playlists too often - Shutdown playlist sync if necessary version 2.5.7 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Increase timeout for database connections - Fix music DB not being wiped on database reset - Improve Plex playQueue resiliance version 2.5.6 (beta only): - Fix many items not getting synced - Fix episodes not being synced to due a missing season - Fix some very few items not being synced - Fix ValueError during sync due to missing Plex timestamp - Fix resume for episodes for add-on paths - Fix movies not showing up on switching PMS - Finish full syncs during playbacks, don't start new ones - Fix AttributeError when a playlist disappeared - Close sync dialog if video playback starts - Don't show sync messages while Kodi is playing something - Only marking full sync as successful if that is indeed the case - Optimize code version 2.5.5 (beta only): - Fix OperationalError and PKC not starting up version 2.5.4 (beta only): - Fix a couple of issues related to episodes - Fix permanent missing library items if PMS failed to send a single response - Fix OperationalError: enforce Kodi restart with clean DB once - Fix switching PMS not recognizing when old PMS is selected - Fix PKC not automatically connecting to changed PMS IP on startup - Remove message "Full library sync finished" - Fix PKC not automatically connecting to changed PMS IP on startup - Remove cProfile program metrics measurements version 2.5.3 (beta only): - Fix Plex sections not showing up or disappearing version 2.5.2 (beta only): - Rewire library sync - Optimize sqlite transactions - Replace annoying sync message with PKC settings info - Add PKC settings status indication for caching - Fix KeyError when synching playlists - Fix ImportError for Plex Companion gdm issues - Increase database connection cache size - Force-Reboot Kodi immediately if sqlite PRAGMA WAL causes errors - Force a full sync on switching Plex username - Fix wierd behavior upon switching to another PMS - More bugfixes and code optimizations version 2.5.1 (beta only): - Fix OSError on resetting the database version 2.5.0 (beta only): - Huge rewrite of the sync mechanism - it should now be faster and more stable - Sync huge Plex libraries now: the sync will load all data bit by bit - Rewrote code for the main program loop, reducing the need for separate Python threads - Rewrote and sped up code to access and change Kodi and Plex databases - Fixes to Kodi 18 Leia music library - Tons of other small fixes I can't remember version 2.4.10 (beta only): - Use xml.etree.cElementTree whenever possible to avoid memory leaks version 2.4.9: - Fix Kodi crashing due to PKC memory leak version 2.4.8: - Make 2.4.4-2.4.7 available for everyone version 2.4.7 (beta only): - Try to fix PKC for Enigma 2 - Fix Kodi 18 wanting to scan tags for songs all the time (you will need to reset the database in the PKC settings) - Optimize resetting of Kodi and Plex databases version 2.4.6 (beta only): - Fix PKC not starting up on Enigma - Fix sync issues if video lies in root of file system - Make sure we retain a dummy first music artist entry - Increase logging version 2.4.5 (beta only): - Fix playback not starting up at all - Rewire Kodi library refreshs - Wipe Kodi database on first PKC run to more reliably install PKC version 2.4.4 (beta only): - Fix rare case when playback would not start-up - Increase logging version 2.4.3: - Fix Kodi addons throwing jsonrpc errors (database reset needed) version 2.4.2: - Make version 2.4.1 available for everyone version 2.4.1 (beta only): - Hopefully fix endless playlist sync loops - Ensure shows are deleted before seasons before episodes - Fix library sync crash on deleting episode with missing season - Fix numbering of already existing playlist files - Optimize logging version 2.4.0: - Use pretty Plex dialogs for everyone! version 2.3.14 (beta only): - Fix AttributeError on forcing texture caching - Switch to Plex style dialogs - Include PKC info in dialogs - Include PKC info in user selection dialog version 2.3.13 (beta only): - Pretty Plex dialogs for sign-in and user selection - Fix UnicodeDecodeError for PMS with non ASCII chars on local LAN discovery - Fix add-on settings not opening on installation - Greatly speed up deleting of items on the Kodi side - Safely parse XMLs using defusedxml - Fix PKC trying to sync audio playlists even when audio sync disabled - Some code cleanup version 2.3.12: - Fix Kodi hanging if media stream selection is aborted - Fix potential sync crash - Revert "Fix Kodi crash by committing to DB frequently" version 2.3.11 (beta only): - Fix Kodi crash by committing to DB frequently version 2.3.10: - Compatibility with Kodi 18 Leia Beta 1 - Update translations - Make version 2.3.9 available for everyone version 2.3.9 (beta only): - Fix playback not resuming (Kodi 18 ignores listitem "StartOffset") - Fix playerid not being retrieved for Kodi 18 - Prefer local trailers; new setting to list extras instead of playing trailer version 2.3.8: - Fix typo - Make version 2.3.4-2.3.7 available for everyone version 2.3.7 (beta only): - Fix library sync crash due to exotic playlist characters - Force-deactivate playlist sync for Microsoft UWP for Kodi 18 version 2.3.6 (beta only): - Fix PKC not starting by decoupling watchdog/subprocess modules version 2.3.5 (beta only): - Fix PKC not starting by importing playlist module only when sync enabled version 2.3.4 (beta only): - Fix playback sometimes not starting and UnicodeEncodeError for logging version 2.3.3: - Choose trailer if several are present (DB reset required) version 2.3.2: - Fix casting to PKC failing version 2.3.1: - Fix library sync crashing due to Plex photo albums version 2.3.0: Major stable version bump. Highlights: - Sync Plex playlists to Kodi and Kodi playlists to Plex! - Support for Plex collection/set artwork - Many bug fixes, especially Plex Companion - Tons of code improvements in the hope that someone else will help with developing PKC Warning: the 2 helper add-ons for movies and tv shows also received an upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5. If you want to downgrade PKC, be sure to downgrade these add-ons as well! version 2.2.18 (beta only): - Fix PKC tv show node "all" - Move PKC playlist shortcut version 2.2.17 (beta only): - Access Plex Hubs. Listing will be different depending on Kodi section! - Fix year for songs missing - Fix Plex extras not playing - Fix rare library sync crash version 2.2.16 (beta only): - Enable Kodi libraries for Plex Music libraries - New Playlists menu item for video libraries - Only show Plex libraries in the applicable Kodi media category - Optimize code version 2.2.15 (beta only): - Fix ImportError