# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################################## import threading from datetime import datetime, timedelta import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcvfs import api import utils import clientinfo import downloadutils import itemtypes import embydb_functions as embydb import kodidb_functions as kodidb import read_embyserver as embyserver import userclient import videonodes import PlexAPI import Queue import time ################################################################################################## class ThreadedGetMetadata(threading.Thread): """ Threaded download of Plex XML metadata for a certain library item. Fills the out_queue with the downloaded etree XML objects Input: queue Queue.Queue() object that you'll need to fill up with Plex itemIds out_queue Queue.Queue() object where this thread will store the downloaded metadata XMLs as etree objects lock threading.Lock(), used for counting where we are userStop Handle to a function where True is used to stop this Thread """ def __init__(self, queue, out_queue, lock, userStop): self.queue = queue self.out_queue = out_queue self.lock = lock self.userStop = userStop self._shouldstop = threading.Event() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI() global getMetadataCount while self.stopped() is False: # grabs Plex item from queue try: updateItem = self.queue.get(block=False) # Empty queue except: continue # Download Metadata plexElement = plx.GetPlexMetadata(updateItem['itemId']) updateItem['XML'] = plexElement # place item into out queue self.out_queue.put(updateItem) # Keep track of where we are at with self.lock: getMetadataCount += 1 # signals to queue job is done self.queue.task_done() def stopThread(self): self._shouldstop.set() def stopped(self): return self._shouldstop.isSet() or self.userStop() class ThreadedProcessMetadata(threading.Thread): """ Not yet implemented - if ever. Only to be called by ONE thread! Processes the XML metadata in the queue Input: queue: Queue.Queue() object that you'll need to fill up with the downloaded XML eTree objects itemType: as used to call functions in itemtypes.py e.g. 'Movies' => itemtypes.Movies() lock: threading.Lock(), used for counting where we are userStop Handle to a function where True is used to stop this Thread """ def __init__(self, queue, itemType, lock, userStop): self.queue = queue self.lock = lock self.itemType = itemType self.userStop = userStop self._shouldstop = threading.Event() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): # Constructs the method name, e.g. itemtypes.Movies itemFkt = getattr(itemtypes, self.itemType) global processMetadataCount global processingViewName with itemFkt() as item: while self.stopped() is False: # grabs item from queue try: updateItem = self.queue.get(block=False) # Empty queue except: continue # Do the work; lock to be sure we've only got 1 Thread plexitem = updateItem['XML'] method = updateItem['method'] viewName = updateItem['viewName'] viewId = updateItem['viewId'] title = updateItem['title'] itemSubFkt = getattr(item, method) with self.lock: itemSubFkt( plexitem, viewtag=viewName, viewid=viewId ) # Keep track of where we are at processMetadataCount += 1 processingViewName = title # signals to queue job is done self.queue.task_done() def stopThread(self): self._shouldstop.set() def stopped(self): return self._shouldstop.isSet() or self.userStop() class ThreadedShowSyncInfo(threading.Thread): """ Threaded class to show the Kodi statusbar of the metadata download. Input: dialog xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() object to show progress locks = [downloadLock, processLock] Locks() to the other threads total: Total number of items to get userStop: function handle to stop thread """ def __init__(self, dialog, locks, total, itemType, userStop): self.locks = locks self.total = total self.userStop = userStop self.addonName = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getAddonName() self._shouldstop = threading.Event() self.dialog = dialog self.itemType = itemType threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): total = self.total downloadLock = self.locks[0] processLock = self.locks[1] self.dialog.create( "%s: Sync %s: %s items" % (self.addonName, self.itemType, str(total)), "Starting") global getMetadataCount global processMetadataCount global processingViewName total = 2 * total totalProgress = 0 while self.stopped() is False: with downloadLock: getMetadataProgress = getMetadataCount with processLock: processMetadataProgress = processMetadataCount viewName = processingViewName totalProgress = getMetadataProgress + processMetadataProgress try: percentage = int(float(totalProgress) / float(total)*100.0) except ZeroDivisionError: percentage = 0 self.dialog.update( percentage, message="Downloaded: %s, Processed: %s: %s" % ( getMetadataProgress, processMetadataProgress, viewName) ) time.sleep(0.5) self.dialog.close() def stopThread(self): self._shouldstop.set() def stopped(self): return self._shouldstop.isSet() or