# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### from threading import Thread, Lock import Queue import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcvfs import xbmcaddon import utils import clientinfo import downloadutils import itemtypes import embydb_functions as embydb import kodidb_functions as kodidb import read_embyserver as embyserver import userclient import videonodes import PlexFunctions as PF import PlexAPI ############################################################################### @utils.logging @utils.ThreadMethodsAdditionalStop('suspend_LibraryThread') @utils.ThreadMethods class ThreadedGetMetadata(Thread): """ Threaded download of Plex XML metadata for a certain library item. Fills the out_queue with the downloaded etree XML objects Input: queue Queue.Queue() object that you'll need to fill up with Plex itemIds out_queue Queue() object where this thread will store the downloaded metadata XMLs as etree objects lock Lock(), used for counting where we are """ def __init__(self, queue, out_queue, lock, processlock): self.queue = queue self.out_queue = out_queue self.lock = lock self.processlock = processlock Thread.__init__(self) def terminateNow(self): while not self.queue.empty(): # Still try because remaining item might have been taken try: self.queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(50) continue else: self.queue.task_done() if self.threadStopped(): # Shutdown from outside requested; purge out_queue as well while not self.out_queue.empty(): # Still try because remaining item might have been taken try: self.out_queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(50) continue else: self.out_queue.task_done() def run(self): # cache local variables because it's faster queue = self.queue out_queue = self.out_queue lock = self.lock processlock = self.processlock threadStopped = self.threadStopped global getMetadataCount global processMetadataCount while threadStopped() is False: # grabs Plex item from queue try: updateItem = queue.get(block=False) # Empty queue except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(100) continue # Download Metadata plexXML = PF.GetPlexMetadata(updateItem['itemId']) if plexXML is None: # Did not receive a valid XML - skip that item for now self.logMsg("Could not get metadata for %s. " "Skipping that item for now" % updateItem['itemId'], 0) # Increase BOTH counters - since metadata won't be processed with lock: getMetadataCount += 1 with processlock: processMetadataCount += 1 queue.task_done() continue elif plexXML == 401: self.logMsg('HTTP 401 returned by PMS. Too much strain? ' 'Cancelling sync for now', -1) utils.window('plex_scancrashed', value='401') # Kill remaining items in queue (for main thread to cont.) queue.task_done() break updateItem['XML'] = plexXML # place item into out queue out_queue.put(updateItem) # Keep track of where we are at with lock: getMetadataCount += 1 # signals to queue job is done queue.task_done() # Empty queue in case PKC was shut down (main thread hangs otherwise) self.terminateNow() self.logMsg('Download thread terminated', 2) @utils.logging @utils.ThreadMethodsAdditionalStop('suspend_LibraryThread') @utils.ThreadMethods class ThreadedProcessMetadata(Thread): """ Not yet implemented - if ever. Only to be called by ONE thread! Processes the XML metadata in the queue Input: queue: Queue.Queue() object that you'll need to fill up with the downloaded XML eTree objects itemType: as used to call functions in itemtypes.py e.g. 'Movies' => itemtypes.Movies() lock: Lock(), used for counting where we are """ def __init__(self, queue, itemType, lock): self.queue = queue self.lock = lock self.itemType = itemType Thread.__init__(self) def terminateNow(self): while not self.queue.empty(): # Still try because remaining item might have been taken try: self.queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(100) continue else: self.queue.task_done() def run(self): # Constructs the method name, e.g. itemtypes.Movies itemFkt = getattr(itemtypes, self.itemType) # cache local variables because it's faster queue = self.queue lock = self.lock threadStopped = self.threadStopped global processMetadataCount global processingViewName with itemFkt() as item: while threadStopped() is False: # grabs item from queue try: updateItem = queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(50) continue # Do the work plexitem = updateItem['XML'] method = updateItem['method'] viewName = updateItem['viewName'] viewId = updateItem['viewId'] title = updateItem['title'] itemSubFkt = getattr(item, method) # Get the one child entry in the xml and process for child in plexitem: itemSubFkt(child, viewtag=viewName, viewid=viewId) # Keep track of where we are at with lock: processMetadataCount += 1 processingViewName = title # signals to queue job is done queue.task_done() # Empty queue in case PKC was shut down (main thread hangs otherwise) self.terminateNow() self.logMsg('Processing thread terminated', 2) @utils.logging @utils.ThreadMethodsAdditionalStop('suspend_LibraryThread') @utils.ThreadMethods class ThreadedShowSyncInfo(Thread): """ Threaded class to show the Kodi statusbar of the metadata download. Input: dialog xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() object to show progress locks = [downloadLock, processLock] Locks() to the other threads total: Total number of items to get """ def __init__(self, dialog, locks, total, itemType): self.locks = locks self.total = total self.addonName = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getAddonName() self.dialog = dialog self.itemType = itemType Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): # cache local variables because it's faster total = self.total dialog = self.dialog threadStopped = self.threadStopped downloadLock = self.locks[0] processLock = self.locks[1] dialog.create("%s: Sync %s: %s items" % (self.addonName, self.itemType, str(total)), "Starting") global getMetadataCount global processMetadataCount global processingViewName total = 2 * total totalProgress = 0 while threadStopped() is False: with downloadLock: getMetadataProgress = getMetadataCount with processLock: processMetadataProgress = processMetadataCount viewName = processingViewName totalProgress = getMetadataProgress + processMetadataProgress try: percentage = int(float(totalProgress) / float(total)*100.0) except ZeroDivisionError: percentage = 0 dialog.update(percentage, message="Downloaded: %s. Processed: %s: %s" % (getMetadataProgress, processMetadataProgress, viewName)) # Sleep for x milliseconds xbmc.sleep(500) dialog.close() self.logMsg('Dialog Infobox thread terminated', 2) @utils.logging @utils.ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend('suspend_LibraryThread') @utils.ThreadMethodsAdditionalStop('plex_shouldStop') @utils.ThreadMethods class LibrarySync(Thread): """ librarysync.LibrarySync(queue) where (communication with websockets) queue: Queue object for background sync """ # Borg, even though it's planned to only have 1 instance up and running! _shared_state = {} def __init__(self, queue): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state self.__language__ = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString # Communication with websockets self.queue = queue self.itemsToProcess = [] self.sessionKeys = [] # How long should we wait at least to process new/changed PMS items? self.saftyMargin = int(utils.settings('saftyMargin')) self.fullSyncInterval = int(utils.settings('fullSyncInterval')) * 60 self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.user = userclient.UserClient() self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer() self.vnodes = videonodes.VideoNodes() self.dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() self.syncThreadNumber = int(utils.settings('syncThreadNumber')) self.installSyncDone = True if \ utils.settings('SyncInstallRunDone') == 'true' else False self.showDbSync = True if \ utils.settings('dbSyncIndicator') == 'true' else False self.enableMusic = True if utils.settings('enableMusic') == "true" \ else False self.enableBackgroundSync = True if utils.settings( 'enableBackgroundSync') == "true" else False self.limitindex = int(utils.settings('limitindex')) if utils.settings('plex_pathverified') == 'true': utils.window('plex_pathverified', value='true') # Just in case a time sync goes wrong self.timeoffset = int(utils.settings('kodiplextimeoffset')) utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset)) Thread.__init__(self) def showKodiNote(self, message, forced=False, icon="plex"): """ Shows a Kodi popup, if user selected to do so. Pass message in unicode or string icon: "plex": shows Plex icon "error": shows Kodi error icon forced: always show popup, even if user setting to off """ if not self.showDbSync: if not forced: return if icon == "plex": self.dialog.notification( self.addonName, message, "special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png", 5000, False) elif icon == "error": self.dialog.notification( self.addonName, message, xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 7000, True) def syncPMStime(self): """ PMS does not provide a means to get a server timestamp. This is a work- around. In general, everything saved to Kodi shall be in Kodi time. Any info with a PMS timestamp is in Plex time, naturally """ self.logMsg('Synching time with PMS server', 0) # Find a PMS item where we can toggle the view state to enforce a # change in lastViewedAt # Get all Plex libraries sections = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( "{server}/library/sections") try: sections.attrib except AttributeError: self.logMsg("Error download PMS views, abort syncPMStime", -1) return False plexId = None for mediatype in ('movie', 'show', 'artist'): if plexId is not None: break for view in sections: if plexId is not None: break if not view.attrib['type'] == mediatype: continue libraryId = view.attrib['key'] items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(libraryId, containerSize=self.limitindex) if items in (None, 401): self.logMsg("Could not download section %s" % view.attrib['key'], -1) continue for item in items: if item.attrib.get('viewCount') is not None: # Don't want to mess with items that have playcount>0 continue if item.attrib.get('viewOffset') is not None: # Don't mess with items with a resume point continue plexId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey') self.logMsg('Found an item to sync with: %s' % plexId, 1) break if plexId is None: self.logMsg("Could not find an item to sync time with", -1) self.logMsg("Aborting PMS-Kodi time sync", -1) return False # Get the Plex item's metadata xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(plexId) if xml in (None, 401): self.logMsg("Could not download metadata, aborting time sync", -1) return False timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('lastViewedAt') if timestamp is None: timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('updatedAt') self.logMsg('Using items updatedAt=%s' % timestamp, 1) if timestamp is None: timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('addedAt') self.logMsg('Using items addedAt=%s' % timestamp, 1) if timestamp is None: timestamp = 0 self.logMsg('No timestamp; using 0', 1) # Set the timer koditime = utils.getUnixTimestamp() # Toggle watched state PF.scrobble(plexId, 'watched') # Let the PMS process this first! xbmc.sleep(1000) # Get PMS items to find the item we just changed items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(libraryId, lastViewedAt=timestamp, containerSize=self.limitindex) # Toggle watched state back PF.scrobble(plexId, 'unwatched') if items in (None, 401): self.logMsg("Could not download metadata, aborting time sync", -1) return False plextime = None for item in items: if item.attrib['ratingKey'] == plexId: plextime = item.attrib.get('lastViewedAt') break if plextime is None: self.logMsg('Could not get lastViewedAt - aborting', -1) return False # Calculate time offset Kodi-PMS self.timeoffset = int(koditime) - int(plextime) utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset)) utils.settings('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset)) self.logMsg("Time