# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Connect to the Kodi databases (video and music) and operate on them # ############################################################################### from logging import getLogger from ntpath import dirname from sqlite3 import IntegrityError import artwork from utils import kodi_sql, try_decode, unix_timestamp, unix_date_to_kodi import variables as v import state ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger("PLEX." + __name__) ############################################################################### class GetKodiDB(object): """ Usage: with GetKodiDB(db_type) as kodi_db: do stuff with kodi_db Parameters: db_type: DB to open: 'video', 'music', 'plex', 'texture' On exiting "with" (no matter what), commits get automatically committed and the db gets closed """ def __init__(self, db_type): self.kodiconn = None self.db_type = db_type def __enter__(self): self.kodiconn = kodi_sql(self.db_type) kodi_db = KodiDBMethods(self.kodiconn.cursor()) return kodi_db def __exit__(self, typus, value, traceback): self.kodiconn.commit() self.kodiconn.close() class KodiDBMethods(object): """ Best used indirectly with another Class GetKodiDB: with GetKodiDB(db_type) as kodi_db: kodi_db.method() """ def __init__(self, cursor): self.cursor = cursor self.artwork = artwork.Artwork() def setup_path_table(self): """ Use with Kodi video DB Sets strContent to e.g. 'movies' and strScraper to metadata.local For some reason, Kodi ignores this if done via itemtypes while e.g. adding or updating items. (addPath method does NOT work) """ path_id = self.get_path('plugin://%s.movies/' % v.ADDON_ID) if path_id is None: self.cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) from path") path_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate, exclude) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (path_id, 'plugin://%s.movies/' % v.ADDON_ID, 'movies', 'metadata.local', 1, 0)) # And TV shows path_id = self.get_path('plugin://%s.tvshows/' % v.ADDON_ID) if path_id is None: self.cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) from path") path_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate, exclude) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (path_id, 'plugin://%s.tvshows/' % v.ADDON_ID, 'tvshows', 'metadata.local', 1, 0)) def parent_path_id(self, path): """ Video DB: Adds all subdirectories to path table while setting a "trail" of parent path ids """ if "\\" in path: # Local path parentpath = "%s\\" % dirname(dirname(path)) else: # Network path parentpath = "%s/" % dirname(dirname(path)) pathid = self.get_path(parentpath) if pathid is None: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idPath),0) FROM path") pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 datetime = unix_date_to_kodi(unix_timestamp()) query = ''' INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, dateAdded) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (pathid, parentpath, datetime)) parent_id = self.parent_path_id(parentpath) query = 'UPDATE path SET idParentPath = ? WHERE idPath = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (parent_id, pathid)) return pathid def add_video_path(self, path, date_added=None, id_parent_path=None, content=None, scraper=None): """ Returns the idPath from the path table. Creates a new entry if path [unicode] does not yet exist (using date_added [kodi date type], id_parent_path [int], content ['tvshows', 'movies', None], scraper [usually 'metadata.local']) WILL activate noUpdate for the path! """ if path is None: path = '' query = 'SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (path,)) try: pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idPath),0) FROM path") pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, dateAdded, idParentPath, strContent, strScraper, noUpdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, date_added, id_parent_path, content, scraper, 1)) return pathid def add_music_path(self, path, hash_string=None): """ Add the path (unicode) to the music DB, if it does not exist already. Returns the path id Set hash_string to something unicode to set the strHash attribute """ # SQL won't return existing paths otherwise if path is None: path = '' query = 'SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (path,)) try: pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idPath),0) FROM path") pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath, strHash) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path, hash_string)) return pathid def get_path(self, path): """ Returns the idPath from the path table for path [unicode] or None """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ?', (path,)) try: pathid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: pathid = None return pathid def add_file(self, filename, path_id, date_added): """ Adds the filename [unicode] to the table files if not already added and returns the idFile. """ query = 'SELECT idFile FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? AND idPath = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (filename, path_id)) try: file_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idFile), 0) FROM files') file_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO files(idFile, idPath, strFilename, dateAdded) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (file_id, path_id, filename, date_added)) return