# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import cProfile import inspect import json import pstats import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import StringIO import time import unicodedata import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from functools import wraps from calendar import timegm import os import xbmc import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui import xbmcvfs ############################################################################### addonName = 'PlexKodiConnect' def DateToKodi(stamp): """ converts a Unix time stamp (seconds passed sinceJanuary 1 1970) to a propper, human-readable time stamp used by Kodi Output: Y-m-d h:m:s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04 None if an error was encountered """ try: stamp = float(stamp) + float(window('kodiplextimeoffset')) date_time = time.localtime(stamp) localdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', date_time) except: localdate = None return localdate def changePlayState(itemType, kodiId, playCount, lastplayed): """ YET UNUSED kodiId: int or str playCount: int or str lastplayed: str or int unix timestamp """ logMsg("changePlayState", "start", 1) lastplayed = DateToKodi(lastplayed) kodiId = int(kodiId) playCount = int(playCount) method = { 'movie': ' VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails', 'episode': 'VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails', 'musicvideo': ' VideoLibrary.SetMusicVideoDetails', # TODO 'show': 'VideoLibrary.SetTVShowDetails', # TODO '': 'AudioLibrary.SetAlbumDetails', # TODO '': 'AudioLibrary.SetArtistDetails', # TODO 'track': 'AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails' } params = { 'movie': { 'movieid': kodiId, 'playcount': playCount, 'lastplayed': lastplayed }, 'episode': { 'episodeid': kodiId, 'playcount': playCount, 'lastplayed': lastplayed } } query = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, } query['method'] = method[itemType] query['params'] = params[itemType] result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(query)) result = json.loads(result) result = result.get('result') logMsg("changePlayState", "JSON result was: %s" % result, 1) def IfExists(path): """ Kodi's xbmcvfs.exists is broken - it caches the results for directories. path: path to a directory (with a slash at the end) Returns True if path exists, else false """ dummyfile = os.path.join(path, 'dummyfile.txt').encode('utf-8') try: etree.ElementTree(etree.Element('test')).write(dummyfile) except: # folder does not exist yet answer = False else: # Folder exists. Delete file again. xbmcvfs.delete(dummyfile) answer = True return answer def LogTime(func): """ Decorator for functions and methods to log the time it took to run the code """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): starttotal = datetime.now() result = func(*args, **kwargs) elapsedtotal = datetime.now() - starttotal logMsg('%s %s' % (addonName, func.__name__), 'It took %s to run the function.' % (elapsedtotal), 1) return result return wrapper def ThreadMethodsAdditionalStop(windowAttribute): """ Decorator to replace stopThread method to include the Kodi windowAttribute Use with any sync threads. @ThreadMethods still required FIRST """ def wrapper(cls): def threadStopped(self): return (self._threadStopped or (window('plex_terminateNow') == "true") or window(windowAttribute) == "true") cls.threadStopped = threadStopped return cls return wrapper def ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend(windowAttribute): """ Decorator to replace threadSuspended(): thread now also suspends if a Kodi windowAttribute is set to 'true', e.g. 'suspend_LibraryThread' Use with any library sync threads. @ThreadMethods still required FIRST """ def wrapper(cls): def threadSuspended(self): return (self._threadSuspended or window(windowAttribute) == 'true') cls.threadSuspended = threadSuspended return cls return wrapper def ThreadMethods(cls): """ Decorator to add the following methods to a threading class: suspendThread(): pauses the thread resumeThread(): resumes the thread stopThread(): stopps/kills the thread threadSuspended(): returns True if thread is suspend_thread threadStopped(): returns True if thread is stopped (or should stop ;-)) ALSO stops if Kodi is exited Also adds the following class attributes: _threadStopped _threadSuspended """ # Attach new attributes to class cls._threadStopped = False cls._threadSuspended = False # Define new class methods and attach them to class def stopThread(self): self._threadStopped = True cls.stopThread = stopThread def suspendThread(self): self._threadSuspended = True cls.suspendThread = suspendThread def resumeThread(self): self._threadSuspended = False cls.resumeThread = resumeThread def threadSuspended(self): return self._threadSuspended cls.threadSuspended = threadSuspended def threadStopped(self): return self._threadStopped or (window('plex_terminateNow') == 'true') cls.threadStopped = threadStopped # Return class to render this a decorator return cls def logging(cls): """ A decorator adding logging capabilities to classes. Also adds self.addonName to the class Syntax: self.logMsg(message, loglevel) Loglevel: -2 (Error) to 2 (DB debug) """ # Attach new attributes to class cls.addonName = addonName # Define new class methods and attach them to class def newFunction(self, msg, lvl=0): title = "%s %s" % (addonName, cls.