<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <!-- Add-on settings -->
    <string id="29999">PlexKodiConnect</string>
    <string id="30000">伺服器位址(IP)</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30002">喜好的播放方式</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30004">日誌級別</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30005">使用者: </string>
    <string id="30006">密碼 </string>
    <string id="30007">網路使用者: </string>
    <string id="30008">網路密碼: </string>
    <string id="30009">轉碼: </string>
    <string id="30010">使用性能分析</string>
    <string id="30011">本地快取系統</string>
    <string id="30012">OK</string>
    <string id="30013">不要顯示</string>

    <string id="30014">已連結</string>
    <string id="30015">網路</string>    
    <string id="30016">裝置名稱</string>
    <string id="30017">Plex伺服器未授權</string>     

    <string id="30022">進階</string>
    <string id="30024">使用者</string><!-- Verified -->

    <string id="30025">顯示伺服器未連線</string>
    <string id="30030">埠號</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30031">我擁有這個伺服器</string>
    <string id="30036">顯示幾部新加的電影:</string>    
    <string id="30037">顯示幾部新加的電視劇:</string>    
    <string id="30035">顯示幾張新加的專輯:</string>    
    <string id="30038">開始放就設為「已播放」:</string>    
    <string id="30039">為電視劇設定每季海報</string>

    <string id="30040">依「類型」篩選...</string>
    <string id="30041">從此全部播放</string>
    <string id="30042">更新</string>
    <string id="30043">刪除</string>
    <string id="30046">將電影加到CouchPotato</string>
    <string id="30044">使用者名稱或密碼錯誤</string>
    <string id="30045">沒有這個使用者</string>
    <string id="30052">刪除中</string>
    <string id="30053">等待伺服器刪除中</string>
    <string id="30059">伺服器預設</string>
    <string id="30060">標題</string>
    <string id="30061">年</string>
    <string id="30062">首映日期</string>
    <string id="30063">創建日期</string>
    <string id="30064">關鍵評分</string>
    <string id="30065">社群評分</string>
    <string id="30066">播放次數</string>
    <string id="30067">預算</string>
    <!-- Runtime added as 30226 below -->
    <string id="30068">排序</string>
    <string id="30069">無</string>
    <string id="30070">動作</string>
    <string id="30071">冒險</string>
    <string id="30072">動畫</string>
    <string id="30073">犯罪</string>
    <string id="30074">喜劇</string>
    <string id="30075">傳記</string>
    <string id="30076">戲劇</string>
    <string id="30077">幻想</string>
    <string id="30078">外國的</string>
    <string id="30079">歷史</string>
    <string id="30080">恐怖</string>
    <string id="30081">音樂</string>
    <string id="30082">音樂的</string>
    <string id="30083">神秘</string>
    <string id="30084">浪漫</string>
    <string id="30085">科幻</string>
    <string id="30086">短劇</string>
    <string id="30087">懸疑</string>
    <string id="30088">驚悚</string>
    <string id="30089">歐美</string>
    <string id="30090">依類別篩選</string>
    <string id="30091">確認刪除檔案</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30092">確認要刪除?這會刪除該媒體及所有相關資料檔。</string>
    <string id="30093">設為「已觀看」</string>
    <string id="30094">設為「未觀看」</string>
    <string id="30095">加到最愛</string>
    <string id="30096">移除最愛</string>
    <string id="30097">依... 排序</string>
    <string id="30098">降序</string>
    <string id="30099">升序</string>
    <string id="30100">顯示人員</string>

