import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import urllib import urllib2 import httplib import hashlib import StringIO import gzip import sys import inspect import json as json from random import randrange from uuid import uuid4 as uuid4 from ClientInformation import ClientInformation import Utils as utils import encodings import time import traceback addonSettings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') getString = addonSettings.getLocalizedString class DownloadUtils(): logLevel = 0 getString = None LogCalls = False TrackLog = "" TotalUrlCalls = 0 def __init__(self, *args): pass def getServer(self): port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') return host + ":" + port def getUserId(self, suppress=True): WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') userName = addonSettings.getSetting('username') userid = WINDOW.getProperty("userid" + userName) if(userid != None and userid != ""): utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","DownloadUtils -> Returning saved UserID : " + userid + "UserName: " + userName) return userid utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Looking for user name: " + userName) authOk = self.authenticate() if(authOk == ""): if(suppress == False): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(getString(30044), getString(30044)) return "" userid = WINDOW.getProperty("userid"+ userName) if(userid == "" and suppress == False): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(getString(30045),getString(30045)) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","userid : " + userid) self.postcapabilities() return userid def postcapabilities(self): utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","postcapabilities called") # Set Capabilities mb3Port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') mb3Host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') clientInfo = ClientInformation() machineId = clientInfo.getMachineId() # get session id url = "http://" + mb3Host + ":" + mb3Port + "/mediabrowser/Sessions?DeviceId=" + machineId + "&format=json" utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Session URL : " + url); jsonData = self.downloadUrl(url) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Session JsonData : " + jsonData) result = json.loads(jsonData) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Session JsonData : " + str(result)) sessionId = result[0].get("Id") utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Session Id : " + str(sessionId)) # post capability data playableMediaTypes = "Audio,Video,Photo" supportedCommands = "Play,Playstate,DisplayContent,GoHome,SendString,GoToSettings,DisplayMessage,PlayNext" url = "http://" + mb3Host + ":" + mb3Port + "/mediabrowser/Sessions/Capabilities?Id=" + sessionId + "&PlayableMediaTypes=" + playableMediaTypes + "&SupportedCommands=" + supportedCommands postData = {} #postData["Id"] = sessionId; #postData["PlayableMediaTypes"] = "Video"; #postData["SupportedCommands"] = "MoveUp"; stringdata = json.dumps(postData) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Capabilities URL : " + url); utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Capabilities Data : " + stringdata) self.downloadUrl(url, postBody=stringdata, type="POST") def authenticate(self): WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) token = WINDOW.getProperty("AccessToken"+addonSettings.getSetting('username')) if(token != None and token != ""): utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","DownloadUtils -> Returning saved AccessToken for user : " + addonSettings.getSetting('username') + " token: "+ token) return token port = addonSettings.getSetting("port") host = addonSettings.getSetting("ipaddress") if(host == None or host == "" or port == None or port == ""): return "" url = "http://" + addonSettings.getSetting("ipaddress") + ":" + addonSettings.getSetting("port") + "/mediabrowser/Users/AuthenticateByName?format=json" clientInfo = ClientInformation() txt_mac = clientInfo.getMachineId() version = clientInfo.getVersion() deviceName = addonSettings.getSetting('deviceName') deviceName = deviceName.replace("\"", "_") authString = "Mediabrowser Client=\"Kodi\",Device=\"" + deviceName + "\",DeviceId=\"" + txt_mac + "\",Version=\"" + version + "\"" headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'Authorization' : authString} if addonSettings.getSetting('password') !=None and addonSettings.getSetting('password') !