#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Various functions and decorators for PKC """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from sqlite3 import connect, OperationalError from datetime import datetime from unicodedata import normalize from threading import Lock import urllib import urlparse as _urlparse # Originally tried faster cElementTree, but does NOT work reliably with Kodi import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree # etree parse unsafe; make sure we're always receiving unicode from . import defused_etree from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError from functools import wraps import hashlib import re import gc import xbmc import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui from . import path_ops, variables as v LOG = getLogger('PLEX.utils') WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.plexkodiconnect') # If several threads access the settings.xml file concurrently, it gets # corrupted SETTINGS_LOCK = Lock() # Grab Plex id from '...plex_id=XXXX....' REGEX_PLEX_ID = re.compile(r'''plex_id=(\d+)''') # Return the numbers at the end of an url like '.../.../XXXX' REGEX_END_DIGITS = re.compile(r'''/(.+)/(\d+)$''') REGEX_PLEX_DIRECT = re.compile(r'''\.plex\.direct:\d+$''') # Plex API REGEX_IMDB = re.compile(r'''/(tt\d+)''') REGEX_TVDB = re.compile(r'''thetvdb:\/\/(.+?)\?''') # Plex music REGEX_MUSICPATH = re.compile(r'''^\^(.+)\$$''') # Grab Plex id from an URL-encoded string REGEX_PLEX_ID_FROM_URL = re.compile(r'''metadata%2F(\d+)''') def garbageCollect(): gc.collect(2) def setGlobalProperty(key, val): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty( 'plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.{0}'.format(key), val) def setGlobalBoolProperty(key, boolean): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty( 'plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.{0}'.format(key), boolean and '1' or '') def getGlobalProperty(key): return xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'Window(10000).Property(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.{0})'.format(key)) def reboot_kodi(message=None): """ Displays an OK prompt with 'Kodi will now restart to apply the changes' Kodi will then reboot. Set optional custom message """ message = message or lang(33033) messageDialog(lang(29999), message) xbmc.executebuiltin('RestartApp') def window(prop, value=None, clear=False, windowid=10000): """ Get or set window property - thread safe! Returns unicode. Property and value may be string or unicode """ if windowid != 10000: win = xbmcgui.Window(windowid) else: win = WINDOW if clear: win.clearProperty(prop) elif value is not None: win.setProperty(try_encode(prop), try_encode(value)) else: return try_decode(win.getProperty(prop)) def settings(setting, value=None): """ Get or add addon setting. Returns unicode setting and value can either be unicode or string """ # We need to instantiate every single time to read changed variables! with SETTINGS_LOCK: addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.plexkodiconnect') if value is not None: # Takes string or unicode by default! addon.setSetting(try_encode(setting), try_encode(value)) else: # Should return unicode by default, but just in case return try_decode(addon.getSetting(setting)) def lang(stringid): """ Central string retrieval from strings.po. If not found within PKC, standard XBMC/Kodi strings are retrieved. Will return unicode """ return (ADDON.getLocalizedString(stringid) or xbmc.getLocalizedString(stringid)) def messageDialog(heading, msg): """ Shows a dialog using the Plex layout """ from .windows import optionsdialog optionsdialog.show(heading, msg, lang(186)) def yesno_dialog(heading, msg): """ Shows a dialog with a yes and a no button using the Plex layout. Returns True if the user selected yes, False otherwise """ from .windows import optionsdialog return optionsdialog.show(heading, msg, lang(107), lang(106)) == 0 def dialog(typus, *args, **kwargs): """ Displays xbmcgui Dialog. Pass a string as typus: 'yesno', 'ok', 'notification', 'input', 'select', 'numeric' kwargs: heading='{plex}' title bar (here PlexKodiConnect) message=lang(30128), Dialog content. Don't use with 'OK', 'yesno' line1=str(), For 'OK' and 'yesno' dialogs use line1...line3! time=5000, sound=True, nolabel=str(), For 'yesno' dialogs yeslabel=str(), For 'yesno' dialogs Icons: icon='{plex}' Display Plex standard icon icon='{info}' xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO icon='{warning}' xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_WARNING icon='{error}' xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR Input Types: type='{alphanum}' xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM (standard keyboard) type='{numeric}' xbmcgui.INPUT_NUMERIC (format: #) type='{date}' xbmcgui.INPUT_DATE (format: DD/MM/YYYY) type='{time}' xbmcgui.INPUT_TIME (format: HH:MM) type='{ipaddress}' xbmcgui.INPUT_IPADDRESS (format: #.