    <!-- resume dialog -->
    <string id="30105">繼續</string>
    <string id="30106">指定播放位置</string>
    <string id="30107">從頭播放</string>
    <string id="30110">介面</string>
    <string id="30111">顯示串流資訊</string>
    <string id="30112">顯示人員</string>
    <string id="30113">顯示簡介</string>
    <string id="30114">播放後刪除</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30115">針對電視劇</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30116">針對電影</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30117">背景更新頻率(秒)</string>
    <string id="30118">顯示播放比率</string>
    <string id="30119">顯示電視劇集數</string>
    <string id="30120">顯示加載進度</string>
    <string id="30121">加載內容中</string>
    <string id="30122">數據檢索中</string>
    <string id="30125">完成</string>
    <string id="30126">處理內容: </string>
    <string id="30128">播放錯誤</string>
    <string id="30129">內容無法播放</string>    
    <string id="30130">偵測到本地路徑</string>
    <string id="30131">你的MB3伺服器包含區網位置。請變更伺服器位置到UNC或是將XBMC3C「從串流播放」設定為「True」。路徑: </string>
    <string id="30132">警告</string>
    <string id="30133">除錯日誌已啟動</string>
    <string id="30134">這會影響效能。</string>
    <string id="30135">錯誤</string>
    <string id="30136">監控服務未啟動</string>
    <string id="30137">如果是新安裝的,請重啟Kodi</string>
    <string id="30138">搜尋</string>
    <string id="30139">啟用劇院音樂(須重啟)</string>
    <string id="30140"> 循環播放劇院音樂</string>
    <string id="30141">顯示背景圖片(須重啟)</string>
    <string id="30142">服務項目</string>

