# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import logging from os import path as os_path from sys import path as sys_path, argv from urlparse import parse_qsl from xbmc import translatePath, sleep, executebuiltin from xbmcaddon import Addon from xbmcgui import ListItem from xbmcplugin import setResolvedUrl _addon = Addon(id='plugin.video.plexkodiconnect') try: _addon_path = _addon.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8') except TypeError: _addon_path = _addon.getAddonInfo('path').decode() try: _base_resource = translatePath(os_path.join( _addon_path, 'resources', 'lib')).decode('utf-8') except TypeError: _base_resource = translatePath(os_path.join( _addon_path, 'resources', 'lib')).decode() sys_path.append(_base_resource) ############################################################################### import entrypoint from utils import window, pickl_window, reset, passwordsXML, language as lang,\ dialog from pickler import unpickle_me from PKC_listitem import convert_PKC_to_listitem import variables as v ############################################################################### import loghandler loghandler.config() log = logging.getLogger('PLEX.default') ############################################################################### HANDLE = int(argv[1]) class Main(): # MAIN ENTRY POINT # @utils.profiling() def __init__(self): log.debug('Full sys.argv received: %s' % argv) # Parse parameters params = dict(parse_qsl(argv[2][1:])) mode = params.get('mode', '') itemid = params.get('id', '') if mode == 'play': self.play() elif mode == 'plex_node': self.play() elif mode == 'ondeck': entrypoint.getOnDeck(itemid, params.get('type'), params.get('tagname'), int(params.get('limit'))) elif mode == 'recentepisodes': entrypoint.getRecentEpisodes(itemid, params.get('type'), params.get('tagname'), int(params.get('limit'))) elif mode == 'nextup': entrypoint.getNextUpEpisodes(params['tagname'], int(params['limit'])) elif mode == 'inprogressepisodes': entrypoint.getInProgressEpisodes(params['tagname'], int(params['limit'])) elif mode == 'browseplex': entrypoint.browse_plex(key=params.get('key'), plex_section_id=params.get('id')) elif mode == 'getsubfolders': entrypoint.GetSubFolders(itemid) elif mode == 'watchlater': entrypoint.watchlater() elif mode == 'channels': entrypoint.channels() elif mode == 'settings': executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % v.ADDON_ID) elif mode == 'enterPMS': entrypoint.enterPMS() elif mode == 'reset': reset() elif mode == 'togglePlexTV': entrypoint.togglePlexTV() elif mode == 'resetauth': entrypoint.resetAuth() elif mode == 'passwords': passwordsXML() elif mode == 'switchuser': entrypoint.switchPlexUser() elif mode in ('manualsync', 'repair'): if window('plex_online') != 'true': # Server is not online, do not run the sync dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(39205)) log.error('Not connected to a PMS.') else: if mode == 'repair': window('plex_runLibScan', value='repair') log.info('Requesting repair lib sync') elif mode == 'manualsync': log.info('Requesting full library scan') window('plex_runLibScan', value='full') elif mode == 'texturecache': window('plex_runLibScan', value='del_textures') elif mode == 'chooseServer': self.__exec('function=choose_server') elif mode == 'refreshplaylist': log.info('Requesting playlist/nodes refresh') window('plex_runLibScan', value='views') elif mode == 'deviceid': self.deviceid() elif mode == 'fanart': log.info('User requested fanarttv refresh') window('plex_runLibScan', value='fanart') elif '/extrafanart' in argv[0]: plexpath = argv[2][1:] plexid = itemid entrypoint.getExtraFanArt(plexid, plexpath) entrypoint.getVideoFiles(plexid, plexpath) # Called by e.g. 3rd party plugin video extras elif ('/Extras' in argv[0] or '/VideoFiles' in argv[0] or '/Extras' in argv[2]): plexId = itemid or None entrypoint.getVideoFiles(plexId, params) else: entrypoint.doMainListing(content_type=params.get('content_type')) def play(self): """ Start up playback_starter in main Python thread """ # Put the request into the 'queue' while window('plex_command'): sleep(50) window('plex_command', value='play_%s' % argv[2]) # Wait for the result while not pickl_window('plex_result'): sleep(50) result = unpickle_me() if result is None: log.error('Error encountered, aborting') dialog('notification', heading='{plex}', message=lang(30128), icon='{error}', time=3000) setResolvedUrl(HANDLE, False, ListItem()) elif result.listitem: listitem = convert_PKC_to_listitem(result.listitem) setResolvedUrl(HANDLE, True, listitem) @staticmethod def __exec(command): """ Used to funnel commands to the main PKC python instance (like play()) """ # Put the request into the 'queue' while window('plex_command'): sleep(50) window('plex_command', value='exec_%s' % command) # No need to wait for the result def deviceid(self): deviceId_old = window('plex_client_Id') from clientinfo import getDeviceId try: deviceId = getDeviceId(reset=True) except Exception as e: log.error('Failed to generate a new device Id: %s' % e) dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(33032)) else: log.info('Successfully removed old device ID: %s New deviceId:' '%s' % (deviceId_old, deviceId)) # 'Kodi will now restart to apply the changes' dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(33033)) executebuiltin('RestartApp') if __name__ == '__main__': log.info('%s started' % v.ADDON_ID) Main() log.info('%s stopped' % v.ADDON_ID)