import logging from urllib import quote import embydb_functions as embydb from downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU from utils import JSONRPC, tryEncode from PlexAPI import API ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) ############################################################################### class Playlist_Object_Baseclase(object): playlistid = None # Kodi playlist ID, [int] type = None # Kodi type: 'audio', 'video', 'picture' kodi_pl = None # Kodi xbmc.PlayList object items = [] # list of PLAYLIST_ITEMS old_kodi_pl = [] # to store old Kodi JSON result with all pl items ID = None # Plex id, e.g. playQueueID version = None # Plex version, [int] selectedItemID = None selectedItemOffset = None shuffled = 0 # [int], 0: not shuffled, 1: ??? 2: ??? repeat = 0 # [int], 0: not repeated, 1: ??? 2: ??? # Hack to later ignore all Kodi playlist adds that PKC did (Kodimonitor) PKC_playlist_edits = [] def __repr__(self): answ = "<%s: " % (self.__class__.__name__) # For some reason, can't use dir directly answ += "ID: %s, " % self.ID answ += "items: %s, " % self.items for key in self.__dict__: if key not in ("ID", 'items'): answ += '%s: %s, ' % (key, getattr(self, key)) return answ[:-2] + ">" def clear(self): """ Resets the playlist object to an empty playlist """ # Clear Kodi playlist object self.kodi_pl.clear() self.items = [] self.old_kodi_pl = [] self.ID = None self.version = None self.selectedItemID = None self.selectedItemOffset = None self.shuffled = 0 self.repeat = 0 self.PKC_playlist_edits = [] log.debug('Playlist cleared: %s' % self) def log_Kodi_playlist(self): log.debug('Current Kodi playlist: %s' % get_kodi_playlist_items(self)) class Playlist_Object(Playlist_Object_Baseclase): kind = 'playList' class Playqueue_Object(Playlist_Object_Baseclase): kind = 'playQueue' class Playlist_Item(object): ID = None # Plex playlist/playqueue id, e.g. playQueueItemID plex_id = None # Plex unique item id, "ratingKey" plex_UUID = None # Plex librarySectionUUID kodi_id = None # Kodi unique kodi id (unique only within type!) kodi_type = None # Kodi type: 'movie' file = None # Path to the item's file uri = None # Weird Plex uri path involving plex_UUID guid = None # Weird Plex guid def __repr__(self): answ = "<%s: " % (self.__class__.__name__) for key in self.__dict__: answ += '%s: %s, ' % (key, getattr(self, key)) return answ[:-2] + ">" def playlist_item_from_kodi_item(kodi_item): """ Turns the JSON answer from Kodi into a playlist element Supply with data['item'] as returned from Kodi JSON-RPC interface. kodi_item dict contains keys 'id', 'type', 'file' (if applicable) """ item = Playlist_Item() item.kodi_id = kodi_item.get('id') if item.kodi_id: with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byKodiId(kodi_item['id'], kodi_item['type']) try: item.plex_id = emby_dbitem[0] item.plex_UUID = emby_dbitem[0] except TypeError: pass item.file = kodi_item.get('file') if kodi_item.get('file') else None item.kodi_type = kodi_item.get('type') if kodi_item.get('type') else None if item.plex_id is None: item.uri = 'library://whatever/item/%s' % quote(item.file, safe='') else: item.uri = ('library://%s/item/library%%2Fmetadata%%2F%s' % (item.plex_UUID, item.plex_id)) return item def playlist_item_from_plex(plex_id): """ Returns a playlist element providing the plex_id ("ratingKey") """ item = Playlist_Item() item.plex_id = plex_id with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: emby_dbitem = emby_db.getItem_byId(plex_id) try: item.kodi_id = emby_dbitem[0] item.kodi_type = emby_dbitem[4] except: raise KeyError('Could not find plex_id %s in database' % plex_id) return item def _log_xml(xml): try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: log.error('Did not receive an XML. Answer was: %s' % xml) else: from xml.etree.ElementTree import dump log.error('XML received from the PMS: %s' % dump(xml)) def _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml): """ Takes a PMS xml as input to overwrite the playlist version (e.g. Plex playQueueVersion). Returns True if successful, False otherwise """ try: playlist.version = int(xml.attrib['%sVersion' % playlist.kind]) except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError): log.error('Could not get new playlist Version for playlist %s' % playlist) _log_xml(xml) return