self.userStop() class LibrarySync(threading.Thread): _shared_state = {} stop_thread = False suspend_thread = False # Track websocketclient updates addedItems = [] updateItems = [] userdataItems = [] removeItems = [] forceLibraryUpdate = False refresh_views = False def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state self.monitor = xbmc.Monitor() self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo() self.addonName = self.clientInfo.getAddonName() self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils() self.user = userclient.UserClient() self.emby = embyserver.Read_EmbyServer() self.vnodes = videonodes.VideoNodes() self.plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI() self.syncThreadNumber = int(utils.settings('syncThreadNumber')) threading.Thread.__init__(self) def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1): className = self.__class__.__name__ utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, className), msg, lvl) def progressDialog(self, title, forced=False): dialog = None if utils.settings('dbSyncIndicator') == "true" or forced: dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dialog.create("Emby for Kodi", title) self.logMsg("Show progress dialog: %s" % title, 2) return dialog def startSync(self): # Always do a fullSync. It will be faster automatically. completed = self.fullSync(manualrun=True) return completed def saveLastSync(self): # Save last sync time overlap = 2 url = "{server}/Emby.Kodi.SyncQueue/GetServerDateTime?format=json" result = self.doUtils.downloadUrl(url) try: # datetime fails when used more than once, TypeError server_time = result['ServerDateTime'] server_time = datetime.strptime(server_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except Exception as e: # If the server plugin is not installed or an error happened. self.logMsg("An exception occurred: %s" % e, 1) time_now = datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(minutes=overlap) lastSync = time_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') self.logMsg("New sync time: client time -%s min: %s" % (overlap, lastSync), 1) else: lastSync = (server_time - timedelta(minutes=overlap)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') self.logMsg("New sync time: server time -%s min: %s" % (overlap, lastSync), 1) finally: utils.settings('LastIncrementalSync', value=lastSync) def shouldStop(self): # Checkpoint during the syncing process if self.monitor.abortRequested(): return True elif utils.window('emby_shouldStop') == "true": return True else: # Keep going return False def dbCommit(self, connection): # Central commit, verifies if Kodi database update is running kodidb_scan = utils.window('emby_kodiScan') == "true" while kodidb_scan: self.logMsg("Kodi scan is running. Waiting...", 1) kodidb_scan = utils.window('emby_kodiScan') == "true" if self.shouldStop(): self.logMsg("Commit unsuccessful. Sync terminated.", 1) break if self.monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit self.logMsg("Commit unsuccessful.", 1) break else: connection.commit() self.logMsg("Commit successful.", 1) def initializeDBs(self): """ Run once during startup to verify that emby db exists. """ embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() # Create the tables for the emby database # emby, view, version embycursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emby( emby_id TEXT UNIQUE, media_folder TEXT, emby_type TEXT, media_type TEXT, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_fileid INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, checksum INTEGER)""") embycursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS view( view_id TEXT UNIQUE, view_name TEXT, media_type TEXT, kodi_tagid INTEGER)""") embycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version(idVersion TEXT)") embyconn.commit() # content sync: movies, tvshows, musicvideos, music embyconn.close() return def fullSync(self, manualrun=False, repair=False): # Only run once when first setting up. Can be run manually. self.compare = manualrun music_enabled = utils.settings('enableMusic') == "true" utils.window('emby_dbScan', value="true") # Add sources utils.sourcesXML() if manualrun: message = "Manual sync" elif repair: message = "Repair sync" else: message = "Initial sync" utils.window('emby_initialScan', value="true") starttotal = datetime.now() # Ensure that DBs exist if called for very first time self.initializeDBs() # Set views self.maintainViews() # Sync video library # process = { # 'movies': self.movies, # 'musicvideos': self.musicvideos, # 'tvshows': self.tvshows, # 'homevideos': self.homevideos # } process = { 'movies': self.PlexMovies, 'tvshows': self.PlexTVShows } for itemtype in process: startTime = datetime.now() completed = process[itemtype]() if not completed: utils.window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) return False else: elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime self.logMsg( "SyncDatabase (finished %s in: %s)" % (itemtype, str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0]), 