# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import logging from shutil import copyfile from os import walk, makedirs from os.path import basename, join from sys import argv from urllib import urlencode import xbmcplugin from xbmc import sleep, executebuiltin, translatePath from xbmcgui import ListItem from utils import window, settings, language as lang, dialog, tryEncode, \ CatchExceptions, JSONRPC, exists_dir, plex_command, tryDecode import downloadutils from PlexFunctions import GetPlexMetadata, GetPlexSectionResults, \ GetMachineIdentifier from PlexAPI import API import variables as v ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) try: HANDLE = int(argv[1]) ARGV_0 = argv[0] except IndexError: pass ############################################################################### def chooseServer(): """ Lets user choose from list of PMS """ log.info("Choosing PMS server requested, starting") import initialsetup setup = initialsetup.InitialSetup() server = setup.PickPMS(showDialog=True) if server is None: log.error('We did not connect to a new PMS, aborting') plex_command('SUSPEND_USER_CLIENT', 'False') plex_command('SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD', 'False') return log.info("User chose server %s" % server['name']) setup.WritePMStoSettings(server) if not __LogOut(): return from utils import deletePlaylists, deleteNodes # First remove playlists deletePlaylists() # Remove video nodes deleteNodes() # Log in again __LogIn() log.info("Choosing new PMS complete") # '<PMS> connected' dialog('notification', lang(29999), '%s %s' % (server['name'], lang(39220)), icon='{plex}', time=3000, sound=False) def togglePlexTV(): if settings('plexToken'): log.info('Reseting plex.tv credentials in settings') settings('plexLogin', value="") settings('plexToken', value="") settings('plexid', value="") settings('plexHomeSize', value="1") settings('plexAvatar', value="") settings('plex_status', value=lang(39226)) window('plex_token', clear=True) plex_command('PLEX_TOKEN', '') plex_command('PLEX_USERNAME', '') else: log.info('Login to plex.tv') import initialsetup initialsetup.InitialSetup().PlexTVSignIn() dialog('notification', lang(29999), lang(39221), icon='{plex}', time=3000, sound=False) ##### DO RESET AUTH ##### def resetAuth(): # User tried login and failed too many times resp = dialog('yesno', heading="{plex}", line1=lang(39206)) if resp == 1: log.info("Reset login attempts.") plex_command('PMS_STATUS', 'Auth') else: executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect)') def addDirectoryItem(label, path, folder=True): li = ListItem(label, path=path) li.setThumbnailImage("special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png") li.setArt({"fanart":"special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/fanart.jpg"}) li.setArt({"landscape":"special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/fanart.jpg"}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=path, listitem=li, isFolder=folder) def doMainListing(content_type=None): log.debug('Do main listing with content_type: %s' % content_type) xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'files') # Get emby nodes from the window props plexprops = window('Plex.nodes.total') if plexprops: totalnodes = int(plexprops) for i in range(totalnodes): path = window('Plex.nodes.%s.index' % i) if not path: path = window('Plex.nodes.%s.content' % i) if not path: continue label = window('Plex.nodes.%s.title' % i) node_type = window('Plex.nodes.%s.type' % i) # because we do not use seperate entrypoints for each content type, # we need to figure out which items to show in each listing. for # now we just only show picture nodes in the picture library video # nodes in the video library and all nodes in any other window if node_type == 'photos' and content_type == 'image': addDirectoryItem(label, path) elif (node_type != 'photos' and content_type not in ('image', 'audio')): addDirectoryItem(label, path) # Plex Watch later if content_type not in ('image', 'audio'): addDirectoryItem(lang(39211), "plugin://%s?mode=watchlater" % v.ADDON_ID) # Plex Channels addDirectoryItem(lang(30173), "plugin://%s?mode=channels" % v.ADDON_ID) # Plex user switch addDirectoryItem(lang(39200), "plugin://%s?mode=switchuser" % v.ADDON_ID) # some extra entries for settings and stuff addDirectoryItem(lang(39201), "plugin://%s?mode=settings" % v.ADDON_ID) addDirectoryItem(lang(39203), "plugin://%s?mode=refreshplaylist" % v.ADDON_ID) addDirectoryItem(lang(39204), "plugin://%s?mode=manualsync" % v.ADDON_ID) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) def switchPlexUser(): """ Signs out currently logged in user (if applicable). Triggers sign-in of a new user """ # Guess these user avatars are a future feature. Skipping for now # Delete any userimages. Since there's always only 1 user: position = 0 # position = 0 # window('EmbyAdditionalUserImage.