#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from xbmc import executebuiltin from . import utils from .utils import etree from . import path_ops from . import migration from .downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU from . import plex_functions as PF from . import plex_tv from . import json_rpc as js from . import app from . import variables as v ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.initialsetup') ############################################################################### if not path_ops.exists(v.EXTERNAL_SUBTITLE_TEMP_PATH): path_ops.makedirs(v.EXTERNAL_SUBTITLE_TEMP_PATH) def _write_pms_settings(url, token): """ Sets certain settings for server by asking for the PMS' settings Call with url: scheme://ip:port """ xml = PF.get_PMS_settings(url, token) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not get PMS settings for %s', url) return for entry in xml: if entry.attrib.get('id', '') == 'allowMediaDeletion': value = 'true' if entry.get('value', '1') == '1' else 'false' utils.settings('plex_allows_mediaDeletion', value=value) utils.window('plex_allows_mediaDeletion', value=value) class InitialSetup(object): """ Will load Plex PMS settings (e.g. address) and token Will ask the user initial questions on first PKC boot """ def __init__(self): LOG.debug('Entering initialsetup class') # Get Plex credentials from settings file, if they exist plexdict = PF.GetPlexLoginFromSettings() self.plex_login = plexdict['plexLogin'] self.plex_login_id = plexdict['plexid'] self.plex_token = plexdict['plexToken'] # Token for the PMS, not plex.tv self.pms_token = utils.settings('accessToken') if self.plex_token: LOG.debug('Found a plex.tv token in the settings') def write_credentials_to_settings(self): """ Writes Plex username, token to plex.tv and Plex id to PKC settings """ utils.settings('username', value=self.plex_login or '') utils.settings('userid', value=self.plex_login_id or '') utils.settings('plexToken', value=self.plex_token or '') def enter_new_pms_address(self): # "Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL. Examples are:" utils.messageDialog(utils.lang(29999), '%s\n%s\n%s' % (utils.lang(39215), '', 'plex.myServer.org')) address = utils.dialog('input', "Enter PMS IP or URL") if address == '': return False port = utils.dialog('input', "Enter PMS port", '32400', type='{numeric}') if port == '': return False url = '%s:%s' % (address, port) # "Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? # (https instead of http)" https = utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39217)) if https: url = 'https://%s' % url else: url = 'http://%s' % url https = 'true' if https else 'false' machine_identifier = PF.GetMachineIdentifier(url) if machine_identifier is None: # "Error contacting url # Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)" if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), '%s %s. %s' % (utils.lang(39218), url, utils.lang(39219))): return False else: utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier', '') else: utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier', machine_identifier) LOG.info('Set new PMS to https %s, address %s, port %s, machineId %s', https, address, port, machine_identifier) utils.settings('https', value=https) utils.settings('ipaddress', value=address) utils.settings('port', value=port) # Chances are this is a local PMS, so disable SSL certificate check utils.settings('sslverify', value='false') def plex_tv_sign_in(self): """ Signs (freshly) in to plex.tv (will be saved to file settings) Returns True if successful, or False if not """ user = plex_tv.sign_in_with_pin() if user: self.plex_login = user.username self.plex_token = user.authToken self.plex_login_id = user.id return True return False def check_plex_tv_sign_in(self): """ Checks existing connection to plex.tv. If not, triggers sign in Returns True if signed in, False otherwise """ answer = True chk = PF.check_connection('plex.tv', token=self.plex_token) if chk in (401, 403): # HTTP Error: unauthorized. Token is no longer valid LOG.info('plex.tv connection returned HTTP %s', str(chk)) # Delete token in the settings utils.settings('plexToken', value='') utils.settings('plexLogin', value='') # Could not login, please try again utils.messageDialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39009)) answer = self.plex_tv_sign_in() elif chk is False or chk >= 400: # Problems connecting to plex.tv. Network or internet issue? LOG.info('Problems connecting to plex.tv; connection returned ' 'HTTP %s', str(chk)) utils.messageDialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39010)) answer = False else: LOG.info('plex.tv connection with token successful') utils.settings('plex_status', value=utils.lang(39227)) # Refresh the info from Plex.tv xml = DU().downloadUrl('https://plex.tv/users/account', authenticate=False, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': self.plex_token}) try: self.plex_login = xml.attrib['title'] except (AttributeError, KeyError): LOG.error('Failed to update Plex info from plex.tv') else: utils.settings('plexLogin', value=self.plex_login) home = 'true' if xml.attrib.get('home') == '1' else 'false' utils.settings('plexAvatar', value=xml.attrib.get('thumb')) LOG.info('Updated Plex info from plex.tv') return answer def check_existing_pms(self): """ Check the PMS that was set in file settings. Will return False if we need to reconnect, because: PMS could not be reached (no matter the authorization) machineIdentifier did not match Will also set the PMS machineIdentifier in the file settings if it was not set before """ answer = True chk = PF.check_connection(app.CONN.server, verifySSL=False) if chk is False: LOG.warn('Could not reach PMS %s', app.CONN.server) answer = False if answer is True and not app.CONN.machine_identifier: LOG.info('No PMS machineIdentifier found for %s. Trying to ' 'get the PMS unique ID', app.CONN.server) app.CONN.machine_identifier = PF.GetMachineIdentifier(app.CONN.server) if app.CONN.machine_identifier is None: LOG.warn('Could not retrieve machineIdentifier') answer = False else: utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier', value=app.CONN.machine_identifier) elif answer is True: temp_server_id = PF.GetMachineIdentifier(app.CONN.server) if temp_server_id != app.CONN.machine_identifier: LOG.warn('The current PMS %s was expected to have a ' 'unique machineIdentifier of %s. But we got ' '%s. Pick a new server to be sure', app.CONN.server, app.CONN.machine_identifier, temp_server_id) answer = False return answer @staticmethod def _check_pms_connectivity(server): """ Checks for server's connectivity. Returns check_connection result """ # Re-direct via plex if remote - will lead to the correct SSL # certificate if server['local']: url = ('%s://%s:%s' % (server['scheme'], server['ip'], server['port'])) # Deactive SSL verification if the server is local! verifySSL = False else: url = server['baseURL'] verifySSL = True chk = PF.check_connection(url, token=server['token'], verifySSL=verifySSL) return chk def pick_pms(self, showDialog=False): """ Searches for PMS in local Lan and optionally (if self.plex_token set) also on plex.tv showDialog=True: let the user pick one showDialog=False: automatically pick PMS based on machineIdentifier Returns the picked PMS' detail as a dict: { 'machineIdentifier' [str] unique identifier of the PMS 'name' [str] name of the PMS 'token' [str] token needed to access that PMS 'ownername' [str] name of the owner of this PMS or None if the owner itself supplied tries to connect 'product' e.g. 'Plex Media Server' or None 'version' e.g. '' or None 'device': e.g. 'PC' or 'Windows' or None 'platform': e.g. 'Windows', 'Android' or None 'local' [bool] True if plex.tv supplied 'publicAddressMatches'='1' or if found using Plex GDM in the local LAN 'owned' [bool] True if it's the owner's PMS 'relay' [bool] True if plex.tv supplied 'relay'='1' 'presence' [bool] True if plex.tv supplied 'presence'='1' 'httpsRequired' [bool] True if plex.tv supplied 'httpsRequired'='1' 'scheme' [str] either 'http' or 'https' 'ip': [str] IP of the PMS, e.g. '' 'port': [str] Port of the PMS, e.g. '32400' 'baseURL': [str] ://: of the PMS } or None if unsuccessful """ server = None # If no server is set, let user choose one if not app.CONN.server or not app.CONN.machine_identifier: showDialog = True if showDialog is True: server = self._user_pick_pms() else: server = self._auto_pick_pms() if server is not None: _write_pms_settings(server['baseURL'], server['token']) return server def _auto_pick_pms(self): """ Will try to pick PMS based on machineIdentifier saved in file settings but only once Returns server or None if unsuccessful """ https_updated = False server = None while True: if https_updated is False: serverlist = PF.discover_pms(self.plex_token) for item in serverlist: if item.get('machineIdentifier') == app.CONN.machine_identifier: server = item if server is None: name = utils.settings('plex_servername') LOG.warn('The PMS you have used before with a unique ' 'machineIdentifier of %s and name %s is ' 'offline', app.CONN.machine_identifier, name) return chk = self._check_pms_connectivity(server) if chk == 504 and https_updated is False: # switch HTTPS to HTTP or vice-versa if server['scheme'] == 'https': server['scheme'] = 'http' else: server['scheme'] = 'https' https_updated = True continue # Problems connecting elif chk >= 400 or chk is False: LOG.warn('Problems connecting to server %s. chk is %s', server['name'], chk) return LOG.info('We found a server to automatically connect to: %s', server['name']) return server def _user_pick_pms(self): """ Lets user pick his/her PMS from a list Returns server or None if unsuccessful """ https_updated = False # Searching