file_id def obsolete_file_ids(self): """ Returns a list of (idFile,) tuples (ints) of all Kodi file ids that do not have a dateAdded set (dateAdded is NULL) and the filename start with 'plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect' These entries should be deleted as they're created falsely by Kodi. """ query = ''' SELECT idFile FROM files WHERE dateAdded IS NULL AND strFilename LIKE \'plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect%\' ''' self.cursor.execute(query) return self.cursor.fetchall() def show_id_from_path(self, path): """ Returns the idShow for path [unicode] or None """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ? LIMIT 1', (path, )) try: path_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: return query = 'SELECT idShow FROM tvshowlinkpath WHERE idPath = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (path_id, )) try: show_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: show_id = None return show_id def remove_file(self, file_id, remove_orphans=True, plex_type=None): """ Removes the entry for file_id from the files table. Will also delete entries from the associated tables: bookmark, settings, streamdetails. If remove_orphans is true, this method will delete any orphaned path entries in the Kodi path table Passing plex_type = v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE deletes any secondary files for add-on paths """ if not state.DIRECT_PATHS and plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: # Hack for the 2 entries for episodes for addon paths query = 'SELECT strFilename FROM files WHERE idFile = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (file_id, )) filename = self.cursor.fetchone() if not filename: LOG.error('Could not find file_id %s', file_id) return query = 'SELECT idFile FROM files WHERE strFilename = ? LIMIT 2' self.cursor.execute(query, (filename[0], )) file_ids = self.cursor.fetchall() for new_id in file_ids: self.remove_file(new_id[0], remove_orphans=remove_orphans) return self.cursor.execute('SELECT idPath FROM files WHERE idFile = ? LIMIT 1', (file_id,)) try: path_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: return self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM files WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id,)) self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM bookmark WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id,)) self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id,)) self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM streamdetails WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id,)) self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM stacktimes WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id,)) if remove_orphans: # Delete orphaned path entry query = 'SELECT idFile FROM files WHERE idPath = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (path_id,)) if self.cursor.fetchone() is None: self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM path WHERE idPath = ?', (path_id,)) def _modify_link_and_table(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, entries, link_table, table, key): query = ''' SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE name = ? COLLATE NOCASE LIMIT 1 ''' % (key, table) query_id = 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(%s), -1) FROM %s' % (key, table) query_new = ('INSERT INTO %s(%s, name) values(?, ?)' % (table, key)) entry_ids = [] for entry in entries: self.cursor.execute(query, (entry,)) try: entry_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute(query_id) entry_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 LOG.debug('Adding %s: %s with id %s', table, entry, entry_id) self.cursor.execute(query_new, (entry_id, entry)) finally: entry_ids.append(entry_id) # Now process the ids obtained from the names # Get the existing, old entries query = ('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ?' % (key, link_table)) self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) old_entries = self.cursor.fetchall() outdated_entries = [] for entry_id in old_entries: try: entry_ids.remove(entry_id[0]) except ValueError: outdated_entries.append(entry_id[0]) # Add all new entries that haven't already been added query = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?)' % link_table for entry_id in entry_ids: try: self.cursor.execute(query, (entry_id, kodi_id, kodi_type)) except IntegrityError: LOG.info('IntegrityError: skipping entry %s for table %s', entry_id, link_table) # Delete all outdated references in the link table. Also check whether # we need to delete orphaned entries in the master table query = ''' DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ? AND media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' % (link_table, key) query_rem = 'SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?' % (key, link_table, key) query_delete = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ?' % (table, key) for entry_id in outdated_entries: self.cursor.execute(query, (entry_id, kodi_id, kodi_type)) self.cursor.execute(query_rem, (entry_id,)) if self.cursor.fetchone() is None: # Delete in the original table because entry is now orphaned LOG.debug('Removing %s from Kodi DB: %s', table, entry_id) self.cursor.execute(query_delete, (entry_id,)) def modify_countries(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, countries=None): """ Writes a country (string) in the list countries into the Kodi DB. Will also delete any orphaned country entries. """ countries = countries if countries else [] self._modify_link_and_table(kodi_id, kodi_type, countries, 'country_link', 'country', 'country_id') def modify_genres(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, genres=None): """ Writes a country (string) in the list countries into the Kodi DB. Will also delete any orphaned country entries. """ genres = genres if genres else [] self._modify_link_and_table(kodi_id, kodi_type, genres, 'genre_link', 'genre', 'genre_id') def modify_studios(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, studios=None): """ Writes a country (string) in the list countries into the Kodi DB. Will also delete any orphaned country entries. """ studios = studios if studios else [] self._modify_link_and_table(kodi_id, kodi_type, studios, 'studio_link', 'studio', 'studio_id') def modify_tags(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, tags=None): """ Writes a country (string) in the list countries into the Kodi DB. Will also delete any orphaned country entries. """ tags = tags if tags else [] self._modify_link_and_table(kodi_id, kodi_type, tags, 'tag_link', 'tag', 'tag_id') def modify_people(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, people=None): """ Makes sure that actors, directors and writers are recorded correctly for the elmement kodi_id, kodi_type. Will also delete a freshly orphaned actor entry. """ people = people if people else {'actor': [], 'director': [], 'writer': []} for kind, people_list in people.iteritems(): self._modify_people_kind(kodi_id, kodi_type, kind, people_list) def _modify_people_kind(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, kind, people_list): # Get the people already saved in the DB for this specific item if kind == 'actor': query = ''' SELECT actor.actor_id, actor.name, art.url, actor_link.role, actor_link.cast_order FROM actor_link LEFT JOIN actor ON actor.actor_id = actor_link.actor_id LEFT JOIN art ON (art.media_id = actor_link.actor_id AND art.media_type = 'actor') WHERE actor_link.media_id = ? AND actor_link.media_type = ? ''' else: query = ''' SELECT actor.actor_id, actor.name FROM {0}_link LEFT JOIN actor ON actor.actor_id = {0}_link.actor_id WHERE {0}_link.media_id = ? AND {0}_link.media_type = ? '''.format(kind) self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) old_people = self.cursor.fetchall() # Determine which people we need to save or delete outdated_people = [] for person in old_people: try: people_list.remove(person[1:]) except ValueError: outdated_people.append(person) # Get rid of old entries query = ''' DELETE FROM %s_link WHERE actor_id = ? AND media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' % kind query_actor_check = 'SELECT actor_id FROM %s_link WHERE actor_id = ?' query_actor_delete = 'DELETE FROM actor WHERE actor_id = ?' for person in outdated_people: # Delete the outdated entry self.cursor.execute(query, (person[0], kodi_id, kodi_type)) # Do we now have orphaned entries? for person_kind in ('actor', 'writer', 'director'): self.cursor.execute(query_actor_check % person_kind, (person[0],)) if self.cursor.fetchone() is not None: break else: # person entry in actor table is now orphaned # Delete the person from actor table LOG.debug('Removing person from Kodi DB: %s', person) self.cursor.execute(query_actor_delete, (person[0],)) if kind == 'actor': # Delete any associated artwork self.artwork.delete_artwork(person[0], 'actor', self.cursor) # Save new people to Kodi DB by iterating over the remaining entries if kind == 'actor': query = 'INSERT INTO actor_link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' for person in people_list: LOG.debug('Adding actor to Kodi DB: %s', person) # Make sure the person entry in table actor exists actor_id = self._get_actor_id(person[0], art_url=person[1]) # Link the person with the media element try: self.cursor.execute(query, (actor_id, kodi_id, kodi_type, person[2], person[3])) except IntegrityError: # With Kodi, an actor may have only one role, unlike Plex pass else: query = 'INSERT INTO %s_link VALUES (?, ?, ?)' % kind for person in people_list: LOG.debug('Adding %s to Kodi DB: %s', kind, person[0]) # Make sure the person entry in table actor exists: actor_id = self._get_actor_id(person[0]) # Link the person with the media element try: self.cursor.execute(query, (actor_id, kodi_id, kodi_type)) except IntegrityError: # Again, Kodi may have only one person assigned to a role pass def _get_actor_id(self, name, art_url=None): """ Returns the actor_id [int] for name [unicode] in table actor (without ensuring that the name matches). If not, will create a new record with actor_id, name, art_url Uses Plex ids and thus assumes that Plex person id is unique! """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT actor_id FROM actor WHERE name=? LIMIT 1', (name,)) try: actor_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # Not yet in actor DB, add person self.cursor.execute('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(actor_id),-1) FROM actor') actor_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 self.cursor.execute('INSERT INTO actor(actor_id, name) ' 'VALUES (?, ?)', (actor_id, name)) if art_url: self.artwork.modify_art(art_url, actor_id, 'actor', 'thumb', self.cursor) return actor_id def get_art(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ Returns a dict of all available artwork with unicode urls/paths: { 'thumb' 'poster' 'banner' 'clearart' 'clearlogo' 'discart' 'fanart' and also potentially more fanart 'fanart1', 'fanart2', } Missing fanart will not appear in the dict. 