%s' % position, clear=True) log.info("Plex home user switch requested") if not __LogOut(): return # First remove playlists of old user from utils import deletePlaylists, deleteNodes deletePlaylists() # Remove video nodes deleteNodes() __LogIn() #### SHOW SUBFOLDERS FOR NODE ##### def GetSubFolders(nodeindex): nodetypes = ["",".recent",".recentepisodes",".inprogress",".inprogressepisodes",".unwatched",".nextepisodes",".sets",".genres",".random",".recommended"] for node in nodetypes: title = window('Plex.nodes.%s%s.title' %(nodeindex,node)) if title: path = window('Plex.nodes.%s%s.content' %(nodeindex,node)) addDirectoryItem(title, path) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) ##### LISTITEM SETUP FOR VIDEONODES ##### def createListItem(item, appendShowTitle=False, appendSxxExx=False): title = item['title'] li = ListItem(title) li.setProperty('IsPlayable', "true") metadata = { 'duration': str(item['runtime']/60), 'Plot': item['plot'], 'Playcount': item['playcount'] } if "episode" in item: episode = item['episode'] metadata['Episode'] = episode if "season" in item: season = item['season'] metadata['Season'] = season if season and episode: li.setProperty('episodeno', "s%.2de%.2d" % (season, episode)) if appendSxxExx is True: title = "S%.2dE%.2d - %s" % (season, episode, title) if "firstaired" in item: metadata['Premiered'] = item['firstaired'] if "showtitle" in item: metadata['TVshowTitle'] = item['showtitle'] if appendShowTitle is True: title = item['showtitle'] + ' - ' + title if "rating" in item: metadata['Rating'] = str(round(float(item['rating']),1)) if "director" in item: metadata['Director'] = " / ".join(item['director']) if "writer" in item: metadata['Writer'] = " / ".join(item['writer']) if "cast" in item: cast = [] castandrole = [] for person in item['cast']: name = person['name'] cast.append(name) castandrole.append((name, person['role'])) metadata['Cast'] = cast metadata['CastAndRole'] = castandrole metadata['Title'] = title li.setLabel(title) li.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=metadata) li.setProperty('resumetime', str(item['resume']['position'])) li.setProperty('totaltime', str(item['resume']['total'])) li.setArt(item['art']) li.setThumbnailImage(item['art'].get('thumb','')) li.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultTVShows.png'}) li.setProperty('dbid', str(item['episodeid'])) li.setProperty('fanart_image', item['art'].get('tvshow.fanart','')) for key, value in item['streamdetails'].iteritems(): for stream in value: li.addStreamInfo(key, stream) return li ##### GET NEXTUP EPISODES FOR TAGNAME ##### def getNextUpEpisodes(tagname, limit): count = 0 # if the addon is called with nextup parameter, # we return the nextepisodes list of the given tagname xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'episodes') # First we get a list of all the TV shows - filtered by tag params = { 'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "lastplayed"}, 'filter': { 'and': [ {'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""}, {'operator': "is", 'field': "tag", 'value': "%s" % tagname} ]}, 'properties': ['title', 'studio', 'mpaa', 'file', 'art'] } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetTVShows').execute(params) # If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one. try: items = result['result']['tvshows'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: for item in items: if settings('ignoreSpecialsNextEpisodes') == "true": params = { 'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'], 'sort': {'method': "episode"}, 'filter': { 'and': [ {'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"}, {'operator': "greaterthan", 'field': "season", 'value': "0"}]}, 'properties': [ "title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "dateadded", "lastplayed" ], 'limits': {"end": 1} } else: params = { 'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'], 'sort': {'method': "episode"}, 'filter': { 'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"}, 'properties': [ "title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "dateadded", "lastplayed" ], 'limits': {"end": 1} } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(params) try: episodes = result['result']['episodes'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: for episode in episodes: li = createListItem(episode) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=episode['file'], listitem=li) count += 1 if count == limit: break xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) ##### GET INPROGRESS EPISODES FOR TAGNAME ##### def getInProgressEpisodes(tagname, limit): count = 0 # if the addon is called with inprogressepisodes parameter, # we return the inprogressepisodes list of the given tagname xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'episodes') # First we get a list of all the in-progress TV shows - filtered by tag params = { 'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "lastplayed"}, 'filter': { 'and': [ {'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""}, {'operator': "is", 'field': "tag", 'value': "%s" % tagname} ]}, 'properties': ['title', 'studio', 'mpaa', 'file', 