on first PKC run version 2.2.14 (beta only): - Hopefully fix playlist sync loops version 2.2.13 (beta only): - Fix library sync crash - Fix switching to __future__ module - Fix "Prefer Kodi Artwork" toggle doing the exact opposite - Fix "Prefer Kodi artwork" setting not being visible version 2.2.12 (beta only): - Fix slow sync. Fix endless sync of corrupted PMS elements - Refactor playlist code - Fix FutureWarning version 2.2.11 (beta only): - Fix OnDeck widget for Direct Paths - Fix Plex Companion crashing when connected to Plex Web - Fix Plex Companion crash when connected to Plex Web playing playlist music - Improve Plex playback report when playing music playlist - Improve reliability in Kodi song playback - Catch some errors if user mixes audio and video in Kodi playqueue version 2.2.10 (beta only): - Fix playlists getting recreated and deleted in an endless loop - Add some safety nets for playlist sync - Fix FutureWarning - Fix playlist sync settings not disappearing - Optimize code version 2.2.9 (beta only): - Hopefully fix Kodi and Plex playlists getting out of sync - Fix and optimize startup of playlist sync - Hide certain playlist settings under certain conditions - Fix errors in Kodi log version 2.2.8 (beta only): - Support for Plex collection artwork (PKC settings toggle under Artwork) - Fix hard PKC reset not working (OSError: no such file) - Deduplication - Catch exception - Update translations - Extend Kodi metadata - Update readme version 2.2.7 (beta only): - Allow to only sync specific Plex or Kodi playlists - Don't show artwork sync progress, reduce setting-writes - Fix playback sometimes not starting up - Use __future__ for - Fix imports version 2.2.6 (beta only): - Fix default settings string, only show in English, hopefully fixes PKC loosing its settings version 2.2.5 (beta only): - Fix AttributeError and add_update has crashed version 2.2.4 (beta only): - Fix LibrarySync crashing due to Plex Companion messages version 2.2.3 (beta only): - Compatibility with Kodi Krypton Alpha 2 - Append tv show and SxxExx to episode playlist entries version 2.2.2 (beta only): - Fixes to locking mechanisms which resulted in weird behavior in some cases - Switch to Python __future__ unicode_literals and absolute paths - Fix UnboundLocalError for playlists - Check all Kodi database versions before starting PKC - Fix KeyError on non-PKC playback startup - Speed up subtitle download to Kodi - Update translations - PEP-8 stuff version 2.2.1 (beta only): - Fix library sync crash due to PMS sending string, not unicode - Fix playback from playlists for add-on paths - Detect playback from a Kodi playlist for add-on paths - because we need some hacks due to Kodi bugs - Fix add-on paths playstate and Plex Companion for playlists - Fix Kodi telling Plex companion false playqueue position - Don't try to get a Kodi library items for Plex clips - Update translations version 2.2.0 (beta only): - Support for syncing Plex playlists to Kodi and vice-versa! (Kodi mixed music and video playlists cannot be supported as Plex does not support them) version 2.1.6: - Fix slow sync. Fix endless sync of corrupted PMS elements version 2.1.5: - Fix OnDeck widget for Direct Paths version 2.1.4: - Fix PKC settings suddenly getting lost - Don't show artwork sync progress, reduce setting-writes version 2.1.3: - Fix default settings string, only show in English, hopefully fixes PKC loosing its settings version 2.1.2: - Compatibility with Kodi Krypton Alpha 2 - Check all Kodi database versions before starting PKC - Fix KeyError on non-PKC playback startup - PEP-8 stuff version 2.1.1: - Fix Library Sync crash on Android version 2.1.0: Finally a new update for the stable version. You will need to reconnect to your PMS and reset the Kodi database once. Highlights of v2 include: - Support for Plex extras - Huge improvements to Plex Companion - Fixes to Alexa voice control - Kodi 18 Leia Alpha 1 support - Improvements to playback start-up - Improvements to the syncing mechanism, which should get rid of a ton of small bugs - Fixes to widgets and resuming playback - Use of paths instead of local IP addresses to ensure the SSL certificates shown by the PMS are deemed valid - Fix Kodi screensaver - Faster PKC startup - And tons of other stuff... version 2.0.30 (beta only): - Fix resume for On Deck widget for direct paths - Fix DB reset on Startup if PMS connection fails - Fix searching for PMS if there is no internet connection - Fix context menu missing "Delete item from PMS" version 2.0.29 (beta only): - Fix a racing condition leading to e.g. Plex Companion not working as intended - Force a sync on startup even if Kodi is playing something - Include Plex Home username in "Log-out Plex Home user" - Direct paths: Don't download PMS sections twice - Less logging version 2.0.28 (beta only): - Fix endless reboots if Plex music library missing - Fix Plex Companion failing leading to PMS connection loss - Fix PKC add-on setting user changes not saving - Fix playback of last item not starting up - Update Czech translation - Declare PMS connection dead on first failed connection - Fix KeyErrors if Kodi player does not return position - Fix AttributeError - Fix logging - Use float for resume and runtime instead of int version 2.0.27 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! Sorry for that... - Fix PKC not connecting: Fix ValueError if returns Plex Cloud URIs - Fix episode widget resume not working (add-on paths) - Speed up PKC start-up - Speed up checking of PMS connection, e.g. on startup - Improve collection lookup; fix PKC caching wrong url - Revert "Default to not show image caching notifications" version 2.0.26 (beta only): - Reduce CPU strain for artwork caching progress - Fallback connection if does not resolve - Prettify Plex context menu, thanks @dazedcrazy - Update translations - Default to not show image caching notifications version 2.0.25 (beta only): - Fix migration not working correctly for re-connecting PMS - Fix PMS showing up twice - Improve artwork caching counter in PKC settings version 2.0.24 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! Sorry for that... - PKC will force you to re-connect with your PMS - Use url instead of local ip to use correct SSL certificate; thus fix artwork caching - Revert "Increase timeout between syncing images" - Don't ask user for DB reset if forced by PKC - Ensure movies and tv shows are synced before music - Ensure a later migration if user downgraded PKC version 2.0.23 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Finally support for Extras! - Fix context menu not working for shows in library view - Fix Plex Companion music playstate status for iOS - Show caching