offset Koditime - Plextime in seconds: %s" % str(self.timeoffset), 0) return True def initializeDBs(self): """ Run once during startup to verify that emby db exists. """ embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() # Create the tables for the emby database # emby, view, version embycursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emby( emby_id TEXT UNIQUE, media_folder TEXT, emby_type TEXT, media_type TEXT, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_fileid INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, checksum INTEGER)""") embycursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS view( view_id TEXT UNIQUE, view_name TEXT, media_type TEXT, kodi_tagid INTEGER)""") embycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version(idVersion TEXT)") embyconn.commit() # content sync: movies, tvshows, musicvideos, music embyconn.close() return @utils.LogTime def fullSync(self, repair=False): """ repair=True: force sync EVERY item """ # self.compare == False: we're syncing EVERY item # True: we're syncing only the delta, e.g. different checksum self.compare = not repair xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(true)') screensaver = utils.getScreensaver() utils.setScreensaver(value="") # Add sources utils.sourcesXML() # Set views. Abort if unsuccessful if not self.maintainViews(): xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) return False process = { 'movies': self.PlexMovies, 'tvshows': self.PlexTVShows, } if self.enableMusic: process['music'] = self.PlexMusic # Do the processing for itemtype in process: if self.threadStopped(): return False if not process[itemtype](): xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) return False # Let kodi update the views in any case, since we're doing a full sync xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') if self.enableMusic: xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)') utils.window('plex_initialScan', clear=True) xbmc.executebuiltin('InhibitIdleShutdown(false)') utils.setScreensaver(value=screensaver) if utils.window('plex_scancrashed') == 'true': # Show warning if itemtypes.py crashed at some point self.dialog.ok(self.addonName, self.__language__(39408)) utils.window('plex_scancrashed', clear=True) elif utils.window('plex_scancrashed') == '401': utils.window('plex_scancrashed', clear=True) if utils.window('plex_serverStatus') not in ('401', 'Auth'): # Plex server had too much and returned ERROR self.dialog.ok(self.addonName, self.__language__(39409)) # Path hack, so Kodis Information screen works with kodidb.GetKodiDB('video') as kodi_db: try: kodi_db.pathHack() self.logMsg('Path hack successful', 1) except Exception as e: # Empty movies, tv shows? self.logMsg('Path hack failed with error message: %s' % str(e), -1) return True def processView(self, folderItem, kodi_db, emby_db, totalnodes): vnodes = self.vnodes folder = folderItem.attrib mediatype = folder['type'] # Only process supported formats if mediatype not in ('movie', 'show', 'artist'): return totalnodes # Prevent duplicate for nodes of the same type nodes = self.nodes[mediatype] # Prevent duplicate for playlists of the same type playlists = self.playlists[mediatype] sorted_views = self.sorted_views folderid = folder['key'] foldername = folder['title'] viewtype = folder['type'] # Get current media folders from emby database view = emby_db.getView_byId(folderid) try: current_viewname = view[0] current_viewtype = view[1] current_tagid = view[2] except TypeError: self.logMsg("Creating viewid: %s in Plex database." % folderid, 1) tagid = kodi_db.createTag(foldername) # Create playlist for the video library if (foldername not in playlists and mediatype in ('movie', 'show', 'musicvideos')): utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, folderid, viewtype) playlists.append(foldername) # Create the video node if (foldername not in nodes and mediatype not in ("musicvideos", "artist")): vnodes.viewNode(sorted_views.index(foldername), foldername, mediatype, viewtype, folderid) nodes.append(foldername) totalnodes += 1 # Add view to emby database emby_db.addView(folderid, foldername, viewtype, tagid) else: self.logMsg(' '.join(( "Found viewid: %s" % folderid, "viewname: %s" % current_viewname, "viewtype: %s" % current_viewtype, "tagid: %s" % current_tagid)), 1) # Remove views that are still valid to delete rest later try: self.old_views.remove(folderid) except ValueError: # View was just created, nothing to remove pass # View was modified, update with latest info if current_viewname != foldername: self.logMsg("viewid: %s new viewname: %s" % (folderid, foldername), 1) tagid = kodi_db.createTag(foldername) # Update view with new info emby_db.updateView(foldername, tagid, folderid) if mediatype != "artist": if emby_db.getView_byName(current_viewname) is None: # The tag could be a combined view. Ensure there's # no other tags with the same name before deleting # playlist. utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, current_viewname, folderid, current_viewtype, True) # Delete video node if mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode( indexnumber=sorted_views.index(foldername), tagname=current_viewname, mediatype=mediatype, viewtype=current_viewtype, viewid=folderid, delete=True) # Added new playlist if (foldername not in playlists and mediatype in ('movie', 'show', 'musicvideos')): utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, folderid, viewtype) playlists.append(foldername) # Add new video node if foldername not in nodes and mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode(sorted_views.index(foldername), foldername, mediatype, viewtype, folderid) nodes.append(foldername) totalnodes += 1 # Update items with new tag items = emby_db.getItem_byView(folderid) for item in items: # Remove the "s" from viewtype for tags kodi_db.updateTag( current_tagid, tagid, item[0], current_viewtype[:-1]) else: # Validate the playlist exists or recreate it if mediatype != "artist": if (foldername not in playlists and mediatype in ('movie', 