    <string id="30143">執行轉碼,如果傳輸率高於</string>
    <string id="30150">Skin不支援設置視圖</string>
    <string id="30151">選擇執行動作(須重啟)</string>
    <string id="30156">依標題排序「即將上映」</string>    
    <string id="30157">使用進階圖片(例: CoverArt)</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30158">元數據</string>
    <string id="30159">背景海報</string>
    <string id="30160">轉碼影像品質</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30161">啟用建議的裝載機(須重啟)</string>
    <string id="30162">顯示季數</string>     
    <string id="30163">不依季分階</string>     
    <string id="30164">直播-HTTP</string>     
    <string id="30165">直播</string>     
    <string id="30166">轉碼中</string>     
    <string id="30167">伺服器檢測成功</string>     
    <string id="30168">找到伺服器</string>     
    <string id="30169">位址: </string>     
    <!-- Video nodes -->
    <string id="30170">最近添加的電視節目</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30171">未看完的電視節目</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30172">所有的音樂</string>              
    <string id="30173">頻道</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30174">最近加入</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30175">最近新增的劇集</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30176">最近新增的專輯</string>  
    <string id="30177">未看完的電影</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30178">未看完的劇集</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30179">下一集</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30180">最愛的電影</string><!-- Verified -->      
    <string id="30181">最愛的電視劇</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30182">最愛的劇集</string>      
    <string id="30183">最常播放的專輯</string> 
    <string id="30184">即將上映的影集</string>            
    <string id="30185">合集</string>                
    <string id="30186">預告片</string>               
    <string id="30187">音樂視頻</string>           
    <string id="30188">相片</string>                 
    <string id="30189">未觀看的電影</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30190">電影分類</string>           
    <string id="30191">製片廠</string>          
    <string id="30192">電影演員</string>           
    <string id="30193">未觀看的劇集</string>     
    <string id="30194">電視劇分類</string>              
    <string id="30195">電視網路</string>            
    <string id="30196">電視演員</string>              
    <string id="30197">播放列表</string>              
    <string id="30198">搜尋</string>              
    <string id="30199">設置的視圖</string>              
    <string id="30200">選擇使用者</string>              
    <string id="30201">啟用分析。</string>              
    <string id="30202">請記得完成測試後關閉。</string>              
    <string id="30203">旋轉背景海報線程發生錯誤</string>              
    <string id="30204">無法連線到伺服器</string>         
    <string id="30205">載入選單選項的線程發生錯誤</string>     
    <string id="30206">啟用播放清單載入程式 (須重啟)</string>   
    <string id="30207">歌曲</string>
    <string id="30208">專輯</string>
    <string id="30209">專輯演唱者</string>
    <string id="30210">演出者</string>
    <string id="30211">音樂流派</string>
    <string id="30212">啟用主題視頻 (須重啟)</string>
    <string id="30213"> -循環播放主題視頻</string>
    <string id="30216">同一季自動播放下一集</string> 
    <string id="30218">壓縮背景海報</string>
    <string id="30220">最新的 </string>
    <string id="30221">進行中 </string>
    <string id="30222">即將上映 </string>
    <string id="30223">使用者視圖</string>
    <string id="30224">Report Metrics</string>
    <string id="30225">使用Kodi排序</string>
    <string id="30226">運行時間</string>
    <string id="30227">隨機</string>
    <string id="30228">最近發佈的</string>
    <string id="30229">隨機播放項目</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30230">推薦</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30235">附加功能</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30236">同步主題音樂</string>
    <string id="30237">同步額外的背景海報</string>
    <string id="30238">同步電影合集</string>
    <string id="30239">[COLOR yellow]重置 Kodi 資料庫[/COLOR]</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30240">啟用「已看過」及「觀看進度」同步</string>
    <string id="30241">資料庫同步進度:</string>
    <string id="30242">播放次數同步進度:</string>
    <string id="30243">啟用 HTTPS</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30245">強迫使用特定的轉碼</string>
    <string id="30246">使用 Netflix 的「即將上映」通知樣式</string>
    <string id="30247">  設定通知即將播放完畢前的秒數</string>
    <string id="30248">Show Emby Info dialog on play/select action</string>
    <string id="30249">啟動時顯示連接伺服器的訊息</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30251">最近添加的家庭視頻</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30252">最近添加的照片</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30253">最愛的家庭視頻</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30254">最愛的照片</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30255">最喜歡的專輯</string>
    <string id="30256">最近添加的音樂視頻</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30257">進行中的音樂視頻</string><!-- Verified -->
    <string id="30258">未觀看的音樂視頻</string><!-- Verified -->
    <!-- Default views -->
    <string id="30300">啟動中</string>              
    <string id="30301">清除設置</string>              
    <string id="30302">電影</string>              
    <string id="30303">合集</string>              
    <string id="30304">預告片</string>              
    <string id="30305">系列</string>              
    <string id="30306">季</string>              
    <string id="30307">劇集</string>              
    <string id="30308">音樂演出者</string>              
    <string id="30309">音樂專輯</string>              
    <string id="30310">音樂視頻</string>              
    <string id="30311">音樂曲目</string>
    <string id="30312">頻道</string>  
    <!-- contextmenu -->
    <string id="30401">Plex 選項</string>
    <string id="30402">清除類似的項目</string>
    <string id="30403">喜歡這項</string>
    <string id="30404">不喜歡這項</string>
    <string id="30405">加到 Plex 的最愛</string>
    <string id="30406">從 Plex 的最愛移除</string>
    <string id="30407">設置自訂歌曲評級</string>
    <string id="30408">Plex 外掛程式設置</string>
    <string id="30409">從伺服器中刪除項目</string>
    <string id="30410">刷新這項</string>
    <string id="30411">設置自訂歌曲評級 (0-5)</string>
    <string id="30412">強迫轉碼</string>
    <string id="30413">啟用在Kodi顯示Plex內容功能表</string>
    <string id="30414">無法刪除Plex的項目, 請確認Plex伺服器是否已啟動刪除功能?</string>
    <string id="30415">從 Plex 伺服器播放</string>
    <string id="30416">Plex 伺服器的設置</string>

