""" .. codeauthor:: Tsuyoshi Hombashi <tsuyoshi.hombashi@gmail.com> """ import itertools import ntpath import posixpath import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Pattern, Tuple from ._base import AbstractSanitizer, BaseFile, BaseValidator from ._common import ( PathType, Platform, PlatformType, findall_to_str, is_pathlike_obj, preprocess, validate_pathtype, ) from .error import ErrorReason, InvalidCharError, InvalidLengthError, ValidationError _DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 255 _RE_INVALID_FILENAME = re.compile( "[{:s}]".format(re.escape(BaseFile._INVALID_FILENAME_CHARS)), re.UNICODE ) _RE_INVALID_WIN_FILENAME = re.compile( "[{:s}]".format(re.escape(BaseFile._INVALID_WIN_FILENAME_CHARS)), re.UNICODE ) class FileNameSanitizer(AbstractSanitizer): def __init__( self, min_len: Optional[int] = 1, max_len: Optional[int] = _DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, platform: PlatformType = None, check_reserved: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__( min_len=min_len, max_len=max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved, platform_max_len=_DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, platform=platform, ) self._sanitize_regexp = self._get_sanitize_regexp() self.__validator = FileNameValidator( min_len=self.min_len, max_len=self.max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved, platform=self.platform, ) def sanitize(self, value: PathType, replacement_text: str = "") -> PathType: try: validate_pathtype(value, allow_whitespaces=True if not self._is_windows() else False) except ValidationError as e: if e.reason == ErrorReason.NULL_NAME: return "" raise sanitized_filename = self._sanitize_regexp.sub(replacement_text, str(value)) sanitized_filename = sanitized_filename[: self.max_len] try: self.__validator.validate(sanitized_filename) except ValidationError as e: if e.reason == ErrorReason.RESERVED_NAME and e.reusable_name is False: sanitized_filename = re.sub( re.escape(e.reserved_name), "{}_".format(e.reserved_name), sanitized_filename ) elif e.reason == ErrorReason.INVALID_CHARACTER: if self.platform in [Platform.UNIVERSAL, Platform.WINDOWS]: sanitized_filename = sanitized_filename.rstrip(" .") if is_pathlike_obj(value): return Path(sanitized_filename) return sanitized_filename def _get_sanitize_regexp(self) -> Pattern: if self.platform in [Platform.UNIVERSAL, Platform.WINDOWS]: return _RE_INVALID_WIN_FILENAME return _RE_INVALID_FILENAME class FileNameValidator(BaseValidator): _WINDOWS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES = ("CON", "PRN", "AUX", "CLOCK$", "NUL") + tuple( "{:s}{:d}".format(name, num) for name, num in itertools.product(("COM", "LPT"), range(1, 10)) ) _MACOS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES = (":",) @property def reserved_keywords(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: common_keywords = super().reserved_keywords if self._is_universal(): return ( common_keywords + self._WINDOWS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES + self._MACOS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES ) if self._is_windows(): return common_keywords + self._WINDOWS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES if self._is_posix() or self._is_macos(): return common_keywords + self._MACOS_RESERVED_FILE_NAMES return common_keywords def __init__( self, min_len: Optional[int] = 1, max_len: Optional[int] = _DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, platform: PlatformType = None, check_reserved: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__( min_len=min_len, max_len=max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved, platform_max_len=_DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, platform=platform, ) def validate(self, value: PathType) -> None: validate_pathtype( value, allow_whitespaces=False if self.platform in [Platform.UNIVERSAL, Platform.WINDOWS] else True, ) unicode_filename = preprocess(value) value_len = len(unicode_filename) self.validate_abspath(unicode_filename) if value_len > self.max_len: raise InvalidLengthError( "filename is too long: expected<={:d}, actual={:d}".format(self.max_len, value_len) ) if value_len < self.min_len: raise InvalidLengthError( "filename is too short: expected>={:d}, actual={:d}".format(self.min_len, value_len) ) self._validate_reserved_keywords(unicode_filename) if self._is_universal() or self._is_windows(): self.__validate_win_filename(unicode_filename) else: self.