#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from ..plex_db import PlexDB from ..plex_api import API from .. import plex_functions as PF, utils, kodi_db, variables as v, app # Our PKC playqueues (3 instances of PlayQueue()) PLAYQUEUES = [] class PlayqueueError(Exception): """ Exception for our playqueue constructs """ pass class PlaylistItem(object): """ Object to fill our playqueues and playlists with. id = None [int] Plex playlist/playqueue id, e.g. playQueueItemID plex_id = None [int] Plex unique item id, "ratingKey" plex_type = None [str] Plex type, e.g. 'movie', 'clip' plex_uuid = None [str] Plex librarySectionUUID kodi_id = None [int] Kodi unique kodi id (unique only within type!) kodi_type = None [str] Kodi type: 'movie' file = None [str] Path to the item's file. STRING!! uri = None [str] Weird Plex uri path involving plex_uuid. STRING! guid = None [str] Weird Plex guid xml = None [etree] XML from PMS, 1 lvl below playmethod = None [str] either 'DirectPlay', 'DirectStream', 'Transcode' playcount = None [int] how many times the item has already been played offset = None [int] the item's view offset UPON START in Plex time part = 0 [int] part number if Plex video consists of mult. parts force_transcode [bool] defaults to False PlaylistItem compare as equal, if they - have the same plex_id - OR: have the same kodi_id AND kodi_type - OR: have the same file """ def __init__(self, plex_id=None, plex_type=None, xml_video_element=None, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None, kodi_item=None, grab_xml=False, lookup_kodi=True): """ Pass grab_xml=True in order to get Plex metadata from the PMS while passing a plex_id. Pass lookup_kodi=False to NOT check the plex.db for kodi_id and kodi_type if they're missing (won't be done for clips anyway) """ self.name = None self.id = None self.plex_id = plex_id self.plex_type = plex_type self.plex_uuid = None self.kodi_id = kodi_id self.kodi_type = kodi_type self.file = None if kodi_item: self.kodi_id = utils.cast(int, kodi_item.get('id')) self.kodi_type = kodi_item.get('type') self.file = kodi_item.get('file') self.uri = None self.guid = None self.xml = None self.playmethod = None self.playcount = None self.offset = None self.part = 0 self.force_transcode = False # Shall we ask user to resume this item? # None: ask user to resume # False: do NOT resume, don't ask user # True: do resume, don't ask user self.resume = None if self.plex_id is None: self._from_plex_db() if grab_xml and self.plex_id is not None and xml_video_element is None: xml_video_element = PF.GetPlexMetadata(plex_id) try: xml_video_element = xml_video_element[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): xml_video_element = None if xml_video_element is not None: self.from_xml(xml_video_element) if (lookup_kodi and (self.kodi_id is None or self.kodi_type is None) and self.plex_type != v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP): with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(self.plex_id, self.plex_type) if db_item is not None: self.kodi_id = db_item['kodi_id'] self.kodi_type = db_item['kodi_type'] self.plex_type = db_item['plex_type'] self.plex_uuid = db_item['section_uuid'] if (lookup_kodi and (self.kodi_id is None or self.kodi_type is None) and self.plex_type != v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP): self._guess_id_from_file() self._from_plex_db() self._set_uri() def __eq__(self, other): if self.plex_id is not None and other.plex_id is not None: return self.plex_id == other.plex_id elif (self.kodi_id is not None and other.kodi_id is not None and self.kodi_type and other.kodi_type): return (self.kodi_id == other.kodi_id and self.kodi_type == other.kodi_type) elif self.file and other.file: return self.file == other.file raise RuntimeError('PlaylistItems not fully defined: %s, %s' % (self, other)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __unicode__(self): return ("{{" "'name': '{self.name}', " "'id': {self.id}, " "'plex_id': {self.plex_id}, " "'plex_type': '{self.plex_type}', " "'kodi_id': {self.kodi_id}, " "'kodi_type': '{self.kodi_type}', " "'file': '{self.file}', " "'uri': '{self.uri}', " "'guid': '{self.guid}', " "'playmethod': '{self.playmethod}', " "'playcount': {self.playcount}, " "'offset': {self.offset}, " "'force_transcode': {self.force_transcode}, " "'part': {self.part}" "}}".format(self=self)) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') __repr__ = __str__ def _from_plex_db(self): """ Uses self.kodi_id and self.kodi_type to look up the item in the Plex DB. Thus potentially sets self.plex_id, plex_type, plex_uuid """ if self.kodi_id is None or not self.kodi_type: return with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_kodi_id(self.kodi_id, self.kodi_type) if