0) # # sync music # if music_enabled: # musicconn = utils.kodiSQL('music') # musiccursor = musicconn.cursor() # startTime = datetime.now() # completed = self.music(embycursor, musiccursor, pDialog, compare=manualrun) # if not completed: # utils.window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) # embycursor.close() # musiccursor.close() # return False # else: # musicconn.commit() # embyconn.commit() # elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime # self.logMsg( # "SyncDatabase (finished music in: %s)" # % (str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0]), 1) # musiccursor.close() utils.settings('SyncInstallRunDone', value="true") utils.settings("dbCreatedWithVersion", self.clientInfo.getVersion()) self.saveLastSync() # tell any widgets to refresh because the content has changed utils.window('widgetreload', value=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') elapsedtotal = datetime.now() - starttotal utils.window('emby_dbScan', clear=True) xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="%s completed in: %s" % (message, str(elapsedtotal).split('.')[0]), icon="special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png", sound=False) return True def maintainViews(self): """ Compare the views to Plex Output: vnodes.viewNode(totalnodes, foldername, mediatype, viewtype) kodi_db.createTag(foldername) kodi_db.updateTag(current_tagid, tagid, item[0],Current_viewtype[:-1]) """ # Open DB links embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() kodiconn = utils.kodiSQL('video') kodicursor = kodiconn.cursor() emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) kodi_db = kodidb.Kodidb_Functions(kodicursor) doUtils = self.doUtils vnodes = self.vnodes # Get views url = "{server}/library/sections" result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url) result = result['_children'] # total nodes for window properties vnodes.clearProperties() totalnodes = 0 # Set views for supported media type mediatypes = [ 'movie', 'show' ] for folder in result: mediatype = folder['type'] if mediatype in mediatypes: folderid = folder['key'] foldername = folder['title'] viewtype = folder['type'] # Get current media folders from emby database view = emby_db.getView_byId(folderid) try: current_viewname = view[0] current_viewtype = view[1] current_tagid = view[2] except TypeError: self.logMsg("Creating viewid: %s in Emby database." % folderid, 1) tagid = kodi_db.createTag(foldername) # Create playlist for the video library if mediatype != "music": utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, viewtype) # Create the video node if mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode(totalnodes, foldername, mediatype, viewtype) totalnodes += 1 # Add view to emby database emby_db.addView(folderid, foldername, viewtype, tagid) else: self.logMsg(' '.join(( "Found viewid: %s" % folderid, "viewname: %s" % current_viewname, "viewtype: %s" % current_viewtype, "tagid: %s" % current_tagid)), 2) # View was modified, update with latest info if current_viewname != foldername: self.logMsg("viewid: %s new viewname: %s" % (folderid, foldername), 1) tagid = kodi_db.createTag(foldername) # Update view with new info emby_db.updateView(foldername, tagid, folderid) if mediatype != "music": if emby_db.getView_byName(current_viewname) is None: # The tag could be a combined view. Ensure there's no other tags # with the same name before deleting playlist. utils.playlistXSP( mediatype, current_viewname, current_viewtype, True) # Delete video node if mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode( totalnodes, current_viewname, mediatype, current_viewtype, delete=True) # Added new playlist utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, viewtype) # Add new video node if mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode(totalnodes, foldername, mediatype, viewtype) totalnodes += 1 # Update items with new tag items = emby_db.getItem_byView(folderid) for item in items: # Remove the "s" from viewtype for tags kodi_db.updateTag( current_tagid, tagid, item[0], current_viewtype[:-1]) else: if mediatype != "music": # Validate the playlist exists or recreate it utils.playlistXSP(mediatype, foldername, viewtype) # Create the video node if not already exists if mediatype != "musicvideos": vnodes.viewNode(totalnodes, foldername, mediatype, viewtype) totalnodes += 1 else: # Add video nodes listings # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, "Favorite movies", "movies", "favourites") # totalnodes += 1 # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, "Favorite tvshows", "tvshows", "favourites") # totalnodes += 1 # vnodes.singleNode(totalnodes, "channels", "movies", "channels") # totalnodes += 1 # Save total utils.window('Emby.nodes.total', str(totalnodes)) # commit changes to DB embyconn.commit() kodiconn.commit() embyconn.close() kodiconn.close() def GetUpdatelist(self, elementList, itemType, method, viewName, viewId): """ Adds items to self.updatelist as well as self.allPlexElementsId dict Input: elementList: List of elements, e.g. a list of '_children' movie elements as received via JSON from PMS Output: self.updatelist, self.allPlexElementsId self.updatelist APPENDED(!!) list itemids (Plex Keys as as received from API.getKey()) = [ { 'itemId': xxx, 'itemType': 'Movies'/'TVShows'/..., 'method': 'add_update', 'add_updateSeason', ... 