#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Taken from iBaa, https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect Point of time: December 22, 2015 Collection of "connector functions" to Plex Media Server/MyPlex PlexGDM: loosely based on hippojay's plexGDM: https://github.com/hippojay/script.plexbmc.helper... /resources/lib/plexgdm.py Plex Media Server communication: source (somewhat): https://github.com/hippojay/plugin.video.plexbmc later converted from httplib to urllib2 Transcoder support: PlexAPI_getTranscodePath() based on getTranscodeURL from pyplex/plexAPI https://github.com/megawubs/pyplex/blob/master/plexAPI/info.py MyPlex - Basic Authentication: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/authentication.shtml http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407126/python-urllib2-basic-auth-problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111945/is-there-any-way-to-do-http-put-in-python (and others...) """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from re import sub from urllib import urlencode, unquote, quote from urlparse import parse_qsl from xbmcgui import ListItem from .plex_db import PlexDB from .kodi_db import KodiVideoDB, KodiMusicDB from .utils import cast from .downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU from . import clientinfo from . import utils, timing from . import path_ops from . import plex_functions as PF from . import variables as v from . import app ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.plex_api') ############################################################################### class API(object): """ API(item) Processes a Plex media server's XML response item: xml.etree.ElementTree element """ def __init__(self, item): self.item = item # which media part in the XML response shall we look at? self.part = 0 self.mediastream = None self.collections = None def set_part_number(self, number=None): """ Sets the part number to work with (used to deal with Movie with several parts). """ self.part = number or 0 def plex_type(self): """ Returns the type of media, e.g. 'movie' or 'clip' for trailers as Unicode or None. """ return self.item.get('type') def playlist_type(self): """ Returns the playlist type ('video', 'audio') or None """ return self.item.get('playlistType') def updated_at(self): """ Returns the last time this item was updated as an int, e.g. 1524739868 or None """ return cast(int, self.item.get('updatedAt')) def checksum(self): """ Returns the unique int <ratingKey><updatedAt> """ return int('%s%s' % (self.item.get('ratingKey'), self.item.get('updatedAt', self.item.get('addedAt', 1541572987)))) def plex_id(self): """ Returns the Plex ratingKey such as 246922 as an integer or None """ return cast(int, self.item.get('ratingKey')) def path(self, force_first_media=True, force_addon=False, direct_paths=None): """ Returns a "fully qualified path": add-on paths or direct paths depending on the current settings. Will NOT valide the playurl Returns unicode or None if something went wrong. Pass direct_path=True if you're calling from another Plex python instance - because otherwise direct paths will evaluate to False! """ direct_paths = direct_paths or app.SYNC.direct_paths filename = self.file_path(force_first_media=force_first_media) if (not direct_paths or force_addon or self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP): if filename and '/' in filename: filename = filename.rsplit('/', 1) elif filename: filename = filename.rsplit('\\', 1) try: filename = filename[1] except (TypeError, IndexError): filename = None # Set plugin path and media flags using real filename if self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: # need to include the plex show id in the path path = ('plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.tvshows/%s/' % self.grandparent_id()) else: path = 'plugin://%s/' % v.ADDON_TYPE[self.plex_type()] path = ('%s?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play&filename=%s' % (path, self.plex_id(), self.plex_type(), filename)) else: # Direct paths is set the Kodi way path = self.validate_playurl(filename, self.plex_type(), omit_check=True) return path def path_and_plex_id(self): """ Returns the Plex key such as '/library/metadata/246922' or None """ return self.item.get('key') def plex_media_streams(self): """ Returns the media streams directly from the PMS xml. Mind self.mediastream to be set before and self.part! """ return self.item[self.mediastream][self.part] def file_name(self, force_first_media=False): """ Returns only the filename, e.g. 'movie.mkv' as unicode or None if not found """ ans = self.file_path(force_first_media=force_first_media) if ans is None: return if "\\" in ans: # Local path filename = ans.rsplit("\\", 1)[1] else: try: # Network share filename = ans.rsplit("/", 1)[1] except IndexError: # E.g. certain Plex channels filename = None return filename def file_path(self, force_first_media=False): """ Returns the direct path to this item, e.g. '\\NAS\movies\movie.mkv' or None force_first_media=True: will always use 1st media stream, e.g. when several different files are present for the same PMS item """ if self.mediastream is None and force_first_media is False: if self.mediastream_number() is None: return try: if force_first_media is False: ans = self.item[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['file'] else: ans = self.item[0][self.part].attrib['file'] except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError): ans = None if ans is not None: try: ans = utils.try_decode(unquote(ans)) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Sometimes, Plex seems to have encoded in latin1 ans = unquote(ans).decode('latin1') return ans def get_picture_path(self): """ Returns the item's picture path (transcode, if necessary) as string. Will always use addon paths, never direct paths """ extension = self.item[0][0].attrib['key'][self.item[0][0].attrib['key'].rfind('.'):].lower() if app.SYNC.force_transcode_pix or extension not in v.KODI_SUPPORTED_IMAGES: # Let Plex transcode # max width/height supported by plex image transcoder is 1920x1080 path = app.CONN.server + PF.transcode_image_path( self.item[0][0].get('key'), app.ACCOUNT.pms_token, "%s%s" % (app.CONN.server, self.item[0][0].get('key')), 1920, 1080) else: path = self.attach_plex_token_to_url( '%s%s' % (app.CONN.server, self.item[0][0].attrib['key'])) # Attach Plex id to url to let it be picked up by our playqueue agent # later return utils.try_encode('%s&plex_id=%s' % (path, self.plex_id())) def tv_show_path(self): """ Returns the direct path to the TV show, e.g. '\\NAS\tv\series' or None """ res = None for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Location': res = child.get('path') return res def season_number(self): """ Returns the 'index' of an XML reply as int. Depicts e.g. season number. """ return cast(int, self.item.get('index')) def track_number(self): """ Returns the 'index' of an XML reply as int. Depicts track number. """ return cast(int, self.item.get('index')) def date_created(self): """ Returns the date when this library item was created. If not found, returns 2000-01-01 10:00:00 """ res = self.item.get('addedAt') if res is not None: return timing.plex_date_to_kodi(res) else: return '2000-01-01 10:00:00' def viewcount(self): """ Returns the play count for the item as an int or the int 0 if not found """ try: return int(self.item.attrib['viewCount']) except (KeyError, ValueError): return 0 def userdata(self): """ Returns a dict with None if a value is missing { 'Favorite': favorite, # False, because n/a in Plex 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, # True/False 'LastPlayedDate': lastPlayedDate, 'Resume': resume, # Resume time in seconds 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating } """ item = self.item.attrib # Default - attributes not found with Plex favorite = False try: playcount = int(item['viewCount']) except (KeyError, ValueError): playcount = None played = True if playcount else False try: last_played = timing.plex_date_to_kodi(int(item['lastViewedAt'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): last_played = None if (app.SYNC.indicate_media_versions is True and self.plex_type() in (v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE, v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE)): userrating = 0 for _ in self.item.findall('./Media'): userrating += 1 # Don't show a value of '1' userrating = 0 if userrating == 1 else userrating else: try: userrating = int(float(item['userRating'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): userrating = 0 try: rating = float(item['audienceRating']) except (KeyError, ValueError): try: rating = float(item['rating']) except (KeyError, ValueError): rating = 0.0 resume, runtime = self.resume_runtime() return { 'Favorite': favorite, 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, 'LastPlayedDate': last_played, 'Resume': resume, 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating, 'UserRating': userrating } def collection_list(self): """ Returns a list of tuples of the collection id and tags or an empty list [(<collection id 1>, <collection name 1>), ...] """ collections = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Collection': collections.append((cast(int, child.get('id')), child.get('tag'))) return collections def people(self): """ Returns a dict of lists of people found. { 'Director': list, 'Writer': list, 'Cast': list of tuples (<actor>, <role>), <role> might be '' 'Producer': list } """ director = [] writer = [] cast = [] producer = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Director': director.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Writer': writer.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Role': cast.append((child.attrib['tag'], child.get('role', ''))) elif child.tag == 'Producer': producer.append(child.attrib['tag']) return { 'Director': director, 'Writer': writer, 'Cast': cast, 'Producer': producer } def people_list(self): """ Returns a dict with lists of tuples: { 'actor': [..., (<name>, <artwork url>, <role>, <cast order>), ...], 'director': [..., (<name>, ), ...], 'writer': [..., (<name>, ), ...] } Everything in unicode, except <cast order> which is an int. Only <art-url> and <role> may be None if not found. Kodi does not yet support a Producer. People may appear several times per category and overall! """ people = { 'actor': [], 'director': [], 'writer': [] } cast_order = 0 for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Role': people['actor'].append((child.attrib['tag'], child.get('thumb'), child.get('role'), cast_order)) cast_order += 1 elif child.tag == 'Writer': people['writer'].append((child.attrib['tag'], )) elif child.tag == 'Director': people['director'].append((child.attrib['tag'], )) return people def genre_list(self): """ Returns a list of genres found. (Not a string) """ genre = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Genre': genre.append(child.attrib['tag']) return genre def guid_html_escaped(self): """ Returns the 'guid' attribute, e.g. 'com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb://76648/2/4?lang=en' as an HTML-escaped string or None """ answ = self.item.get('guid') if answ is not None: answ = utils.escape_html(answ) return answ def provider(self, providername=None): """ providername: e.g. 'imdb', 'tvdb' Return IMDB, e.g. "tt0903624". Returns None if not found """ try: item = self.item.attrib['guid'] except KeyError: return None if providername == 'imdb': regex = utils.REGEX_IMDB elif providername == 'tvdb': # originally e.g. com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb://276564?lang=en regex = utils.REGEX_TVDB else: return None provider = regex.findall(item) try: provider = provider[0] except IndexError: provider = None return provider def votecount(self): """ Not implemented by Plex yet """ pass def title(self): """ Returns the title of the element as unicode or 'Missing Title Name' """ return self.item.get('title', 'Missing Title Name') def sorttitle(self): """ Returns an item's sorting name/title or the title itself if not found "Missing Title" if both are not present """ return self.item.get('titleSort', self.item.get('title', 'Missing Title')) def artist_name(self): """ Returns the artist name for an album: first it attempts to return 'parentTitle', if that failes 'originalTitle' """ return self.item.get('parentTitle', self.item.get('originalTitle')) def plot(self): """ Returns the plot or None. """ return self.item.get('summary') def shortplot(self): """ Not yet implemented """ pass def