import random import http import plexapp import callback import util class ConnectionSource(int): def init(self, name): = name return self def __repr__(self): return class PlexConnection(object): # Constants STATE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" STATE_UNREACHABLE = "unreachable" STATE_REACHABLE = "reachable" STATE_UNAUTHORIZED = "unauthorized" STATE_INSECURE = "insecure_untested" SOURCE_MANUAL = ConnectionSource(1).init('MANUAL') SOURCE_DISCOVERED = ConnectionSource(2).init('DISCOVERED') SOURCE_MANUAL_AND_DISCOVERED = ConnectionSource(3).init('MANUAL, DISCOVERED') SOURCE_MYPLEX = ConnectionSource(4).init('MYPLEX') SOURCE_MANUAL_AND_MYPLEX = ConnectionSource(5).init('MANUAL, MYPLEX') SOURCE_DISCOVERED_AND_MYPLEX = ConnectionSource(6).init('DISCOVERED, MYPLEX') SOURCE_ALL = ConnectionSource(7).init('ALL') SCORE_REACHABLE = 4 SCORE_LOCAL = 2 SCORE_SECURE = 1 SOURCE_BY_VAL = { 1: SOURCE_MANUAL, 2: SOURCE_DISCOVERED, 3: SOURCE_MANUAL_AND_DISCOVERED, 4: SOURCE_MYPLEX, 5: SOURCE_MANUAL_AND_MYPLEX, 6: SOURCE_DISCOVERED_AND_MYPLEX, 7: SOURCE_ALL } def __init__(self, source, address, isLocal, token, isFallback=False): self.state = self.STATE_UNKNOWN self.sources = source self.address = address self.isLocal = isLocal self.isSecure = address[:5] == 'https' self.isFallback = isFallback self.token = token self.refreshed = True self.score = 0 self.request = None self.lastTestedAt = 0 self.hasPendingRequest = False self.getScore(True) def __eq__(self, other): if not other: return False if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False return self.address == other.address def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "Connection: {0} local: {1} token: {2} sources: {3} state: {4}".format( self.address, self.isLocal, util.hideToken(self.token), repr(self.sources), self.state ) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def merge(self, other): # trumps all, otherwise assume newer is better # ROKU: if (other.sources and self.SOURCE_MYPLEX) <> 0 then if other.sources == self.SOURCE_MYPLEX: self.token = other.token else: self.token = self.token or other.token self.address = other.address self.sources = self.SOURCE_BY_VAL[self.sources | other.sources] self.isLocal = self.isLocal | other.isLocal self.isSecure = other.isSecure self.isFallback = self.isFallback or other.isFallback self.refreshed = True self.getScore(True) def testReachability(self, server, allowFallback=False): # Check if we will allow the connection test. If this is a fallback connection, # then we will defer it until we "allowFallback" (test insecure connections # after secure tests have completed and failed). Insecure connections will be # tested if the policy "always" allows them, or if set to "same_network" and # the current connection is local and server has (publicAddressMatches=1). allowConnectionTest = not self.isFallback if not allowConnectionTest: insecurePolicy = plexapp.INTERFACE.getPreference("allow_insecure") if insecurePolicy == "always" or (insecurePolicy == "same_network" and server.sameNetwork and self.isLocal): allowConnectionTest = allowFallback server.hasFallback = not allowConnectionTest util.LOG( '{0} for {1}'.format( allowConnectionTest and "Continuing with insecure connection testing" or "Insecure connection testing is deferred", server ) ) else: util.LOG("Insecure connections not allowed. Ignore insecure connection test for {0}".format(server)) self.state = self.STATE_INSECURE callable = callback.Callable(server.onReachabilityResult, [self], random.randint(0, 256)) callable.deferCall() return True if allowConnectionTest: if not self.isSecure and ( not allowFallback and server.hasSecureConnections() or server.activeConnection and server.activeConnection.state != self.STATE_REACHABLE and server.activeConnection.isSecure ): util.DEBUG_LOG("Invalid insecure connection test in progress") self.request = http.HttpRequest(self.buildUrl(server, "/")) context = self.request.createRequestContext("reachability", callback.Callable(self.onReachabilityResponse)) context.server = server util.addPlexHeaders(self.request, server.getToken()) self.hasPendingRequest = plexapp.APP.startRequest(self.request, context) return True return False def cancelReachability(self): if self.request: self.request.ignoreResponse = True self.request.cancel() def onReachabilityResponse(self, request, response, context): self.hasPendingRequest = False # It's possible we may have a result pending before we were able # to cancel it, so we'll just ignore it. # if request.ignoreResponse: # return if response.isSuccess(): data = response.getBodyXml() if data is not None and context.server.collectDataFromRoot(data): self.state = self.STATE_REACHABLE else: # This is unexpected, but treat it as unreachable util.ERROR_LOG("Unable to parse root response from {0}".format(context.server)) self.state = self.STATE_UNREACHABLE elif response.getStatus() == 401: self.state = self.STATE_UNAUTHORIZED else: self.state = self.STATE_UNREACHABLE self.getScore(True) context.server.onReachabilityResult(self) def buildUrl(self, server, path, includeToken=False): if '://' in path: url = path else: url = self.address + path if includeToken: # If we have a token, use it. Otherwise see if any other connections # for this server have one. That will let us use a token for # something like a manually configured connection. token = self.token or server.getToken() if token: url = http.addUrlParam(url, "X-Plex-Token=" + token) return url def simpleBuildUrl(self, server, path): token = (self.token or server.getToken()) param = '' if token: param = '&X-Plex-Token={0}'.format(token) return '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self.address, path, param) def getScore(self, recalc=False): if recalc: self.score = 0 if self.state == self.STATE_REACHABLE: self.score += self.SCORE_REACHABLE if self.isSecure: self.score += self.SCORE_SECURE if self.isLocal: self.score += self.SCORE_LOCAL return self.score