#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from ..utils import cast from .. import utils, variables as v, app def _transcode_image_path(key, AuthToken, path, width, height): """ Transcode Image support parameters: key AuthToken path - source path of current XML: path[srcXML] width height result: final path to image file """ # external address - can we get a transcoding request for external images? if key.startswith('http'): path = key elif key.startswith('/'): # internal full path. path = '' + key else: # internal path, add-on path = '' + path + '/' + key # This is bogus (note the extra path component) but ATV is stupid when it # comes to caching images, it doesn't use querystrings. Fortunately PMS is # lenient... transcode_path = ('/photo/:/transcode/%sx%s/%s' % (width, height, utils.quote_plus(path))) args = { 'width': width, 'height': height, 'url': path } if AuthToken: args['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken return utils.extend_url(transcode_path, args) class File(object): def path(self, force_first_media=True, force_addon=False, direct_paths=None): """ Returns a "fully qualified path": add-on paths or direct paths depending on the current settings. Will NOT valide the playurl Returns unicode or None if something went wrong. Pass direct_path=True if you're calling from another Plex python instance - because otherwise direct paths will evaluate to False! """ direct_paths = direct_paths or app.SYNC.direct_paths filename = self.file_path(force_first_media=force_first_media) if (not direct_paths or force_addon or self.plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP): if filename and '/' in filename: filename = filename.rsplit('/', 1) elif filename: filename = filename.rsplit('\\', 1) try: filename = filename[1] except (TypeError, IndexError): filename = None # Set plugin path and media flags using real filename if self.plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: # need to include the plex show id in the path path = ('plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.tvshows/%s/' % self.grandparent_id()) else: path = 'plugin://%s/' % v.ADDON_TYPE[self.plex_type] path = ('%s?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play&filename=%s' % (path, self.plex_id, self.plex_type, filename)) else: # Direct paths is set the Kodi way path = self.validate_playurl(filename, self.plex_type, omit_check=True) return path def directory_path(self, section_id=None, plex_type=None, old_key=None, synched=True): key = self.xml.get('fastKey') if not key: key = self.xml.get('key') if old_key: key = '%s/%s' % (old_key, key) elif not key.startswith('/'): key = '/library/sections/%s/%s' % (section_id, key) params = { 'mode': 'browseplex', 'key': key } if plex_type or self.plex_type: params['plex_type'] = plex_type or self.plex_type if not synched: # No item to be found in the Kodi DB params['synched'] = 'false' if self.xml.get('prompt'): # User input needed, e.g. search for a movie or episode params['prompt'] = self.xml.get('prompt') if section_id: params['id'] = section_id return utils.extend_url('plugin://%s/' % v.ADDON_ID, params) def file_name(self, force_first_media=False): """ Returns only the filename, e.g. 'movie.mkv' as unicode or None if not found """ ans = self.file_path(force_first_media=force_first_media) if ans is None: return if "\\" in ans: # Local path filename = ans.rsplit("\\", 1)[1] else: try: # Network share filename = ans.rsplit("/", 1)[1] except IndexError: # E.g. certain Plex channels filename = None return filename def file_path(self, force_first_media=False): """ Returns the direct path to this item, e.g. '\\NAS\movies\movie.mkv' as unicode or None force_first_media=True: will always use 1st media stream, e.g. when several different files are present for the same PMS item """ if self.mediastream is None and force_first_media is False: if self.mediastream_number() is None: return try: if force_first_media is False: ans = self.xml[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['file'] else: ans = self.xml[0][self.part].attrib['file'] except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError): return return ans def get_picture_path(self): """ Returns the item's picture path (transcode, if necessary) as string. Will always use addon paths, never direct paths """ path = self.xml[0][0].get('key') extension = path[path.rfind('.'):].lower() if app.SYNC.force_transcode_pix or extension not in v.KODI_SUPPORTED_IMAGES: # Let Plex transcode # max width/height supported by plex image transcoder is 1920x1080 path = app.CONN.server + _transcode_image_path( path, app.ACCOUNT.pms_token, "%s%s" % (app.CONN.server, path), 1920, 1080) else: path = self.attach_plex_token_to_url('%s%s' % (app.CONN.server, path)) # Attach Plex id to url to let it be picked up by our playqueue agent # later return '%s&plex_id=%s' % (path, self.plex_id)