for PMS utils.dialog('notification', heading='{plex}', message=utils.lang(30001), icon='{plex}', time=5000) while True: if https_updated is False: serverlist = PF.discover_pms(self.plex_token) # Exit if no servers found if not serverlist: LOG.warn('No plex media servers found!') utils.messageDialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39011)) return # Get a nicer list dialoglist = [] for server in serverlist: if server['local']: # server is in the same network as client. # Add"local" msg = utils.lang(39022) else: # Add 'remote' msg = utils.lang(39054) if server.get('ownername'): # Display username if its not our PMS dialoglist.append('%s (%s, %s)' % (server['name'], server['ownername'], msg)) else: dialoglist.append('%s (%s)' % (server['name'], msg)) # Let user pick server from a list resp = utils.dialog('select', utils.lang(39012), dialoglist) if resp == -1: # User cancelled return server = serverlist[resp] chk = self._check_pms_connectivity(server) if chk == 504 and https_updated is False: # Not able to use HTTP, try HTTPs for now serverlist[resp]['scheme'] = 'https' https_updated = True continue https_updated = False if chk == 401: LOG.warn('Not yet authorized for Plex server %s', server['name']) # Not yet authorized for Plex server %s utils.messageDialog( utils.lang(29999), '%s %s\n%s' % (utils.lang(39013), server['name'].decode('utf-8'), utils.lang(39014))) if self.plex_tv_sign_in() is False: # Exit while loop if user cancels return # Problems connecting elif chk >= 400 or chk is False: # Problems connecting to server. Pick another server? if not utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39015)): # Exit while loop if user chooses No return # Otherwise: connection worked! else: return server @staticmethod def write_pms_to_settings(server): """ Saves server to file settings """ utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier', server['machineIdentifier']) utils.settings('plex_servername', server['name']) utils.settings('plex_serverowned', 'true' if server['owned'] else 'false') # Careful to distinguish local from remote PMS if server['local']: scheme = server['scheme'] utils.settings('ipaddress', server['ip']) utils.settings('port', server['port']) LOG.debug("Setting SSL verify to false, because server is " "local") utils.settings('sslverify', 'false') else: baseURL = server['baseURL'].split(':') scheme = baseURL[0] utils.settings('ipaddress', baseURL[1].replace('//', '')) utils.settings('port', baseURL[2]) LOG.debug("Setting SSL verify to true, because server is not " "local") utils.settings('sslverify', 'true') if scheme == 'https': utils.settings('https', 'true') else: utils.settings('https', 'false') # And finally do some logging LOG.debug("Writing to Kodi user settings file") LOG.debug("PMS machineIdentifier: %s, ip: %s, port: %s, https: %s ", server['machineIdentifier'], server['ip'], server['port'], server['scheme']) def setup(self): """ Initial setup. Run once upon startup. Check server, user, direct paths, music, direct stream if not direct path. """ LOG.info("Initial setup called.") try: with utils.XmlKodiSetting('advancedsettings.xml', force_create=True, top_element='advancedsettings') as xml: # Get current Kodi video cache setting cache = xml.get_setting(['cache', 'memorysize']) # Disable foreground "Loading media information from files" # (still used by Kodi, even though the Wiki says otherwise) xml.set_setting(['musiclibrary', 'backgroundupdate'], value='true') # Disable cleaning of library - not compatible with PKC xml.set_setting(['videolibrary', 'cleanonupdate'], value='false') # Set completely watched point same as plex (and not 92%) xml.set_setting(['video', 'ignorepercentatend'], value='10') xml.set_setting(['video', 'playcountminimumpercent'], value='90') xml.set_setting(['video', 'ignoresecondsatstart'], value='60') reboot = xml.write_xml except utils.ParseError: cache = None reboot = False # Kodi default cache if no setting is set cache = str(cache.text) if cache is not None else '20971520' LOG.info('Current Kodi video memory cache in bytes: %s', cache) utils.settings('kodi_video_cache', value=cache) # Hack to make PKC Kodi master lock compatible try: with utils.XmlKodiSetting('sources.xml', force_create=True, top_element='sources') as xml: root = xml.set_setting(['video']) count = 2 for source in root.findall('.