# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Taken from iBaa, https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect Point of time: December 22, 2015 Collection of "connector functions" to Plex Media Server/MyPlex PlexGDM: loosely based on hippojay's plexGDM: https://github.com/hippojay/script.plexbmc.helper... /resources/lib/plexgdm.py Plex Media Server communication: source (somewhat): https://github.com/hippojay/plugin.video.plexbmc later converted from httplib to urllib2 Transcoder support: PlexAPI_getTranscodePath() based on getTranscodeURL from pyplex/plexAPI https://github.com/megawubs/pyplex/blob/master/plexAPI/info.py MyPlex - Basic Authentication: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/authentication.shtml http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407126/python-urllib2-basic-auth-problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111945/is-there-any-way-to-do-http-put-in-python (and others...) """ import logging from time import time import urllib2 import socket from threading import Thread import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from re import compile as re_compile, sub from json import dumps from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus, unquote from os import path as os_path import xbmcgui from xbmc import sleep, executebuiltin from xbmcvfs import exists import clientinfo as client from downloadutils import DownloadUtils from utils import window, settings, language as lang, tryDecode, tryEncode, \ DateToKodi from PlexFunctions import PMSHttpsEnabled import plexdb_functions as plexdb import variables as v ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) REGEX_IMDB = re_compile(r'''/(tt\d+)''') REGEX_TVDB = re_compile(r'''thetvdb:\/\/(.+?)\?''') ############################################################################### class PlexAPI(): def __init__(self): self.g_PMS = {} self.doUtils = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl def GetPlexLoginFromSettings(self): """ Returns a dict: 'plexLogin': settings('plexLogin'), 'plexToken': settings('plexToken'), 'plexhome': settings('plexhome'), 'plexid': settings('plexid'), 'myplexlogin': settings('myplexlogin'), 'plexAvatar': settings('plexAvatar'), 'plexHomeSize': settings('plexHomeSize') Returns strings or unicode Returns empty strings '' for a setting if not found. myplexlogin is 'true' if user opted to log into plex.tv (the default) plexhome is 'true' if plex home is used (the default) """ return { 'plexLogin': settings('plexLogin'), 'plexToken': settings('plexToken'), 'plexhome': settings('plexhome'), 'plexid': settings('plexid'), 'myplexlogin': settings('myplexlogin'), 'plexAvatar': settings('plexAvatar'), 'plexHomeSize': settings('plexHomeSize') } def GetPlexLoginAndPassword(self): """ Signs in to plex.tv. plexLogin, authtoken = GetPlexLoginAndPassword() Input: nothing Output: plexLogin plex.tv username authtoken token for plex.tv Also writes 'plexLogin' and 'token_plex.tv' to Kodi settings file If not logged in, empty strings are returned for both. """ retrievedPlexLogin = '' plexLogin = 'dummy' authtoken = '' dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() while retrievedPlexLogin == '' and plexLogin != '': # Enter plex.tv username. Or nothing to cancel. plexLogin = dialog.input(lang(29999) + lang(39300), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM) if plexLogin != "": # Enter password for plex.tv user plexPassword = dialog.input( lang(39301) + plexLogin, type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM, option=xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT) retrievedPlexLogin, authtoken = self.MyPlexSignIn( plexLogin, plexPassword, {'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': window('plex_client_Id')}) log.debug("plex.tv username and token: %s, %s" % (plexLogin, authtoken)) if plexLogin == '': # Could not sign in user dialog.ok(lang(29999), lang(39302) + plexLogin) # Write to Kodi settings file settings('plexLogin', value=retrievedPlexLogin) settings('plexToken', value=authtoken) return (retrievedPlexLogin, authtoken) def PlexTvSignInWithPin(self): """ Prompts user to sign in by visiting https://plex.tv/pin Writes to Kodi settings file. Also returns: { 'plexhome': 'true' if Plex Home, 'false' otherwise 'username': 'avatar': URL to user avator 'token': 'plexid': Plex user ID 'homesize': Number of Plex home users (defaults to '1') } Returns False if authentication did not work. """ code, identifier = self.GetPlexPin() dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if not code: # Problems trying to contact plex.tv. Try again later dialog.ok(lang(29999), lang(39303)) return False # Go to https://plex.tv/pin and enter the code: # Or press No to cancel the sign in. answer = dialog.yesno(lang(29999), lang(39304) + "\n\n", code + "\n\n", lang(39311)) if not answer: return False count = 0 # Wait for approx 30 seconds (since the PIN is not visible anymore :-)) while count < 30: xml = self.CheckPlexTvSignin(identifier) if xml is not False: break # Wait for 1 seconds sleep(1000) count += 1 if xml is False: # Could not sign in to plex.tv Try again later dialog.ok(lang(29999), lang(39305)) return False # Parse xml userid = xml.attrib.get('id') home = xml.get('home', '0') if home == '1': home = 'true' else: home = 'false' username = xml.get('username', '') avatar = xml.get('thumb', '') token = xml.findtext('authentication-token') homeSize = xml.get('homeSize', '1') result = { 'plexhome': home, 'username': username, 'avatar': avatar, 'token': token, 'plexid': userid, 'homesize': homeSize } settings('plexLogin', username) settings('plexToken', token) settings('plexhome', home) settings('plexid', userid) settings('plexAvatar', avatar) settings('plexHomeSize', homeSize) # Let Kodi log into plex.tv on startup from now on settings('myplexlogin', 'true') settings('plex_status', value='Logged in to plex.tv') return result def CheckPlexTvSignin(self, identifier): """ Checks with plex.tv whether user entered the correct PIN on plex.tv/pin Returns False if not yet done so, or the XML response file as etree """ # Try to get a temporary token xml = self.doUtils('https://plex.tv/pins/%s.xml' % identifier, authenticate=False) try: temp_token = xml.find('auth_token').text except: log.error("Could not find token in plex.tv answer") return False if not temp_token: return False # Use temp token to get the final plex credentials xml = self.doUtils('https://plex.tv/users/account', authenticate=False, parameters={'X-Plex-Token': temp_token}) return xml def GetPlexPin(self): """ For plex.tv sign-in: returns 4-digit code and identifier as 2 str """ code = None identifier = None # Download xml = self.doUtils('https://plex.tv/pins.xml', authenticate=False, action_type="POST") try: xml.attrib except: log.error("Error, no PIN from plex.tv provided") return None, None code = xml.find('code').text identifier = xml.find('id').text log.info('Successfully retrieved code and id from plex.tv') return code, identifier def CheckConnection(self, url, token=None, verifySSL=None): """ Checks connection to a Plex server, available at url. Can also be used to check for connection with plex.tv. Override SSL to skip the check by setting verifySSL=False if 'None', SSL will be checked (standard requests setting) if 'True', SSL settings from file settings are used (False/True) Input: url URL to Plex server (e.g. token appropriate token to access server. If None is passed, the current token is used Output: False if server could not be reached or timeout occured 200 if connection was successfull int or other HTML status codes as received from the server """ # Add '/clients' to URL because then an authentication is necessary # If a plex.tv URL was passed, this does not work. headerOptions = None if token is not None: headerOptions = {'X-Plex-Token': token} if verifySSL is True: verifySSL = None if settings('sslverify') == 'true' \ else False if 'plex.tv' in url: url = 'https://plex.tv/api/home/users' else: url = url + '/library/onDeck' log.debug("Checking connection to server %s with verifySSL=%s" % (url, verifySSL)) count = 0 while count < 1: answer = self.doUtils(url, authenticate=False, headerOptions=headerOptions, verifySSL=verifySSL, timeout=10) if answer is None: log.debug("Could not connect to %s" % url) count += 1 sleep(500) continue try: # xml received? answer.attrib except: if answer is True: # Maybe no xml but connection was successful nevertheless answer = 