""" Taken from iBaa, https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect Point of time: December 22, 2015 Collection of "connector functions" to Plex Media Server/MyPlex PlexGDM: loosely based on hippojay's plexGDM: https://github.com/hippojay/script.plexbmc.helper... /resources/lib/plexgdm.py Plex Media Server communication: source (somewhat): https://github.com/hippojay/plugin.video.plexbmc later converted from httplib to urllib2 Transcoder support: PlexAPI_getTranscodePath() based on getTranscodeURL from pyplex/plexAPI https://github.com/megawubs/pyplex/blob/master/plexAPI/info.py MyPlex - Basic Authentication: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/authentication.shtml http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407126/python-urllib2-basic-auth-problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111945/is-there-any-way-to-do-http-put-in-python (and others...) """ # Specific to PlexDB: import clientinfo import utils import downloadutils import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui import xbmc import struct import time import urllib2 import httplib import socket import StringIO import gzip from threading import Thread import Queue import traceback import requests import re import json from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree @utils.logging class PlexAPI(): # CONSTANTS # Timeout for POST/GET commands, I guess in seconds timeout = 60 # VARIABLES def __init__(self): self.__language__ = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString self.g_PMS = {} client = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.addonId = client.getAddonId() self.clientId = client.getDeviceId() self.deviceName = client.getDeviceName() self.plexversion = client.getVersion() self.platform = client.getPlatform() self.userId = utils.window('emby_currUser') self.token = utils.window('emby_accessToken%s' % self.userId) self.server = utils.window('emby_server%s' % self.userId) self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils() def GetPlexLoginFromSettings(self): """ Returns empty strings if not found. myplexlogin is 'true' if user opted to log into plex.tv (the default) plexhome is 'true' if plex home is used (the default) """ plexLogin = utils.settings('plexLogin') plexToken = utils.settings('plexToken') myplexlogin = utils.settings('myplexlogin') plexhome = utils.settings('plexhome') return (myplexlogin, plexhome, plexLogin, plexToken) def GetPlexLoginAndPassword(self): """ Signs in to plex.tv. plexLogin, authtoken = GetPlexLoginAndPassword() Input: nothing Output: plexLogin plex.tv username authtoken token for plex.tv Also writes 'plexLogin' and 'token_plex.tv' to Kodi settings file If not logged in, empty strings are returned for both. """ retrievedPlexLogin = '' plexLogin = 'dummy' authtoken = '' while retrievedPlexLogin == '' and plexLogin != '': dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() plexLogin = dialog.input( self.addonName + ': Enter plex.tv username. Or nothing to cancel.', type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, ) if plexLogin != "": dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() plexPassword = dialog.input( 'Enter password for plex.tv user %s' % plexLogin, type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, option=xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT ) retrievedPlexLogin, authtoken = self.MyPlexSignIn( plexLogin, plexPassword, {'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.clientId} ) self.logMsg("plex.tv username and token: %s, %s" % (plexLogin, authtoken), 1) if plexLogin == '': dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(self.addonName, 'Could not sign in user %s' % plexLogin) # Write to Kodi settings file utils.settings('plexLogin', value=retrievedPlexLogin) utils.settings('plexToken', value=authtoken) return (retrievedPlexLogin, authtoken) def PlexTvSignInWithPin(self): """ Prompts user to sign in by visiting https://plex.tv/pin Writes plexhome, username and token to Kodi settings file. Returns: { 'plexhome': 'true' if Plex Home, 'false' otherwise 'username': 'avatar': URL to user avator 'token': } Returns False if authentication did not work. """ code, identifier = self.GetPlexPin() dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if not code: dialog.ok(self.addonName, 'Problems trying to contact plex.tv', 'Try again later') return False answer = dialog.yesno(self.addonName, 'Go to https://plex.tv/pin and enter the code:', '', code) if not answer: return False count = 0 # Wait for approx 30 seconds (since the PIN is not visible anymore :-)) while count < 6: xml = self.CheckPlexTvSignin(identifier) if xml: break # Wait for 5 seconds xbmc.sleep(5000) count += 1 if not xml: dialog.ok(self.addonName, 'Could not sign in to plex.tv', 'Try again later') return False # Parse xml home = xml.get('home', '0') if home == '1': home = 'true' else: home = 'false' username = xml.get('username', '') avatar = xml.get('thumb') token = xml.findtext('authentication-token') result = { 'plexhome': home, 'username': username, 'avatar': avatar, 'token': token } utils.settings('plexLogin', value=username) utils.settings('plexToken', value=token) utils.settings('plexhome', value=home) return result def CheckPlexTvSignin(self, identifier): """ Checks with plex.tv whether user entered the correct PIN on plex.tv/pin Returns False if not yet done so, or the XML response file as etree """ # Try to get a temporary token url = 'https://plex.tv/pins/%s.xml' % identifier xml = self.TalkToPlexServer(url, talkType="GET2") try: temp_token = xml.find('auth_token').text except: self.logMsg("Error: Could not find token in plex.tv answer.", -1) return False self.logMsg("temp token from plex.tv is: %s" % temp_token, 2) if not temp_token: return False # Use temp token to get the final plex credentials url = 'https://plex.tv/users/account?X-Plex-Token=%s' % temp_token xml = self.TalkToPlexServer(url, talkType="GET") return xml def GetPlexPin(self): """ For plex.tv sign-in: returns 4-digit code and identifier as 2 str """ url = 'https://plex.tv/pins.xml' code = None identifier = None # Download xml = self.TalkToPlexServer(url, talkType="POST") if not xml: return code, identifier try: code = xml.find('code').text identifier = xml.find('id').text except: self.logMsg("Error, no PIN from plex.tv provided", -1) self.logMsg("plex.tv/pin: Code is: %s" % code, 2) self.logMsg("plex.tv/pin: Identifier is: %s" % identifier, 2) return code, identifier def TalkToPlexServer(self, url, talkType="GET", verify=True, token=None): """ Start request with PMS with url. Returns the parsed XML answer as an etree object. False if the server could not be reached/timeout occured. False if HTTP error code of >=400 was returned. """ header = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo() if token: header['X-Plex-Token'] = token timeout = (3, 10) try: if talkType == "GET": answer = requests.get(url, headers={}, params=header, verify=verify, timeout=timeout) # Only seems to be used for initial plex.tv sign in if talkType == "GET2": answer = requests.get(url, headers=header, params={}, verify=verify, timeout=timeout) elif talkType == "POST": answer = requests.post(url, data='', headers=header, params={}, verify=verify, timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logMsg("Server is offline or cannot be reached. Url: %s." "Header: %s. Error message: %s" % (url, header, e), -1) return False except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: self.logMsg("Server timeout reached for Url %s with header %s" % (url, header), -1) return False # We received an answer from the server, but not as expected. if answer.status_code >= 400: self.logMsg("Error, answer from server %s was not as expected. " "HTTP status code: %s" % (url, answer.status_code), -1) return False xml = answer.text.encode('utf-8') self.logMsg("xml received from server %s: %s" % (url, xml), 2) try: xml = etree.fromstring(xml) except: self.logMsg("Error parsing XML answer from %s" % url, -1) return False return xml def CheckConnection(self, url, token): """ Checks connection to a Plex server, available at url. Can also be used to check for connection with plex.tv. Input: url URL to Plex server (e.g. token appropriate token to access server. If None is passed, the current token is used Output: False if server could not be reached or timeout occured e.g. 200 if connection was successfull int or other HTML status codes as received from the server """ # Add '/clients' to URL because then an authentication is necessary # If a plex.tv URL was passed, this does not work. header = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo() if token is not None: header['X-Plex-Token'] = token sslverify = utils.settings('sslverify') if sslverify == "true": sslverify = True else: sslverify = False self.logMsg("Checking connection to server %s with header %s and " "sslverify=%s" % (url, header, sslverify), 1) timeout = (3, 10) if 'plex.tv' in url: url = 'https://plex.tv/api/home/users' else: url = url + '/library/onDeck' try: answer = requests.get(url, headers={}, params=header, verify=sslverify, timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logMsg("Server is offline or cannot be reached. Url: %s." "Header: %s. Error message: %s" % (url, header, e), -1) return False except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: self.logMsg("Server timeout reached for Url %s with header %s" % (url, header), -1) return False result = answer.status_code self.logMsg("Result was: %s" % result, 1) return result def GetgPMSKeylist(self): """ Returns a list of all keys that are saved for every entry in the g_PMS variable. """ keylist = [ 'address', 'baseURL', 'enableGzip', 'ip', 'local', 'name', 'owned', 'port', 'scheme' ] return keylist def setgPMSToSettings(self, g_PMS): """ PlexDB: takes an g_PMS list of Plex servers and saves them all to the Kodi settings file. It does NOT save the ATV_udid as that id seems to change with reboot. Settings are set using the Plex server machineIdentifier. Input: g_PMS Output: Assumptions: There is only one ATV_udid in g_PMS Existing entries for servers with the same ID get overwritten. New entries get added. Serverinfo already set in file are set to ''. NOTE: it is currently not possible to delete entries in Kodi settings file! """ addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() # Get rid of uppermost level ATV_udid in g_PMS ATV_udid = list(g_PMS.keys())[0] g_PMS = g_PMS[ATV_udid] serverlist = [] keylist = self.getgPMSKeylist() for serverid, servervalues in g_PMS.items(): serverlist.append(serverid) # Set values in Kodi settings file for item in keylist: # Append the server's ID first, then immediatelly the setting addon.setSetting( str(serverid) + str(item), # the key str(g_PMS[serverid][item]) # the value ) # Write a new or updated 'serverlist' string to settings oldserverlist = addon.getSetting('serverlist') # If no server has been saved yet, return if oldserverlist == '': serverlist = ','.join(serverlist) addon.setSetting('serverlist', serverlist) return oldserverlist = oldserverlist.split(',') for server in oldserverlist: # Delete serverinfo that has NOT been passed in serverlist if server not in serverlist: # Set old value to '', because deleting is not possible for item in keylist: addon.setSetting(str(server) + str(item), '') serverlist = ','.join(serverlist) addon.setSetting('serverlist', serverlist) return def declarePMS(self, ATV_udid, uuid, name, scheme, ip, port): """ Plex Media Server handling parameters: ATV_udid uuid - PMS ID name, scheme, ip, port, type, owned, token """ # store PMS information in g_PMS database if ATV_udid not in self.g_PMS: self.g_PMS[ATV_udid] = {} address = ip + ':' + port baseURL = scheme+'://'+ip+':'+port self.g_PMS[ATV_udid][uuid] = { 'name': name, 'scheme':scheme, 'ip': ip , 'port': port, 'address': address, 'baseURL': baseURL, 'local': '1', 'owned': '1', 'accesstoken': '', 'enableGzip': False } def updatePMSProperty(self, ATV_udid, uuid, tag, value): # set property element of PMS by UUID if not ATV_udid in self.g_PMS: return '' # no server known for this aTV if not uuid in self.g_PMS[ATV_udid]: return '' # requested PMS not available self.g_PMS[ATV_udid][uuid][tag] = value def getPMSProperty(self, ATV_udid, uuid, tag): # get name of PMS by UUID if not ATV_udid in self.g_PMS: return '' # no server known for this aTV if not uuid in self.g_PMS[ATV_udid]: return '' # requested PMS not available return self.g_PMS[ATV_udid][uuid].get(tag, '') def getPMSFromAddress(self, ATV_udid, address): # find PMS by IP, return UUID if not ATV_udid in self.g_PMS: return '' # no server known for this aTV for uuid in self.g_PMS[ATV_udid]: if address in self.g_PMS[ATV_udid][uuid].get('address', None): return uuid return '' # IP not found def getPMSAddress(self, ATV_udid, uuid, data): # get address of PMS by UUID if not ATV_udid in data: return '' # no server known for this aTV if not uuid in data[ATV_udid]: return '' # requested PMS not available return data[ATV_udid][uuid]['ip'] + ':' + data[ATV_udid][uuid]['port'] def getPMSCount(self, ATV_udid): # get count of discovered PMS by UUID if not ATV_udid in self.g_PMS: return 0 # no server known for this aTV return len(self.g_PMS[ATV_udid]) def PlexGDM(self): """ PlexGDM parameters: none result: PMS_list - dict() of PMSs found """ IP_PlexGDM = '' # multicast to PMS Port_PlexGDM = 32414 Msg_PlexGDM = 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0' # dprint(__name__, 0, "***") # dprint(__name__, 0, "PlexGDM - looking up Plex Media Server") # dprint(__name__, 0, "***") # setup socket for discovery -> multicast message GDM = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) GDM.settimeout(1.0) # Set the time-to-live for messages to 1 for local network ttl = struct.pack('b', 1) GDM.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) returnData = [] try: # Send data to the multicast group # dprint(__name__, 1, "Sending discovery message: {0}", Msg_PlexGDM) GDM.sendto(Msg_PlexGDM, (IP_PlexGDM, Port_PlexGDM)) # Look for responses from all recipients while True: try: data, server = GDM.recvfrom(1024) # dprint(__name__, 1, "Received data from {0}", server) # dprint(__name__, 1, "Data received:\n {0}", data) returnData.append( { 'from' : server, 'data' : data } ) except socket.timeout: break finally: GDM.close() discovery_complete = True PMS_list = {} if returnData: for response in returnData: update = { 'ip' : response.get('from')[0] } # Check if we had a positive HTTP response if "200 OK" in response.get('data'): for each in response.get('data').split('\n'): # decode response data update['discovery'] = "auto" #update['owned']='1' #update['master']= 1 #update['role']='master' if "Content-Type:" in each: update['content-type'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Resource-Identifier:" in each: update['uuid'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Name:" in each: update['serverName'] = each.split(':')[1].strip().decode('utf-8', 'replace') # store in utf-8 elif "Port:" in each: update['port'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Updated-At:" in each: update['updated'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Version:" in each: update['version'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() PMS_list[update['uuid']] = update # if PMS_list=={}: # dprint(__name__, 0, "GDM: No servers discovered") # else: # dprint(__name__, 0, "GDM: Servers discovered: {0}", len(PMS_list)) # for uuid in PMS_list: # dprint(__name__, 1, "{0} {1}:{2}", PMS_list[uuid]['serverName'], PMS_list[uuid]['ip'], PMS_list[uuid]['port']) return PMS_list def discoverPMS(self, ATV_udid, CSettings, IP_self, tokenDict={}): """ discoverPMS parameters: ATV_udid CSettings - for manual PMS configuration. this one looks strange. IP_self optional: tokenDict - dictionary of tokens for MyPlex, PlexHome result: self.g_PMS dictionary for ATV_udid """ self.g_PMS[ATV_udid] = {} # install plex.tv "virtual" PMS - for myPlex, PlexHome self.declarePMS(ATV_udid, 'plex.tv', 'plex.tv', 'https', 'plex.tv', '443') self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, 'plex.tv', 'local', '-') self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, 'plex.tv', 'owned', '-') self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, 'plex.tv', 'accesstoken', tokenDict.get('MyPlexToken', '')) if 'PlexHomeToken' in tokenDict: authtoken = tokenDict.get('PlexHomeToken') else: authtoken = tokenDict.get('MyPlexToken', '') if authtoken == '': # not logged into myPlex # local PMS # PlexGDM PMS_list = self.PlexGDM() for uuid_id in PMS_list: PMS = PMS_list[uuid_id] self.declarePMS(ATV_udid, PMS['uuid'], PMS['serverName'], 'http', PMS['ip'], PMS['port']) # dflt: token='', local, owned else: # MyPlex servers self.getPMSListFromMyPlex(ATV_udid, authtoken) # all servers - update enableGzip for uuid_id in self.g_PMS.get(ATV_udid, {}): # enable Gzip if not on same host, local&remote PMS depending # on setting enableGzip = (not self.getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid_id, 'ip') == IP_self) \ and ( (self.getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid_id, 'local') == '1' and False) or (self.getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid_id, 'local') == '0' and True) == 'True' ) self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid_id, 'enableGzip', enableGzip) # Delete plex.tv again del self.g_PMS[ATV_udid]['plex.tv'] def getPMSListFromMyPlex(self, ATV_udid, authtoken): """ getPMSListFromMyPlex get Plex media Server List from plex.tv/pms/resources """ # dprint(__name__, 0, "***") # dprint(__name__, 0, "poke plex.tv - request Plex Media Server list") # dprint(__name__, 0, "***") XML = self.getXMLFromPMS('https://plex.tv', '/api/resources?includeHttps=1', {}, authtoken) if XML==False: pass # no data from MyPlex else: queue = Queue.Queue() threads = [] for Dir in XML.getiterator('Device'): if Dir.get('product','') == "Plex Media Server" and Dir.get('provides','') == "server": uuid = Dir.get('clientIdentifier') name = Dir.get('name') token = Dir.get('accessToken', authtoken) owned = Dir.get('owned', '0') local = Dir.get('publicAddressMatches') if Dir.find('Connection') == None: continue # no valid connection - skip uri = "" # flag to set first connection, possibly overwrite later with more suitable for Con in Dir.getiterator('Connection'): if uri=="" or Con.get('local','') == local: protocol = Con.get('protocol') ip = Con.get('address') port = Con.get('port') uri = Con.get('uri') # todo: handle unforeseen - like we get multiple suitable connections. how to choose one? # check MyPlex data age - skip if >1 days infoAge = time.time() - int(Dir.get('lastSeenAt')) oneDayInSec = 60*60*24 if infoAge > 1*oneDayInSec: self.logMsg("Server %s not updated for 1 day - " "skipping." % name, 0) continue # poke PMS, own thread for each poke PMSInfo = { 'uuid': uuid, 'name': name, 'token': token, 'owned': owned, 'local': local, \ 'protocol': protocol, 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'uri': uri } PMS = { 'baseURL': uri, 'path': '/', 'options': None, 'token': token, \ 'data': PMSInfo } t = Thread(target=self.getXMLFromPMSToQueue, args=(PMS, queue)) t.start() threads.append(t) # wait for requests being answered for t in threads: t.join() # declare new PMSs while not queue.empty(): (PMSInfo, PMS) = queue.get() if PMS==False: continue uuid = PMSInfo['uuid'] name = PMSInfo['name'] token = PMSInfo['token'] owned = PMSInfo['owned'] local = PMSInfo['local'] protocol = PMSInfo['protocol'] ip = PMSInfo['ip'] port = PMSInfo['port'] uri = PMSInfo['uri'] self.declarePMS(ATV_udid, uuid, name, protocol, ip, port) # dflt: token='', local, owned - updated later self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'accesstoken', token) self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned', owned) self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local', local) self.updatePMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL', uri) # set in declarePMS, overwrite for https encryption def getXMLFromPMS(self, baseURL, path, options={}, authtoken='', enableGzip=False): """ Plex Media Server communication parameters: host path options - dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV None for no std. X-Plex-Args authtoken - authentication answer from MyPlex Sign In result: returned XML or 'False' in case of error """ xargs = {} if options is not None: xargs = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options) if not authtoken == '': xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = authtoken self.logMsg("URL for XML download: %s%s" % (baseURL, path), 1) self.logMsg("xargs: %s" % xargs, 1) request = urllib2.Request(baseURL+path, None, xargs) request.add_header('User-agent', 'PlexDB') if enableGzip: request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=20) except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException) as e: self.logMsg("No Response from Plex Media Server", 0) if hasattr(e, 'reason'): self.logMsg("We failed to reach a server. Reason: %s" % e.reason, 0) elif hasattr(e, 'code'): self.logMsg("The server couldn't fulfill the request. Error code: %s" % e.code, 0) self.logMsg("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc(), 0) return False except IOError: self.logMsg("Error loading response XML from Plex Media Server:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc(), 0) return False if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO.StringIO(response.read()) file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) XML = etree.parse(file) else: # parse into etree XML = etree.parse(response) # Log received XML if debugging enabled. self.logMsg("====== received PMS-XML ======", 1) self.logMsg(XML.getroot(), 1) self.logMsg("====== PMS-XML finished ======", 1) return XML def getXMLFromPMSToQueue(self, PMS, queue): XML = self.getXMLFromPMS(PMS['baseURL'],PMS['path'],PMS['options'],PMS['token']) queue.put( (PMS['data'], XML) ) def getXArgsDeviceInfo(self, options={}, JSON=False): """ Returns a dictionary that can be used as headers for GET and POST requests. An authentication option is NOT yet added. Inputs: JSON=True will enforce a JSON answer options: dictionary of options that will override the standard header options otherwise set. Output: header dictionary """ # Get addon infos xargs = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", 'X-Plex-Language': 'en', 'X-Plex-Device': self.addonName, 'X-Plex-Client-Platform': self.platform, 'X-Plex-Device-Name': self.deviceName, 'X-Plex-Platform': self.addonName, 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': 'unknown', 'X-Plex-Model': 'unknown', 'X-Plex-Product': self.addonName, 'X-Plex-Version': self.plexversion, 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.clientId, 'X-Plex-Provides': 'player', } if self.token: xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = self.token if JSON: xargs['Accept'] = 'application/json' if options: xargs.update(options) return xargs def getXMLFromMultiplePMS(self, ATV_udid, path, type, options={}): """ provide combined XML representation of local servers' XMLs, eg. /library/section parameters: ATV_udid path type - owned <> shared (previously: local, myplex) options result: XML """ queue = Queue.Queue() threads = [] root = etree.Element("MediaConverter") root.set('friendlyName', type+' Servers') for uuid in g_PMS.get(ATV_udid, {}): if (type=='all' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'name')!