'show', 'musicvideos')): utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, folderid, viewtype) playlists.append(foldername) # Create the video node if not already exists if foldername not in nodes and mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode(sorted_views.index(foldername), foldername, mediatype, viewtype, folderid) nodes.append(foldername) totalnodes += 1 return totalnodes def maintainViews(self): """ Compare the views to Plex """ self.views = [] vnodes = self.vnodes # Get views sections = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( "{server}/library/sections") try: sections.attrib except AttributeError: self.logMsg("Error download PMS views, abort maintainViews", -1) return False # For whatever freaking reason, .copy() or dict() does NOT work?!?!?! self.nodes = { 'movie': [], 'show': [], 'artist': [] } self.playlists = { 'movie': [], 'show': [], 'artist': [] } self.sorted_views = [] for view in sections: itemType = view.attrib['type'] if itemType in ('movie', 'show'): # and NOT artist for now self.sorted_views.append(view.attrib['title']) self.logMsg('Sorted views: %s' % self.sorted_views, 1) # total nodes for window properties vnodes.clearProperties() totalnodes = len(self.sorted_views) with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: # Backup old views to delete them later, if needed (at the end # of this method, only unused views will be left in oldviews) self.old_views = emby_db.getViews() with kodidb.GetKodiDB('video') as kodi_db: for folderItem in sections: totalnodes = self.processView(folderItem, kodi_db, emby_db, totalnodes) # Add video nodes listings # Plex: there seem to be no favorites/favorites tag # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, # "Favorite movies", # "movies", # "favourites") # totalnodes += 1 # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, # "Favorite tvshows", # "tvshows", # "favourites") # totalnodes += 1 # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, # "channels", # "movies", # "channels") # totalnodes += 1 with kodidb.GetKodiDB('music') as kodi_db: pass # Save total utils.window('Plex.nodes.total', str(totalnodes)) # Reopen DB connection to ensure that changes were commited before with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: self.logMsg("Removing views: %s" % self.old_views, 1) for view in self.old_views: emby_db.removeView(view) # update views for all: self.views = emby_db.getAllViewInfo() self.logMsg("Finished processing views. Views saved: %s" % self.views, 1) return True def GetUpdatelist(self, xml, itemType, method, viewName, viewId): """ THIS METHOD NEEDS TO BE FAST! => e.g. no API calls Adds items to self.updatelist as well as self.allPlexElementsId dict Input: xml: PMS answer for section items itemType: 'Movies', 'TVShows', ... method: Method name to be called with this itemtype see itemtypes.py viewName: Name of the Plex view (e.g. 'My TV shows') viewId: Id/Key of Plex library (e.g. '1') Output: self.updatelist, self.allPlexElementsId self.updatelist APPENDED(!!) list itemids (Plex Keys as as received from API.getRatingKey()) One item in this list is of the form: 'itemId': xxx, 'itemType': 'Movies','TVShows', ... 'method': 'add_update', 'add_updateSeason', ... 'viewName': xxx, 'viewId': xxx, 'title': xxx self.allPlexElementsId APPENDED(!!) dict = {itemid: checksum} """ if self.compare: # Only process the delta - new or changed items for item in xml: itemId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey') # Skipping items 'title=All episodes' without a 'ratingKey' if not itemId: continue title = item.attrib.get('title', 'Missing Title Name') plex_checksum = ("K%s%s" % (itemId, item.attrib.get('updatedAt', ''))) self.allPlexElementsId[itemId] = plex_checksum kodi_checksum = self.allKodiElementsId.get(itemId) # Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is # different if kodi_checksum != plex_checksum: self.updatelist.append({'itemId': itemId, 'itemType': itemType, 'method': method, 'viewName': viewName, 'viewId': viewId, 'title': title}) else: # Initial or repair sync: get all Plex movies for item in xml: itemId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey') # Skipping items 'title=All episodes' without a 'ratingKey' if not itemId: continue title = item.attrib.get('title', 'Missing Title Name') plex_checksum = ("K%s%s" % (itemId, item.attrib.get('updatedAt', ''))) self.allPlexElementsId[itemId] = plex_checksum self.updatelist.append({'itemId': itemId, 'itemType': itemType, 'method': method, 'viewName': viewName, 'viewId': viewId, 'title': title}) def GetAndProcessXMLs(self, itemType, showProgress=True): """ Downloads all XMLs for itemType (e.g. Movies, TV-Shows). Processes them by then calling itemtypes.() Input: itemType: 'Movies', 'TVShows', ... self.updatelist showProgress If False, NEVER shows sync progress """ # Some logging, just in case. self.logMsg("self.updatelist: %s" % self.updatelist, 2) itemNumber = len(self.updatelist) if itemNumber == 0: return # Run through self.updatelist, get XML metadata per item # Initiate threads self.logMsg("Starting sync threads", 1) getMetadataQueue = Queue.Queue() processMetadataQueue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=100) getMetadataLock = Lock() processMetadataLock = Lock() # To keep track global getMetadataCount getMetadataCount = 0 global processMetadataCount processMetadataCount = 0 global processingViewName processingViewName = '' # Populate queue: GetMetadata for updateItem in self.updatelist: getMetadataQueue.put(updateItem) # Spawn GetMetadata threads for downloading threads = [] for i in range(min(self.syncThreadNumber, itemNumber)): thread = ThreadedGetMetadata(getMetadataQueue, processMetadataQueue, getMetadataLock, processMetadataLock) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("%s download threads spawned" % len(threads), 1) # Spawn one more thread to process Metadata, once downloaded thread = ThreadedProcessMetadata(processMetadataQueue, itemType, processMetadataLock) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("Processing thread