#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from urlparse import parse_qsl from .kodi_db import KodiVideoDB from . import playback from . import context_entry from . import json_rpc as js from . import pickler from . import backgroundthread ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.playback_starter') ############################################################################### class PlaybackTask(backgroundthread.Task): """ Processes new plays """ def __init__(self, command): self.command = command super(PlaybackTask, self).__init__() def run(self): LOG.debug('Starting PlaybackTask with %s', self.command) item = self.command try: _, params = item.split('?', 1) except ValueError: # E.g. other add-ons scanning for Extras folder LOG.debug('Detected 3rd party add-on call - ignoring') pickler.pickle_me(pickler.Playback_Successful()) return params = dict(parse_qsl(params)) mode = params.get('mode') resolve = False if params.get('handle') == '-1' else True LOG.debug('Received mode: %s, params: %s', mode, params) if mode == 'play': playback.playback_triage(plex_id=params.get('plex_id'), plex_type=params.get('plex_type'), path=params.get('path'), resolve=resolve) elif mode == 'plex_node': playback.process_indirect(params['key'], params['offset'], resolve=resolve) elif mode == 'navigation': # e.g. when plugin://...tvshows is called for entire season with KodiVideoDB(lock=False) as kodidb: show_id = kodidb.show_id_from_path(params.get('path')) if show_id: js.activate_window('videos', 'videodb://tvshows/titles/%s' % show_id) else: LOG.error('Could not find tv show id for %s', item) if resolve: pickler.pickle_me(pickler.Playback_Successful()) elif mode == 'context_menu': context_entry.ContextMenu(kodi_id=params.get('kodi_id'), kodi_type=params.get('kodi_type')) LOG.debug('Finished PlaybackTask')