'art'] } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetTVShows').execute(params) # If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one. try: items = result['result']['tvshows'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: for item in items: params = { 'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'], 'sort': {'method': "episode"}, 'filter': { 'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""}, 'properties': ["title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "cast", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "dateadded", "lastplayed"] } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(params) try: episodes = result['result']['episodes'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: for episode in episodes: li = createListItem(episode) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=episode['file'], listitem=li) count += 1 if count == limit: break xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) ##### GET RECENT EPISODES FOR TAGNAME ##### # def getRecentEpisodes(tagname, limit): def getRecentEpisodes(viewid, mediatype, tagname, limit): count = 0 # if the addon is called with recentepisodes parameter, # we return the recentepisodes list of the given tagname xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'episodes') appendShowTitle = settings('RecentTvAppendShow') == 'true' appendSxxExx = settings('RecentTvAppendSeason') == 'true' # First we get a list of all the TV shows - filtered by tag params = { 'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "dateadded"}, 'filter': {'operator': "is", 'field': "tag", 'value': "%s" % tagname}, } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetTVShows').execute(params) # If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one. try: items = result['result'][mediatype] except (KeyError, TypeError): # No items, empty folder xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) return allshowsIds = set() for item in items: allshowsIds.add(item['tvshowid']) params = { 'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "dateadded"}, 'properties': ["title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "cast", "writer", "dateadded", "lastplayed"], "limits": {"end": limit} } if settings('TVShowWatched') == 'false': params['filter'] = { 'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1" } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(params) try: episodes = result['result']['episodes'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: for episode in episodes: if episode['tvshowid'] in allshowsIds: li = createListItem(episode, appendShowTitle=appendShowTitle, appendSxxExx=appendSxxExx) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=HANDLE, url=episode['file'], listitem=li) count += 1 if count == limit: break xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) def getVideoFiles(plexId, params): """ GET VIDEO EXTRAS FOR LISTITEM returns the video files for the item as plugin listing, can be used for browsing the actual files or videoextras etc. """ if plexId is None: filename = params.get('filename') if filename is not None: filename = filename[0] import re regex = re.compile(r'''library/metadata/(\d+)''') filename = regex.findall(filename) try: plexId = filename[0] except IndexError: pass if plexId is None: log.info('No Plex ID found, abort getting Extras') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) item = GetPlexMetadata(plexId) try: path = item[0][0][0].attrib['file'] except: log.error('Could not get file path for item %s' % plexId) return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) # Assign network protocol if path.startswith('\\\\'): path = path.replace('\\\\', 'smb://') path = path.replace('\\', '/') # Plex returns Windows paths as e.g. 'c:\slfkjelf\slfje\file.mkv' elif '\\' in path: path = path.replace('\\', '\\\\') # Directory only, get rid of filename path = path.replace(basename(path), '') if exists_dir(path): for root, dirs, files in walk(path): for directory in dirs: item_path = tryEncode(join(root, directory)) li = ListItem(item_path, path=item_path) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=item_path, listitem=li, isFolder=True) for file in files: item_path = tryEncode(join(root, file)) li = ListItem(item_path, path=item_path) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=file, listitem=li) break else: log.error('Kodi cannot access folder %s' % path) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) @CatchExceptions(warnuser=False) def getExtraFanArt(plexid, plexPath): """ Get extrafanart for listitem will be called by skinhelper script to get the extrafanart for tvshows we get the plexid just from the path """ log.debug('Called with plexid: %s, plexPath: %s' % (plexid, plexPath)) if not plexid: if "plugin.video.plexkodiconnect" in plexPath: plexid = plexPath.split("/")[-2] if not plexid: log.error('Could not get a plexid, aborting') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) # We need to store the images locally for this to work # because of the caching system in xbmc fanartDir = tryDecode(translatePath( "special://thumbnails/plex/%s/" % plexid)) if not exists_dir(fanartDir): # Download the images to the cache directory makedirs(fanartDir) xml = GetPlexMetadata(plexid) if xml is None: log.error('Could not download metadata for %s' % plexid) return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) api = API(xml[0]) backdrops = api.getAllArtwork()['Backdrop'] for count, backdrop in enumerate(backdrops): # Same ordering as in artwork fanartFile = tryEncode(join(fanartDir, "fanart%.3d.jpg" % count)) li = ListItem("%.3d" % count, path=fanartFile) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=HANDLE, url=fanartFile, listitem=li) copyfile(backdrop, tryDecode(fanartFile)) else: log.info("Found cached backdrop.") # Use existing cached images for root, dirs, files in walk(fanartDir): for file in files: fanartFile = tryEncode(join(root, file)) li = ListItem(file, path=fanartFile) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=fanartFile, listitem=li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) def RunLibScan(mode): if window('plex_online') != "true": # Server is not online, do not run the sync dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(39205)) else: window('plex_runLibScan', value='full') def getOnDeck(viewid, mediatype, tagname, limit): """ Retrieves Plex On Deck items, currently only for TV shows Input: viewid: Plex id of the library section, e.g. '1' mediatype: Kodi mediatype, e.g. 'tvshows', 'movies', 'homevideos', 'photos' tagname: Name of the Plex library, e.g. "My Movies" limit: Max. number of items to retrieve, e.g. 50 """ xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'episodes') appendShowTitle = settings('OnDeckTvAppendShow') == 'true' appendSxxExx = settings('OnDeckTvAppendSeason') == 'true' directpaths = settings('useDirectPaths') == 'true' if settings('OnDeckTVextended') == 'false': # Chances are that this view is used on Kodi startup # Wait till we've connected to a PMS. At most 30s counter = 0 while window('plex_authenticated') != 'true': counter += 1 if counter >= 300: log.error('Aborting On Deck view, we were not authenticated ' 'for the PMS') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) sleep(100) xml = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( '{server}/library/sections/%s/onDeck' % viewid) if xml in (None, 401): log.error('Could not download PMS xml for view %s' % viewid) return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE) limitcounter = 0 for item in xml: api = API(item) listitem = api.CreateListItemFromPlexItem( appendShowTitle=appendShowTitle, appendSxxExx=appendSxxExx) if directpaths: url = api.getFilePath() else: params = { 'mode': "play", 'id': api.getRatingKey(), 'dbid': listitem.getProperty('dbid') } url = "plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/tvshows/?%s" \ % urlencode(params) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=HANDLE, url=url, listitem=listitem) limitcounter += 1 if limitcounter == limit: break return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=HANDLE, cacheToDisc=settings('enableTextureCache') == 'true') # if the addon is called with nextup parameter, # we return the nextepisodes list of the given tagname # First we get a list of all the TV shows - filtered by tag params = { 'sort': {'order': "descending", 'method': "lastplayed"}, 'filter': { 'and': [ {'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""}, {'operator': "is", 'field': "tag", 'value': "%s" % tagname} ]} } result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetTVShows').execute(params) # If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one. try: items = result['result'][mediatype] except (KeyError, TypeError): # Now items retrieved - empty directory xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) return params = { 'sort': {'method': "episode"}, 'limits': {"end": 1}, 'properties': [ "title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "cast", "writer", "dateadded", "lastplayed" ], } if settings('ignoreSpecialsNextEpisodes') == "true": params['filter'] = { 'and': [ {'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"}, {'operator': "greaterthan", 'field': "season", 'value': "0"} ] } else: params['filter'] = { 'or': [ {'operator': "lessthan", 'field': "playcount", 'value': "1"}, {'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""} ] } # Are there any episodes still in progress/not yet finished watching?!? # Then we should show this episode, NOT the "next up" inprog_params = { 'sort': {'method': "episode"}, 'filter': {'operator': "true", 'field': "inprogress", 'value': ""}, 'properties': params['properties'] } count = 0 for item in items: inprog_params['tvshowid'] = item['tvshowid'] result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(inprog_params) try: episodes = result['result']['episodes'] except (KeyError, TypeError): # No, there are no episodes not yet finished. Get "next up" params['tvshowid'] = item['tvshowid'] result = JSONRPC('VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes').execute(params) try: episodes = result['result']['episodes'] except (KeyError, TypeError): # Also no episodes currently coming up continue for episode in episodes: # There will always be only 1 episode ('limit=1') li = createListItem(episode, appendShowTitle=appendShowTitle, appendSxxExx=appendSxxExx) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=HANDLE, url=episode['file'], listitem=li, isFolder=False) count += 1 if count >= limit: break xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=HANDLE) def watchlater(): """ Listing for plex.tv Watch Later section (if signed in to plex.tv) """ if window('plex_token') == '': log.error('No watch later - not signed in to plex.tv') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) if window('plex_restricteduser') == 'true': log.error('No watch later - restricted user') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) xml = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( 'https://plex.tv/pms/playlists/queue/all', authenticate=False, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': window('plex_token')}) if xml in (None, 401): log.error('Could not download watch later list from plex.tv') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) log.info('Displaying watch later plex.tv items') xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'movies') for item in xml: __build_item(item) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=HANDLE, cacheToDisc=settings('enableTextureCache') == 'true') def channels(): """ Listing for Plex Channels """ if window('plex_restricteduser') == 'true': log.error('No Plex Channels - restricted user') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) xml = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl('{server}/channels/all') try: xml[0].attrib except (ValueError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): log.error('Could not download Plex Channels') return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) log.info('Displaying Plex Channels') xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'files') for method in v.SORT_METHODS_DIRECTORY: xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(HANDLE, getattr(xbmcplugin, method)) for item in xml: __build_folder(item) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=HANDLE, cacheToDisc=settings('enableTextureCache') == 'true') def browse_plex(key=None, plex_section_id=None): """ Lists the content of a Plex folder, e.g. channels. Either pass in key (to be used directly for PMS url {server}<key>) or the plex_section_id """ if key: xml = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl('{server}%s' % key) else: xml = GetPlexSectionResults(plex_section_id) try: xml[0].attrib except (ValueError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): log.error('Could not browse to %s' % key) return xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, False) photos = False movies = False clips = False tvshows = False episodes = False songs = False artists = False albums = False musicvideos = False for item in xml: if item.tag == 'Directory': __build_folder(item, plex_section_id=plex_section_id) else: typus = item.attrib.get('type') __build_item(item) if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_PHOTO: photos = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: movies = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP: clips = True elif typus in (v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW, v.PLEX_TYPE_SEASON): tvshows = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: episodes = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG: songs = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_ARTIST: artists = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM: albums = True elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_MUSICVIDEO: musicvideos = True # Set the correct content type if movies is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'movies') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_MOVIES elif clips is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'movies') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_CLIPS elif photos is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'images') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_PHOTOS elif tvshows is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'tvshows') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHOD_TVSHOWS elif episodes is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'episodes') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_EPISODES elif songs is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'songs') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_SONGS elif artists is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'artists') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_ARTISTS elif albums is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'albums') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_ALBUMS elif musicvideos is True: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'musicvideos') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_MOVIES else: xbmcplugin.setContent(HANDLE, 'files') sort_methods = v.SORT_METHODS_DIRECTORY for method in sort_methods: xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(HANDLE, getattr(xbmcplugin, method)) # Set the Kodi title for this view title = xml.