#.#.#) type='{password}' xbmcgui.INPUT_PASSWORD (return md5 hash of input, input is masked) Options: option='{password}' xbmcgui.PASSWORD_VERIFY (verifies an existing (default) md5 hashed password) option='{hide}' xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT (masks input) """ if 'icon' in kwargs: types = { '{plex}': 'special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png', '{info}': xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, '{warning}': xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_WARNING, '{error}': xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR } for key, value in types.iteritems(): kwargs['icon'] = kwargs['icon'].replace(key, value) if 'type' in kwargs: types = { '{alphanum}': xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, '{numeric}': xbmcgui.INPUT_NUMERIC, '{date}': xbmcgui.INPUT_DATE, '{time}': xbmcgui.INPUT_TIME, '{ipaddress}': xbmcgui.INPUT_IPADDRESS, '{password}': xbmcgui.INPUT_PASSWORD } kwargs['type'] = types[kwargs['type']] if 'option' in kwargs: types = { '{password}': xbmcgui.PASSWORD_VERIFY, '{hide}': xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT } kwargs['option'] = types[kwargs['option']] if 'heading' in kwargs: kwargs['heading'] = kwargs['heading'].replace("{plex}", lang(29999)) dia = xbmcgui.Dialog() types = { 'yesno': dia.yesno, 'ok': dia.ok, 'notification': dia.notification, 'input': dia.input, 'select': dia.select, 'numeric': dia.numeric } return types[typus](*args, **kwargs) def ERROR(txt='', hide_tb=False, notify=False, cancel_sync=False): import sys short = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) LOG.error('Error encountered: %s - %s', txt, short) if cancel_sync: from . import app app.APP.stop_threads(block=False) if hide_tb: return short import traceback trace = traceback.format_exc() LOG.error("_____________________________________________________________") for line in trace.splitlines(): LOG.error(' ' + line) LOG.error("_____________________________________________________________") if notify: dialog('notification', heading='{plex}', message=short, icon='{error}') return short class AttributeDict(dict): """ Turns an etree xml response's xml.attrib into an object with attributes """ def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.get(attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self[attr] = value def __unicode__(self): return '<{0}:{1}:{2}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.id, self.get('title', 'None')) def __repr__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def cast(func, value): """ Cast the specified value to the specified type (returned by func). Currently this only support int, float, bool. Should be extended if needed. Parameters: func (func): Calback function to used cast to type (int, bool, float). value (any): value to be cast and returned. """ if value is None: return value elif func == bool: return bool(int(value)) elif func == unicode: if isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return unicode(value) elif isinstance(value, unicode): return value else: return value.decode('utf-8') elif func == str: if isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return str(value) elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: return value.encode('utf-8') elif func in (int, float): try: return func(value) except ValueError: return float('nan') return func(value) def extend_url(url, params): """ Pass in an url [unicode] and params [dict]. Returns the extended url '<url><? or &><urllib.urlencode(params)>' in unicode """ params = encode_dict(params) if params else {} params = urllib.urlencode(params).decode('utf-8') if '?' in url: return '%s&%s' % (url, params) else: return '%s?%s' % (url, params) def encode_dict(dictionary): """ Pass in a dict. Will return the same dict with all keys and values encoded in utf-8 - as long as they are unicode. Ignores all non-unicode entries Useful for urllib.urlencode or urllib.