votecount(self): """ Not yet implemented """ pass def tagline(self): """ Returns a shorter tagline or None """ return self.item.get('tagline') def audience_rating(self): """ Returns the audience rating, 'rating' itself or 0.0 """ res = self.item.get('audienceRating') if res is None: res = self.item.get('rating') try: res = float(res) except (ValueError, TypeError): res = 0.0 return res def year(self): """ Returns the production(?) year ("year") or None """ return self.item.get('year') def resume_point(self): """ Returns the resume point of time in seconds as int. 0 if not found """ try: resume = float(self.item.attrib['viewOffset']) except (KeyError, ValueError): resume = 0.0 return resume * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR def runtime(self): """ Returns the total duration of the element as int. 0 if not found """ try: runtime = float(self.item.attrib['duration']) except (KeyError, ValueError): runtime = 0.0 return int(runtime * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR) def resume_runtime(self): """ Resume point of time and runtime/totaltime in rounded to seconds. Time from Plex server is measured in milliseconds. Kodi: seconds Output is the tuple: resume, runtime as ints. 0 if not found """ try: runtime = float(self.item.attrib['duration']) except (KeyError, ValueError): runtime = 0.0 try: resume = float(self.item.attrib['viewOffset']) except (KeyError, ValueError): resume = 0.0 runtime = runtime * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR resume = resume * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR return resume, runtime def content_rating(self): """ Get the content rating or None """ mpaa = self.item.get('contentRating') if mpaa is None: return # Convert more complex cases if mpaa in ("NR", "UR"): # Kodi seems to not like NR, but will accept Rated Not Rated mpaa = "Rated Not Rated" elif mpaa.startswith('gb/'): mpaa = mpaa.replace('gb/', 'UK:', 1) return mpaa def country_list(self): """ Returns a list of all countries found in item. """ country = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Country': country.append(child.attrib['tag']) return country def premiere_date(self): """ Returns the "originallyAvailableAt" or None """ return self.item.get('originallyAvailableAt') def music_studio(self): """ Returns the 'studio' or None """ return self.replace_studio(self.item.get('studio')) def music_studio_list(self): """ Returns a list with a single entry for the studio, or an empty list """ studio = self.music_studio() if studio: return [studio] return [] @staticmethod def replace_studio(studio_name): """ Convert studio for Kodi to properly detect them """ if not studio_name: return studios = { 'abc (us)': "ABC", 'fox (us)': "FOX", 'mtv (us)': "MTV", 'showcase (ca)': "Showcase", 'wgn america': "WGN" } return studios.get(studio_name.lower(), studio_name) @staticmethod def list_to_string(listobject): """ Smart-joins the listobject into a single string using a " / " separator If the list is empty, smart_join returns an empty string. """ string = " / ".join(listobject) return string def parent_id(self): """ Returns the 'parentRatingKey' as a string or None """ return cast(int, self.item.get('parentRatingKey')) def grandparent_id(self): """ Returns the ratingKey for the corresponding grandparent, e.g. a TV show for episodes, or None """ return cast(int, self.item.get('grandparentRatingKey')) def grandparent_title(self): """ Returns the title for the corresponding grandparent, e.g. a TV show name for episodes, or None """ return self.item.get('grandparentTitle') def episode_data(self): """ Call on a single episode. Output: for the corresponding the TV show and season: [ TV show ID, Plex: 'grandparentRatingKey' TV season ID, Plex: 'grandparentRatingKey' TV show title, Plex: 'grandparentTitle' TV show season, Plex: 'parentIndex' Episode number, Plex: 'index' ] """ return (cast(int, self.item.get('grandparentRatingKey')), cast(int, self.item.get('parentRatingKey')), self.item.get('grandparentTitle'), cast(int, self.item.get('parentIndex')), cast(int, self.item.get('index'))) @staticmethod def attach_plex_token_to_url(url): """ Returns an extended URL with the Plex token included as 'X-Plex-Token=' url may or may not already contain a '?' """ if not app.ACCOUNT.pms_token: return url if '?' not in url: url = "%s?X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, app.ACCOUNT.pms_token) else: url = "%s&X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, app.ACCOUNT.pms_token) return url def item_id(self): """ Returns current playQueueItemID or if unsuccessful the playListItemID as Unicode. If not found, None is returned """ return (cast(int, self.item.get('playQueueItemID')) or cast(int, self.item.get('playListItemID'))) def _data_from_part_or_media(self, key): """ Retrieves XML data 'key' first from the active part. If unsuccessful, tries to retrieve the data from the Media response part. If all fails, None is returned. """ answ = self.item[0][self.part].get(key) if answ is None: answ = self.item[0].get(key) return answ def video_codec(self): """ Returns the video codec and resolution for the child and part selected. If any data is not found on a part-level, the Media-level data is returned. If that also fails (e.g. for old trailers, None is returned) Output: { 'videocodec': xxx, e.g. 'h264' 'resolution': xxx, e.g. '720' or '1080' 'height': xxx, e.g. '816' 'width': xxx, e.g. '1920' 'aspectratio': xxx, e.g. '1.78' 'bitrate': xxx, e.g. '10642' 'container': xxx e.g. 