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle', xml.attrib.get('title1')) xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(HANDLE, title) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=HANDLE, cacheToDisc=settings('enableTextureCache') == 'true') def __build_folder(xml_element, plex_section_id=None): url = "plugin://%s/" % v.ADDON_ID key = xml_element.attrib.get('fastKey', xml_element.attrib.get('key')) if not key.startswith('/'): key = '/library/sections/%s/%s' % (plex_section_id, key) params = { 'mode': "browseplex", 'key': key, 'id': plex_section_id } listitem = ListItem(xml_element.attrib.get('title')) listitem.setArt({'thumb': xml_element.attrib.get('thumb'), 'poster': xml_element.attrib.get('art')}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url="%s?%s" % (url, urlencode(params)), isFolder=True, listitem=listitem) def __build_item(xml_element): api = API(xml_element) listitem = api.CreateListItemFromPlexItem() if (api.getKey().startswith('/system/services') or api.getKey().startswith('http')): params = { 'mode': 'plex_node', 'key': xml_element.attrib.get('key'), 'view_offset': xml_element.attrib.get('viewOffset', '0'), } url = "plugin://%s?%s" % (v.ADDON_ID, urlencode(params)) elif api.getType() == v.PLEX_TYPE_PHOTO: url = api.get_picture_path() else: params = { 'mode': 'play', 'filename': api.getKey(), 'id': api.getRatingKey(), 'dbid': listitem.getProperty('dbid') } url = "plugin://%s?%s" % (v.ADDON_ID, urlencode(params)) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=HANDLE, url=url, listitem=listitem) def enterPMS(): """ Opens dialogs for the user the plug in the PMS details """ # "Enter your Plex Media Server's IP or URL. Examples are:" dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(39215), '', 'plex.myServer.org') ip = dialog('input', "Enter PMS IP or URL") if ip == '': return port = dialog('input', "Enter PMS port", '32400', type='{numeric}') if port == '': return url = '%s:%s' % (ip, port) # "Does your Plex Media Server support SSL connections? # (https instead of http)" https = dialog('yesno', lang(29999), lang(39217)) if https: url = 'https://%s' % url else: url = 'http://%s' % url https = 'true' if https else 'false' machineIdentifier = GetMachineIdentifier(url) if machineIdentifier is None: # "Error contacting url # Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)" if dialog('yesno', lang(29999), '%s %s. %s' % (lang(39218), url, lang(39219))): return else: settings('plex_machineIdentifier', '') else: settings('plex_machineIdentifier', machineIdentifier) log.info('Set new PMS to https %s, ip %s, port %s, machineIdentifier %s' % (https, ip, port, machineIdentifier)) settings('https', value=https) settings('ipaddress', value=ip) settings('port', value=port) # Chances are this is a local PMS, so disable SSL certificate check settings('sslverify', value='false') # Sign out to trigger new login if __LogOut(): # Only login again if logout was successful __LogIn() def __LogIn(): """ Resets (clears) window properties to enable (re-)login SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD is set to False in service.py if user was signed out! """ window('plex_runLibScan', value='full') # Restart user client plex_command('SUSPEND_USER_CLIENT', 'False') def __LogOut(): """ Finishes lib scans, logs out user. Returns True if successfully signed out, False otherwise """ # Resetting, please wait dialog('notification', lang(29999), lang(39207), icon='{plex}', time=3000, sound=False) # Pause library sync thread plex_command('SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD', 'True') # Wait max for 10 seconds for all lib scans to shutdown counter = 0 while window('plex_dbScan') == 'true': if counter > 200: # Failed to reset PMS and plex.tv connects. Try to restart Kodi. dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(39208)) # Resuming threads, just in case plex_command('SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD', 'False') log.error("Could not stop library sync, aborting") return False counter += 1 sleep(50) log.debug("Successfully stopped library sync") counter = 0 # Log out currently signed in user: window('plex_serverStatus', value='401') plex_command('PMS_STATUS', '401') # Above method needs to have run its course! Hence wait while window('plex_serverStatus') == "401": if counter > 100: # 'Failed to reset PKC. Try to restart Kodi.' dialog('ok', lang(29999), lang(39208)) log.error("Could not sign out user, aborting") return False counter += 1 sleep(50) # Suspend the user client during procedure plex_command('SUSPEND_USER_CLIENT', 'True') return True