progress and FanartTV lookup progress in PKC settings - Fix rare library sync errors - Fix ValueError for third party add-ons calling PKC - Tweak PKC settings version 2.0.22 (beta only): - Fix Recently Added for tv shows not working - Fix PKC crashing on startup version 2.0.21 (beta only): - Fix TV show artwork Kodi native library (reset Kodi DB!) - Cache missing posters and backgrounds/fanart on Kodi startup - Add toggle to deactivate image caching during playback - Increase timeout between syncing images - Fix music database if new music is added in the background version 2.0.20 (beta only): - Fix missing episode poster in certain views. You will have to manually reset your Kodi database to benefit - Fix episode artwork sometimes not being complete - Fix IndexError for certain Plex channels - Kodi Leia: Fix playback failing - Fix TV On Deck direct paths asking to choose between different media version 2.0.19 (beta only): - Fix PKC playback startup getting caught in infinity loop - Rewire library sync, suspend sync during playback - Fix playback failing in certain cases - Fix PKC not working anymore after using context menu on songs - Fix deletion of Plex music items - Code cleanup version 2.0.18 (beta only): - Fix some playqueue inconsistencies using Plex Companion - Direct paths: fix replaying item where playback was started via PMS - Fix Plex trailers screwing up playqueue - Fix IndexError when emptying Kodi playqueue - Incorporate PKC player in kodimonitor module - Fix pretty printing of PKC playqueues not working - Code cleanups version 2.0.17 (beta only): - Finally make PKC compatible with Kodi 18 Leia Alpha 1 - Fix information screen and Plex option not working - Activate Kodi background updates to hide "Compressing Database" - Update translations - Remove most strings not being used by PKC - Remove some legacy settings version 2.0.16 (beta only): - Do NOT delete playstates before getting new ones from the PMS version 2.0.15 (beta only): - Fix Plex Companion thinking video is playing again - Warn if "Play next video automatically" is enabled, cause it breaks PKC playback report - Don't clean the Kodi file table - Only remember which player has been active if we got a Plex id - Hopefully fix ValueError for datetime.utcnow() version 2.0.14 (beta only): - Fix resetting PKC player state - should fix PKC telling the PMS that an old, just-played item is playing - Play the selected element first, then add the Kodi playqueue to the Plex playqueue - Ensure that playstate for ended (not stopped) video is recorded correctly - Make sure that LOCK is released after adding one element version 2.0.13 (beta only): - Fix resume for On Deck and browse by folder - Fix PKC sometimes telling wrong item being played - Don't tell PMS last item is playing if non-Plex item is played - Fix rare KeyError for playback including trailers - Use an empty video file to "fail" playback - Use identical add-on paths for On Deck and browsing folders version 2.0.12 (beta only): - Fix resume not working for some Kodi interface languages - Fix widget navigating to entire TV show not working - Fix library sync crash TypeError - Revert "Revert "Fix for "In Progress" not appearing"" - Simplify error message version 2.0.11 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Fix playback for add-on paths - Fix artwork for episodes for add-on paths - Revert "Fix for "In Progress" not appearing" - Fix playback resuming potentially too often version 2.0.10 (beta only): - Fix wrong item being reported using direct paths - Direct paths: correctly clean up after context menu play - Always resume playback if playback initiated via context menu - Do not play trailers for resumable movies using playback via PMS - Fix for "In Progress" widget not appearing - Fix correctly recording ended (not stopped!) video - Don't record last played date if state unwatched - Clean Kodi DB more thoroughly after playback start via PMS version 2.0.9 (beta only): - Fix AttributeError on playback start version 2.0.8 (beta only): - Fix videos not being correctly marked as played - Improve playback startup resiliance - Fix playerstates not being copied/reset correctly - Fix tv shows not being correctly deleted - Fix episode rating not being correct - Make generally sure that we're correctly deleting videos from the Kodi DB - Fix disabling of background sync (websockets) version 2.0.7 (beta only): - Fix another UnicodeDecodeError for playlists - Hardcode plugin-calls instead of using urlencode - Fix Kodi 18 log warnings by declaring all settings variables version 2.0.6 (beta only): - Addon paths playback was basically broken - hope it works again! - Fixes to add-on paths playback startup - Fix UnicodeDecodeError for playqueue logging version 2.0.5 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Fix art and show info not showing for addon paths - Fix episode information not working - Big Kodi DB overhaul - ensure video metadata updates/deletes correctly - Artwork code overhaul - Greatly speed up switch of PMS - And a lot of other stuff version 2.0.4 (beta only): - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! - Many improvements to the Kodi database handling which should get rid of some weird bugs - Many improvements to playback startup - Fix info screen and actors not working - Fix Companion displaying and selecting wrong subtitle - Don't cache subtitles if direct playing - Wipe all existing resume point, e.g. on user switch - Don't mess with Kodi's screensaver settings - Inhibit idle shutdown only during initial sync - Fix KeyError for server discovery - Increase Python requests dependency to version 2.9.1 - Re-introduce PlexKodiConnect dependency add-ons for movies and tv shows - And a lot of other stuff version 2.0.3 (beta only): - Fix Alexa playback - Fix Kodi boot loop - Fix playback being reported to the wrong Plex user - Fix GB/BBFC content ratings - Fix KeyError when browsing On Deck - Make sure that empty XML elements get deleted - Code optimizations version 2.0.2 (beta only): - Fix playback reporting not starting up correctly - Fix playback cleanup if PKC causes stop - Always detect if user resumes playback - Enable resume within a playqueue - Compare playqueue items more reliably version 2.0.1 (beta only): - Fix empty On Deck for tv shows - Fix trailers not playing version 2.0.0 (beta only): - HUGE code overhaul - Remember that you can go back to earlier version ;-) - Completely rewritten Plex Companion - Completely rewritten playback startup - Tons of fixes, see the Github changelog for more details - WARNING: You will need to reset the Kodi database! version 1.8.18: - Russian translation, thanks @UncleStark, @xom2000, @AlexFreit - Fix