# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # THREAD SAFE # Quit PKC STOP_PKC = False # Usually triggered by another Python instance - will have to be set (by # polling window) through e.g. librarysync thread SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD = False # Set if user decided to cancel sync STOP_SYNC = False # Set if a Plex-Kodi DB sync is being done - along with # window('plex_dbScan') set to 'true' DB_SCAN = False # Plex Media Server Status - along with window('plex_serverStatus') PMS_STATUS = False # When the userclient needs to wait SUSPEND_USER_CLIENT = False # Plex home user? Then "False". Along with window('plex_restricteduser') RESTRICTED_USER = False # Direct Paths (True) or Addon Paths (False)? Along with # window('useDirectPaths') DIRECT_PATHS = False # Along with window('plex_authenticated') AUTHENTICATED = False PLEX_TOKEN = None # Plex ID of the current user (e.g. for plex.tv) as a STRING PLEX_USERNAME = None PLEX_USER_ID = None