'landscape' and 'icon' might be implemented in the future. """ query = 'SELECT type, url FROM art WHERE media_id=? AND media_type=?' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) return dict(self.cursor.fetchall()) def modify_streams(self, fileid, streamdetails=None, runtime=None): """ Leave streamdetails and runtime empty to delete all stream entries for fileid """ # First remove any existing entries self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM streamdetails WHERE idFile = ?', (fileid,)) if not streamdetails: return for videotrack in streamdetails['video']: query = ''' INSERT INTO streamdetails( idFile, iStreamType, strVideoCodec, fVideoAspect, iVideoWidth, iVideoHeight, iVideoDuration ,strStereoMode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 0, videotrack['codec'], videotrack['aspect'], videotrack['width'], videotrack['height'], runtime, videotrack['video3DFormat'])) for audiotrack in streamdetails['audio']: query = ''' INSERT INTO streamdetails( idFile, iStreamType, strAudioCodec, iAudioChannels, strAudioLanguage) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 1, audiotrack['codec'], audiotrack['channels'], audiotrack['language'])) for subtitletrack in streamdetails['subtitle']: query = ''' INSERT INTO streamdetails(idFile, iStreamType, strSubtitleLanguage) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (fileid, 2, subtitletrack)) def resume_points(self): """ VIDEOS Returns all Kodi idFile that have a resume point set (not unwatched ones or items that have already been completely watched) """ query = ''' SELECT idFile FROM bookmark ''' rows = self.cursor.execute(query) ids = [] for row in rows: ids.append(row[0]) return ids def video_id_from_filename(self, filename, path): """ Returns the tuple (itemId, type) where itemId: Kodi DB unique Id for either movie or episode type: either 'movie' or 'episode' Returns None if not found OR if too many entries were found """ query = 'SELECT idFile, idPath FROM files WHERE strFilename = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (filename,)) files = self.cursor.fetchall() if len(files) == 0: LOG.info('Did not find any file, abort') return query = 'SELECT strPath FROM path WHERE idPath = ?' # result will contain a list of all idFile with matching filename and # matching path result = [] for file in files: # Use idPath to get path as a string self.cursor.execute(query, (file[1],)) try: path_str = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # idPath not found; skip continue # For whatever reason, double might have become triple path_str = path_str.replace('///', '//') path_str = path_str.replace('\\\\\\', '\\\\') if path_str == path: result.append(file[0]) if len(result) == 0: LOG.info('Did not find matching paths, abort') return # Kodi seems to make ONE temporary entry; we only want the earlier, # permanent one if len(result) > 2: LOG.warn('We found too many items with matching filenames and ' ' paths, aborting') return file_id = result[0] # Try movies first self.cursor.execute('SELECT idMovie FROM movie WHERE idFile = ?', (file_id, )) try: movie_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] typus = v.KODI_TYPE_MOVIE except TypeError: # Try tv shows next query = 'SELECT idEpisode FROM episode WHERE idFile = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (file_id, )) try: movie_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] typus = v.KODI_TYPE_EPISODE except TypeError: LOG.warn('Unexpectantly did not find a match!') return return movie_id, typus def music_id_from_filename(self, filename, path): """ Returns the Kodi song_id from the Kodi music database or None if not found OR something went wrong. """ query = ''' SELECT idPath FROM path WHERE strPath = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (path,)) path_ids = self.cursor.fetchall() if len(path_ids) != 1: LOG.debug('Found wrong number of path ids: %s for path %s, abort', path_ids, path) return query = ''' SELECT idSong FROM song WHERE strFileName = ? AND idPath = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (filename, path_ids[0][0])) song_ids = self.cursor.fetchall() if len(song_ids) != 1: LOG.info('Found wrong number of songs %s, abort', song_ids) return return song_ids[0][0] def get_resume(self, file_id): """ Returns the first resume point in seconds (int) if found, else None for the Kodi file_id provided """ query = ''' SELECT timeInSeconds FROM bookmark WHERE idFile = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (file_id,)) resume = self.cursor.fetchone() try: resume = resume[0] except TypeError: resume = None return resume def get_playcount(self, file_id): """ Returns the playcount for the item file_id or None if not found """ query = ''' SELECT playCount FROM files WHERE idFile = ? LIMIT 1 ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (file_id, )) try: answ = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: answ = None return answ def set_resume(self, file_id, resume_seconds, total_seconds, playcount, dateplayed, plex_type): """ Adds a resume marker for a video library item. Will even set 2, considering add-on path widget hacks. """ if