video audio image30416[!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + !StringCompare(ListItem.DBID,-1) | !IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(plexid))] + !IsEmpty(Window(10000).Property(plex_context))allGNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991https://forums.plex.tv Integration of Plex into KodiConnect Kodi to your Plex Media Server. This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases (as this plugin directly changes them). Use at your own risk!Use at your own riskDirecte integratie van Plex in KodiVerbind Kodi met je Plex Media Server. Deze plugin gaat ervan uit dat je al je video's met Plex (en niet met Kodi) beheerd. Je kunt gegevens reeds opgeslagen in de databases voor video en muziek van Kodi (deze plugin wijzigt deze gegevens direct) verliezen. Gebruik op eigen risico!Gebruik op eigen risicoIntégration native de Plex dans KodiConnecter Kodi à votre Plex Media Server. Ce plugin assume que vous souhaitez gérer toutes vos vidéos avec Plex (et aucune avec Kodi). Vous pourriez perdre les données déjà stockées dans les bases de données vidéo et musique de Kodi (ce plugin les modifie directement). Utilisez à vos propres risques !A utiliser à vos propres risquesIntégration native de Plex dans KodiConnecter Kodi à votre Plex Media Server. Ce plugin assume que vous souhaitez gérer toutes vos vidéos avec Plex (et aucune avec Kodi). Vous pourriez perdre les données déjà stockées dans les bases de données vidéo et musique de Kodi (ce plugin les modifie directement). Utilisez à vos propres risques !A utiliser à vos propres risquesKomplette Integration von Plex in KodiVerbindet Kodi mit deinem Plex Media Server. Dieses Addon geht davon aus, dass du all deine Videos mit Plex verwaltest (und keine direkt mit Kodi). Du wirst möglicherweise Daten verlieren, die bereits in der Kodi Video- und/oder Musik-Datenbank gespeichert sind (da dieses Addon beide Datenbanken direkt verändert). Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr!Verwendung auf eigene GefahrIntegração nativa do Plex no KodiConectar o Kodi ao Servidor Plex Media. Este plugin assume que gerirá todos os vídeos com o Plex (e nenhum com Kodi). Poderá perder dados guardados nas bases de dados de vídeo e musica do Kodi (pois este plugin interfere diretamente com as mesmas). Use por risco de conta própriaUse por risco de conta própriaIntegração nativa do Plex no KodiConectar o Kodi ao Servidor Plex Media. Este plugin assume que gerirá todos os vídeos com o Plex (e nenhum com Kodi). Poderá perder dados guardados nas bases de dados de vídeo e musica do Kodi (pois este plugin interfere diretamente com as mesmas). Use por risco de conta própriaUse por risco de conta própriaIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoIntegración Nativa de Plex en KodiConecte Kodi a su Plex Media Server. Este plugin asume que usted gestiona todos sus vídeos con Plex (y ninguno con Kodi). Puede perder datos ya guardados en las bases de datos de vídeo y música de Kodi (ya que este plugin las actualiza directamente). ¡Úselo a su propio riesgo!Usar a su propio riesgoÚplná integrace Plexu do KodiPřipojte Kodi ke svému Plex Media Serveru. Tento doplněk předpokládá, že spravujete veškerá svá videa pomocí Plexu (nikoliv pomocí Kodi). Můžete přijít o data uložená ve video a hudební databázi Kodi (tento doplněk je přímo mění). Používejte na vlastní nebezpečí!Používejte na vlastní nebezpečíIndbygget Integration af Plex i KodiTilslut Kodi til din Plex Media Server. Dette plugin forudsætter, at du administrere alle dine videoer med Plex (og ikke med Kodi). Du kan miste data som allerede er gemt i Kodi video og musik-databaser (dette plugin ændrer direkte i dem). Brug på eget ansvar!Brug på eget ansvarversion 1.8.9
- Fix playback not starting in some circumstances
- Deactivate some annoying popups on install
version 1.8.8
- Fix playback not starting in some circumstances
- Fix first artist "missing" tag (Reset your DB!)