'mkv', 'bitDepth': xxx e.g. '8', '10' } """ answ = { 'videocodec': self._data_from_part_or_media('videoCodec'), 'resolution': self._data_from_part_or_media('videoResolution'), 'height': self._data_from_part_or_media('height'), 'width': self._data_from_part_or_media('width'), 'aspectratio': self._data_from_part_or_media('aspectratio'), 'bitrate': self._data_from_part_or_media('bitrate'), 'container': self._data_from_part_or_media('container'), } try: answ['bitDepth'] = self.item[0][self.part][self.mediastream].get( 'bitDepth') except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): answ['bitDepth'] = None return answ def extras(self): """ Returns a list of XML etree elements for each extra, e.g. a trailer. """ answ = [] for extras in self.item.iterfind('Extras'): for extra in extras: answ.append(extra) return answ def trailer(self): """ Returns the URL for a single trailer (local trailer preferred; first trailer found returned) or an add-on path to list all Plex extras if the user setting showExtrasInsteadOfTrailer is set. Returns None if nothing is found. """ url = None for extras in self.item.iterfind('Extras'): # There will always be only 1 extras element if (len(extras) > 0 and app.SYNC.show_extras_instead_of_playing_trailer): return ('plugin://%s?mode=route_to_extras&plex_id=%s' % (v.ADDON_ID, self.plex_id())) for extra in extras: try: typus = int(extra.attrib['extraType']) except (KeyError, TypeError): typus = None if typus != 1: # Skip non-trailers continue if extra.get('guid', '').startswith('file:'): url = extra.get('ratingKey') # Always prefer local trailers (first one listed) break elif not url: url = extra.get('ratingKey') if url: url = ('plugin://%s.movies/?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play' % (v.ADDON_ID, url, v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP)) return url def mediastreams(self): """ Returns the media streams for metadata purposes Output: each track contains a dictionaries { 'video': videotrack-list, 'codec', 'height', 'width', 'aspect', 'video3DFormat' 'audio': audiotrack-list, 'codec', 'channels', 'language' 'subtitle': list of subtitle languages (or "Unknown") } """ videotracks = [] audiotracks = [] subtitlelanguages = [] try: # Sometimes, aspectratio is on the "toplevel" aspect = self.item[0].get('aspectRatio') except IndexError: # There is no stream info at all, returning empty return { 'video': videotracks, 'audio': audiotracks, 'subtitle': subtitlelanguages } # Loop over parts for child in self.item[0]: container = child.get('container') # Loop over Streams for grandchild in child: stream = grandchild.attrib media_type = int(stream.get('streamType', 999)) track = {} if media_type == 1: # Video streams if 'codec' in stream: track['codec'] = stream['codec'].lower() if "msmpeg4" in track['codec']: track['codec'] = "divx" elif "mpeg4" in track['codec']: # if "simple profile" in profile or profile == "": # track['codec'] = "xvid" pass elif "h264" in track['codec']: if container in ("mp4", "mov", "m4v"): track['codec'] = "avc1" track['height'] = stream.get('height') track['width'] = stream.get('width') # track['Video3DFormat'] = item.get('Video3DFormat') track['aspect'] = stream.get('aspectRatio', aspect) track['duration'] = self.resume_runtime()[1] track['video3DFormat'] = None videotracks.append(track) elif media_type == 2: # Audio streams if 'codec' in stream: track['codec'] = stream['codec'].lower() if ("dca" in track['codec'] and "ma" in stream.get('profile', '').lower()): track['codec'] = "dtshd_ma" track['channels'] = stream.get('channels') # 'unknown' if we cannot get language track['language'] = stream.get( 'languageCode', utils.lang(39310)).lower() audiotracks.append(track) elif media_type == 3: # Subtitle streams # 'unknown' if we cannot get language subtitlelanguages.append( stream.get('languageCode', utils.lang(39310)).lower()) return { 'video': videotracks, 'audio': audiotracks, 'subtitle': subtitlelanguages } def one_artwork(self, art_kind): artwork = self.item.get(art_kind) if artwork and not artwork.startswith('http'): if '/composite/' in artwork: try: # e.g. Plex collections where artwork already contains # width and height. Need to upscale for better resolution artwork, args = artwork.split('?') args = dict(parse_qsl(args)) width = int(args.get('width', 400)) height = int(args.get('height', 400)) # Adjust to 4k resolution 3,840x2,160 scaling = 3840.0 / float(max(width, height)) width = int(scaling * width) height = int(scaling * height) except ValueError: # e.g. playlists width = 3840 height = 3840 artwork = '%s?width=%s&height=%s' % (artwork, width, height) artwork = ('%s/photo/:/transcode?width=3840&height=3840&' 'minSize=1&upscale=0&url=%s' % (app.CONN.server, quote(artwork))) artwork = self.attach_plex_token_to_url(artwork) return artwork def artwork(self, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None, full_artwork=False): """ Gets the URLs to the Plex artwork. Dict keys will be missing if there is no corresponding artwork. Pass kodi_id and kodi_type to grab the artwork saved in the Kodi DB (thus potentially more artwork, e.g. clearart, discart) Output ('max' version) { 'thumb' 'poster' 'banner' 'clearart' 'clearlogo' 'fanart' } 'landscape' and 'icon' might be implemented later Passing full_artwork=True returns ALL the artwork for the item, so not just 'thumb' for episodes, but also season and show artwork """ artworks = {} if self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: # Artwork lookup for episodes is broken for addon paths # Episodes is a bit special, only get the thumb, because all # the other artwork will be saved under season and show # EXCEPT if you're constructing a listitem if not full_artwork: art = self.one_artwork('thumb') if art: artworks['thumb'] = art return artworks for kodi_artwork, plex_artwork in \ v.KODI_TO_PLEX_ARTWORK_EPISODE.iteritems(): art = self.one_artwork(plex_artwork) if art: artworks[kodi_artwork] = art if not full_artwork: return artworks with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(self.plex_id(), v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE) if db_item: season_id = db_item['parent_id'] show_id = db_item['grandparent_id'] else: return artworks # Grab artwork from the season with KodiVideoDB(lock=False) as kodidb: season_art = kodidb.get_art(season_id, v.KODI_TYPE_SEASON) for kodi_art in season_art: artworks['season.%s' % kodi_art] = season_art[kodi_art] # Grab more artwork from the show with KodiVideoDB(lock=False) as kodidb: show_art = kodidb.get_art(show_id, v.KODI_TYPE_SHOW) for kodi_art in show_art: artworks['tvshow.