import httplib import traceback import string class RequestMgr: def __init__(self): self.conns = {} def getConnection(self, protocol, host, port): conn = self.conns.get(protocol+host+str(port), False) if not conn: if protocol=="https": conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port) self.conns[protocol+host+str(port)] = conn return conn def closeConnection(self, protocol, host, port): conn = self.conns.get(protocol+host+str(port), False) if conn: conn.close() self.conns.pop(protocol+host+str(port), None) def dumpConnections(self): for conn in self.conns.values(): conn.close() self.conns = {} def post(self, host, port, path, body, header={}, protocol="http"): conn = None try: conn = self.getConnection(protocol, host, port) header['Connection'] = "keep-alive" conn.request("POST", path, body, header) data = conn.getresponse() if int(data.status) >= 400: print "HTTP response error: " + str(data.status) # this should return false, but I'm hacking it since iOS returns 404 no matter what return or True else: return or True except: print "Unable to connect to %s\nReason:" % host traceback.print_exc() self.conns.pop(protocol+host+str(port), None) if conn: conn.close() return False def getwithparams(self, host, port, path, params, header={}, protocol="http"): newpath = path + '?' pairs = [] for key in params: pairs.append(str(key)+'='+str(params[key])) newpath += string.join(pairs, '&') return self.get(host, port, newpath, header, protocol) def get(self, host, port, path, header={}, protocol="http"): try: conn = self.getConnection(protocol, host, port) header['Connection'] = "keep-alive" conn.request("GET", path, headers=header) data = conn.getresponse() if int(data.status) >= 400: print "HTTP response error: " + str(data.status) return False else: return or True except: print "Unable to connect to %s\nReason: %s" % (host, traceback.print_exc()) self.conns.pop(protocol+host+str(port), None) conn.close() return False requests = RequestMgr()