Plex context menu not showing up - Deal better with missing stream info (e.g. channels) - Fix AttributeError if Plex key is missing version 1.8.17: - Hopefully fix stable repo - Fix subtitles not working or showing up as Unknown - Enable channels for Plex home users - Remove obsolete PKC settings show contextmenu version 1.8.16: - Add premiere dates for movies, thanks @dazedcrazy - Fix items not getting marked as fully watched version 1.8.15: - version 1.8.14 for everyone - Update translations version 1.8.14 (beta only): - Greatly speed up displaying context menu - Fix IndexError e.g. for channels if stream info missing - Sleep a bit before marking item as fully watched - Don't sleep before updating playstate to fully watched (if you watch on another Plex client) - Fix KeyError for TV live channels for getGeople version 1.8.13 (beta only): - Background sync now picks up more PMS changes - Detect Plex item deletion more reliably - Fix changed Plex metadata not synced repeatedly - Detect (some, not all) changes to PKC settings and apply them on-the-fly - Fix resuming interrupted sync - PKC logging now uses Kodi log levels - Further code optimizations version 1.8.12: - Fix library sync crashing trying to display an error version 1.8.11: - version 1.8.10 for everybody version 1.8.10 (beta only): - Vastly improve sync speed for music - Never show library sync dialog if media is playing - Improvements to sync dialog - Fix stop synching if path not found - Resume aborted sync on PKC settings change - Don't quit library sync if failed repeatedly - Verify path for every Plex library on install sync - More descriptive downloadable subtitles - More code fixes and optimization version 1.8.9 - Fix playback not starting in some circumstances - Deactivate some annoying popups on install version 1.8.8 - Fix playback not starting in some circumstances - Fix first artist "missing" tag (Reset your DB!) - Update Czech translation version 1.8.7 (beta only): - Some fixes to playstate reporting, thanks @RickDB - Add Kodi info screen for episodes in context menu - Fix PKC asking for trailers not working - Fix PKC not automatically updating version 1.8.6: - Portuguese translation, thanks @goncalo532 - Updated other translations version 1.8.5: - version 1.8.4 for everyone version 1.8.4 (beta only): - Plex cloud should now work: Request pictures with transcoding API - Fix Plex companion feedback for Android - Update translations version 1.8.3: - Fix Kodi playlists being empty version 1.8.2: - Choose to replace user ratings with the number of available versions of a media file - More collection artwork: use TheMovieDB art - Support new Companion command "refreshPlayQueue" - Use https for TheMovieDB - Update translations version 1.8.1: - Fix library sync crash due to UnicodeDecodeError - Fix fanart for collections - Comply with terms of use - Add some translations version 1.8.0 Featuring: - Major music overhaul: Direct Paths should now work! Many thanks @Memesa for the pointers! Don't forget to reset your database - Big transcoding overhaul - Many Plex Companion fixes - Add support to Kodi 18.0-alpha1 (thanks @CotzaDev) version 1.7.22 (beta only) - Fix playback stop not being recognized by the PMS - Better way to sync progress to another account version 1.7.21 (beta only) - Fix Playback and watched status not syncing - Fix PKC syncing progress to wrong account - Warn user if a xml cannot be parsed version 1.7.20 (beta only) - Fix for Windows usernames with non-ASCII chars - Companion: Fix TypeError - Use SSL settings when checking server connection - Fix TypeError when PMS connection lost - Increase timeout version 1.7.19 (beta only) - Big code refactoring - Many Plex Companion fixes - Fix WindowsError or alike when deleting video nodes - Remove restart on first setup - Only set advancedsettings tweaks if Music enabled version 1.7.18 (beta only) - Fix OperationalError when resetting PKC - Fix possible OperationalErrors - Companion: ensure sockets get closed - Fix TypeError for Plex Companion - Update Czech version 1.7.17 (beta only) - Don't add media by other add-ons to queue - Fix KeyError for Plex Companion - Repace Kodi mkdirs with os.makedirs - Use xbmcvfs exists instead of os.path.exists version 1.7.16 (beta only) - Fix PKC complaining about files not found - Fix multiple subtitles per language not showing - Update Czech translation - Fix too many arguments when marking 100% watched - More small fixes version 1.7.15 (beta only) - Fix companion for "Playback via PMS" - Change sleeping behavior for playqueue client - Plex Companion: add itemType to playstate - Less logging version 1.7.14 (beta only) - Fix TypeError, but for real now version 1.7.13 (beta only) - Fix TypeError with AdvancedSettings.xml missing version 1.7.12 (beta only) - Major music overhaul: Direct Paths should now work! Many thanks @Memesa for the pointers! Don't forget to reset your database - Some Plex Companion fixes - Fix UnicodeDecodeError on user switch - Remove link to - Update Readme version 1.7.11 (beta only) - Add support to Kodi 18.0-alpha1 (thanks @CotzaDev) - Fix PKC not storing network credentials correctly version 1.7.10 (beta only) - Avoid xbmcvfs entirely; use encoded paths - Update Czech translation version 1.7.9 (beta only) - Big transcoding overhaul - Fix for not detecting external subtitle language - Change Plex transcoding profile to Android - Use Kodi video cache setting for transcoding - Fix TheTVDB ID for TV shows - Account for missing IMDB ids for movies - Account for missing TheTVDB ids - Fix UnicodeDecodeError on user switch - Update English, Spanish and German version 1.7.8 (beta only) - Fix IMDB id for movies (resync by going to the PKC settings, Advanced, then Repair Local Database) - Increase timeouts for PMS, should fix some connection issues - Move translations to new strings.po system - Fix some TypeErrors - Some code refactoring version 1.7.7 - Chinese Traditional, thanks @old2tan - Chinese Simplified, thanks @everdream - Browse by folder: also sort by Date Added - Update addon.xml version 1.7.6 - Hotfix: Revert Cache missing artwork on PKC startup. This should help with slow PKC startup, videos not being started, lagging PKC, etc. version 1.7.5 - Dutch translation, thanks @mvanbaak version 1.7.4 (beta only) - Show menu item only for appropriate Kodi library: Be careful to start video content through Videos -> Video Addons -> ... and pictures through Pictures -> Picture Addons -> ... - Fix playback error popup when using Alexa - New Italian translations, thanks @nikkux, @chicco83 - Update translations - Rewire Kodi ListItem stuff - Fix TypeError for setting ListItem streams - Fix Kodi setContent for images - Fix AttributeError