spawned", 1) # Start one thread to show sync progress if showProgress: if self.showDbSync: dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() thread = ThreadedShowSyncInfo( dialog, [getMetadataLock, processMetadataLock], itemNumber, itemType) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("Kodi Infobox thread spawned", 1) # Wait until finished getMetadataQueue.join() processMetadataQueue.join() # Kill threads self.logMsg("Waiting to kill threads", 1) for thread in threads: # Threads might already have quit by themselves (e.g. Kodi exit) try: thread.stopThread() except: pass self.logMsg("Stop sent to all threads", 1) # Wait till threads are indeed dead for thread in threads: try: thread.join(1.0) except: pass self.logMsg("Sync threads finished", 1) self.updatelist = [] @utils.LogTime def PlexMovies(self): # Initialize self.allPlexElementsId = {} itemType = 'Movies' views = [x for x in self.views if x['itemtype'] == 'movie'] self.logMsg("Processing Plex %s. Libraries: %s" % (itemType, views), 1) self.allKodiElementsId = {} if self.compare: with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: # Get movies from Plex server # Pull the list of movies and boxsets in Kodi try: self.allKodiElementsId = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Movie')) except ValueError: self.allKodiElementsId = {} # PROCESS MOVIES ##### self.updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] all_plexmovies = PF.GetPlexSectionResults( viewId, args=None, containerSize=self.limitindex) if all_plexmovies is None: self.logMsg("Couldnt get section items, aborting for view.", 1) continue elif all_plexmovies == 401: return False # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(all_plexmovies, itemType, 'add_update', viewName, viewId) self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("Processed view", 1) # Update viewstate for EVERY item for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False self.PlexUpdateWatched(view['id'], itemType) # PROCESS DELETES ##### if self.compare: # Manual sync, process deletes with itemtypes.Movies() as Movie: for kodimovie in self.allKodiElementsId: if kodimovie not in self.allPlexElementsId: Movie.remove(kodimovie) self.logMsg("%s sync is finished." % itemType, 1) return True def PlexUpdateWatched(self, viewId, itemType, lastViewedAt=None, updatedAt=None): """ Updates plex elements' view status ('watched' or 'unwatched') and also updates resume times. This is done by downloading one XML for ALL elements with viewId """ xml = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(viewId, lastViewedAt=lastViewedAt, updatedAt=updatedAt, containerSize=self.limitindex) # Return if there are no items in PMS reply - it's faster try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError): self.logMsg('Error updating watch status. Could not get viewId: ' '%s of itemType %s with lastViewedAt: %s, updatedAt: ' '%s' % (viewId, itemType, lastViewedAt, updatedAt), -1) return if itemType in ('Movies', 'TVShows'): self.updateKodiVideoLib = True elif itemType in ('Music'): self.updateKodiMusicLib = True itemMth = getattr(itemtypes, itemType) with itemMth() as method: method.updateUserdata(xml) def musicvideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog): log = self.logMsg # Get musicvideos from emby emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) mvideos = itemtypes.MusicVideos(embycursor, kodicursor) views = emby_db.getView_byType('musicvideos') log("Media folders: %s" % views, 1) for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="%s %s..." % (utils.language(33019), viewName)) # Initial or repair sync all_embymvideos = emby.getMusicVideos(viewId, dialog=pdialog) total = all_embymvideos['TotalRecordCount'] embymvideos = all_embymvideos['Items'] if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, total)) count = 0 for embymvideo in embymvideos: # Process individual musicvideo if self.shouldStop(): return False title = embymvideo['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message=title) count += 1 mvideos.add_update(embymvideo, viewName, viewId) else: log("MusicVideos finished.", 2) return True @utils.LogTime def PlexTVShows(self): # Initialize self.allPlexElementsId = {} itemType = 'TVShows' views = [x for x in self.views if x['itemtype'] == 'show'] self.logMsg("Media folders for %s: %s" % (itemType, views), 1) self.allKodiElementsId = {} if self.compare: with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: # Pull the list of TV shows already in Kodi for kind in ('Series', 'Season', 'Episode'): try: elements = dict(emby_db.getChecksum(kind)) self.allKodiElementsId.update(elements) # Yet empty/not yet synched except ValueError: pass # PROCESS TV Shows ##### self.updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] allPlexTvShows = PF.GetPlexSectionResults( viewId, containerSize=self.limitindex) if allPlexTvShows is None: self.logMsg( "Error downloading show view xml for view %s" % viewId, -1) continue elif allPlexTvShows == 401: return False # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(allPlexTvShows, itemType, 'add_update', viewName, viewId) self.logMsg("Analyzed view %s with ID %s" % (viewName, viewId), 1) # COPY for later use allPlexTvShowsId = self.allPlexElementsId.copy() # Process self.updatelist self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("GetAndProcessXMLs completed for tv shows", 1) # PROCESS TV Seasons ##### # Cycle through tv shows for tvShowId in allPlexTvShowsId: if self.threadStopped(): return False # Grab all seasons to tvshow from PMS seasons = PF.GetAllPlexChildren( tvShowId, containerSize=self.limitindex) if seasons is None: self.logMsg( "Error downloading season xml for show %s" % tvShowId, -1) continue elif seasons == 401: return False # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(seasons, itemType, 'add_updateSeason', None, tvShowId) # send showId instead of viewid self.logMsg("Analyzed all seasons of TV show with Plex Id %s" % tvShowId, 1) # Process self.updatelist self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("GetAndProcessXMLs