__validate_unix_filename(unicode_filename) def validate_abspath(self, value: str) -> None: err = ValidationError( description="found an absolute path ({}), expected a filename".format(value), platform=self.platform, reason=ErrorReason.FOUND_ABS_PATH, ) if self._is_universal() or self._is_windows(): if ntpath.isabs(value): raise err if posixpath.isabs(value): raise err def __validate_unix_filename(self, unicode_filename: str) -> None: match = _RE_INVALID_FILENAME.findall(unicode_filename) if match: raise InvalidCharError( self._ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE.format( invalid=findall_to_str(match), value=repr(unicode_filename) ) ) def __validate_win_filename(self, unicode_filename: str) -> None: match = _RE_INVALID_WIN_FILENAME.findall(unicode_filename) if match: raise InvalidCharError( self._ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE.format( invalid=findall_to_str(match), value=repr(unicode_filename) ), platform=Platform.WINDOWS, ) if unicode_filename in (".", ".."): return if unicode_filename[-1] in (" ", "."): raise InvalidCharError( self._ERROR_MSG_TEMPLATE.format( invalid=re.escape(unicode_filename[-1]), value=repr(unicode_filename) ), platform=Platform.WINDOWS, description="Do not end a file or directory name with a space or a period", ) def validate_filename( filename: PathType, platform: Optional[str] = None, min_len: int = 1, max_len: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, check_reserved: bool = True, ) -> None: """Verifying whether the ``filename`` is a valid file name or not. Args: filename: Filename to validate. platform: Target platform name of the filename. .. include:: platform.txt min_len: Minimum length of the ``filename``. The value must be greater or equal to one. Defaults to ``1``. max_len: Maximum length of the ``filename``. The value must be lower than: - ``Linux``: 4096 - ``macOS``: 1024 - ``Windows``: 260 - ``universal``: 260 Defaults to ``255``. check_reserved: If |True|, check reserved names of the ``platform``. Raises: ValidationError (ErrorReason.INVALID_LENGTH): If the ``filename`` is longer than ``max_len`` characters. ValidationError (ErrorReason.INVALID_CHARACTER): If the ``filename`` includes invalid character(s) for a filename: |invalid_filename_chars|. The following characters are also invalid for Windows platform: |invalid_win_filename_chars|. ValidationError (ErrorReason.RESERVED_NAME): If the ``filename`` equals reserved name by OS. Windows reserved name is as follows: ``"CON"``, ``"PRN"``, ``"AUX"``, ``"NUL"``, ``"COM[1-9]"``, ``"LPT[1-9]"``. Example: :ref:`example-validate-filename` See Also: `Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file>`__ """ FileNameValidator( platform=platform, min_len=min_len, max_len=max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved ).validate(filename) def is_valid_filename( filename: PathType, platform: Optional[str] = None, min_len: int = 1, max_len: Optional[int] = None, check_reserved: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Check whether the ``filename`` is a valid name or not. Args: filename: A filename to be checked. Example: :ref:`example-is-valid-filename` See Also: :py:func:`.validate_filename()` """ return FileNameValidator( platform=platform, min_len=min_len, max_len=max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved ).is_valid(filename) def sanitize_filename( filename: PathType, replacement_text: str = "", platform: Optional[str] = None, max_len: Optional[int] = _DEFAULT_MAX_FILENAME_LEN, check_reserved: bool = True, ) -> PathType: """Make a valid filename from a string. To make a valid filename the function does: - Replace invalid characters as file names included in the ``filename`` with the ``replacement_text``. Invalid characters are: - unprintable characters - |invalid_filename_chars| - for Windows (or universal) only: |invalid_win_filename_chars| - Append underscore (``"_"``) at the tail of the name if sanitized name is one of the reserved names by operating systems (only when ``check_reserved`` is |True|). Args: filename: Filename to sanitize. replacement_text: Replacement text for invalid characters. Defaults to ``""``. platform: Target platform name of the filename. .. include:: platform.txt max_len: Maximum length of the ``filename`` length. Truncate the name length if the ``filename`` length exceeds this value. Defaults to ``255``. check_reserved: If |True|, sanitize reserved names of the ``platform``. Returns: Same type as the ``filename`` (str or PathLike object): Sanitized filename. Raises: ValueError: If the ``filename`` is an invalid filename. Example: :ref:`example-sanitize-filename` """ return FileNameSanitizer( platform=platform, max_len=max_len, check_reserved=check_reserved ).sanitize(filename, replacement_text)