='plex.tv') or \ (type=='owned' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned')=='1') or \ (type=='shared' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned')=='0') or \ (type=='local' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local')=='1') or \ (type=='remote' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local')=='0'): Server = etree.SubElement(root, 'Server') # create "Server" node Server.set('name', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'name')) Server.set('address', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'ip')) Server.set('port', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'port')) Server.set('baseURL', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL')) Server.set('local', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local')) Server.set('owned', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned')) baseURL = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL') token = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'accesstoken') PMS_mark = 'PMS(' + getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'address') + ')' Server.set('searchKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', '', '/Search/Entry.xml')) # request XMLs, one thread for each PMS = { 'baseURL':baseURL, 'path':path, 'options':options, 'token':token, \ 'data': {'uuid': uuid, 'Server': Server} } t = Thread(target=getXMLFromPMSToQueue, args=(PMS, queue)) t.start() threads.append(t) # wait for requests being answered for t in threads: t.join() # add new data to root XML, individual Server while not queue.empty(): (data, XML) = queue.get() uuid = data['uuid'] Server = data['Server'] baseURL = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL') token = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'accesstoken') PMS_mark = 'PMS(' + getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'address') + ')' if XML==False: Server.set('size', '0') else: Server.set('size', XML.getroot().get('size', '0')) for Dir in XML.getiterator('Directory'): # copy "Directory" content, add PMS to links key = Dir.get('key') # absolute path Dir.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key)) Dir.set('refreshKey', getURL(baseURL, path, key) + '/refresh') if 'thumb' in Dir.attrib: Dir.set('thumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Dir.get('thumb'))) if 'art' in Dir.attrib: Dir.set('art', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Dir.get('art'))) Server.append(Dir) for Playlist in XML.getiterator('Playlist'): # copy "Playlist" content, add PMS to links key = Playlist.get('key') # absolute path Playlist.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key)) if 'composite' in Playlist.attrib: Playlist.set('composite', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Playlist.get('composite'))) Server.append(Playlist) for Video in XML.getiterator('Video'): # copy "Video" content, add PMS to links key = Video.get('key') # absolute path Video.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key)) if 'thumb' in Video.attrib: Video.set('thumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('thumb'))) if 'parentKey' in Video.attrib: Video.set('parentKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('parentKey'))) if 'parentThumb' in Video.attrib: Video.set('parentThumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('parentThumb'))) if 'grandparentKey' in Video.attrib: Video.set('grandparentKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('grandparentKey'))) if 'grandparentThumb' in Video.attrib: Video.set('grandparentThumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('grandparentThumb'))) Server.append(Video) root.set('size', str(len(root.findall('Server')))) XML = etree.ElementTree(root) dprint(__name__, 1, "====== Local Server/Sections XML ======") dprint(__name__, 1, XML.getroot()) dprint(__name__, 1, "====== Local Server/Sections XML finished ======") return XML # XML representation - created "just in time". Do we need to cache it? def getURL(self, baseURL, path, key): if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external server URL = key elif key.startswith('/'): # internal full path. URL = baseURL + key elif key == '': # internal path URL = baseURL + path else: # internal path, add-on URL = baseURL + path + '/' + key return URL def MyPlexSignIn(self, username, password, options): """ MyPlex Sign In, Sign Out parameters: username - Plex forum name, MyPlex login, or email address password options - dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV - necessary: PlexConnectUDID result: username authtoken - token for subsequent communication with MyPlex """ # MyPlex web address MyPlexHost = 'plex.tv' MyPlexSignInPath = '/users/sign_in.xml' MyPlexURL = 'https://' + MyPlexHost + MyPlexSignInPath # create POST request xargs = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options) self.logMsg("Header is: %s" % xargs, 1) request = urllib2.Request(MyPlexURL, None, xargs) request.get_method = lambda: 'POST' # turn into 'POST' # done automatically with data!=None. But we don't have data. # no certificate, will fail with "401 - Authentification required" """ try: f = urllib2.urlopen(request) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print e.headers print "has WWW_Authenticate:", e.headers.has_key('WWW-Authenticate') print """ # provide credentials ### optional... when 'realm' is unknown ##passmanager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() ##passmanager.add_password(None, address, username, password) # None: default "realm" passmanager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() passmanager.add_password(MyPlexHost, MyPlexURL, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passmanager) urlopener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) # sign in, get MyPlex response try: response = urlopener.open(request).read() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 401: self.logMsg("Authentication failed", 0) return ('', '') else: raise # analyse response XMLTree = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(response)) el_username = XMLTree.find('username') el_authtoken = XMLTree.find('authentication-token') if el_username is None or \ el_authtoken is None: username = '' authtoken = '' else: username = el_username.text authtoken = el_authtoken.text return (username, authtoken) def MyPlexSignOut(self, authtoken): # MyPlex web address MyPlexHost = 'plex.tv' MyPlexSignOutPath = '/users/sign_out.xml' MyPlexURL = 'http://' + MyPlexHost + MyPlexSignOutPath # create POST request xargs = { 'X-Plex-Token': authtoken } request = urllib2.Request(MyPlexURL, None, xargs) request.get_method = lambda: 'POST' # turn into 'POST' - done automatically with data!=None. But we don't have data. response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() dprint(__name__, 1, "====== MyPlex sign out XML ======") dprint(__name__, 1, response) dprint(__name__, 1, "====== MyPlex sign out XML finished ======") dprint(__name__, 0, 'MyPlex Sign Out done') def GetUserArtworkURL(self, username): """ Returns the URL for the user's Avatar. Or False if something went wrong. """ plexToken = utils.settings('plexToken') users = self.MyPlexListHomeUsers(plexToken) url = '' # If an error is encountered, set to False if not users: self.logMsg("Could not get userlist from plex.tv.", 1) self.logMsg("No URL for user avatar.", 1) return False for user in users: if username in user['title']: url = user['thumb'] self.logMsg("Avatar url for user %s is: %s" % (username, url), 1) return url def ChoosePlexHomeUser(self): """ Let's user choose from a list of Plex home users. Will switch to that user accordingly. Output: username userid authtoken Will return empty strings if failed. """ plexLogin = utils.settings('plexLogin') plexToken = utils.settings('plexToken') machineIdentifier = utils.settings('plex_machineIdentifier') self.logMsg("Getting user list.", 1) # Get list of Plex home users users = self.MyPlexListHomeUsers(plexToken) # Download users failed. Set username to Plex login if not users: utils.settings('username', value=plexLogin) self.logMsg("User download failed. Set username = plexlogin", 0) return ('', '', '') userlist = [] for user in users: username = user['title'] userlist.append(username) usernumber = len(userlist) usertoken = '' # Plex home not