__name__) logMsg(title, msg, lvl) cls.logMsg = newFunction # Return class to render this a decorator return cls def IntFromStr(string): """ Returns an int from string or the int 0 if something happened """ try: result = int(string) except: result = 0 return result def getUnixTimestamp(secondsIntoTheFuture=None): """ Returns a Unix time stamp (seconds passed since January 1 1970) for NOW as an integer. Optionally, pass secondsIntoTheFuture: positive int's will result in a future timestamp, negative the past """ if secondsIntoTheFuture: future = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=secondsIntoTheFuture) else: future = datetime.utcnow() return timegm(future.timetuple()) def logMsg(title, msg, level=1): # Get the logLevel set in UserClient try: logLevel = int(window('emby_logLevel')) except ValueError: logLevel = 0 kodiLevel = { -1: xbmc.LOGERROR, 0: xbmc.LOGNOTICE, 1: xbmc.LOGNOTICE, 2: xbmc.LOGNOTICE } if logLevel >= level: if logLevel == 2: # inspect is expensive func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_code try: xbmc.log("%s -> %s : %s" % ( title, func.co_name, msg), level=kodiLevel[level]) except UnicodeEncodeError: try: xbmc.log("%s -> %s : %s" % ( title, func.co_name, msg.encode('utf-8')), level=kodiLevel[level]) except: xbmc.log("%s -> %s : %s" % ( title, func.co_name, 'COULDNT LOG'), level=kodiLevel[level]) else: try: xbmc.log("%s -> %s" % (title, msg), level=kodiLevel[level]) except UnicodeEncodeError: try: xbmc.log("%s -> %s" % (title, msg.encode('utf-8')), level=kodiLevel[level]) except: xbmc.log("%s -> %s " % (title, 'COULDNT LOG'), level=kodiLevel[level]) def window(property, value=None, clear=False, windowid=10000): """ Get or set window property - thread safe! Returns unicode. Property needs to be string; value may be string or unicode """ WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(windowid) #setproperty accepts both string and unicode but utf-8 strings are adviced by kodi devs because some unicode can give issues '''if isinstance(property, unicode): property = property.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode("utf-8")''' if clear: WINDOW.clearProperty(property) elif value is not None: WINDOW.setProperty(property, value.encode('utf-8')) else: return WINDOW.getProperty(property).decode('utf-8') def settings(setting, value=None): """ Get or add addon setting. Returns unicode Settings needs to be string Value can either be unicode or string """ addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.plexkodiconnect') if value is not None: # Takes string or unicode by default! addon.setSetting(setting, value.encode('utf-8')) else: # Should return unicode by default, but just in case return addon.getSetting(setting).decode('utf-8') def language(stringid): # Central string retrieval addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.plexkodiconnect') string = addon.getLocalizedString(stringid) #returns unicode object return string def kodiSQL(type="video"): if type == "emby": dbPath = xbmc.translatePath("special://database/emby.db").decode('utf-8') elif type == "music": dbPath = getKodiMusicDBPath() elif type == "texture": dbPath = xbmc.translatePath("special://database/Textures13.db").decode('utf-8') else: dbPath = getKodiVideoDBPath() connection = sqlite3.connect(dbPath) return connection def getKodiVideoDBPath(): kodibuild = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2] dbVersion = { "13": 78, # Gotham "14": 90, # Helix "15": 93, # Isengard "16": 99, # Jarvis "17":104 # Krypton } dbPath = xbmc.translatePath( "special://database/MyVideos%s.db" % dbVersion.get(kodibuild, "")).decode('utf-8') return dbPath def getKodiMusicDBPath(): kodibuild = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2] dbVersion = { "13": 46, # Gotham "14": 48, # Helix "15": 52, # Isengard "16": 56, # Jarvis "17": 60 # Krypton } dbPath = xbmc.translatePath( "special://database/MyMusic%s.db" % dbVersion.get(kodibuild, "")).decode('utf-8') return dbPath def getScreensaver(): # Get the current screensaver value query = { 'jsonrpc': "2.0", 'id': 0, 'method': "Settings.getSettingValue", 'params': { 'setting': "screensaver.mode" } } result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(query)) result = json.loads(result) screensaver = result['result']['value'] return screensaver def