due to missing Kodi sort methods version 1.7.3 (beta only) - Fix KeyError for channels if no media streams - Move plex node navigation, playback to main thread - Fix TypeError for malformed browsing xml - Fix IndexError if we can't get a valid xml from PMS - Pass 'None' instead of empty string in url args version 1.7.2 - Fix for some channels not starting playback version 1.7.1 - Fix Alexa not doing anything version 1.7.0 - Amazon Alexa support! Be sure to check the Plex Alexa forum first if you encounter issues; there are still many bugs completely unrelated to PKC - Plex Channels! - Browse video nodes by folder/path - Fix IndexError for playqueues - Update translations - Code optimization version 1.6.5 (beta only) - Plex Channels! - Browse video nodes by folder/path - Update Danish translation - Code optimization version 1.6.4 (beta only) - Amazon Alexa support! Be mindful to check the Alexa forum thread first; there are still many issues completely unrelated to PKC - Enable skipping for Plex Companion - Set default companion name to PlexKodiConnect version 1.6.3 - Fix UnicodeEncodeError for non ASCII filenames in playback_starter - Cleanup playlist/playqueue string/unicode version 1.6.2 - Fix Plex Web Issue, thanks @AllanMar - Fix TypeError on manually entering PMS port - Fix KeyError - Update Danish translation - Update readme version 1.6.1 - New Danish translation, thanks @Osberg - Fix UnicodeDecodeError for non-ASCII filenames - Better error handling for Plex Companion - Fix ValueError for Watch Later - Try to skip new PMS items we've already processed - Fix TypeError version 1.6.0 A DATABASE RESET IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY if you're not using beta PKC Make previous version available for everyone. The highlights: - New Spanish translation, thanks @bartolomesoriano - New Czech translation, thanks @Pavuucek - Plex Companion is completely rewired and should now handly anything you throw at it - Early compatibility with Kodi 18 Leia - New playback startup mechanism for plugin paths - Code rebranding from Emby to Plex, including a plex.db database :-) - Fixes to Kodi ratings - Fix playstate and PMS item changes not working/not propagating anymore (caused by a change Plex made with the websocket interface) - Improvements to the way PKC behaves if the PMS goes offline - New setting to always transcode if the video bitrate is above a certain threshold (will not work with direct paths) - Be smarter when deciding when to transcode - Only sign the user out if the PMS says so - Cache missing artwork on PKC startup - Lots of code refactoring and code optimizations - Tons of fixes version 1.5.15 (beta only) - Fix ratings for movies - Fixes to Plex Companion - Always run only one instance of PKC version 1.5.14 (beta only) - Krypton: Fix ratings for episodes and TV shows - Plex Companion: Fix KeyError for Plex Web - Fix UnicodeDecodeError for non-ASCII filenames - Hopefully fix items not marked as entirely watched after having seen >90% - Code optimization version 1.5.13 (beta only) - New Spanish translation, thanks @bartolomesoriano - Fix some possible connection issues - Fix screensaver not toggling back after full sync - Update addon.xml - Update readme - Updated installation instructions on the Wiki - Updated translations version 1.5.12 (beta only) - Possible compatibility with Alexa - do report back! - Setup crowdin translations. Please help out translating PlexKodiConnect: - Fix OperationalError on update sync - Apply item limit to On Deck if OnDeckTVextended not set, thanks @dettwild version 1.5.11 (beta only) - Fix userratings for Kodi Krypton - Krypton: update userratings on startup and on user change - Overhaul of fanart sync download - Background sync: wait till PMS says its finished - Background sync: reduce std safety margin to 5s - Add error message for PKC playback failure - Better warnings when resetting the Kodi database - Update playstates and userratings only once - Shut down libsync thread correctly - Remove uniqueid and ratings entries if item deleted version 1.5.10 (beta only) - Fix OperationalError upon database reset version 1.5.9 (beta only) A DATABASE RESET IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - Early compatibility with Kodi 18 Leia - Add Czech language (thanks @Pavuucek) - Ignore empty Plex Collections - Fix additional artwork not downloading - Get missing fanart on Kodi startup - Add notification for Companion GDM port fail - Shutdown artwork thread correctly - Fix AttributeError if caching deactivated - Enable abort on choosing PMS from list - Delete items of a removed Plex library - Lots of code refactoring - Lots of small fixes version 1.5.8 (beta only) - Hopefully compatibility with Plex Cloud - Get rid of some logging - Add some error checking for playlists version 1.5.7 (beta only) - Cache missing artwork on PKC startup - Customize number of items fetched from PMS - Don't cache actor artwork - Fix some connection issues - Do a video node refresh on startup - More logging to find Plex Cloud info - Prevent OperationalError: database is locked - Rewire image cache thread to version 1.5.6 (beta only) - Fix playstate not being reported to the PMS - Added logging to hopefully find Plex Cloud info. Please report back with your logs if you're trying to connect to Plex Cloud (do remove your tokens!) - Transcode pictures if Kodi does not support the format - thanks @Memesa! - Added setting to force transcode pictures - Fix to some playQueue errors version 1.5.5 (beta only) - Fix for Plex Companion showing last item played - Fix KeyError for playlists - Krypton: Fix playState notifications for 1 video - Fix Plex playQueue ID not being recorded - Fix TypeError for Plex playQueue init - Fix ValueError for URLs version 1.5.4 (beta only) - Fix IndexError for PKC communicating watch state - Fix for Plex Companion showing old video version 1.5.3 (beta only) - Fix sync crashing due to AttributeError - Fix playback startup via PMS version 1.5.2 (beta only) A DATABASE RESET IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - Plex Companion is completely rewired and should now handly anything you throw at it - New playback startup mechanism for plugin paths - Krypton: add ratings and IMDB id for movies - Krypton: add ratings and theTvDB id for TV shows - Don't support Plex Companion mirror - Fix for Plex Companion not showing up - Code rebranding from Emby to Plex, including a plex.db database :-) - Lots of code refactoring and code optimizations version 1.5.1 (beta only) - Fix playstate and PMS item changes not working/not propagating anymore (caused by a change Plex made with the websocket interface). UPGRADE YOUR PMS!! - Improvements