in use: only 1 user returned trials = 0 while trials < 3: if usernumber > 1: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() user_select = dialog.select(self.addonName + ": Select User", userlist) if user_select == -1: self.logMsg("No user selected.", 1) xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % self.addonId) return ('', '', '') # No Plex home in use - only 1 user else: user_select = 0 selected_user = userlist[user_select] self.logMsg("Selected user: %s" % selected_user, 1) utils.settings('username', value=selected_user) user = users[user_select] # Ask for PIN, if protected: if user['protected'] == '1': dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() pin = dialog.input( 'Enter PIN for user %s' % selected_user, type=xbmcgui.INPUT_NUMERIC, option=xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT ) else: pin = None # Switch to this Plex Home user, if applicable username, usertoken = self.PlexSwitchHomeUser( user['id'], pin, plexToken, machineIdentifier ) # Couldn't get user auth if not username: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok( self.addonName, 'Could not log in user %s' % selected_user, 'Please try again.' ) # Successfully retrieved: break out of while loop else: break trials += trials if not username: xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % self.addonId) return ('', '', '', '') return (username, user['id'], usertoken) def PlexSwitchHomeUser(self, userId, pin, token, machineId): """ Retrieves Plex home token for a Plex home user. Input: userId id of the Plex home user pin PIN of the Plex home user, if protected token token for plex.tv machineId Plex PMS machineIdentifier Output: (username, token) Returns 2 empty strings if unsuccessful """ url = 'https://plex.tv/api/home/users/' + userId + '/switch' if pin: url += '?pin=' + pin self.logMsg('Switching to user %s with url %s and machineId %s' % (userId, url, machineId), 0) answer = self.TalkToPlexServer(url, talkType="POST", token=token) if not answer: self.logMsg('Error: plex.tv switch HomeUser change failed', -1) return ('', '') username = answer.attrib.get('title', '') token = answer.attrib.get('authenticationToken', '') # Get final token url = 'https://plex.tv/pms/servers.xml' answer = self.TalkToPlexServer(url, talkType="GET", token=token) if not answer: self.logMsg('Error: plex.tv switch HomeUser change failed', -1) return ('', '') found = 0 for child in answer: if child.attrib['machineIdentifier'] == machineId: token = child.attrib['accessToken'] self.logMsg('Found a plex home user token', 1) found += 1 if found == 0: self.logMsg('Error: plex.tv switch HomeUser change failed', -1) return ('', '') self.logMsg('Plex.tv switch HomeUser change successfull', 0) self.logMsg('username: %s, token: xxxx' % username, 0) return (username, token) def MyPlexListHomeUsers(self, authtoken): """ Returns a list for myPlex home users for the current plex.tv account. Input: authtoken for plex.tv Output: List of users, where one entry is of the form: "id": userId, "admin": '1'/'0', "guest": '1'/'0', "restricted": '1'/'0', "protected": '1'/'0', "email": email, "title": title, "username": username, "thumb": thumb_url } If any value is missing, None is returned instead (or "" from plex.tv) If an error is encountered, False is returned """ XML = self.getXMLFromPMS('https://plex.tv', '/api/home/users/', {}, authtoken) if not XML: # Download failed; quitting with False return False # analyse response root = XML.getroot() users = [] for user in root: users.append(user.attrib) return users def getDirectVideoPath(self, key, AuthToken): """ Direct Video Play support parameters: path AuthToken Indirect - media indirect specified, grab child XML to gain real path options result: final path to media file """ if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external address - keep path = key else: if AuthToken=='': path = key else: xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if key.find('?')==-1: path = key + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = key + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def getTranscodeImagePath(self, key, AuthToken, path, width, height): """ Transcode Image support parameters: key AuthToken path - source path of current XML: path[srcXML] width height result: final path to image file """ if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external address - can we get a transcoding request for external images? path = key elif key.startswith('/'): # internal full path. path = '' + key else: # internal path, add-on path = '' + path + '/' + key path = path.encode('utf8') # This is bogus (note the extra path component) but ATV is stupid when it comes to caching images, it doesn't use querystrings. # Fortunately PMS is lenient... transcodePath = '/photo/:/transcode/' +str(width)+'x'+str(height)+ '/' + quote_plus(path) args = dict() args['width'] = width args['height'] = height args['url'] = path if not AuthToken=='': args['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken return transcodePath + '?' + urlencode(args) def getDirectImagePath(self, path, AuthToken): """ Direct Image support parameters: path AuthToken result: final path to image file """ if not AuthToken=='': xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if path.find('?')==-1: path = path + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = path + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def getTranscodeAudioPath(self, path, AuthToken, options, maxAudioBitrate): """ Transcode Audio support parameters: path AuthToken options - dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV maxAudioBitrate - [kbps] result: final path to pull in PMS transcoder """ UDID = options['PlexConnectUDID'] transcodePath = '/music/:/transcode/universal/start.mp3?' args = dict() args['path'] = path args['session'] = UDID args['protocol'] = 'http' args['maxAudioBitrate'] = maxAudioBitrate xargs = getXArgsDeviceInfo(options) if not AuthToken=='': xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken return transcodePath + urlencode(args) + '&' + urlencode(xargs) def getDirectAudioPath(self, path, AuthToken): """ Direct Audio support parameters: path AuthToken result: final path to audio file """ if not AuthToken=='': xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if path.find('?')==-1: path = path + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = path + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def returnServerList(self, ATV_udid, data): """ Returns a nicer list of all servers found in data, where data is in g_PMS format, for the client device with unique ID ATV_udid Input: ATV_udid Unique client ID data e.g. self.g_PMS Output: List of all servers, with an entry of the form: { 'name': friendlyName, the Plex server's name 'address': ip:port 'ip': ip, without http/https 'port': port 'scheme': 'http'/'https', nice for checking for secure connections 'local': '1'/'0', Is the server a local server? 'owned': '1'/'0', Is the server owned by the user? 