False return True def _get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml): """ Takes a PMS xml as input and overwrites all the playlist's details, e.g. playlist.ID with the XML's playQueueID """ try: playlist.ID = xml.attrib['%sID' % playlist.kind] playlist.version = xml.attrib['%sVersion' % playlist.kind] playlist.selectedItemID = xml.attrib['%sSelectedItemID' % playlist.kind] playlist.selectedItemOffset = xml.attrib['%sSelectedItemOffset' % playlist.kind] playlist.shuffled = xml.attrib['%sShuffled' % playlist.kind] except: log.error('Could not parse xml answer from PMS for playlist %s' % playlist) import traceback log.error(traceback.format_exc()) _log_xml(xml) raise KeyError def init_Plex_playlist(playlist, plex_id=None, kodi_item=None): """ Supply either with a plex_id OR the data supplied by Kodi JSON-RPC """ if plex_id: item = playlist_item_from_plex(plex_id) else: item = playlist_item_from_kodi_item(kodi_item) params = { 'next': 0, 'type': playlist.type, 'uri': item.uri } xml = DU().downloadUrl(url="{server}/%ss" % playlist.kind, action_type="POST", parameters=params) _get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml) playlist.items.append(item) log.debug('Initialized the playlist: %s' % playlist) def add_playlist_item(playlist, kodi_item, after_pos): """ Adds the new kodi_item to playlist after item at position after_pos [int] """ item = playlist_item_from_kodi_item(kodi_item) url = "{server}/%ss/%s?uri=%s" % (playlist.kind, playlist.ID, item.uri) # Will always put the new item at the end of the playlist xml = DU().downloadUrl(url, action_type="PUT") try: item.ID = xml.attrib['%sLastAddedItemID' % playlist.kind] except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError): log.error('Could not add item %s to playlist %s' % (kodi_item, playlist)) _log_xml(xml) return # Get the guid for this item for plex_item in xml: if plex_item.attrib['%sItemID' % playlist.kind] == item.ID: item.guid = plex_item.attrib['guid'] playlist.items.append(item) if after_pos == len(playlist.items) - 1: # Item was added at the end _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml) else: # Move the new item to the correct position move_playlist_item(playlist, len(playlist.items) - 1, after_pos) def move_playlist_item(playlist, before_pos, after_pos): """ Moves playlist item from before_pos [int] to after_pos [int] """ log.debug('Moving item from %s to %s' % (before_pos, after_pos)) if after_pos == 0: url = "{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s/move?after=0" % \ (playlist.kind, playlist.ID, playlist.items[before_pos].ID) else: url = "{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s/move?after=%s" % \ (playlist.kind, playlist.ID, playlist.items[before_pos].ID, playlist.items[after_pos - 1].ID) xml = DU().downloadUrl(url, action_type="PUT") # We need to increment the playlistVersion _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml) # Move our item's position in our internal playlist playlist.items.insert(after_pos, playlist.items.pop(before_pos)) def delete_playlist_item(playlist, pos): """ Delete the item at position pos [int] """ xml = DU().downloadUrl("{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s?repeat=%s" % (playlist.kind, playlist.ID, playlist.items[pos].ID, playlist.repeat), action_type="DELETE") _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml) del playlist.items[pos], playlist.old_kodi_pl[pos] def get_kodi_playlist_items(playlist): """ Returns a list of the current Kodi playlist items using JSON E.g.: [{u'title': u'3 Idiots', u'type': u'movie', u'id': 3, u'file': u'smb://nas/PlexMovies/3 Idiots 2009 pt1.mkv', u'label': u'3 Idiots'}] """ answ = JSONRPC('Playlist.GetItems').execute({ 'playlistid': playlist.playlistid, 'properties': ["title", "file"] }) try: answ = answ['result']['items'] except KeyError: answ = [] return answ def get_kodi_playqueues(): """ Example return: [{u'playlistid': 0, u'type': u'audio'}, {u'playlistid': 1, u'type': u'video'}, {u'playlistid': 2, u'type': u'picture'}] """ queues = JSONRPC('Playlist.GetPlaylists').execute() try: queues = queues['result'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Could not get Kodi playqueues. JSON Result was: %s' % queues) return queues # Functions operating on the Kodi playlist objects ########## def