to the way PKC behaves if the PMS goes offline - New setting to always transcode if the video bitrate is above a certain threshold (will not work with direct paths) - Be smarter when deciding when to transcode - Only sign the user out if the PMS says so - Improvements to PMS on/offline notifications - Note to PLEASE read the Wiki if one is using several Plex libraries (shows on first PKC install only) - Get rid of low powered device option (always use low powered option) - Don't show a notification when searching for PMS - Combine h265 und HEVC into one setting - Less traffic when PKC is checking whether a PMS is still offline - Improve logging version 1.5.0 Out for everyone: - reatly speed up the database sync. Please report if you experience any issues! - Only show database sync progress for NEW PMS items - Speed up the pathname verifications - Update readme to reflect the advent of the official Plex for Kodi - Fix for not getting tv show additional fanart - Fix for fanart url containing spaces - Fix library AttributeError - Catch websocket handshake errors correctly version 1.4.10 (beta only) - Fix library AttributeError version 1.4.9 (beta only) - Greatly speed up the database sync. Please report if you experience any issues! - Only show database sync progress for NEW PMS items - Speed up the pathname verifications - Update readme to reflect the advent of the official Plex for Kodi version 1.4.8 (beta only) - Fix for not getting tv show additional fanart - Fix for fanart url containing spaces - Catch websocket handshake errors correctly version 1.4.7 - Fix for Krypton premiered synch for new items Make previous version available for everyone - New contextmenu: Force transcode video - New contextmenu: force playback from PMS. Shows up if you use direct paths. Can be useful if you want trailers before a movie. Or if you have a movie with several different parts/versions. - Close Plex companion connection on exceptions version 1.4.6 (beta only) - New contextmenu: Force transcode video - New contextmenu: force playback from PMS. Shows up if you use direct paths. Can be useful if you want trailers before a movie. Or if you have a movie with several different parts/versions. - Close Plex companion connection on exceptions version 1.4.5 Make previous version available for everyone - Contextmenu! Delete media from the Plex Media Server. Make sure to enable the setting on your PMS - Fix a really ugly bug that had crept in and caused some weird behavior - Fix Plex trailers not being synced - Fix for missing Plex item bitDepth - Fix Movie filename and paths not updating, many thanks @piotrsmolinski - Fix TV show paths not updating - Fix episode filename & path not being updated - Fix Plex user switch not working - PKC should now be updated automatically again - New setting: Display message if PMS goes offline - Fix smb credentials password not being url-encoded - Fix not updating new user settings version 1.4.4 (beta only) - PKC should now be updated automatically again - New setting: Display message if PMS goes offline - Fix smb credentials password not being url-encoded version 1.4.3 (beta only) - Contextmenu! Delete media from the Plex Media Server. Make sure to enable the setting on your PMS - Fix a really ugly bug that had crept in and caused some weird behavior - Fix Plex trailers not being synced - Fix for missing Plex item bitDepth - Fix Movie filename and paths not updating, many thanks @piotrsmolinski - Fix TV show paths not updating - Fix episode filename & path not being updated - Fix Plex user switch not working version 1.4.2 Make previous version available for everyone version 1.4.1 (beta only) - Fix Kodi crashing on low powered devices - Fix movie year for Krypton (reset your Kodi DB!) - Only start downloading art AFTER sync completed - Add warning to addon description - Revert "Don't set-up clips/trailers like other videos" version 1.4.0 - Compatibility with new DVR component of the Plex Media Server - Speed up sync - download all art in the background. This should especially speed up your initial sync. Remember to let Kodi sit for a while to let it download the artwork - New setting to look for missing artwork (the non-Plex stuff ;-)) - Fix caching not working - Ommit DVR status messages from the PMS. This should fix duplicate movies appearing - Fix possible IndexError on deleting items - Fix TypeError for manually entering PMS address - Fix "Opening Stream..." dialog not closing - Try to prevent OperationalError: database is locked - Revert "Download one item at a time" - Remove obsolete import - Compile regex only once - Music sync: Fix ProgrammingError - Don't set-up clips/trailers like other videos (Should fix PKC trying to tell the PMS where we are playing that item) - Fix capitalization - Fix backgroundsync KeyError - Don't double-update playstate of a playing item - Rearrange the PKC settings - Use file settings instead of window settings, should fix some errors on changing the PKC settings - Remove size limitation on sync queue - Fix TypeError if no extras available - Other small fixes version 1.3.9 (beta only) - Hopefully maximum compatibility with the new DVR component of the Plex Media Server :-) - Ommit DVR status messages from the PMS. This should fix duplicate movies appearing - Fix possible IndexError on deleting items version 1.3.8 (beta only) - Fix TypeError for manually entering PMS address - Fix "Opening Stream..." dialog not closing - Try to prevent OperationalError: database is locked - Revert "Download one item at a time" - Remove obsolete import - Compile regex only once version 1.3.7 (beta only) - Music sync: Fix ProgrammingError - Don't set-up clips/trailers like other videos (Should fix PKC trying to tell the PMS where we are playing that item) version 1.3.6 (beta only) - Fix capitalization version 1.3.5 (beta only) - Fix backgroundsync KeyError - Don't double-update playstate of a playing item version 1.3.4 (beta only) - Speed up sync - download all art in the background. This should especially speed up your initial sync. Remember to let Kodi sit for a while to let it download the artwork - New setting to look for missing artwork (the non-Plex stuff ;-)) - Rearrange the PKC settings - Fix caching not working - Use file settings instead of window settings, should fix some errors on changing the PKC settings - Other small fixes version 1.3.3 - 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 for everyone - Fix direct play & transcoding subtitles, finally! - Fix playing from widgets without direct paths - Fix getting Bit Depth from Plex metadata - Inform if subtitle needs to be burnt in - Consider several media streams if transcoding - Fix AttributeError - New