'viewName': xxx, 'viewId': xxx }, ... ] self.allPlexElementsId APPENDED(!!) dic = {itemid: checksum} """ if self.compare: # Manual sync for item in elementList: # Skipping XML item 'title=All episodes' without a 'ratingKey' if item.get('ratingKey', False): if self.shouldStop(): return False API = PlexAPI.API(item) plex_checksum = API.getChecksum() itemId = API.getKey() title, sorttitle = API.getTitle() self.allPlexElementsId[itemId] = plex_checksum kodi_checksum = self.allKodiElementsId.get(itemId) if kodi_checksum != plex_checksum: # Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is # different self.updatelist.append({ 'itemId': itemId, 'itemType': itemType, 'method': method, 'viewName': viewName, 'viewId': viewId, 'title': title}) else: # Initial or repair sync: get all Plex movies for item in elementList: # Only look at valid items = Plex library items if item.get('ratingKey', False): if self.shouldStop(): return False API = PlexAPI.API(item) itemId = API.getKey() plex_checksum = API.getChecksum() self.allPlexElementsId[itemId] = plex_checksum self.updatelist.append({ 'itemId': itemId, 'itemType': itemType, 'method': method, 'viewName': viewName, 'viewId': viewId}) # Update the Kodi popup info return self.updatelist, self.allPlexElementsId def GetAndProcessXMLs(self, itemType): """ Downloads all XMLs for itemType (e.g. Movies, TV-Shows). Processes them by then calling itemtypes.() Input: self.updatelist """ # Some logging, just in case. self.logMsg("self.updatelist: %s" % self.updatelist, 2) # Run through self.updatelist, get XML metadata per item # Initiate threads self.logMsg("=====================", 1) self.logMsg("Starting sync threads", 1) self.logMsg("=====================", 1) getMetadataQueue = Queue.Queue() processMetadataQueue = Queue.Queue() getMetadataLock = threading.Lock() processMetadataLock = threading.Lock() # To keep track global getMetadataCount getMetadataCount = 0 global processMetadataCount processMetadataCount = 0 global processingViewName processingViewName = '' # Populate queue: GetMetadata for updateItem in self.updatelist: getMetadataQueue.put(updateItem) # Spawn GetMetadata threads for downloading threads = [] for i in range(self.syncThreadNumber): thread = ThreadedGetMetadata(getMetadataQueue, processMetadataQueue, getMetadataLock, self.shouldStop) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("%s download threads spawned" % self.syncThreadNumber, 1) self.logMsg("Queue populated", 1) # Spawn one more thread to process Metadata, once downloaded thread = ThreadedProcessMetadata(processMetadataQueue, itemType, processMetadataLock, self.shouldStop) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("Processing thread spawned", 1) # Start one thread to show sync progress dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() total = len(self.updatelist) thread = ThreadedShowSyncInfo( dialog, [getMetadataLock, processMetadataLock], total, itemType, self.shouldStop ) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) self.logMsg("Kodi Infobox thread spawned", 1) # Wait until finished getMetadataQueue.join() processMetadataQueue.join() # Kill threads self.logMsg("Waiting to kill threads", 1) for thread in threads: thread.stopThread() self.logMsg("Stop sent to all threads", 1) # Wait till threads are indeed dead for thread in threads: thread.join() if dialog: dialog.close() self.logMsg("=====================", 1) self.logMsg("Sync threads finished", 1) self.logMsg("=====================", 1) return True def PlexMovies(self): # Initialize plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI() self.allPlexElementsId = {} embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) itemType = 'Movies' views = emby_db.getView_byType('movie') self.logMsg("Processing Plex %s. Libraries: %s" % (itemType, views), 1) if self.compare: # Get movies from Plex server emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) # Pull the list of movies and boxsets in Kodi try: self.allKodiElementsId = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Movie')) except ValueError: self.allKodiElementsId = {} else: # Getting all metadata, hence set Kodi elements to {} self.allKodiElementsId = {} embyconn.close() ##### PROCESS MOVIES ##### self.updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] all_plexmovies = plx.GetPlexSectionResults(viewId) # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(all_plexmovies, itemType, 'add_update', viewName, viewId) self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("Processed view %s with ID %s" % (viewName, viewId), 1) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if self.compare: # Manual sync, process deletes