# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import utils import clientinfo import downloadutils import userclient import PlexAPI ############################################################################### @utils.logging class InitialSetup(): def __init__(self): self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.addonId = self.clientInfo.getAddonId() self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils() self.userClient = userclient.UserClient() self.plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI() def setup(self, forcePlexTV=False, chooseServer=False): """ Initial setup. Run once upon startup. Check server, user, direct paths, music, direct stream if not direct path. """ string = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString # SERVER INFO ##### self.logMsg("Initial setup called.", 0) server = self.userClient.getServer() clientId = self.clientInfo.getDeviceId() serverid = utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier') # Get Plex credentials from settings file, if they exist plexdict = self.plx.GetPlexLoginFromSettings() myplexlogin = plexdict['myplexlogin'] plexLogin = plexdict['plexLogin'] plexToken = plexdict['plexToken'] plexid = plexdict['plexid'] if plexToken: self.logMsg('Found plex.tv token in settings', 0) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # Optionally sign into plex.tv. Will not be called on very first run # as plexToken will be '' if (plexToken and myplexlogin == 'true' and forcePlexTV is False and chooseServer is False): chk = self.plx.CheckConnection('plex.tv', plexToken) # HTTP Error: unauthorized. Token is no longer valid if chk == 401 or chk == 403: self.logMsg('plex.tv connection returned HTTP %s' % chk, 0) # Delete token in the settings utils.settings('plexToken', value='') # Could not login, please try again dialog.ok(self.addonName, string(39009)) result = self.plx.PlexTvSignInWithPin() if result: plexLogin = result['username'] plexToken = result['token'] plexid = result['plexid'] elif chk is False or chk >= 400: # Problems connecting to plex.tv. Network or internet issue? self.logMsg('plex.tv connection returned HTTP %s' % str(chk), 0) dialog.ok(self.addonName, string(39010)) else: self.logMsg('plex.tv connection with token successful', 0) # Refresh the info from Plex.tv url = 'https://plex.tv/' path = 'users/account' xml = self.plx.getXMLFromPMS(url, path, authtoken=plexToken) if xml: xml = xml.getroot() plexLogin = xml.attrib.get('title') utils.settings('plexLogin', value=plexLogin) home = 'true' if xml.attrib.get('home') == '1' else 'false' utils.settings('plexhome', value=home) utils.settings('plexAvatar', value=xml.attrib.get('thumb')) utils.settings( 'plexHomeSize', value=xml.attrib.get('homeSize', '1')) self.logMsg('Updated Plex info from plex.tv', 0) else: self.logMsg('Failed to update Plex info from plex.tv', -1) # If a Plex server IP has already been set, return. if server and forcePlexTV is False and chooseServer is False: self.logMsg("Server is already set.", 0) self.logMsg("url: %s, Plex machineIdentifier: %s" % (server, serverid), 0) return # If not already retrieved myplex info, optionally let user sign in # to plex.tv. This DOES get called on very first install run if ((not plexToken and myplexlogin == 'true' and chooseServer is False) or forcePlexTV): result = self.plx.PlexTvSignInWithPin() if result: plexLogin = result['username'] plexToken = result['token'] plexid = result['plexid'] # Get g_PMS list of servers (saved to plx.g_PMS) httpsUpdated = False while True: if httpsUpdated is False: tokenDict = {'MyPlexToken': plexToken} if plexToken else {} # Populate g_PMS variable with the found Plex servers self.plx.discoverPMS(clientId, None, xbmc.getIPAddress(), tokenDict=tokenDict) self.logMsg("Result of setting g_PMS variable: %s" % self.plx.g_PMS, 1) isconnected = False serverlist = self.plx.returnServerList(clientId, self.plx.g_PMS) self.logMsg('PMS serverlist: %s' % serverlist) # Let user pick server from a list # Get a nicer list dialoglist = [] # Exit if no servers found if len(serverlist) == 0: dialog.ok( self.addonName, string(39011) ) break for server in serverlist: if server['local'] == '1': # server is in the same network as client. Add "local" dialoglist.append( server['name'] + string(39022)) else: dialoglist.append(server['name']) resp = dialog.select(string(39012), dialoglist) server = serverlist[resp] activeServer = server['machineIdentifier'] # Re-direct via plex if remote - will lead to the correct SSL # certificate if server['local'] == '1': url = server['scheme'] + '://' + server['ip'] + ':' \ + server['port'] else: url = server['baseURL'] # Deactive SSL verification if the server is local! if server['local'] == '1': utils.settings('sslverify', 'false') self.logMsg("Setting SSL verify to false, because server is " "local", 1) else: utils.settings('sslverify', 'true') self.logMsg("Setting SSL verify to true, because server is " "not local", 1) chk = self.plx.CheckConnection(url, server['accesstoken']) if chk == 504 and httpsUpdated is False: # Not able to use HTTP, try HTTPs for now serverlist[resp]['scheme'] = 'https' httpsUpdated = True continue httpsUpdated = False if chk == 401: # Not yet authorized for Plex server # Please sign in to plex.tv dialog.ok(self.addonName, string(39013) + server['name'], string(39014)) result = self.plx.PlexTvSignInWithPin() if result: plexLogin = result['username'] plexToken = result['token'] plexid = result['plexid'] else: # Exit while loop if user cancels break # Problems connecting elif chk >= 400 or chk is False: # Problems connecting to server. Pick another server? resp = dialog.yesno(self.addonName, string(39015)) # Exit while loop if user chooses No if not resp: break # Otherwise: connection worked! else: isconnected = True break if not isconnected: # Enter Kodi settings instead xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % self.addonId) return # Write to Kodi settings file utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier', activeServer) utils.settings('plex_servername', server['name']) if server['local'] == '1': scheme = server['scheme'] utils.settings('ipaddress', server['ip']) utils.settings('port', server['port']) else: baseURL = server['baseURL'].split(':') scheme = baseURL[0] utils.settings('ipaddress', baseURL[1].replace('//', '')) utils.settings('port', baseURL[2]) if scheme == 'https': utils.settings('https', 'true') else: utils.settings('https', 'false') self.logMsg("Writing to Kodi user settings file", 0) self.logMsg("PMS machineIdentifier: %s, ip: %s, port: %s, https: %s " % (activeServer, server['ip'], server['port'], server['scheme']), 0) # ADDITIONAL PROMPTS ##### # directPaths = dialog.yesno( # heading="%s: Playback Mode" % self.addonName, # line1=( # "Caution! If you choose Native mode, you " # "will probably lose access to certain Plex " # "features."), # nolabel="Addon (Default)", # yeslabel="Native (Direct Paths)") # if directPaths: # self.logMsg("User opted to use direct paths.", 1) # utils.settings('useDirectPaths', value="1") if forcePlexTV is True or chooseServer is True: return goToSettings = False # Direct paths (\\NAS\mymovie.mkv) or addon (http)? if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39027), line2=string(39028), nolabel="Addon (Default)", yeslabel="Native (Direct Paths)"): self.logMsg("User opted to use direct paths.", 1) utils.settings('useDirectPaths', value="1") # Are you on a system where you would like to replace paths # \\NAS\mymovie.mkv with smb://NAS/mymovie.mkv? (e.g. Windows) if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39033)): self.logMsg("User chose to replace paths with smb", 1) else: utils.settings('replaceSMB', value="false") # complete replace all original Plex library paths with custom SMB if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39043)): self.logMsg("User chose custom smb paths", 1) utils.settings('remapSMB', value="true") # Please enter your custom smb paths in the settings under # "Sync Options" and then restart Kodi dialog.ok(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39044)) goToSettings = True # Go to network credentials? if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39029), line2=string(39030)): self.logMsg("Presenting network credentials dialog.", 1) utils.passwordsXML() # Disable Plex music? if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39016)): self.logMsg("User opted to disable Plex music library.", 1) utils.settings('enableMusic', value="false") if goToSettings: xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Addon.OpenSettings(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect)') else: # Open Settings page now? You will need to restart! if dialog.yesno(heading=self.addonName, line1=string(39017)): utils.window('emby_serverStatus', value="Stop") xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Addon.OpenSettings(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect)')