#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Synced playlists are stored in our plex.db. Interact with it through this module """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from .common import Playlist, PlaylistError from ..plex_db import PlexDB from ..kodi_db import kodiid_from_filename from .. import path_ops, utils, variables as v ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.playlists.db') ############################################################################### def plex_playlist_ids(): """ Returns a list of all Plex ids of the playlists already in our DB """ with PlexDB() as plexdb: return list(plexdb.playlist_ids()) def kodi_playlist_paths(): """ Returns a list of all Kodi playlist paths of the playlists already synced """ with PlexDB() as plexdb: return list(plexdb.kodi_playlist_paths()) def update_playlist(playlist, delete=False): """ Assumes that all sync operations are over. Takes playlist [Playlist] and creates/updates the corresponding Plex playlists table entry Pass delete=True to delete the playlist entry """ with PlexDB() as plexdb: if delete: plexdb.delete_playlist(playlist) else: plexdb.add_playlist(playlist) def get_playlist(path=None, plex_id=None): """ Returns the playlist as a Playlist for either the plex_id or path """ playlist = Playlist() with PlexDB() as plexdb: playlist = plexdb.playlist(playlist, plex_id, path) return playlist def _m3u_iterator(text): """ Yields e.g. plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect.movies/?plex_id=xxx """ lines = iter(text.split('\n')) for line in lines: if line.startswith('#EXTINF:'): next_line = next(lines).strip() if next_line.startswith('#EXT-KX-OFFSET:'): yield next(lines).strip() else: yield next_line def m3u_to_plex_ids(playlist): """ Adapter to process *.m3u playlist files. Encoding is not uniform! """ plex_ids = list() with open(path_ops.encode_path(playlist.kodi_path), 'rb') as f: text = f.read() try: text = text.decode(v.M3U_ENCODING) except UnicodeDecodeError: LOG.warning('Fallback to ISO-8859-1 decoding for %s', playlist) text = text.decode('ISO-8859-1') for entry in _m3u_iterator(text): plex_id = utils.REGEX_PLEX_ID.search(entry) if plex_id: plex_id = plex_id.group(1) plex_ids.append(plex_id) else: # Add-on paths not working, try direct kodi_id, kodi_type = kodiid_from_filename(entry, db_type=playlist.kodi_type) if not kodi_id: continue with PlexDB() as plexdb: item = plexdb.item_by_kodi_id(kodi_id, kodi_type) if item: plex_ids.append(item['plex_id']) return plex_ids def playlist_file_to_plex_ids(playlist): """ Takes the playlist file located at path [unicode] and parses it. Returns a list of plex_ids (str) or raises PL.PlaylistError if a single item cannot be parsed from Kodi to Plex. """ if playlist.kodi_extension == 'm3u': plex_ids = m3u_to_plex_ids(playlist) else: LOG.error('Unsupported playlist extension: %s', playlist.kodi_extension) raise PlaylistError return plex_ids