'machineIdentifier': id, Plex server machine identifier 'accesstoken': token Access token to this server 'baseURL': baseURL scheme://ip:port } """ serverlist = [] for key, value in data[ATV_udid].items(): serverlist.append({ 'name': value['name'], 'address': value['address'], 'ip': value['ip'], 'port': value['port'], 'scheme': value['scheme'], 'local': value['local'], 'owned': value['owned'], 'machineIdentifier': key, 'accesstoken': value['accesstoken'], 'baseURL': value['baseURL'] }) return serverlist @utils.logging class API(): """ API(item) Processes a Plex media server's XML response item: xml.etree.ElementTree element """ def __init__(self, item): self.item = item # which child in the XML response shall we look at? self.child = 0 # which media part in the XML response shall we look at? self.part = 0 self.clientinfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.clientId = self.clientinfo.getDeviceId() self.userId = utils.window('emby_currUser') self.server = utils.window('emby_server%s' % self.userId) self.token = utils.window('emby_accessToken%s' % self.userId) self.jumpback = int(utils.settings('resumeJumpBack')) def setChildNumber(self, number=0): """ Which child in the XML response shall we look at and work with? """ self.child = int(number) def getChildNumber(self): """ Returns the child in the XML response that we're currently looking at """ return self.child def setPartNumber(self, number=0): """ Sets the part number to work with (used to deal with Movie with several parts). """ self.part = int(number) def getPartNumber(self): """ Returns the current media part number we're dealing with. """ return self.part def convert_date(self, stamp): """ convert_date(stamp) converts a Unix time stamp (seconds passed since January 1 1970) to a propper, human-readable time stamp """ # DATEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('dateshort') # TIMEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('meridiem') # date_time = time.localtime(stamp) # if DATEFORMAT[1] == 'd': # localdate = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y', date_time) # elif DATEFORMAT[1] == 'm': # localdate = time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y', date_time) # else: # localdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date_time) # if TIMEFORMAT != '/': # localtime = time.strftime('%I:%M%p', date_time) # else: # localtime = time.strftime('%H:%M', date_time) # return localtime + ' ' + localdate DATEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('dateshort') TIMEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('meridiem') date_time = time.localtime(float(stamp)) localdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', date_time) return localdate def getType(self): """ Returns the type of media, e.g. 'movie' """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib itemtype = item['type'] return itemtype def getChecksum(self): """ Can be used on both XML and JSON Returns a string, not int """ item = self.item # XML try: item = item[self.child].attrib # JSON except KeyError: pass # Include a letter to prohibit saving as an int! checksum = "K%s%s" % (self.getKey(), item.get('updatedAt', '')) return checksum def getKey(self): """ Can be used on both XML and JSON Returns the Plex unique movie id as a str, not int """ item = self.item # XML try: item = item[self.child].attrib # JSON except KeyError: pass key = item['ratingKey'] return str(key) def getIndex(self): """ Returns the 'index' of an PMS XML reply. Depicts e.g. season number. """ item = self.item[self.child].attrib index = item['index'] return str(index) def getDateCreated(self): """ Returns the date when this library item was created Input: index child number as int; normally =0 """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib dateadded = item['addedAt'] dateadded = self.convert_date(dateadded) return dateadded def getUserData(self): """ Returns a dict with None if a value is missing { 'Favorite': favorite, # False, because n/a in Plex 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, # True/False 'LastPlayedDate': lastPlayedDate, 'Resume': resume, # Resume time in seconds 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating } """ item = self.item # Default favorite = False playcount = None played = False lastPlayedDate = None resume = 0 rating = 0 item = item[self.child].attrib try: playcount = int(item['viewCount']) except KeyError: playcount = None if playcount: played = True try: lastPlayedDate = int(item['lastViewedAt']) lastPlayedDate = self.convert_date(lastPlayedDate) except KeyError: lastPlayedDate = None resume, runtime = self.getRuntime() return { 'Favorite': favorite, 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, 'LastPlayedDate': lastPlayedDate, 'Resume': resume, 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating } def getPeople(self): """ Returns a dict of lists of people found. { 'Director': list, 'Writer': list, 'Cast': list, 'Producer': list } """ item = self.item director = [] writer = [] cast = [] producer = [] for child in item[self.child]: if child.tag == 'Director': director.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Writer': writer.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Role': cast.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Producer': producer.append(child.attrib['tag']) return { 'Director': director, 'Writer': writer, 'Cast': cast, 'Producer': producer } def getPeopleList(self): """ Returns a list of people from item, with a list item of the form { 'Name': xxx, 'Type': xxx, 'Id': xxx 'imageurl': url to picture, None otherwise ('Role': xxx for cast/actors only, None if not found) } """ item = self.item people = [] # Key of library: Plex-identifier. Value represents the Kodi/emby side people_of_interest = { 'Director': 'Director', 'Writer': 'Writer', 'Role': 'Actor', 'Producer': 'Producer' } for child in item[self.child]: if child.tag in people_of_interest.keys(): name = child.attrib['tag'] name_id = child.attrib['id'] Type = child.tag Type = people_of_interest[Type] try: url = child.attrib['thumb'] except KeyError: url = None try: Role = child.attrib['role'] except KeyError: Role = None people.append({ 'Name': name, 'Type': Type, 'Id': name_id, 'imageurl': url }) if url: people[-1].update({'imageurl': url}) if Role: people[-1].update({'Role': Role}) return people def getGenres(self): """ Returns a list of genres found. (Not a string) """ item = self.item genre = [] for child in item[self.child]: if child.tag == 'Genre': genre.append(child.attrib['tag']) return genre def getProvider(self, providername=None): """ providername: depricated Return IMDB, e.g. "imdb://tt0903624?lang=en". Returns None if not found """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: item = item['guid'] except KeyError: return None regex = re.compile(r'''com\.plexapp\.agents\.(.+)$''') provider = regex.findall(item) try: provider = provider[0] except IndexError: provider = None return provider def getTitle(self): """ Returns an item's name/title or "Missing Title Name" for both XML and JSON PMS replies Output: title, sorttitle sorttitle = title, if no sorttitle is found """ item = self.item # XML try: item = item[self.child].attrib # JSON except KeyError: pass try: title = item['title'] except: title = 'Missing Title Name' try: sorttitle = item['titleSort'] except KeyError: sorttitle = title return title, sorttitle def getPlot(self): """ Returns the plot or None. """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: plot = item['summary'] except: plot = None return plot def getTagline(self): """ Returns a shorter tagline or None """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: tagline = item['tagline'] except KeyError: tagline = None return tagline def getAudienceRating(self): """ Returns the audience rating or None """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: rating = item['audienceRating'] except KeyError: rating = None return rating def getYear(self): """ Returns the production(?) year ("year") or None """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: year = item['year'] except KeyError: year = None return year def getRuntime(self): """ Resume point of time and runtime/totaltime in seconds, rounded to 6th decimal. Time from Plex server is measured in milliseconds. Kodi: seconds Output: resume, runtime as floats. 