setScreensaver(value): # Toggle the screensaver query = { 'jsonrpc': "2.0", 'id': 0, 'method': "Settings.setSettingValue", 'params': { 'setting': "screensaver.mode", 'value': value } } result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(query)) logMsg("PLEX", "Toggling screensaver: %s %s" % (value, result), 1) def reset(): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() resp = dialog.yesno("Warning", "Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database?") if resp == 0: return # first stop any db sync window('emby_shouldStop', value="true") count = 10 while window('emby_dbScan') == "true": logMsg("PLEX", "Sync is running, will retry: %s..." % count) count -= 1 if count == 0: dialog.ok("Warning", "Could not stop the database from running. Try again.") return xbmc.sleep(1000) # Clean up the playlists deletePlaylists() # Clean up the video nodes deleteNodes() # Wipe the kodi databases logMsg("EMBY", "Resetting the Kodi video database.", 0) connection = kodiSQL('video') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"') rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: tablename = row[0] if tablename != "version": cursor.execute("DELETE FROM " + tablename) connection.commit() cursor.close() if settings('enableMusic') == "true": logMsg("EMBY", "Resetting the Kodi music database.") connection = kodiSQL('music') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"') rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: tablename = row[0] if tablename != "version": cursor.execute("DELETE FROM " + tablename) connection.commit() cursor.close() # Wipe the emby database logMsg("EMBY", "Resetting the Emby database.", 0) connection = kodiSQL('emby') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"') rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: tablename = row[0] if tablename != "version": cursor.execute("DELETE FROM " + tablename) cursor.execute('DROP table IF EXISTS emby') cursor.execute('DROP table IF EXISTS view') connection.commit() cursor.close() # Offer to wipe cached thumbnails resp = dialog.yesno("Warning", "Removed all cached artwork?") if resp: logMsg("EMBY", "Resetting all cached artwork.", 0) # Remove all existing textures first path = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/").decode('utf-8') if xbmcvfs.exists(path): allDirs, allFiles = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) for dir in allDirs: allDirs, allFiles = xbmcvfs.listdir(path+dir) for file in allFiles: if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path+dir.decode('utf-8'),file.decode('utf-8'))) else: xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(path.encode('utf-8')+dir,file)) # remove all existing data from texture DB connection = kodiSQL('texture') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"') rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: tableName = row[0] if(tableName != "version"): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM " + tableName) connection.commit() cursor.close() # reset the install run flag settings('SyncInstallRunDone', value="false") # Remove emby info resp = dialog.yesno("Warning", "Reset all Plex KodiConnect Addon settings?") if resp: # Delete the settings addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() addondir = xbmc.translatePath(addon.getAddonInfo('profile')).decode('utf-8') dataPath = "%ssettings.xml" % addondir xbmcvfs.delete(dataPath.encode('utf-8')) logMsg("PLEX", "Deleting: settings.xml", 1) dialog.ok( heading=addonName, line1="Database reset has completed, Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.") xbmc.executebuiltin('RestartApp') def profiling(sortby="cumulative"): # Will print results to Kodi log def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() result = func(*args, **kwargs) pr.disable() s = StringIO.StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() logMsg("EMBY Profiling", s.getvalue(), 1) return result return wrapper return decorator def convertdate(date): try: date = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except TypeError: # TypeError: attribute of type 'NoneType' is not callable # Known Kodi/python error date = datetime(*(time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")[0:6])) return date def normalize_nodes(text): # For video nodes text = text.replace(":", "") text = text.replace("/", "-") text = text.replace("\\", "-") text = text.replace("<", "") text = text.replace(">", "") text = text.replace("*", "") text = text.replace("?", "") text = text.replace('|', "") text = text.replace('(', "") text = text.replace(')', "") text = text.strip() # Remove dots from the last character as windows can not have directories # with dots at the end text = text.rstrip('.') text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('ascii', 'ignore') return text def normalize_string(text): # For theme media, do not modify