not state.DIRECT_PATHS and plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: # Need to make sure to set a SECOND bookmark entry for another, # second file_id that points to the path .tvshows instead of # .tvshows/= 17: self.cursor.execute( "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idArtist),1) FROM artist") else: self.cursor.execute( "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idArtist),0) FROM artist") artistid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO artist(idArtist, strArtist, strMusicBrainzArtistID) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (artistid, name, musicbrainz)) else: if artistname != name: query = "UPDATE artist SET strArtist = ? WHERE idArtist = ?" self.cursor.execute(query, (name, artistid,)) return artistid def delete_song_from_song_artist(self, song_id): """ Deletes son from song_artist table and possibly orphaned roles Will returned an orphaned idArtist or None if not orphaned """ query = ''' SELECT idArtist, idRole FROM song_artist WHERE idSong = ? LIMIT 1 ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (song_id, )) artist = self.cursor.fetchone() if artist is None: # No entry to begin with return # Delete the entry self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM song_artist WHERE idSong = ?', (song_id, )) # Check whether we need to delete orphaned roles query = 'SELECT idRole FROM song_artist WHERE idRole = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (artist[1], )) if not self.cursor.fetchone(): # Delete orphaned role self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM role WHERE idRole = ?', (artist[1], )) # Check whether we need to delete orphaned artists query = 'SELECT idArtist FROM song_artist WHERE idArtist = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (artist[0], )) if self.cursor.fetchone(): return else: return artist[0] def delete_album_from_discography(self, album_id): """ Removes the album with id album_id from the table discography """ # Need to get the album name as a string first! query = 'SELECT strAlbum, iYear FROM album WHERE idAlbum = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (album_id, )) try: name, year = self.cursor.fetchone() except TypeError: return query = 'SELECT idArtist FROM album_artist WHERE idAlbum = ? LIMIT 1' self.cursor.execute(query, (album_id, )) artist = self.cursor.fetchone() if not artist: return query = ''' DELETE FROM discography WHERE idArtist = ? AND strAlbum = ? AND strYear = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (artist[0], name, year)) def delete_song_from_song_genre(self, song_id): """ Deletes the one entry with id song_id from the song_genre table. Will also delete orphaned genres from genre table """ query = 'SELECT idGenre FROM song_genre WHERE idSong = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (song_id, )) genres = self.cursor.fetchall() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM song_genre WHERE idSong = ?', (song_id, )) # Check for orphaned genres in both song_genre and album_genre tables query = 'SELECT idGenre FROM song_genre WHERE idGenre = ? LIMIT 1' query2 = 'SELECT idGenre FROM album_genre WHERE idGenre = ? LIMIT 1' for genre in genres: self.cursor.execute(query, (genre[0], )) if not self.cursor.fetchone(): self.cursor.execute(query2, (genre[0], )) if not self.cursor.fetchone(): self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM genre WHERE idGenre = ?', (genre[0], )) def delete_album_from_album_genre(self, album_id): """ Deletes the one entry with id album_id from the album_genre table. Will also delete orphaned genres from genre table """ query = 'SELECT idGenre FROM album_genre WHERE idAlbum = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (album_id, )) genres = self.cursor.fetchall() self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM album_genre WHERE idAlbum = ?', (album_id, )) # Check for orphaned genres in both album_genre and song_genre tables query = 'SELECT idGenre FROM album_genre WHERE idGenre = ? LIMIT 1' query2 = 'SELECT idGenre FROM song_genre WHERE idGenre = ? LIMIT 1' for genre in genres: self.cursor.execute(query, (genre[0], )) if not self.cursor.fetchone(): self.cursor.execute(query2, (genre[0], )) if not self.cursor.fetchone(): self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM genre WHERE idGenre = ?', (genre[0], )) def add_album(self, name, musicbrainz): """ Adds a single album to the DB """ query = 'SELECT idAlbum FROM album WHERE strMusicBrainzAlbumID = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (musicbrainz,)) try: albumid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # Create the album self.cursor.execute('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idAlbum),0) FROM album') albumid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = ''' INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strAlbum, strMusicBrainzAlbumID, strReleaseType) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (albumid, name, musicbrainz, 'album')) return albumid def add_music_genres(self, kodiid, genres, mediatype): """ Adds a list of genres (list of unicode) for a certain Kodi item """ if mediatype == "album": # Delete current genres for clean slate query = 'DELETE FROM album_genre WHERE idAlbum = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodiid,)) for genre in genres: query = ''' SELECT idGenre FROM genre WHERE strGenre = ? COLLATE NOCASE ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (genre,)) try: genreid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # Create the genre query = 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idGenre),0) FROM genre' self.cursor.execute(query) genreid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = 'INSERT INTO genre(idGenre, strGenre) VALUES(?, ?)' self.cursor.execute(query, (genreid, genre)) query = ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_genre(idGenre, idAlbum) VALUES (?