completed for seasons", 1) # PROCESS TV Episodes ##### # Cycle through tv shows for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False # Grab all episodes to tvshow from PMS episodes = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves( view['id'], containerSize=self.limitindex) if episodes is None: self.logMsg( "Error downloading episod xml for view %s" % view.get('name'), -1) continue elif episodes == 401: return False # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(episodes, itemType, 'add_updateEpisode', None, None) self.logMsg("Analyzed all episodes of TV show with Plex Id %s" % view['id'], 1) # Process self.updatelist self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("GetAndProcessXMLs completed for episodes", 1) # Refresh season info # Cycle through tv shows with itemtypes.TVShows() as TVshow: for tvShowId in allPlexTvShowsId: XMLtvshow = PF.GetPlexMetadata(tvShowId) if XMLtvshow is None or XMLtvshow == 401: self.logMsg('Could not download XMLtvshow', -1) continue TVshow.refreshSeasonEntry(XMLtvshow, tvShowId) self.logMsg("Season info refreshed", 1) # Update viewstate: for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False self.PlexUpdateWatched(view['id'], itemType) if self.compare: # Manual sync, process deletes with itemtypes.TVShows() as TVShow: for kodiTvElement in self.allKodiElementsId: if kodiTvElement not in self.allPlexElementsId: TVShow.remove(kodiTvElement) self.logMsg("%s sync is finished." % itemType, 1) return True @utils.LogTime def PlexMusic(self): itemType = 'Music' views = [x for x in self.views if x['itemtype'] == 'artist'] self.logMsg("Media folders for %s: %s" % (itemType, views), 1) methods = { 'MusicArtist': 'add_updateArtist', 'MusicAlbum': 'add_updateAlbum', 'Audio': 'add_updateSong' } urlArgs = { 'MusicArtist': {'type': 8}, 'MusicAlbum': {'type': 9}, 'Audio': {'type': 10} } # Process artist, then album and tracks last to minimize overhead for kind in ('MusicArtist', 'MusicAlbum', 'Audio'): if self.threadStopped(): return False self.logMsg("Start processing music %s" % kind, 1) if self.ProcessMusic(views, kind, urlArgs[kind], methods[kind]) is False: return False self.logMsg("Processing of music %s done" % kind, 1) self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("GetAndProcessXMLs for music %s completed" % kind, 1) # Update viewstate for EVERY item for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False self.PlexUpdateWatched(view['id'], itemType) # reset stuff self.allKodiElementsId = {} self.allPlexElementsId = {} self.updatelist = [] self.logMsg("%s sync is finished." % itemType, 1) return True def ProcessMusic(self, views, kind, urlArgs, method): self.allKodiElementsId = {} self.allPlexElementsId = {} self.updatelist = [] # Get a list of items already existing in Kodi db if self.compare: with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: # Pull the list of items already in Kodi try: elements = dict(emby_db.getChecksum(kind)) self.allKodiElementsId.update(elements) # Yet empty/nothing yet synched except ValueError: pass for view in views: if self.threadStopped(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] itemsXML = PF.GetPlexSectionResults( viewId, args=urlArgs, containerSize=self.limitindex) if itemsXML is None: self.logMsg("Error downloading xml for view %s" % viewId, -1) continue elif itemsXML == 401: return False # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(itemsXML, 'Music', method, viewName, viewId) if self.compare: # Manual sync, process deletes with itemtypes.Music() as Music: for itemid in self.allKodiElementsId: if itemid not in self.allPlexElementsId: Music.remove(itemid) def compareDBVersion(self, current, minimum): # It returns True is database is up to date. False otherwise. self.logMsg("current: %s minimum: %s" % (current, minimum), 1) try: currMajor, currMinor, currPatch = current.split(".") except ValueError: # there WAS no current DB, e.g. deleted. return True minMajor, minMinor, minPatch = minimum.split(".") currMajor = int(currMajor) currMinor = int(currMinor) currPatch = int(currPatch) minMajor = int(minMajor) minMinor = int(minMinor) minPatch = int(minPatch) if currMajor > minMajor: return True elif currMajor < minMajor: return False if currMinor > minMinor: return True elif currMinor < minMinor: return False if currPatch >= minPatch: return True else: return False def processMessage(self, message): """ processes json.loads() messages from websocket. Triage what we need to do with "process_" methods """ typus = message.get('type') if typus == 'playing': self.process_playing(message['_children']) elif typus == 'timeline': self.process_timeline(message['_children']) def multi_delete(self, liste, deleteListe): """ Deletes the list items of liste at the positions in deleteListe (which can be in any arbitrary order) """ indexes = sorted(deleteListe, reverse=True) for index in indexes: del liste[index] return liste def processItems(self): """ Periodically called to process new/updated PMS items PMS needs a while to download info from internet AFTER it showed up under 'timeline' websocket messages data['type']: 1: movie 2: tv show?? 3: season?? 4: episode 8: artist (band) 9: album 10: track (song) 12: trailer, extras? data['state']: 0: 'created', 2: 'matching', 3: 'downloading', 4: 'loading', 5: 'finished', 6: 'analyzing', 9: 'deleted' """ self.videoLibUpdate = False self.musicLibUpdate = False now = utils.getUnixTimestamp() deleteListe = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.itemsToProcess): if now - item['timestamp'] < self.saftyMargin: # We haven't waited long enough for the PMS to finish # processing the item. Do it later continue if item['state'] == 9: successful = self.process_deleteditems(item) else: successful = self.process_newitems(item) if successful is True: deleteListe.append(i) else: # Safety net if we can't process an item item['attempt'] += 1 if item['attempt'] > 3: self.logMsg('Repeatetly could not process item %s, abort' % item, -1) deleteListe.append(i) # Get rid of the items we just processed if len(deleteListe) > 