- Update Czech translation
version 1.8.7 (beta only):
- Some fixes to playstate reporting, thanks @RickDB
- Add Kodi info screen for episodes in context menu
- Fix PKC asking for trailers not working
- Fix PKC not automatically updating
version 1.8.6:
- Portuguese translation, thanks @goncalo532
- Updated other translations
version 1.8.5:
- version 1.8.4 for everyone
version 1.8.5:
- version 1.8.4 for everyone
version 1.8.4 (beta only):
- Plex cloud should now work: Request pictures with transcoding API
- Fix Plex companion feedback for Android
- Update translations
version 1.8.3:
- Fix Kodi playlists being empty
version 1.8.2:
- Choose to replace user ratings with the number of available versions of a media file
- More collection artwork: use TheMovieDB art
- Support new Companion command "refreshPlayQueue"
- Use https for TheMovieDB
- Update translations
version 1.8.1:
- Fix library sync crash due to UnicodeDecodeError
- Fix fanart for collections
- Comply with terms of use
- Add some translations
version 1.8.0
- Major music overhaul: Direct Paths should now work! Many thanks @Memesa for the pointers! Don't forget to reset your database
- Big transcoding overhaul
- Many Plex Companion fixes
- Add support to Kodi 18.0-alpha1 (thanks @CotzaDev)
version 1.7.22 (beta only)
- Fix playback stop not being recognized by the PMS
- Better way to sync progress to another account
version 1.7.21 (beta only)
- Fix Playback and watched status not syncing
- Fix PKC syncing progress to wrong account
- Warn user if a xml cannot be parsed
version 1.7.20 (beta only)
- Fix for Windows usernames with non-ASCII chars
- Companion: Fix TypeError
- Use SSL settings when checking server connection
- Fix TypeError when PMS connection lost
- Increase timeout
version 1.7.19 (beta only)
- Big code refactoring
- Many Plex Companion fixes
- Fix WindowsError or alike when deleting video nodes
- Remove restart on first setup
- Only set advancedsettings tweaks if Music enabled
version 1.7.18 (beta only)
- Fix OperationalError when resetting PKC
- Fix possible OperationalErrors
- Companion: ensure sockets get closed
- Fix TypeError for Plex Companion
- Update Czech
version 1.7.17 (beta only)
- Don't add media by other add-ons to queue
- Fix KeyError for Plex Companion
- Repace Kodi mkdirs with os.makedirs
- Use xbmcvfs exists instead of os.path.exists
version 1.7.16 (beta only)
- Fix PKC complaining about files not found
- Fix multiple subtitles per language not showing
- Update Czech translation
- Fix too many arguments when marking 100% watched
- More small fixes
version 1.7.15 (beta only)
- Fix companion for "Playback via PMS"
- Change sleeping behavior for playqueue client
- Plex Companion: add itemType to playstate
- Less logging
version 1.7.14 (beta only)
- Fix TypeError, but for real now
version 1.7.13 (beta only)
- Fix TypeError with AdvancedSettings.xml missing
version 1.7.12 (beta only)
- Major music overhaul: Direct Paths should now work! Many thanks @Memesa for the pointers! Don't forget to reset your database
- Some Plex Companion fixes
- Fix UnicodeDecodeError on user switch
- Remove link to
- Update Readme
version 1.7.11 (beta only)
- Add support to Kodi 18.0-alpha1 (thanks @CotzaDev)
- Fix PKC not storing network credentials correctly
version 1.7.10 (beta only)
- Avoid xbmcvfs entirely; use encoded paths
- Update Czech translation
version 1.7.9 (beta only)
- Big transcoding overhaul
- Fix for not detecting external subtitle language
- Change Plex transcoding profile to Android
- Use Kodi video cache setting for transcoding
- Fix TheTVDB ID for TV shows
- Account for missing IMDB ids for movies
- Account for missing TheTVDB ids
- Fix UnicodeDecodeError on user switch
- Update English, Spanish and German
version 1.7.8 (beta only)
- Fix IMDB id for movies (resync by going to the PKC settings, Advanced, then Repair Local Database)
- Increase timeouts for PMS, should fix some connection issues
- Move translations to new strings.po system
- Fix some TypeErrors
- Some code refactoring
version 1.7.7
- Chinese Traditional, thanks @old2tan
- Chinese Simplified, thanks @everdream
- Browse by folder: also sort by Date Added
- Update addon.xml
version 1.7.6
- Hotfix: Revert Cache missing artwork on PKC startup. This should help with slow PKC startup, videos not being started, lagging PKC, etc.
version 1.7.5
- Dutch translation, thanks @mvanbaak
version 1.7.4 (beta only)
- Show menu item only for appropriate Kodi library: Be careful to start video content through Videos - Video Addons - ... and pictures through Pictures - Picture Addons - ...
- Fix playback error popup when using Alexa
- New Italian translations, thanks @nikkux, @chicco83
- Update translations
- Rewire Kodi ListItem stuff
- Fix TypeError for setting ListItem streams
- Fix Kodi setContent for images
- Fix AttributeError due to missing Kodi sort methods
version 1.7.3 (beta only)
- Fix KeyError for channels if no media streams
- Move plex node navigation, playback to main thread
- Fix TypeError for malformed browsing xml
- Fix IndexError if we can't get a valid xml from PMS
- Pass 'None' instead of empty string in url args
version 1.7.2
- Fix for some channels not starting playback
version 1.7.1
- Fix Alexa not doing anything
version 1.7.0
- Amazon Alexa support! Be sure to check the Plex Alexa forum first if you encounter issues; there are still many bugs completely unrelated to PKC
- Plex Channels!
- Browse video nodes by folder/path
- Fix IndexError for playqueues
- Update translations
- Code optimization