200 else: # Success - we downloaded an xml! answer = 200 # We could connect but maybe were not authenticated. No worries log.debug("Checking connection successfull. Answer: %s" % answer) return answer log.debug('Failed to connect to %s too many times. PMS is dead' % url) return False def GetgPMSKeylist(self): """ Returns a list of all keys that are saved for every entry in the g_PMS variable. """ keylist = [ 'address', 'baseURL', 'enableGzip', 'ip', 'local', 'name', 'owned', 'port', 'scheme' ] return keylist def declarePMS(self, uuid, name, scheme, ip, port): """ Plex Media Server handling parameters: uuid - PMS ID name, scheme, ip, port, type, owned, token """ address = ip + ':' + port baseURL = scheme + '://' + ip + ':' + port self.g_PMS[uuid] = { 'name': name, 'scheme': scheme, 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'address': address, 'baseURL': baseURL, 'local': '1', 'owned': '1', 'accesstoken': '', 'enableGzip': False } def updatePMSProperty(self, uuid, tag, value): # set property element of PMS by UUID try: self.g_PMS[uuid][tag] = value except: log.error('%s has not yet been declared ' % uuid) return False def getPMSProperty(self, uuid, tag): # get name of PMS by UUID try: answ = self.g_PMS[uuid].get(tag, '') except: log.error('%s not found in PMS catalogue' % uuid) answ = False return answ def PlexGDM(self): """ PlexGDM parameters: none result: PMS_list - dict() of PMSs found """ import struct IP_PlexGDM = '' # multicast to PMS Port_PlexGDM = 32414 Msg_PlexGDM = 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0' # setup socket for discovery -> multicast message GDM = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) GDM.settimeout(2.0) # Set the time-to-live for messages to 2 for local network ttl = struct.pack('b', 2) GDM.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) returnData = [] try: # Send data to the multicast group GDM.sendto(Msg_PlexGDM, (IP_PlexGDM, Port_PlexGDM)) # Look for responses from all recipients while True: try: data, server = GDM.recvfrom(1024) returnData.append({'from': server, 'data': data}) except socket.timeout: break except Exception as e: # Probably error: (101, 'Network is unreachable') log.error(e) import traceback log.error("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) finally: GDM.close() pmsList = {} for response in returnData: update = {'ip': response.get('from')[0]} # Check if we had a positive HTTP response if "200 OK" not in response.get('data'): continue for each in response.get('data').split('\n'): # decode response data update['discovery'] = "auto" # update['owned']='1' # update['master']= 1 # update['role']='master' if "Content-Type:" in each: update['content-type'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Resource-Identifier:" in each: update['uuid'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Name:" in each: update['serverName'] = tryDecode( each.split(':')[1].strip()) elif "Port:" in each: update['port'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Updated-At:" in each: update['updated'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Version:" in each: update['version'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() pmsList[update['uuid']] = update return pmsList def discoverPMS(self, IP_self, plexToken=None): """ parameters: IP_self Own IP optional: plexToken token for plex.tv result: self.g_PMS dict set """ self.g_PMS = {} # Look first for local PMS in the LAN pmsList = self.PlexGDM() log.debug('PMS found in the local LAN via GDM: %s' % pmsList) # Get PMS from plex.tv if plexToken: log.info('Checking with plex.tv for more PMS to connect to') self.getPMSListFromMyPlex(plexToken) else: log.info('No plex token supplied, only checked LAN for PMS') for uuid in pmsList: PMS = pmsList[uuid] if PMS['uuid'] in self.g_PMS: log.debug('We already know of PMS %s from plex.tv' % PMS['serverName']) # Update with GDM data - potentially more reliable than plex.tv self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'ip', PMS['ip']) self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'port', PMS['port']) self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'local', '1') self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'scheme', 'http') self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'baseURL', 'http://%s:%s' % (PMS['ip'], PMS['port'])) else: self.declarePMS(PMS['uuid'], PMS['serverName'], 'http', PMS['ip'], PMS['port']) # Ping to check whether we need HTTPs or HTTP https = PMSHttpsEnabled('%s:%s' % (PMS['ip'], PMS['port'])) if https is None: # Error contacting url. Skip for now continue elif https is True: self.updatePMSProperty(PMS['uuid'], 'scheme', 'https') self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'baseURL', 'https://%s:%s' % (PMS['ip'], PMS['port'])) else: # Already declared with http pass # install plex.tv "virtual" PMS - for myPlex, PlexHome # self.declarePMS('plex.tv', 'plex.tv', 'https', 'plex.tv', '443') # self.updatePMSProperty('plex.tv', 'local', '-') # self.updatePMSProperty('plex.tv', 'owned', '-') # self.updatePMSProperty( # 'plex.tv', 'accesstoken', plexToken) # (remote and local) servers from plex.tv def getPMSListFromMyPlex(self, token): """ getPMSListFromMyPlex get Plex media Server List from plex.tv/pms/resources """ xml = self.doUtils('https://plex.tv/api/resources', authenticate=False, parameters={'includeHttps': 1}, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': token}) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: log.error('Could not get list of PMS from plex.tv') return import Queue queue = Queue.Queue() threadQueue = [] maxAgeSeconds = 2*60*60*24 for Dir in xml.findall('Device'): if 'server' not in Dir.get('provides'): # No PMS - skip continue if Dir.find('Connection') is None: # no valid connection - skip continue # check MyPlex data age - skip if >2 days PMS = {} PMS['name'] = Dir.get('name') infoAge = time() - int(Dir.get('lastSeenAt')) if infoAge > maxAgeSeconds: log.debug("Server %s not seen for 2 days - skipping." % PMS['name']) continue PMS['uuid'] = Dir.get('clientIdentifier') PMS['token'] = Dir.get('accessToken', token) PMS['owned'] = Dir.get('owned', '1') PMS['local'] = Dir.get('publicAddressMatches') PMS['ownername'] = Dir.get('sourceTitle', '') PMS['path'] = '/' PMS['options'] = None # Try a local connection first # Backup to remote connection, if that failes PMS['connections'] = [] for Con in Dir.findall('Connection'): if Con.get('local') == '1': PMS['connections'].append(Con) # Append non-local for Con in Dir.findall('Connection'): if Con.get('local') != '1': PMS['connections'].append(Con) t = Thread(target=self.pokePMS, args=(PMS, queue)) threadQueue.append(t) maxThreads = 5 threads = [] # poke PMS, own thread for each PMS while True: # Remove finished threads for t in threads: if not t.isAlive(): threads.remove(t) if len(threads) < maxThreads: try: t = threadQueue.pop() except IndexError: # We have done our work break else: t.start() threads.append(t) else: sleep(50) # wait for requests being answered for t in threads: t.join() # declare new PMSs while not queue.empty(): PMS = queue.get() self.declarePMS(PMS['uuid'], PMS['name'], PMS['protocol'], PMS['ip'], PMS['port']) self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'accesstoken', PMS['token']) self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'owned', PMS['owned']) self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'local', PMS['local']) # set in declarePMS, overwrite for https encryption self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'baseURL', PMS['baseURL']) self.updatePMSProperty( PMS['uuid'], 'ownername', PMS['ownername']) log.debug('Found PMS %s: %s' % (PMS['uuid'], self.g_PMS[PMS['uuid']])) queue.task_done() def pokePMS(self, PMS, queue): data = PMS['connections'][0].attrib if data['local'] == '1': protocol = data['protocol'] address = data['address'] port = data['port'] url = '%s://%s:%s' % (protocol, address, port) else: url = data['uri'] if url.count(':') == 1: url = '%s:%s' % (url, data['port']) protocol, address, port = url.split(':', 2) address = address.replace('/', '') xml = self.doUtils('%s/identity' % url, authenticate=False, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': PMS['token']}, verifySSL=False, timeout=3) try: xml.attrib['machineIdentifier'] except (AttributeError, KeyError): # No connection, delete the one we just tested del PMS['connections'][0] if len(PMS['connections']) > 0: # Still got connections left, try them return self.pokePMS(PMS, queue) return else: # Connection successful - correct PMS? if xml.get('machineIdentifier') == PMS['uuid']: # process later PMS['baseURL'] = url PMS['protocol'] = protocol PMS['ip'] = address PMS['port'] = port queue.put(PMS) return log.info('Found a PMS at %s, but the expected machineIdentifier of ' '%s did not match the one we found: %s' % (url, PMS['uuid'], xml.get('machineIdentifier'))) def MyPlexSignIn(self, username, password, options): """ MyPlex Sign In, Sign Out parameters: username - Plex forum name, MyPlex login, or email address password options - dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV - necessary: PlexConnectUDID result: username authtoken - token for subsequent communication with MyPlex """ # MyPlex web address MyPlexHost = 'plex.tv' MyPlexSignInPath = '/users/sign_in.xml' MyPlexURL = 'https://' + MyPlexHost + MyPlexSignInPath # create POST request xargs = client.