0.0 if not found """ time_factor = 1.0 / 1000.0 # millisecond -> seconds item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: runtime = float(item['duration']) except KeyError: runtime = 0.0 try: resume = float(item['viewOffset']) except KeyError: resume = 0.0 # Adjust the resume point by x seconds as chosen by the user in the # settings if resume: # To avoid negative bookmark if resume > self.jumpback: resume = resume - self.jumpback runtime = runtime * time_factor resume = resume * time_factor resume = round(resume, 6) runtime = round(runtime, 6) return resume, runtime def getMpaa(self): """ Get the content rating or None """ # Convert more complex cases item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: mpaa = item['contentRating'] except KeyError: mpaa = None if mpaa in ("NR", "UR"): # Kodi seems to not like NR, but will accept Rated Not Rated mpaa = "Rated Not Rated" return mpaa def getCountry(self): """ Returns a list of all countries found in item. """ item = self.item country = [] for child in item[self.child]: if child.tag == 'Country': country.append(child.attrib['tag']) return country def getPremiereDate(self): """ Returns the "originallyAvailableAt" or None """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: premiere = item['originallyAvailableAt'] except: premiere = None return premiere def getStudios(self): """ Returns a list with a single entry for the studio, or an empty list """ item = self.item studio = [] item = item[self.child].attrib try: studio.append(self.getStudio(item['studio'])) except KeyError: pass return studio def getStudio(self, studioName): """ Convert studio for Kodi to properly detect them """ studios = { 'abc (us)': "ABC", 'fox (us)': "FOX", 'mtv (us)': "MTV", 'showcase (ca)': "Showcase", 'wgn america': "WGN" } return studios.get(studioName.lower(), studioName) def joinList(self, listobject): """ Smart-joins the listobject into a single string using a " / " separator. If the list is empty, smart_join returns an empty string. """ string = " / ".join(listobject) return string def getEpisodeDetails(self): """ Call on a single episode. Output: for the corresponding the TV show and season: [ TV show key, Plex: 'grandparentRatingKey' TV show title, Plex: 'grandparentTitle' TV show season, Plex: 'parentIndex' Episode number, Plex: 'index' ] """ item = self.item[self.child].attrib key = item['grandparentRatingKey'] title = item['grandparentTitle'] season = item['parentIndex'] episode = item['index'] return key, title, season, episode def getFilePath(self): """ returns the path to the Plex object, e.g. "/library/metadata/221803" """ item = self.item item = item[self.child].attrib try: filepath = item['key'] except KeyError: filepath = "" # Plex: do we need this? else: if "\\\\" in filepath: # append smb protocol filepath = filepath.replace("\\\\", "smb://") filepath = filepath.replace("\\", "/") if item.get('VideoType'): videotype = item['VideoType'] # Specific format modification if 'Dvd'in videotype: filepath = "%s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO" % filepath elif 'Bluray' in videotype: filepath = "%s/BDMV/index.bdmv" % filepath if "\\" in filepath: # Local path scenario, with special videotype filepath = filepath.replace("/", "\\") return filepath def addPlexCredentialsToUrl(self, url, arguments={}): """ Takes an URL and optional arguments (also to be URL-encoded); returns an extended URL with e.g. the Plex token included. """ token = {'X-Plex-Token': self.token} xargs = PlexAPI().getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=token) xargs.update(arguments) url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlencode(xargs)) return url def getBitrate(self): """ Returns the bitrate as an int. The Part bitrate is returned; if not available in the Plex XML, the Media bitrate is returned """ item = self.item try: bitrate = item[self.child][0][self.part].attrib['bitrate'] except KeyError: bitrate = item[self.child][0].attrib['bitrate'] bitrate = int(bitrate) return bitrate def getDataFromPartOrMedia(self, key): """ Retrieves XML data 'key' first from the active part. If unsuccessful, tries to retrieve the data from the Media response part. If all fails, None is returned. """ media = self.item[self.child][0].attrib part = self.item[self.child][0][self.part].attrib try: try: value = part[key] except KeyError: value = media[key] except KeyError: value = None return value def getVideoCodec(self): """ Returns the video codec and resolution for the child and part selected. If any data is not found on a part-level, the Media-level data is returned. If that also fails (e.g. for old trailers, None is returned) Output: { 'videocodec': xxx, e.g. 'h264' 'resolution': xxx, e.g. '720' or '1080' 'height': xxx, e.g. '816' 'width': xxx, e.g. '1920' 'aspectratio': xxx, e.g. '1.78' 'bitrate': xxx, e.g. 10642 (an int!) 'container': xxx e.g. 'mkv' } """ videocodec = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('videoCodec') resolution = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('videoResolution') height = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('height') width = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('width') aspectratio = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('aspectratio') bitrate = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('bitrate') container = self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('container') videoCodec = { 'videocodec': videocodec, 'resolution': resolution, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'aspectratio': aspectratio, 'bitrate': bitrate, 'container': container } return videoCodec def getExtras(self): """ Returns a list of trailer and extras from PMS XML. Returns [] if no extras are found. Extratypes: '1': Trailer '5': Behind the scenes Output: list of dicts with one entry of the form: 'key': e.g. /library/metadata/xxxx 'title': 'thumb': artwork 'duration': 'extraType': 'originallyAvailableAt': 'year': """ extras = self.item[0].find('Extras') elements = [] if not extras: return elements for extra in extras: # Trailer: key = extra.attrib['key'] title = extra.attrib['title'] thumb = extra.attrib['thumb'] duration = extra.attrib['duration'] year = extra.attrib['year'] extraType = extra.attrib['extraType'] originallyAvailableAt = extra.attrib['originallyAvailableAt'] elements.append({'key': key, 'title': title, 'thumb': thumb, 'duration': duration, 'extraType': extraType, 'originallyAvailableAt': originallyAvailableAt, 'year': year}) return elements def getMediaStreams(self): """ Returns the media streams Output: each track contains a dictionaries { 'video': videotrack-list, 'codec', 'height', 'width', 'aspect', 'video3DFormat' 'audio': audiotrack-list, 'codec', 'channels', 'language' 'subtitle': list of subtitle languages (or "Unknown") } """ item = self.item videotracks = [] audiotracks = [] subtitlelanguages = [] aspectratio = None try: aspectratio = item[self.child][0].attrib['aspectRatio'] except KeyError: pass # TODO: what if several Media tags exist?!? # Loop over parts for child in item[self.child][0]: container = child.attrib['container'].lower() # Loop over Streams for grandchild in child: mediaStream = grandchild.attrib type = int(mediaStream['streamType']) if type == 1: # Video streams videotrack = {} videotrack['codec'] = mediaStream['codec'].lower() if "msmpeg4" in videotrack['codec']: videotrack['codec'] = "divx" elif "mpeg4" in videotrack['codec']: # if "simple profile" in profile or profile == "": # videotrack['codec'] = "xvid" pass elif "h264" in videotrack['codec']: if container in ("mp4", "mov", "m4v"): videotrack['codec'] = "avc1" videotrack['height'] = mediaStream.get('height') videotrack['width'] = mediaStream.get('width') # TODO: 3d Movies?!? # videotrack['Video3DFormat'] = item.get('Video3DFormat') try: aspectratio = mediaStream['aspectRatio'] except KeyError: if not aspectratio: aspectratio = round(float(videotrack['width'] / videotrack['height']), 6) videotrack['aspect'] = aspectratio # TODO: Video 3d format videotrack['video3DFormat'] = None videotracks.append(videotrack) elif type == 2: # Audio streams audiotrack = {} audiotrack['codec'] = mediaStream['codec'].lower() profile = mediaStream['codecID'].lower() if "dca" in audiotrack['codec'] and "dts-hd ma" in profile: audiotrack['codec'] = "dtshd_ma" audiotrack['channels'] = mediaStream.get('channels') try: audiotrack['language'] = mediaStream.get('language') except KeyError: audiotrack['language'] = 'unknown' audiotracks.append(audiotrack) elif