# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging from threading import Thread import Queue from socket import SHUT_RDWR from urllib import urlencode from xbmc import sleep, executebuiltin from utils import settings, ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend, ThreadMethods from plexbmchelper import listener, plexgdm, subscribers, functions, \ httppersist, plexsettings from PlexFunctions import ParseContainerKey, GetPlexMetadata from PlexAPI import API import player import variables as v ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) ############################################################################### @ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend('plex_serverStatus') @ThreadMethods class PlexCompanion(Thread): """ """ def __init__(self, callback=None): log.info("----===## Starting PlexCompanion ##===----") if callback is not None: self.mgr = callback self.settings = plexsettings.getSettings() # Start GDM for server/client discovery self.client = plexgdm.plexgdm() self.client.clientDetails(self.settings) log.debug("Registration string is:\n%s" % self.client.getClientDetails()) # kodi player instance self.player = player.Player() Thread.__init__(self) def _getStartItem(self, string): """ Grabs the Plex id from e.g. '/library/metadata/12987' and returns the tuple (typus, id) where typus is either 'queueId' or 'plexId' and id is the corresponding id as a string """ typus = 'plexId' if string.startswith('/library/metadata'): try: string = string.split('/')[3] except IndexError: string = '' else: log.error('Unknown string! %s' % string) return typus, string def processTasks(self, task): """ Processes tasks picked up e.g. by Companion listener, e.g. {'action': 'playlist', 'data': {'address': 'xyz.plex.direct', 'commandID': '7', 'containerKey': '/playQueues/6669?own=1&repeat=0&window=200', 'key': '/library/metadata/220493', 'machineIdentifier': 'xyz', 'offset': '0', 'port': '32400', 'protocol': 'https', 'token': 'transient-cd2527d1-0484-48e0-a5f7-f5caa7d591bd', 'type': 'video'}} """ log.debug('Processing: %s' % task) data = task['data'] if task['action'] == 'alexa': # e.g. Alexa xml = GetPlexMetadata(data['key']) try: xml[0].attrib except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): log.error('Could not download Plex metadata') return api = API(xml[0]) if api.getType() == v.PLEX_TYPE_ALBUM: log.debug('Plex music album detected') self.mgr.playqueue.init_playqueue_from_plex_children( api.getRatingKey()) else: params = { 'mode': 'plex_node', 'key': '{server}%s' % data.get('key'), 'view_offset': data.get('offset'), 'play_directly': 'true', 'node': 'false' } executebuiltin('RunPlugin(plugin://%s?%s)' % (v.ADDON_ID, urlencode(params))) elif (task['action'] == 'playlist' and data.get('address') == 'node.plexapp.com'): # E.g. watch later initiated by Companion params = { 'mode': 'plex_node', 'key': '{server}%s' % data.get('key'), 'view_offset': data.get('offset'), 'play_directly': 'true' } executebuiltin('RunPlugin(plugin://%s?%s)' % (v.ADDON_ID, urlencode(params))) elif task['action'] == 'playlist': # Get the playqueue ID try: typus, ID, query = ParseContainerKey(data['containerKey']) except Exception as e: log.error('Exception while processing: %s' % e) import traceback log.error("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) return try: playqueue = self.mgr.playqueue.get_playqueue_from_type( v.KODI_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_PLEX_TYPE[data['type']]) except KeyError: # E.g. Plex web does not supply the media type # Still need to figure out the type (video vs. music vs. pix) xml = GetPlexMetadata(data['key']) try: xml[0].attrib except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): log.error('Could not download Plex metadata') return api = API(xml[0]) playqueue = self.mgr.playqueue.get_playqueue_from_type( v.KODI_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_PLEX_TYPE[api.getType()]) self.mgr.playqueue.update_playqueue_from_PMS( playqueue, ID, repeat=query.get('repeat'), offset=data.get('offset')) def run(self): # Ensure that sockets will be closed no matter what try: self.__run() finally: try: self.httpd.socket.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) except AttributeError: pass finally: try: self.httpd.socket.close() except AttributeError: pass log.info("----===## Plex Companion stopped ##===----") def __run(self): self.httpd = False httpd = self.httpd # Cache for quicker while loops client = self.client threadStopped = self.threadStopped threadSuspended = self.threadSuspended # Start up instances requestMgr = httppersist.RequestMgr() jsonClass = functions.jsonClass(requestMgr, self.settings) subscriptionManager = subscribers.SubscriptionManager( jsonClass, requestMgr, self.player, self.mgr) queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=100) self.queue = queue if settings('plexCompanion') == 'true': # Start up httpd start_count = 0 while True: try: httpd = listener.ThreadedHTTPServer( client, subscriptionManager, jsonClass, self.settings, queue, ('', self.settings['myport']), listener.MyHandler) httpd.timeout = 0.95 break except: log.error("Unable to start PlexCompanion. Traceback:") import traceback log.error(traceback.print_exc()) sleep(3000) if start_count == 3: log.error("Error: Unable to start web helper.") httpd = False break start_count += 1 else: log.info('User deactivated Plex Companion') client.start_all() message_count = 0 if httpd: t = Thread(target=httpd.handle_request) while not threadStopped(): # If we are not authorized, sleep # Otherwise, we trigger a download which leads to a # re-authorizations while threadSuspended(): if threadStopped(): break sleep(1000) try: message_count += 1 if httpd: if not t.isAlive(): # Use threads cause the method will stall t = Thread(target=httpd.handle_request) t.start() if message_count == 3000: message_count = 0 if client.check_client_registration(): log.debug("Client is still registered") else: log.debug("Client is no longer registered. " "Plex Companion still running on port %s" % self.settings['myport']) client.register_as_client() # Get and set servers if message_count % 30 == 0: subscriptionManager.serverlist = client.getServerList() subscriptionManager.notify() if not httpd: message_count = 0 except: log.warn("Error in loop, continuing anyway. Traceback:") import traceback log.warn(traceback.format_exc()) # See if there's anything we need to process try: task = queue.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: pass else: # Got instructions, process them self.processTasks(task) queue.task_done() # Don't sleep continue sleep(50) client.stop_all()