0: self.itemsToProcess = self.multi_delete( self.itemsToProcess, deleteListe) # Let Kodi know of the change if self.videoLibUpdate is True: self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Video Lib update", 1) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') if self.musicLibUpdate is True: self.logMsg("Doing Kodi Music Lib update", 1) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)') def process_newitems(self, item): ratingKey = item['ratingKey'] xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(ratingKey) if xml in (None, 401): self.logMsg('Could not download metadata for %s, skipping' % ratingKey, -1) return False self.logMsg("Processing new/updated PMS item: %s" % ratingKey, 1) viewtag = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle') viewid = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionID') mediatype = xml[0].attrib.get('type') if mediatype == 'movie': self.videoLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.Movies() as movie: movie.add_update(xml[0], viewtag=viewtag, viewid=viewid) elif mediatype == 'episode': self.videoLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.TVShows() as show: show.add_updateEpisode(xml[0], viewtag=viewtag, viewid=viewid) elif mediatype == 'track': self.musicLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.Music() as music: music.add_updateSong(xml[0], viewtag=viewtag, viewid=viewid) return True def process_deleteditems(self, item): if item.get('type') == 1: self.logMsg("Removing movie %s" % item.get('ratingKey'), 1) self.videoLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.Movies() as movie: movie.remove(item.get('ratingKey')) elif item.get('type') in (2, 3, 4): self.logMsg("Removing episode/season/tv show %s" % item.get('ratingKey'), 1) self.videoLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.TVShows() as show: show.remove(item.get('ratingKey')) elif item.get('type') in (8, 9, 10): self.logMsg("Removing song/album/artist %s" % item.get('ratingKey'), 1) self.musicLibUpdate = True with itemtypes.Music() as music: music.remove(item.get('ratingKey')) return True def process_timeline(self, data): """ PMS is messing with the library items, e.g. new or changed. Put in our "processing queue" for later """ for item in data: typus = item.get('type') state = item.get('state') if state == 9 or typus in (1, 4, 10): itemId = item.get('itemID') # Have we already added this element? for existingItem in self.itemsToProcess: if existingItem['ratingKey'] == itemId: break else: # Haven't added this element to the queue yet self.itemsToProcess.append({ 'state': state, 'type': typus, 'ratingKey': itemId, 'timestamp': utils.getUnixTimestamp(), 'attempt': 0 }) def process_playing(self, data): """ Someone (not necessarily the user signed in) is playing something some- where """ items = [] with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db: for item in data: # Drop buffering messages immediately state = item.get('state') if state == 'buffering': continue ratingKey = item.get('ratingKey') kodiInfo = emby_db.getItem_byId(ratingKey) if kodiInfo is None: # Item not (yet) in Kodi library continue sessionKey = item.get('sessionKey') # Do we already have a sessionKey stored? if sessionKey not in self.sessionKeys: if utils.window('plex_serverowned') == 'false': # Not our PMS, we are not authorized to get the # sessions # On the bright side, it must be us playing :-) self.sessionKeys = { sessionKey: {} } else: # PMS is ours - get all current sessions self.sessionKeys = PF.GetPMSStatus( utils.window('plex_token')) self.logMsg('Updated current sessions. They are: %s' % self.sessionKeys, 2) if sessionKey not in self.sessionKeys: self.logMsg('Session key %s still unknown! Skip ' 'item' % sessionKey, 1) continue currSess = self.sessionKeys[sessionKey] if utils.window('plex_serverowned') != 'false': # Identify the user - same one as signed on with PKC? Skip # update if neither session's username nor userid match # (Owner sometime's returns id '1', not always) if (utils.window('plex_token') == '' and currSess['userId'] == '1'): # PKC not signed in to plex.tv. Plus owner of PMS is # playing (the '1'). # Hence must be us (since several users require plex.tv # token for PKC) pass elif not (currSess['userId'] == utils.window('currUserId') or currSess['username'] == utils.window('plex_username')): self.logMsg('Our username %s, userid %s did not match ' 'the session username %s with userid %s' % (utils.window('plex_username'), utils.window('currUserId'), currSess['username'], currSess['userId']), 2) continue # Get an up-to-date XML from the PMS # because PMS will NOT directly tell us: # duration of item # viewCount if currSess.get('duration') is None: xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(ratingKey) if xml in (None, 401): self.logMsg('Could not get up-to-date xml for item %s' % ratingKey, -1) continue API = PlexAPI.API(xml[0]) userdata = API.getUserData() currSess['duration'] = userdata['Runtime'] currSess['viewCount'] = userdata['PlayCount'] # Append to list that we need to process items.append({ 'ratingKey': ratingKey, 'kodi_id': kodiInfo[0], 'file_id': kodiInfo[1], 'kodi_type': kodiInfo[4], 'viewOffset': item.get('viewOffset'), 'state': state, 'duration': currSess['duration'], 'viewCount': currSess['viewCount'], 'lastViewedAt': utils.DateToKodi(utils.getUnixTimestamp()) }) self.logMsg('Update playstate for user %s with id %s: %s' % (utils.window('plex_username'), utils.window('currUserId'), items[-1]), 2) # Now tell Kodi where we are for item in items: itemFkt = getattr(itemtypes, PF.GetItemClassFromType(item['kodi_type'])) with itemFkt() as Fkt: Fkt.updatePlaystate(item) def run(self): try: self.run_internal() except Exception as e: utils.window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) self.logMsg('LibrarySync thread crashed', -1) self.logMsg('Error message: %s' % e, -1) import traceback self.logMsg("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc(), -1) # Library sync thread has crashed self.dialog.ok(self.addonName, self.