%s' % kodi_art] = show_art[kodi_art] return artworks if kodi_id: # in Kodi database, potentially with additional e.g. clearart if self.plex_type() in v.PLEX_VIDEOTYPES: with KodiVideoDB(lock=False) as kodidb: return kodidb.get_art(kodi_id, kodi_type) else: with KodiMusicDB(lock=False) as kodidb: return kodidb.get_art(kodi_id, kodi_type) # Grab artwork from Plex # if self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: for kodi_artwork, plex_artwork in v.KODI_TO_PLEX_ARTWORK.iteritems(): art = self.one_artwork(plex_artwork) if art: artworks[kodi_artwork] = art if self.plex_type() in (v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG, v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM): # Get parent item artwork if the main item is missing artwork if 'fanart' not in artworks: art = self.one_artwork('parentArt') if art: artworks['fanart1'] = art if 'poster' not in artworks: art = self.one_artwork('parentThumb') if art: artworks['poster'] = art if self.plex_type() in (v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG, v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM, v.PLEX_TYPE_ARTIST): # need to set poster also as thumb art = self.one_artwork('thumb') if art: artworks['thumb'] = art return artworks def fanart_artwork(self, artworks): """ Downloads additional fanart from third party sources (well, link to fanart only). """ external_id = self.retrieve_external_item_id() if external_id is not None: artworks = self.lookup_fanart_tv(external_id[0], artworks) return artworks def retrieve_external_item_id(self, collection=False): """ Returns the set media_id [unicode]: the item's IMDB id for movies or tvdb id for TV shows poster [unicode]: path to the item's poster artwork background [unicode]: path to the item's background artwork The last two might be None if not found. Generally None is returned if unsuccessful. If not found in item's Plex metadata, check themovidedb.org. """ item = self.item.attrib media_type = item.get('type') media_id = None # Return the saved Plex id's, if applicable # Always seek collection's ids since not provided by PMS if collection is False: if media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: media_id = self.provider('imdb') elif media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: media_id = self.provider('tvdb') if media_id is not None: return media_id, None, None LOG.info('Plex did not provide ID for IMDB or TVDB. Start ' 'lookup process') else: LOG.debug('Start movie set/collection lookup on themoviedb with %s', item.get('title', '')) api_key = utils.settings('themoviedbAPIKey') if media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: media_type = 'tv' title = item.get('title', '') # if the title has the year in remove it as tmdb cannot deal with it... # replace e.g. 'The Americans (2015)' with 'The Americans' title = sub(r'\s*\(\d{4}\)$', '', title, count=1) url = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/%s' % media_type parameters = { 'api_key': api_key, 'language': v.KODILANGUAGE, 'query': utils.try_encode(title) } data = DU().downloadUrl(url, authenticate=False, parameters=parameters, timeout=7) try: data.get('test') except AttributeError: LOG.warning('Could not download data from FanartTV') return if not data.get('results'): LOG.info('No match found on themoviedb for type: %s, title: %s', media_type, title) return year = item.get('year') match_found = None # find year match if year: for entry in data['results']: if year in entry.get('first_air_date', ''): match_found = entry break elif year in entry.get('release_date', ''): match_found = entry break # find exact match based on title, if we haven't found a year match if match_found is None: LOG.info('No themoviedb match found using year %s', year) replacements = ( ' ', '-', '&', ',', ':', ';' ) for entry in data['results']: name = entry.get('name', entry.get('title', '')) original_name = entry.get('original_name', '') title_alt = title.lower() name_alt = name.lower() org_name_alt = original_name.lower() for replace_string in replacements: title_alt = title_alt.replace(replace_string, '') name_alt = name_alt.replace(replace_string, '') org_name_alt = org_name_alt.replace(replace_string, '') if name == title or original_name == title: # match found for exact title name match_found = entry break elif (name.split(' (')[0] == title or title_alt == name_alt or title_alt == org_name_alt): # match found with substituting some stuff match_found = entry break # if a match was not found, we accept the closest match from TMDB if match_found is None and data.get('results'): LOG.info('Using very first match from themoviedb') match_found = entry = data.get('results')[0] if match_found is None: LOG.info('Still no themoviedb match for type: %s, title: %s, ' 'year: %s', media_type, title, year) LOG.debug('themoviedb answer was %s', data['results']) return LOG.info('Found themoviedb match for %s: %s', item.get('title'), match_found) tmdb_id = str(entry.get('id', '')) if tmdb_id == '': LOG.error('No themoviedb ID found, aborting') return if media_type == 'multi' and entry.get('media_type'): media_type = entry.get('media_type') name = entry.get('name', entry.get('title')) # lookup external tmdb_id and perform artwork lookup on fanart.tv parameters = {'api_key': api_key} if media_type == 'movie': url = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/%s' % tmdb_id parameters['append_to_response'] = 'videos' elif media_type == 'tv': url = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/%s' % tmdb_id parameters['append_to_response'] = 'external_ids,videos' media_id, poster, background = None, None, None for language in [v.KODILANGUAGE, 'en']: parameters['language'] = language data = DU().downloadUrl(url, authenticate=False, parameters=parameters, timeout=7) try: data.get('test') except AttributeError: LOG.warning('Could not download %s with parameters %s', url, parameters) continue if collection is False: if data.get('imdb_id'): media_id = str(data.get('imdb_id')) break if (data.get('external_ids') and data['external_ids'].get('tvdb_id')): media_id = str(data['external_ids']['tvdb_id']) break else: if not data.get('belongs_to_collection'): continue media_id = data.get('belongs_to_collection').get('id') if not media_id: continue media_id = str(media_id) LOG.debug('Retrieved collections tmdb id %s for %s', media_id, title) url = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/collection/%s' % media_id data = DU().downloadUrl(url, authenticate=False, parameters=parameters, timeout=7) try: data.get('poster_path') except AttributeError: LOG.debug('Could not find TheMovieDB poster paths for %s' ' in the language %s', title, language) continue if not poster and data.get('poster_path'): poster = ('https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original%s' % data.get('poster_path')) if