type == 3: # Subtitle streams try: subtitlelanguages.append(mediaStream['language']) except: subtitlelanguages.append("Unknown") media = { 'video': videotracks, 'audio': audiotracks, 'subtitle': subtitlelanguages } return media def getAllArtwork(self, parentInfo=False): """ Gets the URLs to the Plex artwork, or empty string if not found. Output: { 'Primary': Plex key: "thumb". Only 1 pix 'Art':, 'Banner':, 'Logo':, 'Thumb':, 'Disc':, 'Backdrop': [] Plex key: "art". Only 1 pix } """ server = self.server item = self.item maxHeight = 10000 maxWidth = 10000 customquery = "" if utils.settings('compressArt') == "true": customquery = "&Quality=90" if utils.settings('enableCoverArt') == "false": customquery += "&EnableImageEnhancers=false" allartworks = { 'Primary': "", 'Art': "", 'Banner': "", 'Logo': "", 'Thumb': "", 'Disc': "", 'Backdrop': [] } # Process backdrops # Get background artwork URL item = item[self.child].attrib try: background = item['art'] background = "%s%s" % (server, background) background = self.addPlexCredentialsToUrl(background) except KeyError: background = "" allartworks['Backdrop'].append(background) # Get primary "thumb" pictures: try: primary = item['thumb'] primary = "%s%s" % (server, primary) primary = self.addPlexCredentialsToUrl(primary) except KeyError: primary = "" allartworks['Primary'] = primary # Process parent items if the main item is missing artwork if parentInfo: # Process parent backdrops if not allartworks['Backdrop']: parentId = item.get('ParentBackdropItemId') if parentId: # If there is a parentId, go through the parent backdrop list parentbackdrops = item['ParentBackdropImageTags'] backdropIndex = 0 for parentbackdroptag in parentbackdrops: artwork = ( "%s/emby/Items/%s/Images/Backdrop/%s?" "MaxWidth=%s&MaxHeight=%s&Format=original&Tag=%s%s" % (server, parentId, backdropIndex, maxWidth, maxHeight, parentbackdroptag, customquery)) allartworks['Backdrop'].append(artwork) backdropIndex += 1 # Process the rest of the artwork parentartwork = ['Logo', 'Art', 'Thumb'] for parentart in parentartwork: if not allartworks[parentart]: parentId = item.get('Parent%sItemId' % parentart) if parentId: parentTag = item['Parent%sImageTag' % parentart] artwork = ( "%s/emby/Items/%s/Images/%s/0?" "MaxWidth=%s&MaxHeight=%s&Format=original&Tag=%s%s" % (server, parentId, parentart, maxWidth, maxHeight, parentTag, customquery)) allartworks[parentart] = artwork # Parent album works a bit differently if not allartworks['Primary']: parentId = item.get('AlbumId') if parentId and item.get('AlbumPrimaryImageTag'): parentTag = item['AlbumPrimaryImageTag'] artwork = ( "%s/emby/Items/%s/Images/Primary/0?" "MaxWidth=%s&MaxHeight=%s&Format=original&Tag=%s%s" % (server, parentId, maxWidth, maxHeight, parentTag, customquery)) allartworks['Primary'] = artwork return allartworks def getTranscodeVideoPath(self, action, quality={}, subtitle={}, audioboost=None, options={}): """ Transcode Video support; returns the URL to get a media started Input: action 'DirectPlay', 'DirectStream' or 'Transcode' quality: { 'videoResolution': 'resolution', 'videoQuality': 'quality', 'maxVideoBitrate': 'bitrate' } (one or several of these options) subtitle {'selected', 'dontBurnIn', 'size'} audioboost e.g. 100 options dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV Output: final URL to pull in PMS transcoder TODO: mediaIndex """ # Set Client capabilities clientArgs = { 'X-Plex-Client-Capabilities': "protocols=shoutcast," "http-live-streaming," "http-streaming-video," "http-streaming-video-720p," "http-streaming-video-1080p," "http-mp4-streaming," "http-mp4-video," "http-mp4-video-720p," "http-mp4-video-1080p;" "videoDecoders=" "h264{profile:high&resolution:1080&level:51}," "h265{profile:high&resolution:1080&level:51}," "mpeg1video," "mpeg2video," "mpeg4," "msmpeg4," "mjpeg," "wmv2," "wmv3," "vc1," "cinepak," "h263;" "audioDecoders=" "mp3," "aac," "ac3{bitrate:800000&channels:8}," "dts{bitrate:800000&channels:8}," "truehd," "eac3," "dca," "mp2," "pcm," "wmapro," "wmav2," "wmavoice," "wmalossless;" } xargs = PlexAPI().getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=options) # For Direct Playing if action == "DirectPlay": path = self.item[self.child][0][self.part].attrib['key'] transcodePath = self.server + path # Be sure to have exactly ONE '?' in the path (might already have # been returned, e.g. trailers!) if '?' not in path: transcodePath = transcodePath + '?' url = transcodePath + \ urlencode(clientArgs) + '&' + \ urlencode(xargs) return url # For Direct Streaming or Transcoding transcodePath = self.server + \ '/video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?' partCount = 0 for parts in self.item[self.child][0]: partCount = partCount + 1 # Movie consists of several parts; grap one part if partCount > 1: path = self.item[self.child][0][self.part].attrib['key'] # Movie consists of only one part else: path = self.item[self.child].attrib['key'] args = { 'path': path, 'mediaIndex': 0, # Probably refering to XML reply sheme 'partIndex': self.part, 'protocol': 'hls', # seen in the wild: 'dash', 'http', 'hls' 'offset': 0, # Resume point 'fastSeek': 1 } # All the settings if subtitle: argsUpdate = { 'subtitles': 'burn', 'subtitleSize': subtitle['size'], # E.g. 100 'skipSubtitles': subtitle['dontBurnIn'] # '1': shut off PMS } self.logMsg( "Subtitle: selected %s, dontBurnIn %s, size %s" % (subtitle['selected'], subtitle['dontBurnIn'], subtitle['size']), 1 ) args.update(argsUpdate) if audioboost: argsUpdate = { 'audioBoost': audioboost } self.logMsg("audioboost: %s" % audioboost, 1) args.update(argsUpdate) if action == "DirectStream": argsUpdate = { 'directPlay': '0', 'directStream': '1', } args.update(argsUpdate) elif action == 'Transcode': argsUpdate = { 'directPlay': '0', 'directStream': '0' } self.logMsg("Setting transcode quality to: %s" % quality, 1) args.update(quality) args.update(argsUpdate) url = transcodePath + \ urlencode(clientArgs) + '&' + \ urlencode(xargs) + '&' + \ urlencode(args) return url def externalSubs(self, playurl): externalsubs = [] mapping = {} item = self.item itemid = self.getKey() try: mediastreams = item[self.child][0][0] except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError): return kodiindex = 0 for stream in mediastreams: # index = stream['Index'] index = stream.attrib['id'] # Since Emby returns all possible tracks together, have to pull only external subtitles. # IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from emby. if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == "3" and stream.attrib['format']): # Direct stream # PLEX: TODO!! url = ("%s/Videos/%s/%s/Subtitles/%s/Stream.srt" % (self.server, itemid, itemid, index)) # map external subtitles for mapping mapping[kodiindex] = index externalsubs.append(url) kodiindex += 1 mapping = json.dumps(mapping) utils.window('emby_%s.indexMapping' % playurl, value=mapping) return externalsubs def GetPlexPlaylist(self): """ Returns raw API metadata XML dump for a playlist with e.g. trailers. """ item = self.item key = self.getKey() try: uuid = item.attrib['librarySectionUUID'] # if not found: probably trying to start a trailer directly # Hence no playlist needed except KeyError: return None mediatype = item[self.child].tag.lower() trailerNumber = utils.settings('trailerNumber') if not trailerNumber: trailerNumber = '3' url = "{server}/playQueues" args = { 'type': mediatype, 'uri': 'library://' + uuid + '/item/%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F' + key, 'includeChapters': '1', 'extrasPrefixCount': trailerNumber, 'shuffle': '0', 'repeat': '0' } url = url + '?' + urlencode(args) xml = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( url, type="POST", headerOptions={'Accept': 'application/xml'} ) if not xml: self.logMsg("Error retrieving metadata for %s" % url, 1) return xml def GetParts(self): """ Returns the parts of the specified video child in the XML response """ return self.item[self.child][0]