//path'): if source.text == "smb://": count -= 1 if count == 0: # sources already set break else: # Missing smb:// occurences, re-add. for _ in range(0, count): source = etree.SubElement(root, 'source') etree.SubElement( source, 'name').text = "PlexKodiConnect Masterlock Hack" etree.SubElement( source, 'path', {'pathversion': "1"}).text = "smb://" etree.SubElement(source, 'allowsharing').text = "true" if reboot is False: reboot = xml.write_xml except utils.ParseError: pass # Do we need to migrate stuff? migration.check_migration() # Reload the server IP cause we might've deleted it during migration app.CONN.load() app.CONN.server = app.CONN.server # Display a warning if Kodi puts ALL movies into the queue, basically # breaking playback reporting for PKC if js.settings_getsettingvalue('videoplayer.autoplaynextitem'): LOG.warn('Kodi setting videoplayer.autoplaynextitem is enabled!') if utils.settings('warned_setting_videoplayer.autoplaynextitem') == 'false': # Only warn once utils.settings('warned_setting_videoplayer.autoplaynextitem', value='true') # Warning: Kodi setting "Play next video automatically" is # enabled. This could break PKC. Deactivate? if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(30003)): js.settings_setsettingvalue('videoplayer.autoplaynextitem', False) # Set any video library updates to happen in the background in order to # hide "Compressing database" js.settings_setsettingvalue('videolibrary.backgroundupdate', True) # If a Plex server IP has already been set # return only if the right machine identifier is found if app.CONN.server: LOG.info("PMS is already set: %s. Checking now...", app.CONN.server) if self.check_existing_pms(): LOG.info("Using PMS %s with machineIdentifier %s", app.CONN.server, app.CONN.machine_identifier) _write_pms_settings(app.CONN.server, self.pms_token) if reboot is True: utils.reboot_kodi() return # If not already retrieved myplex info, optionally let user sign in # to plex.tv. This DOES get called on very first install run if not self.plex_token and app.ACCOUNT.myplexlogin: self.plex_tv_sign_in() server = self.pick_pms() if server is not None: # Write our chosen server to Kodi settings file self.write_pms_to_settings(server) # User already answered the installation questions if utils.settings('InstallQuestionsAnswered') == 'true': if reboot is True: utils.reboot_kodi() return # Additional settings where the user needs to choose # Direct paths (\\NAS\mymovie.mkv) or addon (http)? goto_settings = False from .windows import optionsdialog # Use Add-on Paths (default, easy) or Direct Paths? PKC will not work # if your Direct Paths setup is wrong! # Buttons: Add-on Paths // Direct Paths if optionsdialog.show(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39080), utils.lang(39081), utils.lang(39082)) == 1: LOG.debug("User opted to use direct paths.") utils.settings('useDirectPaths', value="1") state.DIRECT_PATHS = True # Are you on a system where you would like to replace paths # \\NAS\mymovie.mkv with smb://NAS/mymovie.mkv? (e.g. Windows) if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39033)): LOG.debug("User chose to replace paths with smb") else: utils.settings('replaceSMB', value="false") # complete replace all original Plex library paths with custom SMB if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39043)): LOG.debug("User chose custom smb paths") utils.settings('remapSMB', value="true") # Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under # "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi utils.messageDialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39044)) goto_settings = True # Go to network credentials? if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(39029), utils.lang(39030)): LOG.debug("Presenting network credentials dialog.") utils.passwords_xml() # Disable Plex music? if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39016)): LOG.debug("User opted to disable Plex music library.") utils.settings('enableMusic', value="false") # Download additional art from FanArtTV if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39061)): LOG.debug("User opted to use FanArtTV") utils.settings('FanartTV', value="true") # Do you want to replace your custom user ratings with an indicator of # how many versions of a media item you posses? if utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39718)): LOG.debug("User opted to replace user ratings with version number") utils.settings('indicate_media_versions', value="true") # If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and # "Parents Movies", be sure to check https://goo.gl/JFtQV9 # dialog.ok(heading=utils.lang(29999), line1=utils.lang(39076)) # Need to tell about our image source for collections: themoviedb.org # dialog.ok(heading=utils.lang(29999), line1=utils.lang(39717)) # Make sure that we only ask these questions upon first installation utils.settings('InstallQuestionsAnswered', value='true') # New installation - make sure we start with a clean slate utils.wipe_database() if goto_settings is False: # Open Settings page now? You will need to restart! goto_settings = utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39017)) # Reload relevant settings app.CONN.load() app.ACCOUNT.load() if goto_settings: app.APP.suspend = True executebuiltin( 'Addon.OpenSettings(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect)') elif reboot is True: utils.reboot_kodi()