Indirizzo Server (IP)
Metodo di riproduzione preferito
Livello di log
Username rete:
Password rete:
Abilita analisi performance
Sistema di caching locale
Non mostrare mai
Nome del dispositivo
Non autorizzato per PMS
Mostra un messaggio se PMS va offline
Possiedo questo Plex Media Server
Numero di Film recenti da mostrare:
Numero di Episodi TV recenti da mostrare:
Numero di Album Musicali recenti da mostrare:
Segna come visto all'inizio della riproduzione:
Imposta il poster della Stagione per gli episodi
Filtro genere ...
Riproduci tutto da qui
Aggiungi il Film a CouchPotato
Username o Password non corretti
Username non trovato
Sto eliminando
In attesa del server per l'eliminazione
Impostazione predefinita del server
Data di uscita
Data creazione
Valutazione critica
Valutazione pubblico
Numero riproduzioni
Ordina per
Filtro genere
Confema eliminazione
Eliminare questo elemento? Questa azione eliminerà il media e i file associati.
Segna come Visto
Segna come Non Visto
Aggiungi ai Preferiti
Rimuovi dai Preferiti
Ordina per ...
Ordinamento decrescente
Ordinamento crescente
Mostra Persone
Riprendi da
Parti dall'inizio
Includi informazioni sullo Stream
Includi Persone
Includi Panoramica
Chiedi se eliminare dopo la riproduzione
Per Episodi
Per Film
Frequenza di aggiornamento dello sfondo (secondi)
Add Resume Percent
Add Episode Number
Mostra progresso caricamento
Caricamento contenuti
Recupero dati
Elaborazione elemento :
Errore riproduzione
Questo elemento non è riproducibile
Rilevato Percorso Locale
Your MB3 Server contains local paths. Please change server paths to UNC or change XBMB3C setting 'Play from Stream' to true. Path:
Debugging abilitato.
Questo influirà sulle prestazioni.
Il servizio di monitoraggio non è in esecuzione
Si prega di riavviare Kodi se l'installazione è appena terminata
Abilita Musica Tema (Richiede riavvio)
- Riproduzione continua musica del tema
Abilita immagine di sfondo (Richiede riavvio)
Transcodifica sempre se il bitrate è sopra
Skin does not support setting views
Seleziona l'azione dell'elemento (Richiede riavvio)
Sort NextUp by Show Title
Abilita immagini migliorate (es Copertine)
Qualità Video se la Transcodifica è necessaria
Enable Suggested Loader (Requires Restart)
Add Season Number
Flatten Seasons
Riproduzione diretta - HTTP
Riproduzione diretta
Server rilevato con successo
Server trovato
Indirizzo :
Spettacoli aggiunti recentemente
Spettacoli in corso
Tutta la Musica
Aggiunti di recente
Episodi aggiunti di recente
Album aggiunti di recente
Film in corso
Episodi in corso
Prossimi Episodi
Film preferiti
Spettacoli preferiti
Episodi preferiti
Album riprodotti di frequente
TV in arrivo
Video musicali
Film Non Visti
Generi Film
Studi cinematografici
Attori Film
Episodi Non Visti
TV Genres
TV Networks
TV Actors
Imposta viste
Seleziona Utente
Analisi abilitata.
Ricorda di spegnere una volta completato il testing.
Errore in ArtworkRotationThread
Impossibile connettersi al server
Errore in LoadMenuOptionsThread
Abilita caricamento Playlist (Richiede riavvio)
Artisti Album
Generi Musicali
Enable Theme Videos (Requires Restart)
- Loop Theme Videos
Riproduci automaticamente episodi della stagione
Comprimi Artwork
In corso
Viste utente
Dati utilizzo
Utilizza ordinamento Kodi
Tempo esecuzione
Usciti di recente
Elementi casuali
Sync Theme Music
Sync Extra Fanart
Sync Movie BoxSets
[COLOR yellow]Ripristina database locale Kodi[/COLOR]
Abilita sincronizzazione stato Film (visto/riprendi)
DB Sync Indication:
Play Count Sync Indication:
Enable HTTPS
Force Transcoding Codecs
Enable Netflix style next up notification
- The number of seconds before the end to show the notification
Show Emby Info dialog on play/select action
Enable server connection message on startup
Recently added Home Videos
Recently added Photos
Favourite Home Videos
Favourite Photos
Favourite Albums
Recently added Music videos
In progress Music videos
Unwatched Music videos
Clear Settings
Music Artists
Music Albums
Music Videos
Music Tracks
Plex options
Clear like for this item
Like this item
Dislike this item
Add to Plex favorites
Remove from Plex favorites
Set custom song rating
Plex addon settings
Delete item from server
Refresh this item
Set custom song rating (0-5)
Force transcode
Enable Plex context menu in Kodi
Non riesco a cancellare l'elemento di Plex. La cancellazione degli elementi è abilitata sul PMS?