setting to use Plex default subtitles - Clarify subtitle size - Fix UnboundLocalError on very first startup - Code cleanup - Merge with up to 00c0556300041cecf91715a5a1707504f42bd96e version 1.3.2 (beta only) - Fix direct play & transcoding subtitles, finally! - Fix getting Bit Depth from Plex metadata - Inform if subtitle needs to be burnt in - Consider several media streams if transcoding - Fix AttributeError - New setting to use Plex default subtitles - Clarify subtitle size version 1.3.1 (beta only) - Fix playing from widgets without direct paths - Fix UnboundLocalError on very first startup - Code cleanup - Merge with up to 00c0556300041cecf91715a5a1707504f42bd96e version 1.3.0 - Compatibility with latest Kodi Krypton - Complete redesign of Plex Companion playlist handling - Improvements to Plex Companion daemon - Try reducing strain on PMS for metadata - Don't let PMS crash: download one item at a time - Don't open PKC settings if PMS not found - sync: dont force show "full library sync finished" (thanks @milaq) - fix 'raspberry pi' spelling and capitalisation (thanks @milaq) - Revert: New setting to lower the number of PMS items to cache version 1.2.14 (beta only) - New setting to lower the number of PMS items to cache. Hopefully fixes Wetek crashes version 1.2.13 (beta only) - Compatibility with latest Kodi Krypton - fix 'raspberry pi' spelling and capitalisation (thanks @milaq) version 1.2.12 (beta only) - Complete redesign of playlist handling - Improvements to Plex Companion daemon - Try reducing strain on PMS for metadata - Don't let PMS crash: download one item at a time - sync: dont force show "full library sync finished" (thanks @milaq) version 1.2.11 - Fix PKC not releasing connections to the PMS. Should fix memory, connection and PMS issues - Fix TypeError for playlists version 1.2.10 - Hotfix: Fix ValueError for playing certain files version 1.2.9 - Don't let the PMS force scan the media when requesting PMS item metadata - Improve detection of the need to transcode - Increase (and enforce) a higher connection timeout - Enable stream/media selection for direct play (e.g. if you have several files for the same movie item on the PMS) version 1.2.8 - Fix PKC playstate updates for widgets on Krypton - Let user choose to always play trailer in highest quality - Fixes to choice of media stream - Plex Companion: fix skipping forward and backward version 1.2.7 - Let the user pick between several streams or if you have, several different files for the same movie (can be deactivated in the settings) - Use the playing item's filename and path to figure out the Plex id. Now Plex should really always be informed what you're currently playing version 1.2.6 - Fix Watch Later TypeError version 1.2.5 - Plex Photos! Choose "Refresh Plex playlists/nodes" to use the new feature. - Compatibility with latest Kodi Krypton (which is still under heavy development and in an alpha state). If PKC stops working for you, update your Kodi Krypton to the latest version. - Fixes to getExtraFanart. If not using the PKC repository, you will have to manually update and to profit from these changes. - Use language codes ('spa'), not verbose 'español' for audio streams and subtitles. You will have to reset your Kodi DB manually to profit from this change. - Fix fallback to English not working. - Fix Watch Later ignored resume points. - Fix double PKC settings strings. version 1.2.4 - Automatically download Plex collection artwork from FanArtTv! Many thanks to @im85288 - A dedicated PKC setting to download this set fanart (independent of the other FanArtTv download) version 1.2.3 - Improvements to resume points. PKC should now correctly mark an item as completely watched. - Get rid of obsolete setting markPlayed. Mark a video item as played after 90%, just like Plex. version 1.2.2 - Fix filename change recognition for episodes and movies - finally! If you experienced this, you will have to manually reset the Kodi database in the PKC settings - Fix PKC resume points set way too high - Clarify that transcode settings are TARGET quality version 1.2.1 - Fix crash when Kodi not playing as expected - Improve stability - Background sync: don't try to process infinitely - Only tell PMS we're connected to what we're playing. This should enable the Plex Media Server to fall to sleep because PKC is not constantly bugging it - Ensure credentials are known when reconnecting - Remove some emby references - Ask on first run if we have a low powered device version 1.2.0 - Re-wired connection manager completely - Periodically check if PMS address has changed - Smarter, faster way to tell that PMS went offline - Fix DTS-HD audio is not correctly identified (you will need to manually reset your Kodi DB) - Improvements to PMS connection checks - Fix default transcoding quality / network speed (so that PKC won't transcode initially) - Fix direct path replacing possibly several times - Initialize Kodi DBs only once - Correctly update views on server switch version 1.1.11 - Episodes and movies should now correctly be marked as watched in Kodi version 1.1.10 - A donation link is up. Your support is much appreciated :-) - Movie sets are working (without set art as this is missing from Plex). Many thanks to mattsch! - Fix playback report and marking an item played. Should fix issues with e.g. episodes not correctly being set to watched in Kodi in the On Deck view - Fix UnicodeEncodeError for file paths - New setting: show watched movies in recently added - New setting: don't show already watched episodes - New setting: Force transcode HEVC - New setting: Force transcode 10bit - New setting: do a sync after screensaver deactivated. Very useful for Kodi for Android as Android may put Kodi in a weird kind of sleep - Merge with up to 417b8d3b2237f982d1eab462c130e8a4f445dd8b version 1.1.9 - Fix new episodes not being detected - Use direct file paths for on deck shows if enabled - Added Python requests to the PKC repo (should fix install problems) version 1.1.8 - Account for string.encode() not allowing args. This will hopefully fix any sync problems now, especially for Android TV - Also show already watched recently added episodes - Increase logging for background updates version 1.1.7 - Fix UnicodeDecodeError with file paths on sync - Remove Emby reference from logs version 1.1.6 - Corrected the addon's folder name from `PlexKodiConnect-develop` to `` in the Kodi addon folder. If you still experience issues, check your addon folder and delete `PlexKodiConnect-develop` - Fix TypeError during Plex user switch - Fix TypeError when trying to transcode version 1.1.5 (you will need to rescan your library) - A Kodi repository for easy installation and