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options) request = urllib2.Request(MyPlexURL, None, xargs) request.get_method = lambda: 'POST' passmanager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr() passmanager.add_password(MyPlexHost, MyPlexURL, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passmanager) urlopener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) # sign in, get MyPlex response try: response = urlopener.open(request).read() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 401: log.info("Authentication failed") return ('', '') else: raise # analyse response XMLTree = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(response)) el_username = XMLTree.find('username') el_authtoken = XMLTree.find('authentication-token') if el_username is None or \ el_authtoken is None: username = '' authtoken = '' else: username = el_username.text authtoken = el_authtoken.text return (username, authtoken) def MyPlexSignOut(self, authtoken): """ TO BE DONE! """ # MyPlex web address MyPlexHost = 'plex.tv' MyPlexSignOutPath = '/users/sign_out.xml' MyPlexURL = 'http://' + MyPlexHost + MyPlexSignOutPath # create POST request xargs = {'X-Plex-Token': authtoken} request = urllib2.Request(MyPlexURL, None, xargs) # turn into 'POST' - done automatically with data!=None. But we don't # have data. request.get_method = lambda: 'POST' response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() def GetUserArtworkURL(self, username): """ Returns the URL for the user's Avatar. Or False if something went wrong. """ plexToken = settings('plexToken') users = self.MyPlexListHomeUsers(plexToken) url = '' # If an error is encountered, set to False if not users: log.info("Couldnt get user from plex.tv. No URL for user avatar") return False for user in users: if username in user['title']: url = user['thumb'] log.debug("Avatar url for user %s is: %s" % (username, url)) return url def ChoosePlexHomeUser(self, plexToken): """ Let's user choose from a list of Plex home users. Will switch to that user accordingly. Returns a dict: { 'username': Unicode 'userid': '' Plex ID of the user 'token': '' User's token 'protected': True if PIN is needed, else False } Will return False if something went wrong (wrong PIN, no connection) """ dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() # Get list of Plex home users users = self.MyPlexListHomeUsers(plexToken) if not users: log.error("User download failed.") return False userlist = [] userlistCoded = [] for user in users: username = user['title'] userlist.append(username) # To take care of non-ASCII usernames userlistCoded.append(tryEncode(username)) usernumber = len(userlist) username = '' usertoken = '' trials = 0 while trials < 3: if usernumber > 1: # Select user user_select = dialog.select( lang(29999) + lang(39306), userlistCoded) if user_select == -1: log.info("No user selected.") settings('username', value='') executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % v.ADDON_ID) return False # Only 1 user received, choose that one else: user_select = 0 selected_user = userlist[user_select] log.info("Selected user: %s" % selected_user) user = users[user_select] # Ask for PIN, if protected: pin = None if user['protected'] == '1': log.debug('Asking for users PIN') pin = dialog.input( lang(39307) + selected_user, '', xbmcgui.INPUT_NUMERIC, xbmcgui.ALPHANUM_HIDE_INPUT) # User chose to cancel # Plex bug: don't call url for protected user with empty PIN if not pin: trials += 1 continue # Switch to this Plex Home user, if applicable result = self.PlexSwitchHomeUser( user['id'], pin, plexToken, settings('plex_machineIdentifier')) if result: # Successfully retrieved username: break out of while loop username = result['username'] usertoken = result['usertoken'] break # Couldn't get user auth else: trials += 1 # Could not login user, please try again if not dialog.yesno(lang(29999), lang(39308) + selected_user, lang(39309)): # User chose to cancel break if not username: log.error('Failed signing in a user to plex.tv') executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % v.ADDON_ID) return False return { 'username': username, 'userid': user['id'], 'protected': True if user['protected'] == '1' else False, 'token': usertoken } def PlexSwitchHomeUser(self, userId, pin, token, machineIdentifier): """ Retrieves Plex home token for a Plex home user. Returns False if unsuccessful Input: userId id of the Plex home user pin PIN of the Plex home user, if protected token token for plex.tv Output: { 'username' 'usertoken' Might be empty strings if no token found for the machineIdentifier that was chosen } settings('userid') and settings('username') with new plex token """ log.info('Switching to user %s' % userId) url = 'https://plex.tv/api/home/users/' + userId + '/switch' if pin: url += '?pin=' + pin answer = self.doUtils(url, authenticate=False, action_type="POST", headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': token}) try: answer.attrib except: log.error('Error: plex.tv switch HomeUser change failed') return False username = answer.attrib.get('title', '') token = answer.attrib.get('authenticationToken', '') # Write to settings file settings('username', username) settings('accessToken', token) settings('userid', answer.attrib.get('id', '')) settings('plex_restricteduser', 'true' if answer.attrib.get('restricted', '0') == '1' else 'false') # Get final token to the PMS we've chosen url = 'https://plex.tv/api/resources?includeHttps=1' xml = self.doUtils(url, authenticate=False, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': token}) try: xml.attrib except: log.error('Answer from plex.tv not as excepted') # Set to empty iterable list for loop xml = [] found = 0 log.debug('Our machineIdentifier is %s' % machineIdentifier) for device in xml: identifier = device.attrib.get('clientIdentifier') log.debug('Found a Plex machineIdentifier: %s' % identifier) if (identifier in machineIdentifier or machineIdentifier in identifier): found += 1 token = device.attrib.get('accessToken') result = { 'username': username, } if found == 0: log.info('No tokens found for your server! Using empty string') result['usertoken'] = '' else: result['usertoken'] = token log.info('Plex.tv switch HomeUser change successfull for user %s' % username) return result def MyPlexListHomeUsers(self, token): """ Returns a list for myPlex home users for the current plex.tv account. Input: token for plex.tv Output: List of users, where one entry is of the form: "id": userId, "admin": '1'/'0', "guest": '1'/'0', "restricted": '1'/'0', "protected": '1'/'0', "email": email, "title": title, "username": username, "thumb": thumb_url } If any value is missing, None is returned instead (or "" from plex.tv) If an error is encountered, False is returned """ xml = self.doUtils('https://plex.tv/api/home/users/', authenticate=False, headerOptions={'X-Plex-Token': token}) try: xml.attrib except: log.error('Download of Plex home users failed.') return False users = [] for user in xml: users.append(user.attrib) return users def getDirectVideoPath(self, key, AuthToken): """ Direct Video Play support parameters: path AuthToken Indirect - media indirect specified, grab child XML to gain real path options result: final path to media file """ if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external address - keep path = key else: if AuthToken == '': path = key else: xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if key.find('?') == -1: path = key + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = key + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def getTranscodeImagePath(self, key, AuthToken, path, width, height): """ Transcode Image support parameters: key AuthToken path - source path of current XML: path[srcXML] width height result: final path to image file """ if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external address - can we get a transcoding request for external images? path = key elif key.startswith('/'): # internal full path. path = '' + key else: # internal path, add-on path = '' + path + '/' + key path = tryEncode(path) # This is bogus (note the extra path component) but ATV is stupid when it comes to caching images, it doesn't use querystrings. # Fortunately PMS is lenient... transcodePath = '/photo/:/transcode/' + \ str(width) + 'x' + str(height) + '/' + quote_plus(path) args = dict() args['width'] = width args['height'] = height args['url'] = path if not AuthToken == '': args['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken return transcodePath + '?' + urlencode(args) def getDirectImagePath(self, path, AuthToken): """ Direct Image support parameters: path AuthToken result: final path to image file """ if not AuthToken == '': xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if path.find('?') == -1: path = path + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = path + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def getTranscodeAudioPath(self, path, AuthToken, options, maxAudioBitrate): """ Transcode Audio support parameters: path AuthToken options - dict() of PlexConnect-options as received from aTV maxAudioBitrate - [kbps] result: final path to pull in PMS transcoder """ UDID = options['PlexConnectUDID'] transcodePath = '/music/:/transcode/universal/start.mp3?' args = dict() args['path'] = path args['session'] = UDID args['protocol'] = 'http' args['maxAudioBitrate'] = maxAudioBitrate xargs = client.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options) if not AuthToken == '': xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken return transcodePath + urlencode(args) + '&' + urlencode(xargs) def getDirectAudioPath(self, path, AuthToken): """ Direct Audio support parameters: path AuthToken result: final path to audio file """ if not AuthToken == '': xargs = dict() xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken if path.find('?') == -1: path = path + '?' + urlencode(xargs) else: path = path + '&' + urlencode(xargs) return path def returnServerList(self, data): """ Returns a nicer list of all servers found in data, where data is in g_PMS format, for the client device with unique ID ATV_udid Input: data e.g. self.g_PMS Output: List of all servers, with an entry of the form: { 'name': friendlyName, the Plex server's name 'address': ip:port 'ip': ip, without http/https 'port': port 'scheme': 'http'/'https', nice for checking for secure connections 'local': '1'/'0', Is the server a local server? 'owned': '1'/'0', Is the server owned by the user? 'machineIdentifier': id, Plex server machine identifier 'accesstoken': token Access token to this server 'baseURL': baseURL scheme://ip:port 'ownername' Plex username of PMS owner } """ serverlist = [] for key, value in data.items(): serverlist.append({ 'name': value.get('name'), 'address': value.get('address'), 'ip': value.get('ip'), 'port': value.get('port'), 'scheme': value.get('scheme'), 'local': value.get('local'), 'owned': value.get('owned'), 'machineIdentifier': key, 'accesstoken': value.get('accesstoken'), 'baseURL': value.get('baseURL'), 'ownername': value.get('ownername') }) return serverlist class API(): """ API(item) Processes a Plex media server's XML response item: xml.etree.ElementTree element """ def __init__(self, item): self.item = item # which media part in the XML response shall we look at? self.part = 0 self.mediastream = None self.server = window('pms_server') def setPartNumber(self, number=None): """ Sets the part number to work with (used to deal with Movie with several parts). """ self.part = number or 0 def getPartNumber(self): """ Returns the current media part number we're dealing with. """ return self.part def getType(self): """ Returns the type of media, e.g. 'movie' or 'clip' for trailers """ return self.item.attrib.get('type') def getChecksum(self): """ Returns a string, not int. WATCH OUT - time in Plex, not Kodi ;-) """ # Include a letter to prohibit saving as an int! checksum = "K%s%s" % (self.getRatingKey(), self.item.attrib.get('updatedAt', '')) return checksum def getRatingKey(self): """ Returns the Plex key such as '246922' as a string """ return self.item.attrib.get('ratingKey') def getKey(self): """ Returns the Plex key such as '/library/metadata/246922' """ return self.item.attrib.get('key') def getFilePath(self, forceFirstMediaStream=False): """ Returns the direct path to this item, e.g. '\\NAS\movies\movie.mkv' or None forceFirstMediaStream=True: will always use 1st media stream, e.g. when several different files are present for the same PMS item """ if self.mediastream is None and forceFirstMediaStream is False: self.getMediastreamNumber() try: if forceFirstMediaStream is False: ans = self.item[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['file'] else: ans = self.item[0][self.part].attrib['file'] except: ans = None if ans is not None: try: ans = tryDecode(unquote(ans)) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Sometimes, Plex seems to have encoded in latin1 ans = unquote(ans).decode('latin1') return ans def get_picture_path(self): """ Returns the item's picture path (transcode, if necessary) as string. Will always use addon paths, never direct paths """ extension = self.item[0][0].attrib['key'][self.item[0][0].attrib['key'].rfind('.'):].lower() if (window('plex_force_transcode_pix') == 'true' or extension not in v.KODI_SUPPORTED_IMAGES): # Let Plex transcode # max width/height supported by plex image transcoder is 1920x1080 path = self.server + PlexAPI().getTranscodeImagePath( self.item[0][0].attrib.get('key'), window('pms_token'), "%s%s" % (self.server, self.item[0][0].attrib.get('key')), 1920, 1080) else: path = self.addPlexCredentialsToUrl( '%s%s' % (window('pms_server'), self.item[0][0].attrib['key'])) # Attach Plex id to url to let it be picked up by our playqueue agent # later return tryEncode('%s&plex_id=%s' % (path, self.getRatingKey())) def getTVShowPath(self): """ Returns the direct path to the TV show, e.g. '\\NAS\tv\series' or None """ res = None for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Location': res = child.attrib.get('path') return res def getIndex(self): """ Returns the 'index' of an PMS XML reply. Depicts e.g. season number. """ return self.item.attrib.get('index') def getDateCreated(self): """ Returns the date when this library item was created. If not found, returns 2000-01-01 10:00:00 """ res = self.item.attrib.get('addedAt') if res is not None: res = DateToKodi(res) else: res = '2000-01-01 10:00:00' return res def getUserData(self): """ Returns a dict with None if a value is missing { 'Favorite': favorite, # False, because n/a in Plex 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, # True/False 'LastPlayedDate': lastPlayedDate, 'Resume': resume, # Resume time in seconds 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating } """ item = self.item.attrib # Default - attributes not found with Plex favorite = False try: playcount = int(item['viewCount']) except (KeyError, ValueError): playcount = None played = True if playcount else False try: lastPlayedDate = DateToKodi(int(item['lastViewedAt'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): lastPlayedDate = None try: userrating = int(float(item['userRating'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): userrating = 0 try: rating = float(item['audienceRating']) except (KeyError, ValueError): try: rating = float(item['rating']) except (KeyError, ValueError): rating = 0.0 resume, runtime = self.getRuntime() return { 'Favorite': favorite, 'PlayCount': playcount, 'Played': played, 'LastPlayedDate': lastPlayedDate, 'Resume': resume, 'Runtime': runtime, 'Rating': rating, 'UserRating': userrating } def getCollections(self): """ Returns a list of PMS collection tags or an empty list """ collections = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Collection': if child.attrib['tag']: collections.append(child.attrib['tag']) return collections def getPeople(self): """ Returns a dict of lists of people found. { 'Director': list, 'Writer': list, 'Cast': list, 'Producer': list } """ director = [] writer = [] cast = [] producer = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Director': director.