    <!-- add-on settings -->
    <string id="30500">驗證主機 SSL 憑證 (更安全)</string>
    <string id="30501">用戶端 SSL 憑證</string>
    <string id="30502">使用備用位址</string>
    <string id="30503">待命伺服器位址</string>
    <string id="30504">使用備用設備名稱</string>
    <string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]重置登入企圖次數[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
    <string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
    <string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
    <string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
    <string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
    <string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
    <string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
    <string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
    <string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
    <string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
    <string id="30516">Playback</string>
    <string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
    <string id="30519">Ask to play trailers</string>
    <string id="30520">Skip Plex delete confirmation for the context menu (use at your own risk)</string>
    <string id="30521">Jump back on resume (in seconds)</string>
    <string id="30522">Force transcode h265/HEVC</string>
    <string id="30523">Music metadata options (not compatible with direct stream)</string>
    <string id="30524">Import music song rating directly from files</string>
    <string id="30525">Convert music song rating to Emby rating</string>
    <string id="30526">Allow rating in song files to be updated</string>
    <string id="30527">Ignore specials in next episodes</string>
    <string id="30528">Permanent users to add to the session</string>
    <string id="30529">Startup delay (in seconds)</string>
    <string id="30530">Enable server restart message</string>
    <string id="30531">Enable new content notification</string>
    <string id="30532">Duration of the video library pop up (in seconds)</string>
    <string id="30533">Duration of the music library pop up (in seconds)</string>
    <string id="30534">Server messages</string>
    <string id="30535">[COLOR yellow]Generate a new unique device Id (e.g. when cloning Kodi)[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
    <string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
    <string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
    <string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
    <string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
    <string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
    <string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
    <string id="30543">Kodi runs on a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi)</string>
    <string id="30544">Artwork</string>
    <string id="30545">Force transcode pictures</string>

    <!-- service add-on -->
    <string id="33000">Welcome</string>
    <string id="33001">Error connecting</string>
    <string id="33002">Server is unreachable</string>
    <string id="33003">Server is online</string>
    <string id="33004">items added to playlist</string>
    <string id="33005">items queued to playlist</string>
    <string id="33006">Server is restarting</string>
    <string id="33007">Access is enabled</string>
    <string id="33008">Enter password for user:</string>
    <string id="33009">Invalid username or password</string>
    <string id="33010">Failed to authenticate too many times. Reset in the settings.</string>
    <string id="33011">Unable to direct play</string>
    <string id="33012">Direct play failed 3 times. Enabled play from HTTP.</string>
    <string id="33013">Choose the audio stream</string>
    <string id="33014">Choose the subtitles stream</string>
    <string id="33015">Delete file from your Emby server?</string>
    <string id="33016">Play trailers?</string>
    <string id="33017">Gathering movies from:</string>
    <string id="33018">Gathering boxsets</string>
    <string id="33019">Gathering music videos from:</string>
    <string id="33020">Gathering tv shows from:</string>
    <string id="33021">Gathering:</string>
    <string id="33022">Detected the database needs to be recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. Proceed?</string>
    <string id="33023">Emby for Kodi may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
    <string id="33024">Cancelling the database syncing process. The current Kodi version is unsupported.</string>
    <string id="33025">completed in:</string>
    <string id="33026">Comparing movies from:</string>
    <string id="33027">Comparing boxsets</string>
    <string id="33028">Comparing music videos from:</string>
    <string id="33029">Comparing tv shows from:</string>
    <string id="33030">Comparing episodes from:</string>
    <string id="33031">Comparing:</string>
    <string id="33032">Failed to generate a new device Id. See your logs for more information.</string>
    <string id="33033">Kodi will now restart to apply the changes.</string>
    <string id="33041">Delete file(s) from Plex Server? This will also delete the file(s) from disk!</string>

    <!-- New to Plex -->
    <string id="39000">- Number of trailers to play before a movie</string>
    <string id="39001">Boost audio when transcoding</string>
    <string id="39002">Burnt-in subtitle size</string>
    <string id="39003">Limit download sync threads (rec. for rpi: 1)</string>
    <string id="39004">Enable Plex Companion (restart Kodi!)</string>
    <string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
    <string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
    <string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
    <string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
    <string id="39009">Could not login to plex.tv. Please try signing in again.</string>
    <string id="39010">Problems connecting to plex.tv. Network or internet issue?</string>
    <string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
    <string id="39012">Choose your Plex server</string>
    <string id="39013">Not yet authorized for Plex server </string>
    <string id="39014">Please sign in to plex.tv.</string>
    <string id="39015">Problems connecting to server. Pick another server?</string>
    <string id="39016">Disable Plex music library? (It is HIGHLY recommended to use Plex music only with direct paths for large music libraries. Kodi might crash otherwise)</string>
    <string id="39017">Would you now like to go to the plugin's settings to fine-tune PKC? You will need to RESTART Kodi!</string>