updating is now available. Download the [ZIP file from Github]( Instructions can be found [in the Wiki]( - Additional artwork download from FanartTV! Enable it in the PKC settings under Sync Options - New setting: Add TV show name and SxxExx to an episode in Recently Added - Fix UnicodeEncodeError during sync - Plex Companion now always reports playstate. Should increase stability - Merge Emby for Kodi commits up to 3dbdab79a9d213aab3cb6347af0b8fb905bb6e45 version 1.1.4 (you will need to rescan your library) - Plex Watch Later available as a separate Video Node! - Fix Kodi Movie Info showing instead of Episode Info - New settings option: use default Plex On Deck TV Shows - Fix TV show on deck view - Enable playstate update if Kodi does not give us a Kodi DB id - First startup: Add warning for large music libraries and not using Direct Paths - Fix KeyError: 'librarySectionID' during syncPMStime - Retrieve banner art when available - New setting: I own this PMS (needed if you manually set your IP) - Increased default full sync frequency to 60 minutes version 1.1.3 YOU WILL NEED TO RECONNECT TO YOUR PMS: PKC Settings -> Connection -> 'Choose Plex Server from a list'. Just repick your PMS - 'true' awesome & fast direct play without 'direct paths' if your Plex library points to paths that are accessible to Kodi. Customize paths in the settings - Fix endless trailer loop - Fix smart playlists (you will need to choose 'Refresh Plex playlists/nodes') - Plex Collections available under Movies-Collections - Fix TypeError when marking item watched - Shutdown lib sync threads correctly on user switch - Fix KeyError if Kodi webserver disabled - Fix playback report for trailers that seem like the movie - Fix playback report when playing something on a PMS that's not ours - Correctly stop transcoding - Sync Music playstates on a full library scan (like movies and tv) - Handle connection errors and unauthorized connections differently - Reordered some settings - Tons of other fixes version 1.1.2 - Backwards compatibility py2.6: replace etree iter (fixes AttributeError: _ElementInterface instance has no attribute 'iter') - Redirect /Extras calls by e.g. Video Extras plugin - Try to shutdown more cleanly version 1.1.1 (you will need to rescan your library) - Fix Kodi information screen not working - Fix entire TV shows showing up as watched - Clear playlists and video nodes on user switch - Update playstate if owner plays for single user PMS - Deal with PMS reply 401 under too much strain - Fix Library Repair Sync - Rewired downloads and connecting to PMS - Shut down libsync more cleanly if interrupted - Use Plex library for timesync - Try 3x before declaring plex connection dead - Plex Companion cleanup (e.g. fix instance chaos) - Fix TypeError with PMS item 'addedAt' missing version 1.1.0 (you will need to rescan your library) - No constant polling of your PMS anymore! (use websockets) - Fix 'NameError: global name 'guidoc' is not defined' - Fix time sync for Music items - Music: set default rating to 0, not NULL - Music: scrape Studio/Label version 1.0.17 - Fix transcoding - Get a machineIdentifier if it is missing - New Setting: Choose Plex Server from a list - Generate a new unique Plex device ID in settings version 1.0.16 - Kodi profiles up and running; try assigning different Plex users per profile! - Change "Switch User" to "Log Out Plex User: username" - TV shows On Deck: append season and episode number in the settings - Shut down PKC correctly (useful for Kodi profiles) - Don't de-authorize if several PMS are present - Relabel to "Full PKC reset" in settings version 1.0.15 - Enable external Plex subtitles if available - TV On Deck: option to include show name - Playback updates now if an item is resumed - Fix PMS not being informed of playback stop - Fix playback updates for remote PMS - Deactivate info "Gathering information from files" - Updated readme version 1.0.14 - Fix TV shows rating not showing up - Fix music libraries being scanned twice - Fix potential crash for fast sync - Fixed some token issue - Fix removing Plex libraries on PMS side (e.g. user switch) - Don't dump PMS item xml to log if library sync crashed - Merge with MediaBrowser/master up until 0afd338cc7bb495f8f0f2c92ba084419b87ff775 - And other stuff version 1.0.13 - Sync theTVDB id for TV shows from Plex to Kodi - Custom smb path substitutions for direct paths - Fix direct path playback not being reported to PMS - Fix Plex Companion not working with direct paths - Clean up PKC settings - Fix network credentials dialog issues - Update readme version 1.0.12 - Possibility to use direct paths (you need to reset!) - Replicate Plex views in video nodes version 1.0.11 - Hotfix DB comparison. Sorry for that :-) version 1.0.10 - Limit max number of items requested from PMS (default=200) - Enforce PMS authentication before playback start - Fix KeyError for library sync - Fix TypeError for Plex Companion - New fix item episode thumbs not caching version 1.0.9 - Fix Recently Added - Update node names to reflect plex - Fix tv show season posters not showing - Fix TV shows episode artwork not caching - Increase download timeout to 30s - Increase image caching timeouts to 5s version 1.0.8 - Redesigned fast incremential sync - Workaround to sync Kodi time with PMS time - Fix library sync key error version 1.0.7 - Fix userclient - Fix KeyError in library sync - Make user switch always available - Get rid of some unneccessary logs in lib sync version 1.0.6 - Enable traceback and dump XMLs of failed PMS items in the log for lib sync - Optimize notifications for library syncs - Manually trigger full library scan from settings - Merge with MediaBrowser/master up until db4cb448b0e4fd82662f8b82a800d8da8ea33688 version 1.0.5 - Catch exceptions in itemtypes and log them - Slightly increased download timeouts - Overhaul userclient version 1.0.4 - Sleep for a while in loops - drastically reduces CPU load - Connect to remote PMS! - New Setting to reset all PMS and the connection - Correct encoding - Much shorter download timeouts - Improve sync resiliance and GDM discovery - Reduce number of unsuccesful retries to 3 before telling user - Clean-up library sync loop - Language strings for library sync version 1.0.3 - Hotfix database minimum version = 1.0.2 version 1.0.2 - Setting to turn off constant background sync - HTTPS! - Fix refreshing playlists and videonodes - Allow non-ASCI library names - Bugfix: enforce PIN for protected users - Enable non-ASCI PMS server name and username - Loads of unicode/utf-8 fixes - Merge with MediaBrowser/master up until 948015d43368052fbe9894a4b6e6e4e2370cdb57 version 1.0.1 - Overhaul userclient version 1.0.0 - initial release