# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import logging import websocket from json import loads from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue from ssl import CERT_NONE from xbmc import sleep from utils import window, settings, ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend, \ ThreadMethods ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) ############################################################################### @ThreadMethodsAdditionalSuspend('suspend_LibraryThread') @ThreadMethods class WebSocket(Thread): opcode_data = (websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT, websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY) def __init__(self, callback=None): if callback is not None: self.mgr = callback self.ws = None # Communication with librarysync self.queue = Queue() Thread.__init__(self) def process(self, opcode, message): if opcode not in self.opcode_data: return False try: message = loads(message) except Exception as ex: log.error('Error decoding message from websocket: %s' % ex) log.error(message) return False try: message = message['NotificationContainer'] except KeyError: log.error('Could not parse PMS message: %s' % message) return False # Triage typus = message.get('type') if typus is None: log.error('No message type, dropping message: %s' % message) return False log.debug('Received message from PMS server: %s' % message) # Drop everything we're not interested in if typus not in ('playing', 'timeline'): return True # Put PMS message on queue and let libsync take care of it self.queue.put(message) return True def receive(self, ws): # Not connected yet if ws is None: raise websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException frame = ws.recv_frame() if not frame: raise websocket.WebSocketException("Not a valid frame %s" % frame) elif frame.opcode in self.opcode_data: return frame.opcode, frame.data elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE: ws.send_close() return frame.opcode, None elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_PING: ws.pong("Hi!") return None, None def getUri(self): server = window('pms_server') # Need to use plex.tv token, if any. NOT user token token = window('plex_token') # Get the appropriate prefix for the websocket if server.startswith('https'): server = "wss%s" % server[5:] else: server = "ws%s" % server[4:] uri = "%s/:/websockets/notifications" % server if token: uri += '?X-Plex-Token=%s' % token sslopt = {} if settings('sslverify') == "false": sslopt["cert_reqs"] = CERT_NONE log.debug("Uri: %s, sslopt: %s" % (uri, sslopt)) return uri, sslopt def run(self): log.info("----===## Starting WebSocketClient ##===----") counter = 0 handshake_counter = 0 threadStopped = self.threadStopped threadSuspended = self.threadSuspended while not threadStopped(): # In the event the server goes offline while threadSuspended(): # Set in service.py if self.ws is not None: try: self.ws.shutdown() except: pass self.ws = None if threadStopped(): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit log.info("##===---- WebSocketClient Stopped ----===##") return sleep(1000) try: self.process(*self.receive(self.ws)) except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException: # No worries if read timed out pass except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: log.info("Connection closed, (re)connecting") uri, sslopt = self.getUri() try: # Low timeout - let's us shut this thread down! self.ws = websocket.create_connection( uri, timeout=1, sslopt=sslopt, enable_multithread=True) except IOError: # Server is probably offline log.info("Error connecting") self.ws = None counter += 1 if counter > 3: log.warn("Repeatedly could not connect to PMS, " "declaring the connection dead") window('plex_online', value='false') counter = 0 sleep(1000) except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException: log.info("timeout while connecting, trying again") self.ws = None sleep(1000) except websocket.WebSocketException as e: log.info('WebSocketException: %s' % e) if 'Handshake Status 401' in e.args: handshake_counter += 1 if handshake_counter >= 5: log.info('Error in handshake detected. Stopping ' 'WebSocketClient now') break self.ws = None sleep(1000) except Exception as e: log.error("Unknown exception encountered in connecting: %s" % e) import traceback log.error("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) self.ws = None sleep(1000) else: counter = 0 handshake_counter = 0 except Exception as e: log.error("Unknown exception encountered: %s" % e) try: self.ws.shutdown() except: pass self.ws = None log.info("##===---- WebSocketClient Stopped ----===##") def stopThread(self): """ Overwrite this method from ThreadMethods to close websockets """ log.info("Stopping websocket client thread.") self._threadStopped = True try: self.ws.shutdown() except: pass