='': sha1 = hashlib.sha1(addonSettings.getSetting('password')) sha1 = sha1.hexdigest() else: sha1 = 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' messageData = "username=" + addonSettings.getSetting('username') + "&password=" + sha1 resp = self.downloadUrl(url, postBody=messageData, type="POST", authenticate=False, suppress=True) result = None accessToken = None try: result = json.loads(resp) accessToken = result.get("AccessToken") except: pass if(result != None and accessToken != None): utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","User Authenticated : " + accessToken) WINDOW.setProperty("AccessToken"+addonSettings.getSetting('username'), accessToken) WINDOW.setProperty("userid"+addonSettings.getSetting('username'), result.get("User").get("Id")) WINDOW.setProperty("mb3_authenticated", "true") return accessToken else: utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","User NOT Authenticated") WINDOW.setProperty("AccessToken"+addonSettings.getSetting('username'), "") WINDOW.setProperty("mb3_authenticated", "false") return "" def getArtwork(self, data, type, index = "0", userParentInfo = False): id = data.get("Id") getSeriesData = False userData = data.get("UserData") if type == "tvshow.poster": # Change the Id to the series to get the overall series poster if data.get("Type") == "Season" or data.get("Type")== "Episode": id = data.get("SeriesId") getSeriesData = True elif type == "poster" and data.get("Type") == "Episode" and addonSettings.getSetting('useSeasonPoster')=='true': # Change the Id to the Season to get the season poster id = data.get("SeasonId") if type == "poster" or type == "tvshow.poster": # Now that the Ids are right, change type to MB3 name type="Primary" if data.get("Type") == "Season": # For seasons: primary (poster), thumb and banner get season art, rest series art if type != "Primary" and type != "Primary2" and type != "Primary3" and type != "Primary4" and type != "Thumb" and type != "Banner" and type!="Thumb3": id = data.get("SeriesId") getSeriesData = True if data.get("Type") == "Episode": # For episodes: primary (episode thumb) gets episode art, rest series art. if type != "Primary" and type != "Primary2" and type != "Primary3" and type != "Primary4": id = data.get("SeriesId") getSeriesData = True if type =="Primary2" or type=="Primary3" or type=="Primary4": id = data.get("SeasonId") getSeriesData = True if data.get("SeasonUserData") != None: userData = data.get("SeasonUserData") if id == None: id=data.get("Id") imageTag = "e3ab56fe27d389446754d0fb04910a34" # a place holder tag, needs to be in this format originalType = type if type == "Primary2" or type == "Primary3" or type == "Primary4" or type=="SeriesPrimary": type = "Primary" if type == "Backdrop2" or type=="Backdrop3" or type=="BackdropNoIndicators": type = "Backdrop" if type == "Thumb2" or type=="Thumb3": type = "Thumb" if(data.get("ImageTags") != None and data.get("ImageTags").get(type) != None): imageTag = data.get("ImageTags").get(type) if (data.get("Type") == "Episode" or data.get("Type") == "Season") and type=="Logo": imageTag = data.get("ParentLogoImageTag") if (data.get("Type") == "Episode" or data.get("Type") == "Season") and type=="Art": imageTag = data.get("ParentArtImageTag") if (data.get("Type") == "Episode") and originalType=="Thumb3": imageTag = data.get("SeriesThumbImageTag") if (data.get("Type") == "Season") and originalType=="Thumb3" and imageTag=="e3ab56fe27d389446754d0fb04910a34" : imageTag = data.get("ParentThumbImageTag") id = data.get("SeriesId") query = "" height = "10000" width = "10000" played = "0" totalbackdrops = 0 if addonSettings.getSetting('showArtIndicators')=='true': # add watched, unplayedcount and percentage played indicators to posters if (originalType =="Primary" or originalType =="Backdrop" or originalType =="Banner") and data.get("Type") != "Episode": if originalType =="Backdrop" and index == "0" and data.get("BackdropImageTags") != None: totalbackdrops = len(data.get("BackdropImageTags")) if totalbackdrops != 0: index = str(randrange(0,totalbackdrops)) if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) elif originalType =="Primary2": if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) height = "338" width = "226" elif originalType =="Primary3" or originalType == "SeriesPrimary": if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) elif originalType =="Primary4": if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) height = "270" width = "180" elif type =="Primary" and data.get("Type") == "Episode": if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) height = "410" width = "770" elif originalType =="Backdrop2" or originalType =="Thumb2" and data.get("Type") != "Episode": if originalType =="Backdrop2" and data.get("BackdropImageTags") != None: totalbackdrops = len(data.get("BackdropImageTags")) if totalbackdrops != 0: index = str(randrange(0,totalbackdrops)) if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) height = "370" width = "660" elif originalType =="Backdrop3" or originalType =="Thumb3" and data.get("Type") != "Episode": if originalType =="Backdrop3" and data.get("BackdropImageTags") != None: totalbackdrops = len(data.get("BackdropImageTags")) if totalbackdrops != 0: index = str(randrange(0,totalbackdrops)) if userData != None: UnWatched = 0 if userData.get("UnplayedItemCount")==None else userData.get("UnplayedItemCount") if UnWatched <> 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showUnplayedIndicators')=='true': query = query + "&UnplayedCount=" + str(UnWatched) if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True and addonSettings.getSetting('showWatchedIndicators')=='true'): query = query + "&AddPlayedIndicator=true" PlayedPercentage = 0 if userData.get("PlayedPercentage")==None else userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if PlayedPercentage == 0 and userData!=None and userData.get("PlayedPercentage")!=None : PlayedPercentage = userData.get("PlayedPercentage") if (PlayedPercentage != 100 or PlayedPercentage) != 0 and addonSettings.getSetting('showPlayedPrecentageIndicators')=='true': played = str(PlayedPercentage) height = "910" width = "1620" if originalType =="BackdropNoIndicators" and index == "0" and data.get("BackdropImageTags") != None: totalbackdrops = len(data.get("BackdropImageTags")) if totalbackdrops != 0: index = str(randrange(0,totalbackdrops)) # use the local image proxy server that is made available by this addons service port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') server = host + ":" + port if addonSettings.getSetting('compressArt')=='true': query = query + "&Quality=90" if imageTag == None: imageTag = "e3ab56fe27d389446754d0fb04910a34" artwork = "http://" + server + "/mediabrowser/Items/" + str(id) + "/Images/" + type + "/" + index + "/" + imageTag + "/original/" + width + "/" + height + "/" + played + "?" + query if addonSettings.getSetting('disableCoverArt')=='true': artwork = artwork + "&EnableImageEnhancers=false" utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","getArtwork : " + artwork, level=2) # do not return non-existing images if ( (type!="Backdrop" and imageTag=="e3ab56fe27d389446754d0fb04910a34") | #Remember, this is the placeholder tag, meaning we didn't find a valid tag (type=="Backdrop" and data.get("BackdropImageTags") != None and len(data.get("BackdropImageTags")) == 0) | (type=="Backdrop" and data.get("BackdropImageTag") != None and len(data.get("BackdropImageTag")) == 0) ): if type != "Backdrop" or (type=="Backdrop" and getSeriesData==True and data.get("ParentBackdropImageTags") == None) or (type=="Backdrop" and getSeriesData!=True): artwork='' return artwork def getUserArtwork(self, data, type, index = "0"): id = data.get("Id") port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') server = host + ":" + port artwork = "http://" + server + "/mediabrowser/Users/" + str(id) + "/Images/" + type + "?Format=original" return artwork def imageUrl(self, id, type, index, width, height): port = addonSettings.getSetting('port') host = addonSettings.getSetting('ipaddress') server = host + ":" + port return "http://" + server + "/mediabrowser/Items/" + str(id) + "/Images/" + type + "/" + str(index) + "/e3ab56fe27d389446754d0fb04910a34/original/" + str(width) + "/" + str(height) + "/0" def getAuthHeader(self, authenticate=True): clientInfo = ClientInformation() txt_mac = clientInfo.getMachineId() version = clientInfo.getVersion() deviceName = addonSettings.getSetting('deviceName') deviceName = deviceName.replace("\"", "_") if(authenticate == False): authString = "MediaBrowser Client=\"Kodi\",Device=\"" + deviceName + "\",DeviceId=\"" + txt_mac + "\",Version=\"" + version + "\"" headers = {"Accept-encoding": "gzip", "Accept-Charset" : "UTF-8,*", "Authorization" : authString} return headers else: userid = self.getUserId() authString = "MediaBrowser UserId=\"" + userid + "\",Client=\"Kodi\",Device=\"" + deviceName + "\",DeviceId=\"" + txt_mac + "\",Version=\"" + version + "\"" headers = {"Accept-encoding": "gzip", "Accept-Charset" : "UTF-8,*", "Authorization" : authString} authToken = self.authenticate() if(authToken != ""): headers["X-MediaBrowser-Token"] = authToken utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Authentication Header : " + str(headers)) return headers def downloadUrl(self, url, suppress=False, postBody=None, type="GET", popup=0, authenticate=True ): utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","== ENTER: getURL ==") self.TotalUrlCalls = self.TotalUrlCalls + 1 if(self.LogCalls): stackString = "" for f in inspect.stack(): stackString = stackString + "\r - " + str(f) self.TrackLog = self.TrackLog + "HTTP_API_CALL : " + url + stackString + "\r" link = "" try: if url[0:4] == "http": serversplit = 2 urlsplit = 3 else: serversplit = 0 urlsplit = 1 server = url.split('/')[serversplit] urlPath = "/"+"/".join(url.split('/')[urlsplit:]) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","DOWNLOAD_URL = " + url) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","server = "+str(server), level=2) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","urlPath = "+str(urlPath), level=2) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(server, timeout=5) head = self.getAuthHeader(authenticate) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","HEADERS : " + str(head), level=1) # make the connection and send the request if(postBody != None): head["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" head["Content-Length"] = str(len(postBody)) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","POST DATA : " + postBody) conn.request(method=type, url=urlPath, body=postBody, headers=head) else: conn.request(method=type, url=urlPath, headers=head) # get the response tries = 0 while tries <= 4: try: data = conn.getresponse() break except: # TODO: we need to work out which errors we can just quit trying immediately if(xbmc.abortRequested == True): return "" xbmc.sleep(100) if(xbmc.abortRequested == True): return "" tries += 1 if tries == 5: data = conn.getresponse() utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","GET URL HEADERS : " + str(data.getheaders()), level=2) # process the response contentType = "none" if int(data.status) == 200: retData = contentType = data.getheader('content-encoding') utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Data Len Before : " + str(len(retData)), level=2) if(contentType == "gzip"): retData = StringIO.StringIO(retData) gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=retData) link = else: link = retData utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Data Len After : " + str(len(link)), level=2) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","====== 200 returned =======", level=2) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","Content-Type : " + str(contentType), level=2) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync",link, level=2) utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync","====== 200 finished ======", level=2) elif ( int(data.status) == 301 ) or ( int(data.status) == 302 ): try: conn.close() except: pass return data.getheader('Location') elif int(data.status) == 401: error = "HTTP response error: " + str(data.status) + " " + str(data.reason) xbmc.log(error) WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) timeStamp = WINDOW.getProperty("mb3sync_LAST_USER_ERROR") if(timeStamp == None or timeStamp == ""): timeStamp = "0" if((int(timeStamp) + 10) < int(time.time())): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(getString(30135), getString(30044)) WINDOW.setProperty("mb3sync_LAST_USER_ERROR", str(int(time.time()))) try: conn.close() except: pass return "" elif int(data.status) >= 400: error = "HTTP response error: " + str(data.status) + " " + str(data.reason) xbmc.log(error) if suppress is False: if popup == 0: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(URL error: "+ str(data.reason) +",)") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(getString(30135),server) try: conn.close() except: pass return "" else: link = "" except Exception, msg: error = "Unable to connect to " + str(server) + " : " + str(msg) xbmc.log(error) stack = self.FormatException() utils.logMsg("MB3 Sync",stack) if suppress is False: if popup == 0: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(: Connection Error: Error connecting to server,)") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(getString(30204), str(msg)) pass else: try: conn.close() except: pass return link def FormatException(self): exception_list = traceback.format_stack() exception_list = exception_list[:-2] exception_list.extend(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) exception_list.extend(traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) exception_str = "Traceback (most recent call last):\n" exception_str += "".join(exception_list) # Removing the last \n exception_str = exception_str[:-1] return exception_str def __del__(self): return # xbmc.log("\rURL_REQUEST_REPORT : Total Calls : " + str(self.TotalUrlCalls) + "\r" + self.TrackLog)