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (genreid, kodiid)) elif mediatype == "song": # Delete current genres for clean slate query = 'DELETE FROM song_genre WHERE idSong = ?' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodiid,)) for genre in genres: query = ''' SELECT idGenre FROM genre WHERE strGenre = ? COLLATE NOCASE ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (genre,)) try: genreid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # Create the genre query = 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(idGenre),0) FROM genre' self.cursor.execute(query) genreid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 query = 'INSERT INTO genre(idGenre, strGenre) values(?, ?)' self.cursor.execute(query, (genreid, genre)) query = ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_genre(idGenre, idSong) VALUES (?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (genreid, kodiid)) # Krypton only stuff ############################## def update_userrating(self, kodi_id, kodi_type, userrating): """ Updates userrating for >=Krypton """ if kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_MOVIE: identifier = 'idMovie' elif kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_EPISODE: identifier = 'idEpisode' elif kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_SONG: identifier = 'idSong' query = '''UPDATE %s SET userrating = ? WHERE ? = ?''' % kodi_type self.cursor.execute(query, (userrating, identifier, kodi_id)) def add_uniqueid(self, *args): """ Feed with: uniqueid_id: int media_id: int media_type: string value: string type: e.g. 'imdb' or 'tvdb' """ query = ''' INSERT INTO uniqueid( uniqueid_id, media_id, media_type, value, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (args)) def get_uniqueid(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ Returns the uniqueid_id """ query = ''' SELECT uniqueid_id FROM uniqueid WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) try: uniqueid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(uniqueid_id),0) FROM uniqueid') uniqueid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 return uniqueid def update_uniqueid(self, *args): """ Pass in media_id, media_type, value, type, uniqueid_id """ query = ''' UPDATE uniqueid SET media_id = ?, media_type = ?, value = ?, type = ? WHERE uniqueid_id = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (args)) def remove_uniqueid(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ Deletes the entry from the uniqueid table for the item """ query = ''' DELETE FROM uniqueid WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) def get_ratingid(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ Create if needed and return the unique rating_id from rating table """ query = ''' SELECT rating_id FROM rating WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) try: ratingid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: self.cursor.execute('SELECT COALESCE(MAX(rating_id),0) FROM rating') ratingid = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1 return ratingid def update_ratings(self, *args): """ Feed with media_id, media_type, rating_type, rating, votes, rating_id """ query = ''' UPDATE rating SET media_id = ?, media_type = ?, rating_type = ?, rating = ?, votes = ? WHERE rating_id = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (args)) def add_ratings(self, *args): """ feed with: rating_id, media_id, media_type, rating_type, rating, votes rating_type = 'default' """ query = ''' INSERT INTO rating( rating_id, media_id, media_type, rating_type, rating, votes) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (args)) def remove_ratings(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ Removes all ratings from the rating table for the item """ query = ''' DELETE FROM rating WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, kodi_type)) def kodiid_from_filename(path, kodi_type=None, db_type=None): """ Returns kodi_id if we have an item in the Kodi video or audio database with said path. Feed with either koditype, e.v. 'movie', 'song' or the DB you want to poll ('video' or 'music') Returns None, if not possible """ kodi_id = None path = try_decode(path) try: filename = path.rsplit('/', 1)[1] path = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' except IndexError: filename = path.rsplit('\\', 1)[1] path = path.rsplit('\\', 1)[0] + '\\' if kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_SONG or db_type == 'music': with GetKodiDB('music') as kodi_db: try: kodi_id = kodi_db.music_id_from_filename(filename, path) except TypeError: LOG.debug('No Kodi audio db element found for path %s', path) else: kodi_type = v.KODI_TYPE_SONG else: with GetKodiDB('video') as kodi_db: try: kodi_id, kodi_type = kodi_db.video_id_from_filename(filename, path) except TypeError: LOG.debug('No kodi video db element found for path %s', path) return kodi_id, kodi_type