    <string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39022">local</string>
    <string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to plex.tv?</string>

    <string id="39025">Automatically log into plex.tv on startup</string>
    <string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
    <string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
    <string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
    <string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
    <string id="39030">Add network credentials to allow Kodi access to your content? Note: Skipping this step may generate a message during the initial scan of your content if Kodi can't locate your content.</string>
    <string id="39031">Kodi can't locate file: </string>
    <string id="39032">Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?</string>
    <string id="39033">Transform Plex UNC library paths \\myNas\mymovie.mkv automatically to smb paths, smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
    <string id="39034">Replace Plex UNC paths \\myNas with smb://myNas</string>

    <string id="39035">Replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with custom SMB paths smb://NAS/mystuff</string>
    <string id="39037">Original Plex MOVIE path to replace:</string>
    <string id="39038">Replace Plex MOVIE with:</string>
    <string id="39039">Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace:</string>
    <string id="39040">Replace Plex TV SHOWS with:</string>
    <string id="39041">Original Plex MUSIC path to replace:</string>
    <string id="39042">Replace Plex MUSIC with:</string>
    <string id="39043">Go a step further and completely replace all original Plex library paths (/volume1/media) with custom SMB paths (smb://NAS/MyStuff)?</string>
    <string id="39044">Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi</string>
    <string id="39045">Original Plex PHOTO path to replace:</string>
    <string id="39046">Replace Plex PHOTO with:</string>
    <string id="39047">On Deck: Append show title to episode</string>
    <string id="39048">On Deck: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
    <string id="39049">Nothing works? Try a full reset!</string>
    <string id="39050">[COLOR yellow]Choose Plex Server from a list[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39051">Wait before sync new/changed PMS item [s]</string>
    <string id="39052">Background Sync</string>
    <string id="39053">Do a full library sync every x minutes</string>
    <string id="39054">remote</string>
    <string id="39055">Searching for Plex Server</string>
    <string id="39056">Used by Sync and when attempting to Direct Play</string>
    <string id="39057">Customize Paths</string>
    <string id="39058">Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows</string>
    <string id="39059">Recently Added: Append show title to episode</string>
    <string id="39060">Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
    <string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?</string>
    <string id="39062">Sync when screensaver is deactivated</string>
    <string id="39063">Force Transcode Hi10P</string>
    <string id="39064">Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes</string>
    <string id="39066">Recently Added: Also show already watched movies (Refresh Plex playlist/nodes!)</string>
    <string id="39067">Your current Plex Media Server:</string>
    <string id="39068">[COLOR yellow]Manually enter Plex Media Server address[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39069">Current address:</string>
    <string id="39070">Current port:</string>
    <string id="39071">Current plex.tv status:</string>
    <string id="39072">Is your Kodi installed on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi? If yes, then we will reduce the strain on Kodi to prevent it from crashing.</string>
    <string id="39073">Appearance Tweaks</string>
    <string id="39074">TV Shows</string>
    <string id="39075">Always use default Plex subtitle if possible</string>
    <string id="39076">If you use several Plex libraries of one kind, e.g. "Kids Movies" and "Parents Movies", be sure to check the Wiki: https://goo.gl/JFtQV9</string>
    <string id="39077">Number of PMS items to show in widgets (e.g. "On Deck")</string>
    <string id="39078">Plex Companion Update Port (change only if needed)</string>
    <string id="39079">Plex Companion could not open the GDM port. Please change it in the PKC settings.</string>