Inizia riproduzione via PMS
Settings for the Plex Server
Verify Host SSL Certificate (more secure)
Client SSL certificate
Use alternate address
Alternate Server Address
Use alternate device Name
[COLOR yellow]Reset login attempts[/COLOR]
Sync Options
Show syncing progress
Sync empty TV Shows
Enable Music Library
Direct stream music library
Playback Mode
Force artwork caching
Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)
Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)
Maximum items to request from the server at once
[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]
Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)
Ask to play trailers
Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)
Jump back on resume (in seconds)
Force transcode h265/HEVC
Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)
Import music song rating directly from files
Convert music song rating to Emby rating
Allow rating in song files to be updated
Ignore specials in next episodes
Permanent users to add to the session
Startup delay (in seconds)
Enable server restart message
Enable new content notification
Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)
Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)
Server messages
[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]
Users must log in every time Kodi restarts
Complete Re-Sync necessary
Download additional art from FanArtTV
Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV
Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality
Always pick best quality for trailers
Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
Force transcode pictures
Error connecting
Server is unreachable
Server is online
items added to playlist
items queued to playlist
Server is restarting
Access is enabled
Enter password for user:
Invalid username or password
Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.
Unable to direct play
Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.
Choose the audio stream
Choose the subtitles stream
Delete file from your Emby server?
Play trailers?
Gathering movies from:
Gathering boxsets
Gathering music videos from:
Gathering tv shows from:
Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?
Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.
Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.
completed in:
Comparing movies from:
Comparing boxsets
Comparing music videos from:
Comparing tv shows from:
Comparing episodes from:
Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.
Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.
Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!
- Number of trailers to play before a movie
Boost audio when transcoding
Burnt-in subtitle size
Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)
Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)
Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)
Activate Plex Companion debug log
Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log
Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex
Could not login to Please try signing in again.
Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?
Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...
Choose your Plex server
Not yet authorized for Plex server
Please sign in to
Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?
Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)
Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!
[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]
[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]
[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]
[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]
Failed to authenticate. Did you login to
Automatically log into on startup
Enable constant background sync
Playback Mode
CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!
Network credentials
Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.
Kodi can't locate file:
Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?
Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)
Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas
Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff
Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:
Replace Plex MOVIE with:
Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:
Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:
Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:
Replace Plex MUSIC with:
Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?
Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi
Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:
Replace Plex PHOTO with:
On Deck: Append show title to episode
On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx
Nothing works? Try a full reset!
[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]
Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]
Background Sync
Do a full library sync every x minutes
Searching for Plex Server
Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play
Customize Paths
Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows
Recently Added: Append show title to episode
Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx
Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?
Sync when screensaver is deactivated
Force Transcode Hi10P
Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes
Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)
Your current Plex Media Server:
[COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]
Current address:
Current port:
Current status:
Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.
Appearance Tweaks
TV Shows
Always use default Plex subtitle if possible
If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki:
Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")
Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)
Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.
Log-out Plex Home User
Network credentials
Refresh Plex playlists/nodes
Perform manual library sync
Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.
Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?
Resetting PMS connections, please wait
Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.
[COLOR yellow]Toggle login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]
Not yet connected to Plex Server
Watch later
is offline
Even though we signed in to, we could not authorize for PMS
Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:
Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?
Error contacting PMS
Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?
connected toggle successful
[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]
Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.
Refresh all
Missing only
Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?
Reset all existing cache data first?
: Enter username. Or nothing to cancel.
Enter password for user
Could not sign in user
Problems trying to contact Try again later
Go to and enter the code:
Could not sign in to Try again later
: Select User
Enter PIN for user
Could not log in user
Please try again.
or press No to not sign in.
Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum
Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?
may not work correctly until the database is reset.
Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.
Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.
Plex playlists/nodes refreshed
Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed
Full library sync finished
Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.
The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.
ERROR in library sync
On Deck
Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.
Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.
Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)
Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)