not background and data.get('backdrop_path'): background = ('https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original%s' % data.get('backdrop_path')) return media_id, poster, background def lookup_fanart_tv(self, media_id, artworks): """ perform artwork lookup on fanart.tv media_id: IMDB id for movies, tvdb id for TV shows """ api_key = utils.settings('FanArtTVAPIKey') typus = self.plex_type() if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: typus = 'tv' if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: url = 'http://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/movies/%s?api_key=%s' \ % (media_id, api_key) elif typus == 'tv': url = 'http://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/%s?api_key=%s' \ % (media_id, api_key) else: # Not supported artwork return artworks data = DU().downloadUrl(url, authenticate=False, timeout=15) try: data.get('test') except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not download data from FanartTV') return artworks fanart_tv_types = list(v.FANART_TV_TO_KODI_TYPE) if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_ARTIST: fanart_tv_types.append(("thumb", "folder")) else: fanart_tv_types.append(("thumb", "thumb")) prefixes = ( "hd" + typus, "hd", typus, "", ) for fanart_tv_type, kodi_type in fanart_tv_types: # Skip the ones we already have if kodi_type in artworks: continue for prefix in prefixes: fanarttvimage = prefix + fanart_tv_type if fanarttvimage not in data: continue # select image in preferred language for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if entry.get("lang") == v.KODILANGUAGE: artworks[kodi_type] = \ entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20') break # just grab the first english OR undefinded one as fallback # (so we're actually grabbing the more popular one) if kodi_type not in artworks: for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if entry.get("lang") in ("en", "00"): artworks[kodi_type] = \ entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20') break # grab extrafanarts in list fanartcount = 1 if 'fanart' in artworks else '' for prefix in prefixes: fanarttvimage = prefix + 'background' if fanarttvimage not in data: continue for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if entry.get("url") is None: continue artworks['fanart%s' % fanartcount] = \ entry['url'].replace(' ', '%20') try: fanartcount += 1 except TypeError: fanartcount = 1 if fanartcount >= v.MAX_BACKGROUND_COUNT: break return artworks def library_section_id(self): """ Returns the id of the Plex library section (for e.g. a movies section) or None """ return self.item.get('librarySectionID') def collections_match(self): """ Downloads one additional xml from the PMS in order to return a list of tuples [(collection_id, plex_id), ...] for all collections of the current item's Plex library sectin Pass in the collection id of e.g. the movie's metadata """ if self.collections is None: self.collections = PF.collections(self.library_section_id()) if self.collections is None: LOG.error('Could not download collections for %s', self.library_section_id()) return [] self.collections = \ [(utils.cast(int, x.get('index')), utils.cast(int, x.get('ratingKey'))) for x in self.collections] return self.collections def set_artwork(self): """ Gets the URLs to the Plex artwork, or empty string if not found. Only call on movies """ artworks = {} # Plex does not get much artwork - go ahead and get the rest from # fanart tv only for movie or tv show external_id = self.retrieve_external_item_id(collection=True) if external_id is not None: external_id, poster, background = external_id if poster is not None: artworks['poster'] = poster if background is not None: artworks['fanart'] = background artworks = self.lookup_fanart_tv(external_id, artworks) else: LOG.info('Did not find a set/collection ID on TheMovieDB using %s.' ' Artwork will be missing.', self.title()) return artworks def should_stream(self): """ Returns True if the item's 'optimizedForStreaming' is set, False other- wise """ return self.item[0].get('optimizedForStreaming') == '1' def mediastream_number(self): """ Returns the Media stream as an int (mostly 0). Will let the user choose if several media streams are present for a PMS item (if settings are set accordingly) Returns None if the user aborted selection (leaving self.mediastream at its default of None) """ # How many streams do we have? count = 0 for entry in self.item.iterfind('./Media'): count += 1 if (count > 1 and ( (self.plex_type() != v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP and utils.settings('bestQuality') == 'false') or (self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP and utils.settings('bestTrailer') == 'false'))): # Several streams/files available. dialoglist = [] for entry in self.item.iterfind('./Media'): # Get additional info (filename / languages) if 'file' in entry[0].attrib: option = utils.try_decode(entry[0].attrib['file']) option = path_ops.path.basename(option) else: option = self.title() or '' # Languages of audio streams languages = [] for stream in entry[0]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == '1' and 'language' in stream.attrib): language = utils.try_decode(stream.attrib['language']) languages.append(language) languages = ', '.join(languages) if languages: if option: option = '%s (%s): ' % (option, languages) else: option = '%s: ' % languages else: option = '%s ' % option if 'videoResolution' in entry.attrib: res = utils.try_decode(entry.attrib['videoResolution']) option = '%s%sp ' % (option, res) if 'videoCodec' in entry.attrib: codec = utils.try_decode(entry.attrib['videoCodec']) option = '%s%s' % (option, codec) option = option.strip() + ' - ' if 'audioProfile' in entry.attrib: profile = utils.try_decode(entry.attrib['audioProfile']) option = '%s%s ' % (option, profile) if 'audioCodec' in entry.attrib: codec = utils.try_decode(entry.attrib['audioCodec']) option = '%s%s ' % (option, codec) option = utils.try_encode(option.strip()) dialoglist.append(option) media = utils.dialog('select', 'Select stream', dialoglist) if media == -1: LOG.info('User cancelled media stream selection') return else: media = 0 self.mediastream = media return media def transcode_video_path(self, action, quality=None): """ To be called on a VIDEO level of PMS xml response! Transcode Video support; returns the URL to get a media started Input: action 'DirectStream' or 'Transcode' quality: { 'videoResolution': e.g. '1024x768', 'videoQuality': e.g. '60', 'maxVideoBitrate': e.g. '2000' (in kbits) } (one or several of these options) Output: final URL to pull in PMS transcoder TODO: mediaIndex """ if self.mediastream is None and self.mediastream_number() is None: return if quality is None: quality = {} xargs = clientinfo.getXArgsDeviceInfo() # For DirectPlay, path/key of PART is needed # trailers are 'clip' with PMS xmls if action == "DirectStream": path = self.item[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['key'] url = app.CONN.server + path # e.g. Trailers already feature an '?'