    <!-- Plex Entrypoint.py -->
    <string id="39200">Log-out Plex Home User </string>
    <string id="39201">Settings</string>
    <string id="39202">Network credentials</string>
    <string id="39203">Refresh Plex playlists/nodes</string>
    <string id="39204">Perform manual library sync</string>
    <string id="39205">Unable to run the sync, the add-on is not connected to a Plex server.</string>
    <string id="39206">Plex might lock your account if you fail to log in too many times. Proceed anyway?</string>
    <string id="39207">Resetting PMS connections, please wait</string>
    <string id="39208">Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.</string>
    <string id="39209">[COLOR yellow]Toggle plex.tv login (sign in or sign out)[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39210">Not yet connected to Plex Server</string>
    <string id="39211">Watch later</string>
    <string id="39213">is offline</string>
    <string id="39214">Even though we signed in to plex.tv, we could not authorize for PMS</string>
    <string id="39215">Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL, Examples are:</string>

    <string id="39217">Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? (https instead of http)?</string>
    <string id="39218">Error contacting PMS</string>
    <string id="39219">Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?</string>
    <string id="39220">connected</string>
    <string id="39221">plex.tv toggle successful</string>
    <string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]</string>
    <string id="39223">Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.</string>
    <string id="39224">Refresh all</string>
    <string id="39225">Missing only</string>    

    <!-- Plex Artwork.py -->
    <string id="39250">Running the image cache process can take some time. It will happen in the background. Are you sure you want continue?</string>
    <string id="39251">Reset all existing cache data first?</string>

    <!-- Plex PlexAPI.py -->
    <string id="39300">: Enter plex.tv username. Or nothing to cancel.</string>
    <string id="39301">Enter password for plex.tv user </string>
    <string id="39302">Could not sign in user </string>
    <string id="39303">Problems trying to contact plex.tv. Try again later</string>
    <string id="39304">Go to https://plex.tv/pin and enter the code: </string>
    <string id="39305">Could not sign in to plex.tv. Try again later</string>
    <string id="39306">: Select User</string>
    <string id="39307">Enter PIN for user </string>
    <string id="39308">Could not log in user </string>
    <string id="39309">Please try again.</string>
    <string id="39310">unknown</string>
    <string id="39311">or press No to not sign in.</string>

    <!-- Plex Librarysync.py -->
    <string id="39400">Library sync thread has crashed. You should restart Kodi now. Please report this on the forum</string>
    <string id="39401">Detected Kodi database needs to be recreated for this version. This might take a while. Proceed?</string>
    <string id="39402"> may not work correctly until the database is reset.</string>
    <string id="39403">Cancelling the database syncing process. Current Kodi version is unsupported. Please verify your logs for more info.</string>
    <string id="39404">Startup syncing process failed repeatedly. Try restarting Kodi. Stopping Sync for now.</string>
    <string id="39405">Plex playlists/nodes refreshed</string>
    <string id="39406">Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed</string>
    <string id="39407">Full library sync finished</string>
    <string id="39408">Sync had to skip some items because they could not be processed. Kodi may be instable now!! Please post your Kodi logs to the Plex forum.</string>
    <string id="39409">The Plex Server did not like you asking for so much data at once and returned ERRORS. Try lowering the number of sync download threads in the settings. Skipped some items for now.</string>
    <string id="39410">ERROR in library sync</string>

    <!-- Plex videonodes.py -->
    <string id="39500">On Deck</string>
    <string id="39501">Collections</string>

    <!-- Plex utils.py -->
    <string id="39600">Are you sure you want to reset your local Kodi database? A re-sync of the Plex data will take time afterwards.</string>
    <string id="39601">Could not stop the database from running. Please try again later.</string>
    <string id="39602">Remove all cached artwork? (recommended!)</string>
    <string id="39603">Reset all PlexKodiConnect Addon settings? (this is usually NOT recommended and unnecessary!)</string>

    <string id="39700">Amazon Alexa (Voice Recognition)</string>
    <string id="39701">Activate Alexa</string>
    <string id="39702">Browse by folder</string>