(un)quote """ for key, value in dictionary.iteritems(): if isinstance(key, unicode): dictionary[key.encode('utf-8')] = dictionary.pop(key) if isinstance(value, unicode): dictionary[key] = value.encode('utf-8') return dictionary def parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=0, strict_parsing=0): """ unicode-safe way to use urlparse.parse_qs(). Pass in the query string qs either as str or unicode Returns a dict with lists as values; all entires unicode """ if isinstance(qs, unicode): qs = qs.encode('utf-8') qs = _urlparse.parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing) return {k.decode('utf-8'): [e.decode('utf-8') for e in v] for k, v in qs.iteritems()} def parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values=0, strict_parsing=0): """ unicode-safe way to use urlparse.parse_qsl(). Pass in either str or unicode Returns a list of unicode tuples """ if isinstance(qs, unicode): qs = qs.encode('utf-8') qs = _urlparse.parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing) return [(x.decode('utf-8'), y.decode('utf-8')) for (x, y) in qs] def urlparse(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=True): """ unicode-safe way to use urlparse.urlparse(). Pass in either str or unicode CAREFUL: returns an encoded urlparse.ParseResult()! """ if isinstance(url, unicode): url = url.encode('utf-8') return _urlparse.urlparse(url, scheme, allow_fragments) def quote(s, safe='/'): """ unicode-safe way to use urllib.quote(). Pass in either str or unicode Returns unicode """ if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode('utf-8') s = urllib.quote(s, safe) return s.decode('utf-8') def quote_plus(s, safe=''): """ unicode-safe way to use urllib.quote(). Pass in either str or unicode Returns unicode """ if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode('utf-8') s = urllib.quote_plus(s, safe) return s.decode('utf-8') def unquote(s): """ unicode-safe way to use urllib.unquote(). Pass in either str or unicode Returns unicode """ if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode('utf-8') s = urllib.unquote(s) return s.decode('utf-8') def try_encode(input_str, encoding='utf-8'): """ Will try to encode input_str (in unicode) to encoding. This possibly fails with e.g. Android TV's Python, which does not accept arguments for string.encode() """ if isinstance(input_str, str): # already encoded return input_str try: input_str = input_str.encode(encoding, "ignore") except TypeError: input_str = input_str.encode() return input_str def try_decode(string, encoding='utf-8'): """ Will try to decode string (encoded) using encoding. This possibly fails with e.g. Android TV's Python, which does not accept arguments for string.encode() """ if isinstance(string, unicode): # already decoded return string try: string = string.decode(encoding, "ignore") except TypeError: string = string.decode() return string def slugify(text): """ Normalizes text (in unicode or string) to e.g. enable safe filenames. Returns unicode """ if not isinstance(text, unicode): text = unicode(text) return unicode(normalize('NFKD', text).encode('ascii', 'ignore')) def valid_filename(text): """ Return a valid filename after passing it in [unicode]. """ # Get rid of all whitespace except a normal space text = re.sub(r'(?! )\s', '', text) # ASCII characters 0 to 31 (non-printable, just in case) text = re.sub(u'[\x00-\x1f]', '', text) if v.DEVICE == 'Windows': # Whitespace at the end of the filename is illegal text = text.strip() # Dot at the end of a filename is illegal text = re.sub(r'\.+$', '', text) # Illegal Windows characters text = re.sub(r'[/\\:*?"<>|\^]', '', text) elif v.DEVICE == 'MacOSX': # Colon is illegal text = re.sub(r':', '', text) # Files cannot begin with a dot text = re.sub(r'^\.+', '', text) else: # Linux text = re.sub(r'/', '', text) # Ensure that filename length is at most 255 chars (including 3 chars for # filename extension and 1 dot to separate the extension) text = text[:min(len(text), 251)] return text def escape_html(string): """ Escapes the following: < to < > to > & to & """ escapes = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&' } for key, value in escapes.iteritems(): string = string.replace(key, value) return string def kodi_sql(media_type=None): """ Open a connection to the Kodi database. media_type: 'video' (standard if not passed), 'plex', 'music', 'texture' """ if media_type == "plex": db_path = v.DB_PLEX_PATH elif media_type == "music": db_path = v.DB_MUSIC_PATH elif media_type == "texture": db_path = v.DB_TEXTURE_PATH else: db_path = v.DB_VIDEO_PATH conn = connect(db_path, timeout=30.0) conn.