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Writer': writer.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Role': cast.append(child.attrib['tag']) elif child.tag == 'Producer': producer.append(child.attrib['tag']) return { 'Director': director, 'Writer': writer, 'Cast': cast, 'Producer': producer } def getPeopleList(self): """ Returns a list of people from item, with a list item of the form { 'Name': xxx, 'Type': xxx, 'Id': xxx 'imageurl': url to picture, None otherwise ('Role': xxx for cast/actors only, None if not found) } """ people = [] # Key of library: Plex-identifier. Value represents the Kodi/emby side people_of_interest = { 'Director': 'Director', 'Writer': 'Writer', 'Role': 'Actor', 'Producer': 'Producer' } for child in self.item: if child.tag in people_of_interest.keys(): name = child.attrib['tag'] name_id = child.attrib['id'] Type = child.tag Type = people_of_interest[Type] url = child.attrib.get('thumb') Role = child.attrib.get('role') people.append({ 'Name': name, 'Type': Type, 'Id': name_id, 'imageurl': url }) if url: people[-1].update({'imageurl': url}) if Role: people[-1].update({'Role': Role}) return people def getGenres(self): """ Returns a list of genres found. (Not a string) """ genre = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Genre': genre.append(child.attrib['tag']) return genre def getGuid(self): return self.item.attrib.get('guid') def getProvider(self, providername=None): """ providername: e.g. 'imdb', 'tvdb' Return IMDB, e.g. "tt0903624". Returns None if not found """ item = self.item.attrib try: item = item['guid'] except KeyError: return None if providername == 'imdb': regex = REGEX_IMDB elif providername == 'tvdb': # originally e.g. com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb://276564?lang=en regex = REGEX_TVDB else: return None provider = regex.findall(item) try: provider = provider[0] except IndexError: provider = None return provider def getTitle(self): """ Returns an item's name/title or "Missing Title Name". Output: title, sorttitle sorttitle = title, if no sorttitle is found """ title = self.item.attrib.get('title', 'Missing Title Name') sorttitle = self.item.attrib.get('titleSort', title) return title, sorttitle def getPlot(self): """ Returns the plot or None. """ return self.item.attrib.get('summary', None) def getTagline(self): """ Returns a shorter tagline or None """ return self.item.attrib.get('tagline', None) def getAudienceRating(self): """ Returns the audience rating, 'rating' itself or 0.0 """ res = self.item.attrib.get('audienceRating') if res is None: res = self.item.attrib.get('rating') try: res = float(res) except (ValueError, TypeError): res = 0.0 return res def getYear(self): """ Returns the production(?) year ("year") or None """ return self.item.attrib.get('year', None) def getRuntime(self): """ Resume point of time and runtime/totaltime in rounded to seconds. Time from Plex server is measured in milliseconds. Kodi: seconds Output: resume, runtime as ints. 0 if not found """ item = self.item.attrib try: runtime = float(item['duration']) except (KeyError, ValueError): runtime = 0.0 try: resume = float(item['viewOffset']) except (KeyError, ValueError): resume = 0.0 runtime = int(runtime * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR) resume = int(resume * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR) return resume, runtime def getMpaa(self): """ Get the content rating or None """ mpaa = self.item.attrib.get('contentRating', None) # Convert more complex cases if mpaa in ("NR", "UR"): # Kodi seems to not like NR, but will accept Rated Not Rated mpaa = "Rated Not Rated" return mpaa def getCountry(self): """ Returns a list of all countries found in item. """ country = [] for child in self.item: if child.tag == 'Country': country.append(child.attrib['tag']) return country def getPremiereDate(self): """ Returns the "originallyAvailableAt" or None """ return self.item.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt') def getMusicStudio(self): return self.item.attrib.get('studio', '') def getStudios(self): """ Returns a list with a single entry for the studio, or an empty list """ studio = [] try: studio.append(self.getStudio(self.item.attrib['studio'])) except KeyError: pass return studio def getStudio(self, studioName): """ Convert studio for Kodi to properly detect them """ studios = { 'abc (us)': "ABC", 'fox (us)': "FOX", 'mtv (us)': "MTV", 'showcase (ca)': "Showcase", 'wgn america': "WGN" } return studios.get(studioName.lower(), studioName) def joinList(self, listobject): """ Smart-joins the listobject into a single string using a " / " separator. If the list is empty, smart_join returns an empty string. """ string = " / ".join(listobject) return string def getParentRatingKey(self): return self.item.attrib.get('parentRatingKey', '') def getEpisodeDetails(self): """ Call on a single episode. Output: for the corresponding the TV show and season: [ TV show key, Plex: 'grandparentRatingKey' TV show title, Plex: 'grandparentTitle' TV show season, Plex: 'parentIndex' Episode number, Plex: 'index' ] """ item = self.item.attrib key = item.get('grandparentRatingKey') title = item.get('grandparentTitle') season = item.get('parentIndex') episode = item.get('index') return key, title, season, episode def addPlexHeadersToUrl(self, url, arguments={}): """ Takes an URL and optional arguments (also to be URL-encoded); returns an extended URL with e.g. the Plex token included. arguments overrule everything """ xargs = client.getXArgsDeviceInfo() xargs.update(arguments) if '?' not in url: url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlencode(xargs)) else: url = "%s&%s" % (url, urlencode(xargs)) return url def addPlexCredentialsToUrl(self, url): """ Returns an extended URL with the Plex token included as 'X-Plex-Token=' url may or may not already contain a '?' """ if window('pms_token') == '': return url if '?' not in url: url = "%s?X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, window('pms_token')) else: url = "%s&X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, window('pms_token')) return url def GetPlayQueueItemID(self): """ Returns current playQueueItemID for the item. If not found, empty str is returned """ return self.item.attrib.get('playQueueItemID') def getDataFromPartOrMedia(self, key): """ Retrieves XML data 'key' first from the active part. If unsuccessful, tries to retrieve the data from the Media response part. If all fails, None is returned. """ media = self.item[0].attrib part = self.item[0][self.part].attrib try: try: value = part[key] except KeyError: value = media[key] except KeyError: value = None return value def getVideoCodec(self): """ Returns the video codec and resolution for the child and part selected. If any data is not found on a part-level, the Media-level data is returned. If that also fails (e.g. for old trailers, None is returned) Output: { 'videocodec': xxx, e.g. 'h264' 'resolution': xxx, e.g. '720' or '1080' 'height': xxx, e.g. '816' 'width': xxx, e.g. '1920' 'aspectratio': xxx, e.g. '1.78' 'bitrate': xxx, e.g. '10642' 'container': xxx e.g. 