! if '?' in url: url += '&' + urlencode(xargs) else: url += '?' + urlencode(xargs) return url # For Transcoding headers = { 'X-Plex-Platform': 'Android', 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': '7.0', 'X-Plex-Product': 'Plex for Android', 'X-Plex-Version': '' } # Path/key to VIDEO item of xml PMS response is needed, not part path = self.item.attrib['key'] transcode_path = app.CONN.server + \ '/video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?' args = { 'audioBoost': utils.settings('audioBoost'), 'autoAdjustQuality': 0, 'directPlay': 0, 'directStream': 1, 'protocol': 'hls', # seen in the wild: 'dash', 'http', 'hls' 'session': utils.window('plex_client_Id'), 'fastSeek': 1, 'path': path, 'mediaIndex': self.mediastream, 'partIndex': self.part, 'hasMDE': 1, 'location': 'lan', 'subtitleSize': utils.settings('subtitleSize') } # Look like Android to let the PMS use the transcoding profile xargs.update(headers) LOG.debug("Setting transcode quality to: %s", quality) args.update(quality) url = transcode_path + urlencode(xargs) + '&' + urlencode(args) return url def cache_external_subs(self): """ Downloads external subtitles temporarily to Kodi and returns a list of their paths """ externalsubs = [] try: mediastreams = self.item[0][self.part] except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError): return kodiindex = 0 fileindex = 0 for stream in mediastreams: # Since plex returns all possible tracks together, have to pull # only external subtitles - only for these a 'key' exists if stream.get('streamType') != "3": # Not a subtitle continue # Only set for additional external subtitles NOT lying beside video key = stream.get('key') # Only set for dedicated subtitle files lying beside video # ext = stream.attrib.get('format') if key: # We do know the language - temporarily download if stream.get('languageCode') is not None: path = self.download_external_subtitles( "{server}%s" % key, "subtitle%02d.%s.%s" % (fileindex, stream.attrib['languageCode'], stream.attrib['codec'])) fileindex += 1 # We don't know the language - no need to download else: path = self.attach_plex_token_to_url( "%s%s" % (app.CONN.server, key)) externalsubs.append(path) kodiindex += 1 LOG.info('Found external subs: %s', externalsubs) return externalsubs @staticmethod def download_external_subtitles(url, filename): """ One cannot pass the subtitle language for ListItems. Workaround; will download the subtitle at url to the Kodi PKC directory in a temp dir Returns the path to the downloaded subtitle or None """ path = path_ops.path.join(v.EXTERNAL_SUBTITLE_TEMP_PATH, filename) response = DU().downloadUrl(url, return_response=True) try: response.status_code except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not temporarily download subtitle %s', url) return else: LOG.debug('Writing temp subtitle to %s', path) with open(path_ops.encode_path(path), 'wb') as filer: filer.write(response.content) return path def kodi_premiere_date(self): """ Takes Plex' originallyAvailableAt of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" and returns Kodi's "dd.mm.yyyy" or None """ date = self.premiere_date() if date is None: return try: date = sub(r'(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', r'\3.\2.\1', date) except: date = None return date def create_listitem(self, listitem=None, append_show_title=False, append_sxxexx=False): """ Return a xbmcgui.ListItem() for this Plex item """ if self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_PHOTO: listitem = self._create_photo_listitem(listitem) # Only set the bare minimum of artwork listitem.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultPicture.png', 'fanart': self.one_artwork('thumb')}) elif self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG: listitem = self._create_audio_listitem(listitem) listitem.setArt(self.artwork()) else: listitem = self._create_video_listitem(listitem, append_show_title, append_sxxexx) self.add_video_streams(listitem) listitem.setArt(self.artwork(full_artwork=True)) return listitem def _create_photo_listitem(self, listitem=None): """ Use for photo items only """ title = self.title() if listitem is None: listitem = ListItem(title) else: listitem.setLabel(title) metadata = { 'date': self.kodi_premiere_date(), 'size': long(self.item[0][0].get('size', 0)), 'exif:width': self.item[0].get('width', ''), 'exif:height': self.item[0].get('height', ''), } listitem.setInfo(type='image', infoLabels=metadata) listitem.setProperty('plot', self.plot()) listitem.setProperty('plexid', str(self.plex_id())) return listitem def _create_video_listitem(self, listitem=None, append_show_title=False, append_sxxexx=False): """ Use for video items only Call on a child level of PMS xml response (e.g. in a for loop) listitem : existing xbmcgui.ListItem to work with otherwise, a new one is created append_show_title : True to append TV show title to episode title append_sxxexx : True to append SxxExx to episode title Returns XBMC listitem for this PMS library item """ title = self.title() typus = self.plex_type() if listitem is None: listitem = ListItem(title) else: listitem.setLabel(title) # Necessary; Kodi won't start video otherwise! listitem.