#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import requests from . import utils from . import clientinfo from . import state ############################################################################### # Disable annoying requests warnings import requests.packages.urllib3 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() LOG = getLogger('PLEX.downloadutils') ############################################################################### class DownloadUtils(): """ Manages any up/downloads with PKC. Careful to initiate correctly Use startSession() to initiate. If not initiated, e.g. SSL check will fallback to False """ # Borg - multiple instances, shared state _shared_state = {} # How many failed attempts before declaring PMS dead? connectionAttempts = 1 # How many 401 returns before declaring unauthorized? unauthorizedAttempts = 2 # How long should we wait for an answer from the timeout = 30.0 def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state def setServer(self, server): """ Reserved for userclient only """ self.server = server LOG.debug("Set server: %s", server) def setSSL(self, verifySSL=None, certificate=None): """ Reserved for userclient only verifySSL must be 'true' to enable certificate validation certificate must be path to certificate or 'None' """ if verifySSL is None: verifySSL = state.VERIFY_SSL_CERT if certificate is None: certificate = state.SSL_CERT_PATH # Set the session's parameters self.s.verify = verifySSL if certificate: self.s.cert = certificate LOG.debug("Verify SSL certificates set to: %s", verifySSL) LOG.debug("SSL client side certificate set to: %s", certificate) def startSession(self, reset=False): """ User should be authenticated when this method is called (via userclient) """ # Start session self.s = requests.Session() self.deviceId = clientinfo.getDeviceId() # Attach authenticated header to the session self.s.headers = clientinfo.getXArgsDeviceInfo() self.s.encoding = 'utf-8' # Set SSL settings self.setSSL() # Set other stuff self.setServer(utils.window('pms_server')) # Counters to declare PMS dead or unauthorized # Use window variables because start of movies will be called with a # new plugin instance - it's impossible to share data otherwise if reset is True: utils.window('countUnauthorized', value='0') utils.window('countError', value='0') # Retry connections to the server self.s.mount("http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=1)) self.s.mount("https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=1)) LOG.info("Requests session started on: %s", self.server) def stopSession(self): try: self.s.close() except: LOG.info("Requests session already closed") try: del self.s except: pass LOG.info('Request session stopped') def getHeader(self, options=None): header = clientinfo.getXArgsDeviceInfo() if options is not None: header.update(options) return header def _doDownload(self, s, action_type, **kwargs): if action_type == "GET": r = s.get(**kwargs) elif action_type == "POST": r = s.post(**kwargs) elif action_type == "DELETE": r = s.delete(**kwargs) elif action_type == "OPTIONS": r = s.options(**kwargs) elif action_type == "PUT": r = s.put(**kwargs) return r def downloadUrl(self, url, action_type="GET", postBody=None, parameters=None, authenticate=True, headerOptions=None, verifySSL=True, timeout=None, return_response=False, headerOverride=None): """ Override SSL check with verifySSL=False If authenticate=True, existing request session will be used/started Otherwise, 'empty' request will be made Returns: None If an error occured True If connection worked but no body was received 401, ... integer if PMS answered with HTTP error 401 (unauthorized) or other http error codes xml xml etree root object, if applicable json json() object, if applicable <response-object> if return_response=True is set (200, 201 only) """ kwargs = {'timeout': self.timeout} if authenticate is True: # Get requests session try: s = self.s except AttributeError: LOG.info("Request session does not exist: start one") self.startSession() s = self.s # Replace for the real values url = url.replace("{server}", self.server) else: # User is not (yet) authenticated. Used to communicate with # plex.tv and to check for PMS servers s = requests if not headerOverride: headerOptions = self.getHeader(options=headerOptions) else: headerOptions = headerOverride kwargs['verify'] = state.VERIFY_SSL_CERT if state.SSL_CERT_PATH: kwargs['cert'] = state.SSL_CERT_PATH # Set the variables we were passed (fallback to request session # otherwise - faster) kwargs['url'] = url if verifySSL is False: kwargs['verify'] = False if headerOptions is not None: kwargs['headers'] = headerOptions if postBody is not None: kwargs['data'] = postBody if parameters is not None: kwargs['params'] = parameters if timeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = timeout # ACTUAL DOWNLOAD HAPPENING HERE try: r = self._doDownload(s, action_type, **kwargs) # THE EXCEPTIONS except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: LOG.warn("Invalid SSL certificate for: %s", url) LOG.warn(e) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: # Connection error LOG.warn("Server unreachable at: %s", url) LOG.warn(e) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: LOG.warn("Server timeout at: %s", url) LOG.warn(e) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: LOG.warn('HTTP Error at %s', url) LOG.warn(e) except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as e: LOG.warn("Too many redirects connecting to: %s", url) LOG.warn(e) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: LOG.warn("Unknown error connecting to: %s", url) LOG.warn(e) except SystemExit: LOG.info('SystemExit detected, aborting download') self.stopSession() except: LOG.warn('Unknown error while downloading. Traceback:') import traceback LOG.warn(traceback.format_exc()) # THE RESPONSE ##### else: # We COULD contact the PMS, hence it ain't dead if authenticate is True: utils.window('countError', value='0') if r.status_code != 401: utils.window('countUnauthorized', value='0') if r.status_code == 204: # No body in the response # But read (empty) content to release connection back to pool # (see requests: keep-alive documentation) r.content return True elif r.status_code == 401: if authenticate is False: # Called when checking a connect - no need for rash action return 401 r.encoding = 'utf-8' LOG.warn('HTTP error 401 from PMS %s', url) LOG.info(r.text) if '401 Unauthorized' in r.text: # Truly unauthorized utils.window( 'countUnauthorized', value=str(int(utils.window('countUnauthorized')) + 1)) if (int(utils.window('countUnauthorized')) >= self.unauthorizedAttempts): LOG.warn('We seem to be truly unauthorized for PMS' ' %s ', url) if state.PMS_STATUS not in ('401', 'Auth'): # Tell userclient token has been revoked. LOG.debug('Setting PMS server status to ' 'unauthorized') state.PMS_STATUS = '401' utils.window('plex_serverStatus', value="401") utils.dialog('notification', utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(30017), icon='{error}') else: # there might be other 401 where e.g. PMS under strain LOG.info('PMS might only be under strain') return 401 elif r.status_code in (200, 201): # 200: OK # 201: Created if return_response is True: # return the entire response object return r try: # xml response r = utils.defused_etree.fromstring(r.content) return r except: r.encoding = 'utf-8' if r.text == '': # Answer does not contain a body return True try: # UNICODE - JSON object r = r.json() return r except: if '200 OK' in r.text: # Received fucked up OK from PMS on playstate # update pass else: LOG.warn("Unable to convert the response for: " "%s", url) LOG.warn("Received headers were: %s", r.headers) LOG.warn('Received text: %s', r.text) return True elif r.status_code == 403: # E.g. deleting a PMS item LOG.warn('PMS sent 403: Forbidden error for url %s', url) return None else: r.encoding = 'utf-8' LOG.warn('Unknown answer from PMS %s with status code %s. ', url, r.status_code) return True # And now deal with the consequences of the exceptions if authenticate is True: # Make the addon aware of status try: utils.window('countError', value=str(int(utils.window('countError')) + 1)) if int(utils.window('countError')) >= self.connectionAttempts: LOG.warn('Failed to connect to %s too many times. ' 'Declare PMS dead', url) utils.window('plex_online', value="false") except ValueError: # 'countError' not yet set pass return None