with itemtypes.Movies() as Movie: for kodimovie in self.allKodiElementsId: if kodimovie not in self.allPlexElementsId: Movie.remove(kodimovie) self.logMsg("%s sync is finished." % itemType, 1) return True def musicvideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False): # Get musicvideos from emby emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) mvideos = itemtypes.MusicVideos(embycursor, kodicursor) views = emby_db.getView_byType('musicvideos') self.logMsg("Media folders: %s" % views, 1) if compare: # Pull the list of musicvideos in Kodi try: all_kodimvideos = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('MusicVideo')) except ValueError: all_kodimvideos = {} all_embymvideosIds = set() updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Gathering musicvideos from view: %s..." % viewName) if compare: # Manual sync if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Comparing musicvideos from view: %s..." % viewName) all_embymvideos = emby.getMusicVideos(viewId, basic=True) for embymvideo in all_embymvideos['Items']: if self.shouldStop(): return False API = api.API(embymvideo) itemid = embymvideo['Id'] all_embymvideosIds.add(itemid) if all_kodimvideos.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if musicvideo is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) self.logMsg("MusicVideos to update for %s: %s" % (viewName, updatelist), 1) embymvideos = emby.getFullItems(updatelist) total = len(updatelist) del updatelist[:] else: # Initial or repair sync all_embymvideos = emby.getMusicVideos(viewId) total = all_embymvideos['TotalRecordCount'] embymvideos = all_embymvideos['Items'] if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, total)) count = 0 for embymvideo in embymvideos: # Process individual musicvideo if self.shouldStop(): return False title = embymvideo['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message=title) count += 1 mvideos.add_update(embymvideo, viewName, viewId) else: self.logMsg("MusicVideos finished.", 2) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if compare: # Manual sync, process deletes for kodimvideo in all_kodimvideos: if kodimvideo not in all_embymvideosIds: mvideos.remove(kodimvideo) else: self.logMsg("MusicVideos compare finished.", 1) return True def homevideos(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False): # Get homevideos from emby emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) hvideos = itemtypes.HomeVideos(embycursor, kodicursor) views = emby_db.getView_byType('homevideos') self.logMsg("Media folders: %s" % views, 1) if compare: # Pull the list of homevideos in Kodi try: all_kodihvideos = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Video')) except ValueError: all_kodihvideos = {} all_embyhvideosIds = set() updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Gathering homevideos from view: %s..." % viewName) all_embyhvideos = emby.getHomeVideos(viewId) if compare: # Manual sync if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Comparing homevideos from view: %s..." % viewName) for embyhvideo in all_embyhvideos['Items']: if self.shouldStop(): return False API = api.API(embyhvideo) itemid = embyhvideo['Id'] all_embyhvideosIds.add(itemid) if all_kodihvideos.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if homemovie is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) self.logMsg("HomeVideos to update for %s: %s" % (viewName, updatelist), 1) embyhvideos = emby.getFullItems(updatelist) total = len(updatelist) del updatelist[:] else: total = all_embyhvideos['TotalRecordCount'] embyhvideos = all_embyhvideos['Items'] if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, total)) count = 0 for embyhvideo in embyhvideos: # Process individual homemovies if self.shouldStop(): return False title = embyhvideo['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message=title) count += 1 hvideos.add_update(embyhvideo, viewName, viewId) else: self.logMsg("HomeVideos finished.", 2) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if compare: # Manual sync, process deletes for kodihvideo in all_kodihvideos: if kodihvideo not in all_embyhvideosIds: hvideos.remove(kodihvideo) else: self.logMsg("HomeVideos compare finished.", 1) return True def PlexTVShows(self): # Initialize plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI() self.allPlexElementsId = {} itemType = 'TVShows' # Open DB connections embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) views = emby_db.getView_byType('show') self.logMsg("Media folders for %s: %s" % (itemType, views), 1) self.allKodiElementsId = {} if self.compare: # Get movies from Plex server # Pull the list of TV shows already in Kodi try: all_koditvshows = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Series')) self.allKodiElementsId.update(all_koditvshows) except ValueError: pass # Same for the episodes (sub-element of shows/series) try: all_kodiepisodes = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Episode')) self.allKodiElementsId.update(all_kodiepisodes) except ValueError: pass embyconn.close() ##### PROCESS TV Shows ##### self.updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] allPlexTvShows = plx.GetPlexSectionResults(viewId) # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(allPlexTvShows, itemType, 'add_update', viewName, viewId) self.logMsg("Analyzed view %s with ID %s" % (viewName, viewId), 1) # COPY for later use allPlexTvShowsId = self.allPlexElementsId.copy() ##### PROCESS TV Seasons ##### # Cycle through tv shows for tvShowId in allPlexTvShowsId: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Grab all seasons to tvshow from PMS seasons = plx.GetAllPlexChildren(tvShowId) # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(seasons, itemType, 'add_updateSeason', None, tvShowId) # send showId instead of viewid self.logMsg("Analyzed all seasons of TV show with Plex Id %s" % tvShowId, 1) ##### PROCESS TV Episodes ##### # Cycle through tv shows for tvShowId in allPlexTvShowsId: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Grab all episodes to tvshow from PMS episodes = plx.GetAllPlexLeaves(tvShowId) # Populate self.updatelist and self.allPlexElementsId self.GetUpdatelist(episodes, itemType, 'add_updateEpisode', None, None) self.logMsg("Analyzed all episodes of TV show with Plex Id %s" % tvShowId, 1) # Process self.updatelist self.GetAndProcessXMLs(itemType) self.logMsg("GetAndProcessXMLs completed", 1) # Refresh season info # Cycle through tv shows with itemtypes.TVShows() as TVshow: for tvShowId in allPlexTvShowsId: XMLtvshow = plx.GetPlexMetadata(tvShowId) TVshow.refreshSeasonEntry(XMLtvshow, tvShowId) self.logMsg("Season info refreshed", 1) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if self.compare: # Manual sync, process deletes with itemtypes.TVShows() as TVShow: for kodiTvElement in self.allKodiElementsId: if kodiTvElement not in self.allPlexElementsId: TVShow.remove(kodiTvElement) self.logMsg("%s sync is finished." % itemType, 1) return True def tvshows(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False): # Get shows from emby emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) tvshows = itemtypes.TVShows(embycursor, kodicursor) views = emby_db.getView_byType('tvshows') views += emby_db.getView_byType('mixed') self.logMsg("Media folders: %s" % views, 1) if compare: # Pull the list of movies and boxsets in Kodi try: all_koditvshows = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Series')) except ValueError: all_koditvshows = {} try: all_kodiepisodes = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Episode')) except ValueError: all_kodiepisodes = {} all_embytvshowsIds = set() all_embyepisodesIds = set() updatelist = [] for view in views: if self.shouldStop(): return False # Get items per view viewId = view['id'] viewName = view['name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Gathering tvshows from view: %s..." % viewName) if compare: # Manual sync if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Comparing tvshows from view: %s..." % viewName) all_embytvshows = emby.getShows(viewId, basic=True) for embytvshow in all_embytvshows['Items']: if self.shouldStop(): return False API = api.API(embytvshow) itemid = embytvshow['Id'] all_embytvshowsIds.add(itemid) if all_koditvshows.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) self.logMsg("TVShows to update for %s: %s" % (viewName, updatelist), 1) embytvshows = emby.getFullItems(updatelist) total = len(updatelist) del updatelist[:] else: all_embytvshows = emby.getShows(viewId) total = all_embytvshows['TotalRecordCount'] embytvshows = all_embytvshows['Items'] if pdialog: pdialog.update(heading="Processing %s / %s items" % (viewName, total)) count = 0 for embytvshow in embytvshows: # Process individual show if self.shouldStop(): return False itemid = embytvshow['Id'] title = embytvshow['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message=title) count += 1 tvshows.add_update(embytvshow, viewName, viewId) if not compare: # Process episodes all_episodes = emby.getEpisodesbyShow(itemid) for episode in all_episodes['Items']: # Process individual show if self.shouldStop(): return False episodetitle = episode['Name'] if pdialog: pdialog.update(percentage, message="%s - %s" % (title, episodetitle)) tvshows.add_updateEpisode(episode) else: if compare: # Get all episodes in view if pdialog: pdialog.update( heading="Emby for Kodi", message="Comparing episodes from view: %s..." % viewName) all_embyepisodes = emby.getEpisodes(viewId, basic=True) for embyepisode in all_embyepisodes['Items']: if self.shouldStop(): return False API = api.API(embyepisode) itemid = embyepisode['Id'] all_embyepisodesIds.add(itemid) if all_kodiepisodes.