unless # modified in TV Tunes text = text.replace(":", "") text = text.replace("/", "-") text = text.replace("\\", "-") text = text.replace("<", "") text = text.replace(">", "") text = text.replace("*", "") text = text.replace("?", "") text = text.replace('|', "") text = text.strip() # Remove dots from the last character as windows can not have directories # with dots at the end text = text.rstrip('.') text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('ascii', 'ignore') return text def indent(elem, level=0): # Prettify xml trees i = "\n" + level*" " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent(elem, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def guisettingsXML(): """ Returns special://userdata/guisettings.xml as an etree xml root element """ path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/").decode('utf-8') xmlpath = "%sguisettings.xml" % path try: xmlparse = etree.parse(xmlpath) except: # Document is blank or missing root = etree.Element('settings') else: root = xmlparse.getroot() return root def __setXMLTag(element, tag, value, attrib=None): """ Looks for an element's subelement and sets its value. If "subelement" does not exist, create it using attrib and value. element : etree element tag : string/unicode for subelement value : string/unicode attrib : dict; will use etree attrib method Returns the subelement """ subelement = element.find(tag) if subelement is None: # Setting does not exist yet; create it if attrib is None: etree.SubElement(element, tag).text = value else: etree.SubElement(element, tag, attrib=attrib).text = value else: subelement.text = value return subelement def __setSubElement(element, subelement): """ Returns an etree element's subelement. Creates one if not exist """ answ = element.find(subelement) if answ is None: answ = etree.SubElement(element, subelement) return answ def advancedSettingsXML(): """ Kodi tweaks Changes advancedsettings.xml, musiclibrary: backgroundupdate set to "true" Overrides guisettings.xml in Kodi userdata folder: updateonstartup : set to "false" usetags : set to "false" findremotethumbs : set to "false" """ path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/").decode('utf-8') xmlpath = "%sadvancedsettings.xml" % path try: xmlparse = etree.parse(xmlpath) except: # Document is blank or missing root = etree.Element('advancedsettings') else: root = xmlparse.getroot() music = __setSubElement(root, 'musiclibrary') __setXMLTag(music, 'backgroundupdate', "true") # __setXMLTag(music, 'updateonstartup', "false") # Subtag 'musicfiles' # music = __setSubElement(root, 'musicfiles') # __setXMLTag(music, 'usetags', "false") # __setXMLTag(music, 'findremotethumbs', "false") # Prettify and write to file try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(xmlpath) def sourcesXML(): # To make Master lock compatible path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/").decode('utf-8') xmlpath = "%ssources.xml" % path try: xmlparse = etree.parse(xmlpath) except: # Document is blank or missing root = etree.Element('sources') else: root = xmlparse.getroot() video = root.find('video') if video is None: video = etree.SubElement(root, 'video') etree.SubElement(video, 'default', attrib={'pathversion': "1"}) # Add elements count = 2 for source in root.findall('.//path'): if source.text == "smb://": count -= 1 if count == 0: # sources already set break else: # Missing smb:// occurences, re-add. for i in range(0, count): source = etree.SubElement(video, 'source') etree.SubElement(source, 'name').text = "Plex" etree.SubElement(source, 'path', attrib={'pathversion': "1"}).text = "smb://" etree.SubElement(source, 'allowsharing').text = "true" # Prettify and write to file try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(xmlpath) def passwordsXML(): # To add network credentials path = xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata/").decode('utf-8') xmlpath = "%spasswords.xml" % path logMsg('passwordsXML', 'Path to passwords.xml: %s' % xmlpath, 1) try: xmlparse = etree.parse(xmlpath) except: # Document is blank or missing root = etree.Element('passwords') skipFind = True else: root = xmlparse.getroot() skipFind = False dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() credentials = settings('networkCreds') if credentials: # Present user with options option = dialog.select( "Modify/Remove network credentials", ["Modify", "Remove"]) if option < 0: # User cancelled dialog return elif option == 1: # User selected remove iterator = root.getiterator('passwords') for paths in iterator: for path in paths: if path.find('.