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') conn.execute('PRAGMA cache_size = -8000;') conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;') conn.execute('BEGIN') # Use transactions return conn def create_kodi_db_indicees(): """ Index the "actors" because we got a TON - speed up SELECT and WHEN """ conn = kodi_sql('video') cursor = conn.cursor() commands = ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_actor_2 ON actor (actor_id);', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ix_files_2 ON files (idFile);', ) for cmd in commands: cursor.execute(cmd) # Already used in Kodi >=17: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_actor_1 ON actor (name) # try: # cursor.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_pkc_actor_index ON actor (name);') # except OperationalError: # # Index already exists # pass conn.commit() conn.close() def wipe_database(): """ Deletes all Plex playlists as well as video nodes, then clears Kodi as well as Plex databases completely. Will also delete all cached artwork. """ LOG.warn('Start wiping') from .library_sync.sections import delete_files from . import kodi_db, plex_db # Clean up the playlists and video nodes delete_files() # First get the paths to all synced playlists playlist_paths = [] try: with plex_db.PlexDB() as plexdb: if plexdb.songs_have_been_synced(): LOG.info('Detected that music has also been synced - wiping music') music = True else: LOG.info('No music has been synced in the past - not wiping') music = False plexdb.cursor.execute('SELECT kodi_path FROM playlists') for entry in plexdb.cursor: playlist_paths.append(entry[0]) except OperationalError: # Plex DB completely empty yet. Wipe existing Kodi music only if we # expect to sync Plex music music = settings('enableMusic') == 'true' kodi_db.wipe_dbs(music) plex_db.wipe() # Delete all synced playlists for path in playlist_paths: try: path_ops.remove(path) LOG.debug('Removed playlist %s', path) except (OSError, IOError): LOG.warn('Could not remove playlist %s', path) LOG.info("Resetting all cached artwork.") # Remove all cached artwork kodi_db.reset_cached_images() # reset the install run flag settings('SyncInstallRunDone', value="false") settings('sections_asked_for_machine_identifier', value='') init_dbs() LOG.info('Wiping done') if settings('kodi_db_has_been_wiped_clean') != 'true': # Root cause is sqlite WAL mode - Kodi might still have DB access open LOG.warn('Need to restart Kodi before filling Kodi DB again') settings('kodi_db_has_been_wiped_clean', value='true') reboot_kodi() def init_dbs(): """ Call e.g. on startup to ensure that Plex and Kodi DBs look like they should """ from . import kodi_db, plex_db # Ensure that Plex DB is set-up plex_db.initialize() # Hack to speed up look-ups for actors (giant table!) create_kodi_db_indicees() kodi_db.setup_kodi_default_entries() with kodi_db.KodiVideoDB() as kodidb: # Setup the paths for addon-paths (even when using direct paths) kodidb.setup_path_table() LOG.info('Init DBs done') def reset(ask_user=True): """ User navigated to the PKC settings, Advanced, and wants to reset the Kodi database and possibly PKC entirely """ # Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? if ask_user and not yesno_dialog(lang(29999), lang(39600)): return from . import app # first stop any db sync app.APP.suspend_threads() # Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT # recommended and unnecessary!) if ask_user and yesno_dialog(lang(29999), lang(39603)): # Delete the settings LOG.info("Deleting: settings.xml") path_ops.remove("%ssettings.xml" % v.ADDON_PROFILE) # Wipe everything wipe_database() reboot_kodi() def compare_version(current, minimum): """ Returns True if current is >= then minimum. False otherwise. Returns True if there was no valid input for current! Input strings: e.g. "1.2.3"; always with Major, Minor and Patch! """ LOG.info("current DB: %s minimum DB: %s", current, minimum) try: curr_major, curr_minor, curr_patch = current.split(".") except ValueError: # there WAS no current DB, e.g. deleted. return True min_major, min_minor, min_patch = minimum.split(".") curr_major = int(curr_major) curr_minor = int(curr_minor) curr_patch = int(curr_patch) min_major = int(min_major) min_minor = int(min_minor) min_patch = int(min_patch) if curr_major > min_major: return True elif curr_major < min_major: return False if curr_minor > min_minor: return True elif curr_minor < min_minor: return False return curr_patch >= min_patch def normalize_string(text): """ For theme media, do not modify unless modified in TV Tunes """ text = text.replace(":", "") text = text.replace("/", "-") text = text.replace("\\", "-") text = text.replace("<", "") text = text.replace(">", "") text = text.replace("*", "") text = text.replace("?", "") text = text.replace('|', "") text = text.strip() # Remove dots from the last character as windows can not have directories # with dots at the end text = text.rstrip('.') text = try_encode(normalize('NFKD', unicode(text, 'utf-8'))) return text def normalize_nodes(text): """ For video nodes. Returns unicode """ text = text.replace(":", "") text = text.replace("/", "-") text = text.replace("\\", "-") text = text.replace("<", "") text = text.replace(">", "") text = text.replace("*", "") text = text.replace("?", "") text = text.replace('|', "") text = text.replace('(', "") text = text.replace(')', "") text = text.strip() # Remove dots from the last character as windows can not have directories # with dots at the end text = text.rstrip('.') text = normalize('NFKD', unicode(text, 'utf-8')) return text def indent(elem, level=0): """ Prettifies xml trees. Pass the etree root in """ try: i = "\n" + level * " " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i except Exception as err: LOG.info('Indentation failed with: %s', err) class XmlKodiSetting(object): """ Used to load a Kodi XML settings file from special://profile as an etree object to read settings or set them. Usage: with XmlKodiSetting(filename, path=None, force_create=False, top_element=None) as xml: xml.get_setting('test') filename [str]: filename of the Kodi settings file under path [str]: if set, replace special://profile path with custom path force_create: will create the XML file if it does not exist top_element [str]: Name of the top xml element; used if xml does not yet exist Raises IOError if the file does not exist or is empty and force_create has been set to False. Raises utils.ParseError if the file could not be parsed by etree xml.write_xml Set to True if we need to write the XML to disk """ def __init__(self, filename, path=None, force_create=False, top_element=None): self.filename = filename if path is None: self.path = path_ops.path.join(v.KODI_PROFILE, filename) else: self.path = path_ops.path.join(path, filename) self.force_create = force_create self.top_element = top_element self.tree = None self.root = None self.write_xml = False def __enter__(self): try: self.tree = defused_etree.parse(self.path) except IOError: # Document is blank or missing if self.force_create is False: LOG.debug('%s does not seem to exist; not creating', self.path) # This will abort __enter__ self.__exit__(IOError('File not found'), None, None) # Create topmost xml entry self.tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.Element(self.top_element)) self.write_xml = True except ParseError: LOG.error('Error parsing %s', self.path) # "Kodi cannot parse {0}. PKC will not function correctly. Please # visit {1} and correct your file!" messageDialog(lang(29999), lang(39716).format( self.filename, 'http://kodi.wiki')) self.__exit__(ParseError('Error parsing XML'), None, None) self.root = self.tree.getroot() return self def __exit__(self, e_typ, e_val, trcbak): if e_typ: # re-raise any exception return False # Only safe to file if we did not botch anything if self.write_xml is True: self._remove_empty_elements() # Indent and make readable indent(self.root) # Safe the changed xml try: self.tree.write(self.path, encoding='utf-8') except IOError as err: LOG.error('Could not save xml %s. Error: %s', self.filename, err) # Could not change the Kodi settings file {0}. PKC might not # work correctly. Error: {1} if not settings('%s_ioerror' % self.filename): messageDialog(lang(29999), lang(30417).format(self.filename, err)) settings('%s_ioerror' % self.filename, value='warning_shown') def _is_empty(self, element, empty_elements): empty = True for child in element: empty_child = True if list(child): empty_child = self._is_empty(child, empty_elements) if empty_child and (child.attrib or (child.text and child.text.strip())): empty_child = False if empty_child: empty_elements.append((element, child)) else: # At least one non-empty entry - hence we cannot delete the # original element itself empty = False return empty def _remove_empty_elements(self): """ Deletes all empty XML elements, otherwise Kodi/PKC gets confused This is recursive, so an empty element with empty children will also get deleted """ empty_elements = [] self._is_empty(self.root, empty_elements) for element, child in empty_elements: element.remove(child) @staticmethod def _set_sub_element(element, subelement): """ Returns an etree element's subelement. Creates one if not exist """ answ = element.find(subelement) if answ is None: answ = etree.SubElement(element, subelement) return answ def get_setting(self, node_list): """ node_list is a list of node names starting from the outside, ignoring the outter advancedsettings. Example nodelist=['video', 'busydialogdelayms'] for the following xml would return the etree Element: <busydialogdelayms>750</busydialogdelayms> for the following example xml: <advancedsettings> <video> <busydialogdelayms>750</busydialogdelayms> </video> </advancedsettings> Returns the etree element or None if not found """ element = self.root for node in node_list: element = element.find(node) if element is None: break return element def set_setting(self, node_list, value=None, attrib=None, append=False): """ node_list is a list of node names starting from the outside, ignoring the outter advancedsettings. Example nodelist=['video', 'busydialogdelayms'] for the following xml would return the etree Element: <busydialogdelayms>750</busydialogdelayms> for the following example xml: <advancedsettings> <video> <busydialogdelayms>750</busydialogdelayms> </video> </advancedsettings> value, e.g. '750' will be set accordingly, returning the new etree Element. Advancedsettings might be generated if it did not exist already If the dict attrib is set, the Element's attributs will be appended accordingly If append is True, the last element of node_list with value and attrib will always be added. WARNING: this will set self.write_xml to True! Returns the (last) etree element """ attrib = attrib or {} value = value or '' if not append: old = self.get_setting(node_list) if (old is not None and old.text.strip() == value and old.attrib == attrib): # Already set exactly these values return old LOG.debug('Adding etree to: %s, value: %s, attrib: %s, append: %s', node_list, value, attrib, append) self.write_xml = True element = self.root nodes = node_list[:-1] if append else node_list for node in nodes: element = self._set_sub_element(element, node) if append: element = etree.SubElement(element, node_list[-1]) # Write new values element.text = value if attrib: for key, attribute in attrib.iteritems(): element.set(key, attribute) return element def generate_file_md5(path): """ Generates the md5 hash value for the file located at path [unicode]. The hash does not include the path and filename and is thus identical for a file that was moved/changed name. Returns a unique unicode containing only hexadecimal digits """ m = hashlib.md5() with open(path_ops.encode_path(path), 'rb') as f: while True: piece = f.read(32768) if not piece: break m.update(piece) return m.hexdigest().decode('utf-8') ############################################################################### # WRAPPERS def catch_exceptions(warnuser=False): """ Decorator for methods to catch exceptions and log them. Useful for e.g. librarysync threads using itemtypes.py, because otherwise we would not get informed of crashes warnuser=True: sets the window flag 'plex_scancrashed' to true which will trigger a Kodi infobox to inform user """ def decorate(func): """ Decorator construct """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper construct """ try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as err: LOG.error('%s has crashed. Error: %s', func.__name__, err) import traceback LOG.error("Traceback:\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) if warnuser: window('plex_scancrashed', value='true') return return wrapper return decorate def log_time(func): """ Decorator for functions and methods to log the time it took to run the code """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): starttotal = datetime.now() result = func(*args, **kwargs) elapsedtotal = datetime.now() - starttotal LOG.info('It took %s to run the function %s', elapsedtotal, func.__name__) return result return wrapper