db_item: self.plex_id = db_item['plex_id'] self.plex_type = db_item['plex_type'] self.plex_uuid = db_item['section_uuid'] def from_xml(self, xml_video_element): """ xml_video_element: etree xml piece 1 level underneath item.id will only be set if you passed in an xml_video_element from e.g. a playQueue """ api = API(xml_video_element) self.name = api.title() self.plex_id = api.plex_id() self.plex_type = api.plex_type() self.id = api.item_id() self.guid = api.guid_html_escaped() self.playcount = api.viewcount() self.offset = api.resume_point() self.xml = xml_video_element if self.kodi_id is None or not self.kodi_type: self._from_plex_db() self._set_uri() def from_kodi(self, playlist_item): """ playlist_item: dict contains keys 'id', 'type', 'file' (if applicable) Will thus set the attributes kodi_id, kodi_type, file, if applicable If kodi_id & kodi_type are provided, plex_id and plex_type will be looked up (if not already set) """ self.kodi_id = utils.cast(int, playlist_item.get('id')) self.kodi_type = playlist_item.get('type') self.file = playlist_item.get('file') if self.plex_id is None and self.kodi_id is not None and self.kodi_type: self._from_plex_db() if self.plex_id is None and self.file: try: query = self.file.split('?', 1)[1] except IndexError: query = '' query = dict(utils.parse_qsl(query)) self.plex_id = utils.cast(int, query.get('plex_id')) self.plex_type = query.get('itemType') self._set_uri() def _set_uri(self): if self.plex_id is None and self.file is not None: self.uri = ('library://whatever/item/%s' % utils.quote(self.file, safe='')) elif self.plex_id is not None and self.plex_uuid is not None: self.uri = ('library://%s/item/library%%2Fmetadata%%2F%s' % (self.plex_uuid, self.plex_id)) elif self.plex_id is not None: self.uri = ('library://%s/item/library%%2Fmetadata%%2F%s' % (self.plex_id, self.plex_id)) else: self.uri = None def _guess_id_from_file(self): """ If self.file is set, will try to guess kodi_id and kodi_type from the filename and path using the Kodi video and music databases """ if not self.file: return # Special case playlist startup - got type but no id if (not app.SYNC.direct_paths and app.SYNC.enable_music and self.kodi_type == v.KODI_TYPE_SONG and self.file.startswith('http')): self.kodi_id, _ = kodi_db.kodiid_from_filename(self.file, v.KODI_TYPE_SONG) return # Need more info since we don't have kodi_id nor type. Use file path. if (self.file.startswith('plugin') or (self.file.startswith('http') and not self.file.startswith('' % v.WEBSERVICE_PORT))): return # Try the VIDEO DB first - will find both movies and episodes self.kodi_id, self.kodi_type = kodi_db.kodiid_from_filename( self.file, db_type='video') if self.kodi_id is None: # No movie or episode found - try MUSIC DB now for songs self.kodi_id, self.kodi_type = kodi_db.kodiid_from_filename( self.file, db_type='music') self.kodi_type = None if self.kodi_id is None else self.kodi_type def plex_stream_index(self, kodi_stream_index, stream_type): """ Pass in the kodi_stream_index [int] in order to receive the Plex stream index. stream_type: 'video', 'audio', 'subtitle' Returns None if unsuccessful """ stream_type = v.PLEX_STREAM_TYPE_FROM_STREAM_TYPE[stream_type] count = 0 if kodi_stream_index == -1: # Kodi telling us "it's the last one" iterator = list(reversed(self.xml[0][self.part])) kodi_stream_index = 0 else: iterator = self.xml[0][self.part] # Kodi indexes differently than Plex for stream in iterator: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' in stream.attrib): if count == kodi_stream_index: return stream.attrib['id'] count += 1 for stream in iterator: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' not in stream.attrib): if count == kodi_stream_index: return stream.attrib['id'] count += 1 def kodi_stream_index(self, plex_stream_index, stream_type): """ Pass in the kodi_stream_index [int] in order to receive the Plex stream index. stream_type: 'video', 'audio', 'subtitle' Returns None if unsuccessful """ stream_type = v.PLEX_STREAM_TYPE_FROM_STREAM_TYPE[stream_type] count = 0 for stream in self.xml[0][self.part]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' in stream.attrib): if stream.attrib['id'] == plex_stream_index: return count count += 1 for stream in self.xml[0][self.part]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' not in stream.attrib): if stream.attrib['id'] == plex_stream_index: return count count += 1 class PlaylistItemDummy(PlaylistItem): """ Let e.g. Kodimonitor detect that this is a dummy item """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PlaylistItemDummy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.name = 'PKC Dummy playqueue item' self.id = 0 self.plex_id = 0