//from').text == "smb://%s/" % credentials: paths.remove(path) logMsg("passwordsXML", "Successfully removed credentials for: %s" % credentials, 1) etree.ElementTree(root).write(xmlpath) break else: logMsg("EMBY", "Failed to find saved server: %s in passwords.xml" % credentials, 1) settings('networkCreds', value="") xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( heading='PlexKodiConnect', message="%s removed from passwords.xml" % credentials, icon="special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png", time=1000, sound=False) return elif option == 0: # User selected to modify server = dialog.input("Modify the computer name or ip address", credentials) if not server: return else: # No credentials added dialog.ok( heading="Network credentials", line1= ( "Input the server name or IP address as indicated in your plex library paths. " 'For example, the server name: \\\\SERVER-PC\\path\\ or smb://SERVER-PC/path is "SERVER-PC".')) server = dialog.input("Enter the server name or IP address") if not server: return # Network username user = dialog.input("Enter the network username") if not user: return # Network password password = dialog.input("Enter the network password", '', # Default input xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT) # Add elements. Annoying etree bug where findall hangs forever if skipFind is False: skipFind = True for path in root.findall('.//path'): if path.find('.//from').text.lower() == "smb://%s/" % server.lower(): # Found the server, rewrite credentials path.find('.//to').text = "smb://%s:%s@%s/" % (user, password, server) skipFind = False break if skipFind: # Server not found, add it. path = etree.SubElement(root, 'path') etree.SubElement(path, 'from', attrib={'pathversion': "1"}).text = "smb://%s/" % server topath = "smb://%s:%s@%s/" % (user, password, server) etree.SubElement(path, 'to', attrib={'pathversion': "1"}).text = topath # Force Kodi to see the credentials without restarting xbmcvfs.exists(topath) # Add credentials settings('networkCreds', value="%s" % server) logMsg("PLEX", "Added server: %s to passwords.xml" % server, 1) # Prettify and write to file try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(xmlpath) # dialog.notification( # heading="PlexKodiConnect", # message="Added to passwords.xml", # icon="special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png", # time=5000, # sound=False) def playlistXSP(mediatype, tagname, viewid, viewtype="", delete=False): """ Feed with tagname as unicode """ path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/playlists/video/").decode('utf-8') if viewtype == "mixed": plname = "%s - %s" % (tagname, mediatype) xsppath = "%sPlex %s - %s.xsp" % (path, viewid, mediatype) else: plname = tagname xsppath = "%sPlex %s.xsp" % (path, viewid) # Create the playlist directory if not xbmcvfs.exists(path.encode('utf-8')): logMsg("PLEX", "Creating directory: %s" % path, 1) xbmcvfs.mkdirs(path.encode('utf-8')) # Only add the playlist if it doesn't already exists if xbmcvfs.exists(xsppath.encode('utf-8')): logMsg('Path %s does exist' % xsppath, 1) if delete: xbmcvfs.delete(xsppath.encode('utf-8')) logMsg("PLEX", "Successfully removed playlist: %s." % tagname, 1) return # Using write process since there's no guarantee the xml declaration works with etree itemtypes = { 'homevideos': 'movies', 'movie': 'movies', 'show': 'tvshows' } logMsg("Plex", "Writing playlist file to: %s" % xsppath, 1) try: f = xbmcvfs.File(xsppath.encode('utf-8'), 'wb') except: logMsg("Plex", "Failed to create playlist: %s" % xsppath, -1) return else: f.write(( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>\n' '<smartplaylist type="%s">\n\t' '<name>Plex %s</name>\n\t' '<match>all</match>\n\t' '<rule field="tag" operator="is">\n\t\t' '<value>%s</value>\n\t' '</rule>\n' '</smartplaylist>\n' % (itemtypes.get(mediatype, mediatype), plname, tagname)) .encode('utf-8')) f.close() logMsg("Plex", "Successfully added playlist: %s" % tagname) def deletePlaylists(): # Clean up the playlists path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/playlists/video/").decode('utf-8') dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path.encode('utf-8')) for file in files: if file.decode('utf-8').startswith('Plex'): xbmcvfs.delete(("%s%s" % (path, file.decode('utf-8'))).encode('utf-8')) def deleteNodes(): # Clean up video nodes import shutil path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/library/video/").decode('utf-8') dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(path.encode('utf-8')) for dir in dirs: if dir.decode('utf-8').startswith('Plex'): try: shutil.rmtree("%s%s" % (path, dir.decode('utf-8'))) except: logMsg("PLEX", "Failed to delete directory: %s" % dir.decode('utf-8')) for file in files: if file.decode('utf-8').startswith('plex'): try: xbmcvfs.delete(("%s%s" % (path, file.decode('utf-8'))).encode('utf-8')) except: logMsg("PLEX", "Failed to file: %s" % file.decode('utf-8')) def try_encode(text, encoding="utf-8"): try: return text.encode(encoding,"ignore") except: return text def try_decode(text, encoding="utf-8"): try: return text.decode(encoding,"ignore") except: return text