'mkv', 'bitDepth': xxx e.g. '8', '10' } """ answ = { 'videocodec': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('videoCodec'), 'resolution': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('videoResolution'), 'height': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('height'), 'width': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('width'), 'aspectratio': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('aspectratio'), 'bitrate': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('bitrate'), 'container': self.getDataFromPartOrMedia('container'), } try: answ['bitDepth'] = self.item[0][self.part][self.mediastream].attrib.get('bitDepth') except: answ['bitDepth'] = None return answ def getExtras(self): """ Currently ONLY returns the very first trailer found! Returns a list of trailer and extras from PMS XML. Returns [] if no extras are found. Extratypes: 1: Trailer 5: Behind the scenes Output: list of dicts with one entry of the form: 'key': e.g. /library/metadata/xxxx 'title': 'thumb': artwork 'duration': 'extraType': 'originallyAvailableAt': 'year': """ elements = [] extras = self.item.find('Extras') if extras is None: return elements for extra in extras: try: extraType = int(extra.attrib['extraType']) except: extraType = None if extraType != 1: continue key = extra.attrib.get('key', None) title = extra.attrib.get('title', None) thumb = extra.attrib.get('thumb', None) duration = float(extra.attrib.get('duration', 0.0)) year = extra.attrib.get('year', None) originallyAvailableAt = extra.attrib.get( 'originallyAvailableAt', None) elements.append( { 'key': key, 'title': title, 'thumb': thumb, 'duration': int(duration * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR), 'extraType': extraType, 'originallyAvailableAt': originallyAvailableAt, 'year': year }) break return elements def getMediaStreams(self): """ Returns the media streams for metadata purposes Output: each track contains a dictionaries { 'video': videotrack-list, 'codec', 'height', 'width', 'aspect', 'video3DFormat' 'audio': audiotrack-list, 'codec', 'channels', 'language' 'subtitle': list of subtitle languages (or "Unknown") } """ videotracks = [] audiotracks = [] subtitlelanguages = [] # Sometimes, aspectratio is on the "toplevel" aspectratio = self.item[0].attrib.get('aspectRatio', None) # TODO: what if several Media tags exist?!? # Loop over parts for child in self.item[0]: container = child.attrib.get('container', None) # Loop over Streams for grandchild in child: mediaStream = grandchild.attrib mediaType = int(mediaStream.get('streamType', 999)) if mediaType == 1: # Video streams videotrack = {} videotrack['codec'] = mediaStream['codec'].lower() if "msmpeg4" in videotrack['codec']: videotrack['codec'] = "divx" elif "mpeg4" in videotrack['codec']: # if "simple profile" in profile or profile == "": # videotrack['codec'] = "xvid" pass elif "h264" in videotrack['codec']: if container in ("mp4", "mov", "m4v"): videotrack['codec'] = "avc1" videotrack['height'] = mediaStream.get('height', None) videotrack['width'] = mediaStream.get('width', None) # TODO: 3d Movies?!? # videotrack['Video3DFormat'] = item.get('Video3DFormat') aspectratio = mediaStream.get('aspectRatio', aspectratio) videotrack['aspect'] = aspectratio # TODO: Video 3d format videotrack['video3DFormat'] = None videotracks.append(videotrack) elif mediaType == 2: # Audio streams audiotrack = {} audiotrack['codec'] = mediaStream['codec'].lower() if ("dca" in audiotrack['codec'] and "ma" in mediaStream.get('profile', '').lower()): audiotrack['codec'] = "dtshd_ma" audiotrack['channels'] = mediaStream.get('channels') # 'unknown' if we cannot get language audiotrack['language'] = mediaStream.get( 'languageCode', lang(39310)).lower() audiotracks.append(audiotrack) elif mediaType == 3: # Subtitle streams # 'unknown' if we cannot get language subtitlelanguages.append( mediaStream.get('languageCode', lang(39310)).lower()) return { 'video': videotracks, 'audio': audiotracks, 'subtitle': subtitlelanguages } def __getOneArtwork(self, entry): try: artwork = self.item.attrib[entry] if artwork.startswith('http'): pass else: artwork = "%s%s" % (self.server, artwork) artwork = self.addPlexCredentialsToUrl(artwork) except KeyError: artwork = "" return artwork def getAllArtwork(self, parentInfo=False): """ Gets the URLs to the Plex artwork, or empty string if not found. parentInfo=True will check for parent's artwork if None is found Output: { 'Primary' 'Art' 'Banner' 'Logo' 'Thumb' 'Disc' 'Backdrop' : LIST with the first entry xml key "art" } """ allartworks = { 'Primary': "", # corresponds to Plex poster ('thumb') 'Art': "", 'Banner': "", # corresponds to Plex banner ('banner') for series 'Logo': "", 'Thumb': "", # corresponds to Plex (grand)parent posters (thumb) 'Disc': "", 'Backdrop': [] # Corresponds to Plex fanart ('art') } # Process backdrops # Get background artwork URL allartworks['Backdrop'].append(self.__getOneArtwork('art')) # Get primary "thumb" pictures: allartworks['Primary'] = self.__getOneArtwork('thumb') # Banner (usually only on tv series level) allartworks['Banner'] = self.__getOneArtwork('banner') # For e.g. TV shows, get series thumb allartworks['Thumb'] = self.__getOneArtwork('grandparentThumb') # Process parent items if the main item is missing artwork if parentInfo: # Process parent backdrops if not allartworks['Backdrop']: allartworks['Backdrop'].append( self.__getOneArtwork('parentArt')) if not allartworks['Primary']: allartworks['Primary'] = self.__getOneArtwork('parentThumb') return allartworks def getFanartArtwork(self, allartworks, parentInfo=False): """ Downloads additional fanart from third party sources (well, link to fanart only). allartworks = { 'Primary': "", 'Art': "", 'Banner': "", 'Logo': "", 'Thumb': "", 'Disc': "", 'Backdrop': [] } """ externalId = self.getExternalItemId() if externalId is not None: allartworks = self.getFanartTVArt(externalId, allartworks) return allartworks def getExternalItemId(self, collection=False): """ Returns the item's IMDB id for movies or tvdb id for TV shows If not found in item's Plex metadata, check themovidedb.org collection=True will try to return the collection's ID None is returned if unsuccessful """ item = self.item.attrib media_type = item.get('type') mediaId = None # Return the saved Plex id's, if applicable # Always seek collection's ids since not provided by PMS if collection is False: if media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: mediaId = self.getProvider('imdb') elif media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: mediaId = self.getProvider('tvdb') if mediaId is not None: return mediaId log.info('Plex did not provide ID for IMDB or TVDB. Start ' 'lookup process') else: log.info('Start movie set/collection lookup on themoviedb') apiKey = settings('themoviedbAPIKey') if media_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: media_type = 'tv' title = item.get('title', '') # if the title has the year in remove it as tmdb cannot deal with it... # replace e.g. 'The Americans (2015)' with 'The Americans' title = sub(r'\s*\(\d{4}\)$', '', title, count=1) url = 'http://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/%s' % media_type parameters = { 'api_key': apiKey, 'language': v.KODILANGUAGE, 'query': tryEncode(title) } data = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( url, authenticate=False, parameters=parameters, timeout=7) try: data.get('test') except: log.error('Could not download data from FanartTV') return if data.get('results') is None: log.info('No match found on themoviedb for type: %s, title: %s' % (media_type, title)) return year = item.get('year') matchFound = None # find year match if year is not None: for entry in data["results"]: if year in entry.get("first_air_date", ""): matchFound = entry break elif year in entry.get("release_date", ""): matchFound = entry break # find exact match based on title, if we haven't found a year match if matchFound is None: log.info('No themoviedb match found using year %s' % year) replacements = ( ' ', '-', '&', ',', ':', ';' ) for entry in data["results"]: name = entry.get("name", entry.get("title", "")) original_name = entry.get("original_name", "") title_alt = title.lower() name_alt = name.lower() org_name_alt = original_name.lower() for replaceString in replacements: title_alt = title_alt.replace(replaceString, '') name_alt = name_alt.replace(replaceString, '') org_name_alt = org_name_alt.replace(replaceString, '') if name == title or original_name == title: # match found for exact title name matchFound = entry break elif (name.split(" (")[0] == title or title_alt == name_alt or title_alt == org_name_alt): # match found with substituting some stuff matchFound = entry break # if a match was not found, we accept the closest match from TMDB if matchFound is None and len(data.get("results")) > 0: log.info('Using very first match from themoviedb') matchFound = entry = data.get("results")[0] if matchFound is None: log.info('Still no themoviedb match for type: %s, title: %s, ' 'year: %s' % (media_type, title, year)) log.debug('themoviedb answer was %s' % data['results']) return log.info('Found themoviedb match for %s: %s' % (item.get('title'), matchFound)) tmdbId = str(entry.get("id", "")) if tmdbId == '': log.error('No themoviedb ID found, aborting') return if media_type == "multi" and entry.get("media_type"): media_type = entry.get("media_type") name = entry.get("name", entry.get("title")) # lookup external tmdbId and perform artwork lookup on fanart.tv parameters = { 'api_key': apiKey } for language in [v.KODILANGUAGE, "en"]: parameters['language'] = language if media_type == "movie": url = 