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') # Video items, e.g. movies and episodes or clips people = self.people() userdata = self.userdata() metadata = { 'genre': self.genre_list(), 'country': self.country_list(), 'year': self.year(), 'rating': self.audience_rating(), 'playcount': userdata['PlayCount'], 'cast': people['Cast'], 'director': people['Director'], 'plot': self.plot(), 'sorttitle': self.sorttitle(), 'duration': userdata['Runtime'], 'studio': self.music_studio_list(), 'tagline': self.tagline(), 'writer': people.get('Writer'), 'premiered': self.premiere_date(), 'dateadded': self.date_created(), 'lastplayed': userdata['LastPlayedDate'], 'mpaa': self.content_rating(), 'aired': self.premiere_date(), } # Do NOT set resumetime - otherwise Kodi always resumes at that time # even if the user chose to start element from the beginning # listitem.setProperty('resumetime', str(userdata['Resume'])) listitem.setProperty('totaltime', str(userdata['Runtime'])) if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: metadata['mediatype'] = 'episode' _, _, show, season, episode = self.episode_data() season = -1 if season is None else int(season) episode = -1 if episode is None else int(episode) metadata['episode'] = episode metadata['sortepisode'] = episode metadata['season'] = season metadata['sortseason'] = season metadata['tvshowtitle'] = show if season and episode: if append_sxxexx is True: title = "S%.2dE%.2d - %s" % (season, episode, title) if append_show_title is True: title = "%s - %s " % (show, title) if append_show_title or append_sxxexx: listitem.setLabel(title) elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: metadata['mediatype'] = 'movie' else: # E.g. clips, trailers, ... pass plex_id = self.plex_id() listitem.setProperty('plexid', str(plex_id)) with PlexDB() as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(plex_id, self.plex_type()) if db_item: metadata['dbid'] = db_item['kodi_id'] metadata['title'] = title # Expensive operation listitem.setInfo('video', infoLabels=metadata) try: # Add context menu entry for information screen listitem.addContextMenuItems([(utils.lang(30032), 'XBMC.Action(Info)',)]) except TypeError: # Kodi fuck-up pass return listitem def disc_number(self): """ Returns the song's disc number as an int or None if not found """ return cast(int, self.item.get('parentIndex')) def _create_audio_listitem(self, listitem=None): """ Use for songs only Call on a child level of PMS xml response (e.g. in a for loop) listitem : existing xbmcgui.ListItem to work with otherwise, a new one is created Returns XBMC listitem for this PMS library item """ if listitem is None: listitem = ListItem(self.title()) else: listitem.setLabel(self.title()) listitem.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') userdata = self.userdata() metadata = { 'mediatype': 'song', 'tracknumber': self.track_number(), 'discnumber': self.track_number(), 'duration': userdata['Runtime'], 'year': self.year(), # Kodi does not support list of str 'genre': ','.join(self.genre_list()) or None, 'album': self.item.get('parentTitle'), 'artist': self.item.get('originalTitle') or self.grandparent_title(), 'title': self.title(), 'rating': self.audience_rating(), 'playcount': userdata['PlayCount'], 'lastplayed': userdata['LastPlayedDate'], # lyrics string (On a dark desert highway...) # userrating integer - range is 1..10 # comment string (This is a great song) # listeners integer (25614) # musicbrainztrackid string (cd1de9af-0b71-4503-9f96-9f5efe27923c) # musicbrainzartistid string (d87e52c5-bb8d-4da8-b941-9f4928627dc8) # musicbrainzalbumid string (24944755-2f68-3778-974e-f572a9e30108) # musicbrainzalbumartistid string (d87e52c5-bb8d-4da8-b941-9f4928627dc8) } plex_id = self.plex_id() listitem.setProperty('plexid', str(plex_id)) if v.KODIVERSION >= 18: with PlexDB() as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(plex_id, self.plex_type()) if db_item: metadata['dbid'] = db_item['kodi_id'] listitem.setInfo('music', infoLabels=metadata) return listitem def add_video_streams(self, listitem): """ Add media stream information to xbmcgui.ListItem """ for key, value in self.mediastreams().iteritems(): if value: listitem.addStreamInfo(key, value) def validate_playurl(self, path, typus, force_check=False, folder=False, omit_check=False): """ Returns a valid path for Kodi, e.g. with '\' substituted to '\\' in Unicode. Returns None if this is not possible path : Unicode typus : Plex type from PMS xml force_check : Will always try to check validity of path Will also skip confirmation dialog if path not found folder : Set to True if path is a folder omit_check : Will entirely omit validity check if True """ if path is None: return typus = v.REMAP_TYPE_FROM_PLEXTYPE[typus] if app.SYNC.remap_path: path = path.replace(getattr(app.SYNC, 'remapSMB%sOrg' % typus), getattr(app.SYNC, 'remapSMB%sNew' % typus), 1) # There might be backslashes left over: path = path.replace('\\', '/') elif app.SYNC.replace_smb_path: if path.startswith('\\\\'): path = 'smb:' + path.replace('\\', '/') if app.SYNC.escape_path: path = quote(path) if (app.SYNC.path_verified and not force_check) or omit_check: return path # exist() needs a / or \ at the end to work for directories if not folder: # files check = path_ops.exists(path) else: # directories if "\\" in path: if not path.endswith('\\'): # Add the missing backslash check = path_ops.exists(path + "\\") else: check = path_ops.exists(path) else: if not path.endswith('/'): check = path_ops.exists(path + "/") else: check = path_ops.exists(path) if not check: if force_check is False: # Validate the path is correct with user intervention if self.ask_to_validate(path): app.SYNC.stop_sync = True path = None app.SYNC.path_verified = True else: path = None elif not force_check: # Only set the flag if we were not force-checking the path app.SYNC.path_verified = True return path @staticmethod def ask_to_validate(url): """ Displays a YESNO dialog box: Kodi can't locate file: <url>. Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing? Returns True if sync should stop, else False """ LOG.warn('Cannot access file: %s', url) # Kodi cannot locate the file #s. Please verify your PKC settings. Stop # syncing? return utils.yesno_dialog(utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(39031) % url) @staticmethod def _set_listitem_artprop(listitem, arttype, path): if arttype in ( 'thumb', 'fanart_image', 'small_poster', 'tiny_poster', 'medium_landscape', 'medium_poster', 'small_fanartimage', 'medium_fanartimage', 'fanart_noindicators'): listitem.setProperty(arttype, path) else: listitem.setArt({arttype: path})