add_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, xml_video_element): """ Adds a new item to the Kodi playlist via JSON (at the end of the playlist). Pass in the PMS xml's video element (one level underneath MediaContainer). Will return a Playlist_Item """ item = Playlist_Item() api = API(xml_video_element) params = { 'playlistid': playlist.playlistid } item.plex_id = api.getRatingKey() item.ID = xml_video_element.attrib['%sItemID' % playlist.kind] item.guid = xml_video_element.attrib.get('guid') if item.plex_id: with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: db_element = emby_db.getItem_byId(item.plex_id) try: item.kodi_id, item.kodi_type = int(db_element[0]), db_element[4] except TypeError: pass if item.kodi_id: params['item'] = {'%sid' % item.kodi_type: item.kodi_id} else: item.file = api.getFilePath() params['item'] = {'file': tryEncode(item.file)} log.debug(JSONRPC('Playlist.Add').execute(params)) playlist.PKC_playlist_edits.append( item.kodi_id if item.kodi_id else item.file) return item def insertintoPlaylist(self, position, dbid=None, mediatype=None, url=None): params = { 'playlistid': self.playlistId, 'position': position } if dbid is not None: params['item'] = {'%sid' % tryEncode(mediatype): int(dbid)} else: params['item'] = {'file': url} JSONRPC('Playlist.Insert').execute(params) def removefromPlaylist(self, position): params = { 'playlistid': self.playlistId, 'position': position } log.debug(JSONRPC('Playlist.Remove').execute(params)) def get_PMS_playlist(playlist, playlist_id=None): """ Fetches the PMS playlist/playqueue as an XML. Pass in playlist_id if we need to fetch a new playlist Returns None if something went wrong """ playlist_id = playlist_id if playlist_id else playlist.ID xml = DU().downloadUrl( "{server}/%ss/%s" % (playlist.kind, playlist_id), headerOptions={'Accept': 'application/xml'}) try: xml.attrib['%sID' % playlist.kind] except (AttributeError, KeyError): xml = None return xml def refresh_playlist_from_PMS(playlist): """ Only updates the selected item from the PMS side (e.g. playQueueSelectedItemID). Will NOT check whether items still make sense. """ xml = get_PMS_playlist(playlist) try: xml.attrib['%sVersion' % playlist.kind] except: log.error('Could not download Plex playlist.') return _get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml) def update_playlist_from_PMS(playlist, playlist_id=None): """ Updates Kodi playlist using a new PMS playlist. Pass in playlist_id if we need to fetch a new playqueue """ xml = get_PMS_playlist(playlist, playlist_id) try: xml.attrib['%sVersion' % playlist.kind] except: log.error('Could not download Plex playlist.') return # Clear our existing playlist and the associated Kodi playlist playlist.clear() # Set new values _get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml) for plex_item in xml: playlist.items.append(add_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, plex_item)) def _processItems(self, startitem, startPlayer=False): startpos = None with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: for pos, item in enumerate(self.items): kodiId = None plexId = item['plexId'] embydb_item = emby_db.getItem_byId(plexId) try: kodiId = embydb_item[0] mediatype = embydb_item[4] except TypeError:'Couldnt find item %s in Kodi db' % plexId) xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(plexId) if xml in (None, 401): log.error('Could not download plexId %s' % plexId) else: log.debug('Downloaded xml metadata, adding now') self._addtoPlaylist_xbmc(xml[0]) else: # Add to playlist log.debug("Adding %s PlexId %s, KodiId %s to playlist." % (mediatype, plexId, kodiId)) self._addtoPlaylist(kodiId, mediatype) # Add the kodiId if kodiId is not None: item['kodiId'] = str(kodiId) if (startpos is None and startitem[1] == item[startitem[0]]): startpos = pos if startPlayer is True and len(self.playlist) > 0: if startpos is not None:, startpos=startpos) else:'Never received a starting item for playlist, ' 'starting with the first entry') def _addtoPlaylist_xbmc(self, item): API = PlexAPI.API(item) params = { 'mode': "play", 'dbid': 'plextrailer', 'id': API.getRatingKey(), 'filename': API.getKey() } playurl = "plugin://" \ % urlencode(params) listitem = API.CreateListItemFromPlexItem() playbackutils.PlaybackUtils(item).setArtwork(listitem) self.playlist.add(playurl, listitem)