'http://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/%s' % tmdbId parameters['append_to_response'] = 'videos' elif media_type == "tv": url = 'http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/%s' % tmdbId parameters['append_to_response'] = 'external_ids,videos' data = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( url, authenticate=False, parameters=parameters, timeout=7) try: data.get('test') except: log.error('Could not download %s with parameters %s' % (url, parameters)) continue if collection is False: if data.get("imdb_id") is not None: mediaId = str(data.get("imdb_id")) break if data.get("external_ids") is not None: mediaId = str(data["external_ids"].get("tvdb_id")) break else: if data.get("belongs_to_collection") is not None: mediaId = str(data.get("belongs_to_collection").get("id")) log.debug('Retrieved collections tmdb id %s' % mediaId) return mediaId def getFanartTVArt(self, mediaId, allartworks, setInfo=False): """ perform artwork lookup on fanart.tv mediaId: IMDB id for movies, tvdb id for TV shows """ item = self.item.attrib api_key = settings('FanArtTVAPIKey') typus = item.get('type') if typus == 'show': typus = 'tv' if typus == "movie": url = 'http://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/movies/%s?api_key=%s' \ % (mediaId, api_key) elif typus == 'tv': url = 'http://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/tv/%s?api_key=%s' \ % (mediaId, api_key) else: # Not supported artwork return allartworks data = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl( url, authenticate=False, timeout=15) try: data.get('test') except: log.error('Could not download data from FanartTV') return allartworks # we need to use a little mapping between fanart.tv arttypes and kodi # artttypes fanartTVTypes = [ ("logo", "Logo"), ("musiclogo", "clearlogo"), ("disc", "Disc"), ("clearart", "Art"), ("banner", "Banner"), ("clearlogo", "Logo"), ("background", "fanart"), ("showbackground", "fanart"), ("characterart", "characterart") ] if typus == "artist": fanartTVTypes.append(("thumb", "folder")) else: fanartTVTypes.append(("thumb", "Thumb")) if setInfo: fanartTVTypes.append(("poster", "Primary")) prefixes = ( "hd" + typus, "hd", typus, "", ) for fanarttype in fanartTVTypes: # Skip the ones we already have if allartworks.get(fanarttype[1]): continue for prefix in prefixes: fanarttvimage = prefix + fanarttype[0] if fanarttvimage not in data: continue # select image in preferred language for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if entry.get("lang") == v.KODILANGUAGE: allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20') break # just grab the first english OR undefinded one as fallback # (so we're actually grabbing the more popular one) if not allartworks.get(fanarttype[1]): for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if entry.get("lang") in ("en", "00"): allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20') break # grab extrafanarts in list maxfanarts = 10 fanartcount = 0 for prefix in prefixes: fanarttvimage = prefix + 'background' if fanarttvimage not in data: continue for entry in data[fanarttvimage]: if fanartcount < maxfanarts: if exists(entry.get("url")): allartworks['Backdrop'].append( entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20')) fanartcount += 1 return allartworks def getSetArtwork(self, parentInfo=False): """ Gets the URLs to the Plex artwork, or empty string if not found. parentInfo=True will check for parent's artwork if None is found Only call on movies Output: { 'Primary' 'Art' 'Banner' 'Logo' 'Thumb' 'Disc' 'Backdrop' : LIST with the first entry xml key "art" } """ allartworks = { 'Primary': "", 'Art': "", 'Banner': "", 'Logo': "", 'Thumb': "", 'Disc': "", 'Backdrop': [] } # Plex does not get much artwork - go ahead and get the rest from # fanart tv only for movie or tv show externalId = self.getExternalItemId(collection=True) if externalId is not None: allartworks = self.getFanartTVArt(externalId, allartworks, True) return allartworks def shouldStream(self): """ Returns True if the item's 'optimizedForStreaming' is set, False other- wise """ return self.item[0].attrib.get('optimizedForStreaming') == '1' def getMediastreamNumber(self): """ Returns the Media stream as an int (mostly 0). Will let the user choose if several media streams are present for a PMS item (if settings are set accordingly) """ # How many streams do we have? count = 0 for entry in self.item.findall('./Media'): count += 1 if (count > 1 and ( (self.getType() != 'clip' and settings('bestQuality') == 'false') or (self.getType() == 'clip' and settings('bestTrailer') == 'false'))): # Several streams/files available. dialoglist = [] for entry in self.item.findall('./Media'): # Get additional info (filename / languages) filename = None if 'file' in entry[0].attrib: filename = os_path.basename(entry[0].attrib['file']) # Languages of audio streams languages = [] for stream in entry[0]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == '1' and 'language' in stream.attrib): languages.append(stream.attrib['language']) languages = ', '.join(languages) if filename: option = tryEncode(filename) if languages: if option: option = '%s (%s): ' % (option, tryEncode(languages)) else: option = '%s: ' % tryEncode(languages) if 'videoResolution' in entry.attrib: option = '%s%sp ' % (option, entry.attrib.get('videoResolution')) if 'videoCodec' in entry.attrib: option = '%s%s' % (option, entry.attrib.get('videoCodec')) option = option.strip() + ' - ' if 'audioProfile' in entry.attrib: option = '%s%s ' % (option, entry.attrib.get('audioProfile')) if 'audioCodec' in entry.attrib: option = '%s%s ' % (option, entry.attrib.get('audioCodec')) dialoglist.append(option) media = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Select stream', dialoglist) else: media = 0 self.mediastream = media return media def getTranscodeVideoPath(self, action, quality=None): """ To be called on a VIDEO level of PMS xml response! Transcode Video support; returns the URL to get a media started Input: action 'DirectStream' or 'Transcode' quality: { 'videoResolution': e.g. '1024x768', 'videoQuality': e.g. '60', 'maxVideoBitrate': e.g. '2000' (in kbits) } (one or several of these options) Output: final URL to pull in PMS transcoder TODO: mediaIndex """ if self.mediastream is None: self.getMediastreamNumber() if quality is None: quality = {} xargs = client.getXArgsDeviceInfo() # For DirectPlay, path/key of PART is needed # trailers are 'clip' with PMS xmls if action == "DirectStream": path = self.item[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['key'] url = self.server + path # e.g. Trailers already feature an '?'! if '?' in url: url += '&' + urlencode(xargs) else: url += '?' + urlencode(xargs) return url # For Transcoding # Path/key to VIDEO item of xml PMS response is needed, not part path = self.item.attrib['key'] transcodePath = self.server + \ '/video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?' args = { 'protocol': 'hls', # seen in the wild: 'dash', 'http', 'hls' 'session': window('plex_client_Id'), 'fastSeek': 1, 'path': path, 'mediaIndex': self.mediastream, 'partIndex': self.part, # 'copyts': 1, # 'offset': 0, # Resume point } # Seem like PHT to let the PMS use the transcoding profile xargs['X-Plex-Device'] = 'Plex Home Theater' # Currently not used! if action == "DirectStream": argsUpdate = { 'directPlay': '0', 'directStream': '1', } args.update(argsUpdate) elif action == 'Transcode': argsUpdate = { 'directPlay': '0', 'directStream': '0' } log.debug("Setting transcode quality to: %s" % quality) args.update(quality) args.update(argsUpdate) url = transcodePath + urlencode(xargs) + '&' + urlencode(args) return url def externalSubs(self, playurl): externalsubs = [] mapping = {} try: mediastreams = self.item[0][self.part] except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError): return kodiindex = 0 for stream in mediastreams: index = stream.attrib['id'] # Since plex returns all possible tracks together, have to pull # only external subtitles. key = stream.attrib.get('key') # IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from plex. if stream.attrib.get('streamType') == "3" and key: # Direct stream url = ("%s%s" % (self.server, key)) url = self.addPlexCredentialsToUrl(url) # map external subtitles for mapping mapping[kodiindex] = index externalsubs.append(url) kodiindex += 1 mapping = dumps(mapping) window('plex_%s.indexMapping' % playurl, value=mapping) log.info('Found external subs: %s' % externalsubs) return externalsubs def GetKodiPremierDate(self): """ Takes Plex' originallyAvailableAt of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" and returns Kodi's "dd.mm.yyyy" """ date = self.getPremiereDate() if date is None: return try: date = sub(r'(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', r'\3.