# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import logging import xbmc import xbmcaddon import plexdb_functions as plexdb from utils import window, settings, dialog, language as lang, kodiSQL from dialogs import context from PlexFunctions import delete_item_from_pms import variables as v ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) OPTIONS = { 'Refresh': lang(30410), 'Delete': lang(30409), 'Addon': lang(30408), # 'AddFav': lang(30405), # 'RemoveFav': lang(30406), # 'RateSong': lang(30407), 'Transcode': lang(30412), 'PMS_Play': lang(30415) # Use PMS to start playback } ############################################################################### class ContextMenu(object): _selected_option = None def __init__(self): self.kodi_id = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID').decode('utf-8') self.item_type = self._get_item_type() self.item_id = self._get_item_id(self.kodi_id, self.item_type) log.info("Found item_id: %s item_type: %s" % (self.item_id, self.item_type)) if not self.item_id: return if self._select_menu(): self._action_menu() if self._selected_option in (OPTIONS['Delete'], OPTIONS['Refresh']): log.info("refreshing container") xbmc.sleep(500) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') @classmethod def _get_item_type(cls): item_type = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBTYPE').decode('utf-8') if not item_type: if xbmc.getCondVisibility('Container.Content(albums)'): item_type = "album" elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('Container.Content(artists)'): item_type = "artist" elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('Container.Content(songs)'): item_type = "song" elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('Container.Content(pictures)'): item_type = "picture" else: log.info("item_type is unknown") return item_type @classmethod def _get_item_id(cls, kodi_id, item_type): item_id = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Property(plexid)') if not item_id and kodi_id and item_type: with plexdb.Get_Plex_DB() as plexcursor: item = plexcursor.getItem_byKodiId(kodi_id, item_type) try: item_id = item[0] except TypeError: log.error('Could not get the Plex id for context menu') return item_id def _select_menu(self): # Display select dialog options = [] # if user uses direct paths, give option to initiate playback via PMS if (window('useDirectPaths') == 'true' and self.item_type in v.KODI_VIDEOTYPES): options.append(OPTIONS['PMS_Play']) if self.item_type in v.KODI_VIDEOTYPES: options.append(OPTIONS['Transcode']) # userdata = self.api.getUserData() # if userdata['Favorite']: # # Remove from emby favourites # options.append(OPTIONS['RemoveFav']) # else: # # Add to emby favourites # options.append(OPTIONS['AddFav']) # if self.item_type == "song": # # Set custom song rating # options.append(OPTIONS['RateSong']) # Refresh item # options.append(OPTIONS['Refresh']) # Delete item, only if the Plex Home main user is logged in if (window('plex_restricteduser') != 'true' and window('plex_allows_mediaDeletion') == 'true'): options.append(OPTIONS['Delete']) # Addon settings options.append(OPTIONS['Addon']) context_menu = context.ContextMenu( "script-emby-context.xml", xbmcaddon.Addon( 'plugin.video.plexkodiconnect').getAddonInfo('path'), "default", "1080i") context_menu.set_options(options) context_menu.doModal() if context_menu.is_selected(): self._selected_option = context_menu.get_selected() return self._selected_option def _action_menu(self): selected = self._selected_option if selected == OPTIONS['Transcode']: window('plex_forcetranscode', value='true') self._PMS_play() elif selected == OPTIONS['PMS_Play']: self._PMS_play() # elif selected == OPTIONS['Refresh']: # self.emby.refreshItem(self.item_id) # elif selected == OPTIONS['AddFav']: # self.emby.updateUserRating(self.item_id, favourite=True) # elif selected == OPTIONS['RemoveFav']: # self.emby.updateUserRating(self.item_id, favourite=False) # elif selected == OPTIONS['RateSong']: # self._rate_song() elif selected == OPTIONS['Addon']: xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(plugin.video.plexkodiconnect)') elif selected == OPTIONS['Delete']: self._delete_item() def _rate_song(self): conn = kodiSQL('music') cursor = conn.cursor() query = "SELECT rating FROM song WHERE idSong = ?" cursor.execute(query, (self.kodi_id,)) try: value = cursor.fetchone()[0] current_value = int(round(float(value), 0)) except TypeError: pass else: new_value = dialog("numeric", 0, lang(30411), str(current_value)) if new_value > -1: new_value = int(new_value) if new_value > 5: new_value = 5 if settings('enableUpdateSongRating') == "true": musicutils.updateRatingToFile(new_value, self.api.get_file_path()) query = "UPDATE song SET rating = ? WHERE idSong = ?" cursor.execute(query, (new_value, self.kodi_id,)) conn.commit() finally: cursor.close() def _delete_item(self): delete = True if settings('skipContextMenu') != "true": if not dialog("yesno", heading=lang(29999), line1=lang(33041)): log.info("User skipped deletion for: %s", self.item_id) delete = False if delete: log.info("Deleting Plex item with id %s", self.item_id) if delete_item_from_pms(self.item_id) is False: dialog("ok", heading="{plex}", line1=lang(30414)) def _PMS_play(self): """ For using direct paths: Initiates playback using the PMS """ window('plex_contextplay', value='true') params = { 'filename': '/library/metadata/%s' % self.item_id, 'id': self.item_id, 'dbid': self.kodi_id, 'mode': "play" } from urllib import urlencode handle = ("plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/movies?%s" % urlencode(params)) xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s)' % handle)