__language__(39400)) raise def run_internal(self): # Re-assign handles to have faster calls window = utils.window settings = utils.settings log = self.logMsg threadStopped = self.threadStopped threadSuspended = self.threadSuspended installSyncDone = self.installSyncDone enableBackgroundSync = self.enableBackgroundSync fullSync = self.fullSync processMessage = self.processMessage processItems = self.processItems string = self.__language__ fullSyncInterval = self.fullSyncInterval lastSync = 0 lastTimeSync = 0 lastProcessing = 0 oneDay = 60*60*24 xbmcplayer = xbmc.Player() queue = self.queue startupComplete = False self.views = [] errorcount = 0 log("---===### Starting LibrarySync ###===---", 0) # Ensure that DBs exist if called for very first time self.initializeDBs() if self.enableMusic: utils.advancedSettingsXML() while not threadStopped(): # In the event the server goes offline while threadSuspended(): # Set in service.py if threadStopped(): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit log("###===--- LibrarySync Stopped ---===###", 0) return xbmc.sleep(1000) if (window('plex_dbCheck') != "true" and installSyncDone): # Verify the validity of the database currentVersion = settings('dbCreatedWithVersion') minVersion = window('plex_minDBVersion') if not self.compareDBVersion(currentVersion, minVersion): log("Db version out of date: %s minimum version required: " "%s" % (currentVersion, minVersion), 0) # DB out of date. Proceed to recreate? resp = self.dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39401)) if not resp: log("Db version out of date! USER IGNORED!", 0) # PKC may not work correctly until reset self.dialog.ok(heading=self.addonName, line1=(self.addonName + string(39402))) else: utils.reset() break window('plex_dbCheck', value="true") if not startupComplete: # Also runs when first installed # Verify the video database can be found videoDb = utils.getKodiVideoDBPath() if not xbmcvfs.exists(videoDb): # Database does not exists log("The current Kodi version is incompatible " "to know which Kodi versions are supported.", -1) log('Current Kodi version: %s' % utils.tryDecode( xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion'))) # "Current Kodi version is unsupported, cancel lib sync" self.dialog.ok(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39403)) break # Run start up sync window('plex_dbScan', value="true") log("Db version: %s" % settings('dbCreatedWithVersion'), 0) lastTimeSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp() self.syncPMStime() log("Initial start-up full sync starting", 0) lastSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp() librarySync = fullSync() # Initialize time offset Kodi - PMS window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) if librarySync: log("Initial start-up full sync successful", 0) startupComplete = True settings('SyncInstallRunDone', value="true") settings("dbCreatedWithVersion", self.clientInfo.getVersion()) installSyncDone = True else: log("Initial start-up full sync unsuccessful", -1) errorcount += 1 if errorcount > 2: log("Startup full sync failed. Stopping sync", -1) # "Startup syncing process failed repeatedly" # "Please restart" self.dialog.ok(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39404)) break # Currently no db scan, so we can start a new scan elif window('plex_dbScan') != "true": # Full scan was requested from somewhere else, e.g. userclient if window('plex_runLibScan') in ("full", "repair"): log('Full library scan requested, starting', 0) window('plex_dbScan', value="true") if window('plex_runLibScan') == "full": fullSync() elif window('plex_runLibScan') == "repair": fullSync(repair=True) window('plex_runLibScan', clear=True) window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) # Full library sync finished self.showKodiNote(string(39407), forced=True) # Reset views was requested from somewhere else elif window('plex_runLibScan') == "views": log('Refresh playlist and nodes requested, starting', 0) window('plex_dbScan', value="true") window('plex_runLibScan', clear=True) # First remove playlists utils.deletePlaylists() # Remove video nodes utils.deleteNodes() # Kick off refresh if self.maintainViews() is True: # Ran successfully log("Refresh playlists/nodes completed", 0) # "Plex playlists/nodes refreshed" self.showKodiNote(string(39405), forced=True) else: # Failed log("Refresh playlists/nodes failed", -1) # "Plex playlists/nodes refresh failed" self.showKodiNote(string(39406), forced=True, icon="error") window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) else: now = utils.getUnixTimestamp() if (now - lastSync > fullSyncInterval and not xbmcplayer.isPlaying()): lastSync = now log('Doing scheduled full library scan', 1) window('plex_dbScan', value="true") if fullSync() is False and not threadStopped(): log('Could not finish scheduled full sync', -1) self.showKodiNote(string(39410), forced=True, icon='error') window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) # Full library sync finished self.showKodiNote(string(39407), forced=False) elif now - lastTimeSync > oneDay: lastTimeSync = now log('Starting daily time sync', 0) window('plex_dbScan', value="true") self.syncPMStime() window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) elif enableBackgroundSync: # Check back whether we should process something # Only do this once every 10 seconds if now - lastProcessing > 10: lastProcessing = now window('plex_dbScan', value="true") processItems() window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) # See if there is a PMS message we need to handle try: message = queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: xbmc.sleep(100) continue # Got a message from PMS; process it else: window('plex_dbScan', value="true") processMessage(message) queue.task_done() window('plex_dbScan', clear=True) # NO sleep! continue else: # Still sleep if backgroundsync disabled xbmc.sleep(100) xbmc.sleep(100) # doUtils could still have a session open due to interrupted sync try: downloadutils.DownloadUtils().stopSession() except: pass log("###===--- LibrarySync Stopped ---===###", 0)