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if movie is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) self.logMsg("Episodes to update for %s: %s" % (viewName, updatelist), 1) embyepisodes = emby.getFullItems(updatelist) total = len(updatelist) del updatelist[:] count = 0 for episode in embyepisodes: # Process individual episode if self.shouldStop(): return False title = episode['SeriesName'] episodetitle = episode['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message="%s - %s" % (title, episodetitle)) count += 1 tvshows.add_updateEpisode(episode) else: self.logMsg("TVShows finished.", 2) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if compare: # Manual sync, process deletes for koditvshow in all_koditvshows: if koditvshow not in all_embytvshowsIds: tvshows.remove(koditvshow) else: self.logMsg("TVShows compare finished.", 1) for kodiepisode in all_kodiepisodes: if kodiepisode not in all_embyepisodesIds: tvshows.remove(kodiepisode) else: self.logMsg("Episodes compare finished.", 1) return True def music(self, embycursor, kodicursor, pdialog, compare=False): # Get music from emby emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) music = itemtypes.Music(embycursor, kodicursor) if compare: # Pull the list of movies and boxsets in Kodi try: all_kodiartists = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('MusicArtist')) except ValueError: all_kodiartists = {} try: all_kodialbums = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('MusicAlbum')) except ValueError: all_kodialbums = {} try: all_kodisongs = dict(emby_db.getChecksum('Audio')) except ValueError: all_kodisongs = {} all_embyartistsIds = set() all_embyalbumsIds = set() all_embysongsIds = set() updatelist = [] process = { 'artists': [emby.getArtists, music.add_updateArtist], 'albums': [emby.getAlbums, music.add_updateAlbum], 'songs': [emby.getSongs, music.add_updateSong] } types = ['artists', 'albums', 'songs'] for type in types: if pdialog: pass if compare: # Manual Sync if pdialog: pass if type != "artists": all_embyitems = process[type][0](basic=True) else: all_embyitems = process[type][0]() for embyitem in all_embyitems['Items']: if self.shouldStop(): return False API = api.API(embyitem) itemid = embyitem['Id'] if type == "artists": all_embyartistsIds.add(itemid) if all_kodiartists.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if artist is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) elif type == "albums": all_embyalbumsIds.add(itemid) if all_kodialbums.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if album is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) else: all_embysongsIds.add(itemid) if all_kodisongs.get(itemid) != API.getChecksum(): # Only update if songs is not in Kodi or checksum is different updatelist.append(itemid) self.logMsg("%s to update: %s" % (type, updatelist), 1) embyitems = emby.getFullItems(updatelist) total = len(updatelist) del updatelist[:] else: all_embyitems = process[type][0]() total = all_embyitems['TotalRecordCount'] embyitems = all_embyitems['Items'] if pdialog: pass count = 0 for embyitem in embyitems: # Process individual item if self.shouldStop(): return False title = embyitem['Name'] if pdialog: percentage = int((float(count) / float(total))*100) pdialog.update(percentage, message=title) count += 1 process[type][1](embyitem) else: self.logMsg("%s finished." % type, 2) ##### PROCESS DELETES ##### if compare: # Manual sync, process deletes for kodiartist in all_kodiartists: if kodiartist not in all_embyartistsIds and all_kodiartists[kodiartist] is not None: music.remove(kodiartist) else: self.logMsg("Artist compare finished.", 1) for kodialbum in all_kodialbums: if kodialbum not in all_embyalbumsIds: music.remove(kodialbum) else: self.logMsg("Albums compare finished.", 1) for kodisong in all_kodisongs: if kodisong not in all_embysongsIds: music.remove(kodisong) else: self.logMsg("Songs compare finished.", 1) return True # Reserved for websocket_client.py and fast start def triage_items(self, process, items): processlist = { 'added': self.addedItems, 'update': self.updateItems, 'userdata': self.userdataItems, 'remove': self.removeItems } if items: if process == "userdata": itemids = [] for item in items: itemids.append(item['ItemId']) items = itemids self.logMsg("Queue %s: %s" % (process, items), 1) processlist[process].extend(items) def incrementalSync(self): embyconn = utils.kodiSQL('emby') embycursor = embyconn.cursor() kodiconn = utils.kodiSQL('video') kodicursor = kodiconn.cursor() emby = self.emby emby_db = embydb.Embydb_Functions(embycursor) pDialog = None if self.refresh_views: # Received userconfig update self.refresh_views = False self.maintainViews(embycursor, kodicursor) self.forceLibraryUpdate = True if self.addedItems or self.updateItems or self.userdataItems or self.removeItems: # Only present dialog if we are going to process items pDialog = self.progressDialog('Incremental sync') process = { 'added': self.addedItems, 'update': self.updateItems, 'userdata': self.userdataItems, 'remove': self.removeItems } types = ['added', 'update', 'userdata', 'remove'] for type in types: if process[type] and utils.window('emby_kodiScan') != "true": listItems = list(process[type]) del process[type][:] # Reset class list items_process = itemtypes.Items(embycursor, kodicursor) update = False # Prepare items according to process type if type == "added": items = emby.sortby_mediatype(listItems) elif type in ("userdata", "remove"): items = emby_db.sortby_mediaType(listItems, unsorted=False) else: items = emby_db.sortby_mediaType(listItems) if items.get('Unsorted'): sorted_items = emby.sortby_mediatype(items['Unsorted']) doupdate = items_process.itemsbyId(sorted_items, "added", pDialog) if doupdate: update = True del items['Unsorted'] doupdate = items_process.itemsbyId(items, type, pDialog) if doupdate: update = True if update: self.forceLibraryUpdate = True if self.forceLibraryUpdate: # Force update the Kodi library self.forceLibraryUpdate = False self.dbCommit(kodiconn) embyconn.commit() self.saveLastSync() # tell any widgets to refresh because the content has changed utils.window('widgetreload', value=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) self.logMsg("Updating video library.", 1) utils.window('emby_kodiScan', value="true") xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') if pDialog: pDialog.close() kodicursor.close() embycursor.close() def compareDBVersion(self, current, minimum): # It returns True is database is up to date. False otherwise. self.logMsg("current: %s minimum: %s" % (current, minimum), 1) currMajor, currMinor, currPatch = current.split(".") minMajor, minMinor, minPatch = minimum.split(".") if currMajor > minMajor: return True elif currMajor == minMajor and (currMinor > minMinor or (currMinor == minMinor and currPatch >= minPatch)): return True else: # Database out of date. return False def run(self): try: self.run_internal() except Exception as e: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( heading="Emby for Kodi", line1=( "Library sync thread has exited! " "You should restart Kodi now. " "Please report this on the forum.")) raise def run_internal(self): startupComplete = False monitor = self.monitor self.logMsg("---===### Starting LibrarySync ###===---", 0) while not monitor.abortRequested(): # In the event the server goes offline while self.suspend_thread: # Set in service.py if monitor.waitForAbort(5): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break if (utils.window('emby_dbCheck') != "true" and utils.settings('SyncInstallRunDone') == "true"): # Verify the validity of the database currentVersion = utils.settings('dbCreatedWithVersion') minVersion = utils.window('emby_minDBVersion') uptoDate = self.compareDBVersion(currentVersion, minVersion) if not uptoDate: self.logMsg( "Db version out of date: %s minimum version required: %s" % (currentVersion, minVersion), 0) resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( heading="Db Version", line1=( "Detected the database needs to be " "recreated for this version of Emby for Kodi. " "Proceed?")) if not resp: self.logMsg("Db version out of date! USER IGNORED!", 0) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( heading="Emby for Kodi", line1=( "Emby for Kodi may not work correctly " "until the database is reset.")) else: utils.reset() utils.window('emby_dbCheck', value="true") if not startupComplete: # Verify the video database can be found videoDb = utils.getKodiVideoDBPath() if not xbmcvfs.exists(videoDb): # Database does not exists self.logMsg( "The current Kodi version is incompatible " "with the Emby for Kodi add-on. Please visit " "https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Kodi/wiki " "to know which Kodi versions are supported.", 0) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( heading="Emby Warning", line1=( "Cancelling the database syncing process. " "Current Kodi versoin: %s is unsupported. " "Please verify your logs for more info." % xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion'))) break # Run start up sync self.logMsg("Db version: %s" % utils.settings('dbCreatedWithVersion'), 0) self.logMsg("SyncDatabase (started)", 1) startTime = datetime.now() librarySync = self.startSync() elapsedTime = datetime.now() - startTime self.logMsg( "SyncDatabase (finished in: %s) %s" % (str(elapsedTime).split('.')[0], librarySync), 1) # Only try the initial sync once per kodi session regardless # This will prevent an infinite loop in case something goes wrong. startupComplete = True # Process updates if utils.window('emby_dbScan') != "true": self.incrementalSync() if (utils.window('emby_onWake') == "true" and utils.window('emby_online') == "true"): # Kodi is waking up # Set in kodimonitor.py utils.window('emby_onWake', clear=True) if utils.window('emby_syncRunning') != "true": self.logMsg("SyncDatabase onWake (started)", 0) librarySync = self.startSync() self.logMsg("SyncDatabase onWake (finished) %s" % librarySync, 0) if self.stop_thread: # Set in service.py self.logMsg("Service terminated thread.", 2) break if monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break self.logMsg("###===--- LibrarySync Stopped ---===###", 0) def stopThread(self): self.stop_thread = True self.logMsg("Ending thread...", 2) def suspendThread(self): self.suspend_thread = True self.logMsg("Pausing thread...", 0) def resumeThread(self): self.suspend_thread = False self.logMsg("Resuming thread...", 0)