\2.\1', date) except: date = None return date def CreateListItemFromPlexItem(self, listItem=None, appendShowTitle=False, appendSxxExx=False): if self.getType() == v.PLEX_TYPE_PHOTO: listItem = self.__createPhotoListItem(listItem) # Only set the bare minimum of artwork listItem.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultPicture.png', 'fanart': self.__getOneArtwork('thumb')}) else: listItem = self.__createVideoListItem(listItem, appendShowTitle, appendSxxExx) self.add_video_streams(listItem) self.set_listitem_artwork(listItem) return listItem def __createPhotoListItem(self, listItem=None): """ Use for photo items only """ title, _ = self.getTitle() if listItem is None: listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(title) else: listItem.setLabel(title) metadata = { 'date': self.GetKodiPremierDate(), 'size': long(self.item[0][0].attrib.get('size', 0)), 'exif:width': self.item[0].attrib.get('width', ''), 'exif:height': self.item[0].attrib.get('height', ''), } listItem.setInfo(type='image', infoLabels=metadata) listItem.setProperty('plot', self.getPlot()) listItem.setProperty('plexid', self.getRatingKey()) return listItem def __createVideoListItem(self, listItem=None, appendShowTitle=False, appendSxxExx=False): """ Use for video items only Call on a child level of PMS xml response (e.g. in a for loop) listItem : existing xbmcgui.ListItem to work with otherwise, a new one is created appendShowTitle : True to append TV show title to episode title appendSxxExx : True to append SxxExx to episode title Returns XBMC listitem for this PMS library item """ title, sorttitle = self.getTitle() typus = self.getType() if listItem is None: listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(title) else: listItem.setLabel(title) # Necessary; Kodi won't start video otherwise! listItem.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') # Video items, e.g. movies and episodes or clips people = self.getPeople() userdata = self.getUserData() metadata = { 'genre': self.joinList(self.getGenres()), 'year': self.getYear(), 'rating': self.getAudienceRating(), 'playcount': userdata['PlayCount'], 'cast': people['Cast'], 'director': self.joinList(people.get('Director')), 'plot': self.getPlot(), 'sorttitle': sorttitle, 'duration': userdata['Runtime'], 'studio': self.joinList(self.getStudios()), 'tagline': self.getTagline(), 'writer': self.joinList(people.get('Writer')), 'premiered': self.getPremiereDate(), 'dateadded': self.getDateCreated(), 'lastplayed': userdata['LastPlayedDate'], 'mpaa': self.getMpaa(), 'aired': self.getPremiereDate() } listItem.setProperty('resumetime', str(userdata['Resume'])) listItem.setProperty('totaltime', str(userdata['Runtime'])) if typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: key, show, season, episode = self.getEpisodeDetails() season = -1 if season is None else int(season) episode = -1 if episode is None else int(episode) metadata['episode'] = episode metadata['season'] = season metadata['tvshowtitle'] = show if season and episode: listItem.setProperty('episodeno', "s%.2de%.2d" % (season, episode)) if appendSxxExx is True: title = "S%.2dE%.2d - %s" % (season, episode, title) listItem.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultTVShows.png'}) if appendShowTitle is True: title = "%s - %s " % (show, title) if appendShowTitle or appendSxxExx: listItem.setLabel(title) elif typus == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: listItem.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultMovies.png'}) else: # E.g. clips, trailers, ... listItem.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultVideo.png'}) plexId = self.getRatingKey() listItem.setProperty('plexid', plexId) with plexdb.Get_Plex_DB() as plex_db: try: listItem.setProperty('dbid', str(plex_db.getItem_byId(plexId)[0])) except TypeError: pass # Expensive operation metadata['title'] = title listItem.setInfo('video', infoLabels=metadata) return listItem def add_video_streams(self, listItem): """ Add media stream information to xbmcgui.ListItem """ mediastreams = self.getMediaStreams() videostreamFound = False if mediastreams: for key, value in mediastreams.iteritems(): if key == "video" and value: videostreamFound = True if value: listItem.addStreamInfo(key, value) if not videostreamFound: # just set empty streamdetails to prevent errors in the logs listItem.addStreamInfo( "video", {'duration': self.getRuntime()[1]}) def validatePlayurl(self, path, typus, forceCheck=False, folder=False): """ Returns a valid path for Kodi, e.g. with '\' substituted to '\\' in Unicode. Returns None if this is not possible path : Unicode typus : Plex type from PMS xml forceCheck : Will always try to check validity of path Will also skip confirmation dialog if path not found folder : Set to True if path is a folder """ if path is None: return None typus = v.REMAP_TYPE_FROM_PLEXTYPE[typus] if window('remapSMB') == 'true': path = path.replace(window('remapSMB%sOrg' % typus), window('remapSMB%sNew' % typus), 1) # There might be backslashes left over: path = path.replace('\\', '/') elif window('replaceSMB') == 'true': if path.startswith('\\\\'): path = 'smb:' + path.replace('\\', '/') if window('plex_pathverified') == 'true' and forceCheck is False: return path # exist() needs a / or \ at the end to work for directories if folder is False: # files check = exists(tryEncode(path)) == 1 else: # directories if "\\" in path: # Add the missing backslash check = exists(tryEncode(path + "\\")) == 1 else: check = exists(tryEncode(path + "/")) == 1 if check is False: if forceCheck is False: # Validate the path is correct with user intervention if self.askToValidate(path): window('plex_shouldStop', value="true") path = None window('plex_pathverified', value='true') else: path = None elif forceCheck is False: if window('plex_pathverified') != 'true': window('plex_pathverified', value='true') return path def askToValidate(self, url): """ Displays a YESNO dialog box: Kodi can't locate file: . Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing? Returns True if sync should stop, else False """ log.warn('Cannot access file: %s' % url) resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( heading=lang(29999), line1=lang(39031) + url, line2=lang(39032)) return resp def set_listitem_artwork(self, listitem): """ Set all artwork to the listitem """ allartwork = self.getAllArtwork(parentInfo=True) arttypes = { 'poster': "Primary", 'tvshow.poster': "Thumb", 'clearart': "Art", 'tvshow.clearart': "Art", 'clearart': "Primary", 'tvshow.clearart': "Primary", 'clearlogo': "Logo", 'tvshow.clearlogo': "Logo", 'discart': "Disc", 'fanart_image': "Backdrop", 'landscape': "Backdrop", "banner": "Banner" } for arttype in arttypes: art = arttypes[arttype] if art == "Backdrop": try: # Backdrop is a list, grab the first backdrop self._set_listitem_artprop(listitem, arttype, allartwork[art][0]) except: pass else: self._set_listitem_artprop(listitem, arttype, allartwork[art]) def _set_listitem_artprop(self, listitem, arttype, path): if arttype in ( 'thumb', 'fanart_image', 'small_poster', 'tiny_poster', 'medium_landscape', 'medium_poster', 'small_fanartimage', 'medium_fanartimage', 'fanart_noindicators'): listitem.setProperty(arttype, path) else: listitem.setArt({arttype: path}) def set_playback_win_props(self, playurl, listitem): """ Set all properties necessary for plugin path playback for listitem """ itemtype = self.getType() userdata = self.getUserData() plexitem = "plex_%s" % playurl window('%s.runtime' % plexitem, value=str(userdata['Runtime'])) window('%s.type' % plexitem, value=itemtype) window('%s.itemid' % plexitem, value=self.getRatingKey()) window('%s.playcount' % plexitem, value=str(userdata['PlayCount'])) if itemtype == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: window('%s.refreshid' % plexitem, value=self.getParentRatingKey()) else: window('%s.refreshid' % plexitem, value=self.getRatingKey()) # Append external subtitles to stream playmethod = window('%s.playmethod' % plexitem) if playmethod in ("DirectStream", "DirectPlay"): subtitles = self.externalSubs(playurl) listitem.setSubtitles(subtitles)